jbe IK County flflt-ivqic inrzsDAY.Aua., is. mv join o. hil, toiTon pnoriTna. . r. u iorc, eiFusnrs,. ion oov KPN OA, IIir.RTKR CTVMEIl, OF BERK COUNTY. foil ASSEMBLY. iYR. EARLEY. of Fox. f ."" -VJ -: lo the decision of the Democratic i eprescntiitive Conlereuue FOR rR ntloNOTARY. ifcc G! C). A PATH RUN, of Benzinper. FOR ASSOC! TE JUPOE. E C. SCHUTZB of St Marys. JESSE KYLER, of Few. ron commissions LOUIS VOLLM EK, ol St. M; rj h fon auditor. B. J. JONES, of Beoczttc. CHESTY k-UKViYOR. GEO. WALMSLF.Y, of St. Vary'. Notice The County Com.nitti-e of Elk cnun'y, will meet in the Gentle men's Parlor" ol the Jlyde House in Jidgway onMouday lofl '. 1 o'clock P. M. By orter ,'' R. T. KYI. E It. Ci.a L. J. Blakely, Sec'y. Tho Ticket. "We this week pine ut our nsuf-h the ticket nnmiuated on Mm lav 'a't. The ticket goi-d rc, rid cue which we can support cheerfully. No better set of cairJidates could have been nominated Soldiers Read ! We thing the followm, resolutions, passed bj the SolJicr's Convention at H.trri&burg, ig as convincing aa argu. meat as Htiy soldier could vvih, to sh-nv u'.m that voting for Geary w voting r. ;.;,' wiit he loughr!.-r : IZeOiVd, 'i lia; wc boi J the sni? be ; .io'v that v dii! when wo took -ip : in 18151. that tho w.ir was lor the V. ion, and fir u.t other purpose; that ; . e iiyierinrtit mode wiiL tin: p.neru inent when we took up anus to defend, her against ai no d nhtllu.n is inuuj in the joint rem 1 utinn ol C'uurets. adopt ed July 22J, 1SG1, which declares I 1. at thi war is Dot prosecuted on our part in any sjnr.l i.f oppression, nor for any purpose 't u '-10 vsf or eL4i! hit tti:in . loir to defend and maintain the suorem.-icv til the 6oiistitnlii.il, hu1 to tireserve ihe I'llii.n nith ali the iliirniiv i nn;i!!v u .1 ! . i,,. .1 .1 I .u..f. ' . I '.ii n ,M oiuicm muni mire'i 'i his is tha bond many tealed wit h their live, nnd ni'iny o'h'Ti tied in b'oo 1 J Eesolvrfl. I hut the failure nf ('.in vre to can y into f rTeet thw joint reo -n .:i alter fin: v.:ir is over, uii l to te' &' 0 l e Union with all the dianilv. i-qnaiiiv. nl rijrlita of the several States unimpaired, it a uro. vi diii in .' -i ft leni'i comp.-iQt made with thede- 1 "s of the liovenrnent at her time est need anil peril. ; - I riple-Staiu-e fioa . Talks of tho Knap- -...cii He foes of the ai. ; i.rnty a P,-ej reports tho following pait ol Geary's ork speech ; " When I look around this a 'iu bhipfi und fed that around me .ire f. l .w eoldicrs who have hortw arms with ... from the firet battle of Bull Bun. n.- one or two fr.im a reuumni. ax was th- , it ui iiurr.Moir a lew ias ao. llVS I tern and cowiriU. ,kn'kets and bospil ii biiniiiiets I know sncli in the faet. for I have driven tiiem from the tinny mv self Thi-y say t h-j rc tioinj. to elect II iestei Clymer." h'trrg ami cowards, tkulk'rs mi l locpitul hummers !" This remark proves Geary to be a contemptible hLek (.tr.ira, aud tho tact that hindrd i Ii jj soldiers bear honorable w.ninln aud uil have honoiable difeh-irje proves bin; to be a liar Whenever a Liavo soldier anywhere in the Statn re fuscf to vote for this military hniiihuj: ibis ignorant, vanity Moated peacock this political bummer that soldier is at once m-irkcd nut by Geary for personal defamation, falsehood and dander. Wo confidently my that Geary is tint a true soldier or ho would not def-i m u;i I be. lie tho brave knapsack soldiers who served their country on butile-JxthU for 'wenty dollars a month while lu held po. in the re-i- at a salary of ij bur-. I ullura 4 mouth. Aa Geary never tried his patriot ism nor his i-oitraye with niuiket in his hands; never endured hardships nor Lined the risks of it , . .lute soldier j Lever sacrificed heukh . . i comfort lor love of country aione; od uever lelt a fauiily ol little children j the worlJ's cold charity, the less be rays about the rauk and tile who fought this war to the clo.se wl.ilo political cormorant.-', tlioul ler strapped popinjays i n 1 hi-h salaiied garrison and provost loaiiliul ' bci".ies " like him were uoth i to the uniisu but u drn; and au eat iu cancer, the betier for his political t.ui-e, his military record and his aland-i-;; as u man. J'utriot ifc I'nion. Tomu'i-atio Convent ion. 1'n'xiint to rail, the Pptnoentio Convention of Elk o unity aemblcl in the Court llou.ie in BMway on Mon day, Atyraat 13th. lCiG. ni wa Called to .irder by Hon George Dickinson. l!bairinaii of the County Committee. -The following pentlemen appeared bp delegate-) from the several eloetioq dis triers. Benerttte Not reprenented. Benztnirer Joseph Feel, M.Sorp, F. Sorp. Fox P. W Hays, Wm. McCauley, II. McCtea.ly. Highland Thotnaa Oamphell. Jay M. Spang ler, R.J. Spaueler Jones (I Warner, M. Weidert. RidtfWJT W. 0. Uealy, 11 g. Bel imp Sft.Pfi IVek W. Q. Swarti, Clark tiavei S. !ury' L. J. Blakely, M. Brun. IM1 . On siMion o Mr. Blakely, P. W. lla, of Fiit wiaeil'.elto tha chiir. On motion il Mr. Mo ?taly. MrfssrH. Heuly and B ''iito were appointed .NVc reur:e 'r. Bl.ikeiy tf-r-'l h .1 1 dlwwin r olii.- ;ri.". ',t i n -oiijoHuH aiopt. e'i r i 1 m jkl lit. I'hurfea n tttt us fi.-ty ti.M-et to hi the ntiwi ueni i-l'X county tor Assembly, with power to appoint bin own conferees ; wht art- hereby iuiurmted to ase all kMMral(! inea(i to secure hi oouiio tion by tho Representative Convention, Jitti iln-d. That the Demooncy ol E'k Oordia'.ly indorse the course of Dr. Karloy a their hitherto repreeatative, and do therefore pledge hioi their eor. dial support. Ettnlvri, That the candidate! of this Convention are entitled to th respect and confi 'ence of the Deoiocratie party, ani that thin couveution vrc upon the rnrtj the necessity of fe'.ring them their unconditional support. Rtmhed, That the Democracy of Elk itiodt heartily endorse President Jnhiison in his endeavors " to uphold, pruiect and defend " the Constitution, from the mad attacks which are made upon it by that wicked and faoaticil burly. who?e lendcra have declared that micred institunent " a leaguo with hill and a covenant with death." R MiW. That in Ileifi'er Clymer, the IH-ui'Ciuiic part) of the Keystone Sta'e I iivo iio of he. best, the nublcut and the oirei.t nf her sons as n candi- date ttlmse e.inrse m ever been hou- . . . p'" ""'J "'e" ' fa"h,,,, r"1 eoosewlo8 '" hn discharcre of his duty, he has never betrayed country nor ptrty ; and . pledge r urselves to use every exer tion, and letve no honorable mtans un tried to si cure bin trimiiplaiit election. Mr I'l.tkely moved the coovention Hi eee I to ballot. Agreed to. Mr Bldkoly nomina'o 1 Gjora A. llatlilinn ut Beiif'nsrer towiibhip, for I'liiilioiiotmy te Mr. Mealy nominat. od V. G It ekinson. of Ridgwav twp. Mr Katbloiii r-ceived 13 votes and Mr Iickinson 5 Mr. Ruthbun wii Je-c'-ired the nominee The nvintion then proceeded to -tti-eiate Judges. The V .Shu:tc. of St. Mary's. naer. of Ridgway, and F"X bein pxsjnted. " lit were duly nnmirat i n's-i'Hier Mr. Blake 'I'-b-Tjr of l?er.xinr I L'-uIh Volln'er. it I on the first ballot .-. "omina'eii t 'I' Wnkely. ILm of Uidgwsy. p. W. V x and Geo Weis Hsf, Mllllt! ',. . i Jt'SJo K Schui'z.i ed. C'mi ly nunied c'r. Mi. H . 't M.i Mr V"" 0-. m r,..,.r.,, II av t St "la" "! appointed ''ongrc?9 ional "ontvre.m, with usuil powers. 0 m itj... . f Mr Blakely. B. J lone was iviminated by acclamation for Auditor. Mr. Walmsley of St. Mary's was nomiua'ed likewise or County Sur veyor, on iimtion ol Mr Blakely. Mr. Blakely offered tho following res olution which was adopted : Rw.lvd, That, as heretofore, each election district of Elk county, bo enti. tied to one member on tho county Com . mittce ; that smd Committee be elected by the County Convention, the member if said Committee to bo suggested by the delegates now in attendance from the several districts. Undi'r the Bole, Charles Rittcr was appointed from Bnnziuger township ; It f. Kyler from" Foi ; Charles Stubbs from Highland ; M. Sp angler from Jay ; (I. Warner from Jones; John G. Hall from Kiilgway ; Martin Perrin ftotn Spring Creek j and Laurie J. Blakely from t. Mary's. Mr. Blakely then offered a resolution that hereaf'er no; Convention of the D-uioerario party, would allow any o itoe lo be presented as a oaodidate lor any ofScc uolets eucb cam bad been announced for three weeks prior to the aeniblin of the Convention, in t'ne Di mocratic paper of tho county. . This tenolution being opposed, Mr. Blakely withdiew the same Messrs. Julius Jones, Jiooh MoCau ley and Dr. W. James Blakely wort announced as Representative Couterees. with usual powers. On motion of Mr. Blakely the Con rention tendered its thanks to the offi cers. On motion of Mr Blakely resolved that the proceedings of this Convention be published in the Democratic papers of Kik, Clearfield and Jefferson Conn -ties. Oo motion of Mr. Blakely adjourned. P. W. HAYS, Pres't. W, 0. HEALEY, ) a . U.S. BELNAP, )SJ- MEKTIXO Of TUB CODNTT COMMITTRE At a meetinp of the Connty Commi tee of Elk county for 180(5-67, held at the Hyde House, lor the purpose of or ganizing. On motion M. Spaugler, Esq was called to preside, and l.aarie J. Blakely was appointed Se irctaYy. R T. Kyler. Esq of Foi was elected Chairman of the Committee for the ea suing year, and Liarie J. Blak ely was elected Secretary for a like term. Ou motion Resolved, That the Com uiitte e meet at the Hyde House tu RiJg way on the third Mond iy in,. August 1803. On motion adjourned. M. SPANG LER, President. Ii- J. BLAKELY, Sec'y. Geary declares for Ne gro SufFrage. The Quettlon Settled. At a Republican meeting, held at the Locliiel Iron Works, near Harrisburg, the redoubtable hero of Sniekcrsville " spok a pieee," iu which among other things, he said : " When the question of negro suf frage comes up. as it will rrobably i three or four years. SHALL BE READY TO MEET IT, AXD WJL L SA Y I A M XO T PR EI' A R. ED TO DEVY TIIA T RIGHT OF VOTI.sG TO THE COLORED ma y. Th6 settles the question as to Geary being in favor of giving the negro the right of suffrage ; he has placed himself Hparcly upon tho record in FAVOR OF NEGRO SUFFRAGE, aud th Republicans who have been waiting fr au answer, have received it at lost. Let it be known, therefore, in ever "county iu this Commonweal'.h, that John V Geary is tlw ADVOCATE OF NE GRO SUFFRAGE, and that he be lieves in the elevation of the negro to all the political privileges socially And otherwise of the white man. Tho Great National Un ion Convention. Tho Convention was organized on the 14th iiist., by the temporary selection of General Dix as President. After the delivery of his opening address, and a prayer by Rev. Mr. McDonough, com mittce on credentials and orgmvntion were appoined, and the Convention ad' journed until noon of the next day. Hon. C. L. Vallandigham, Hon. Fer nando Wood. II. Clay Dean sent in let. ters of withdrawal as delegates, io order to promote harmony. After some n,u-ic by the baud, the Hon. A. W. Randall announced that thj dclegntes from those two ultra sec tions of tho Union, Massachusetts and South Carolina, would enter the build toir aim in arm. The effect was elec trical. The delegates rose to their feet, and sent forth eheer upon cheer, mak ing tho welkiu ring with their loud huzzas. The dbJega'os allu led to enter ed and marched arm in arm up the eastern aisle of the Wigwrm. Th South Caro lina delegation was headed by Goveinor J. L. Orr, and the Massachusetts party by General Couch. Some delegate pro posed three cheers for President John son. which were met with a rather spit itcd response and these were followed by three cheers for the Uuion. and also three cheers for the Red, White and Blue. When the name of Gen. John A. Dix, of New York was proposed as temporary chairman, the late rebel Gen " Dick Taylor " rose and proposed three cheers for him, which were given with considerable lest. The cono during the prayer that foi lowed Oeu. Dix's ip-ech was very im. prcssive. The entire assemblage rose to their feet, and a death-tike stillness prevailed, while the clergyman, with a clear voice aud diatiuct euuucutioa. io. voked the blessing of the Almighty on the deliberating of the couveution Tho convention adjourned until Wed nesday at noon, wbeu (lie committee on permanent organization reported Hon. J K. Doolittie, as President, and one delegate from eaob State iu the Uuiou as Vive President. ! i . THE MARKiyrS. RinnwAY. Aug., 10, ISCo. FLOUR. pr bbl.,...........$18 00 15 00 PORK do ....M...86 00 WHEAT. er burial 2 70 BYE 1 00 CORN..... ., 1 !0 0TS ..., ......66 RCCKWHRAT ,..-1 2fi DRIED APPLES ....-4 00 BKANS. , 3 00 BUTTER per pound , 8f LARD , 80 CFTEE8E 30 M ACKER FI. 12 WHITE FISH , 10 EGOS per I,iz. n , ....8ft Kuu:. I'a ii r. lp,.h. 1800. Ff.OIIR per V, PORK.. 1F.f V .. WlltTK H.n I l.M , M Ai KRREf WHE T per husltcl RE N8 EOO prd.,zn.,,., LARD per pound PHEEE ,. BUTTER ..$ 8 r.nio lft r o ...88 IVMn 84 W) ,...20 0 Mo 21 00 fl 2-"ito 0 fiO ....10 (X) lo 12 M . 2 0 to 2 7t 1 V to ... 23io ,.- 28lo ... If to ... 23 to 200 21 24 17 25 floiiiHlsctajnR J. PowjII'h C'llum'i. THE LARGEST SIO :K OF THE MOST orttUHABLE ASSORT MENT. TtlEUN'DSKSiaV'iD offers to the pub lic at his cummoilioiit Sales Rooms in biUgway, the largest and best general s- sortcient of Meretiandiae that ean be found at any Store between WILLI tMSC'ORI AND ERIE, and at more favorable prices than ean be bought at eitker of tbeae points. His stock eomprises a spleoiliil variety of PRINTS, DELANE3, SHEETINGS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, TINWARE. HARDWARE. CROCKERY, STONEWARE, GR 0 CERIES &PR0 VISIONS &C, &C tgA.The proprietor, thankful for the very generous peironage thai fw exlendej to his establishment by tk citizens at Elk ami adjoining counties, hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. J. POWELL, Aug.-IS'Sfl.-Iy. I7STnAY.-Canie to the premises j l ioibcnher tu Spring Creek town M..( ou i lie UHi of July last, a SOKKKM, M.tKK, with line white U'.ml foot. The owner is iquMt"l iiinme fm-ward. prove properly. on r,Kr,'es nil. I lake her away. otlierw.se she will li- ilisposeil of ns Hie lawdneis W:vN ILsnN. Aug i oriland, rik .. Pa. SOMETHING NEW1 HOUSE, BIOS & OMfAsTEKTAL PAISTINO. T' HE SUISSCI.Ii' K I! WOULD R E- specttuMy int'o.-ni ihe citizena of Elk county that he b just started in the above business in Riilpn iv. und feel wnfi dent l hat lie can please VI who may (?or him with iheir custom O.t XIMN'H. PAPER IIANC.IMi D LCIMINIXO DOVE ON SMORT Nt;IfE AND IN THE most fathinnable ami ohio-ionm! nianner unit alyle. Orders left at Mrs Office or at the funking I Inline of Souther. W illis k Souther will be promptly atteml: , io. W. IV WILLIAMS, May 17 ffi-j. OKNE'i At. i;i.!l !TIO rnoci.i.f ,roj' PlTRr NT t so Net of the Gen eial Aswtiibly ol . Commonwealth of Pennsyl'ania entitled An Art Re latitiL' to the Elections of the Common wealth," sprroved the ': day of July A. D. 1839. I J S. M ALONE, H'gh Sheriff of tho Couxty of Elk. P-iinsylvanis. do hereby mtike known and give notiie to the Electors of the I'ountyof hlk. thai a GENERAL ELECTION, will be held in said coun ty of Elk on the SECOND TUESDAY. 9th day of October. 1805, at which time the following officers ire to be elected : Oue penon for Governor of the Cora mon wealth of I'ciinsvlvania. Ooe person for Con ares, to renrewnt the eminties nf Cmrou. Clesrield, Elk. Erie. Forest, Jefferson, M'Kean, and Warren. One per? on for Assen.hlv. t represent the counties of Clearfield, Elk and Forest, in the House of Representa tives at Harrrisburjf. Oue person for Protiionotarv. Ao.. of Elk count. Two persons for Associate Judges of Elk county. Ooo .lerson for County Commissioner of r.ix county. One person lor County Auditor f Eik county. Oue person for County Surveyor of Elk county. And the qualified electors of the coun. ty of Elk, will hold their ejections in the several diet riots, as follows t Benezctte township, at the house nf Thomas Overt urf. Btntii.ger township, at the school house rn M icliael street, Dear the Klk creek b rid us, FoX township, at the Grave Tsrd schnolhnnse Highland township, At the) hoosa of Le . vi bllithorpe. Ridgwny township, at the Court House. St. Marv's borough, at the bouse of Ignatius Garner Spring Creek township, at the house of Atikoalc, 1 'owner & Co. Jay towuship, at the house of Alfred Pearsol Jones township, at the house of R. W Brown. I hihi mike known snd give, notice, as in ond by tho 13th section of the ntoresatd act, I am directed. " that evciy persou. excepting Justices of the Peace, who ehall hold any office or ap pointment to profit or ttust under the Government of the (Tuited States or of this Stute. or ant eity or incor porn ted District, whether commissioned oflicr or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or fg.uit, who is or shall be employed on lc the Wtslatire, judiciary, or f xee'i 'ive department of this State, or United States, or any citv or incorporated dis trict : and also, that every member of Congress, and the State Legislature and the select or eoniiuon council of any eity, commissioners of any incorporated districts, is by law incapable of holding; or espiciMio - at the same timo, the of. dee or appointment ot Judge, Inspeo tor, or Clerk of. any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, or judge, or other officer of any such eloetioa t.hall be eligible to any office tnen to be yoted lor. A I. o. That in the fourth section of the aet of Assembly entitled ' An Aet llelating to Kleetions and for other I'ttrprmes," apprnred April 16, 1849, it is enacted that the 13th section, " shall not ho construed j to preveot any Mil itia offii-er or borough officer from serv ing as JU'lge, inspector or elerk at any gi neral oi special election in this Com- moiiwealih." A iwi. That in the 61 section of said aei is rnae ed that " every general an special eleetioo shall be opened between the hours of eixhtand ten in the fore noon, and shall continue without inter ruption or adjournment, until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. The general, special, city, incorpora ted districts and township elections, aad all elections, for electors nf President and Vice President of the United States tdiali be held and conducted by the In speetora aod Judges elected as aforesaid. and by clerks appointed as in hereinaf ter provided. Ho person shall be permitted to vote at any election, as aforesaid, but a white free mao of the aee of twenty one years or more, who shall have resided in this State at lesst one year, and in the elr.etion district where he offers to vote at least ten days immediately proceed ing such election, and within two years paid a State or County tax, which shall hive been assessed at least ten days be. fore the election. But a citizen of the United States who have previously been a qualified vot&i of this Stste and re. moved therefrom and returned and who shall have resided in tms election dis trict and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall he entitled to vote after residing in this state fsi months. Provided. That the white freeman, citizens ot the United States are between the ages of twenty, one and twenty two years, and have re sided in the election district ten days as aforesaid, shall not have paid taxes. rnrsiiant to the provisions contained in the 4th Section of the Act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid districts shall respectively take charge of the certificates or return of elections of their respective districts, and produce them at a meet in i nf ooe Judge from each district, st the Conrt House io Ridgwsy on the third day after the election, be. ing for the present year, on FRIDAY, tho 12th da7 of October next, then an I there to perform the duties required by law f said Judges , also where a Judge by sieknes or unavoidable accident, is nimble to attend sid meeting of Judges. Uieti the certificate or return aforesaid shall be ttken in charge by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of ssid dirtrict, who shall do and perform the duties required of said Judge una ble to attend. AN AT regulating the mode of vo ting at all elections, io the several coun ties of this Commonwealth : Sue-rum 1. S" it enacted fc.y the Sen. nte and IfuU't Rrprrsrntattve$ nf the Cummimvudth of Prnntylvania in General Awmbljf met, and it it Kerely ennr'rd hi 'he. authority of the some Thar the qualified voters of the several countiih. of tlib commonwealth, at all general town-hip. boroueh and special elections, are hereby, hereafter, author, ized and required to vote, by tickets, printed or written, severally classified as follows : One ticket shall embrace the names of all judges of eoutts voted for, aud lo be labelled, outside, "judi ciary ; " one ticket shall embrace the names ol all state officers voted for, aod be labelled ' $f ate;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all county officers . i i i t- voiHu ior, luciuuing omce ot senator. member, and members of assembly, if voted for. and members of congress if voted for, snd be labelled. eonnty " one ticket shall embrase the names of all township officers voted for. and be libelled, township ; " one ticket shall embrace the names of all borongh offi ceis voted for, and be labelled, bor ough; " and each class shall be deposi ted in separate ballot boxes. Given under my band at my office, in Ridewsy, the sixteenth dsvof August, 1800. JAS. A. MA LONE, Sheriff of Elk County. Aug 16'66. Ue. Th Vempit'a CtefteTf CMrre. ... COT.. Daij Ric, s . i ; ' Deah S'R We, ,he' VdcrsigDl cit,.ei.sjfa,r.rdand Erie County, i. view of the patriotic services rendered the Government, and the many ihou sands of hard earned dollars . you have expended to sustain and carry on the war against rebellion ; having proved yourself the true friend and supporter of Andrew Johnson and bis Administra. tion in their efforts to restore the Union and having confidence in your integrity and ability to discharge the duties of Representative of the 19th District in Congress, we therefore request that yei allow your name to be used as the Peo ple's Candidate" for that office a(t he ensuing election. " : - . Geo. Pettyard. Job a If. Oulliford, A. O. Ely. R. K. Smitk. frank MeCrsary, Woe H. Xdioa. F. '. Coats. Job Robertson, D. Olin. John Kesiel, E. 8. BeVkaap. W. D. Webber, H. L. Carr. W. D. Mania. J. T Himmoas, A. White. B T. Masoa, L. B. Chevalier, Jas. L Thsyor, S. T. Williams, Oto. C Martin C. W. Noyss, V. Nason Meson Godfrey. H. Kittelberger, Jr. Mich'lSchmaaker, Jr Heinricb Kittelberger, Robert Calder, L. D. Hart, J. M. Murpky, J. Bender. E. J. Keayow. J. Oulliford, J. Martin, W. L treat, Wm. Piatt. II. Bsnhaia. James Rrawley, Henry Ball, B. C. Ely. A. M. Osborn. Chas. B Grant, Louis Teager. 8. D. Oookett, J)hn Brecht, Hiram. Daggett, J W. Atwater, C. Iswel, E. W. Clark. William Tyler. Q. 8. Gull:ford, Joba Hay, Jr., J. L. Hart. 0. W. Stines. A. Martin, Rebt. Wilesx. J. K. Psttihoae, A. Stoas. James Calian, C. L. Phelps, Altooka, Pa., June 26th 1866. To tut Citizens o Gi&ard Att Erik Coustt, Piusj'a. Your letter, ptoposing to run me for Congress, is received. I would indeed be tosensib'e to the commonest imeulses of humanity were I not filled with the warmest sentiraentof gratitude for the friendly expressions and personal re. gard that your letter eootains. signed as it is by Republicans and Democrats. bom I know to be staunch supporters of the Government, and many who have risked their live for the preservation of the Union Such distinguished con sideration overcomes every natural ob jection I may have for political honors. consequently I do accept of your kind invitation to allow my name to be used, but with the understanding that T am not to be the standard bearer of either political party (Republicans or Demo crats) but if nominated it roust be by a People's Convention, as I belomr to the people. They are mv friends and pa. trons, and in justice to them, composed as they are of all sha les of political opinions, I must continuo to live in their esteem, and labor to prom t their hap. iiioesi nij interests wnicn nis neen tie height of my ambition for twenty five years. Respectfully. Yours. July,12 tf. ru RICii. 11HE SILVER SKIRT MORE DURABLE. MORE ELA TIC. MORE GRACEFUL ! And will keep its shape and retain its place ucucr umn any oirerMkirt This new and heatiful stvle nf Skirt P- ented March 7. 18fi5.) was awardd by ihe Oreat American Institute Fair, held in'New York, October. 1865, a SILVER MEDAL. being the Highest Premium ever given for The Steel Pnrina-s are wound iil. ... plated wire in place of a enilon covering which will not wear off r become soiled, and the whole skirt may be wo.hed without .jury or ier oi rusting, and will bs as mil new. The Combination Silver Skirt This invention combines with the nrdint ry Skirl the advantages or our Silver Skirt ; the bottom hoops are the same as those u. ed in the 8ilver Skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off. while the upner ones ara covered with eotton. No ladv htv ng once worn one of our Skirts, will be willing to wear any other, as tbs lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soileed. The best mnteeials are used in their eon traction, and. from their durability and neatness tbey are destined to become a Favorite Skirt. Manufactured solely by tue Silver Skirt and Wir Manu facturing Company. 30 aod 32. BARCLAY ST. NEW YORK. T. 3. SriisT, Sup't. Aug 9th ly HEELER & WILSON S SEW. ING MACHINES. The under signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale of Wheeler k Wilson's Sewing Mscbines for Elk county. He keeps aa assortment Constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New York prices Any parties desirous of obtaining the ea- address J. K. WH1TMOKE. Mareh V88-ly. at Ridgwav. Pa T ETTEBSTESTAMEJVTARYon thses I 4 tale of John Rotbenhoefer, late of the boreugh of St, Mary's, decease I, having beea granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to or having claims against said estats are requeued lo call and settle. T. ROTHENHOEFER, aug9.6t. Executrii. JLANKS. HANDBILLS, JOS. TERS, BILL HEADS dc, done at theAduocot OJiceon thort notice and at ruontble terine. SH A MONTH I-AGBNT8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers