lb 11; County fWbocqli T JOB WORK. Eighth sheet hand bill, 50 copies or lcsa 12.60 Quarter sheet hand bill, GO oopics or less ffl.GO Half sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or loss ffi.00 Full sheet hand-bill, 60 copies or loss 1,00. BLANKS. Por any quantity under fire quires, $1, 60 per quire ,- on all amounts over that a reasonable reduction will he made. TERMS OF PAVER. 1,60 per year in advance $2,00 if paid Within the year, and $2,60 if not paid with in that time. Jr-In pursuance of previous notice iVi vnnnir meu of this place mot on j o . Monday evening last and organized vounir men's Democratic Club. The officers of the Club, arc, President, Jno O. Uall Esq. ; Secretary, F. G. Dickin bod ; Treasurer, C. V. Gillis. On Tuesday evening a nicotine was held iu the Court llouso under the au spices of the Club, where a fine address to the young men was delivered by Win. P Jcnks, Esq. of Brook villo. Tho au dience was large, and throughout held attentive by the logical eloqueuce of the speaker. tsgfWo are informed that a largo and enthusiastic meeting of five Union Re. publicans met in tho Court House last evening for the purpose of nominating Hon. Henry Souther for Congress. The proceedings of tho meeting have not been furnished us, but it is fair to pre sume, as Mr. Souther was one of the five that he rsocived a nom'mlion, aiid that the remaining four were appointed con forces. The Lady's Fair at St. "nry's The ladies connected with the Cutho. lie Church at St. Mary's havo been holding a fasr for its benefit during the past week. The fair has been a com. plctc success, and it is proposed to con tinue it for another week. The fair is held in the suite of rooms over our fritud Windfelder's Brewery. The dif- tcreut departments being held in separ ate rooms. The first being devoted to fancy articles, the second to ice-cream and iefreshmcnts. A peculiar fcatur of the third room is " Rebecca's Well," presided over by Mr. Frank Weis, and whero all tho thirsty can ' business ' to their heart's content on Uncle Jo's best buck.' Tho exercises are enlivened by tho presence of the brass band discoursiu sweet music to the crowd encaged iu getting rid of their loose chaugc at ten cents a chance. " ill you tako a ohunco with mo ? " said a beautiful, rosy cheeked girl to us the other evening. We rather thought we could. During a short visit lust cveiiiug, we wore surprised at the extensive display of fancy articles, aud tho exceeding good taste in arranging them Tho first table, presided flvcrby Mrs Garner and Miss Walker, besides hav ing a great variety of fancy articles, has an array of porcelaiu sufficient for a Email grocery store. The second in charge of Mrs. Schout and Mrs. Walniiley contaiu some beau, tiful specimens of embroidery &c, while Jliss lucuni ana iHiss Ulakeiy have a silver sett, a splendid vase of wax flow. crs, besides innumerable articles too nu. nierous to mention. Last, though not least comes tho Post Office presided over by our accomplished young frieud Miss Garner, who has by a caroful at tention to business made it ouo of the most popular institutions of the fair. The ladies deserve a areat deal of credit for the encrcv and perseverance with which they havo suruiouutod every ob. btaclo and made it such a complete sue cess. Announcements. "T I TE are authorized to the - YV name of Da. (J. K. Jjarlkt as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of tho Democratic Nominating Convention. July-o bG.-tf. "TTE are authorized to announce the V V name ot Ueo. A. Uatiihun as a candidate for the'offico of Prothoootary so , subject to the decision of tho Detn, ocratic county Convention. June 7th 'GO-tf. WE are authorized to announce tho narao of Newton Lounsbery as a candidate for the offico of Prothon otary &o., subject to the decision of the Democratic county Convention. Juuo 7th 'C6-tf. TT "SrP ...On the 3d instant, in the I t borouch of St. Mary's, a 1'OCKbT BOOK containing several bank notes, and a promissory note for$98 23, withoutiuterest, and endorsed on the same for $25, given by T. B. Cobb, of Elk couuty, dated July Zn4, 1866, and payable on the 1st or uctooer, 1866, to be pant to W. K. Kilcy, or oraer. July 6, 18ou. . K. lllLr i . TOB PRINTING NEATLY, UllKAl'LY ti EXPEDITIOUSLY Evi-ciitod at the AuvorATi: OfiW. run NIT IT HE ! MIE UNDERSIGNED T A K E S pleasure in announcing to tho citi zens of Ridgway and adjoining towns, that ho has iust opened a Furniture Shop in Kulgway, and is prepared to sell of furniture At tho lowest prices, consists in part of all kinds His stock COMMON CHAIRS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS, SPRING BEDS & MATTRESSES, BUREAUS, WASH STANDS, Cane scat Chairs of all kinds, BABY CHAIRS, CRIBS, SOFAS, LOUNGES, TETE A TETES, BEDROOM SHIS of Chestnut, Mahogany and Black Walnut and every thing usually found in a first class country Ware Room. PICTURE FRAMES of all sizes, and of Mahogany, Rosewood, lsiacK nainm and um MADE TO ORDER. ALSO COFFINS kept on hand, and made to order, of every kind and description. ' 1 nnau f & I I . fi ti . 1 nvn mmn Tnv Rtm-lf hf. fore rmrchasimr elsewhere, for I hope bv .vi.v v.iuu ...... J strict attention to business, and keeping all tho market demands in my line, to merit the patronage of the public. For the pres ent I occupy, the Methodist rtirsonngo lor Ware Rooms. llk.Nltr ii. tiiu.uao. May-17't0-ly, GENTS WAN T E D 1 J. T. IIEAULEY?S HISTORY OF I HE WAR, NOW HEADY- Complete in TWO VOLUMES, also iu ONE. It is admitted to be tho most nfcrrtttt'nq, rioiiular. and valuahb: His tory of tho Rebellion, which is fully at tested by the enormous sale of 200 000 volumes, and a larjre portiou of tho country still uncanvassed. We are obliged to run our presses night and day to enable us to supply our Aircnts. Meu of character and ability, wuo de sire a luciativo employment, will find this a rare opportunity The price if the work in one volume is so low, (compared with our Histories) as to brincr it within the reach of all classes. For lull particulars send for circular. Address American Puhlishlng C'om'y. 148 Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn V y HISKERS! W'UFSKERS .' J)r. L. O. MONTEZ' Corroha, the greatest stimulator iu tho world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to crow on the smoothest face or cliiu: never known to fail ; sample for -trial sent f'-co to any one desirona ot tcstitic; its merits. Ad dress, Reeves & Co., 78 Nassau St., New York. june-28'6G.-3m. T7 LIKE LEU & WILSON'S SEW. YV ING MACHINES. The undor- signed having been appointed Sole Agent for the sale ot Wheeler k Wilson s Sewing Macliiues for Elk county. He keeps an assortment constantly on hand. Machines sold at Philadelphia and New York prices Any parties desirous ot obtaining tliom ca" address J. K. WH1TMOKK, March 9t-'6G-ly. at Ridgway, P. 1 EXECUTORS NOTICE. .V HEREAS, j Letters Testamentary upon the ertate of Simon Ernst lateof fet. Mary s, Llk coun ty dee'd, have beeu granted to the subscri bers. All persons ndebtcd to the said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will nreBent them duly authenticated for set. nient to JUIO Vrfclu.wiiK. ana juio III MIDT, Executors. may-10'6C-0w. BLAOKSMITHING ! II. S. BELNAP desires to inform the citi. icns of Ridgway and vicinity that ho has leased J. S. llydo's Blacksmith Shop on Mil street, aud has employed good worn- men who will bo ever ready to mako any thing from a buckle to an anchor. Particular attention given to tho shoeing of horses. All I ask is a fuir trial. May 17'G6-ly. A MONT I I !--A C. K N T S 'wauled for tix erurely new articui, Jmt out. Address 0. T. OARKY, City Building, Uiddeford, Me. may 17 UtS-ly- E NTIS T It Y ! Pi'esorvo our leetn ! 1)11. J. W. liALLY would respect. fully announce to tho citizens of Ridg. way and vicinity that he will be at his looms at the Hyde House, the last week in Juno and will stay four weeks. All wishing their teetu repaired will do well by giving Lim a call as ho is pre pared to put up teeth in the most ap proved style. June-7 Oo-tt. ITCH ! ITCH! ITCH ! Scratch I Scratch ! Scratch t WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure tub Itch in 48 Houes Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHILBLAINS, aud all ERUPTIONS OF THE S1C1N. Price 50 cents. For salo by all druggists. By seudine GO cents to WEEKS & POTTER. Sole ApodIs, 170 Washington street, Boston, it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part oi me uuiieu oiaies. (june- ou-iy. None e'is 1erTbTu Tven" "that from the lth inst. until the Mth of July next we fill he in Bvookvillo, at the ottico of Dr. Hunt, prepared to scttla with all persons having unsettled accounts with A. S. Rhines deo'd of Warsaw township, Jefferson county Pa. K. S. HUNT, Adiu r. CAROLINE ItHlNKS, Adu.'x. .Iiuie 7'Oti '00. 1'IIOSPEOTUS 'OG. OF THE AGE THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC DAILY JOURNAL IN PHILADELPHIA. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND GREAT INDUCEMENTS ! Union, Restoration, and Consti- TIONAL .LIBERTY ! The Publishers of TnE Aor. respect fullv call attention to the Daily and Weekly issues of their popular journal, TnE Datly Age contaius the la. TEST INTELLIGENCE FROM ALL PARTS of the world, with articles on Gov ernment, Politics, Trade, Finance, and oil the current questions of the aav i Local Intelligence, Market Reports. &c, &o. PRINTED Sr. PUBLISHED DAILY (Sundays Excepted) i 1 WELSH & ROI3H. TEIIMS. To City Subscribers, EIGHTEEN CENTS per week, payable to the carri ers. To Mail Subscribers, SO per annum ; 84.50 for six months ; 82.25 for three months ; for any less time at the rate ot one dollar per month. TIIE WEEKLY AGE, Published Every Saturday, AT 430, CHESTNUT STREET, PHIL A. TERMS : Ono Copy, one year ? 2 00 Six months 1 00 Three months i0 To Clubs Fivo copies, one year, 817 50; Twenty $3 00 ; Ten copies, copies, $30.00. s& Tho Monev must in all cases accompany tne oraer no names will bo entered upon tne hooks until the subscription is paid. jj-Advcrtisemcnts inserted at mod. erate rates. BsaT-Uusiness letters should he ad. dressed to THE AGE, 130 Chostnut Street, Philadelphia. W. S T E 15 15 1 N S D E X TI S T, OF EK00KVILIE PENN'A l?egs leave to announce to the citizens of ltidizway and vicinity, that ho will be at Ridnway, July 1st 1801), for the purpose of operating in the line of his profession. JN. 15. Khtgolene or iMther sponge applied for the alleviation of pain in tho extraction of teeth. Junc-28'GG-tf. 37,0 per day. AGENTS wanted, ladies and gentlemen, in every County in tho United States, to sell the Ink Powders of tho American Ink Company. The powder sells for forty cents per package, and will make ink enough to fill fifty bottles of the size usually retailed at ten cents per bottle. A smart agent can sell a gross of it a day, and clear $27. GO. The ink can be made from tho powder in threo minutes m common boiling water. It is a perfect black ink, the best in the world. It flows easily, doe3 not corrode the pen a particle, never gums up, is uot injured by freezing, and its color will last lorevcr. hvcry family in America will buy it, as a package will last family for years, and ink cau be mado in small quantities as wanted. With each gross we send a thousand circulars with testimonials from clergymen, law. vers, teachers, merchants, commercial colleges! editor, &c, aud the ageut's name on tho bills. Only ono person will be mado agent for a county. The first one sending 8ii0 fur a gros of the powder will receive it by return express together with one thousand circulars and the right to sell iu the county he or she designates. If others send for the saaie county, the money will be returned to them free of expense. To make sure, one had better dusiguatc several couu ties, either of which ho or (he will take Send tor trade list and circulars it yon dare run the risk of waiting, send the money for a gross. Letters addressed to the Mayor, Postmaster, cashiers of the banks, or the express agents of thin city, will show that the business is hou. orably and squarely conducted. An Ink Powder will bo sent by mail to uny address, free of charge, on receipt of forty cents. Address, writing your name, lywu, couuty and State distinctly, AMERICAN INK COMPANY, Mauthesti r, N. II THOMAS W. LAN K, Clerk fir Ihj Co., and Agent PIIOTOGItArillC. E. &, H. T. ANTHONY &, CO., Manufacturers of Photographio Materials, Wholesale and Retail, 605 BROADWAY, N. Y. In ndilition to our main business of rilOTOORAPIIIC MATERIALS wo aro Headquarters for the following, vis. STERESCOPES & STERESCOPIC VIEWS Of American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, groups, Statuary, etc. STERESCOPIC VIEWS OF THE WAR, From negatives made in the various cam paigns and forming a complete- Photograph ic history of tho great contest. STERESCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Adapted for cither the Magio Lanlern or the 8terescopo. Our Catalogue will bo sent to any address on receipt of btamp. riioToaRArnic albums. We manufacture more largoly than any other houso. atiout 00 v.iricfies from f)0 cents to S-'itlcach. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of boin if superior in beauty and durability to any others. Card Photographs of Generals, Statesmen, Actors, etc., etc. Our Catalogue embraces over FIVE THOUSAND different subjects, including reproductions of tho most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, etc. Cata logues sent on receipt of stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D., will please remit 25 per centof tho amount with their order. BKjy-Tho prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satibfy. (juno 14'0fi-ly. NEWS DEPOT AND PERIODICAL S T ORE DAILY it WEEKLY PAPERS will be for sale hereafter, regularly at THE JOOK gTORE I N MARY'S. ST. N. 13. Any work, either American or Europcu, Religious, Scientific, Phil osophical, Historical, &c, will be pro cured on application as above. Any articlo in tho Rook or Stationery line not in Store, will bo sent for by mail and be received in a few days afur or dering. ji,n- 1-l-ly- BOOK STORE. St Mary's?, Ellc County. JUST RECEIVED GOO BEADLE'S DIME NOVELS 100 HARPERS NOVELS. 250 GERMAN STORY BOOKS. AN ASSORTMENT OF ALL kinds of Stationary, Blaok books, Time books, Pass books, and School books will always bo on hand. Purchasing our Books, Taper, Envelopes &c. direct from tho Manufacturers for cash, we arc enabled to sell at the same rates that they cau be purchased iu ANY OF THE LARGE CITIES, 10 per cent allowed on all purchases of tcu dollars and upwards. W. J. BLAKELY. Junc-14'GG-ly. G RAND FAIR TIIE OPENING of a Grand Fair under the direction of the ladies of St. Mary's, for tho benefit of tho church will commence on Weduesday evening, at mdleldcr s Hall and continue for two weeks. The exercises to be enlivened by St. Mary's BRASS BAND which bo in attendance every cveuiug. general invitation is extended to all, the will A Mrs. GEORGE WEIS, " IGNATIUS GARNER, " SEBASTIAN W1MMER " JACOB SCHOUT, " G. B. WALMSLEY. Juuo-28'GG-2w. - DISSOLUTION OF COPART NERSHIP. -Tho Partnership bcretoforo existing between the under. Bigned, is this dissolved by mutual oon scut. JAS. B. IIULSE, TIIOS. KING, A. L. VAIL, JOSEPH KING. Kersey, May-12'0G-lt. 10B WORK of nil kinds ao-fibl J crijViini de-no at this i'c. 'I iw noons AT THE New Stout of W ElS B H O T II E U S at St. Mary's, Elk County Fcuimlvai a Successors to George Wets. Oder for sale, at wholesale and retail, a well selected stock of SWING SUMMER SILKS, m or in a: s. POPLINS, DELAINES, MOHAIRS, Plain and figured Alpacas. A largo assortment of Prints, White goods of every description. Flannels of all kinds, Gingham, Tickings and Vhirting i great variety. Ladie'S & Children's Millinery Goods; such as BONNETS, HATS. CAPS, RIBBONS, Ac GL O VES & HOSIER V. uiiiVio Jurnishiny goods of evert description. CL 0 THS, CA SSIMERES Ac, dc GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS A large stock of FLOUR, PORK, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, RICE, SALT, LARD, OIL, WHALE OIL, PETROLEUM CANDLES. SOAP OF ALL KINDS. Tn short, wo have everything needed for family uso. Cedar and Willow Ware of every de scription. Confectionary, Brush, cs of all kinds. A full assort ment of Stationery, Wall Pa per, Paper Curtaius, Boau. tiful Oil Cloth Window Shades. A very large assortment ot Segara and Tobacco. E BUY OUR STOCK directly from the Manufacturer and there fore wo cau afford to sell cheaper than any other establishment iu Elk couuty. rMIE PUBLIC are respectfully in 1 vited to call aud examine our stook and prices ! WThethcr they wish to buy or not, for we claim to have ono of tho most com pie to stocks and the fiuest STORE in the couuty aud can sell for less profit, than any other house in tho county. wEl3 B ROTHEB; i ?t. Mary's, March 10-h '6$. HE VIRGIN GOLD MINING COM-r l'ANY OF COLO IV A DO, lOt a n il interests" 100 cucb, ot whi.h are reserved for Working Cap"fi'. Subscribers elect thoir own OfBceTH, ml themselves uianagu ine ittians ui tiiu C". pany ; each subscriber being eligible as on of its ollicci s. m THE PRESIPKNT is to he chosen from among the I'.oir 1 of Directors. THE DIRECTORS aro to ho selected by the subscri'-" from among themselves, at tho first uu-cinjt for organization. THE SECRETARY AND TREASURER i to be a subscriber nnd selected by tho Directors. v BANKERS. Tho Central National hunk, Philadelphia. SOLICITORS. Theodore Cuyhjr. Esq., riobej t D. Coxc, Esq. Americans are proverbial to.- tha avidity and commendable zeal with which tiicy participate, in enterprises having for their object the development of unr national re sources. At ouo timo "Railroads" at another "Coal" then "Copper" or "Iron," nnd moro recently "Oil" havo tcn the all absorbing topics. In all these several enterprises, as will o recollected, those who first took hold of them made money ; some larger amounta than others, according to their investments. Miuiiic operations in the ti"14s of Color - lo and elsewhere now mainly engross tho public attention. Considering that sever nich companies havo been already organ ized that they are now r.t work that tho reports from their mines are highly favor- solo that it is known that at the preiient time thcro are on tho way from the ledges of Nevada and Colorado numerous "bin of silver" nnd "bricks of gold," it i believed that tho enthusiasm already mnni.- fested on tho subiect will, m a littlo time, be so greatly increased on the receipt mi l exhibit of theso " returns," that innumer able companies will spring up, whose stuck, being bused at tho then greatly inflated, prices of ledges, will necessarily be less de sirable than that now to bo had thereby giving to those who avail themselves uf tho occasion now presented, of securing " ori ginal interests," an opportunity ot tnen disposing of the large amount of stock each holder receives, ot a handsome advanco. With these preliminary remarks the fol lowing ruosi'ECTUs is respectfully jn-cseu ted. Tho property of tho Company pmpoeud to bo organized by the sale of theso " ori ginal interests," consists of tho following Ledges, all situated within a radius of fivo miles of Central City, Colorado. TRAIL CREEK DISTRICT. Mammoth Lode, of 100 fee', Never fail Lode.t of 1!00 feet, Vanderbilt Lodc.J of at 10 feet. Union Lode, Of tcet. Old Ophir Lode, of 10O tei-t, TRAIL IIU IMSntlUT. Holman Lode, of 200 feet, BANNER DISTRICT. St. Louis Lode, of 100 feet, l'cnsacol i Lode, of 100 feet, ITl'ER FALL RIVER DISTRICT. Abe Lincoln Lode, of 200 feet, Washoo I.ode, of 200 feet, Minnie, or " Louisa " Lode, of 200 feet. Riddle Lode, of 200 feet, This Lode is very well developed, with vein of ore 1 feet iu width j oro prospects well. f There is one shaft on this Lode 20 fcut deep and 50 feet long, nnd the crevice is H feel in width. iThisLodeis well developed, fnd con sidered one of the best in tho district ; thcro i,i a wlini'i mi it 0.0 feet in depth with a vein of sulphercts four f ;et in width. Assays made of this ore provo it to be very rich. I! This is an A. I. Lode, and Iih.i a shaft of 75 feet in depth vein of ore ilireo fuet in width and of good quality, tire taken from this Lodo yielded $100 pM- cord iu gold. This is really this richest Lode yet dtni covered iu tho district ; il is well developed, ana ore taken liom this Lode vim del up wards of $800 per cord. ' Being a total of 2000 feet, or nearly a half a mile in length horizontally, of rich Gold-producing teriitory, of unlimited depth, tugcthei- with all the dip, spurs and ang'es, and also all the metals, ores, guld, S'lver and other metal -bearing quartz, rock, and earth therein, and all the rights, priv ileges and franchises thereto incident, ap pendant and nppurteuaticcd, or therewith usually had or enjoyed, under and subject to the jurisdiction cf the Government of tho United StV.el." The titles to all of which claims have been examined by a member of the liar, resident in Colorado. His opinion is ss follows 1 his is to certify that 1 have carefully examined tho titles to tho foregoing lodes or ledges, and am satisfied that they ara perfect. THOMAS MASON, Att y at Law. Central City, Colorado. The space of a circular is too limited lo give tho opinions of numerous distinguish ed citizens and men of science who have ex amined this district ; tho following extracts relate thereto, aud that of Professor Ed. ward N. Kent iu particular, of tile' Sew York U. S Assay Olticc is directly in poi&t. Our hits lamented President Mr. Lin coln during an interview with Speaker Colfax, relative to the hidden wealth ol Col orado Navada, &o ..said " I have very large as leid of the miucri. wealth of our natiou ,-1 believe it practically iuexhaustible." The Hon. J. P. Upsher, Secretary of the Interior, in tho Ojficial Report presented to Congress, dated December oth, 1804, refer ring to tho then present condition of our western Territories, says. "The weal'h embedded in the rocks of that extensive re gion is actually inexhaustible, and it will furnish in future years, indirect'y a princi pal part of our means of liquidating th debt contracted by the Government for tli overthrow of the Great Rebellion. " The Hon. 11. P. Bennett, delegate in Congress from Colorado, in a speech before the House of Representatives said .--"Judi;. ing from what I know of tho undeveloped resources of thbj country ; from what I am told by praotical miners who are well in formed upon this subject, I do say her to day before this House and before this Country, to be placed upon tho records and read of all men that within fiveyenrs' lime, and by the year 1809, the gold fields of Col orado Territory will produce ?-50,Ot)l),0O' annually ,- and eveu then its foil rftourccs of mineral wealth in gold alono romnio. not wholly developed. 1 speak from the united testimony of many practical minora who have spent many years in the mines of California, when I say : that the gold bearing region of Colorado in far m n- r tensive, quiio as inexhaustible, and tht gold-bearing quartz of a much ickkr ',u.iu ly than in California." LANKS, UAXDEILLS, POS TERS, BILL HEADS Jwe af the Adiocofe Office on thort ncJ.'.t.- and ft reawVc terv;.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers