., .11 . , ,. i L , . II. HI. Hates ol Advertising. Adm'i s nnd Eitrelor's Koticcs, each C timer ; 2 f!) Audiior's Koi'hcs, each 2 OD Trnnu'icut ndverli: inc;, per square of 10 line or less, o times or less 2 00 for each subsequent insertion 'fiO l'i'olosional cards, 1 year C 00 Special notice', porEne 1" OMtuary nnd Alai ria;;e Notices, each 1 00 Yearly Advertising, ono square 10 00 Yearly Advertising, two squares 15 00 Ycni'y Adver'ing tlireo fqimres CO 0i Yearly Advr r! isiug, j column 1" 00 Yearly Advcrii-dii.r, 4 ciliiinn 8" 00 Yearly Advert i.i'mg, I column '00 Advi rliser.ionls displayed more than ordinarily will ho ediarged fur nt the rale (per column) of (V) Oi) KL.K ADVOOATK, A LOCAL AND GENERAL KEWnV.ITF, Ms ntbHshrd Frcry Thursday. BY JOHN F. MODEL Tor Year ia advance ?1 0 A H N M. he j m gkfif'ftwsffp H M M M Hi N VR 'J Mr K ES?-All subscriptions to.bo paid in n1' vtincc. Orders for Job Work respectfully eolicicd. rOIuco on Main Street, in the second Btory of Houk & Cillis Store. Address JOHN o. IIAU-, EDITOR A rROrrtIET01l. F Tilt X IT U n Li 1 mnii i:M)EilSlGNEl) T A K E S JOHN O. HALL, Editor. J. I'1. MOOIIR, Publisher. TESZ.HVl no lYfrr hi .Strait cc. zstDGir.il, i'2.r.r.t, suvt. xziii, rsow. I pleasure in announcing to tlio citi iens of r.i'1'.'wnv niul ndioinins towns that lie has si opened n. lurniture Miop in UMfra:!". u.i'l i3 prepared to sell nil kinds of furniture (it (lie lowest priced. Ilia stock consists in part of COMMON' CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SrRlXQ BEDS & MATTRESSES. BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane scat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIf.S, SOFAS, TETE A TETES, LOUNGES, 3T-rsTxr.SS CAinS. 01IN U. II ALL, Attorney nt law. P.idg vny, I'.lk coiinly l'a. mar-i: '; ly. BLAKELY 1 I.' and AIM! IP. .7. BLAKEL 1 . Attorney onnvllov at law. an t I . . I otiiims- ioMier. lliJgway v. v. i-m i-uuuij. . Liiiar-t.i.-iy. QOLTIU:!! AND V. I I.f.TS Attorneys at , Law, Eidiiwity, Ell; county Pa., will ni t end to nil professional business prompt v in:ir---'ilti-ly. K. .1. S. BOB DWELL Eleclio Physi cian. Late of Warren county l'n., will . '. 1 ...,V. i rnni!i v answer an ucnraui i.nu nirht ov day. Residence one door east the late residence of Hon. J. L. Cillis. Mai-.lT.O-ly. of Star-Spanajled Uamiox. Oh ! say, can you sec by the dawn's early light, What to proudly we hailed at the twi light's last gleaming ; Whose liroad strif es ..od bright stars through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts wo watched, were so gallantly streaming And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air, I. YV. B. HARTMAN, St. Mary's, Elk county. Pa. Laie of the Army of the Pol. mine. Particular attention (riven to an cases of surgical nature. uiai----UO-ly. U. YV. JAMES BLAKELY Physician and Surgeon, St. Mary's, I'.'.k county niai-rtiiMy. BEDROOM SUITS f Plioatnnt. Mnhorranv and Black Walnut nnd every tliinii usually found i:i n f. class country ware uooui. PICTURE FRAMES or all sizes and of Mahogany, Rose wood. Black Walnut and (jilt D Va. Dll. V'.' W. SilAW Bran ices Medicine ar..l burger'-. Cent i-ovi!L-, BH: county r ,..o-i-,;,;.l t ' -jrvTi. A. S. HILT, Kov-oy. 'ik county l'a. VVi'.l proii.pi'y aunv.'er i,Riro:-i--inn.il c.i'.;.; l.y ii'nt or l.'y. n- ir---'i';'-ly. arc i'ullillcd, at if it wera Uanuenms to leave a cnuimuuity outside ot the yreat body politic. Had the loyal Senators aud Represen tatives of Tennessc been admitted at once ou the assembling of Congress, and in moderate succession, Arkansas, Geor. ;ia, Ahbauia, North Carolina nnd Vir ginia, the public mind of the South would have becu far more healthy than it is, aud thuso States which fingered on probation to the last would have been under a more saluUtry influence to good Gave proof through tho uight that our lliio- was still there. Oh ! say docs the star Fpangled ban. conduct than' if half a dozen armies nor still wave, watched over them U er tlio mini oi uie irec anu me nonie once jimre in adjustment with tho Fed. er.il Government will rule litis imtiun ! Tlic North is rich --never go lie!; ; the South is prior never before s por. The population cf the Noith i nearly double that of tho S-uih. Tlio indus try of ttie North, in diversity, in fur v.'ardiies.i and product ivcucss, in all the luiicntiiery arm i-nucatioii tc ; litre 1 l:,r nianu!'ctuiiiir, i.i half a century in ad vance i,f the South. Churches in the North rrir.vn every bill, and rcho'lj swarm in every ni'ii'iiooriiood ; wnito the Soulli lt.:-t but seat it-red li.rh(.i at Idler di';f.'i'K'o. lil:o li"'nlniM:os iv.'ii: bury iii it Slavery, sectional animosity and all strife.i and hatreds ! It is (it that the brave men who, on st.i rod land, faced death to save the natiuii, should Dov.-, by their voice and vote, consuiuinaJo what their bwordsj ri'inlered possible. For the sake of tho ficcdnian, for the ko of (ho South and its millions of our fellow-couutryiuuti, for our own Bake, and for the great causo of freedom aud li''.it'ion, I iirjrn tho rouuiou of nil tLo parts which l'cbcllion and war havo battered. I am truly vours, HENRY WAUU UKECIIKU. s color v. ill . . l- r .1.. . last lorever. I'iit'v i.uuiy m .-iih-io. i as a paekatre will last a agent t erson MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFIN." kept on hand, and li'.i. le to order, of every kind and dcseripiion. Please CALL ami examine my ruck ho. fore purchasing elsewhere, for 1 hope h.v strict ntleniion to business, and keepinrr nil Iho market demands in mv line, to merit il.n nmrnnnrrn of the puldie. Warertuiuis on the corner of Main and Depot M reels. HENRY II. TilOMAS. May-17'CO-ly, r.l.Vri:i. fklHAMpcr tUtj, ATJSTS wanted, ladies and gcatlcrifa. in every County iu the United States, to sell the" Ink l'ovrdors of tho American Iuk Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and v. ill make ink enough to till fifty bottles of the s-ize usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gra-s of it a day, and clear -7.:.. The ink can be made from the powder in " lve minutes in co;unv:i boiling wate' . It is a perfect black ink, the best i .1 the world. It flows easily, does not corrode tho r,i n a nartitle. UCVCf trUlus UP. is ! '' iniiired bv freczilur, and I v 1 will buv it family for years, and ink casi be made in small .uantttie3 as wameu. nii each gross we send a thousand circulars with testimonials from clergymen, law. vor-i teachers, lnerchauls, c-nUimercial college-, editor., kc, and tho na-no'on the bills. Only one will be made agent for a county, the fir-t one sendingSoO for a grc s of thn powder will receive it by return express together with ono thousand ci; culms and the right to se'l iu the county he or she designates. If others send I' a- the game county, the money will be returned to thciikfrco of expeuve. To make sure, one bad belter designate- several coun ties, either of which he or she will take, dare for trade list nnd circulars if you Sendrun the risk of waiting, or send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers ot the batiks, or tho express agents of this, city, will show that the business is Lou. orably and squarely conducted. An Irk Powder will bo sent by mail to any au h-c.ss, free of charge, ou receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your came, town, county nnd State distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY. Manchester, N. II. THOMAS W. LANE, Clerk for i.hc Co., and Special Agent. 'ANTKjl. AG EN'J'S 575 to ?2:'Ki VM AiONlll tor oeutlt'uicn and 535 to 875 for ladies, everywhere, I to introduce the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing M chine, improv ed and perfected. It wi.'J Item, fell, htitch, tiii!t, bind, braid and embroider bcaut'itully. Prieo only ?i0, making the elastic lock stitch, and fully war. ranted for three years. We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which twice that amount can be made. Address with stamp, or call ou C 1JOWEUS CO., Salesrooms, No. South FIFTH Street, Philadelphia, Pu. All letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. May-31'Gd-ly. EX.TUA 1JOTTNTY.--I IMPORTANT TO .SOLDIERS: I!,; it recent act of Congress, all soldiers who nerved Ihree years, or those who were ilihcharged by reason of wounds received in service, and Iho WIDOW, MIKOH CHILE2EN OE PAEEXT3 niiv meh sohlierswho died in the service . t ii. I'nitail .Siiiiea. or of diseate or woun-ls ....irn. ted while in the uervice, are cutillcd n nitrlitinnal bouutv of i'lOf. By giviiifr, this ninttt-ryour lmmediule at. tendon, nnd caPinj? on or writing lo the urn ders'iKticd, these claims will secui o prompt iilteniion. jyjn.y u. u.uu, uug3Utf. ltidgwuy, Ba, . Elll'.N 3. BUSS. Pi t.i. Sr. Mr.rys Elk lui.e-lll'il'j-ly. and Sur- TTVDi: nous 11 et.,,. i::.i:- .Var-ll-'o-i-ly. m. v. ay, EiX. i v.-'u-ian c . nuiv B MOf'Rl'. l'copri. jimty l'a. V.RSFY HOTEL, ('enli'vv'lle, Elk ,'Oim 5 iv. Ba., C. 11. L'ya.i, Br. iiuS'.''il'i Hull & augO'ilj-ly of the brave ? On the shore, dimly seen through the mist of tho deep, Where the foe's haughty host in silence reposes, What is that, which tho breeze o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half concealed, half discloses : Now it catches tho gleam of tho tuorti- ino's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines on the stream ; 'lis the star spangled banner, Oh ! long may it wave, O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Every month that wg delay this healthful step complicates the case. Tho excluded population, enough unsettled before, grow more irritable ; tho nimy becomes indispensable to local govern ment, and supercedes it; tho Govern, ment at Washington is called to inter fere iu one aud another difficulty, nud this will be done inaptly, aud sometimes ling along tho edge of a continent of darkness, iu the presence oi sucli a contrast, how mean and craven is the fear that tho South will rule the policy or too laud : 1 fiat it will have an in. fluenec, that it will contribute, in time. most important influences or restraints, we arc glad to believe. Put, if it rises at once to the control of tho Goveni- "NAUYi'.lt HOU.SE, Warren, Ba j Hall, Vroj rie'.ors. 1.P1NH llOU.S'r: f- man ivrcu, 1 i-.-priti SBUItTZ, Harm Mary'j Ba.. Her- CIV' I 0.1 F. unity. oiy of .1 V Aouk's Store. s Maker. Rid? Shop in I he tin (.inly -'i. 1v. ST. MA11Y S HO I ii eneioioi i Proprietor. Si. Mary's, Elk connly Pa. Thislioiise is new aud lilted up v.'oh L-ia. ial care for the convenience ami com. on oi . ... i ... IV. , 1 !.,,.!.-. In ue-!s, at inoueiaiu i.ov. f.-r.i thH Utnot. tiood slahling at. ached. mar- ''' ly. 7Nt'll.N".i: IKi'I'.i.. Ridv.iy, Ell; county Pa.. David Thayer i'lvpric-tor. I 1, ,,!!. U jdeasuitl-.- silaate l ou ino liai.k e;' she t'l.aijn, in 1 he lower end ot the town, is well provided with hou-eroom and . i. ,'.':. mol itio i .-onvieH.r wi.l snare no .-' , " i i liiiiisli rondel-ino stay of his fsnv-ii Jrtn ant and a:ireeal.te. lmai--ll And where is the baud, who so vaunt iimly sworo That the havoc of war, and the battle's which have excited the nation with great injustice for our Govern, ment, it will be because the North, do. ment, wisely adapted to its own proper moralized by prosperity aud besotted by functions, is utterly devoid of those 4-ovcliu g interests, refuses to discharge labits and unequipped with the instru. its t-hare of political duty. Iu such nieuts which lit a centralized Govern- case, tho South not cr.Iy wul control the j Government, but it ought to do it ! 2. It is feared, with more reason, that the rcsf oral ion of the South to her full independence will be deteriir.cntal to the tnent to exercise, in remote Stales over local affairs. Every attempt to perform such duties has resulted in mistakes Pu! Usei'ul Proverbs. Save the child and you save a man No man ever sins at half price. Net to care where jou go is to go to ruin. ,if -Look out for short doings and long praying. The apostles' tent was not built of marble. Never chase a bullet that has gono by you. Letter bow your head than break you;- neck. The chief of the Devil's Elaff ia .i n -ii. There is no reason in faiso reason- -Iv. -SrAS'.iiNtiTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, y' Elk eomity Pa., Edward Babel i'vri. jirieter. This house is new nnd tilled up with c.-'ieeial care for ilia convenience of (bind stabling attacueo. Caests Mar-llii'ii -o;M:V. l'.l.L AND M '..'SSEMi r. It Urucr $ l is-. Deol. r.-: ia llnig and Chemicals- Paint--. Oils and ariuOi. roriumery ion et ari'u-l'M an 1 Stationary. Eid-wiy, Elk county Pa. mar-H-rU'l-ly. contusion, A homo and a country should leavo us no more : Their blitid has washed out their foul footstep's pollutiou. No refuge could save the hireling aud slave, From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave i And the star spangled banner iu tri. umph doth wave, O'er the land cf the freo and the home of the bravo. Oh ! thus be it ever when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and war's desolation ; Llessed with victory and peace may the Heaven-rescued land Praise the power that hut h made and preserved us a nation. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is ju;t, And this be our motto " In God is our whatever imprudence- there may be in freedincn. The sooner wo dismiss from the method, tho real criticism should be our minds the idea that the frceduien against the requisition of such duties of can ba classified, and sepirated from the white population.; and nursed and do. feuded by themselves, the Letter it will be for them aud ua. The negro i3 part and parcel of Southern eoeicty. IL t-auuot be prosperous while it is utipros. pered. Its evils will rebound upon him. Its happiness and reiuvigoration cannot be kept from his participation. The restoration of the South to amicable relations with the North, the reorganize. tion of its industry, the rcinspirattun of enterprise and thrift, will all redound to the freedmon'.s benefit. Nothing is so dangerous lo the freedmen as an unset tled state of society iu the South. On him comes all the "bite, and an-jer, and caprice, and revenue. He will be limit the General Government. Tho Federal Government is unfit to exercise minor polico and local govern merit, and will iucvitably bluudcr when it attempts it. To keep half a score of Slates under Federal authority, but without national ties aud responsibilities ; to oblige tho central authority to gov. ern half tho territory of the Uuited Stales by Federal civil officers and by the army, is a policy not ouly unconge nial to our ideas and principles, but nreemuienfly dangerous to the spirit of our rove, anient. However humane the cuds sought and the motives, it is. iu fact, a course of instruction, prcpar in" our government to be despotic, aud familiarizing the people to a slretch of the scapegoat of lawless and heartless it. YOLK. Manui'acli.rev id Dealer i in I.:i"i r Bmi', eiuioshc. Ihe Uailroad Bepot, Si. Mary's, Elk county Pa. Mur-12-d'i-ly. Dealer in all prill? Beds find EN BY il. THOMAS kinds of Furniture, V a: I re-ses, 1'ieiuvo hriiaus ami toiiinsi, Uid-'way Pa. Ware Bourns on the corner of Main and Bepot Si's. r..i -17'ltG-ly. U'TH'AL CLOCK AMI ViAll.H- VivEil. ST. MW.Y'S, LIU county Pa. Edward MeUvid-. l.eeps eonM.iuUy on hand and for sale. Watel.e-. Cock. Silver Timed Ware and Jewelry of all descriptions. jy...llo'--aH-ing neatly executed, and done ou chert notice and reason ibl'j terms. Mar It'.rOG.ly. TOP. 1'itINTINO, such as Cards, Testers D ib. ml Bill-. Bill Head.) Xc, tPnio nt the ADYoCATi: OFFICE on short notice and ut reaioiiii' do prices. H.";- McOC'NNEf.L. TInuse, Siprn and Ornamental Painler. .Ml orders pi-.ililplly OIICri'K-tl in v.u.l neatatcs ti'vi ib.-titfli. loo -.lire at this otlice, or of the fcub-criber at Kane Siaiion, TOB WORK of ull kinds and deg. ,J criptionB dono at tins oilice. - V.'. B 1 fd'Y. Rureeon Pi-nlisf, Saint b Mary's, Elk enmity, Pennsylvania., of- 'i-t-s his i-rol'essit.nal services to the c.li.ens Ctk i-.,iiiitv O ill co r-!il ' c.vnp X MO. eau'sS.ore: (July o'-l y 1.1 VI' it Whole i- BACON. M union hirers nnd ile lteiail Bealcrs in FJoru-, iVotl and Oram, VAXAL MILLS, 11UIK, I'A. Orders solicited and promptly lim-U ni luar- l.et rales. ana vui-n-J-iy Uiniih shall wave, O'er the land of tho free, nud the home of the brave. piiwi mil m law. .t7w.Ljwi. Ijottor from Iiov. Henry Ward coclier. 81,5001' IMM: YKAll! nit Acrenis eveiyiwieit; to sell our iM:-i:tivi::i '-'1 Seivii!.' .Macliincs. Three new kinds. L'n Br and upper lei"l. Sent on trial. Warrants '. live years. Above salary or la; - eoioioi -si -ms ) aid. 1 ,ie ONI.V i,iat.lii!ie - s.it I in ihe I'li-u-tl t-tates tor less than HI, vM.-h are .'.'' i.cen-wl l-U lfo. U'o..i-.y It;.'. -,,. tUve.r .V JUd-r, A' ' V Co., cio .'iff.,.',, .-. .1,7 oilier cheap uui chines are in, 'i.-, and the .' r or imt are rclmhh- ., n;v,-.-.', .; . i)urii.uum.nt. llliistr-iled e'rcu'.ai s seal I'm: A-'oiress, or call ii noli Sliaw Clark, a itid.lel'ord, Maine, or Chieoro, 111. inay-n'rji-ly WIIELLF.n k WILSON'S SEW. ING MACHINES. Tho under tinned havinj. been np oiuled Solo Afent for Ihe sale of heeler ,s; Wilsni'.s Sewir. Machines for r.lk county. II o keeps an assorliaent eenoiiiutly on hiind- Macliiues Boidnt Thilndelphiuai.d New Yor prices. Any parties desirous of obtaining theuicau address J. K. WillTMOliE, March Ot '00 ly. nt Bidgway, Ba. And the star spangled banner in tri- authority which cau never be other than dangerous to liberty. I am aware that good men are with, held from advocating tho prompt and stiei.es.sive odinission of the exiled S t -. t 1 bv the fear, chiefly, of its chect upon the parties, aud upoa tho freed men. It is said that, if admitted to Con. gross, tho Southern Senators and Hep. rcsenlativcs will coalesce with Northern Peniocrats ar-d rule the country. Is this nation, then, to remain dismember ed to forvc the cuds of parties ? Have wo learned no wisdom by the history of the past ten years, iu .which just this course of sacrificing tho nation to the exigencies of parties has plunged us in to rebelliou and war ? Even admit that the power would pass into the bands of a party made up of Southern men, and the hitherto dw. honored aud misled Democracy of the North, that power cuu'.d not bo used just as they want. Tho war has changed, not iilouo institutions, but ideas. The whole country has advanced. Public sentiment is exalted far beyond what it lias been at any former poriod. A new party would, like u river, bo obliged to seek out its channels in tho already ex. is'ing slopes and forms of the continent. We have entered a new era of liberty. The style of thought is freer aud more uoble. Tho young men of our times are regenerated, ino great a.-.ny uas been a echool, and hundreds of thous. auds of men are gouo home to preach a truer and nobler view of human rights. All the industrial interests of society arc moving with increasing wisdom to ward intelligence nod liberty. Every, where, in churches," in literature, iu so cial questions, in ua'ural sciences, iu physical industries, as well as in politics, the Nation feels that tho winter is over aud a new Spring hangs in the horizon aud works through all the elements. In this happily changed and advanced condition of things no party of tho ret rograde can na'utuiu itself. Every, thing marches aud parties must march. I hear, with woader aud thaine aud S3jm tlio ".' .f fw tVnt tho South Lev. Henry Ward Leccher, in the following letter, takes a position which deserves the careful consideration of ev ery man who Las tho welfare of the frer l. ic-n at heart. Jlr. Lecchor has dcvuu;d his life to the anti-slavery cause, aud has ever been u tshioiog light among republicans. To that portion of them who are hoaent in their nexlely to have the negro protected from vio. leuce, aud do nut use him only as a hob. by, this letter affords food for reflection. He contends that immediate- restoratioii of the Southern Stales brings with it law and order, and is demanded by the interests of the frceduien. That exclu sion from lcpresoutation necessarily and naturally produces irritation, discontent aud disquiet, which exhibits itself in riots and iu the cruel aud lawless nets of violeut uicu. That the existence of iho negro clement among them being the apparent causo of their exclusion from participation in tho government, upon this clement falls the weight of these disorders. We give his own words : C. G. JMptne, Bm: B, !j. Gen. ; II. If. iSuciim, Mi. Gen. ; Gordon Granyr, Moj. Gen., Committee: Gentlemen: I am obliged to you for the invitation you have made me to act as Chaplain to the Convention of Sailors and Soldiers about to convene at Cleveland. I cannot attend it, but I heartily wish it, aud all other conven. t ions, of what party soever, success, whose object is the restoration of all tho States late iu rebellion to their fed. era I relations. Our theory of government has no place for a Stato except in the Union. It is justly taken fur granted that the duties and responsibilities of a Stato iu federal relations tend to its political health aud to that of tho whole nation. Evcu Territories aro hastily brought in, often before tho prescribed couditiocs men. I uless wo turn uie uoverumeut into a vast military machine, there cau not be armies enough to protect the freedmen while Southern society remain insurrectionary. Jt southern society is calmed, sealed, and occupied and sooth -d with ucw k.-p-i aie.l prosperous ni dus!, tos, no armies will be needed. Hi ots will subside, lawless hangers on will bo driven oil' or better governed, and a way will be gradually opeued up to the frecdman, through education aud nidus. try, to full citizenship, with all its hon ors and duties. Civilization is a growth. Aono can escape that forty years iu the wilder ness who travel from the Egypt of igno l once to the promised laud ol ciwliza. tioti. The freedmen Must take their march. I have lull faith iu the rest.h.-'. If they have the stamina to undergo ti e hardships which every uncivilized people has undergone in their ttpv. a-.d progress, they will, bo in due time to tako their place among us. That place cannot bo bought, nor bequeathe. 1, nor gained by sleight cf baud. It will come to sobriety, virtue, industry and fmgaH. ty. As the cation cannot be soinil un til the South is prosperous, so, ou the other extreme, u healthy condition of civil society in the South is indi.UH usa ble to the welfare of the freedmen ! llel'u.sing to admit loyal Senators and Itcpresetitutives fiom Hie South to Con gress will not help the freedmen. It will not secu'-e for ihetn the vote. It will not protect them. It will not secure any inieudment of our Constitution, however ju-t aud wise. It will ctily in. crease tho dangers aud complicate the difficulties. Whether we regard the whole nation or any section of it orc'a s iu it, the fnvt demand of cur time is. entire reunion ! Oueo united, we c?.n, by schools, churches, a free press and iuerea .-.in-free speech, attack each evil and secure every good. Meanwhile, the great chasm which ilcbelliou nude is not filled up. Il grows deeper and stretches wider ! Out of it rise dread oiicetrcs ond threateninc souuds. Let that gulf bo closed, aud Some persons live on the kindess of others and claim lo be their benefactors. On the road to ruin every traveler pays bis owu faro. lie who is willing to bo what he ii is a real man. IIo who leaves duly undone will soon find himself undone. A penitential tear in value surpas scs a wealth of words. The great aud essential element ol happiness is holiness. The gayst smileis are often tho saddest weepers. A compromise with sin is a surreD. der to the devil. 0 An impe; tinent sinner has no rnoro right to sin than a saint. Pride cau 1 e as i-isolent in rags as in purple and Cue linen. A man may havo much of tho world ond not be much of a man. Proles.dng to bo a Christian does not solve the obligation to be one. The heaviest tiotibles under which many persons groan are borrowed. Act where you are aud you will al ways have a place to aet. The best way, though it bo further round, is tho shortest. Fear to do wrong, and doing wrong win uever cause you to lear. Tho Law of God, not tho conscicneo of uiati is the rule of duty. Whcu it becomes right to do wrong the Pevil will becomo a saint. He who stands by the right can af ford to have the Devil laugh at him. Ol'ieuliuir s villi each new year, wo seek less and go further to obtain it. My.-ieiious disappearances aro of, ten better Ihau mysterious appearances. Some people seem to have no con fidence in water power. When the Levil is at a fellow's el. bow he causes it to lip too often. Half the truth may bo a lio in tho abseaco of tho other half. Unqualified opinions aro often ex. pressed by unqualified men. There is an earth. lax upon coffin?, but no sky-tax upon their occupants. A man's brain may bo thin aud his skull thick. -Never buy what is useless, because it is cheap. Every wife should havo a lien on her husband. Peware of a tall man ; he can over reach you. Ho who makes long prayers on .sim lay and cheats his neighbors ou Monday is a rascr.l, nevertheless. Thf re are mortul flowers that aro gathered cheaply at the expense of bleeding hands. The villainy that accomplishes tho mo. t evil is tho mc;t accomplished vil lainy. IIo who conquers himself does more than Alexander, who conquered the world. Tomorrow is the road that tlum. uuds travel to the bottomless gull ut never.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers