T II E E L 1C A D V 0 G A T E W.K ADVOOATK i iMm'i'I li.'-. v Sit. irliy nv i. w. Miiinr.TT. Ridgway- Pa, Oct. 23 SSG5- Her'shitUthr '(.) 'v. ',-v'' '"'.'''''""'"''"'" violated !mV i n t-T!i:iriiin;il laws, anil. rmy-j !,V pirhi ai! lyif.nlcJ l ,,,'iii ; ,im.',.0 j,,,,, it i ., xi-il .!o for tho rob- ,. ; , , . cruiser?. Im a t-ceMiil letter, ban It us. . . scil mentions a st:if cir.itit made in a lot- S. M. PETTLNGILL t CO,' tor from Mr. Adams in ApviJ, Isii'L as ADYiin nM ivi a:i:m v 'I to the Government, of (lie l.'tiifoj States 11 9 NaSSn.il St.. NcV Yolk ' ing irmly to refer (hose disputes to and 1 0 Stnto St.. ltOStOll j arbitration, ami he uVc'tiiica to accept S. M. I'l-'.T'l K.NGii.L iV IV, art I he I thi dfor. Tho oit'y cuiii'c-'ioii Earl ENGLAND AND AM ERICA. The tilTifiil London (i't-rftfi publish o:an important correspondence between Mr. Adams and Kail Russell, concern, ins the depredations eunnnitled by tin Shenandoah. Mr. Adam drives once more notice that, the Tinted States will hold ( Jreat lititain re-porsitdn Cur all the i!;iii:i::e! caused by these Anglo Ucbel epii-ev". Fail Russell, ns in for mer replies, insists that England has not i.,.n-iiuii".u tAtajmjra From the War l'rcun. Snt.r, Hoi'F.n run. fluWS oil. LOCALS. well "Tliat 1 111 r!i;A,)01' AN I'KUSON VILLK. j Andoisotiville. or what is left of it, is j a locality in which tho people, ol too T)oixo A Smasiiino IJtTsixr.ss. j North will always have a painful inter The Philadelphia and Eric Rail Road. J There, wiihin an area of a few acres, suileron aim uiru many nii'u-.ui.i.-. A -routs 1 n- tlie Most intiuuiiia I'.I.K A li VmlATi: and the ! an.l largest circulating Newspapers in ilo' I'nited Stairs and the C.inad as- lliey are au'horized to con tract lor ns at em- !'.vct rates. Ciiam;i:;v Wo. have re-moved the office of the J i.v.'tV, formerly in "Chapih's Work." to the office l,tc!y cceupi'd hy the V.vo'-t M.'ir:di:,l, over the store id- I lout ei M'Ycati. where our iiatroij and li it n Is, will find us M ti'.l tintes roa i v t a'tenl to their wn;'.?. Wk fail iitteinion to the lioth-o of li. d. ll'a!;(lv 1v-ii.. I.'iitriet Atlnriiey, rhif!i will ho fe;nl in a.K.ihcr col. I!IITI. Who Pavstlio"fazcs?-7 30's and a Good Invest meat. HcloW Wej.ic a fuW quesli ais ai):l answers wUicii. ii.w tout the war is over, ; e 'i.i'.y the workinumao) ovi. r ) '.v.d'jr aiel li et :. !. 'i :;:.:;;: ion has n h..d li.. ( i')veni:iicnl jJo.ids, :iiey I a;- an Internal i'.ev. .e.-t a-ei a;ii ' Ironi t .ie Land, or wiie'.'ie:' Ki. -ell is v iliin ur to make is tiie appoint. ion, to wined s.inll hy way ol Riiiasdiin;:; up cars, locomo tives C. About to Qvr.s. Thayer's new Fa loon he pays it will be tho ri-ht kind. L KT ToNW. Sherid Hays, accom panied hy John llarach, who was hitrly eoininissioiied by Judjre White, for a sis years Flay in the. city of Alleheny- if not .sooner pardoued 1'ieiit of a t'oinaii: i . .c i ..n i : : i. oi o n'lioi mi ri i;in in piu:; uili ui uiu , , ; , . - . . . , . laleeivll war. which tho two ower. 1 1,0 u"c Wl" 00 tumtc, U He is not f.at eu, n commi.ss. w i. , u- ; it shall iiuren ti refer to the (..'oiniiiissioir The final reply of Mr. Adams, da- I.Krr. Jmlirc Messeityer for I'ithole will be fort ui "lit holed" while there of our most, heroic young men soliliei s who, obeyin-; the noblest impulses, has. tened to defend their country :'n the hour of need, and by tho fortune of war be coming captives, were (hero f-tarved to death. One of their cruel persecutors now it wait n decision in his case alter many weeks id' trial, and others will have their nilt or innocence imi'iired into l.ctore the proper tribunal. Our vigilant (.Joverninent has not been satmlie.J witii tnenly investigating the causes and authors of the Hiflcnm: in this Southern pc-t.housc. It sent, thither at ns early a period as possible after peace was do From the rntriut & Union. The Ilcstilt f Uic I.nto elec tion. Tlic counties in the following tntilo tnnrV. cd willi n lire net nflioial j Imt otTicial re turns from tliem will not vary tlie statement move limn fifl'l or 000 which probahly tnny ho counted upon to rcilnoo tlie miijority for 1 1 mi rutin. The vote of tlio State is lurpe, perhaps as great as in tlie elect ion of 180:$. J)avis. Ilavtranft. In Town'. Our old and respected friend Hon. J. L, (lillis. We do no Know How long lu; may remaiu witli us, timll five hundred, now ret but presume for some tiuij. ei s. I lie tinal re pi ted Hept. 1H. is very serums in ils tone, ami expresses the opinion that tlie pro. posal of Karl !!n.-c!l will not bo accep ted by tlie I'nited Stales. Mr. Adams, i in this last replv, again calls the atteit- J tion ol'the 1'nglish ( inveniment t-t the j t.iet tl, -1 f W lis ihtclilni-s fool t raetiees ; are showed to been e the rule. ihe ; Willi oil, only water. I'liileil Slates will not be the uicatest j 1,-s. rs. The London papers which cdi- i A-ATEi. Our county jail, toriaily rifer to the eorre.-pon.lenee, ! good lime for our Cuiiiiiiis:iioner3 4 eak ol'the importance id '.he interna- have it rcpaireil tioiial 'I'le.-tmii to be scttlctl in tins uis to rein'er our murdered patriots, and give to each :i Christain burial, aii'l tho woik aceoiiiphshed, the olTieer in charge n iw makes bis reoort to the Quarter. Adams Allegheny Armstrong Ueaver Hod lor J llerka Illair llradford llueks Hutler Ciimbria Cameron Carbnn Centre Chester (Marion (Jlearfield Clinton Columbia I Fi.owi.Nii. Judge Dickinson's wci'- iii graves (Vawford ri t i ... t i l ,i , i i a t i i i ii v.oiuoeriauu marked Willi suilahle tablets, by which , . ,i , , r , . I Diiupliin tlie resting place ol cacn mnv bo known 1 , ! Elk no '.'ite but do not appear : every n.:i;i ., s hhould i-a 1 ihcrooti. M; in levari to 1 to n iiei iier ... . i line I ax on i s i ; . Jiiiv.nnt of b-tid they do lot, b tho ijUjht'ui;; lit to ourselves, w . Tueome Ta;:. .el itself, and then let -illo man ask l.ii.i. o rxpoet any si;- nous conipli 'alious between luo two countries to arise theiclrom. fcn'r Ob. si rrrr. wo oave ii -t iO-'n : answered. As l.itiirxvi iff j.'.t. Ksri.osioN or a Ijo-tomotivk.-A terri blo ae 'i't caused by tlie cspl.isioii'ifen- 11 .i't. , ll 'I ina .No. oli o:i uie i eunsyiv aula ttau. ; re id. occurred near )".!ieaii:n!i, on : Tiled ay luorning, oih inst., whereby J ihri'c persons wire alows' instantly ki!. ; led and a ii ruth en. i ci cetdy injure., i The l.mi.Hivc was attached to' tho lirie i Kxp:c'-s ct'-t ward beutid r.l ll'e time, an 1 ' ! the uii'oi-t , rw, 1 If Altoi.t.-i. Vi'r. '.bought at one time, thai wa I would notice '-Harry V new "buss," but. after duo consideration, wo thought it might cfTend him, ns ho had never ad. vertii-'cd bis livery. I'i.rr.s (jiooi). Buyer's friends-etfio. cially tliose who got the "cool leu"' bo. foto tho election. Lr.iTro?. FtiiT.Ai)i:f.riiiA. Dr. 0. by friends and relatives in the future. Tho remains of our braves no longer lie ' -A exposed to the turning sun ofa Southern ' jl ( clime, nor will the swine and hounds of j ' - ' , . , .,, rorist deorgiii planters n:aii run cl will over . ... tooir tomr.s. Nothing lias shown the ' 1 i i i 1' ulton earo ami consideration of thn dovern. ' ., . .i . -.t . i 1 1 rccn nioiit. more than toe attention it has paid Tr . , ...i...!. ..!.. ii:. .t.. ' .. Huntingdon iw iiii; iii;ii'9 t ui leu i lilli Cilil-.o in their country, and nothing should more endear it to every patriotic heart. Horrible Kailroad Accident. Nino Persons Killed and Forty One Woun'leil. n. oluie lou ghcr'v. a r the iirom ... .i . : I !-. i, i oe no :'i e1-! pa s no 1 artielu talk lor y tiiinkiug, ku' Is it i-iyht, or is. it wrong? J,vt every working n;a:i ask bimse'.l' the oui-tion. Shall I he!: to David 31 ose wnioweii mot nev re-ioes ac I'osio- ni tins count v, ana wnere ne. uimjo borne, ftnd a tu.iii name debts ', " I bauga-e car when the explosion occur. , rj.j rnFicntfi of Geo KJ W Or this poor man. i ,.i i f i:.i t.: 'n, i iuun..iu. oi vn.o. ju. n . Iv.ll. I.' I. kll.Vli'4 lli'i l.'dl II Illi-lIiiUlt. I 111. 1 , . , , tit,., t I 1 complete wreck. I I'.oyea- can " all pay liip rich man's help to i ay mine ? Must We pay the GnVuriiUit'lit debt while the rich level in their luxuries, or shall we insist on Coi're-s crpcilizin;' tiT'ition ' 'i'l.t j n ,vi'.v tt, if iniov i ;ts the grout loaj irity of tho people ol this Country. Look at it cainly. Fond, pause, relleot. a nil TtlEX ACT. '.AVho pay., the interest ? 'The man that. ! and tana? his brrcad by tho sweat, of bis brow. "The Farmer, who tills the soil. "The Mechanic, who works up a heavily tare 1 material. "Mr. Poorman, how much are vou taxed od jour little ?i ,U00 farm ? "Thirty Dollars ':' "Mr. Kiehiiian, how mucii do you pay on your 610. iii. in Jn:i Js j "Not a cent, " sir. Mr. Jay Cooko tells me that n National Debt is a National blessing," and I liuj it is sir. Here are 10,000 in per.jiial property that don't cut uic a cent, and besides, sir, I am drawing thereon sis per cent, in gold. .pilling nearly "niuo hundred dollars" i:i N.itio'.ial Caivcmy. Nj.v if I h.il that $10,000 in a farm, I would have to pay thereon about 5'"'0, besides drawing -no interest." .So you pee, I not only -.eape paying that ?'J0? but I dra a- an iutercsfof 8'.IJ0 add this SHOO to ?D0:t ;md I have the iidv intiie ov.t the laud holder oi' IJJ'.I in a single ye:ir. "is that tin; way it works, Mr. liieh nnn ? "Of course; sir. It is a National blo-ping tii mo and no mistake so it has been to Mr. Jay Cooke, who ma le SI, f.OO.700 in s'.mp'y selling the bonds." "IJut Mr. Hiili'iian, mu-t tijt this National deb, an 1 t'.ie interest thereon be paid ''. 'Of course. National 111 viet'nis were tho e.ngi-I i.o.uiMi TO J.IME. Ihosowno tiarc been engaged in running Deer with ira, : dogs Ks.j. M'cad has fixed the tinio at o'clock on Wednesday the first of I "v ",. i November, where ample justice will lleehiel, who w is riding en tin engine i '""''-' nl,c tou" lu,t tnis 'Sst who at the time, and who, from papers found j arc not expected to be present, as their on his lifeless body, is believed to have , names does not appear in tho wt it. e;i an ee..n'-or in t:'.e employ ot mo Wantkd. Anv amount of Bounty eis, ; Company. The injured man was hi the ii- 1 1 .. , , i ... engine was ven i-. rci tlie maehincrv he'eg l ciiclico epm ami scattered in all directions. Dougherty was found beneath the ruins o! the lo?o mrrlvc. a : 1 live ! only n tew minutes after tho explosion. Medara's head was torn off from the nose to tho back of tho ueek, and his lileless remains wore tirnwn under one of the baggage cars. The body of the third victim was found in the river, whither ho had been thrown some distance, by tho force of tho explosion. The engineer, Theodore Foughcrty, was a married man, ar.d the father of one child, his wi'e by former husband having two chud-en, making louriii all in one 1; mily who are left desolate and h cai t stricken by the tad catastrophe. He boarded at tho Altoona House with his.fainiiy. The fireman was a single man, and the only support ofa widowed mother, and has a biothcr working iu one of the shops at Al'.oomi. by calling at this oQi;e. come at one time. Don't all Jtt.'sv. .nr. i-icca, repairing watches and jewelry still there is room. Fo "TUX ATE. The three Gouts' that On Saturday l ist, about three o'clock a frightful aeeident occurred on (ho Pennsylvania llailroad. four miles v.e.-t of Lancaster, lj which it is reported li'no persons were killed, seveu of whom were women, and forty-one wounded. The train consisted of nine passenger and two baggage curs, which were drawn by two locomotives, being a union of the Krio and Pittsburg mail trains. Tho accident took place in a cut in tho road, and was caused hy tho breaking of tho axle of the front wheel of the third passenger car, resulting in tho .tearing out of the bottom of the ear, by which the passengers occupying six seats of the car fell through to tho ground, tho wheels of the rear truck pa-sing over them and mangling them in a horrible manner. The last four i ars were thrown airainst t'u bank, and at once became .inf !,-., o ft... IVo t...'u. TllO car in which the ueoidoiii oo.,.ro.l di.vrged on a distance of about one hun dred and fifty yards, tho unfortunate victims being strewn along the track Indiana JefTersou Juniata Lancaster Lawrence : Lebanon 1 Lehigh j Luzerne ! LvC'iming i H Kcan ' Meic r Miflliu Monroe Montgomery Montour Northampton Northumberland Perry Philadelphia I Pike Potter Schuylkill Snyder Somerset Sullivan Snsojuehann:, Tiogn Union Venango Warren Washington Wayne Westmorland Wyoming York 10 ins Mj2 371 759 191 180 TOO 780 S")8 1123 425 'TOO 174 1100 200 105.1 7 5 5 1T5 4510 :105 T52 724 3020 100 2116 12S1 1021 1301 237 1704 117 052 2120 07 530 j 1301 1147 400 850 40 ! BLACKSMITHING ! The undersigned takes pleasure in. announcing to the citizens of Ridgway and vicinity, that ho has built a new and commodious shop on the Fist aid of the street, leading (o the P. & E. Raid Bond Depot, where be will do all kinds of work with promptness and in the best stylo. Ho does not intend to be surpassed cither in low prices or good work. lie trusts that considerable et. riorience and prompt attention to the business in person will secure a liberal' share of paying patronage. SAMUEL STRICKLAND. Kidgway, Oct. 28th '05. rf Notice. Forties attending Court as witnesses in Commonwealth cases, must hereafter claim their fees of thj undersigned, beforo leaving Court, or they will not be taxed in tho bill of costs. By order of the County Comr's. LAURIE J. BLAKELY. District Attorney. .VIF ESTABLISHMENT. JONN M'CLERY & CO., TANNERS AND CURRIERS Cen:revil!e, Elk County Pennsylvania. Will keep constantly on hand, oil kind of stock in their lino. captured a Partridge near tho Shawmut Only one or two of the other passengers Rail Road on Thursday last-if they had got one more, they would have had lira. Comixo. Dr Bailyof St. Mary's, to ! spend ono or two weeks in our place and so is Christmas. Toi.n the Truth. Our old friend at the ''Exchange" when ho said, the reason why he kept no wat r in the Pitcher, that there was a great plenty in tho whiskey kc. It is a noted fact, that, occasionally landlords will speak the truth providing the opposite doeo not Ci.vmkii roi GovKRXitt The Chambersburg Yo'hy Sjn'ril of the 27th ult , has tho billowing in reference to the sentiment of tho Deniocraev of Franklin county upon the question of the next j answer their purpose. Gubernatorial nomination : 'We observe that many county Con- Taki.no it Easy. Our friend Robt. volitions arc insti'iic'ing tlicir delegates R.( at tho Hyde House, lie smokes to the next State Convention to support , , , , .,,!. I ii.r j .mil i.ti n f-nni'rj. vi'.-iii. iiiiii t-i-r During tho last three months past, tho town of Ridgway has been much improved : Quito a number of new buildings have been erected und the old ones givat ly repaired. Sonio eight or ten new dwelling houses have, been wore seriously injured. A few others received slight bruises. The passengers were immediately brought to the city, where the wants of the wounded were promptly attended to by a number of the physicians of the city. Tho following is a list of tho kil. led" : Mrs. Ann E. Barr, wife of Hon. Jas. P. Barr, Pittsburgh. Surveyor .General of Pennsylvania. Mrs. B irr was woun ded' in tho head and her neck was bro ken, and had some wounds on the body. Col. Win. Butler and wife, of Lewis, town, Pa. Col. Butler had his head smashed, with wounds upon tho body. Mrs. Butler's head was smashed and was wounded in the side. Col. Butler was Whisky Inspector at Philadelphia under Gov ( urtin. Win. H. Butler, of Williamsport, Pa., clerk in tho Surveyor General's office at llarrishurg, formerly a member of the Legislature from Carbon county, and better known as Barney Butler, was wounded in the back part of the head, abo.c the left eye. and o i tho body. Part ot bis !efr foot was cut off. Mrs. Sarah Willett, of New Cumber, land. Pa , wile of Theo. Willett, Lad her head crushed and left arm broken. 1500 1020 420 1040 430 240 8452 587 800 fe34 550 11G7 200 1285 2o00 500 .-, 550 50 :100 1007 20 2303 25,700 40,828 CASH PAID FOR IIIDES, Joseph Windfclder of St. Mary', will receive all kinds of hides and pay cash for tho same, for m. Ccntreville, Oct. 2Gih 65,-tf. NOTICE. The Commissioners of Elk conntr. ! will meet at their office in Ridwsy on I the 10th of November next. By order ol the Commissioners. JOHN 0. M CALLISTER, CLERK. Ridgway Oct. 14 th 1805. Estimated shoddy majority, 21,029. A FRESHSUPTLY. Of Coe's Cough Balsam the great remedy for coughs, colds, whooping cough, croup, nnd all lung complaints is received and for sale at our drug stoi c. Co's Dyspepsia Cure. The only remedy ever discovered that will surely and permanently cure dispep sia, indigestion, sick-htadachc, and cua. V ie dispeptics to eat hearty food without fear of distress, can bo obtained at all our drug stores. Notice. Is hereby given, that a quantity of logs were carried on my lauds, on Bonnets Branch in Beoezetta township, Elk county IV, sometime in March 1805, with the following marks, 0 M T O M-0 T T O-R P O O-W D and other - - - meaning o", ue owner or owners tnereof, are required to prove property, pay all legal charges and take them away, oth. crwise they will be lorfoitod according to the limitation of the law. RALPH JOHNSON Sr,"? Sept, 29th 'G5. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Orphan's Court. In the Orphan's Court of Elk Coun- 'y. At nn Orphan's Court, held at , Kidgway. in nnd :r of course, sir tl hi 4 Debt iiiu-t hs pai l pay and no mi. take." 1 hen, so1, who is to piv tins i:..-!r and the iuiuiPii-o intere-t tl.at is every year aui'iiiuuViting wh., in to ;ny you on lit .i . shim a year : Ho vim not help to this debt and interest ? ' i by, ii i sir, l have my properly all , iu bonds I am exempt lVo.n laxaliici- , the Ase.vr? h ivo ii i lut-dnos wi'U in;. I am a . 2 ' iii iii, sir, ah"in, sir." ;.oo.( H-,ll. i V,ru l:i-;j.- 1 1 , nil. i 0;i. IX J'. Y.Vr-rr.WV.NKV. Wc learn i Hon I Hester Clymer lor Governor. ( ur Convention has expressed no pre- smoke.:- providing bis pipe is in ample ferenee, but we feel assured that the gen. tlemau named is tho almost unanimous choice ot tho L'cmocracy ol this county. , .i .,! There is no mora honest, fearless upright Democrat in the State, than 1 Hester Clymer." In this eonneelion we would also state that of the delegates thus far chosen to the Cuhvon'i.m which is to Humiliate our Itnvt e iniliihiti. t'nr f ,i,ViO lull' Ilhollt, HVO- thirds have been instructed to votj for I cree!ei ami about completed, ami sev- i Mr. CIvmcr." A'-i.vf'i .V . .'. ! eral others are co;inne:.ci'd. A. Willis , ''"'' - . . - ... j Ksp, erected an 1 h iJ about completed Il Vtt.llOAD ACCl t'TA'Ts). a large three ttory house on Centre I'l. . x 1- .t. I "... 1 t .. o J ti .... ..it i ,.... i i i.i :l i f ' I. (' ... .. , j.t ,0:,r t iio public s.iitar?, calcu'.ateil remei.-.iier. l.:-!..n-:,l f,, -i, th- s-:ie M il.-it in l.i - I ' i .,,...,,"!., 1,1 ... i..,., i... i.iii.. I i,- ir his own niiViit. resi. oneo. ine wm. ... . " " - - i . . , , , ., ignis, one ol whom is su House m:ue. a graun apj eai.uicc, mini ii.; r.'g arils s'yle ami woi kmansiiip, tue ; al j credit of which are due,- to Mi. Ale o- j i'y. have not been identified. The Vlii'roumii the court uticr Juo consiJera .'I ::,!1 !.!., il.o w,.-. U hud to I wounds of the old lad V are a imve ,-ut in ti,m hiel, Jo order and decree a sale ofnho i Mrs. Magdalona Yelti, or Jetta, of Milwau'vie. Wisconsin, head crushed in on the tup, light leg cut olf. and was tho mother ol three children, who were with unhurt. 1 lie e'ul iri'n state mat their lather died in tl In the matter of the l'etit ion of William H. Mart- giinr'linn of Mary Ilellcii Mavr. William I". Murraml Alem Mnrr mil Win. I. Hull runr- diau of DaviJ U. Marr, f for tho County of AHreii Mnrr and An Lilt, on the oth nc'ta Mnrr, minor chil- day of October, dren of David Mnrr Into A. P., 1805. ot'Noi ihuniberlaud Co., deceased. J AN exemplified record from the Orphan's Court of Northumberland county l'cnn'a., decreed a sale of certain real ettaie therein llll'lltioll. And now to-wit. October Ctli 18'")", the I'd i i ion of Win. If. Mnrr guardian of Mary llellcn M ur. Win. V. Mnrr nnd Alom .Marr an I Win. I'. Hull guardian of David 11, Mnrr Alfred Man mi l Anneitn Mnrr, minor chil. ilrrii ot David .Marr, bile of N'ii lhuuibi-lnnd of reiinsvlvani.i do. KING'S PORTABLE LEMONADK Is the only preparation of the kind made from the fruit. As an article of ceono. my, purity, ar.d delieiousness, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommended by physicians lor invalids and family use. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form renders it es. pccially convenient for travelers. All who use lemons are requested to give it atrial. Eiitertainmentsat home, partLse, and picnics should not be without it. For saltt by all Druggists and first-class. Grocers. Manufactured only by LOUIS J. ETZGER, No. 510 Pearl Street, New York, .,.!, t ,1,.., count v. in tlio s;a'o , , . ,,, ., , , , I Ci'llSl'O. SLMI11IJ leiiil Hill-ill oiur-r 1111113 liiey are on their way to 1 oiladelpliia, j u !iuh. sli,. .v.n,u ftn. sci7.ed intlieii ( o visit an aunt, whose namo they do not c...,K.u. as of Ice of and in the fixth aev- --3 tii'i'iiian "tali1- H i per I fiii!.-oi I finee the iiri;:in of lliiil ; i i i '.oi I !ii. t y ii.' l iny ye n's a. i in '' " l'i. S:,i:c- tlie ile-iihs arc mode ol" .;i. Yet iiiniii- I i ..,.tl iiiioriwi ill n eei'tiioi tr.let of land. slL- I ii ol in Jai- township. I'.lk count v. contain- ! t . . . .., ...l.. ,. lir i-ililv seven acres oi miiu lino prayiuf- GO ID - trj O ft c ly thou- and . A e ireful a.' .mini. cui:t.!Kil nnd piinli'd by tit.'l -c ivi-' t i-r s of iiisv.i-.nu'e c.ii:ii niii.'-, ( -nai'iMli-s 1 ii"i'i fer I lie In si eight in a'hs, givia;: I he ai'i ieu'ars of each an two 10C 1 til uc ' - .. . - i j n .1... I. i.i in.iL-n tli.rri.f nut lini-171 ,1 9 niil about fourteen and the other nine years ; ,;,:.,., raise tho Mimofone thousand m l also sinrio.sod to lie one lam. ! ,i,,i.,rs. fmnilhe sale of said Ileal Kstnte. 1 from Mr. G that the l'V a not l'.iuxsMtawi.ey Oi! Company struck a :ire "J" ' ."" , ,. ', , 1 ,. .. ca-ig i lo li. ir im show o! n,l oh tlie evening oi tne j 'J.'-ih iot., at a T..t.il iicji h'tits for ei'it iii ):oln - - - - I'-M T .inl iiieniHo- killed -'"'I"' Ti tal iiainlii-i t.iii'idcd l.'w'.i oov why shmild there. bo such nil nu'ful w.-isie et "life ill tlie fi.ileil St.nes, when nioic sai h ci-is in tlie (ieriii ni Slices'' I'lcei.-o I; li.T iii-i'Ki'.ii'i' loiiii'in ' 1 by railrieid .'"'p'liiii'S .uc! 1 heir a'.' oil ialo eim-idoi in I'i'ilil In hi; ' ll vniil lb!'. wni'.e Ui'i tier- m mi '.in. m- i :,-..) i in he nv.ial'ib.n. J iia ter.. I'ib'.e -lail'illel l eiul'll.' 1 d lily in the li lpi'K will iniv; r ci' i-e nniil wo have la'.vs iimking sne'a iitfeiie" ' p.i:ii!i'iblu as olh'.i murders in I iillieei'.s willi euaiuTi, nu t liiteijrily III Ml. .',; I l'i. i'i' ('"." , the hdt side ahl a wound above the riirht eye. Tho voungest girl was ! wiiuude.1 above the left eye, and died i' I III' linieiil iiiini.1 tin i'l . . , , . ' i t.n in. l.i-,.1, .lit i, tlin . lie t , learn that the tpiahty tlos year is said j ' ' j ' ; j.;" , ,ave' been fc. iou-ly wounded, Captain Moffit, ol beat, iu his fr?The lovers ol ovslers will be glad i h of ."il J leet. Mr. i ill.'spie assures ii i mat tilts is entirely reliable and tb il oil is now taken out of ton wi 11 by t hi; sand pump, and the inob i ilioiis.'trellnitn go id paying well will be secured. Tin well has been visited by a irrt number of persons and consider.! 1 le cxeiteiiienl cxi-ts. We will giro all toe particulars wo nuy receive in our I Til. tyOti the motningol the 1 Sth inst , I hero wis a seiious cotii!jgra'.ion in Charleston, S.(., destroying The Cmii irr ofliee and a number ol buildings adjoin, inr; on Ilayne :,t. ('everal were killed by fulling walls, and dipt. Hoffman, the Chief of tho Military Polioo, was ba lly un 1 it is feared fatally -injured. to be unuoiially good, and that they arc to b very pl'iitif'u! this season. Along tho shores of Virginia are va-t beds ot the bivalves that have lain un disturbed during the last four yeats, with nothing to Jo but to eroV) large and get fat. Si MifcN Di'ATti.-A Gen mi butcher by tho I'amo of Rastain Schatfor, aged about 50 years, tell dead on last Wed nesday nioiuiug while in the act of lilt ing a iju nter of pork to the hooks iu front of Mr. Nieliir's meat market. He returned but a short timo ago from the army whre lie hud herved three years I Clin'-n P-ni. - r tl nloiciiiid rcil eitiilc. (il-.O. ED. AVEIS, Cork of Orphan's Court. Orphan's Court Sale. HY VI It I'l.'E of tho above order of the I On. linn's Court of Elk county, there will bo Ina, who lo 1 1 lor his hoine yes-; expose I to punno s iio nt un. iourt House in His ini'iries are internal. ) Ki-lgwny. I.iu l niiniy i enu a , on jlundny liesol the three unknown per I'hilab t.M-.l .i'. l i; i',l... ,i .,..'.-.. .. i the J-'th day ot Nuveiiiber. A. D., lStio nt 1 l- II ' III IU Mil. i IIU V IIIIAII'MI II j'l I I , , .. , , . . . , ,' i o c.nck p. in.. said daw the sixth scvcuih sons, andth.it of Mr. U-tta. have t,ee:i , ui,l.vi:M nf ,llt io,)Wis describe 1 imt of placed iu a ree'iving valt of one of the lilM,, .Vmaiied ns fulluws. Coiiimeiicing cciiieteries for identilication. Tho bodies jut the North went corner of Inml now owned of the others have been sent to their I by Joseph Dill nnd George Weisand mining (,.; lj ! t'.ieneo West ono hundred mid eighty seven ,ii- . . -. j. i A coroner's inquest was held, but tho j3 c u i i o S3 si 2 S3 9 US verdict has not yet been made public. I aim n nun percaes, ineuee couui iu it cm m-i , I thenoe l'.nst to corner iu Ihe liuo f the iitoiiM.ll George iVeis nnd Joseph Dill, ll.eneu North along ihe nforjsnid liuo to the 1 ..I' l..wr'.,..,Mi.r I nil I It lit Jfl V tOWlls'df) Coughs and Colds Those who nro oil, l',.inr'ii. nnd it niiiiiiini! eight fullering lroni Couglis, Colds, Hourse- i seven and one half acres of land be tlio .. ml . I I 1 , 1 ..... 1'r...ti.J ...mil iii.ss ?iiro i nroar. AC. s ou it l i e sinno more or ies. 'Frown's Itrouehial Troches' a (.imple remedy which, has relieved thou-ands and whi .-'i is in almost evo-ry cue effectu-id. WM. II. MAItU, WM. P. HULL,. Guirdiatis of minor children, of David Marr, l ueof Norlliuiuh-.Tlou'l County J'n , deeeascd. Itch! Itch! Itch! .Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch Whcaton's Ointment Will Cure tho Itch in 48 Hours, Also cures Salt Rheutr, F'lcerr, ChiL blainn, and all Eruptions of the Skin, Price 50 cents. For salo by all drug-. gists. liy sending CO cents to WKKKS jPOi'TEU, Sole Agents, 170 Washing ton street. 1'oston, Mass., it will be fori warded by mail, free ot postage, to any part of tlie I'nited States. Sept. Hth lStJ.V-fini.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers