JvW -CASH GROCERY .STORE. JAMES McCIjOSKEY, Dealer in rocerics &c., would respectfully iulorm 'lie citizens of Kersey and vicinity, that 3 e h.ts jrune into iho Grocery business, nnd will open on or about the middle td'May. lie keeps auwtantly on hand i d extensive stuck of ! TEAS, I'LOOt, Sl'GAIRS, 'J ODACCOES, SEGARS, WHISKEY ly the bnrrel or quart, nnd everything connected with a first claf-s Grocery ;Stnre. 1 will rcll for CASH and -oiMjucnt-Iv eon afford to cell CHEAPER than His CHEAPEST. I invito everybody rto call aod jatiftfy themselves. JAMES McCLOSKEY. .May 3d, 'CO. Cm. F,. REMINGTON A SONS, MANlTACTVBEnS OF Revolvers. Rifles. Muskets and Carbines, fur the United States Service. Also ;nnrirVT AN1 BF.LT REVOLVERS, Repeating Pistole, Rifle Canes, Revolving Rifles. Rifle and Shot G'un barrel, and gun old bv cun dealers and the trade tgcncrall. , In tl,p Ar of housebreaking anil rob- drv. every house, store, bank, and office, )irnild be supplied with ono of REMINGTON'S UKVOLVl-.ua. Tartica desiring to avail themselves of the lulu imnrnvrmcnls in Pistole, and snperio. workmanship and form, will find all combind -in i lis K ttemlncton Revolvers. Circulars containing cuts and description H.f our arms will be ruinisnea upon appuca lion. . . K. REMINGTON A SONS, HWa. N. V. April 6th 186S.-ly VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned has laid out a vil. TJ.ige upon his ground adjoining the Ridg. VBy Depot, to be called EI.K. The lots ure fiO feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For the first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold, $110. For the third l'it sold, $130 and so on increasing in fl.rice as lots arc tiold. 1)0. First purchasers got the choice lot at the cheapest rates. Purchasers will bo registered in the or- der of their application Ten per cent of ihe purchase money must be paid at the tune of the application. ijaguApplications will be made to John Q. Hall. Esq., Ridgway, Fa. J. 8. HYDE. 'Ridgway, mar,29'CG-tf. ITCH I ITCH! ITCH ! :ticrmttAJ Mcratch t Seratrhl WHEATOWS OINTMENT Will Cibb int Itch is 18 llouiw Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS. CHILBLAINS, and all ERUPTION'S OF fl'HE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by til drueeists. By sending f0 cents to WEEKS A POTTER. Sole Agents, 10 Washington street, Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part .of the United Mates. ( june-7'66-ly. aiLACKSMITIIHtftt! II. S. BELNAP desires to inform the citi zens of Ridgway and vicinity that he has 'leased J. 8. Hyde's Blacksmith Shop on V-lill street, and has employed good work iiuen who will be ever ready to make any uhing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to the shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fair trial. Hay 17'66-ly. NEW SHOP. tin: tin:: tixh ;STIVES ! STOVES ! ! STOVES !!! .John Soseiiiheixner & Co., !WIH1LESALE i RETAIL DEWUERS. ST. M VBV8, I'.V Keejis constantly on hand and fur xule, a larjrc nnd well f elected st jck of TIN WARE, STOVES .Aic. Wc have everything generally kept in a U'in Shop. )ur Stock of STO V ES consists in part .of ANTIftUST PAKLOIl & COOKING STOVKS, .ALSO IRON GATE k WHEAT SHEAF STOVES. STOVE PIPE can be had at our 'chop cflher riveted or groved. Sl'OUTlJfii and hoofing, done on hort notice and at reasonable rates. .Juue ll'li(My. TROVESTEEX & a)7, ' 1'IASO FORTE MASI FACTURER8, 409 JirtHnhcay, New York. THESE PIANOS received the Highest A ward of Merit! at the HtrUf, fair, over the beat makers from London. Taris, Oer many, the cities of New York. Philadelphia Baltimore and Boston s also fheTJold Medal at the Amman Inttitute, for FIVE succes- V " ; j . . Fin- contain the I rcneh Urand Action, Harp Pedal. Over strung Baas. lull Iron Frame, and all Mod. ZWi-T''- F:r i-umcnt war. .TtuUdHSKytar.. Mde under the su j-ervwiou of KB. J. H. (OSOVZSTEZJf. who 4as a practical experience of over thirty ve years, and is the maker of o,r tleven Jhou,a,,d pianoforte: Our facilities for manufacturing enable u la tell these In trumenu from $100 1 $200 cheaper tnan .-any 'hrst cliiss piano forte. .Uuly-19'60.-ly. IV 1 r "n 3J iastaut, in the 4 ;o,ouh ot 8'. Mary's, POCKET IM HjiL containing several bank notes, and a l.roniiaeory note for $98 23. without interest, nd endorsed on the tarn fur 825. given by T". Oobb, of Elk eouuly, dated July 2n4, V? ""J payaWe on the 1st of Ootober, - -- v, a sp Kavg w. to be paid to W. R. Jtiley. . July.',, WJL or order. lb U i B T It E IJQRDWELL'& MESSENGER, HEALERS iI-N DRUGS, MEDICINES, LAMP 'OIL, 1MINTS, (LEAD, LTJRRICATING'OIL, TANKER'S OIL, PERFUMERIES, i VARNISH, : : OiRUSIIES," DYE-STUFFS, COXFECTWNERLES, 21AISINS, WATCHES, JEWELttY, FANCY ARTICLES, ALBUMS, STATIONERY, NEWS VIOLIN STRINGS, BIRD-CAGES, TOBACCO & SEGARS, TUUE LIQUOHS, MEDICAL ITRTOSES, "ONLY, INSTRUMENTS & IMPLEMENTS . PERTAINING TO THE DRUG BUSINESS GENERALLY. BORDWELL & MESSENGER, RIDGWAY, PA. FOUTZ CXIIBBITID Hqtsb anil Cattle Powders. Thlf prcraratlon. long and faTurably aaoirn, will lour oufihly rt'invlgomto lrokPO'down and low-npiritt'd horsef, tv ftrcDKtheDtDg and cleaoiioK Uie stomach aod lotcs- tinpj. Jt u a tore t' vilittTt of all dis eases Incident to this animal, such as .IXXO FBvm,LLAMlLfltJ, .TER, HEATEfi, COUGHS, 1)13. TEMPER, KE VBR8, F0UNPKR LOSS OP AI'PE IITE AND VITAL ENERGY,. Its use Improves the wind, increases itbo appetile-gives a asaooia wax glosiy skln-od ' trantformi the' miserable skeleton Into a Boe-lookiog and rj.iiiud To keeners of Cows this nremratlnn la tnvalnaM. lit iacreases the quaulit and improves the qnalily orinemiiK. itnaa been proven by ac itual experiment to increase tne qoan. tltr of milk aad 'Cream twenty per cent, and make the batter Arm and sweet. In fattening catlle.it gives them an appetite, loosens , their hid, and ' snakes them thrive mach fastec tla all diseases et Sirlne, such as Coughs, Tloeri to the Lungi, Liver, sc., mis article acts as a speeine. By putting from onehalf a paper M a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain praveativa and cars for the Bog Cholera. Mat SS CtnU per Taper, or 8 Papers for tL JUMMD ST . JL. FOUTZ & IT TEXIB WIOLKSilE BBrS IK MEDinKB DErOT. Ho. 116 Franklin Bt, Baltimore, Hi. rot Bale iy Drnggiits ana Bloreaeepers tbroaga- Sold ut Manufactures prices, by Rordwcll A Mecu"er Ridgway, Agents for Elk county. AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE OK1): US foi the best selling book now publish ed. Thrilling Stories of the 'Ofsst Rebellion. Comprising heroic adventures and hair breadth escapes of Soldiers, Scouts, Spies and Refugees : daring prploits -of .iuiifr- elers. Guerillas, 'Desperadoes, and others ; Tales of Loyal and Disloyal wnmen : Sto ries of ihe Neero. &c. With incidents of I Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field. Bv Lieutenant Colonel S. Greene, late of the United States Army. Handsomely il lustrated with engravings on steel and in oil eolars. Send for circulars and see the liberal terms offered. CHAS. 8. GREENE A CO., Publishers No. 184 S. Third Bt., Philadelphia. w JIISKERS! WJIIXKEIIS ! I Dr. L. O. MONTEZ' CorroUn, the greatest stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on fheemoothett luoe or chin; never known to fail ; sumjile for trial out i'rue to any one desirous of Jesting ite ooritH. Ad dress, Reeves & Co., s Natwau St., D NEW ARRANGEMENT.! ' ; 1 t I n f ... i ! i : j 'i a TREMENDOUS MJSH TO THE 0 v NEW STORE OF FREDERICK XCJItEKlN'G, 'CEXTREYTLLE, ELK CO.. TA : 7 VEW GOODS. D AILY Aiftl'TIJffl nrjj PEOPLE - AWAKE TO THEIR IXTtEREST! As manifested 'ly ' the daily throng of customors exchanging 'Green, JJaols" for "oouk. ' All the Domestic'Cotton'Goodfi arethigk Customers one and all exclaim. JIOWCIEEAPVOCR - , iMtSSOOUS ARlE !6y stoctoomiitits Of Omf.flOODS, RGCER1BS, HATfi&C&TS, , illIOT A SHOES CLOT II ISO, tClttfCKERX, TIN WARE HARUWARJE, IiCfftT, NAILS, GLASS, Y.OODEN WARE, JiOlUC, FLOl'R, .FISH, 6AILT. It is useless (or ma to attempt, to give a full list of tLc stock, but invite one and all, to drop in aU ee ifur UiemacUes. BTJTTER, JiOCfl, 1'OTATOES, tGRAIV, HIDES, CALFSKINS and all country produce taken at enarket peice, for goods. 3 (FREDERICK 8CH(ENTSa, Ccatverille, Jeun lst'e&ly. i- 'i j T G XEA T 3TXV1TEMENT Is kept up by the DAILY AIUBflTllKir V'EW GOODS .-r.si t .WlEDERICK RUDOLPH S ' -v v. Che a prCa six Store .'JO'wl " Whore 'heias jn fiand and 'for sa1 MENA IK) YJS 'CLOTHING, DKT0trS, t i t tltWES ALEXIS JTRMSIUO . ? . : ; ; k wis." ? " GOODS, ILADIES DRESS CIOODS, XABIES' GEKCS' SnAT"LS, 80STAOS, JHREAWAST 6TIA1TL6, NXBTAS, COWPefRffERB, . . CAJIES, HOODS &c. AlrfkJ-fflitr A CATS, . , ,K . BOOTS &. SHOES, A very large and well -aeVrtea STOCK of the best made, and warranted in every .respaot , Al;rV--eOCETcrES, 1 COFFEE, SUGAR, TE., TfrCE, rtOVR, BAVC, TOTiK, FISH Ac ALSO CONFECTIONARY ANJ) YANKEE NOTION'S GREAT QUANTITIES . v AKO QVALIT1ES TOBAOOO AM) EDGARS " ' OF TUB BEST QUALITT . 'i '...: '. t ' 1 t&'l say, ene and all, that my stock is full and oewiplote, and will be aald at -mall profits. Give nte 4t -call be fere rnirchtsing else- wbere. J. . ." 'A :iht" t RIDGWAY, PENNA. W HOLES ALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, .FLOUR, GlWCEftlES, QCEENSWARE, FEED HARDWARE, IVHDER AND U1N(SLES, Jiu vers win una lar m . 4 S T OR E S AMONG THE Most Complete JLX BEST APPOINTED IS THE COUNTRY, AND THE i'LACKS TO GET Jood Bargains ! i CALL& SEE! UIIM t. HALF,. AMftrn.v .1 low. Killer. wajvaElk oouhly Pke fwar-.oTiti ly. T wAA'WB- J. 1ILAKELV, Atorrrey and JLj Counsellor at law, and U. 8. Coraiuis iwmiur,;i4uugv.Hy i-. u. . an, ooanty. Pa. lniar.2'.0H.1y. SOCfftER-AXb WlLtir AliorriTll Law, Ridgway, Elk county IV, will attend to all brofcssionul.busiiiess nronitt iy,.;,r:.-: . tnwil. X.19.. UOKDWELL Electic Piiysi- cian. Late of Warren county Pa., will promptly answer nil professional calls by night or day. Residence one door east, of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. I ar.rwrn.v - ' - LJ-Lf-A- DR..W. B. HAHT.MAN. SU Mary's, Elk county, Pa. Late of the Xtruf' nf 11 Pusomae.-' Pnrfidulaf aifention'clven to all eases of snrgicnl nntirr. mnr-S22'6fi-y. TR. W. IJand S JAMES BLAKELY Physician urgeon, St. Mnry's, Elk county Pa. mar:s-',wiy. PR. w. w. and Surg SIIAW Prnclices Medicin Surgery, Ccnlrerille, Elk crninty inar-2rcIl. "PVR. A. S. HILL t I Will ' promptly calls by night or day Kersey, Elkeovnty t'tt. answer allproTnHionnl mnr-ircfi-ly. DR. EBEN J. RCSS, I'hyslcinn and Sur geon. At. Mary's Elk county fa. ' Juna-urCG-l 71. HYDE HOUSE, M. V. MOORE Proprl. etor, Ridgway, Elk county Pa. Mar-22'66-ly. . QT. MARY'S HOTEL, It. E. Wellcndor O rroprietoe, at. Mary's,- Elk-county Pa. This house is new and fitted up with esne eial care for the convenience and comfort of fueete, at moderate rates. Free Hack, to and from the Depot.- Good tabline at. tacbed. ' I mar-22'CU-lr. l w v tr i v.u . 1 1. .rr. c. , kx. I'rJ TXCHANOE -HOTEL, -Ridgway, Elk or. This house is pleasantly situated on tho . 4ntikf the Clarion, in Ihe lower end of the ve, ie well provided with, house room and -etobVutg, avd the,, proprietor will, spare no paing-to renter the stay of his guests pleas ant and agreeable, s - Jniar.'J2'C-1 y . WASHINGTON HOUSE, St. Mary's, F.llt couaty Pa., Edward Babel Pro. 1 5rietor. This house Is new and fitted up I with especial care for the convenience of guest-s. itooti staltlingauacheu. mar-TS OO ly. ' . BORDWELL AND MESSENGER Drug gistg. Dealers 1st Dratgs and Chemicals. Paints, Oils and Varuteh. Perfumery Toil. ot articles aad latietiary, Ridgway. Elk oounty Pa,. . mar-22'ti(j-Iy. It, VOLK. Manufacturer and Dealer m Lacer Beer.nnosite the Itnilrnn.l epot ; fct: Gary's, Elk eounfy Pa. mtw-Ti oo-iy. HENRY II. THOMAS, Dealer, ia all kinds of Furniture, Spring Beds' and Mattresses, faottire Frames and Coffin. Ridgway J'u 'ne Rooms on the corner of Main sj4tetet fit's. " !"tiiAV-17't;t5-lv. PRACTICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER. ST. MARY'S. Elk county I'a. Edward Mcllridc, keeps constantly on hanfl amd for BaVc Watchea. Clocks. Silver 'Plated "Ware and Jewelry l all description. amiiepairing neaitlv eseeuted. and dono abrt .uohioe as4 reasonablo terms . WarlMGO.ly. J OB TRINTINO, such as Cards, Posters, liana Hills, UiU Heads &c. done at the ADVOCATE OFFICE on short notid; aad at reasonable prices. J '.tZffS yiJii'iTinlP.'T,'vH! 1 3 18S(i 18CG PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL : ROAD. This great line traverses the Norlkern aii Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on. Lake Erie. It has been leased bv the Irnnsuha- nia Rd Road company, and is oncrii. cd by (Item. 16 -entire length was opened for pas- scngcr and freight busiocBs, October 17th, 18G4. TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDG WAY. Leave Eatttcanl. Erie Mail Train . 3 30 Eric Express Train 10 30 m. 111 Leave Westward. Erie Mail Train 5 ' 1 30 Eri Express Train 3 24 m. m. l'as8CD"er cars run throu ;h without chango both ways between Philadelphia auu r.rie. WAV VOllK nnvvpnTinv Leave New York at 9.00 a. ui., Arrive at Eric 0.15 a. ro. " 1 - ' " vvxtwiuaiu.i. a liCavo Erie at 1.55 p. m., arrive at New f lork3.40 p. in. V Vr ,-nu o . .-.,1 . n . nt. i Trains both ways botween Williarusport and Raltimorc, and . Willianisport and Philadelphia. . - . . ...... - For information rcspectinsr Passenger 1 1 ... r . ousiueas appiy at ttio iwrner.SOIh and Market Srji. . t - i 1 And for Fnight business of the Com pany a Agents: o. II. Kiiiratton j Jr. Cor; L'lth aaJ Market Sts. Philadelphia. ' ' J . W. Reynolds Erie. W. Rrown, Agent N. C. R. R. RaL tjniore.. ? . 1 -: . II. II. Houston, . Gen'LFreiaht A 't. PhiTa. IL W. Gwinneb,' - iJ ,ii fr fc. Ticket Ait. PhiVa. Alfred. L. Tvleu, . General Supt Wnu't. SJOOVii'i, YEAR! we Agents everywhere to sell ouiMi-ovED $2Q Sowing Machine. imorqcv is. nuw a ,upprrlfoed. , Sent bn'trlal." Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ovi r i machines sold iutb I niwd States fur les ' loan w,wnic are Jny Httnttd by Jlowe, WhttUr $ W ilton, Grover d- lialur, Sigcr ft Co., and UachtUtr. All other cheap luu. chines are infringtuuHtt and ihe 7rr gr v r are reliable to arrft(, Jul and imprUomaint. Illustiatod circulars aentrf. Address, or call upon Shaw A Clark, al Ruldofn.,! 30lh J 'l)U-I RILEY. New Yoik Ljuuc -'i'OO.-aui. H. Mary'f, Kov. '6-ly- . March 29ib,l$6G-ljr. Maine, or Chicogo, 111. m:iy-I7'i-l vl f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers