Mi THE ELK ADVOCATE, lOCAtAHB GKNIRAL NW8PAtli, it rubHshett Erer Thursday. BY JOHN F. MOORih rer tew in advance $1 50 19 All subscriptions to be paid in ad- anco. Orders for Job Work respectfully solicited. VtSuOfflce on Main Streot, in the second story of Houk & Oillia Store. Address JOHN 0. HALL, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR . Ha llf CD JOHN Or. HALL, Editor. VOLtrjIE 1jrVJtREIt 2 MllDGnl I, FE.11, JULY 19 th, 1SG6. J. F. MOORE, 1-iililisher. TEIMIS1 50 i'tr Year in jldvanct . . . ....I . .'aL-ia- IUU'cS of AtlvcHiinp:. Adm'rs mid Exeetc's Klolircs, eccli 0 timrs f 2 60 ti'litor'b N dt if en, each 2 60 Transient nilTerlif-ln. per squnrc of 10 linos or less, 3 times or less 2 OO or melt subsequent insertion f0 rofossinnnl cnrils, I year 0 OO rccial notices, per line IS 'fHiituary and Mmrinpe Notices, each 1 0 l enrlj Advertising, one square 10 Ov early AdTcrlising. two squares 15 00 eai'y Ailver'ing tliree squares 20 00 Yearly Advertising, I column;.;::;;.. 20 00 early Advcrtisinir. colutan. .;. 39 00 Yearly Adrertising, 1 column: 70 00 Advertisements displayed moro than M4vlftriiy will be charged for at the rate (per column) of a.... 00 00 The Bridal Wine-Glass. Pledge with wine pledge with for this once,' said the Judge in a low tone, going towards his daghter, 1 the company expect it ; do not so seriously sinter death is there. Death and no see if their prey had doubled on his soft hand, no gentle voico to bless and track ; nod others sulkily and indignant soo'.he him. His head Moks back ! one with the result of their useless chase, 'ido,' ciied the youog and thoughtless conTI1is;.a shudder I aud he is dead 1 " came back muttering angrily or swear Harvey Wood ; pledge with wine, ran proan thr0h ,he assembly, ing, with many violent oaths, that the through tho brilliant crowd. so vivid washer description, so unearth, would have him yet. One policeman, The beautiful bride grew pale the ,uMoni . imsrit-ed her manner a well fed fellow with a ctimson face decisive hour had come. She pressed tnt. .. sj,0 described, seemed ac. made quite a hero to himself hy assert her white hands together, nod the leaves tiuy Xo naVe taken place then and J ing that he knew the fellow, and would of the bridal wreath trembled on ber ., TWn untied also that the I trip him before sun-down. There was a pure brow ; her breath came quicker, bridegroom had his face in his hands good deal tf sympathy for the gentle her heart beat wider. ., ., w.pyiW. man who had lost his pocket-handker Yes Marion, lay aside your scruples , n j sno yepeated aain, her lips chief, but bone that I could hear for the quivering faster, and her voice more and pool, degraded wretch who had pur more broken ; ' and there they scoop -neu " a piaciu voice my ci him a erave : and there, without a bow uttered the following words, appa. infringe upon the rules of etiquette ; in 8vroU(i tnev uv n;m down in that damp, rcnlly in soliloquy your own home act as yon please, but recfcin(, earth. The only son of a proud " Well, I may be wrong, hut I some. in mine, for this once, please uie. lather, the only, the idolised brother of how hope they won't catch him." Every eye was turned towards the fon(j g;ster nd he sleeps to.day in I turned in surprise, and I confronted bridal path, Marion's principles were that dj9tant country, with no stone to our grocer, on whose Bteps I ha? sought well known, tisnry had Deen a convi. mM tne ppot. There he lies my Uhclter from the crowd, which at such vialist, but of late his friends noted the father' t lon my own twin brother) a moment, could not be expected to change in his manners, tho difference victim to this deadly poison. Father,'! think much of the safety of a woman in Ins habitsana to.night they watch- Hv. Iclaimed. turninu suddenly, while Our grocer was a portly man, with a d him to see, aa they sneeringly said, the tearg raiud de wn her beautiful shining bald head, fringed by a ring of if he was tied down to a woman's apron cbeeks 1 father shall I driuk it now ?' white hair, like the tonsure of a Roman S3 Soon. I Th form of the old JuoVe was COD. - - I n- Pounng a brimming besker, they TUised ;th agony. He raised not his held it with tempting smiles towards J j, but in a smothered voice he fal. Marion. She was still very pale, though tered ' no no, my child, in God's more composed ; and her hand shook I name D0.' not, as smiling back, he gracefully ac. ghe lifted the glittering goblet, and cepted the crystal tempter, and raised letting it fall to the floor, it was dashed it to her lips. Uut scarcely bad she : , .housand nieces. Manv a teartul those regions, and not an everyday af fair I can tell you. They went of Mow ly, as I thei-M lh'e ould. Now and then some onte would come in for s pound, and once I sold half ot the smal lest one to a woman who wanVed it filt er Sunday dinner. She was to pay me on Monday morninsr, but she nvnr did for on SWday nirht her husband killed her with a rum bottle, and thy took i Catholic priest, and wearing at the mo ment a Holland apron and a short, blue jacket. ' Yes'm " I went on, " I really hope the miserable, starved.looking creature will get off. " Then you don't believe he picked the gentleman's pocket," said I. tier body pst tny shop with it poor nn, b;j it in the ash box heyand the head all beaten out of ohape and bloody corner. Ye'll t nd ft there, if ye look ; " Andsothehaiushuna thcrethroujih lin, sure ve'll not fetuse a sup of whis. tne summer and uirousjn the tali, and key for the Viiformation T " quitr on into the winter. I o.ve the old creature what she " It Was just as the December nights wanted, hurried her out of the shoo and began to grow long and dark and cold, pt up the shutters, growing angrier mai i noucra a new policemen on our every moment beat a young handsomo looking fellow, ,, if ;t ;s the policeman I'll make with very bright eyes, but With such him pay dearly f)t it." s I slunk alone thin cneexs and hands, althouch lie seemed to he powerfully builtand made for a rather stout man, that T could not help watching him, and wondprinz Whether he had been ill or not. The first time that I noticed him was about SUnset, and he passed and repassed my window a doten times, looking all the while straight at those hams, which dangled from the frame of the awning I hope he means to buy one,' I said to my wife, as we sat together over the tea table ; ' and t shouldn't Wonder if he did done so, when every hand was arrested Lye watched her movement, and instan. " I'm alraid its only too tf tain that by her piercing exclamation of ' Oh how taneously every wine glass was transfer- he did, ma'am," said the mat), shaking terrible! ' red to the marble tiible on which it had his head. " lie looked straight at me 'What is it?' cried ouc and sll I been prepared. Then as she looked at I ss he passed, and he had hungry, des. thronging together ; for she had slowly the fragments of crystal, she turned to perate eyes that looketh like theft, and carried the glass at arms length, and the company, saying, 1 let no friend murder too, for that matter. was fixedly regarding it as though it hereafter, who loves me, tempt me to " And yet you wish him to eSaape were some hideous object. ncril mv soul for wine. Not firmer nre when be has broken the laws of the - ii j I 1 Wait,' she answered, while an in- the everlasting hills than my resolve, land, and will probably do so again? " spired light shone from her dark eyes, God helping me, never to touch or taste " God forbid that I should help to 4 wait, and I will tell you.' I sec,' she that terrible poisou. And he to whom break the laws," said the old grocer, added, slowly, pointing one jewelled fin. 1 1 have given my hand who watched " Good men made them, and they ate eer at the sparkling ruby liquid ' a over mv brother's dvios form in that right : but there are other laws that I sight that beggars all description ; and last solemn hour, and buried the dear read in my old Bible on Sunday nights yet listen I will paint it for you if I wanderer there bv the river in that land that seem to be as binding. One of ean. It is a lonely spot; tall mountains I nf gold, will, I trust, sustain me in that them is ' Do unto others as you would rowneJ with wtdure rise in awful sub- resolve will you not, my husband?' that others should do unto you;' and limity around ; a river rune through, ad I His glistening eyes, his 6ad, sweet another, 'Love thy neighbor as thy bright flowers grow to the water s edge. sm;ie was her answer. The Judge left self. When I remember these words There is a thick, warm mist, that the the room and hen an hour after he re-1 1 think that you may be too hard with sun seeks mainly to pierce. Trees, turned, and with a more subdued man. poor sinful fellow-being, and not go lofty and beautiful, wavo to the airy ner took part in the entertainment of the beyond the limits of the law either, motion of birds; but there a group of bridal guests, no one could fail to read " That rich gentlemon who had h Indians gather ; they flit to and fro with that he, too, had determined to banish pocket preked, will go home to a fine something liko sorrow upon their darx the enemy at once, and forever from his dinner and a bottle of wine, no doubt brows. And in their midst lies a manly princely home. nd the wretch of a thief may have ...... ...I I . k b jaa form but hu cheek how deathly, his Those who were present at that wed. crust ot btvoad and a glass of burning ye wild with the fitful fire of fever, ding, can never forget the impressions gin, if ho can sell ot pawn what he stole One friend stands beside him nay, I so solemnly made many from that for enuogh to get them, somehow, if should say kneels ; for see, he is pillow- tne that poor head upon his breast. Genius in ruins oh ! the high, holy. looking brow ! why should death mark it ? and he so vounir. Look how he throws back the damp curls ! see him clasp his hands! bear his thrilling shrieks for life ; mark how he clutches at the form of his companion, imploring to be saved. Oh 1 hear him call pito- hour forswore the social glass-. The Grocer's Story Ours was a quiet street at most times a lazy, shady place, where the green blinds were forever closed, and where there was so little passing that spears couldn't have him hunted down to-night I vow I wouldn't. " Still, ? don't blame those young fel lows : I'd have been as furious in the chase as any of 'cm years ago ; but learnt a lesson once that I never have forgotten, and hope I never may. I was a young man, and a poor one then, an little iv; v: I lUD ousit ois lamer b name uiiu (. . . . . i , . , . . . soft green moss. A very quiet place at u.B uugcrn logcu.r .....v , ai,(,,mn after. nf imai crrew lipr and there between b " V.J . i... U . . . J . l . ...V . .Pi UttVl HI V Dll UtIK'B IV 1111 th fltoslnnAfl. iinrl thp fitnnft eurhri or I J th. iron railed areas were fringed with BhoP kceP toT liU,e fami,y- li WM 0D,J - - o I I t 1 . - i dj pincniog ana saving, ana seeping lis sister his only sister the twin of tive land 1 See !' she exclaimed, while the par shrank back, the untasted wine trtm line in their faltering grasp, and the Judge fell, overpowered, upon his seat ' see ! his arms are lifted to heaven sharp look out for every bargain, that managed it at all. " We lived in a shabby direct, an had only very poor customers. A lo of bread, a quarter of a pound of butter, and two ounces of black tea was quite an order, and most of those who came wanted trust. " As for luying in fine fruit or 7egeta. bles, I never thought of such folly. " More than I cm tell ye." she sn- swered. Hut f think it's a policeman, no less, the blackguard." " A poVcpman," I cried, snd I a' once thought of the man I had sesn s'arinsr at my hems. " It's foo dark to see his face," shp answered. Hut I caught the shine of a star on the coat he has on. and who iver it was took a ha from Your opes the sidewalk to the corner, keeping in shadow all the way, and when I stood by the light of the lump, close by, that the ham was there, wrapped in some thing which looked liko a handkerchief, I bit my lips and clenched my hands With race. Had it bcett a common thief I should not so much have miuded ; but a policeman 1 It was more than I could stand. So I crouched myself in a doorway and waited. The watch were relieved at twelve o'clock : knew that, and I dew alio that this me tor a mo ment like a wild thing, and then all of a sudden dropped the ham and fell down in a helpless sort rjf a heap upon the ground. " I'm a ruined man ! " he groaned ' ft rilinpd man . thut-A d nn TiaKa 4n .wjw noon a strange cry sounded through it, which awakened all its echoes, and cal. led curious faces to the doors and win dows. "Stop thief 1 Btop thief! " The strong voice of a policeman ut. tered the Cry at first, and the shrill treble v u ;ui- f, mo,,! hot w w "J l "J f ' ' - . . . I .nil ranoa'.it if nnd Kv.snd h thpfri ... , 1,1 i ... fever rushes throueh his veins, ihe --- diamonds would nave oeen as salable in friend beside him is weeping; awe- ,fuU deep. CbrU8' , . . Ait part of the city, where waskerwo stricken, the dark men move silently Pck of hounds-a sound jou migni men ,nd the poorest ,lboring men wm away, and leave the litis, and dvine 0a " "J alB"Dce' nowev" the aristocracy toeether. ignorant you were of the language, to be ' Horn and then, when a foreign ship .. I it. . P mVa htknr4 mm a luniv I . . a T.TL 1 J f There wa a nuso to that Dnnceiv -nc crj u wc m..M.u&. cimc 10 porv who a iuau 01 ruinea pine- esrlor, broken only by what seemed a Policemen with their Clubs, errand apples, or decayed oranges, I bought a smothered sob from some manly bosom, boys with bundles, balers With basketn 0t of these, and charging next to noth The bride stood yet upwrieht, with on their arms, young gentlemen j-Xst re- tag, sold them easily enough. Although, quivering lip, and tears stealing to the I leased from the academy close at hand, I 0wn my wife used to say the misera- outward edge of her lashes. Her beau- and ragged urchins, wnose scnooi nouse ble babiea, who tolled about the gutters, tiful arm had lost its tensbu, and the was the gutter, all joined together in the died off faster after every stock of dam. glass, with its little troubled red waves hot pursuit, snd followed the miserable ged foreign fruit I sold in the old shop, came slowly towards this range of her object with bare, begrimmed feet and acd I'm afraid that she was right. vision. She spoke again, every lip was hatless head, that flitted along before Well, as I told you, I struggled along as mute. Her voice was slow and faint, them with speed which only fear could best I aight, and after a tihile things yet awfully distinot ; she still Axed her lend to one so worn and wretched a began to improve, and I began to have orrowintr glance upon the wine cup. peed which kept the crowd a long way viBious ol a clean store in a good street, It is evening now ; the great White on, auu uumwsi oi ou purau- when I laid down to rest at night. , v i n nir.t tor Dream. no. n i mann is nominf HB ana 118 VOUU J "r I oi " J " ucau iu .Bn nnT,Ufar.npad. He moves not i Thev were out of Mght in a moment, market I brouht home half a dozen his eyes are set in their sockets ; dim are but in a little while tho cry was heard hams and hung them up about the door, V:- r -1 AAa . X VT- I tnai tne IU1U1 u ivuu mem. lUU I mnrA (nd ahtiw thnn ftnvthinv a an fni WO I .A. it tkBAaarl itl.i,i .1. A . I. a.ma. .1 friend whispers the nsmc of father snd 1 some enongs. ... , hn)1t wnre holiday dinner in . . ... ....... i ' ror ne seems to nave iaen quite a uncy wouid be the time when my policeman f .1.1 fttn frnm nut " But the evening passed, and though 0f hiilna olaco. And sure enough . 1 i . . ..... i " i saw nira evory now ana men on mo wben the time came I heard him chal omer siae oi me way, loosing across jCD e the tean who WM t0 take h;8 I' ll 1 . - it . wnn nis ongus eyes siraigni at me placC and como m.hiog down toward hams, he did not come in or speaic to the corner. I let him get the ham well me on the subject. And so I made up under his arm befofh I slit-red, but then my mmd that he would send tor it in pouDOoa upon bim like a tiger. me morning, aim auuienow maue sure oi j;vc got JQU j .. j crie(j prett it that whenever I saw a deecat lookihg poliCBUlan J0li are Jndeed) bnt you hhM woman go oy aim a oad oa ner arm, mf fof k L u 8uffcr f . l saia, imai s me policeman a wire CQQ te voU com.uganeriuco.ui. a nus uiiaiuKcn, i IT9stru,lnd with n f, however, snd alter the street lamps were lighted that night I began to see the man pacing up and down, with his eyn still fixed as they had been the night previous upon the hams. Once he caught the beeping at him, and then he turned so red and looked at mo with such a wolfish glitter in his eyes, that I grew angry and said to myself, It's well that keeping unsalable articles isn't a crime in this country, for it it was I should expect to be arrested So I gave him back his look, turned oh my heel and walked back into shop. 1 did not see him again that night ; but long alter everything had been taken in and locked up, and I was snug in bed, I heard a tramp, tramp, tramp, upon the the pavement, and koew it was the new policeman, and that he a.i looking at the hooks where the hams hung, as well as though I had seen him. " On the third evening he was there again ; that, you may say, was no won der, for it was his duty to be upon that beat and no other; but it was curious that he should keep on starins at those hams with those bright, woifinh eyes of his. I didn't like it, though I could hot have said why. A vessel had been wrecked at sea about that time, and an extra, with the late t news of the disas ter, came out that evening. I bought a paper and sat down behind the coun ter to read it. It was a stormy niht and but few customers came in, aud those were easily served, and somehow between reading and thinking, time passed oo, until the clock 61 ruck eleven, and I had not yet taken in my goods or put op my shutteis. "Just as I was about to do so, (in me now ; Oh my God ! my wife my poor little wife ! " and Le burst out cry ing, like a woman. The sight softened me, but I waS no gry still. " You should have thought of that before you became a thief," I said. " If the guardian of a man's property is not to be trusted, what is to become of him ? And you look like a gentleman you do not seem like a scouudrel, how have you stooped to do such a thing as this?" He was standing beside me now, and tne ump nbt ten on his lace, it was white as any corpse's and his eyes glit tered terribly. " I'll tell you what made mo do it," he said, " It was the only thing which could have driven me to act like that ; my wife and children are starving I tell you; and I had nothing for them." Polieetbao's families do not ofieri starve," I said with a sneer. " My God ! can't yot believe me? I have only been appointed three days; I have not received a cent of salary yet. I have been ill a long while, and had neither money nor credit. Last night we went to bed supperless ; to day there has not been a crust in the house, aud those hams tempted me so. You can never know how awfully they tempted me, and I meant to pay you af terwards." He covered his face With his hands, fact I had already put my hand tinon D1 1 00,11,1 dripping - " i 1 1 L l x? j . i i r tha first n ee of th. nnf.r A, "ugn nis unpers, ana oeiore I Knew opened and an old woman came in. lt m3 "n cheeki were moi8t D1 80 we She was a sottish, miserable creature. 8tood i,eDt' with the ham ,yin8 between "I .a known Shout the place aa Irish Kale. on tne gr0lni- and with her red nose and bleared eves At Ia8f he turned towar1 mc ani1 6aid ' Tako it horiio to your Wife,'' I said. " yon'll r-B.y me wheb you get your sa'i ry, and if you nre in need before that come to tne-. I'm a poor man myself (1 I enn feel for other poor meti. I shall never forget that man's face ii all my life, so wondering, so thanki fill and so swr-strioken. All he raid was ' God bless you,' but thcro ws a whole sernioti in those Wotd, end I lept better for them. On Christmas night he paid me every cent, and from that day until I left the Vieiphliorhood dealt with mo regularly. Hut times grew so much better that I took a store in a good street at the oth er end of the town, and one way snd another saw no more of my policeman for three good years. One nieU, juet such a night as that oh which I first SAW hi ill staring on the hahi3, 1 was awakened long after mid night by the cry of fire. I started up td hoc the flames through the floor, and to know tho store down stairs was all afire. The stairs were on fire also, add when, as I opened the entry door the hot air rushed in and almost smothered me, I gave up all hope of getting my poor wife and holpless lit tie ones out of that burniug building alive and safe. I was so faint snd ill from the accident) ytu &cc, that I hadn't all my wits about roe, and believed there was no one mis sing. My blood ran cold, when my wife, clasping her hands, and with an awful look upon her face, screamed : " Our little Lucy, our little Lucy ii left behind." She had slept with our hired girl since her little baby brother was bortij and the woman in her fright had for. gotten her little one. Thtre she was at the top of that burning building, out of the reach of auy human holp ; it seem ed to hie as I looked up at the walls, a great red and yellow sheet of flame; with blue gleams here and there, as though devilish heads were peeping ont and grinning at us. Still, hopeless a it was, I should have gone back into the burning house and saved my bad or died with her if I had been able to stand. No one else would venture. It would hi a foolish sacrifice of life they said, for no doubt the child was already smothered by the smoke, and though, I raved and pleaded and made wild prom, iscs they shook their henia and only bade me hare patience. " Patience ! " I thought that I was going mad as the face of my little girl wy sweet, pretty pet rose Up before me. But just then a tall man dashed through the crowd and came towards and bloated limbs, was as ugly a figure as any one ever cast eyes on. ' Anoth. er diam, I suppose,' I said to myself going behind the bar at once, for I wan td to get rid of hur as soon as possible. T .. . ft , iui bob, io my surprise, came close np to me, aud put her great red paw upon my arm. I ve made a diskivery, mister," she " Do what you like with me the last hope is gone " But I put my hand on his arm and said, God forbid that I should take that last hope from you, that I, of all men should be the one to tuin you. If your story is true aud I believe it is I pity you more than I blame you." He looked at me in a sort cf bewild srd. " You've not been keebittg as Cred way, as though he scarcely under bright a lookout as ye should J there's stood me, and I took him by the arm been a tbaie at work without this bles. and led him back to the shop. There 8e1 0,Sut- I filled a basket with bread and butter mi tniet r j a.iti. - a0lJ eoffoC; d put hm on top f mo. " Quu k ! " he shouted, " which room is the child ic-sptak quickly-wbich room ? " The back one on tho upper floor," I groaned, and he dashed away front ue, parting tho throng with his strong arras, and in another moment I caw hint mountiug the ladder. I heard them calling him td come back, bidding him him beware, and speaking of him as though he were dead already. But be never heeded them, and as I saw him hidden by the black smoke which pour, ed frotii the Window, I covered my face and prayed that the angels Who Walked in the firey furnaco might go with him. " Perhaps they did. Something ttrom ger that an earthly thing must have been there, for in a few minutes th y seemed years to me then we saw h'm coming down tho ladder with somothing in his arms. ' The burnt body of my child, perhaps,' I thought, but as ho came closer I saw that it was my own laughing, living darling, with her blue eyes open and her little arms about his heck. " Tho roof fell in tho next moment, but my treasure was safe and that was all I cared tor. " What shall I say or do to thank you," I said, as I grasped his hand; " I'm a ruined man, and I can only give you my blessing ; but let mo know your name." " Have you forgotten me ? don't remember me ?" ho said, as he Wuc over me. " Look again." " I did ; and I saw a pair of bri-tit gray eyes, a face I know, and somothiuj rlittrriiij r n his hrr-sst And theeen,-
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