'LAY CASH GROCERY STORE. JAMES McCLOSKEY, IViilcr in ( uccii'.s ftc, would nt-peclf'illy inform '1 e tiliziiis i.l Kersey find vicinity, that I has pctic into iho Grtccty business, I I d will cren en cr about (lie middle i i J! ay. He kcrpw consiaritly cn hand i l ixtensivc stock of EAS, FLOUR, Jt.UGARS, TCTACCOFS, SUGARS. Y.UI.CKEY ly the banc! or fjunrt, mid cvpiylhin ioi:i;cckd v.illi u 111 bt c!;;;s Grouty Sh ic. I will Fcil for CASH find ronf'fjm ;it ly cmi ffiid to sill CHEAPER than tic CHEAPEST. I ii.vite everybody to ciill i.i d ';iti'l'v the test lvi JAMES McCLOSKEY. May 2d, 'Cd Cm. E.BK 11 REMINGTON & SOXS, M wriWCTURi.RS of Revolvers, Rifs, Muskets and Carbines, tor (lie United States Set vice. Also 1'Of KKT AMI V.KI.T V.KVOt.VERS, Rrpcatin" Pistols, lliilo Canes. Revolving Lilies. r.fl!i ami Shot (inn barn-Is. mi'l gun materials sold by gun dealers aud the trade gi ncrall y. , . , In these ilavs f.f housebreaking nml iob Inlry. every house, stove, bank, and cilice. M-.oii'd lie sin i'lii '1 wiili uno nf remington's revolvers. Parties d.-sirii,:.'- to avail t'-ci.ivflvi-s of tli Hie impvovcniu-.ts in Pi.-!' Is. and HTivr-rio workmanship and!'. no. will lii-.d all cudm a in theN'cw Eon. iugion Revolve---'. Circulars c .lit .i i u i n mils and dcsryiplinn i f our arms will lie futni-diel upon i pl'.ca li 01. K. REMINGTON & SON'S, I'-ion. .... Y. ' ril 5th lS'iii.-ly i tali t"a"i jl'e "lots ro:i sale. V The under?-; 'iicd I.a laid imt a vil. lage upon his grettu'l adjoining the Rid.? way Depot, to l.e called KL ;'. J"Iic lots are oO foil from ly i'." foot deep front i!ii lowiuds ilie railroad. Terms For I he first l-.t fold, !?'"i0. F-i ibe second lot sold, .',-11''. i "' the laird lot f-oid, .t:0 and so on iucrcuslug in price us lots in e sold. r.U First purchasers get tlio thuice lot nf I Im ohc.ir.ost rales. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their iippiieniion. Ten per cent of I lie puvch ivo money must be paid ai t in i' nf I lip uni.lieation. ' r-'A-Aridicaiions will be made to John G. Hull, Esq., Ridgv.ay, Pa. J. fj. HYDE. Ridgway. iii!ir.2y'C.'!-tf. ITCH! ITCH! ITCH ! Srrutrlt I Krra'r!) ! Kcritfct! YHEATON'S OINTMENT AYii.l Cl-ue tim: Itch in -13 Ilorr.3 Also enirs SALT lMIKCM. I hCl'.KS. rillLr.t.AINi?. and nil KUL'PTC NS OF 'l'lllO .SKIN. 1'iiec oil fonts. For sn!o h.V all ih-unristM. ISy sfti '.in;- -0.' cents lo Wl'.l'KS ;c POTTKlt, Solo Aonts, 170 Washington fiveci, lio.-lmi, it wiil ho for wni tlod l-y mail, free of postage, to ai y pun of i ho I'nito 1 stated. (,juno-7'';o-!y. 1 J LACKSMIT 1 1 1 Xt ! II. S. r.l'.I.NAl' de i.'e.i lo inl'oi 'ii the cili. .ens of ItUjiiviy and vi.-iuhy l!r;l ho ha:) loused J. S. llydc's P.hieksiimli Shop u Mill stivol, atid has einployo i ;- 'od woi-k-liien who will he ever ready to lui.ko any Ihin;? frui.i a hnikio to an anchor. Pai'licu'.ar aiicnlioa ;iven to I ho f.hoeing of h.trse .. All 1 ask is a fair trial. May li'tiG-ly. NEW SB TAP ris: Tlx:: tix::: iHTOYES ! STOVES '. '. STOVES Jolin Sosonlicimcr Cz Co., vjioLn-uLU&r.KT.u:. pcale'.'..1;. ST. M-VVY' i, pa Kooj;.-) coiislanlly o;i li;:-; l f',r s ii.-, a laruc aud well sclee'.c.l atvck of TIX WAKE, s-'iOVES .if. ,c l.i c tvirytlni) "i in i ally ii' ; I i i a'j'i.i ?h..tji. Our clock td' ; "i' i V E-'i consist i in jiari of AXT1 Di'ST l'Aill.Oit COOIC 1XG :"i't)'E.s, ALO 1UOX ti.VTil ft WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE 'PL IT, (-in In Lad at our i liop ciilior rivi !od m' proved. S-' l'Oi.'TI : AN!) k.'i'i! 1 N 1 1 , dm.! on hnt not ';.' and at rca.-i::tlb ratos. J uue 1 l'ti i-l y. i:t)Yi:.;Ti;!;N & Co., PIANO IT'iYri: M N L'i'ACTUHEllS, d!! E.o; ',.-;, TIIESF. l'o-t veei'lvd ih Highest Aw-ird ..f M-.-i: ! ut the ! '. i'uir, ..vol ihttlnv't n a''"rs IV. mi l.'Oi't,,!), I'oo'-, Ocr many, toe oi.ios nfXtiv (;, pl.ii.i hdjihia, ltulliiuove ami I!. ii ; al-o i,.'C)'..l KiJ-1 nt the .!;.( ('" !'.! F1V!'. i-aei es- nivo yoaa-!! Our l'i-io, t, m i;t; I tie I'l each (Iran 1 A. linn, 1 I tl. Ovcr- Hi-Ulii? Ha s. I il'.l lion I'laao-. .-.nd i.!l M-l-; 1 ;,i I .r.iV" li l-i: I liv o v it.-lvilillOl.t Kir . rtr-: . .M.e'i i r ii .t m. 1 o: vi i'..,n nl' Till!. J. II. CrtOVE:r.2?T, vln. Vis a praei io . ! ex peio' ii -o of ..v.-o ll.'n iy. i', t'tt yeai't, n ad is lite luaiioi" t,f ,' . r, a ,.',', ind ,.' f.,rl. .-. Our I'.i. '.lit ii-1 fir ;,l , iiafaci urio .' eoa'.li' us lo .'-oil llicso ill- li.l tU'llls trolil S' 10.1 id SiJiJO clio:;l.ta lllall nv first td.i-s iiaiitj Itiile. Ji.ly-l'l t,'i.-ly. ;t)i: l'itlXTlXG NEATLY t .lEAl'LY ft E.M'Ei'lTlOl'LY i.wid'tuil ut tho AliuCAI'i: Oiliu". D ii u u s t o n E ,OIlD WELI& M I'.SgENG Kit, DrxUGS, M.KDTCINES, LAP11 01 1; 1ML'T, LEA1, LUU1UCATING OIL, TANNKH'S OIL, rEiii'UmuEs, YA11NISII, miusiiES, JiVE.STUl'r.S, CONI'ECTIONEHIES, IIAI.'JTXS, CITf.OX: 'ATCnE8, . . E WELTI Y, FANCY AHTIC1.E3, ALEU'IS, STAriONELlY, NEWS YI0LT.N ETElNCn, EHID-CAGES, TOI5ACCO ft SEG AH?. IIMIE LIQUOE3, roii MEDICAL ITIU'OSE?, ONLY, INSTHU.M ENT3 A I3ITLEM ENTS I'EUTAIXING TO THE I) HUG LUGIXESo GENERALLY. UOr.DV.TXL & JJESSEN'GLil, 1ITGYAY, TA. Tl,; t,m.nllnn Xr-'i''l:lli' y liiHiwn, will thtir- ;;:'..-',.': V 'i v r:' ? W .anbly wluviirorato ' -' rV'!if lii'i lit n-'l'ot'ii mill Ur-'fi l Ittw-sitiriuil horetn, r;'.1 by ntn:ilheniB ;--- ;-r ttm;,' and fnvuralily Hint ck-jusinii Iho ft'imru-h and iutoB tin -j. It is a sure pre- vuitivo of all ilis t nsi-3 iticiil' nt to thl nnim-il, eiirh as I.V-VO FE Lit, CLAMJER3, V t. I. I, II Vt H A- 5 st l I'.l . . II r A r. :s, C'ui-(ilia, Hies- TKMl'KK, 1 i; VI '.I'.S, lliLXIlKK I.l ISS; 111-' Al'l'i-:-Tiri: AND VITAL i;:;uc; Y,c. ii3 - : ii.. luipiovts ilia v i 11 d , incivRsi'3 i.iu ui.i.t'MU'-.fivfs 9 m , fiNrJk a smooth (uni t.. ..,i , &S3 17 ........ ..! i sST? .. iniM.-r.iblu L'.m into a fine looking anil spirited u-i.st:. . 'i'-' kci.'i." nf Cowj fliit i rq-.riratirn is iuvalual.te. ii luoituad mo tiuaiuuy a:oi miiir-ivod the unalilv oi tne milk, Jt loot iK-m itrovfii l.y ay. tual oxporimont to lnci-tase tho quan tity ol untie aua ovum tuontv l.r ... . M. . ,T B tllV. iUIU 11.1. ll.U .-.vi. - ,j n ... i . ,'-'?' ? ' N ,1 Ii butter firm lin.l V i;-1 -"Sr-s-yv,l 6vt,t. 1 1. litll.ninB U 1')' oatUo.itoiv.s ..v. " - ,r T l nn a.x-tit, lo U i l!"-,ir !'. tl.toi loodona lllltl tl.riva much fii-swr. In all ('.K-asui of S-,vine, such ai Counhs, Ulcers in tho I.a.iL-.-. I.iv.-r. ".ZT'2r.?- iC, this artiolo n,.'li a. I a ill . ill- MiHia-r fi,.m ont- h llf a Inji-T to a j.-.p r i!i a .rr.'fii ' ...... . ,i. in.. . -r ah' - t i s i-s.ea t." : -M, T. ill lo- L-radioau J Bfllv.lJff.1 or o itir.ly ,rovt-ntLiV If pivrn in time, a certain l-ivvtativo aim cuio l,u- lloj liou l.i.oltaa. Price 25 Coats per Paper, or 5 Papers for $1, rREFABED liY '. A.. TTOUTZ lUtO., AT THTiin WIin.ESAlE Dill U AMI .MRDH'IXE DEPOT. No. 11G Franklin St., Baltimore. Md. ror nuv. iy irvv;t,'iita aiiu oiuioKcvicra through- S '1 1 :tt .Mainil'icturos rices, ly Vi ; ! : 'i'.s w a n t i : ! Tu T a k i : o i ; i e i : s lot i he l e. I selling IjooU MOW puhli.h- TiaUliKS CiCiics ol Ike Crcat EctcHicn. ( 'oiinn-i.-in-' licroie adveiituivs find hair In c.i'i; !i oso alios ot Soi'liors, Set 1 1 ( h , Sloes in I 1; i I o . -i'..s ; uarii!,; i 0i, it s ot Si. ui ' (. li.-i .!!as, iio-poi-iid .OS and t t lifts i'al. s ol l.oyal and i'- l iy-il woinett: Mo- ri' iul ll.o No';i-o, o-j., vim li.ui.loiiln ul' 'i:ii nod .'.lerriii.ont in an.p ai.d I iold i'v Lion ti-eaiit t ..unci ... (.reeue, lalo t.t :lic I niled Slates Armr. liaud.-onie'y il lusi vai i-d v.'i'.h eni-aviiijs cu stool mid in .:l c.'i. rs. ;:.-ti 1 f. r circulars an 1 too the l'.h'ornl ICI Hi.- li'i'l-l-i' 1. t' ii as. s. i;;:i:i:ni-: co., PuMisiicrs Ko. ! 'A S. Third Si!., Philadelphia VV.JMSKEHS! WHISKEX'S!! v v J T. J,, t . I ). 1 I (Vi.. l, tllC -rc.it.'. I iliiiiuiat'.i- in tl.o v.-.irl.l, wi! loivit I-'. "Ci.5 t.r .', n-. ie.ios t) ;-ruv ou flu-in, tin si r..ee or chin: never kiiuvvu to lail ; ; anil 1j fur trial scut lVia; ti ai .11.0 ite-I'MUS id te-t I m-r its mollis. Ad. di. Ki.i.v i;.s ft Co., 7S Nassau St. Nov.- Volt. jam iiS'lit; -Um. ' FOUTS'S CELEBRATED M and GatOa Powflers NE7 ARRANGEMENT! TUEMENPOUS RUSH TO THE KEV7 STOF.IO OF FRED Ell ICK XCIMJMNC, CF.NTUEVILLE, ELK CO., NEW GOODS DAILY All HIVING THE PEOPLE AWAKE TO TIIEIU INTER F.ST I s niriuifcstcd by the daily throng of cuiilcKiurs exchan-'in'r "Gicr.n Hacks" fbr croodn. All the Domestic Cottou Goods arc hi"h. Custcrgcrs one and all exclaim. now cheap you ii LRESS OOOI'iS ARE My slock consists of DUY GOODS, P.OCEP.IES, If ATS & CAPS, FOOTS .' SHOES, CLOTHING, CFiOCKEUY, TIN WARE, HARDWARE, OILS . PAINTS, PUTTY, NAILS, GLASS, WOODEN WARE, PORK, FLOUR, FISH, SALT. It i.; useless for mc lo attempt, lo giu a full list of u.c stock, but invito one and all, to drop fu and see for themselves. E UTTER, EGGS, POTATOES, GRAIN, HIDE.-, CALFSKINS mid all country pruiluce lal.ou at nrnhot price, for goods. FREDERICK SCIiiEMNG. Coiitieiilie, Jeuu lst'Co-1.-. WMvDrJ GREA T EXCITEMENT Is kept up l.y the DAILY ARKIVAL OF NEW COUPS AT FREDERICK RUDOLPH'S Cheap Cash Store, Where ho has on hand and for sale WEN & HOY'S CLOTHING, UliY GOODS, LADIES & GENTS FUKNISIIIQ GOODS, LADIES DKES8 GOODS, LADIES' & GENTS' SHAWLS, SONTAGS, P.P.EAKFAST i?UAWLS, ALSO 11 ATS & CAPS, LOOTS & SHOES, NCEIAS, COMFOPiTEUS, SCARFS, HOODS &c ALSO-GROCERIES, COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA. A very largo and well selected STOl'Iv i.f tho Lest made, and warranted in every respect RK'L, LOUR, SALT, PORK, FISH So ALSO --CONFECTIONARY VND YANKEE NOTIONS IN til. EAT QUANTITIES AND QUALITIES TOEACCO AND SUGARS OP THE PEST QUALITY 1 say, lo one and all, that my slock is full and complete, aad will bo sold at Bia.ill profits. ive uio a cull bi-fors purchasing clse where. FREDEP.ICIL RUP0L1U1 Sn S ,.,, m w 'til u u us m Wit ' RIDQ WAY, 1'ENNA. WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, FLOUR, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, LUMBER AND SHINGLES, II layers will find S T O R E s AMONG THE Most Complete AXD BEST APPOINTED IN THE C 0 U N T R Y AND THE PLACES TO GET .bargains CALL& SEE March' 29th, lFCG-ly. BOOK STORE. St. Mary's, Elk County JUST RECEIVED GOO BEADLI'1'3 DIME NOVELS 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 230 GERMAN STORY HOOKS ;lAr ASSORTMENT OF ALL kind of Stationary, Blank looks, Time l..i'ks, Pasj loaiks, and School books iv ill always Lo ou Land. Purchasin our Bonks, Paper, Envelopes &o. direct from the Manufacturers for cash, wo tire enalilod to Hell nt tho same rates that they can be purchased iu ANY 01' THE LAUGH CITIES, 10 per ceut allov.e-1 on all purchases of ten dollars and onwards. W. J. BLAKELY. J uiic-i rr.tj-i y. A G E N T S W A N T E D ,S TOR Y OF 1 HE WAR, NOV irEATlY. (.,m.;olo hl TWO VOLUMES, also in ONE. It is mltnilted to bo tlio tnosf inten'!i!j, jir.jHi ,, and ridmilJ.' His tory of the RelM 1 3 ton, which is fully at tested by the c-;i..i tijous sale of 200 000 volumes, and a largo portion of tho country slill uneaiivasscd. oaie oLL-eil to ran our prefses niht and day to enable us to supply our Aj;i'tits. Men of chnvficler and ability, who de sire a luctativc emplitr.cnt, will find this a rare opportunity. 'The pi ice of the work in oil'- Vi'i'.ms is so t.,1-, (con. urea with our lLstovies) ns to britiL' it within tho reach of all classes. Pur lull particulars send for circular. Address lis Asylum Street, llAnTrutti), Conn. Fruit Ti'ccsftSliviihhevv. riVAV. I NDERSUINElt. AGENT FOR I Frost's Giue.-oe ValK y .Yursory, will be in P.idgway on uiid ufteit Augusttyili. 'lit;, for the 'iii '0.-o of taking orders for Fruit Trees, and Slii-iil.l.ery of ull kinds and vnri ties. He has ih.nea huyo business in War ren county, aud given die best of satisfac tion. Oaders loll with the postiuitslers at Ridgway uud Si. Mary's will receive ntien tio". JOSEPH UENNKTT. I'tidllway, Aug O.-lt. lh - i-'v irir1: ir'ir i'ifsl'5'.fi r5a?l 18G0 1866 )I11LADELPIIIA & ERIE RAIL X ROAD. This great line traverses tho Northern auu Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lako Eric. It has been leased by tho I'cnnrglva nla Rail Road comjumi, and is opera cd by them. Its ciitiro length was opened for pts sender and freight business, October 17th, 18(H. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT 1111 G WAY. Leave Eaalioard. Erie Mail Train 3 39 n. m. Eric Express Train 10 30 p, 111 Lcauo Westward. Erie Mail Train 1 30 p.m. Erie Express Train 3 21 a.m. Passcnprcr cars run thron"h without change both ways between Philadclpha and Eric. NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York at 9.00 a. m.. Arrive at Erie 9.15 a. m. Leave Erie ot l.o5 p. m.. arrive at New York 3.10 p. m. Lleqk.nt bi,Erixa Cahs on Express Trains both vays between 'Willianiflport and Baltimore, and Willianipori aud Philadelphia. l or lnlorniation respcctinp: 1'asscDrrcr busiuess apply at the S. E. corner 30th and Market Srs. And for Fright business of tho Com pany's Agents S. B. Kimrston, Jr. Cor. 13th and f Market Sts. Philadelphia. J. V. llevuolds It.ri II W. Brown, A-ent N. 0. R. R. Bal timore. U. II. Houston, Gcn'l. Freight Ao't. PhWa. II. W. G WINNER, Gea'l. Ticket Ajl. PhiFa. Alfred. L. Trr.En, General Supl Hhi'... rVUE SILVER SKIRT" J. MORE DURACLE, MORE ELASTIC, MORE GRACEFUL! And w ill keep its shape and rclain its place better than any otter Skirt. This new and henliful slylo or Skit t (rut entcd March 7, 18155.) waa fiwar.hd by Ilie Great American Institute Fair, held iu New Y'ork, October, lSo-3, a SILVER MEDAL, being tho Highest Premium ever given for a Hoop Skirl. Tho Steel Springs are wound with fine plated wire in place of a cotton covering which will not wear ofl" or become Boiled, and tho whole skirt may bo woshed without injury or fear of viisiing, and will be as good as new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with tho ordina ij .-inn ...ui.uiiuii'tjii-Dtjruiii oinur rhin .1 the bottom boons are tho name as those us-" L cd iu tho Silver Skirt, the covering of which - cannot wear oil, while the upper ones arc. covered with cot Ion. No lady having once worn ono of our Skirls, will be willing to wear nny other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds arc Boon injured and Boileed. The best nintccials uro used in their con struction, anil, from their durability and neatness they arc destined to beconio a Fjwoi-ite Skirt. Manufactured solely by tho Silver Skirt and Wire Manu facturing Company, 30 and 32, BARCLAY ST. NEW YORK. T. S. Si-enuY, Sup'i. Aug 'Jth-ly PI IOTOGH APHIO. E. & n. T. ANTHONY & CO., manufacturer!! of Photographic materials, Wholesale and Retail, COi EROADWAY, N. Y. Iu addition to our main business of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS wo are Headquarters for the following, viz. STERF.SCOPES & STERESCOPIG VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, cte. STERESC0PIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete Photograph, ic history ol'iho great contest. STERESCOriO VIEWS ON CLASS. Adapied for cither Iho Magio Lantern or the Stcie eopo. Our Calaloguo will bo Bent to any nd.h-esj on receipt of Stamp. PilOTOGRAPIIlC ALDUMP. We ma'iufaouiru mure largely than any oiher li.iit-e. about :'00 variofius from fiO ceiiis to S jlli-ich. Our A LEUMS have tho repuiaiion of hc'tig superior in beauty and il'ii.il.iiiiy lo any others. Cdi'dr-hoiosiapLs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Calalogue embraces over FIYE THOUSAND tlill'eretit subjects, including reproductions of tho most celebrated Eu. gratings. Paintings, Slatues, elo. Cata login, a sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods O. O. P., will please remit -5 per ceut of tho amount with their order. :,y-Tlie prices nn.l tjiinlily of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. (june lFCG-ly, B LANES, UAXDP.ILLS, POS TERS, PILL HEADS dr., don at the Ateucofe Ojllce on short notice anil at reaxouable firms. QOAA MONTH J--AOENTS ,) lj f ivnuled tor tu tr.lirely ntw article, tun out. Address O. T. CAREY, City building, liiddel'ord, .Mo. uiay-17'tiC-ly. TET IER.S TEST AM EATARY on thees j tile of John P.othouhoifer, lato of tho borough of Nt. Mary's, deeousel, having I. eon granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to, cr having claims against fcuid esialo are reipiostt-.l to evil and settle. T. ROTHEN HOEFER. iiugO.tit. Executrix'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers