T I I.E. E L X .A:) V 0 C A T l 1'Q i 4 J r O H T A R I. K lv; U 0 N A 1 Is the only pvcpriniiie.n of from tbe libit. An an nil my, purity, i.t.d d. lieiuiisu .-.no i. i.l .... it cannot be surpaFfcd. and is rccemtm mbd ly phy-ici.nis lor invalids find family n.-o. It will J. ec j for yours in any i i'i.i;iti, while its condensed fn in i( niK'i.- i: is. pecially convi nioiit f-r Iriiveior.;. All who use lemons aru i ijin:-1, d to j;ive it h trial. 1'ntcrtninuie.in.sal Iretao. partUo, find picnirs should not be without it. Fot ealn by all 1 ; turpi. -Is and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only bv LOIRS J. ET (!!': It, No. oid I Vai 1 Strc ct, New York. ltd Itch JtL'Il ! icralch ! S-rr.t.-h ! Whcaioti's Ointment Will Cure tin: Itch in Hour.- Also cures Salt Rhcnn Uleer.. o( lho by all Chil Skin. lil'll'.:- Mains", and all Hiupfieii I'riec .")0 ceii; i;ifts. 15v sendinu Oil cent to b.hKS ,V I'OTTIli:. Solo A -eiits, tun ttreet. IJo-loii, Ma.-s., warded by mail, free ul j art of the I 'niU ! Slati s Sept. 1Mb lSOo. Cin. 17i W.-bin-. ,, it will be f..r- a;'e, to any - 11 r-- '"" ;iA u .--1 I r"i t"3"" . a r " t ,"!. - . . '--'! r i i r c i . : it j csv i, :-,.! vi.ii i r 7--Ktoiu:. -Hi-,:,-! Ir.ua :li Vork. lio-oia (ni l l'iiii v k-cicl stm-'t ol' Sf!!l)0! for all j, i-.-H .!' K:!: c,.,ri I lie" u-lju!iii.ijr couu-.i.'.'. Ilirectara, and t!ie tiu'ol. nud csiiiuiiic lay .tock. : (. M I'lliiil-lli '.i-b.ii-ii. :v -i 1 1 : n.i t- '. : , I;-,..-. 1 i the wliul.; troai puliiiali.'.--mil eu.-iblcd to sell low. V ill made on all mi'.-l:a.s...s cfs-'M ,u W. .1. 11 St. Ma-.-s Se.t. 1-ltti V i. W. J. JJLAiviiL'i i'o-.k.sc!lt;r Sf .iti :ier rr in Fancy artich'3. (One door South of K-ip, St. Mary's Street ami tloal- Ruldphs.) St. .Mary's, Elk co.tnty. Pa. Bo5T&3HOiTs7IOPT New Firm ' New Wort, ! Tev Prioj I ! The undersigned, La .-in:; opened Jioct A: Shoe manufactory iu Seliuky.' Steam Tannery, St. Man's, I'a Lay ii 1 sh 1 ly work, an 1 with tho "new man ' of low prices and A. 1. work. 1 hey will keep constantly on hand and maid'actore tooider, cu-to'ii made Roots, Shoes, Gaiters, Sbm-ors, Ele. All of which they warrant will ;;i-e fati.-daotlon. Repairing done neatly :.ud pi-.mipilv. Oustnmcrs cjii rely o:i receiving their order.- at the promised timo. SEXTON & ROILS, January lib, -;."). .'AdminiEtratois Wotica. i. n r.i. . t AdmmiMi-vi,,,, 1 ,111; t ti been ;r;-i'a!i -l t , th '!C estate of Geo. A. Mao's Lrirou-h, ,s hen by 'veil, r all '''i'Iih ive.s 1 1 1 1 1 L ' i 1 ! '".ike im;u iiato 1 ::m. .alvi e'e, l.ltj o Nothv no-vi:-. ''. U lb .-,. . .-;ii it.:.: for oil. a:i I Ji n e'.iinis :.it tl.u .u am-1 uiilv ; Pros u : Ij 0 .1 ; J IU C:.t, FKEDEH! n k 1 ;: x . 1. ::, HOI. Ab'.v-i ''.' A'.;, ji CoTjsumoiioii. A valuable l'liy-de'uii, on ih ra!!! 1. Retire! e.s ump her wrh 1,'iie pre- of t ' tt-):i au I it-, various -; 1 l-.lie-i f.ji- self tre.it.nn.i-, at; I -.ii l'eritiii-!H whi-.-tl have e .!;.. 1 v.'.U be s.-ut, lreo oi'eli u j;.;, to aiiplyiii. h will e.i-t yoa ,1 l in ty b.' the uii.io inl'.-iiiii ' v ' jt- md- on : r uu t perm p y i i;- . ... , rl , h-J J C l rcl u t sn:pji:-:x :i mu:, m Mr -y St - ' .vw 1 .- k t 'Oi ' .1. M r.-jit 1 - MS'iK II Lotus cf Administra tii. n nun linnmiiio tmnwi, on the es tate nf Anthony Kutitx, la'e. of the l.or- , -'i;-;i i m. .i.u-y s luri-srcd, having I I sin on, I, led l'i tin- timloisighed. All j i i I.-. i i h 1 tl t ! to faij es'aiu arc lo. iijiii'slL-d to inn!.o payment an J Ihoso iv ;!'' ci.iuns ii j --.vent Uic:u Without .-lay to Al'OI.l'il FOCIJT.MAN, St. J.'.ryV, Elk Co. I'a. Juno, L-t M.Y (iw. DJMIG STOKE- I';t; C. 11. llAtu.t.r & If. II- Fir.iH, will eon. taiitly keep on hand at the old .stand of Dr 0. It. Karly, a J nil assort, nient pf'ehoieo hn;;n and Jlodieinc?, wliieli v i'ii bo. fold ut the very lowest ca.-h .iiee.s. t-uProlessionnl Calls will be promptly attended to, by II. II. Fe.ssler. All eonsnltation to OHiee L ns: I be strietlv attcmle-i to,, bv Karley and .ui:, Hill I lM'.-r Kersey Attstnt 1st lftl.!."). IssiH.UTIox.-.Notieo is horohv L-tven that the limited pari neihip, here- t.ll, ore e:;:.-!;i.Lr between 1 l.rodoro I'a en Wih.ox, l'.ik comity, 1 i:nns Ivan i;i. I ami , lames , I i.n k ol I'lainucld of the Stale of New Jjrsey. lor the mauuCie j tine ol leather at Vilcox Elk county I'a. , said partner; hip !u;iii.; firmed under the jAit.'l AsM-inVy ol the -'1st Mareh j I -'Ki, ei.tilie 1 "A n Act relative to liini 1 1.. I i .. .....i I Monday the 2 1st Jay of August A ) J )"r j' ff' l ! lioMhe.s-aid partnership then ceasin- 1 HL ' ' !" l';'i';l!"r cmicr iitiil oetermi.-i . . l... .1.- ... .i . 111 l i IIIL- iiiu.uii cons. ,-nc tii ;:o. palkx. JA.MF..S CLARK, lOihlVtM. V:Wy. Jul-. P .-! 1; : i -,: jh i'a!(tmi:t, ) Wiisbiiryt,,!!, June 10th 1G". ) Waited States Mail. ! Pennsylvania- -;.s will be reccivel at the C,,n- tract p. pi. i Ih -o of tni ; Department until ? of July :!!st lSti.i. (to be decided ! followinfr day'! for conveying the of ih;- 1'iiited States, from Au'. 'ih lyib), lo June 3i.!ih lMiS, on ; oo i, list 1 ! the iobowin routes in tho slate of'Penn. f vKaliia. by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein tpeeilied, or such i-tber will m-ike- the desired cornice, t'oii at (he ti-.-ii,i::.-:l duces. r--.-(..o:sa!s iin;-.t bo e ldors.vL 'dail and p ..!.-;, St.'iioo!' Pei iisy;v.i;:;a, ,1 .. e.i to ih.: ;e Gen-r:.!. V.: j:: Xo. 2710. ond As:-:stant i'o;t. :hiiiL,to;i 0. C. From Wileox, by irt, '22 miles and ei;. j:- Ma:s)n, to Smith b :ek, six (in:-; s a v L,.:ve Wilcox da ... :' p. arrive at e:;nept .'-undav, lens bv 0 in m. Leave Sini; h.po: ' da exeept '-i:.i. ' lay, at 0 ; m. :.rr:ve at. v, iieo.-. by 1 ! p. m. j'.'.rTi: No. 27 lo illi-ims'. ille and . Prom Wi eox 1-v t;eant, to Cler. li.i-i-tv'ill;-, 10 miles and on .e a .! Leave u i OS lrdav .it 2p m. m. Arrive at Clermontville by Leave Clennontville Sat', at A : rive at. Wilcox by For forms ol'.rupi..-;iL, :."iar corl;!i -a-o and cot: iiiionj to bo i V a. in. 1 p. m. ly aud meorpo- rated m :.:e contracts, see iiamijlif I vr.i't.seiiients t.ir conveviu; no mails :n LVnn.-vlvauia. vc, dated, I ith Novem- S', and loth Di-eembor I.SOL to be found iu the priiiL-ipal Post. Odices. W. DENNISOX, I'oit master General A DM INlSTRATOit'S NOTION. Notice is hereby liven, that let tors of administration on the estate of Julius Yombutimon, late ot R.-nziiier township, E!!; county, deceased, bavin,.' been granted to the undersigned, all persons in h-btod to .said estate are re '! '"-t ' 1 t'1 make immediato payment, and those bavin" claim I a-Hnst flm :" ol hi.j-li price j same will present'the same duly aiithen ,'irded the!u.-.dves ' ticate 1 for settlement to, IIKR.VAN KOCH. Renxintter April lHth lS'JL EXML'LTOItS NOTICE. ) iiereus Letters, i estame-.ila;- t 1 nav. UU been ruutcJ to Juo. Stoekman and Anton Fue!i;ni:tn, Executois of the last will and testament oi' l.ureny St.oeku: in . late , St. .Mary's, dee'd, all peroons h ij.j-.vi iilT theiuselres indebted to said e 'at,; v:il make imme.iia! an! ihoso h-jviro; idaims against the ..11110 will pi o.-ent them du'y authenti. cated for :.e''.!em.':-it. GEO. ED. WKIS, Reis'er &a .For j n tablo Engine-, with j Stationary and 1 v.' I at. -nt l lslou, coiiiplele lor MILLS OR ROR1NG FOl OIL. -.1 A S O- PoHabe, Saw vi:Ii 'Tw ) Rot, ry Saw.- rio --d f .r Sa iuj! any sized lo -s. A LSO DRLVlXtl'l'lIM-:, Iaiail'ieiui'..-d in Sandii.-ky, (Jhio, eiiveu-d nt any sla'i-m mi t!ie anl 1! ail mi bet; r, thu in can be 1 driii.-died bv Eateni Manufacturers. 1111 1 Tier informal I . ad . -ss :r Ine .-.:!jSri-..-i.:i' a: L.J'wav, P. Kit Co. Pa., or in pcrs-. u at Spriug 1 k, tii ihu Ciariiiii J liver. Wm. O SWART-, 1 A .1 J ly L-.i 'Jui. I'd. Iinfcrmation Free ; to xkuvoiw sufwjiikus, ,., A GEXTLEMEX, etirck of Xei-vonr Pcbility, Incompetency 1'iviuuturo Q ray, j;.nlV(i, il.i! r, jvr, nctuutctl "iQi .1 I r . ,ii ut.HiMo ouiiim.i.1 lers. win no inn py 3 I luriiUh a w!u, v.w.. jt (a,0" irge.j tin) recipe iind directions mailing t!;c 'Mil- romuly used in his case. ;- llll'crcis. wii-bin'' to lii'olit hv flu? advertisers bad experience, and posse!- n mii i- nl viihialik' n nii'dy, riiti dosobv ii'' hiiii at oni-L' ul his t hi r t? tit , i ii'iiics.s j ne i.oeoipr ami jr,:i in i ... . r -1 . ii . . ...... .. rma- J lion of vital iiiiporlcuci- will b ci li cm". . juuy .-'. i:i. oy leliini liinil. j -Addre!?! -JOHN V.. OGDTiX; ( Xo. CO Nassau Street, New .York. I V'.fi. Xcrvotis KlilTornisrifli'itli nvno will GuJ this information invaluable. ('j ntoths , i.t.-..x. .......... .. . . . . (K CO-J'AUTNl'K. I Mill XOTICF is hereby L'iven. that the ('o-Partiiersbin heretofore existing uu- ; der ih. names of Anthony Kuntz a." John Krngh, ul St. .Vary's, has i'W day been dissolved by mutual eotiscu?. I of the parties. j I AXTIIOXY KUXTZ, JOHN KRUGH. ! Jitiu 2-d '03 :Jt I'd. ... ' KVT MrSIC-'-FUXKIlAL! M A RCH TO T II L M II M uie uonii Journal s.iv.s : '-This is a line inpiniiiun, well worthy the rrputatiou its writer." Very solemn and im- j pressive 1 .000 COPi FS ARM ISSUF.D W FLKI.Y- Pr:ee HO cents ; with vi-.-- nettc ol the I'lesidei-t, :i(J rents. Mailed free. Publisher, HORACE WAT ERS. No- 1S1 Rroadway, X. Y. F0UVARD. -0.0 MAUCIl KIOMTINTO lUDGW.VV ALO0 -VAIN sntl-ET TO Till: Old h a p i n 4F i. WWfc. mm. ?a x 'fti v. ''J V '''i,;.j w Yhere you will Cud Di-u-js. Medicine Oils. Paints aish Rru'-hes. ! tS.1 4- 4. 1 .. r3 t il I I) fj 55 r Y 5 V.'ATCHKs', WATJIANT!) : Sll.VKilWAKi;, i v,'.u:i ',M'i:ii I A reniM'al assortment of Va- notii'S :mil , v 5o a ni (uu; i-.i" IA Li- vj Fanev Sears, Vioau F I) 1II2S Per; &e. umeries, Albums, Yard;, NetiliS the barrel, Bye- bu8iis? Ssistru- ments and Imjilement:-parta'm-in to the DUUG UUSINKSS, tOe. Pure Liquors, for Mdlical )urfoscs, only. LORD WELL & MESSEXGER. Ridgway, Aug. 17, 'O.j. MOTICE.-Whereis, Letters Testa. 1 luentary ti) the Estate of Michael Orel lata of Jay township Elk county dee'd have been granted to the subscri. b .-rs : All persons indebted to said 1 Estate are roqueted to make immediate j payment ; and those having claims a 'auist t lie sauu wul present them duly nil pr utie.'.teu lor settl.mient to . . 1 JOHN PRR. Renezelt (p., Elk county i V W (ilf IV I ... .. .....Xi, .vii;;uii 1 ininauii, QTR O pn VY O.lTTLIv Cai to the in l'ox jiremises of the subs township, on or about tbe 20, of April 'Ibi- a red & white spotted cow, about 7 years old since Lad a calf, ono red steer about. 1 year old. Tho owner is desired to come forward, prove property, pay ctiar-es, y, or otherwise they will be disposed of ns the law duvets. Fox tp. Aug. lit, -g:, GEO FAUST. to covs rnii'Tivss. C1uffcrer3 Wiru (.'oxuumptio.n. OasI'IMAi Rronchiiis, or any disease' ot the 1 ln-oat or Lune,s, will be cheer fully furnished, without charge, with tho remedy by the use of which" the Rt Enw.uui A. Wilson, of Williamsburg. New York, was completely restoreil to heal'h, after having suli'orod seviru! years with that da-ad disease, Cousump. lion. To Consumpiive sitlfercrs, Ibis remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. It will co.-t liu-.hiug, and may bj tbe mea'is of their perfect re.-ioration. Those de.iirin ' tho .s ame will please hL he- R::v .'.L1 v. ARD A. WIL'itjN.imv i-j couia jeojaa circet, U i-ii lam. burgh, Kiiijji Cjuuty, Njw V Feirnitisrci. I.I A NU F A C TUB, U K OF Modern niul tir.i.iuc I'mnl t MAIN STREET, Ii it 0 O K v I i, i, i; i ; x X'A. Tete-atetes, Kolas, I)ia-ani, Kasy Chairs, Uoekiii-; thairs, I'KAWiXO.UOOM '.'IIAllbS, And V, bolstered wave of all kinds, also Cain Chairs. Cain Jtuekin Chairs. Common or Windsor Chairs. lend.steads. Tables, Stands, I'eaures. Light Stands, Whatnots, Corner Stands, Wash Stands, AVardrobes, ! liookcases. ! &c. iV.c. &.C. AYe spare no pains in packing furni. '"re so that it can be shipped any dis ':eo without bein' injured. Do nut forget the place. IMIOWX'S WARU HOOMS. Pee. 24th ISO l.-tf. YALl'ALLH TOWN LOTS AX!) FARMS FORSALi:. Three town lots f ir sale, adjoiniiiir the Washino-(1 Hotel. Centre street, in the Rorouh of St. Mary's, Klk Co., I'.i. Likewise 2') acre? of land, ol a mile south east of the Roronirh. Likewise nine hundred acres of tcood farm land. Three 'arms with L'ood houses and barns 1 upon tin in, and likewise Coal of :, in ex- cebont (juality, the coal veins 4 J feet m t.iiekuess, with a jrood i,ro?iect of oil . Per terms and olher particulars apply fo JACOR SCIIFFFFR, t the 1 cited I I" Greenville. Clarion Co. Pn. May l-t,, '0.-..-M ?! 50 NOTICE.-Xotice is hereby ftivcn, . 1 . . : . i I ; .ual a piauuiy ot loirs were earned j our lumls, on Rennets Rraneh (Ml in ..'jenezette township, E!k Co. Pa., dur-I I i : i .. , . r . , ; i oi.o water oi iviareu l.ru..) M-ii-eh l';- i t.-illi the followmi' mark and Utters: iSXE. ST J. RD. LXM MM, r C V, R V &. AD OTTO 1) ! ; rn - w .)'... i i i ii . tw-joi- three marks that we d i not know I Mjin-.tri, ol. e owner or owners -'vf, arc re..iK.rt'-inivi! M-onevrv. pay till l,';;-d el-.ares aud take them i away within three months faun Mareh ! A. P., 18 jo, otherwise :hcy will ; bo forfeited. ! M. II. JO -IX SOX, I WM. JOHNSON. i April 2Sth, '03. Pd. ;;t. l!!S.-OLrTIOX ot' :o.:'ai:ti;h.si! ; n- i-oi.y i'iven, that I l,e Co. ;d'.).-e exi a iw un ,., .,.. j NOi'irr is her ; I'artaci-ship lie ;es liaeis o'C. lailo- ."t Co., ut Si. Mary's iia 1 Fred Seli.oaie .X (', I - v ...... . ,., m-i.-n lli:3- . t:..,.. : . ..: . I s-iive I miil-c Hid lir-t d-iy of April last, b ' mutual cniisent. The banks und a -..:,)ioo's ; i'.ir li.oh i'.-lal.lihinciils will lio left in 1 ho I Imnds of Cans. Luhi-St. Mary's s.-ltle-1 men1.. j Cl. I.I' HI! ! .1 AS. SM'I! I NO, Kl!, FKliL) SClltl.MM.i. May, 13ih 1SG5. XOT1CF. OF LIMITED l'AltTX KKS l.TP NOT1CU is hereby given that. Thcodi-e I'alen, horetofoi-e residinp; ut A llcpuiy. Cat tiu-.-iujras C onnly, in tho Slate of New Vork but 11 iw roidin? at Wilcui Illk Cniinty, Slate nf rennsylvania. and James Child;, residonee at lMacnticld in the .S'rate of Niv.y ' Jiirscv, have formed ft limited ivu-tnersliin jiiirs-n.uit ta the Act of the (ienrrul Assembly of the iSl.ile of Pennsylvania, jmssed die lilst nf Man !i ISihi, entitled '-An Act relative to limited partnerships" and its several sup r 'l'iiK-nis, fur the mauiitaetiu-i. nf Leather nt Wilen.-afii-esaid. upon the folloM-ino; terms to-wit: Isl. Tho name of said firm to be Theed. re I'alen ; .nd. 7'lie general nature of the business transacled is tlieniaioiJaetiii-e ol leather ; 3d. The name of the tieiii i-al partner is Theodore P.ih'ii, now residing nt ll'iloi.x nfiir.-.aid .- 4lh. The iiiiuiunt of rainial ciili ibiued by the special pnrtner James Clark, lo the common stock, is j I eijihtoin thousand dollars ; nth. Tins rnrt- I iier-1 nn is t,i ciiiiniuo r,-n,,i iIia iiintl, .1.... .Ipril A. I). lS-il, lo the niuihd.iy nf April j IW!. 1 '-.'. I'ateJ nt UiJcoz, June S'd ' j A LITTLH OF EYERYT1IIXG relating to the human system, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of the world ; how to marry well und a thou sand things never published before read the revised and cularged edition ofl "Mfiucal com mux Sknsk," a curi ous book .'or curious people, and a good book t ir every one. 40(1 pages, 100 lllustiatii.ns. price 1 ,.!. Contents table sent free to tiny address. Rooks may be bad at tbe Rook stores, or will be sent by mad, po.-:t paid on receipt of the piiee. Ad Less i; Ii. ! OO P E, M. I'., 1 llo'J Rtoa lwav, N. 1 IF YOU WANT TO KNOW NOTTCE is hereby given, that one JaeVo cliriffer advcriiMn. iH ibis pa. .. 1 .... 1 . 1 per, uu i .-r 1:10 uea.l 01 aluablo 'J own Lots its and Farms for sale, Las no author!- ! to sell ihe U (own lots and Ih ueres of j ud iu and near St. Mary's Roroiuli.a.i am the -jlc owner, any ta!e made c f j c same oa any psvt theieof without j bv 1 ai I t! sppioiu. wi.l uot bo villi. LONLFATI t. S PCH MOXIb I ft. Mir;'., Jus: JJJd 5!. I i , .11 - .... .. -ii ,i i oioii'iiu leriiis ljr ai'ents. .-rn, I nh" .-'-a, hiki ii en n rn.-ii, r iim, . i.t-c-fc, ucai ureeuvnie, clarion ' i- i " ' .... . Co., Pa. j ( "c;u-ir. ( marry happily, irrespective of wealth, , uasi-,. A l,o lor sale a larjre aud com- , Keoii.ity of Jilk, in the State of Pa I i V ' v i ; niodious Hotel , Greenville, Clarion sl.,11 expose to saC, by ub!i: GareG 17. NW-.Tn " MME. DEMORESTS'S MIRHOR OF FASKGN (H'AHTKHLY JOLTNAr, . DU IlAO MUX UK.') Cireulation 40,000 (lv-ost in the World.) Kach tiHinber eoniains larjjo !id nia,i;uifieent I'ahion I'latcs, splendid illustrations ol nil the fashion:.b!e and Paris novelties. I'm' ladies' and child ren'.H Hress. ltsc'til in foi ut.u ion . and the four , lile sie Patterns, rut ready for use, etc. I etc. i early, SI ; single cornc. -'i cents, I 1-..I.I: I . i ... 1, . . .. '. . 1 ' . .. dished at Mm;:. Dkmoiirst's lltnpo n of Fashicns, Xo. 473 l.'roadway, j moi.-i; ft ii in N. Y i't.i:.NPi o a xi) v, i.ua r.t.i: irf.j:i t;.Ms 1 1 1 racb Yearly Subscriber to Mine. De- tnorest's Mirror of Fashions is entitled to . i . ... inc selection ol ;.)': cents worth of Extra P..iio..., ,. - t aitcrns, or a cor v of Mine IVnioie;! Systme f( CuttinCh! , W. T re.s-se.-y I or lor bO cuts extra, the Ladies' Ss , em. For a elub fo 5 subscribers at 81 cseh will be sent Person's, Arthur's or any other .?2 nia,tai no or newspaper for one year, or a splendid Photograph Album. For a club of S, Godey's Lady's Honk or any other B'i mnt,'a;;ine, or an elegant gilt, or steel Rack Comb, or Side Comb. A Club of 10, Mme Demoresfs $7 Runnin? Stitch Sewing Machine, or a Sell. tucking Attai-hment, or a full set of Steel or tliit Combs. A Club of 05, a new Wheeler son s Sewiuic machine with llemmtrun Self tuekii.u- Altai hiiient. A Club of 0 Gold V.'ateh. . splendid pate! t lever All the Subsesibers are entitled to the , first premium, and to the getter up of ; the elu;j an extra copy ul'lhe .Miiror of ! Fashions for one, year, j nniii ber of t' 1 subseriptionts fi. n. towm-d making up a club, will be credited the same ;u if sent altolhcr. ! Rack numbers as specimens seat .-., i; fire on receipt of 10 rents. ' w-,v , TunX ' d il v f'l ' "? 1 b I !...' ?i . U a '. i oit cry ji a t r ! - a . .I .' '. " V.' ' 7:'. u' .!u i i. i'idi r, 1 1 1 mi; faill fill I II TV nt 'JL- I 'ots, A o. nineteen (10) twenty line (21) twetilvri.'ht CIH") tiv ntv ton.- y - I ) and t went -mx (M) on crops street, ' in front. on cross street one hundred i (A1"' 11:11 L l" 1,1 ul,rl1 at in depth at riedit , 'r. V ' ' Terms of sale, one third of the mm i . i . . , , .. . ' u"aMJ "-"" '" i""i' at con I uruia t um ol iswe nim uie ie. -nine, in two roual anaii-il i instalments thereafter, to be s-eeured by ' Judgment, R.md and M..ri-.-.iao ANTHONY MF.YE Admiiiistr.-itor of ANTHONY MF.Y ER dee'd Q0LDIERS IN THE ARM i j and our peepe at horn Are now olloredan otnvrrn 'i r ii ii i t v which they can obtain a 'GOOD 4 PL'ItYRl.E TniH 1U Cli AT A ViRY LOW FKJUIl 10 1; w rr, ti!:s ur. .ti jia.m uto ki..;i -- .;oi;vi: :.n mi l l!,ebiiyiM- m nllmved the -I'rivilorr,. of Kx-irnination. hkfo i'.i r.v.v.vr is j: i:quuu:; linprct cl )iiit7,.,' In fll ,',., Adlms. A tiiv.t etn-s lIuniiriiTinio-IVi..oofSilvcr ninterial. over whieh is electro-fine plated IS k; pold. most durable wrought, ruakinij the imitation so f-nilile-s that it cannot be detected from the solid material by the in,i experienced jud-TPS : acids will riot, af eet it. London made movement. Imi-iiov-Kt) Drei.rx in fi-i.i. ut-iiv actios, has sweep eeonds, nnd isint to be excelled in eeneral nppi-nrance. 11 is is iikcii.edi.y one of the iiesT AHTiei.KS ever offered for traders and speculators. 7on!neprg i-mi;ri.all,;ii nnj persons travelling, will find them superior toany other ; alteration of climile will not aneci t lien- accuracy. Price, pa.-!:ed in sood klnipe and soo l riinnin order, oalv 535, or rase of 0 f,,r S-'o.l. S1LY1-R UOL-DLn T1R HUNTING LEV Fits, I! F.ST QUALITV SlI.VF.ff CASES, over which elect ro-fine phned 18 k. pol l, similar t 1 our Improved Implex, nud superior ad Justed movements with 'Ston,-' to be used i timinp: horses, etc. : has Four Indej-osp nor Vashinsion and Oreenwic 1 liiiu, swee geeon 1. mid nil ;!, ininroveinentH. All in nil, Inking its be.imiful and fruitless np Ve'"':1"('- mid its superior movement imo ii. i.-.-n-o 11 ns ueei-ie nv the tdii-n(,e,t nriicle of 1 ho kind in tho nmrket. Price, in troml ruiining order, S1.3 of case of li for SJOd. j fi-it-Wi? - nsk no pay in ndvance, hut will I forward either nf Ihem 10 responsible pur , tic-, to nny part of the b.ynl Suites, with bill pr.vnhle lo expressman when the (roods nro delivered, eovinj tin bnvei- the privil , i-tte of exo mi nil 1011. nnd. if 11 it salisf.-icimy j the wulch enn be retu-n.-il at our j-pcni 1 nn vx press cniuinincs no .j.) in.ikins collections on roilier-i nud other disloyal Slates, consequently nil such orders must 1.0 neeompnnied by the cash to insure nt eiiliou. We make n deduction of two do hirs on either wnlch when the pnymeu n forwarded in ndvance. Money :uay lie sun hy express at our ex pense. THOS. G.U'i.-i:ilTV & CO.. Jo mil 95 iJi-ond St., opposite City R.iud Providence, It k- XOT1CE. Letters of Admiiiistra- j toiu have been granted to ihe under. I signed upon the estate of Lewis Unit, i late of Voi-iiou, Oneid.-t county New j York and formerly of Eik cJuuty' Pa., by tho Register nf Elk county. All per- i 1 . 1 1 1 . 1 --uu1'" "o nieiiiseives iii'lebte I to the Wate aiv re.(ue.ted to make payment loi tbwith aud any persons having claims '-u the t-utc are r.i-ieiU'.! t.i m nt them to the ui.dcriguej J'.r 1 settle- w?ut " II . W. MA II AX Cfi.iton, One-ids Co., X. y. fv.djway, Ja-e 2Jd, '00. V. ... IT I . rt . n .vi V V'!''' J ( ''7'w -T7rr ,""N' Tust puhlihed. -new edition of Dr CulvcnvcllsCelebraterlEssay id' the itttdvtik-ure (without medicine) .r Si-t:ii.MAT('i;iti!iKA,(,r rtniniil Wek ness, Luyobtntary Sfininal Losses, I.Ml'O tkm-y. Mental and Physiral Tnflnpably : unpen, moms to irnae, ete. nsoetp conhv mi ii.x Kru.Kj'sv,' ond Tit, in i oueed Ty !elf-iudul ii'avaL'anc!1. tvi-Piiee, in a sealed envelope, only 0 cents. The celebrated author in this adinira ! vt i .. , . . . i,HM-,My CT'iniv aemonstrates, irom A i . , I " . -.fl pra.iee, that they na run ni; eonsi oucnct s cf relf iibsucm. be radii-ally cured without the datijrerou. iise of internal medicine or the appliea. tiou of tlu knife pointing out a modt of cure, at once simple, certain andefTeer ual, by nieatis of which cvciy sufferc.i no mutter what his condition may I may cure himself cheaply, privatela .' and luiilii f'l i, 0-v"This Lecture should be in tho j bands of every youth and every man in the land. , Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope. i 1 '" !l,1-v a""r,'SlS j"i-t "'i, on reeept or I the publisher. CH AS J. C. KM XI-' CO. ' , i '"W('0' New 'ork. Post uilieo box LiSlj. L')YirAXDirAPJr0XY7 Any Lady or (J -ntlcmau srinlin,T nns trHr address, will receive lull direction for i-.iiniii!.' the aireclious of the nppo- TO.COXSUMPTIYKS. mstunplive sufi'erers will rcceivo u valuable prescription for th cure of coiibumption, Asthma, Rronchiiia, und all throat aud Lun3 nfl'eetions, ffree of enarjrf. nv sending their addri ss to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiliiiiinsl.'ur..:, Kitis Co., 3 n;onths New York. run llli; HAIIl Tjn-u-i t.i.i:,; i-.-i- jiami jiM.s.sis.j Wu:i.i:u: i:i. rit.ii- Restorative AN I) Still retains its precedence in lashionable cir cles, au-.l is superseding all other prepa , ratnms, not only in this country but als 1 in j.urupc ami .outn Ameriea. Thou. Kinds of buttles are nuim.illy used in tho Ceurt circles of Paris. 1,1m. 1. hi St- !.. j tt-rsbur---aud Madrid, and the saie i:i (,uba is enormous. RRERVES' MA UROSIA is comr.o.-ed ofan o!K- exfrar-t I ('1 ' berbs of wonderful virtue, and ii highly scenteJ with a variely cf ex.juis. ite perfumes. t cff'oetually prevent i the hair fallinar out. r.n 1 causes it !o.;rov rapidly, thick and Ion.,'. It makes"th,: lia:r curl, and -ives it a flossy appear an re. No loilet is complete without it. Price 7" cents per larje bottle. Sold by dru estsand dealers in fane poods in ail parts of tho civilized world. Wholesale by all wholesale druggists in every eity, und nt REEVES' AMRROSIA DEPOT, No. 02 Fulton St., New York NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED The following fact demo ast-te fu hose .Machines cotnpriso the h-)h-t' iinjiruvenunt in thi Xjwinj MclUU A i f, viz' I 11 I . . r . better Fitislaetion than any other Sewiu,r Ma.-hino in Markct.or mon, v refui.de.. 3 J. They have taken inm.v of the ui;hcl j-ri-miutiu ht the most 'important ex. hihitioH llllil , cvi-i- Iwl.J iu tho I u;te I States. 3. They make tho rul-tU. h alike on both sides thin saving more than half Ihe thread and silk used in tin raveling ridge seams ol the loop-siiteU and single-thiead Sewing Machines L 'i hey tire adapted to the widokt rnn"a ol heavy and light sewing. They have no rattling wires, or deli, cate attuchmeutij to keep iu repair, 0. They icijuire no taking apKi-t :-j clean or oil. and uo '-Usu.ms'' to set ueedle, ro-ulatu tensi in, or operate Machiuu Pleae call aud examine and demon, strato for yourself, or sen 1 lot e.',vuc witb samples of sewing, v p r..,. ,-,-w, . n - a'.vd 3 nxi-iLLi-Lrox's. sm co, No. 355 B.-Oi-lTiy, N:y Y .i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers