lit 1. .! i H -tJt '- A t'riYispiV.'iiW cf ii't ;i'"v.i..'. i: i, i; count y ly A Xo;;'uvci-.?in rsmitylvaiiaa. sr. MA'.v.' ;';!:nt. 'I his ! : ; ,v. m i' a ill';1;) wiMeniess. then a " settlement," nnJ mi.v n I'orruli, was cotntneiiecj !i scar previous to the organization of thi) county of Elk. It is now th !:ir;;est town in the county, nnc a :)iiii;;cncv is iven to ,'.' sis well i.h ul! oilior towns which tire on the lino ( a railr tii'l. Tiiere in ;i lcs-on in its history it prows what the writer b:is licrctotor; caH ;;i lel.ttiuii to" (Vmatiin-i.-ni," ami too ei'iili-iprtul force that !rav t'ie liuvian fimiiy into soi'iu'uL's ;i power m ciiiiceii.r.iiiun ubovo I In.1 more desire of wealth. Hail it not been lor 4' tho Cl.arcli." lic.-fl-l l,y ' '.-'atlier" Alexe.mler. St. Mary" settlement tvur.M have locii .1o-;t'c.1. r.n 1 tic cle.-irim.'s that were Ji i t maui: u.eiU have grown t;p f j briars the ctiniieul ;:rnuti 1 of ami fcxvs a seen 1 oliti.m tf Tn. ttiiitcr. It wii! he t.b.-vrvo.! th: t th"-v ?ar!y sorlors w.-vc rll ' iern : .-, j-'ronly n.LuO'l wi'li a rehji u.s J'aiiii.a emi'i lienor i;i their c':;.-..''i, tin 1 it may be mM, a stoical itnliiTeivncf! to Lar-Ishi lo..liiii;; maiii'y ton ' home," sm 1 the otciwrship of the .soil np..:i lik-!i they had '.' that home a privilc.:e I eyoirl their reach h " Fa j, rbiml." I.'iwltru ne!y (hoy went to wo-.i;. without even the p.i'l of cattle t i roil l,v . , ; ti,y MiccccJeJ in y ion raisin," en iit:;h for their support. St. .Mary's s now a prosperous lor. oit-'n a goo.l 'ariiiinj country su:y i i;el-!n- it, coal initios opened, ;u,.l with its T.-iiltotiJ facilities lids fair lor a thriving community. Tlo detr.ii.s ,. t',(! r:c a.K progress nl its settlement Jias hem f,4r nished tho v;-i;er hy one ef iis highly rc-ipcoted eitiriis, wl.e.-h o have take;: the liberty to quoto entire. Early in the sumi.:r, in the rear 1 (13, a number ol Hermans in the eit. ie of rhllaikk.hia and Ualtiinore n.-so-eiated themselves to form a Herman settlement on the Community plan, and appointed John Albeit, Nicilatis Iteimcl and Michel Der'.eth a cummitli u to so leet'a suitable place for such a utile ment. This committee eame to Elk county (luiiug ho sitintoer tA' the ;:.-ime year and selected :;.,( it l'J acres of land the sillfwhere the horoMuh of St. Mary's and part of the Fottleniont now is and made a contract with Mr. Kin'-bmy f.r the purclnHO ...i' th.-m. In October of the cania year the tirst instalment of the intended settlement consisting of M. Wclleuilorf, .1. Walker, If. Kocir, V. ,. Keller, J. Voriibatrm, A. Sf lekmann, A. Kwers, X. Hi!!, C. &- M. llcrb.-tritt. .J. Kill, X. Keime!, J. and M. Albert,' 1'. Ueitctnvald, l'inerin--, Kr.ius, Kraeuter, and (jrirard, all fiom i I.ipideipliia, came it out and took n;- their resilience at tlohn (Ireen's in Kersey. A few davs after the installment ironi iJaltinua'e, enr.sistintr of I . I. chant, 15. Ilenebi !, I). lever, ami Adelber.rer, came and j..iiied the other parly at Kei.-oy. Ikem Kcr fey these men opened a path to where the borough of St Mary's now is, and lato as tho scimhi was, j.ut up some )o;r shanties alon- where now St. Mary's street is. The first cabin erected was on the site whtr3 the old louse of M. Wei loudorf now f-tan-is. One r.f tho lest, at that time, of those shanties, built by J. I 'I'd is slill ytamiino-, i.nd is pirtlv oc cupied as a re.-idei.ce by M. 1'ey. While they were building their ham ics, the Men nso'l to c one in on Mondays, taki t'no;r rations aloi:', camp out ami return on Saturday to their families in Kersey. In one of their journeys to the settle, went, (lirard and his s ,n, with their ra tions for the week," were a little, behind the rest of the p ut", m l went out of the path) somewhere near Laurel Run atil lo.-t thc:ns;!"s. They wandered about all day'; w he:i nk'ht came they huilt a Ere, and as they had their ration's tilon.i for the whole week, they made a hearty supper. Tie next day they 1"-. L'an lwandcnn;r njuin and walked con tinually ail day !.,n. Towards evening '.hoy eame to a j, lace where :i firo was nnou!derin,'v,!ii M the old man said : '' Thank God ! we mut laov lie near soaie i;ett',eini;lit, ts t.'icie inu-.t, have been some one here v. ho las lu'lt this fro." V'hi'-t t'ry were occupied ia icplcnishinu' their lire an J nuking iir ranjremonts for their supper,' the youn man : " Why, Fa tier, this is the where wo camped 1,-wt. nieht. and vf. have built this tire ! " Xext moru iii' they ajralu be-an ihcir journey ; this time they strue!; a creek which they followed, and towards evening th'?y came oal at ill li a" if. late in l'ecernbi:r of the sa;t;e voar, as ihvy had built cnoii':h shunties, they took t''eir families in, and hiyan to cut down trees alon.,' St. 31ary'n ran J. The shanties and all other uoik doi:o was made in common, so lad they a (ominou store where they drew their rations. '1 he clearing and the work in general pre2rcsril slowly. The Com inuuity plan of working would not fro . no; w"- alwny i bkk , ;.iid others lad smiie other uilinM or excuses so that "biiin the fnt year only a few town 1-i.s were cleared, although in the Sin 'i.; of 1 o i'i loe number of colonists v.:, inerea-el by th ) second iiistalincnt iuiu I'hiladelpnia and liahimorf. In the full of tinyear I Father Alex rnder from Jtaliiiuoro. eame to the eolo f'V ly inv'!it:im. This ireiitkman, a i.iatj uf ijreat k'Hiuing aui experience, and a lovi r of rural life, le'curoi poon eoai ieud that the ( ' nn.i:;i'ji!y plan wou'.d not work, and that the settlement h.'s b.'ii'id to break v i, and tin; labor :oi l money already sjient i:i t'ue iinder takin; u.,t. He conceived another niiiii to s,ie ii, but this could only be carried out by some person of influence and means. Ho, thetelore, ufter con ciliation with tho colonists, weut back to Baltimore, and laid his plana before Col. Matthias Ilenziner. a man known for his kindness enterprise and experi ence. He prevailed en Colonel l?en;:in uor to conic and look tit the S' tt'einerit. late in the fall of IS l.'i Col iJetiziner came to tiie colony, and after examina tion com hided to buy the lands. The Community society then had their con tract annulled with Mr. Kingsbury, and Colonel Hetizinctcr then bought tho colo ny lands, with sonic others iidjoiniti'r, making about fi:i,(itJ0 acres. The fob lowing year, as soon as the season was favorable, part of tho lands were laid out in farms of Lk, ii;)d and 1 00 acres, as also part of the village of St. Mary's, and es'ae each of the colonists of the Community soiie'y ill it remained, lio uon s and one town lot fn e. Xow each one was for himself, and the work and improvement wen: en well from that tim-. !o tl. lil the yar 1 - It, 'leorg! i i i s ;a-re to the r ifmy and put no a store at tin; inm-y of ,J. A'alker, then tiie largest and be.-t house in ilie p'.i.-e, an 1 in the foliowiii:; sjoi:i;;' lu'lt hi ; k'.on hotif-e and sloro on t!ie mo ih side of ll'l; (kerk. Ai'O'U the same time (,'o!oi.el IJonzinrer .imaged I run. tli;s 1 1 isncr a- iigeut and poieral direc tor of the colony, and early in the year !!., M r. tlanier wentio Ikro.ic ami came back in July with a jjood number oi'ianilal settlers. From that tl me the colony ma le rain V progress, settlers (Mit from ikir:pc uml all part-! of the I'nited States. A largo three. story log bull'ikg was built on the south f F.ik Creek, with twetity-f uir rooni, wher..' the colonist-; found shelter until they conld build l'.ouscs for themselves. At the same time a neat chinch was built, and fk.) the larzo large saw-miil on Flk and Silver Creeks, by Father .Mexander, who ma-.o his residence here, and by bis L'ood exampl.i, eheerfiihioss and lib;rali ty, contributed largely to the success of the colony. At the same time, also. Colonel lien, zlntrer, took into partnership John Msch back, another wealthy an 1 influential citizen of I! ihiniore. These two getr tlcinen did not spare any time or money to make the colony a success, lloads were now laid out and opened at the ex. ense of tho company. These r.iad o pollings gave work to those in need, and from one to two hundred dollars were paid out weekly by their a sent for thc.-.e purposes In the fali cf the year application was made for a po-t-ofiies, as the nearest j-ost olFiee was then nine miles from St.? Jury's, titllmicl Hyatt's, and a ."pivkl oilico, was granted on the li'tb of November 1 ' -! .", and Tgnn'.iiM iarner nj.p ointed ''as pivt-master. In the first quarter letters were sent, and the amount rf motif y recei.'ed was !?1i'.'v. During the Scplemlicr term, the court ol Klk county uranteJ tho for mation of Jeii'.:liii r towusiiip, and tho legislature early in their session appoin ted an ckctirn house. The first elec tion held was for township officers ami took place an tho second Tuesday of February, 1 s I1 1. During tin summer of 111 Joseph r.uhr citno to St.jM;i ry's and opened his hotel, which mauy a traveler will remember en isocount of the kindness of the kndloid, and the good fare rec ived. The colony increas ed steadily. In January IS 17 the mini her of souls, amounted already to !'S0. The colonists were laborious, frugal and al.vays cheerful The prospects were of on gloomy, yet persevet-iiico overcame nil. The festivals of the church and tin national holidays were alw.ivs reg ularly kept.. Many an inhabitant of F.Ik, and even adjoining counties will remember the -Itl of Ju'y, which they celebrated in common with the inhabi tants of H t. Mary's. In the Spriii,' of the year 1848, llenzingfr and K.-chbnoh took into part, ncisbip Win. A. Stokes.1 a rrnowiifd iawyt.r from the city ol I hiladelpbia, who e;.i.:e to Mary'- wkh lis family on tiie It!: oi' July, i:i the sn:j:; year, V .:!. tli i i .oetitkn !, hi. rcsi ienco ill tie eol ::y. lie OMr im-nci d to clear tiie i'o-i la;.' tarei, id). oil I. .or mile's cast of St. si rv.-. and to build n leausion on it. 1 i is v. i.i. la in;; in in il' ate health when be com licte, died about a year after their arrival, so be s ,11 out in tie fall of ami r-jturned to 1'hiladcl phia' cv. J. L. Y. Caring vols became bis successor in partnership, and finish, ed the clearing and building of the llo.selay fUrm. The chuich aud parson, age which was built in 18 1.1 was situate in tie triangle formed by Centre, Mar kus and Cross streets, was destroyed by fire with all its contents, on tho lOih of May lt'GO in the daytime; the origin of tho fire being unknown. This was a sorrovf'ul day for tho inhabitants cf St. Mary's, but they did not despair. Prep aration were soon made to LuilJ another and more substantial church, nearer the ccutie of the town. The place was se lected in a dense, but willing bauds bad it soon cleared ; materials were prepared anil collected, and rn tho Tth of June, lt'5'2, was ro fur advanc ed as to lave tho corner stone laid. '1 lo work went on gradually so thai on the 8th of December, lS.Vi tho church h as opened for divinn worship, although not more than the outside was finished. This new church is h massive ptone building 1 JO feet hms by C! feet wide, and in oil h it'll in iho middle, wilh a steeple of 130 feet in height. TO UK CONTINUED. l:i.ubsciibe tor the Advocate. C;i; jjini;ii'. '''"'.' '.' - "w-K'...k.-.,-J" .ions n. ii.M.i., laoi'.K.e ritoi'iui.ruit. ,i. y. jiooi.k, ri'iii.isu;-,!. TiiL'i"sT'A y7','I:'jim7 t n n .1 n tr s . TUB l'HMANS. T'inin'i, A""f. li. Ou Saturday aiulit ihiity-uine Fenian prisoners were released fiom custody. Their discharge was conducted with the greatest secrecy. Only about ou hour's notice was given thorn before they were sent away. They were furnished transportation by the government, to tho Suspension IJridge ami a special train was furnished by the Groat Western 11. 11' This drew up in rear of the jail at ten o'clock, and the men were safely lodged on board in charge of a guard of twenty men. The pn'snnerskoeeive 1 :i go id supper at tie railroad station before starting, ami eieh was presented with a So greenback. Oil reaching the Falk th" Fenians bade good bye to their escort, giving three hearty cheers for the Sheritf, Governor of the jail and tlvj-iil r Oicers. 7f so',-,'!, A or. I'I yVcvt It is said the jtovcnuuetii is tdive to the fact that In i.e numlers of Fenians have been arrving in Irol-uid, weekly, aud is well ire pa red to meet any rebellious movement. Tho relonu deuionstration in IMin burg on Saturday was a largo and affair. St. ...., A',.,-. 20. Tho Northwest Fur Company steamer Miner, from Up. pa Missouri, arrived tit St. Joseph, biiiiga down SJC0.0J0 in gold. She pa.-scd tihint one bumlred Mackinaw boats on the way down, cueh liberally supp'ic.l with g'.id da-t. i.ouiiia. Anju't i, (! X'ir. 21. Governor Marvin, of Florida, in his message to the legislature, takes ground against the constitutional amendment, present ing dt length the reasons which call forth the opposition of the people of the Stac to its ratification. Ho also al hides to tho conflict between tho milita ry authorities and the President's policy, as shown by the interference of tho former with tho civd tribunals in (lisre. gard of the Presldent't proclamation, and :-etling up special judicial tribunals in violation of the United States Con stitution. NOHTIl CAROLINA. iVo', Al C. Akf. 20. Cover nor Worth's message, yesterday, to the Legislature, after discussing purely lo cal affairs, and their hopeful aspect, then declares that law and order exist at all puints, civil authorities are adv.ipuite fur the punishment of all offenders, that the courts operate effectively, that jus tice is mooted to all colors. Ho op pus. cs negro suffrage, the Howard amend ment, and recommends that the North, ern States encourage the diffusion of frcedmcn in their midst. Ho says ev erything seems lo invite emigration to the dominant States, but most of them are too poor to pay tho expenses of mov. kg. The difficulty may bo overcomo by directing appropriation to sustain the Frcodmcn's Bureau to defray the expenses of those who may choose to movo. l!ach ono will choose a State or Territory to which lo wants to go. When left free and aided to go where he may think their condition loitered, no grotim!" will lo left for further sec. tiornd strife. The balance of the messnge v;:is de voted to the sopprc-'siiin ol crime and pauperism, t: king care cf lie poor, the apprei.ticiii' ..!' rogro children, and the. election of linked States Senator, the .Military Academy, k".. 1 1 t (l) 'U J " J I'll ? L ii k 'A .!- "W siii:m:i:. VV e Ui'iilerin Ml'S.O JiOOMS: Ao. do, I-Wst AreiiHt, Curry, Ve mt. ncfers to J. Powell, n. F. I'.ly, Kidgway. Ignatius (iurner, Clms. liuigen, St. Mary's, nov ','GG, ytnpJ. WXKrL'TOR'8 NOTICE. V. hcrcas, let" g" IciPteiiHinciilary on the eanile of Jo:e Seel, late of Licnzingcr lownsitip, ilecpaseJ. have been (O'ioiKhI iu tho dinlirsigiieil, iliey hereby given noiieo to all persons indebted lo said csime lo make inuuetliate payment. Ril l those having claims against I lie same present thorn duly aiiihioiiiuaif 1 for bclilciiitiii. (!. V, SHA'l'KKK. Exceuior. CAKOU.VESKEL, t'x'i, nov22o!pd. QTlt AY 1 II UIFKir.-Aray- J ed ay from llie pieniis-a of lbs auh Msriber about (he tiiHl of UM June, a HI! IX lll.t' IIKIKKEK, has two larpe while spots ou oiniile of eai-h hied Ipj, unuil lioras one crooked, a few while itpau on belly, 'id a w hile aiar on forehead, and is two years old. Any person giyiiig inforniHiinu of .id beiSer, will be libi t ally rewarded. MAKTI.V FIUTZ, Not. h, fijlC "I. I'.cniinr, J'. O. Tin: MAiiKFiv;. ..... Kii:Y.vy. Nov. 22. lOo. II Ot U, per Mil . II t 0 0 -; ! " i'oitK do tic on V. lii AT. per buslitl :! (it) IA I' 1 r,o C(M.N 1 l'.r) I) 'i'S IS) in i Kiviir.'T i ': im:i:,!) .m'L'iil; i o 11 KAN 8 3 CO BUTTER per pound 45 I.AP.n 30 cm-: iv.i-: :: m.('ai;i:!;j ij whiti: I'ls ii 10 IXiGS per (Inen tin Fi:!::, Fa , Nov I'l iTit per 1,1,! VOWK r.::i- r AVKIl'K MSll i 1,1,1 mack WIIKAT per Imshel Ii KAN'S DlitlS icr ii, zrn f.Al! I) per pmirel nn;i..-i: UL'TTKK ' 22, ISf. ji S ."'0 tl) no t, ..Hi! (Mill) I III) ', ",(l ; no i f,o r,i) ! To : (io i.'- t!'i 17 ... '.) ...10 II") In CI) to CO to To lo S!3to 114 lo 1 (i I o -ii to 7 ANTKP, AG FNTS '575 to 8200 l'Flt MONTH for fcntlemeu and S I.!.") to ?7o for ladies, everywhere, to ititrodu"e iho Celebrated Comtnon Sense Fair.i'y Sewing Maehine, improv eland pevleetcd. It will hem, fell, st:toh. ; 1 1 i 1 1 , bind, braid and cmbtoielcr beautifully. Price only SiO, riaking the clastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. Wo pay tho above wage, or a commission, from which twic that amount can bo made. Address with stamp, or call on (,. POWFF.S & CO., .Saksrooms, No. Loo South FIFTH Street, PhiladelphiaFa. All letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. May-ol'bo-ly. n MIL SlLYIIU fsKH'T. Jl mu:ie LUi;Aiii,r, M;)!i;:i:L.-Tic, JWl'.E GKACEFUL! And will l:ccp ils si.upe nn 1 retain itaj.laee better tii a n any oil cr Kkirt. This new mi u hoaMful style of ?l:irt (Vat eut'sl slai th 7, l S'io.) wii iiwuiilid by the 'lic it A me.'iisiii iiisiiuite K;;ir, held in New Yoi l:, October, r-:r, a SILVSa H'EDAL, beini th.i Ui'hcst rrernium tcr given fur a Hoop Skirl. The Mtci'l Springs are wound witli fino plated wire in place cf a cottnn covering which will not wef.r oir or heeoino soiioil, and the whole skirt may be worhed wilhout injury or fear of rusting, and will Le ns good as new. Tiie Combiaation Silver Skirt This invention combines wiih tho eriina ry Shirt the ailvantiirrfs orour Silvio- Siort llie lioltum tint ): aro the sune lis I hose us ed in. tho Silver Skirt, the1 covering of which csuniil wear t-tl". while the upper ones un covered with ei'tOin. No la'iy hiving oncu worn ono of our Skirls, will bo williiig lo weir any oilier, ua the lower bonis of all oii.or kinds are f(oon injui'cdand siiileed. The best tnuleeials are ue 1 in ihciv con struclion, uml, from their diuabiiily and neatness they are dcslinsd lo lcco:i.u a Pavoi'ito Hkirt. Manufactured solely by lue Silver kirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, oO and C UAIlC'JiAY ST. N1!W YOMK. T. S. 6n:nRT, Sup't. Aug 'jih-ly P1IO T o C, It A PIIIC. E. &, E. T. AJiTHONy & CO., Manufactrjrws of PliotigrapMc Halcriila, Wholesale and detail, Wll UltOADWAV, N. Y. lu R'hlii ion to our main bnsineKS of I'ilOTOGtt.M'rilC MATEMALS we are llcadiii:irtcrs for the following, vz, STEUESCOPE3 & STEPJttCOriC Ylll'iVS Of American and Forc'pn C:t ies and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, eio. STERESCOI'lil VIEWS OFTI.'E WAR, From nepativea nada in the Tarious cam paigns and furming a oomji'eie I'hologruph. io history of the pit-til contest. STEP.ESCOI'10 VIEWS OM (51, A??, Adiii'ted for ei'tier fl.o ijr I.'in'crn or the Siereieope. Oer I 'in il(, : n- will l o te:u to any address on receipt ct otaii p. r:;(iT(id;!.riiu; a r.5.T;:i . Vi'e leiiiiiifiietie-c: ni rn l.n-i liooi iny j other hon.-e, nlioul 1-t" Tarici ich from 'Alt cents t:. ;'-Oe:u'li. Jur A Id'l'V h,:c Ilia I rcjiiitaiio'i of heiiir si.p.-riiir in bi.'i'.n'y and I liiinilolily to any ntlo r.-i. j t4luruuiUlilLaQl;j.ll.'4, (.iail, n-wiuia, etc., etc. Our Catalogue niibiaeei over FIVE TllOL'SANl) UilTi'reiit PiibjectH, including reproductions of the most celcbrmed En friaMegu, l'uinlingo, Statues, etc. Cata logues pent on receipt of t-tarnp. l'liotographcrs aud others ordering goods C. O. )., will please remit 25 per cent of the amount with their order. tfjT'iio prices and iuiility of our goods can-lot fuil io suiii.ty. (june 1 l'0d-ly. tpltVv "aut -Ageuta cvt'ryhcre losell our iMMiovEn ?l'0 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. I'cder and upper feed. Sent on trial. Warranted fre year. Above salary or large commissions paid. TheoxLT machines sold in the United Stales for less than 10, which are J'allt licemed by Juice, tAf?r,V Gruct-r j- Iluttr, Sit-yer ff Co., ami HarhiUb r. All other cheap ma chines aro in frinyriHrttts and the tlUr or utrr are rtliubit lo arrest, line and vnjiriionrniitl. Illustrated C'rcularn ti al frrr. Address, or call upon Shanr & Clark, at iiiil.lelurd, Maine, or Chieogo, 111. inay-17'Gti-y I70II SAI-.E!!"" " Twi Fteani Kngiues iS-inch bore and 10 iuoh stroke, mith uiu tsliaft n and line shafts, AC. ' Alt.0, FUL'U cylinder boilers thirty fecj lung sod of p utlio ient power lo drive lb two engines Any one de.sirous of purehas ing Sleau .Ntnehiiieiy will find it lo I heir ad Tantage to call upon the subscriber at I'orti land Mills. 'ill It AM CAKMAX, Hi Jgwy, To. ocl. I r h 3m. MKUILAN Ail'iIbl'S' UNION ! The AMMIiKJAX AltTISTS' UN ION' established IS.1)! snrmuncn that in order to extend the of 'ho lo1. lowing well known and highly popular STKi:i: 1LATL ' EXGRA YIXGS I'cpartitte of the Pilgrim Fatbct!) for America, 27 x 36 in Landing of the Pilgrim Fath. crs, 27 x 0 Ftilstai? JIustcring Lis lle- cruits, " 2") x 30 ihakesticar an 1 b's Friends, 27 x 151 Cotter's Safnrdtiy Nilit, x 2S 'i!li.c l;hiel:.smi:h. 27 x slanifi Ht. J o.tin v, (Fortune . Tellin-,) " 21 x 23 The Massacre at U'yoming in 1770, 23 x SG Mount Vernon in the olden time, or, Washington at 3U years of age, 2G x 34 The escape of Ahestcr ?Iac- Don.ild from the of Olencoo, 2G x 31 The Madonna, 20 x 31 They have deemed expedient to offer to their friends and the public at one dollar ttud fifty cents each, the price heretofore basing been two dollatfi each, aud l .r the purpose of stimulating the Setting up of (dubs, they have deter mined to award premiums to the getters up ef the Clubs, and in addition (hereto to distribute atnotist the subscribers! the sum of g . ( I . ( ! ; t in money and paint ings, us soon a.- the sale : Lull have reach ed 100,000 erg-raving?. Ah it is our intention to advertise very extensively, and as the engravings are well known throughout the whole country, we have no doubt that with the low prico we charL'e for thsin, and with the exertion which we put forth by our numerous friend., the number will bo reached in fdioit time. As soon as it is reached, tho subscriber, through their Club AgrnM, will be notified by a circular letter from us, naming the time and method of distribution. Cl.IJIi HATES. Single Eutiravinos 81,00 each, by mail free. For 13 wo will send 23 Fug. and 2 to the Club Agent. 20 1T 30 35 ;0 1' 100 15 20 25 30 60 c'O 110 o 0 7 a S. Watch. " a S. Lever. " n II. Lever. The Club packages will bo very se curely packed and forwarded by Express Any person may get up Clubs and forward the amount either by Express, r ight l!r-i't, l'ost O iiee Order or in a vegi.-d red letter, and in all cases the Engravings will be immediately sent, and for e ich a'.r;'n ; tijlfiitf no 1 will be cticIo:.l in a '-' lo. C. O. !. o:tl:5RS. lVr.-..s wish inr to seiid for Ergraving and pay the Express Co. v hen they are received, v. ill be re-j iired to send with (.heir order 2 to ?), aeenvding to its amount, .and this will be credited on their bill. of IV isifvMfa To be distributed. One of fl'ioo ) i ,.,occy, SIO.COO ;., 00 Five of FiMiO Ten of f;0 " Fifty of loO " On'! hundred ilegaut Oil intfs, richly fannied, Lundo- caj es, nt -51 III) each, Two hundred elegant Oil Faint ius, richly framed, Interior Views, at SoO each, ;".(M.;0 ii.uOO f:.00C a.t'O 10,0 JO s:.),ooo Tho AMERICAN ATISTS" VS. ION would aed that thi-M? premiums arc to be considered ouly in the light of a free gift to their patrons, as the !unravin;:.s are furbished tiicm Ldow their market value, mid as the cost of cnoriivnms, after the piates are procur ed, is very trilling, they can a;!y afford to miike the distribution as large as it is. V c trust that our tiumt rou Ii tends thnugliout the country inn! Cmridas will u. e their utmost curiums, that il possible, ihe liistribution may bj made mom, and "t cin be dune if they ate at nil iietivo. Ijdies have mme excelo tit ' lob iicnts, b r us. iilnl we m i,e;t ih, ir k'mi't e't'or.s. vl.ieh wi.l eo' g unrewarded Let one or mi le cm lie-tic iu every town or viil.-ige i:i t!ie couulry tommenco as soon as ibey tee this, and get up as large a Club as possible. lSy so tioiug they will be the menus of introducing ele. gar.t engravings into lauiilie-s, and thus a'd in cultivating a tasto ior the beauti ful and refined. Address Orders ce. AMF.l'iCAX AATIST6' l.MOX. Nov. 8, lSGG-3m. 25 Fine St. X. V. lsojri:yriiTNG"NEW ! " HOUSE, SIGH & ORKASEEHTAL PAnmNO. I tpeclfully iuform the citueus of Elk county lhat he has just slaried in the aboTo business in llidgway, and feel confi dent that he can 'lease all who may favor him with their custom. OiiAIXlNG l'Al'KK HA Mil N(J AXD CAU'IMlXINfJ UUXE O.N .SHOitT NOTICE AXD IX TI1K most fashionable and iinproted wanner and style. Orders left nl this Offiee or at the i:nkin House of Souther, Willis Souther will be promptly attended lo. W. 1". WILUAVS, May-17'Gily. J HEELEI5 & WILSON'S SEW. VV ISG .MACHINES. Tim under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of W heeler k Wilrou'a Sen ing Machines fur tlk county. l!u keeps an asorliut'iil constantly ou hand. Macbini's sold al l'hiladulphiaaud Sen Yor prices. Any ptrtios dtn.roua of oblainii, j ihemcan address J. K. WI1ITMUKK, March 91'CCi ly. at Kidway, I'a. .TiKLM'o (iuT, I'liiolieui (,iock rd 1 li atcli inal. or. .it. M,., Ml ...i.niu 1 i.. Ibis m, th nl t.) i"',rni ll.o putlic thr.l he ispiyptirrd n do all the w rk thry ,i,v in . ici.i u,i in a neiil and pubntiin linl r.mniKe-. l!o U , ,..,., j u ,.onvcrfta wuh Ins cesloinrr.i in iim,in, l'roniili or Fi'i'lish. His simp ; in IliiuLiihcli-a build. in; on Centro tireet. nC. H' H P.iebrwav.renna. .Mrs E. O. Clkmsxts. rrom-ictreai. Kcrv 1,8m QTRAY' COW.-CatnoMo the , J iireniiscs of Ihe subscriber in KaJgway, about the Mill of October . a lijrh' TiHIXDLE COW, about !t or l1) years old. '. ho owner is rcuuistcd to cotee tnrwio o. i proper ty, pny chni'ies and take 1"' s. v, or she w.dl be disposed nf asthe law doe. llidgway, nor lit J. l. l'A;:;'.J5. JJOBDINS Electric Soap ! Saves Time, Favcs Money, Saves Labor, Saves Clothes, Saves Women, AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT. It is used by cutting into small shavings and dissolving in hot wrier, then soak t'n cloiheslive to ten minutes, and a little hand rubbing will ma'.co thetn us cl -an as hours of hard machine ruhbiiif!; would do, with or. din.'iry soa), and tiie most d-lie:ite fil,ria receive no injury. We ciri r'O'.T to Items, limit of families who arc csini it, and who eouM not be perttiadad Kki wilhout, L011IUNS' i: L k c t i; I o soap : Sold by all Leading Grocers Throuyhout l.'ie X'lu'.e. WHOLESALE OI'FIflE : 107 SOUTH FIFTH H7REET, PHILADELPHIA. novlSm n.- TO CONHUMPTI V I W . rnilE Advt-rt'snr, having ticsn restorvid J to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after havina sii'I'm-cI sever al years wilh a seven) lung atl'ectio-.i, mid that drer.d disease, Oni-umptioii is anx ious t o liiakc known to 'its l'ellov suf.'orerj Ihe means of cure. To all who desire it, hi will peed a copy of the prescription used, (tree of clunjc), with Ihe directions for preparing the snnia, which they will find a .Sure Cure for Con sumption, Asthniu, l'ronch'ls, &e. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription, is tn benefit the atllictod, an4 spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes every sulTerer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blciring. Panics wishing the prescription, will please address lU.v. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg. KingsCountv, New York. Oct. 2.3th Ui'Ki-ly. Estcnrivo itnnuf iclurers and imp -rt --;) cf GOLD.PIATED io 0HEIDE Sol II) AM) Ml'KRL SIIA'Kll WAKE, American, Enousii and Swiss Watch::.-;, Cased by Gurntlccs, And every descripiiou of Fancy Goons and Yankf.k Notioss, Especially adapted ash desigued for South ern nnd Western Trade. Circulars and 1 ill descriptive Prico Lists sent free, AgrnN wanted everywhere. AJ. dress SALLSIiUBY, EI'.O.'s Co. 61 Dorranee street, oct.2-"),'Cli ly. l'rovideuce, it. I. PUJiJ.lC SALK! AT LAKE CITY, Mk County, I'a. On Tuesday, November 1:5th. ISiiti.'ttiere will bo exposed to rale the following : 1 sett of Ulncksmilh Tools, co npiete ; 1 sett cf Carpenter Tools; Chains, Tables, Hafling Tools cf nil kinds ; Bedsteads ncd Eeddii.g; Two Barrels Molasses, Oroeiries, Hob-Sleds, Lng-Sleds, Stovirs ; 1 yoke"f Ox. en, and various other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day. Five months credit will be given for nil sums over (en dollars. Ap proved security required. K. S. HUNT, C. KHIXEs. Oct. 18th, ief.0-Jt. Adio'rs. R Ofiltetl Oil, Good Quality, by the barrel, at bu cents per gallon, hv octll tf J. POWELL. If yoil want Dr- Jimo"? or Dr. Ayer'a celebraied Medicines, pu-f. call upon the only authorized agent in Kidg way. ocl. 11-tf J lOWELL. If VOlt wnilt a load of Salt. Hour, or l'eed, vou can t-ave liionev h" h - rt o( oct 11 If. J. VO" f . r.ropOT-ies of all T"" J cheaper than c;n bo bj. hi waoU'sale or retail, by ocl. 11-lf. J. POV, INSURANCE AG AINST lois or DAM AGE by l-'IHE. rilHK I.ycoiu;n County Mutual "ce Couipauy iu iuncey, Pa., coi liuues lo Insure a.e.iiuil Loss or DaniHce by l ire on all kind.s'cf Mere-hand ?e. ' : .t.lio and private buildings, cither i'i r county. AL-o on Mills, Tanner - - . stocks of drain, al ihe lowc -'.: rates, consistent villi safely to i! - u.a-er and Insured. The Lycoming Co.t-. Mu tual lusurance Comjnv inv;(es an inveti, gallon as to its siubiliiy. lis capital amounts lo & f2, HO O.OOO! Thus assuring to every one of ii-s patron that Ihcir losses will bej,rouipi!y and satis, factorily paid. Ils managea.eui hs always been prudent, as its exisieu-e of twcuiy bix years fully demon straies JAMES 15LAKELY. Agent for Elk county, at St. Mary's. f FVir subscriber bees leave to renounce to J the citiiens of Elk and adjoining conn, lies lhat he has purchased llie harness saop lately occupied by John Smutt, and that La is ji reputed to do all kinds of work in a suit. "SAD 1)1 ES,BJtiDLES,UA h'XESS kept constantly on hand at pi ice t a rail the timed, Hive me a call shop in - ao c bnd story of llouk'i building- cell 1 v. C. LEVI3.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers