No. 58:: i".'H)2 r.-'J 1 f,:; 13 5 4"j MM ;,018 5478 ;"'! I'J r 1 1 1 1 M 1 585:5 .'.884 538 r 5851 5852 ;.;;;!! .ri2s: ;".2'- ;";:) r.uo.'i ;.oos rj r.::90 5:,8!) 5848 COM!) 5018 r.ui 4 r.O'JT "-i'.5 584 1 f.i24 50:25 ;'012 5477 499'i 5001 50 SI 5020 5024 4993 541 4997 59$ 1 5479 499 4 5023 53 88 .5482 5023 5479 4994 5020 5021 5015 5027 502G 5022 x;;i:sn;::iv SALE OP U H S 'S AT ED LANDS. 70TICE IS UK UK 15 V GIVEN', j that a-vec.i''!'' I t)io net n( Assem bly. .Vised the r,f' March, 181.), i ntitU'd ,: nil Act to amend an Act di i retina the iivvln of fclliiif; nn:eatul l.m-1:) I'.t tikes, etc." TIip fiillmviiij: tniL-ts ff ttn-fati'd l.iinl in l'.lk cminly, will bo exposed to public :ilo or out-cry, lor atronrosci of taxis, at the Court, lIoue in Uid-vvav. on the 2nd Monday d' June, (being 'tho Uili tl.iy.) nnltss fooner paid : UKXKZKTT TOWN.-ItlP. S8, 98 S7 72 lis 9 4 75 A; ') 1 1 li IV 7 Warrant re. Ta x i s. ?8J0 SO 229 ,9 ( I imivlto Mead W. Wiliink tie. live. Mead ('. .1. do il.) do do do do do 9.M 5'' 8 99 72; 1 17 80 j 75 59 ! 101 95 70 495 5. 'id !.) I'.i.i 4 15 t;. i 1 i:i lm7 1 1 '-t lk IliiD 1 1 1 10 275 275 1 1 . 1 1 !'90 Oil ) 505 1100 1100 100 275 495 495 495 20J 458 815 li.'O ,r) 878 4 15 !'90 500 495 99i) 243 i 247) SOU 300 275 41 2171 100 150 39(5 1100 4 45 50 285 150 7425 405 213 990 790 15G ISO 990 21 i s2 50 ! 1 s 1 13G 191 9 4 100 70 99 SI SO 97 74 105 9.5 40,41, ) 12,43, f (W ; 1 1 . 2 ! 90 ' 15 : 90 I 214 108 do do do do do do Wiliink Oil 480 97 93 7'' 1,'9 i i 12 02 09 09 GO 50 eC 47 & 40 50 & V. (iiinvuo Mead, do do do IS!) 11 53 52 59 58 49,54,5; 45 44 7 32 00 227 35 32 15 48 88 135 90 1S8 10 199 01 83 40 137 S3 101 S5 120 on G 5 4 09 50 125 10 371 9 4 93 SO 1 12 (Hi 871 94 (17 04 50 12 47 SI 88 GO 79 2G 10 8 4(3 G8 30 33 00 41 70 112 12 257 95 IM? 70 15 19 9 4 04 41 70 205 70 183 9 4 47 29 3 45 84 253 7 4 19 10 10 23 539 G4 27 18 V.' Wiliink Miekel v. Wiliink do do do do do ( ieoro. Mead K. (!." Window 17 33 & 20 i 25 10 19 o 3 7 35 30 W Wi'link i!o do do do do do do do do do do tin do do ( i cordis Mead do do do do W. Wiliink do do 38 31 10 113 111 112 11. Window do do do do do 4107 4107 4958 10 ) 1 k V:l 290 100 800 317 290 110 V.SiK. Winslow 10 J&W Moutnom'y 12 15 (4.O. Urastow 3G 00 J. 15rockwav 14 20 li.&K. Wiuslow 13 22 I). S.. Johnston 4 04 4105 4106 4407 4107 ISENZ1XG KUTO WXSII I P 4901 4958 4105 25 John Carroll 5 03 410G 25 Win. Crosby 4 GO 4115 75 John Milno 13 8G 4101 25 Peter 15yrnes 4 GO 4884 500 V. V Marseille 55 01 4103 333 Samuel Wallace G5 38 4104 G44i do 118 04 4105 938 do 183 G5 410G 1442 do 2G4 75 4107 893 do 10 4 58 4108 90S do 182 53 4115 030 do 129 40 4109 99G do 182 50 4116 1049 do 192 2 4 4402 5 40 James Wilson 100 08 4103 9S0 do 178 53 4110 992 do 17 47 4111 1025 do 187 85 50 K. 1". & C. Co. 0 19 200 do 25 G3 497G 200 do 25 G3 30 do S 19 20 do 3 07 1300 do 329 90 4407 1 4 408 f 4 401 49G1 2357 4878 4879 4944 4945 4880 2374 2303 2377 4905 4877 4883 4882 4959 4881 220 1050 90 990 990 1023 910 990 1023 952 990 990 990 990 511 823 990 1023 50 50 25 275 200 25 50 25 Chas. K. Landis James Wilson James Wilson 48 8 193 51 10 G5 199 80 w. Wiliink do do do do do do do do do 199 ooo 199 199 20G 191 199 199 199 199 50 91 109 21 0 80 33 30 3G 21 45 80 08 ' do do do do Cicorgo Weis liuncrt Walker 8'8 98 31 21 io a 10 07 M A. Mitchell 4 900 49G0 T. II. G. Lukenbach 80 30 (1. Williams 22 05 lJendorfcr 2 20 John Henfiing 10 07 James Cox 5 03 Lot No. 4 )8D HOI -1 I OS -.1 107 1407 55 142 18 31 107 29 .'.OO James Cox (x St.") 77 W. (J. Ulaek s do 4 55 do 9 28 do 20 8 4 do 5 t o mVr&Wiand K'O 71 UNSEATED TdW.N LOTS, I'llKiWAV HTRI.UT. 10 Wm. Spcllanu 91 X 92 llev. Jere. Oilcan 78 A; 79 James Ihiylo 04,05,00,07 James Hates 103 Henry Doyle. 09 Anthony Haly !j:l Sarah Ilrnly 70 Michael Kirlm i9u. 4177 4190 1900 4190 4370 46 so 89 26 48 48 83 48 35 48 48 48 4 4273 4274 127 4 427 4 4370 4370 4370 4370 1870 89, 90 Win. Kennedy ,1. Kenna Martin Leonard James 1iitioilon J. M. Liujililin M. Mcl'onouuh 48 48 48 n O OO 48 98 83 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 P McDnnoujrh M. MrlVty Marg. McLaughlin I hns. MeCurdlo Thus. McPorniifk Thos. McLaughlin Win. Lyon J. Moyle & J. Craig John Nay Ion Christ, O'Connor Nicholas O'Xeal Thomas Sears Hubert Stark Jere. Selt7.inger .Richard Troy John Wallace Patrick I). Collins II All. no. Ml ETUKI.T. James Bales & 90 1 26 93 93 48 98 48 48 83 ' 48 1 40 4 8 48 93 93 93 48 48 48 48 48 48 83 93 30 -4097 4087 James Cdlciiy 1', Callahan 4087 4087 M. JoCcrklo James Fljnn James Fallen Daniel (lilliiran Sarah llealy James Murray Thos. Quinn John Shalvy Thos. Sisks TAI.110T STREET. Thos. Collins 4098 4098 4309 4344 4453 4342 4343 4450 4890 & 18 14 .i i Michael Conroy C- corse Dillon James Farrin 417G 4184 4184 J. MovlctJ. Craig 4243 4281 4282 4271 II. 15. OT.ryan S. Kooth Hugh Kay Charles Keily Win. Shine Thos. Collins John lloyle BUTLER BTKKET. k 89 32 & 11,12,1 13,14, William Conner, William Nihil James Coyle 1USIIOP STREET. Thos McCarty John Pan en Tinio'v Holland 1 8G 43 3 15 lots 43 48 48 93 93 93 48 93 G3 48 93 03 03 63 15 109 & 110 Patrick McMann U9,(' 120 J. F. Murphy 115&UG Patrick Mulchy 123 1 hos. (.Junui 1 1 8 & 1 1 7 I 'avid Rowan 127 & 128 J. Williams 124 J McN'au.uhtou 125 & 126 Thomas Gannon 2d Wm. tsiiannaiian 25 Win. Sliannahan 188 Geo. F. Shafer 100 Geo. WVis 89 II. E. Williams 50 15cnzina;er &co. 50 Matt. ?aenum 5 5 12 20 10 10 10 07 10 07 2 77 o Win. Coikery 4 1U8 4 W. C. Black i 20 6 99 4 60 79 107 29 900 28 300 1 26 do do Chas. 15. Miller Ln'd, Finney &co, Keme'r & Kreu Simon 15itral Mathias Kech 15 48 23 99 45 55 70 FOX TOWNSHIP. 130 Samuel Wallace 188 do (158 do 120 do 4 GO J as. AVilson 518 do 214 do 145 do 217 do 103 do 781 do 822 do 716 do 70 do 90O do 1002 do 4079 4098 4095 4090 4245 4246 4247 4248 4871 4873 4872 4484 4409 4378 4451 4245 4896 41 33 127 14 79 75 30 20 48 17 129 2G4 119 10 302 55 09 01 92 20 60 81 88 GO 21 97 1-7 28 411 30 424 4 ) 4245 79 932 do John Barron jr 29 191 4279 1;io" Jas. Wilson 208 08 do 76 50 do 520 01 do 84 32 do 117 87 do 2 50 do 5 02 do 94 do 80 89 do 9 09 W. Wiliink 2 37 48 40 4243 219 92 1 4811 4186 4370 4370 4870 4173 4178 1890 4077 4078 1U81 4082 1087 4C88 4096 4097 4098 4374 4283 4093 4371 4093 4371 4901 1187 4901 4890 201 990 25 25 26 730 90 24 296 246 105 307 200 57 28 768 439 206 J 50 1077 170 50 170 50 495 990 495 579 Samuel Wallace do do do do do do do do do Geo. Dickinson JohuBarrou Samuel Wallace James Wilson do James Wrilson W. Wiliink James Wilson W. Williuk do (53 04 75 00 20 04 2 08 56 11 6 100 9 37 87 27 73 88 35 74 18 301 13 3 13 8 97 117 151 41 GO 24 86 24 86 03 06 05 14; 900 500 293 -489 990 989 750 200 40 50 43 6 50 25 50 52 G2 50 50 52 30 303 769 50 87 50 207 GO 880 49 ito 85 1)6 do 110 12 James Wilson 37 49 do 54 49 do 49 99 do Gl 75 do 61 3:5 W. Wiliink .46 71 do 12 40 do 1 01 James Coy no 8 30 do 7 56 do 8 80 no 15'igartner 8 22 Swav'zlcr 94 O.&M. Albert 8 22 Jacob Didlot 3 5s Henry Kupp 0 2o, Joseph Ilctzel 7 50 Matt. Klein 8 9q Matt Klein 3 8g Matt. Klein J. James Wilson 73 8 do 132 14 Win. Wcnscl 7 5 James Wilson 16 O7 Biicgs 18 Gq 4370 4871 4871 4370 4370 4371 40S2 4077 4373 4079 4889 4271 -4272 4313 ) 4342 f 403 4245 ) Townscnd Fall Owner Unknown do do 27 80 11 1G 35 0(j 10 8fl J amcs Wilson 208 40 Samuel Wallace 148 79 40.) 492 110 22 24J 14 50 121 54 773. 952 900 577 569 900 387 540 600 100 154 1066 1071 380 James Wilson Franklin Kuhu F. W. Jones Arnold Greene John J. Thomas Roze Kelly JamcsWiinkle James Wilson do do do do do W. "Wiliink James Wilson do do W'illiam Reed John Baum, jr. do James Wilson 21 81 2 29 2 55 3 43 12 40 2 23 4 01 286 23 352 94 4249 f 225 16 256 1 232 04 198 09 24 43 76 30 52 80 6 20 7 99 178 Gl 178 91 32 49 4091 1 Samuel Wallace 4095 James Wilson 4092 - Sauinel Wallace nnn nfi 4093 f2'"0 Samuel Wallace JM U ' 4244 James Wilson 4245 James W'ilsou 4371 107 do 14 12 4434 100 do 21 91 44G9 184 James Wilson 32 G3 4470 155 do 57 66 4452 900 do 351 10 4278 157 do 53 49 4370 52 Jos.S. Ilydo 9 04 4244 50 J. Frantz 5 82 4244 57 J. S. Ilydo 8 90 4248 154 J. S. Ilydo 8 29 4280 1057 John Barron jr. 109 86 4372 27 James Wilson 2 81 4280 1057 John Barron jr. 95 39 4370 52 Geo. Dickinson 7 81 4370 25 do 04 4370 25 do 94 92 do 16 56 52 do 3 38 92 Dagu'a Imp Co, 14 35 30 Hays Kylcr 4 68 4370 70 O. Noble &co. 7 28 4249 110 O. Noble & oo. 17 16 4098 51 II. O. Witt 4 20 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 3781 1000 John Nicholson 133 00" 36G2 896 do 119 17 3753 1000 do 152 50 2020 1099 do 175 78 3G64 9. 2 do 123 98 3GG3 1031 do 137 08 8G55 1019 do 135 36 2019 896 T. M. Willing 119 17 1778 1031 T. M. Willing 137 08 3061 835 Niels & McPh'n 123 30 2025 100 J. & M. Mack 13 68 2027 372 Thos. Willing 49 31 2027 30 uo 4 03 1830 954 do 126 87 2038 1043 do 138 72 3060 496 do 65 97 2034 150 do 20 06 2020 330 do 3752 625 John Nicohlson 83 62 1831 1005 Thos. Willing 132 32 1803 902 do 03 12 1783 962 do 127 83 1858 888 do 118 10 2028 1054 do 140 69 2034 90 do 12 00 3766 1000 John Nicholson 70 00 2463 315 do 41 91 2456 289 do 38 41 2453 263 do 30 G5 3G54 1029 Nicl'stf McPh'n 137 74 8657 Owner Unknown 120 50 3771 1000 John Nicholson G5 00 3778 1000 John Nicholson 65 00 1799 800 Thos. Willing 106 40 1776 500 Thos. Willing 66 49 1776 100 John llenkel 5 49 1776 100 Jonathan Jones 149 177G 100 Kizabeth Cooper 5 49 1770 100 Kdjvard Burt 13 29 2034 1121 J. B. Wadsworth 15 00 2034 62 John Thompson 8 15 2034 118 Joseph Thorpe 1181 2025 106 Thus. Willing 13 99 37S6 1000 John Nicholson 105 62 3776 415 do 63 00 2031 1053 do 140 GO 100 John Smith 13 28 3778 100 John Nicholson 133 00 1799 100 Jacob Hapes 13 27 24G4 288 John Nicholson 88 30 2465 290 do 44 17 3653 1017 Nio'ls&McPh'n 65 14 2025 100 J. &M. Mack 13 31 3788 625 John Nicholson 44 G3 JAY TOWNSHIP 5283 1100 George Mead 002 80 5288 825 do 296 35 5289 825 do 452 10 5289 54G do 193 06 5290 61 J do 187 27 4191 350 James Wilson 22 10 4195 5,6 do 8 44 4196 989 do 1 55 58 4195 207 do 28 34 4197 245 do 04 04 4197 50 do 25 70 4197 50J do 5 10 41 9S 39 do M 96 4198 950 do 19 4 8S 4895 13 4 W. Wiliink 54 80 4899 288 do 157 55 4897 50 do 20 55 5010 990 do 801 92 5019 990 do 301 92 5006 990 do 97 35 4896 559 do 227 43 5007 990 do 221 82 5004 990 do 221 82 4882 15 DuBois & Lowe 6 34 4892 200 W. Wiliink 89 00 JjJJJJ 66 W. Wiliink 3189 4191 990 James Wilson 135 63 4899 352 W. Wiliink 107 97 4185 300 James AVilson 148 9) 4145 100 W. Williuk 47 95 4894 295 do 126 33 4898 419 do 137 00 4896 150 do 47 95 5234 1100 do 399 50 5033 94 do 82 50 4906 50 do 1 5 40 4891 460 do 14108 4897 25 do 10 29 5029 50 do 23 95 4898 990 do 63 67 5017 990 do 113 85 4892 320 do 109 GO 5030 94 do 80 80 4893 9 4 Fitch & Boynton 54 80 4895 95 Miss. M. Love 3 4 85 4895 96 Soph. Weblo 34 85 4893 217 A. II. Shaw G3 85 jjj-'jJJ G9 Samuel Bell 27 40 5032 100 T)r. E. Moritz 37 81 4808 990 W. Wiliink 118 82 5032 100 Ham'd,Jones&Co 39 90 5032 293 W. 14'illink 119 19 GO D.R.IIutchinson 26 70 4194 100 James H'ilson 3 40 4194 100 do 3 40 100 James Fisher 8 50 4180 990 James Parker 85 00 484 4 187 H'. Ilillink 9 52 JONES TO UNSHIP. 990 Sumucl Wallace 4114 180 G9 125 393 do milink 24 7 2504 2331 72 12 72 12 393 404 393 486 393 200 200 200 1073 1025 100 100 128 222 942 358 621 337 947 600 905 990 990 990 905 990 990 990 990 990 841 927 990 990 990 779 789 978 818 478 323 V 341 987 24 162 990 990 990 990 990 990 do do do do do D. J. N. Howard Thos. Vancanot Cleo. Dickinson Samuel Wallace do 11. F. & C. Co. do do do 74 70 2731 72 41 90 13 2673 72 41 22 00 30 85 36 4113 208 85 197 46 18 44 18 44 4112 2610 16 21 35 99 186 Gl 67 84 115 32 62 31 2588 2G10 Wiliink do do do do 3293 3296 3291 3252 3180 2686 3231 3232 3252 3228 3220 3230 323? 3243 3227 3223 3229 3237 3242 3117 3111 8044 3226 3224 3222 3227 3214 3295 3291 3251 2315 2329 2316 2319 174 48 Leroy&Liuklean 110 35 do 159 02 182 19 182 70 182 19 164 46 182 70 182 19 182 70 182 19 18' 70 164 77 18 89 182 19 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do Wiliink 182 7 182 19 143 63 145 94 165 45 150 81 90 74 59 31 03 74 181 85 4 62 29 74 182 19 182 70 182 19 182 70 182 19 182 70 182 19 109 40 75 08 2323 2326 3143 3140 2553 2593 2489 2554 2564 2527 2599 2551 2612 26 11 2G10 2608 2604 2587 2591 2487 2332 2361 2333 2425 3217 3225 4903 4904 3253 2791 3225 3290 990 590 408 1G6 9823 990 624 877 990 990 990 990 990 40 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 990 802 990 990 ' 990 990 990 278 990 560 136 100 100 175 223 128 100 W, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do QO J. L. Dawson Henry Luce Wrm. II. Jackson Beard & Hayden Thos. L. Kane do do 80 59 180 G5 182 19 113 67 160 79 182 19 182 70 182 19 182 70 182 19 7 3 182 2 182 66 182 19 165 83 182 25 182 66 182 2 182 G6 147 66 182 2 182 19 182 70 182 06 182 19 50 13 182 70 129 58 9 80 9 75 22 27 12 77 16 37 9 41 7 35 3221 2500 3222' 3293 100 200 400 200 200 160 130 303 100 180 114 do do 'do do do do do do do do do do 7 35 14 70 3291 f 2504 I 553 f .'24 3296 29 40 :98 3322 295 010 293 14 70 588 2791 14 70 11 80 9 55 2 05 11 86 1) 56 8 83 G 22 853 1 2610 f 2553 ) 2G10 f 3298 ) 3256 j 5222 3290 222 3 296 83 RTDGWAV TOWNSHIP. 700 8ft 1 000 000 1088 020 078 07:1 1020 1020 675 127 iames Wilson 132 30 170 -17 101 70 210 00 283 07 132 00 208 31 101 01 185 20 107 38 118 50 24 50 120 3G 100 10 20 88 80 48 42U7 42H3 42110 do do do .Tno liarrnn, jr. .ames Wilson do do do do do do HI 4:!:i2 4IW3 4:?7'i 70 77 4H89 4:11)0 3283 040 W. Wiliink 803 James Wilson 103 do 400 do 400 do GOO do 020 do 420 do 277 Ccorgo Dickinson loO do 108 do 440 do 8C0 do 1000 inbiarth & Co. 42J oiimos rt'ilsou 120 W. Wiliink 170 lames McClelland 100 John Nicholson 43 W. Williuk 71 do 74 do 4:l!ll 4:10 to 41101 4:500 85 20 100 07 133 04 00 71 M 15 So 50 42 10 127 38 1 10 40 285 00 120 24 10 44 34 15 10 30 0 50 12 87 10 18 75 15 80 12 4 H05 4H01 4302 48110 4801 4800 4870 4800 272J Hyde & Cummings 4851 4302 1 4850 j 12U do 151 176 do do do do 41 0G 51 80 07 40 19 75 4 80 13 40 48o2 4803 4800 j 200 83 4801 f 4303 50 James Wilson Dr. J. L. Scott 428o 81 SPRING CKEKK TOWNSHIP. 03 05 34.3 ifreeden & Co. 02 42 1005 do 372 02 GOO do 233 07 355 do 93 43 347 do 03 06 406 do 154 40 537 do 117 72 423 do 111 72 000 do 227 31 680 do 112 41 10751 do 217 13 320" Nichols & McPherson 111 21 000 Leroy & Linklenn 130 80 233 Smith, Dow & Brown 70 18 485 Nichols & McPherson 87 73 5700 5707 5708 5709 5800 5801 5802 4041 5704 1500 2051 1501 48 55 4 Loroy & Linklcun 12188 900 do 103 80 350 W. Wiliink 70 00 100 do 18 20 000 do 303 75 1055 do 107 24 400 do 72 SO 275 Samuel llaird 15 74 60 A. J. Meddock 6 45 100 Owner Unknown 9 10 102 Allen Wilson 14 29 200 do 15 00 208 John Nicholson 35 4 4 231 uo 32 21 201 do 27 85 100 Allen AVilson 20 21 150 do 3 33 76 Sclh Clover 11 81 2002 2942 2018 2015 2037 2702 1566 4556 4512 4551 4500 4551 156 W. O. Kdwards 17 40 (50 Crow & Wtnsel 6 30 ST. MARY'S BOROUGH. Nos. 43, 45. 55,60, 58, (11, 62 CenliO street, Ridgwuy Farm yCoal company SI 3, 58 ; 9, 42, 43, 44, 31, 34, 35. 30, 37, 38, 30, 40, 41 Muurico street, It. F. nnd C. com pany $20,10 ; 31. 33, 35, 37, 30, 41, 44, 45, 47, 48, 10, 57, 53, 54. 55 John street, H. F. and C. company,$20,40 ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 George street, same owner, $13,58; 4, 6, 9, 19, 20, 20, 27 Chas. street, same ow ner, $13,90; 19, 20, 21, 25, 20, 27, 28, 21, 23, 22 Church 6treet, snmeowner, $19,10 ; 13 Lewis street, same owner, $1,91; 0 School street, same owner. $1,04; 2 Mil! street, same owner, $3,88 ; 40, 02 Centre street, Chris. Gaibel, $3,88 ; 46 Centro street, Peter Keefcr, $1,04 ; , street, James Glass, $1,01; 76, 80, 81, Rupert street, Thomas Black, $4,20; 08, same St., James Conigan, $1,42; sixty-nino, same street, James Costello, ono dollar and forty twocents; fifty seven, same street, John Dixon, same street, four dollars and forty nine cents; sij-ty one, Arthur Freel, same street, ono dollar and forty two cents ; sev enty, Wm. Cannon, same st. fifty five cents ; forty nine, Timothy Lyons, same street, ono dollar and forty two cents; ninety eight, Patrick street, Jnmcs Uoyle, one forty two; nine, Patrick street, James Uoylo, one dollnr and forty twocents; 80 nnd 00, same Btreet, O. M. Dermott, $1,71 ; 101, same street, Mellenly, one dollar and twen ty four cents ; sixty threo, John MoKny, same street, one dollar and forty two cents ; sixty seven, eamc'street, John O'Poole. one dollar and forty two cents ; Benedict ft thirty three, Pat. Viovlnn, sixty two cents ; 9, If. C. Bryant, $1,78; thirty two, Pat'k Gantry, $1,18 ; 10, Terrence Unpen, $1,78; twenty two and twenty three, J. B. Hufl'er, two dollnrs nnd thirty two cents ; 114, W. Hnckctt, $1,78; 10, John Kelly, $1,78; 15, Ed. O'ICeefe, $1,42; twenty nine, James Wilson, ono dollnr nnd forty two cents; twenty eight, Pat'k Woods, sixty two cents; 10. 11, 12, James Coad, two dollars nnd six ty one cents; Shamrock St 37, Patrick Bynes, sixty two cents ; twenty nine Palk Emight, one dollnr and forty two cents; 35, M. Flynn, 87 cents; 31, 33, J. Gardner, two dollars and ninety eight cents ; 45, O. Gannon, one dollnr nnd forty two cents ; twenty nine Pat'k Gilligan, one dollar and forty two cents; 41, Pnt'k Highland, one dollar nnd forty two cents ; 48, Pnt'k Hall, one dollar and forty two cents. 17, Nich. Irwin, one dollar forty two cents. Twenty three, T. Joysce, one dollnr nnd forty two cents. Twenty seven, Wm Knish. one dol lar and forty two cents, forty two, James Moran, one dollar and forty two cents. 44, James Moran, one dollar and forty two cents, twenty five, B. Mo tint, one dollar and forty two cents. 88, M. Murty, 87 eta. 18, 19, m A Nugent, two dollars and nino ty eight ocnts. 33, John Millignn, ono dol lar and forty twocents. 1, Wm O'Councll. 227 1 sixty two cents, forty two nnd forty three, Jas Kilcy, two dollars and ninety eifjlit cents, in, IM Ryan, c,no (i0!tftr ftu(j f0,.,y two cents. 40, J's widow, m,o dollar and forty two cents. Charles St. twenty eight, Thos linvry, ono dollar nnd nmety four cents. 10, Juhn Ford, SI, ID. 1 hacker, .I,tit. ' walbcrgcr St GO, G7, w. C. Bryant, ?2,09; 72, Thos Emiht, 61,42; 67 fiS, 69, Pat. Faherty, 84,50 ; John vSt., 1,1, r.u. jrnes, o,j ltoomskey, 1,42 ; Morris Street- 1, 2, li. Turpin, $1,73; 5, Pat. Conigan, 1,42 : 1,8, Pat, Cassel, 82.99; f.U t. Devi,, 5l,Do ; 3, 4, Jas McCall, 83,07; ('-, Pat. Quinn, 62 cents; 13,14, Rev. H Turpin, 82,91); 45,40,47, Daniel Sul! hvan, $4,97; Erin Street 42? 43, T. Daivy, ?,25 ; 5, J. Donnelly, G2 cents, 57, Abin. MeKenzie, 91,49 ; 50, win. Sliannahan, 81,49 35. 86,37, 44, Jas Boyle, $5,43 ; 4 1, Pat, Naylon, SI,49 ; School St. Pnt'k Ifollv, ono dollar nnd ninety four ceiyfs Church St. 1 7, Patrick Keely, eighty seven cents 18, .V. O. Sulli van, one dollar nnd sixt ecu cents. Lewis ?l.r.t'1.,J.0,1 MoL'kw cic'y seven cents, 1 1, Win A Nugent, two dollars and thirty six cents. Eight, James Gilligan, ono dol lar and toily nine cents. Twenty-three, Patrick Quick, sixty two cents. Sixteen, John Tralvy, ono dollnr nnd forty nine cents. 9 aiid 0, Mary Wineklo, ono dolinr nnd seventy four cents. Fifteen, James McNamee, eighty seven cents. Amandus street 11 1. lVrnard ,1cNally. $1,78. Un hundred and twelve, John Pickclt, $1,40. Centre street 53. Michael Turner, $1,94. 47 nnd 40, Patrick Fitzcrald, four dollars and sixty sis cents. Four lots on Rosalie Itoad, McT.ifier, Patrick and Co. $13,38. 60, 51, 51, twenty, twenty four, 13, 19, twenty five, Benedict, street, (ieorgo t'ois, nino dollars ad thirty six cents. Eleven, twelve, nine, six, fifteen, sixteen, Maurice street, same owner, $7, 80. Twenty four, twenty six, twenty eight, thirty, Shamrock street, same owner, eight dollars nnd twenty cents fifty four, fifty six, sixty, si.cty two, seventy four, seventy five, seventy seven, 78, 60, fifty two, 53, fifty six nnd fifty nine, Unpen street, same owner, fifteen dollars and sixty five cents. 113, 114, 100, 110. Amnndus street, saino owner, four dollrrs nnd eighty two cents 8, George street, snino owner one dollar nnd ninety four cents. 70 and 71, Walberger street, same owner, two dollars and forty one ccnU twenty eight and 33, Benedict S:rcet, Goo. Ed. H eis, ono dollar and forty six cents. 37, 47, Shamrock St. eame owner, 0110 dollar and sixteen cents, sixty, forty two, forty three, Erin street, same owner one dollnr nnd seventy four cents. 70, Rupert street, same owner, 68 cents. JAS. COYNE, Treasurer. T T ALI I A IJ L ! LOTS FOR SALI& V ine uimersigned lias laid out a vii. lage upon his ground adjoining (he Hide, way Depot, (0 bo called ELK. Tho lots arc 50 feet front by 100 feet deep front ing towards the railroad. Terms For tho first lot sold, $100. Foi the second lot sold. $110. For the third lot sold, tfl20 and so on increasing in price as lots are sold. First purchasers get tho choice lots nt the cheapest rates. Purchasers will be registered in the or der of their application Ten percent of the purehaio money must bo paid at the time of tho application. tti,Applicalions will beTmado to John G. Hall, Esu.. Kidjwnv. l' 00 J.S.HYDE. Ttidgwny. mar.20 60-tf. I ysst.M,177ToXoF co part J N KIlbHIP. The Co-partnership heretofore existing between Moore &. Boy ington of the Hyde House, has this (lav J.arcli Uth, boon dissolved, by mutual con sent. The business will still continue at tin. oiuuu johix uy m. . Aioorc. M. V. MOORE. E. BOYINGTO.V. J'iill--- UO-II. -NO 1 let: Whereas letters of Adminis tration have been granted 0 the undersign . ed, upon the estnte of illnn,Tl,l, nr n.i line. Into ot Spring Creek township, Elk county, dec id. All persons having claims against said estate nro requested to make them known, nu I nil persons owing said ,..v .v.iucmc., K, ninno payment to Arroyo P. O., Spring Crook 'p.. Elk Co., Pi Fein-nary, 21st 1806. Cw lAtiCL' i'OHS NOI'ICU. WHKIIR.IS f. V, , I. . i"memary upon the Entile ... ""Kuui-iy, uec u., imve tins day icii t,,w iu iuu uuucrsifrnr,ii All sons having claims against the estate will present them duly authenticated, and all per sons indebted to snid estate will make nav. n.ont, toSUS.iN B. DOUGHERTY, Ex'i nt liidgwny, I'a. ' Mar-5'tiO-Ow. i lTTTl "Pn "e Estate of olfgangSchliittcnhofl'er latoof Benzine er township Elk county dee'd, have been granted to the subscribers. All persons in dcbled to the snid estate, aro requested to mako immediate payment, nnd those having claims against the same, will present them duly nutiienticated for settlement to THOI 01,111,1.1 iMiiiimui, r KAN Sf'IIfirT KL','lTrtr.l'IMl l, . . ...v, uraiiimj, mnr-Li B i-liir NOTK E. Letters of Administration hav. ing been granted to the undersigned, upon the estate of J. V. Chapin Esq., lata of Uidgwny township deo'd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immcdiato payment nnd all persons having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement ifidgwny, Feb. 21st '66. J. POWELT E. REMINGTON & SON3, MANUFACTURERS OF Revolvers, Rifles, Muskets and Carbine, for the United States Service. Also l'OCKKT AND BELT REVOLVERS, Repeating Pistols, Rifle Canes, Revolving Ritles, Rillo nnd Snot f,'un barrels, and gun materials sold by gun dculers and the trade generally. In these days of housebreaking and rob bdry, every house, store, baDk, and office should be supplied with one of 1! EM I NCI TON'S li E VOL VERS. PnrtlAdil.wlnii in nvnil ll,nn,.Al..nn late improvements in Pistols, and superio. workmanship nnd form, will find all combind in tho New Remington Revolvers. Circulars containing cuIb und description of our arms will be furnished upon applica tion. E. REMINGTON & SONS, Ilion, N. . Moore & Nichols Agents, No. 40 Courtland Nt. New Tort April 5l:i 1.3. -lv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers