" "" !.'."" ' ' '.'11 ' i.'..!1."!?".' .' I' "1 '.!' '. .. T II E E L K A 1) V 0 G A T E 'i I'ieri rVilM i IV' . Issued Hill (if I In' and ('mi "I ill' oiuni.m I lets ol ivk cour.ty. m in ilirorled and dilivore 1. I will expo t.i public out fry nl Lie ( ourt t : i 1 ir w n v . mi Monday the 1st day HUSO I'l nf .I.inn. ;,,.v next, nl 1 i '-"d; ti. in.. the lollottiii;; de cri'.'Cil re it e late io w.i : All the vi(rlit.. in f. niterot nnd claim nf .T.i'n (I. l'ni ti rficld. nl in nnd In flip fuilnw-ii- iK'.Miiil.-d real estate towd .-- -Two i-"i'- mill town b'ls tinned in the villa,! "I j lliilijway, Kll (uumy IV. kn- vt ninl ilc I Mjrilicl' im I own I'll!1, mihiIhis iliii i V'M .'.itj nii'l thirty w.'ii 7 '-I" 11 l; ""V or plan nf vl 1i-'i as recordo'l in tin- -llecordin;: nMir-.' nf .- iM county, containm I luprlliiT. thirty llinn" Hid obrht Iiini.lrcii uu I ; M.xiein feet nil improved, upon which is I C rente 1 1 1 1 U' two slor.v f .:i me lavcvin house, i liflv live by lovty feel nnd one frame bain t-ixlv live f'nrly i'''''t and other out buildings rreele I in. fi lid pre'iii" "S. said property is I situated nil I be ci.l'llcr iil"l:lill nnd Mill St' S Seized, taken into i-ecul;oii mid to be i K.1I1I :is the l.mi'fVlV of J oil H I Vurifrlii'M, nl tbe fiiil "I I'ir.id S. ' utlicr. Al.S'l All the 1 lir',1 . liilc. claim an I inttiret of , I'. 'I'. Bvnolt-. all the 'li !"ii'l;i:il nlinv in and toll.'.' ( il ; 1 v: 1 1 e 1 1 " a'e ii mi ned j Wit : I 1 v,o uerf .i'.n I mil l.iis v ii ul i-i in llief ' l ure fit Iii . I ". iv. in ih.' iu'V i-li'i ,'e'?- V'ktrt 'Aonntv "' b k u'l I sln;c 'if 1'ciin V . a .1; mtn ntld Kit ''"i to-v.-i I i.'.rii'i.v-i '.ni.-ii ). ijlirf -venteot.. "n u; 1 i'ni: 1 1 t..i... I 1 1 . 1 1 f.i-n 1 1 1 1 -I 1. o'' ' ! : . .v.i VlitTTK of pmi'lry -f.r'ls nl or vili.ii' "I il 1 i a afiire.-iid 'I'll in ' '7..'ie4 on I be ii'iiii Main vil :. "H ' iMft pllbtie 1 1'( i'l, nil I '1 ' s.i. it It tiy 1 .1 il WiinI o 1 1I10 weil by 1 1 n 1 o- !..r of Ci n les C rf yi'lu"' cunlaininir twe; ly l : i - 1 1 -t n 1 and :gljt liun lred s.pi ii foil. 'iH-t.i" nil im ' I'irovi'd upon iviiii li i - ci-c.-'e I a fiaine boil ""iliii" id i'i e 1 i i' ari airzed lor il store loom . vim mid dllellltu; Il "i i bill! lin.I. -M o bi . U.i eiccle l mi . si in' pi .'Ii "o ''. .-in.vd aa-1 .'!l.-r ai d under a part nf .isml ioiKoit iil'iry. T!i:re iii i I lots on a frame li.irn "nere is :i 1 - all apple nl'i I (rues !rriwiu,4 execution and upon to be at the lid bi Seized, taki'ii in'o ce. s-old as tin; proocny of 1'. Miil of Tliutiias Sic ui-l . ALSO Ali that i-e-lain ii';'. -t or i tualc in th : lo-.vn i-f Iii'l; I'l'tiiisvlviinia. kmi'A il til Ilvooks. parcel of ground, v.-iiy. I'.liv coutiiy iiivn bits nuinboi s jiitietv nine an 1 one hiridred '-.'.h. 0'.) ! in " o:i .). J. Kide V ii'-'s plan of smd town, boundcil on toe uorl o by ( cut ro stveel. on t ie east bv t nvn lot Xn, '.'H. on the south by mi alloy and on the o i"t by Mill street, cm. t.iininj; half nf im neve, move or le is, upon iih'c'.i is erected a two story franiedwelhne; house nnd il woodsbad. all improve 1. Seined, taken in execution mi l to be sold i! the property of 1'. M. tarr, A, Ii. lleadi Adeline Head. V. iV. HAYS, Sheriff. 1ST olTra.'crs'.i. .Jurors drawn for .Iiininrv Ti fin. lNlili J ' llible Anton i'lni-k O.C. ( 'Iiauibccliii .Jos. S. aliihiiti .Mii'hacl Hill Ueiievcttc iM'ccbiud Oliver Hewitt Jure 1 lays Isaac J lussclinan ( ic.i. Jr 'I rwin Thomas, .lolins'in Jesse .i ilinsi'ti d . ( ). Jvntikcl I'liilio Kimc 11. Y Kroft Joscjdi lia"py Henry Lewis Kllis " Luce Win. 1'. joycr ( 'oonro l J r Miller A'.iielttilio Xearintr Clia. C Ncssul ( leorue Pistncr Joseph I'istmr Jnhn ;-'cliult.i! W in. ('. i-hort Sninpson Sore; Xavei'ris .1 r .clioe ii inu: (erhavl Snhocnin'1: l'rcd Thomas John i. Thompson Peter A'i 'ilson Samuel .Vein Albert AVoulc Ferdinand Webb Cbns iuiiuernmti Ij. I'. ln'iii.ino-cr, iiidn-Wiiy, Pox, do Kidicway, IJeiiezot, I'.'X, do 1i'iiziii;;cr, Spviiiir Creek, jienezett, do Ijcnzinprer, Hid-way. St. Mary's, Fox, JSencxctt, Jay, Fox, J ones, do Peiiziiicr, Jones, d-i St. Mary's, Fox,' Uonziiiner, do Fox Jay, Jox, do St Mary's, Jiinee, Jav. ex. ORPHAN'S C0TTRT SALE. NljTlt'li i licret.v given ill i', in pur.-ui-1 nee of an order of the Orphan's Court of VI!; coiiiily. we will espuM' to I'lib'ie sale, i n tlic premise-- in the Ibirnngli of St, Marys :n s.ii ! co'im v on Hit- 1 day "f llce iiber I i'XI at li'io o'l'ln -k p. in . i!i"fo'l iwinrt do f.YiU: 1 Town lots in Slid Borough of t jilaiy s, lo-wii : Town but Nitnib.'r sixteen (l'ii on 1 us street. Town Lot Niiinbei eijlit -roi (l1-'' on T'.IS t tl'CBI . M in Mat. Town Lot Number n:n "I l 'I i V is street. Town I. ol Nii'iib.'r scvei -. i: li-r street- Town l.nt Number thirty-one ou Cr oSS I II eel. j;.-i'-ii of said Town bos !"ivin,rr "lie lnin i red f.'.'t fi-oiit mt i-aid streets nml rr'ini. g 1 nek in .-i ii 1 : 1 angles with said stive's, two ,: mi ll 1. 1 if "i . Ti-i'iiiH of "iile. one lni'f ea-li at time nf iiilcand i-e'iniiiub-v within six iinuitbs there I Iter wnh interest, to be si-cii'vd by the j uvchii .', Io llie sin isl'ai t 'on of the sub t cviber. M. c. si'iiri. izi', MAitv i-isiuii;, Ailuiinistriitoi s. til. Mary's, Nov. fib 1SW. Orphan's Court. In the iiintn r of the "I In the Orphan'? I lition of WiU'mtn II. Court of Elk Conn- aw puni'il'tan of Mary ty. J'cllcn Mavr. William At an Orphan's . Mnvrund Ab ni Mn it f'onvt. held lit mid Win. 1'. Hull srnav- Kiduway. in nnd (iiau of Jliivi I 11. Marv, i for I he County of lived llavv ninl An j I Ik, on the. Cth Be' In Murr. Iiiinoi' cbil- day of October, dienofDiivi'l Man-bite A. ., lSilo. ol Noi'ibiiutberliitiil Co., deceased. J AN exenndilii'd record "nun the Orphan's Courl "f Noi'iJiiimberlaiid county I'eun'n., (Jr.'iei'-I a faleuf certain real e.-lato therein ji.ciiliiin. t' now to wil. October 6th 1B05, the Teiiiion of Win. II. M jit frunvdian ef Mary II el en Mnrr. Win. 1'. Marrnnd Aleui Marr ardWni. V Hull aunrdiim of Ibiviil U. Marr Alfred Man- und Annetta Marr, minor chiU dn-a of David Murr. Uieof Northumbtrland fumt.ln the -lute of I'ennsylTaniti de. censed, cetlinir forth nmoim other things that tlieiv said Words are sciorl in their demesne ns of foe of and in the sixth sev mill intercut in n certain tract nf bind. t"C ualo in .1 :iy township, K1U county, emit iii n inir oiirhtv seven acres of buul null prnyti'ir the Court to nuilsc a decree, inithorizinn; said petitioners to raise tlio film nf one thousand dollars, from till' Pale nf said Ileal Kstato. Wliorcunnn the ctmvt after due considora- (ii.n Imd. do order utut decree u snle ol tin aforesaid veil e."tiil". lil'.O. T'.D. WK1S. f'eil; of Orphan's Coiirt ( rphan's Coutt Sale. Y I I ; Tf f 1 il r t in' nf!':i; -, h.ivc "rd.'V nf I be . inly. t!i"ro will be ii 'In- I 'mil l House in -l,-i'.- .- I . i.u'.ll!' I'e ill K'k Civinty r ;!V "I N'.vn.L' nn'-i . on Monday v. A. I.. IN'i'i at 1 J'lll'V :i ii tin i.'i-',, i; )v hi., off-aid day. tbe s'xtli sevenl.i , iiici-i'yt if I lie follnwiiip described tract of j binil. .'ininilcd as fallows. Commcneinjs ; nl the N..vih west corner of land now owned . bv Jnscpli Hill nnd(ieor.-eeisaniJr niiiiuK , tln-iice West one hundred and eighty seven - nod ii In If perches. 1 hence South M a eoi-ner, thiice I'ast In eorner in Cie tin" ol nie uforesaiil (!eov(!0 and .'o-e-.i Idll. ihcnce Nortii nlou; ill- iilVo-es.-id line to the pl-i'-e of lieimi'tur. situ tie in.l.i'.' ton ust KU; coun'v seven iin l renn a an I e mi-iuiini ei ii one h-ilf ice"" of 1 1 1 1 ' 1 be the ! same more or ics. Terms o-i-di. VM II. M A II il, ! V,M IV lit 1. 1.. 0.1 1" J i: ,-. 1,11- nrti-ir child ten. nf I 'avid 'a.. V:. rniiiii'x-rl.in.l l.'oiiuiy I.e. I I n't I IV 111. SI-lll-lS r the 1 tidjnurne.l. it'i'il ?tb, uL 1 o'cloclc Iecem! To CcnsuKiTitive3. T!ii usvlersiitncfl havinsr been resliTCil to licnllh in a lew weeks, by n very sim-pli- ri-tii.-dy, nUev liavin sulTc-reil cevc rui vt'iits with it sevcro lutio- alici'linn, ami mat dri'ii'l ilisoase. CotiMiiujiti'm is :i!ixi'iii- Io make ktnuvn ti l.i.s lolli v-siiflvici'.-. the means c.t cure. 'i o all w!io ih'siro il, be will seii l u cnpy of tlic ,vest'riitinti used (lice of cliatjre ) with tlio directions for prepui' iiii: and usini; the same, wliicli they will find, n sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Ilmne-hitis, (!otif;iis, Colds, dee. ' The on'y object nf the advertiserin send, j ii"' the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which j he conceives to be invaluable ; and be I linpes every ftnterer win try lus, remedy, as it will cost them pri ve a blessing. nothing, and may 1 arties wishing the prescription will please aduress, Rkv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williami-buig, Kings County. New York. I RON IN TH E BLOOD. . ln.Iini.lSimmc,ii;i:il,lil,,l With Its I,1FK Fr.KMKNT. IRON, lufus. j ing Strength, Vigor, and New Life into j the whole system. For Dyspepsia, i Jlropsy. Chronic Diurliwi. Pebility Fe i male Weakness, ctn.. if. is a stieeifie. j Thousands have been cVintri'd by the I use of this medicine from wnk sickly, sufTeriii' creatui'f'S to slrong, licalthy, and liappy men and wimpti. A !!'.! paire painpblet sent, Free. Price 81 per bottle, ortjfor."). J. P. PLNSMORE, HO Dey Street, New York. SolT by 1'ruggisis generally. TOtLOXSl Ull'i'iVI s. rtntF.,, U'rciT fm-.tiimnnv 1U'J Ai, .... ' Qamiim.-y. Bronchitis, or any disease of the Throat or Lungs, will be cheer- fully f hi nished, without charge, with the vr.ni.1,1 u tiw tbo nsn nf which the 1'iR.V. Kit w Aim A. Wir.soN. of Williamsburtr. New York, was completely restored to i health, sifter having suffered several -...1 . i i ,i.' n i years w i n n ai oieau uiscae v,o.isu, up- ; lion. i o Consumptive sulierers, this ir.-ined? is worthy of an immediate trial. It will cost nothing, and may bo tlio means of their perfect rest.iratii'ii. I Those desirin;' the same will plene nd. di(-s Rev. EDWARD V WWON.j 105 South See mil St-et. WiMiams-1 but'oli. King- Cuio'v. No York. ! V OTIC!-: - a I. lici- i i ..I ol Micluie Elk county the sulirci i. . lju'litai'v I't I In Fstate Oi l-i-e i.f.li'.y 1 have I.ci'ii lnWII-liil laiili-ii to II persons indebted to -ai l requested to make iuitiii' bate and I Ii i -o having claims ! satno will proM'iit tliLtiidulv i'e ai in nt :nt t t 'tlu'iit'.eaU'il I i't' sett lenient to JOHN BRR. lJeuezett tp., Elk eotiutv A. V GRAY, " .1 y tp. Elk county Augus i 1 .'ill C.1TTLE- 'nine to tbe V. " pi'iiiiitxis ol tbe fv.tiscribor in I'ox township, on or about tbe 20, of April l'.i5' a veil iV white spotted (a w, about 7 years old since bad a calf, one rod steer about 1 year oh'.. The owner is de-sired to come forward, thovo property, jpay charges, ko; or otherwise they will . .- V .1 ..I . .1. . 1.. A .,...1. UU Ulhpuscii Ul "S luc iuii uiivi-i Fox tp. Aug. 10, 'Go, GEO FAUST. Dr II Ander's Iodizie Water- AX INVAI.bAIiLE DLSCOVKRY. A Pli.l GitAiv of Iodine in each ounce ol Water, Ditzohiil irilhonl a Snlefut .' The most powerful Vitalizing Agent and lUstorative known. Scrofula, Sail. Rheum, Cancers, Rheumatism, Con sumption, nmi many Chronic and Here. ditaiyDi.eaes, are cured by its use, as thousands cau testify. Circulars Kent free. S5. Price. ?1 per bottle, or C lor Du. II, ANDERS A Co., Physicians and Chemists, 42$ Broadway, New Yo;k Syld by Druggists generally. rt-vl BUSINESS COLLEGE N. K. run. Tkni'ii and Cnii-vsitT SthkkTs, I'lllLADKM'IllA. The iiiikI rriiiiplel'.! nml llioronplily np puinled H;i."iiH's'! or Commercial Colleg') iu (he country. The only one in tbe oily poFRpssing a I.n. ililnlive Clrirl ;r, nnd the only one in tbo I" ii it oil Sla'r nnthori.ed to confer Dcjrreei of Merit. Diploinns nwnvded to priidiiaies in the Cotmne-eial (Vnrpe under its corpo rate peal bv anilinritv of law. Conducted by (rciillcnien of liberal edit ration and extensive eMierience in biifines". ! ii ii .1 ii !'h i vil i 11 it n nrii i II 'i 1 lot I n il inn I n irno fur I tin ) hnronli theoretical nnd practical ediieii- i ,;,m f y,,uilfr mon for the various dipics and t.inpnvnients of buiiine'is life. I TIlli'UlY AND rilAt'TlfH COM 111NK1) ! j)y tt sv.i(.i f ACil'AI- lirSIXKSS TIlAIMNt! oTijriinil and pre eminently practical, (riving the stui let it in the shortest time a complete, insielit inlo the routine, details, customs nnd I'orins of biisim ss in Lr"'ieil. ns conduc ted in the hcst-vcru!alc.l eo uniereiiil nnd tina'ie'al eslnblishitieitts. Theoretical Dookkecpinj Upon a tn' w pb'ti, willi nil original expo i tioti of the scitnee of nccotmti, nvranired and nibli-!ii' l by liie proprieii.r of this ln-:-titiitit ii excbis-.V'-ly lor liis own use. saving nnv.li'ilf the nnl'i' ivy bib ir nf IM slit lent, end (i:v'i. him a eomti'ete knoivlede of the prac ice of the lict ma o l.l .ills. 'jn-; ('(u MKiciAi, coriisi'.. I.vtu:.u'i:s. '!oiikkeepin;i. C ommercial rithnietic. Veil. inuu.ship, ltusitiesy 'ovi'i'sjiomieuce, C'oniiiievcia'. Law. t.ecluves on busi ness A ll'aii. ', Ciimiiiercial t,'us tonis, l-'i.rni.s. nnd Actual Uusini'ss l'r.ictiee. SPKCI 1 1 i;!?.VN'i'IfKS A !jrbra ''if! .' I'l'iU s Vitih'nitt'ii". Vhonn- ( r:utiti"n'ri ' nm.int'iii). the A.f Itt.Ci,- Vi.nn- t: rl il Mum i, I'l'ffii', tiu.'t'fjihuj .Y.-o''.f.'oH and T-ti'iinijihint). TELEiillA I'lllXa. The nvriine;eniciits for 'i'elegrapliine; nre far in advance, of anything of the kind ever olfcred to the public. A rpjiiihir Tclcgrnjili Line is connected -with the I nstiiiil ion with twenty branch olliocs in various parts of tho city, where public business is transacted, and in which the students, of this Institu tion arc permitted Io practice. No regular ofliee practice can bo had in any other school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position ns a practical the acceptive representations of tlioso who. without nnv such facilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing. VATROXAGE. The Institution is now enjoying the lar gest patronage ever beftowod upon any commercial school iu the State. Over fivo hundred students Z'cre in attendance the first year, nnd over seven hundred during the past year. The best class of students may invariably be found here, and all its as. social i ins are first class. LOCATION' AXO ACCOMMODATION'S, The Institution is 'o"'it"-l in the most cen tral pan of iheciiy, nnd its accommodation, for extent, elegance an I convenience, tiro unsurpassed. All tho room ; have bcea lit. ted up in the very be-t stvlo with IH'Siy I'ISS OK! U'KSOK COUNTING lliil .SM-i. TIOI.IM -VP II Ol' llCKS, STATIONERY iSroiii:, an!) a nut. run liANIC OF JJKl'OSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely-ctigraved Olographic notes used as a circulating medium in the I Hepyrtniont of Actual limmcss. I TO YOUftG MEH. ' wlni ilo.iiro tlu vurv ho-t facilities lor a I'll Ai'TICAI, lDLCAl 1UM 1 uu. i.LM M f s, ' Y h F ' . . . 1 -.. we Kunriinteo a course of instruction no .!i,i xri,n ,i, vcr,i.i . , nmi standing ot'iho lnttit-utiou among busi j ncss men make its endorsement the best ' Tiassnort to success and advancement. All . cmlcmpltitlefs entering any Commercial f'nllerre, are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CJUCL'LAli fc CATALOGUE. ,,,, coml),,te interior views of the t.r)1)(,!J.1. u,i full paniculars of tho course of I instrueiioii. lenm &c L. FAIRBANKS, A H . i'i tsii. t. c. si:.i:i(f, ftju-ciul Ttuctter "in! V q.t. Oip.e liufinens, TO CONSUMPTIVES, t 'niisiit.iptivo sulierers will receive n vibiable pifseriptinii fur the cure ol Cotisumptiiiii. Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung ulfcctions. free of ! charge. by sendini: tln'ir tid Iress to Rev. EDWARD . il.SU.N, Wiiiiiliui-bir-o;, Kiiis Co.. ') .uonths New York. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTICE is hereby given, that one Jacob Schiilic.r tidvcrtisiiiL' in this pa per, under tho head of Valuable Town Lots :iu J Farms tor k:!c. has no authori ty to tell tbe il tiiv. ii li ti' and 'J5 acres of I land in nnd in-tir St Mary s l!oreU!;b. as I inn tbe sole cm iii-r. any sa'e iiiiiib1 if ibe Mituc mi any jent tlii'ienf without my approval wid nor he vilid. llONEFATIIiSSCllMONP. St. Mary's, June 2 2d '(15. For 8a le ! Stationary and Portable Engines, with new Pnifcut Piston, complete lor W MILLS OR BORING FOR ()lfit -.1 L A' O- Portshc ?tlf with Two R.otary Saws, rigged for Saw ing any sized Ions. ALSO DRIVING 'PIPE, Manufactured in Saudusky, Ohio, nnd delivered at any station on tbo Rail Road, cheaper and better, than cau be furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. CiFor further information, address by letter the subscriber ut Rilgway, P. O., Elk Co. Ph., or in persou ut Spriug Creek, on the Clarion River. Win. Q. SWARTS, ,TuK' 11 1Ro Cm. IM. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK rp 11 .1 t' 11 1 u r,i tv 11 : l'asliitui Miijvaxuipo! Mio mil j LlTHHATrHK. TIN I'' AFiTS AND FASHIONS. Tho ni'i nmvriiifi''iit j Steel rti"V'ivin"i. POI'JM.K FASII. i liv ii iti'cj" ii- 1 .. ..' , ' I ,w.- i,,.,,,,. rverv stilierf tlirt cnu intori'st, imiics j Cfneliot ktiittitio;. Nottinsr, Knibroiilery, j Articles for tlio 'J'ni'.of. lor tho I'.irlor, j tlio IJoniloir, timi tiic Kilelicn. ''vovy' i t.liins.', in fact, to make ti complkti: j Imdy's I'dOIC. The Ladies Favorite Tor 36 Years- No Magazine has been able to compete with it. None nttempt it. i ooDiiY s niccrciPTs for every department of n liousehobl. These i alone are worth the price of the P.nnl:. I Mode' Cottnies fno oilier Xuijj.i.ino gives ibem i. w'lh dinTrnms. HKAW1VO I I'vsoVS F'l't THE Youxn Another snec'alit" with fiodcy. OUIGtXAI. MI'Sir, worth SI a year. Other .l.'araziti"? publisb obi wn'ti out mil. sic: but the subscribe!' to (iodey get it be fore ibe tnu ie stores. C.n ili iiioir for Ladies. Another peculiar ily w ill (i.nley. Kas'iions from MP"rii. T. Slew art & Co., of New York the million I've, mer e'lints. appear in (Jodey, die only maga zine ttoii j-.as ibem. t. idies' Bonnets. We pdve more of them ' inn year than any other magazine. In fact the I.ady's Hook enables every lady to bo her own bonnet maker. 3;ii'iozi Slai'lnnri. ' Aulhrrsa iif Alone" ' Uiuihn I'nt'i," j ",1ov.v .SV..,'," "AV',7fjfi,'' nnd ".t.-'r'i,'' wrires for (Iodey each mouth, nnd for no j other magazine. A new novel by hpr will ' be published iu 18titi. We have also re tained all our obi and favorile contribu tors. T V. H M S O F GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK TORIES- ( From which there enn lie no Deviation. ) The following are the terms of the Lady's Hook fur 1805: One copy, one year $0 00 Two copies, one year 5 00 Three copies , one year 7 00 Four copies, one yenr 10 00 Five copies, one year, and an eztra copy to the pcison getting up the club, making six copies 1100 Eight copies one year, and an extra copy to the one getting up the club, making nine copies 21 00 Eleven copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the one getting up the club, milking twelve copies 27 50 ("SiyAll additions to clubs at club rates. CfS-Godey's Lady's Hook and Arthur's Homo MniTii'ine will bo sent, each one vein. on receipt of $1 00. I PftWo havo no club with any other j:ia'i.io o "i on -j i!': i lp-!V7'ic money must all he sent at one time, for anil of the club.. teyUanadu subscribers must sejd 24 cents additional fo. each subscriber. .4(1(1 V.KH Ij. Ar. '. Corner SijCth I'hilttdelthm ', 4. COO! Y. ami Chestnut Streets BLACKS MI THING ! The undersigned takes pleasure in inn iunein:i to the citizens of Kidgwav and vicinity, that ho has built a new an 1 commodious shop on the East side of tho street, leading to the P. Ai E. 1 Raid Road Depot, where be will d all , bind ,.(' b with immintiios, an 1 in the best style. lie does not intend to be surpassed either iti low prices or good work. lie trusts that considcraL le ex. neiienco and prompt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal share of paying patronage, SAMUEL STRICKLAND. llidgway.. Oct. 2Sth '05. tf NL I V ES TA BL ISIIMENT. JONtf MsOLEPvY & CO., TANNER AND CURRIER Cen.ieviile, Elk County Pennsylvania Will ke.O'i c instantly mi h.iu I, kind nl stuck iu their hue. all CASH PAID FOL! HIDES, J will vih Windfelder of St. Man's, ceive all kinds of hidcn and pay cash for tbe same, CMiraT'ille, Oct. 2Gth 65 -tf. Notice. Is hereby given, that plant ii v ut logH were earned on my lands, ou Beniiets Branch in Benezette township, Elk county Pa., sometime in Mai eh 1805, with tho following marks. G M T O M-0 T T O-R F O O-W D and other marks I don't know the meaning of, tlio owner or owners thereof, nro required to prove property, pay all I l;-'f'' charges aud take them away, oth. I cruise they will be forfeited according I t0 '-Q limitation of tho law. RALPH JOHNSON 11. Sept. 23th '05. Consumption. A valuablo treatiiu by a Retired physician, ou tho naturo of consump tion and its various stages, together with rules lor self treatment, and simplo pro scrijitions whicn have cured thousands, will be seut. free of charge, to any ouo applying. It will cost you nothing, aud may bo the means of saving your money and perhaps your life. Sctiu an odJi'o. sed envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. M tiray Street, 81 New York Citv. March IT. '05 :?iu. JIOOK STORE, .. I - I I. i.i I . r... ni m 1 i .1 r, jm,.. i.Ttiiiii." dii-ni't from ibn Pnbl inlierl In Nine ....... tJ-- C M.' 1! York, r.oyton nnd Philadelphia, n well pe. leeted Ptoek of SfllOfU, HOOKS, Fiutalile f,. n ,,lirH 0.,.:iIc rnilIll ntl(1 ,,ortin(1 nf tho ndjoininp; eonntie. Teachers. Hcbool I'ireetors. and tbe public nie invited to call n,,rl t"""'"" ' lnvlc. Huvinp ptivclmsed the whole from the imblialiers for eadi, I nm enabled to Pedl low. A liberal dh.ei.iint made on all purchases oft-10 .ind upwnrd.i. w. j. nr,AK'.;LY. St. Mary's Popt. Mtb '00. KING'S 1' O 11 T A 15 T, F Ii E MONAD K Ta the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of ceono. my, purify, nr.d deliciousness, it cannot lie surpassed, and is recommended by physicians for invalids and family ue. Tt will keep for years in nnv climate, while its condensed form renders it rs. peeially convenient for travelers. All v im usp lonimis nre re"(nesteil to trivp it i ti ':il lvifert tinnier.tsat lumio. parlisc, nnd iiietres q'mnM not bo without, it. l-'or Viv nil Dvtijrjflsta and first-class. Grocers. Manufactured onlv bv LOUIS F. ETZ0.ER, No .MO Pearl Street, New York. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch Wlieatoti's Ointment Will Cine the Ttch iu 48 Hours. Also cures Salt Rheutr, Ulceir, Chil blains. and all Eruptions of the Skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all drug- "ts. Hv pending fiO rent to WEEKS it POTT El!. Sole Agents, 170 Washing ton street. Huston. Muss., it will be for warded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the I nited State?. Sept. 18th 1 ST)."). Gm. VALUA15LE TOWN LOTS FARMS FOR SALE. AND Three town lots for sale, adjoining the ' ters of administration on tlie estate of Washington Hotel, Centre street, in tlio Julius Vombaumcn, late of Bcnzinger Borough of St. Mary's, Elk Co., Pa. ! township, Elk county, deceased, having Likewise 25 acres of land, of a mile ! been granted to tho undersigned, all -south cast of the Borough. Likewise ! persons indebted to said estate are re nine hundred acres of good farm land. ! quested to make immediate payment, Three farms with good houses and barns j and those having claims against the upon them, and likewise Coal of an ex- : same will present the same duly authen- cellent quality, tho coal veins 4J feet in thickucss, with a good prospect ol oil on Pino creek, near Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. Likewise one share in a flowing well, in Oil City, and five interests in oil ' j,, uses. Also for sale a largo and com modious Hotel in Greenville, Clarion Co., Pa. For ternm nnd other particulars apjily to.TACO!! SCIIFFPER, at the Hotel in ftreenville, Clarion Co.. Pa. ' May 1 2th, 'Co. I'd SI 50. W. J. HLAKELY, ! Po'iksnller Si ationer and deal er in a ney urtich'S Post Oilice Building. Centre Street. St. Mary's, llk county, Pa. t . I nttv-s' a sin ;-:! ii ! Fllll THE HAIit t: II IS I'.bKOANT II A I It JiREsyiNU A.D WONDERIHIL Uair Kcstorativc etui retains its precedence in fashionable cir cles, and is superseding all other prepa. : rations, not only in this country but also in Europe and South America, lliou. sands of bottles are annually used in tho Court circles of Paris, London, St. Pe tersburg and Madrid, and the sale in Cuba is enormous. BREEVES' MA BROSIA is composed of an oily extract from herbs of wonderful virtue, and is highly scented with a variety of exquis I ito perfumes. It effectually prevents j the l.air falling out, nnd causes it to grow i r ipidlv. thick end iong It makes the i ha r curl, and -rives it a ulo-sy appear ance No tiii'et is complete without it. Price "." ecu's per largo bottle, i Sold by li ii r ?esis and dealers in fancy ! go.ids in all parts of tho civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists iu every city, and at REEVES' AMBROSIA DEPOT.k. No. 62 Fulton St., New Yor Administrator's Sals- fY order ol the Orphans Court nftbe KV,iuiity of Elk, in tbe State cf Pa , I shall expose to sale, by public vendue or out cry at the Court House in Ridg. wav. on iuesday the JU Uay or January next at 1 o'etoi'k I'. M.. as the property ! of Anib.'i.y Meyer, dee d. 1- ive lots iu a St. Man's, mi the said county of Lik, !.. .'..t,.,,, v., nineteen (li) twenty one 21) twenty-cicht (28) twenty.four i f.. nn(j twenty. six (20) on cross street, in front on cross street one hundred (100) feet each and in depth at right ancles two hundred (200) feet. Terms of sab),oue third of the pur. chase money iu hand at conformation of sale and tho residue in two equal annual instalments thereafter, to be secured by i Judo-ment, Bond and Mortsrage. ANTHONY. ME 1 15 Administrator of AN TUONY MEYER deo'd NE W MUSI C "F U N E R A L M A R C II T O T II E M E M - ORY OV ABRAHAM LINCOLN," tho Martyr President, by Mrs. E. A. PARKHURST, the popular composer The Homo Journal says : "Tiiis is a fine pomposition, wen wortny ttie rcputatiou of its writer." Very solemn uud im - piesMve 1.000COP1KS ARE ISSUED W EEKLY Price 30 oents ; with vig- netto of the Pivsidort, 5(1 cents. Mailed. free Publisher. HORACE WAT EES- No- c1 Droadway, N. Y. Jpimiiturc. M A NF UACTURER OF Modern ni9 Antique Furul Hire, r MAIN STREET. B 11 O O K X I L L K P E N N'A. Tete a trtes, . . ' ' . Sofas, Diavitns, ' Easy Chairs. Rocking Chairs, DRAWING-ROOM CHAIRS, And Upholstered ware of all kirnla, also Cain Chairs, Cain Rocking Chairs. Common cr Windsor f aairs. l'eadstcads, , . i l-i . Tables, KtnniK Rcaures. Light Stands, ! What-nots, ! Oornei Stands, j Wash Statids-" Wardiobcs, liookeascs, I &c. ilc. Sic. We spare no pains in packing furnf. , turn no that it can be shipped any dia : t.'itiee without being injured. 'Do not foi'iet the place. I ' BROWN'S WARE ROOMS. Dec. '21th 1 SG 1 -If. j NOTICE Letters of Adruinistra tiuli nun It nt'ii,ini!ti aiiiir.io, Oil the CS- ta'e of Anthony Kutitz,. late of the bor ough ol St. Mary's, deceased, ' having been granted to the undeisigncd. All persons indebted to said estate ore re. (iestcd to make payment 'and thooe having claims to present them without delay to APOLl'll l'OCUTMAIN, St. Jiiry's, Elk Co. Pa. June 1st '05. 6w. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby ciVCH that let- ticatcd for settlement to. HERMAN KOCH. Benzinger April 13th 1861 EXECUTORS NOTICE. Whereas, Letters Testamentary haV. iuubcen granted to Jno. Stockman and Anton Fochtman,' Executors of the last will and testament of Lorcny Stockman, late of St. J'ary's, doe'd, all persons knowing tbctnselv.es indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those bavitg claims against tho same will present them duly authenti. cated for settlement. GEO. ED. WEIS, Register ic. Administrators Notice Letters of Administration have been granted in duo form of Law, to the sub scriber Win. M.iek upon the. Estate of Liisba J'ick, Lale of Salem Md. de ceased. All persons having any claim against paid Estate, are requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement. Any person owing the Estate, are requested to make payment forth' with. WILLIAM MACK, Administrator of the Estto of Elisha ibVcA', Deceuseb. June 11th 18-1)4. ft LITTLE OF EVERYTHING relating to the human system, male nnd female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well and a thou sand things iicvr published before read the revised and enlarged edition of "MKDiCAr. common Sexse," a curi ous book for curious people, and a good book tor every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $1,50. Contents tablo sent free to uuy address. Books ! "lay 1,0 had at tho Book stores, or will ue BCHi uy man, pusr pain on receipt oi tho price. Add: ess E I!. FOOTE, M.D.. Broadway, N. Y. LOVE AND 11 ARLMONY. ' - i Any Lady or Gentleman sendinp; me I their address, will receive full directions ,,..;,,;,, , nflV.,.mn f Ka- a. ; silelMX) nj whioh win cnuL,0 thet9 I I1)arry Jiiippiy, irrespective of wealth. r bcunty. Address .. , Mrs MARIE LEMOTLLE, Ilarlom P. O., New York ciiV. GarcG 17, '05.3m. , , . Imformation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMEN, curek of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature-De. cay, and Youtblul Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it (freo of obargc,) the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy used in hia case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad experience, and possess sure rua valuable remedy, can do so by iiddressino- Kim nf AnAo nf 1, -i oddressing him at once at his nlaoe of , business. The Receipt and fnll informa- : tion ot vital importance will be cheer, ; fully sent by letarn mail. i Address JOHN B. OG DEN; No. 60 Nassau Street, New York, P. S. Nervous Sutfereisof both sexe "i!l Cud this tuformatiou invaluable. 1 (3 moths
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers