T HE ELK A D V 0 C A T E I.KAT)V()CiV'ri 1'ihUlli'l Kvt)iy St, tardiiy ni' r. w. nutri ; tt, Zliclsway. Pa, Scot. 13 i3G5- . , ...jr. '"" -A-'- ir'J" i- .. .- " ' v.V .' r'v u".i Mr' r:;' ' ' 7r.-,S ..-V-'v ;." nt :! V i.' fV,ir ;..-... ... 1-HHf'I ' r:... ; .' .W "(. r s ;.7.r. s. :i VKT'j ;::;; ;li. a; v i:r.ri' i -inc. Airo il I) Kfissnu St,. Sow iiiid 1 0 State St., 2:o 7 Yoik ibO'l , ..10 the a; 1 Co .-ci'.aiir.ir s. ;j. . i ngi , Agi-nN i'.;r the Eidl At-V . : .: inland lllV l-t I' i.i C.- I i- 1 1 ; r-" ; re .; c ir ic'.-.M: cite 1 Str.;o- t.ti J .uh. i i.:.-.i : en;- t 1.1! OS. I .-. 1. trt . Pr , PEoFK r. Col. v i'.'i;r..!. iLsr u.. w.ii. d.v:. C-urt(y. y-'h evv.v.-y::i opnj tial. l.i. uf.Cl J. P. UNION'. fl' f.Y m:.i. ; . Ji Col" s'f'i (Tt.MMIT'i'r.Ii. n. ( j:j ait, KiJway ;ry .in , 'I'lT, ', V... ir;..;t. ... .irc;! r, 4-.eti2ir.ger. T-i.-A '.lister, Pic -iier. .Tuy. t u' r.r v. i" ", fi. .;t-a.u r.u-bhr.i !-..:i.-lt, Sp-.-irspr Orcek. I-rat or, j'arys. :-::?v ti-K!;x. !'.', oi' IVs towMtlir". As.' oiiito Jn l';o. ?;-ticr, of Hi 1 -.r. Treasurer. v'l.ll'.riiia.iiill.ffH. tp. H yenra. ..an t: Horn- .T,,;, J. C (.1 . in J,..u! I.i V '' of ?! rt-irys. 1 tear An r. a. V-',i -"t. or r oi '.r-v. nsbip. r I. Uv.if. r;t F"x torr.sl.if. County Convention Vi are r.'o i.-.''ed lion. li'cinson. I '.lairie-m oi i'io coiiTjiy Coma-iitte? to (in oo'.in o tai.1 li.-.' I-'. iiH i - t,' unity Con voiui oi will i a:-onihio tit Uidi.vay, on I riu.iv, .jepicn-.ii.'i' j.?o.j. iyYc oa'.l attet.tion of the vo ters of Kik eoouty to the e irJ of J am:;.s t'oYM-', oit'oiiiig hiiii'-e'if a. an J.ulrprn. 'nt cuiididate for the oiIF-' id County Trei.Mi'.'er. I p." ,W 'l tho ait. iiii. ii tf the voter.-i i-f llio llepresi ntntivp iis.ri'i, cf.npi.---d if i bo -uu'ii --if Cie-irCrM, .l.iit and F.,ro.-i, i.i it:e :io.:.iiiiu-".":io:' ot' Dr. ('. I!, f'arly, ;i ..a. .ii.l-Ui- l!i -i if tiT.'i.t'ive i;t tiie o o". in- il.;..';.. ,- l.'.c. t.I3'Rv rr-i-ji". f t, v;e re p o'iih the r- -! t of ':e I.H-!-r:l. t- the Lr.tlier.' 1iiir' iteptc:;.n'.:iti.'e t.'o'ivctiticii. S V,..Yt"l: i. ll.ii h C Oaii iu in el t in-t ouiity i.i.:i.:iit;ti e, a I, I..1...1 ti li- by il,.- Seevctar , lor the re b'i-ie ol the c.-.urily Coiivt-ntier -(t.i- t io o..!inly Convt-titter, lhe oojeot ot ll.e e.'ol is somewhat a t-.,i-f :ry 'o u-1, I. ii. we thin'; in keeping v, it'.i frrner prorce dings. If a general cvrr liau'.ing id the proceeding? is ncco.v.iu-y, why not call vimury itieeting-i iu tho li Cerent townMhips and boroughs, fleet now dehgitcs and cuiitnePce in the new. ')r; not this a peod plan ? It i.i'ght unite tho paity, and prove to be l'Cne fie-iui hereal'if r. As we aro an out. tider, ve h:.ve r.othirg wore tofsy. Cotjil'.n Paktv. There will be a f'otilhii: Fatly given by Mr. Moor".' Pro .rie lor fit" the "Hyde IToure," cn 1 li-ai-hdiv, Scptciober 21s? 1SG3. A .TcPC-u1 iavitatlou la li'.er.fled to one t.nd all. Hmioptu1 P.itts N.i'jii. O.ir M ... odiit fiiot d:i, led by their ynn J'astir, lies. P. J. A-nh-ltJJ, h:o on ba'ie.j xvhat vc eonsider, a pool t.nd very c?- i-en'.ial cnterpriae the l.u'.l ling ef t. j ju'ireonfie, for tho ben:C; cf the p.-e ieh r grot by tl c'r Confereacn to kVtr .Miifirj'-us. It is we'd kflowo hotv mue'u t'.e viiu.a of Riiljwy, baa needed I Mjiac ons to move ia this dircotion, and wft the wotk is ecnirr.eneed, we hope &t those who have takea it in hand, vjdi iiivLive a hearty cooperation of Aui we tnii. that if our yaw.g friend To. Archibald, isperiuitted to reoiain " i:h us atiothei year, ho will use his ia fur:00". toTirisbuildiog ft chureh, which. l A 'i -.--ir ' j ' Ven ft TTorr.-n Ltdjer. HIGH WATEIL Wif'i.ii) thelatt few days llio Conowau pi creek ami Alhghonv Fiver nt I !tf pcia!, l.ave been higher th:m thpy have horn kiHiWi to id kr over twenty your., :.rrnp,!ii'; hist J-prieg whin the valor wis higher than it was ever known. To tv-tIiioc such a ri: o, ibm r.m--t have bono. tii,pir-oe.!'U,--d heavy r.di.s above it-. We ie.itn tin' :it. t'.andolph. tmro i ever ?'u''i a H i.id known, mi I tn.it several p.-wore drowned : but we l .it" ".j ..rika'ars. Tii.? bridges wore r vied u :y aimi!- t!:c iiac !' the Erie Railway, ami no c.w h-ive pa?e 1 over I t.ie r a I sioco yt t-a'.urday. J he tr-iv. i'I r:i tin; 1 i.il.i '..v; a.;i ami i.r.c hal lot l ; n ii.'er.''i. I . . '.' :ira t'n.t t'-.o fl .-. ! 1. .s cl 'tio iintiK r: -3 i?.ir;!;? i n ''. .i.'V , t";i'.tor;ut:;tT' vni .r i!-'-f.; Y r.-.nn: i . 1 ho vr'i (,( )' .-; f;.,-,j..'. is '',i-r-!iv '?- ."', "" ' 1' "J ', ', i- "i "' ' " stv.'ve l, n ro. it ! in;; L'ui ii;i.:s liav:ti-r ;.ec;:ii..u;l inn.i l':o;r f.-iv, -i.i-i.-. n:i:l ?i';:e o:'.ri;o,i ;;-,t-v. i : o fia!iri;- va-tii-:;'y ,-.,iuia!i'--l'fit;l ".l.'tO L " I ', COO. 'nn mi3" i'1 i:i fi sin.ilar war in.'i ecino lives :uo s ii l to In vp. ('tlCPH Mil, .'.itv.: i p t iVTt "''1 a'Titv v io.i !. :(. (. rrn's an i I". l.CTl t'i" l.ill nj.i.-J v tl vrat-T. rr.'ulc-.:-! ll'.li: :o f ibo oiih trv ;s TrilliV. iM'li.-'liC: thi and 't:'o :i ti, a 1 rsftin !t!tiili;-r::,-:i nrp c.tartnv T.r. v.itli tr.i-ir fl-.rf?. Bii'.ro tiiofio-.d, ir.ar.y lull.'!; nt )n sail 1 li-irs. nonrlv wlro'i '.vi-vc !w,--; t i.T on I'ri.'t.iy ni.:t:t la.-t, v. liich v. i.l res-u:i iu h"ivy lc-.o tu the oirtiftr.'v T!-e ivo:.th.-r oon'innr? vory Hiiltry, ma !:.in th a ;.. arii: i.d more ra;:. Tho Elack ! aO'.v ffr.H:s 'HAT I. TI! VKt Tin-; rvi?. ' WFI.L. I u.;,FFk;.: S V. IN"! Ill', FACF, 1F .iiT'TK, THAT A M i i !-t;!V, Tin: fatj ::. ),-: CF TlilS Ytin WA.F gal. 1 'i !!!: i , .i,:.;;i fiwus ( G f t A;,--", ".') -;f : -crt i'A'.iM. ' f W;-.-. i.-( the ti.: , ! i::t I.ir. -at .-u An;i .I. ' . I ,;. ;,,,,,., aw! nt' 'iht' r,tt;f tl:' r(-t'."- ' ' 'it i t A. I. 'l'C ?.KO.---.''.'f. ii ll. V. ini mi IMvh, a.! Ciiieag ). "7.' -:"V inviitrd on as th-: in nt ilik I't.atijicunen ;'" ail im.t.i, n "i irhili.-r ( rvn!i::. .-.r len s yrn'ri'" it ! a! . :.'.k.z.i. 'Y.'c say tb t: wc r t tile of stiT.-aste for w ! f,.r a utiifoi'in and ldaek in ail l ie Stii'--- . sne.i v:j e to be emuraeej ' in ami !,,iniont to the eoiistituti on td Hie i ,, r.. ,-, ' Lo'-aitv to the ti.i.'c-rur.i.itit shim! I b; the "i-.7tfst of the right of suH'rage :liose who have fought to preserve the Fnion on the fiold oi battle, whether white or h.'wl,; are eort.-.ii.'.y v.o;-(hy to.l f'.! to j.rflect it thr -ni.li the ..''..' oj.v is n't worthy the a we live to deprive men o! s:ta!n the Govonotoo' fi hi v. '.lie'.i voin- v, 'ho j the t trea-'. 1 P!,d blco. vf-r .tit .')- 1 .'.'io.i ! i.i thrt i i.i ail ! 1 ive n tirrrjf .'.e.o tii-it t (to ; - f. ; it ,i,, u V, t ,r v.-1 ves nnlily v.i own the ! hi : n e O.) 1.11 f not lay c liiitry o v, i. and will kr the! -V 1.1 no of the! , an I orery J ;v. i.i i-.o'.i-! j '-t en- j r:n -n ir'iil with !ie i Ii of V,i:i. ! . ioi.tii-.o o!' in !.-.o..! !:;-.! ,.oii la tii -:t .- Am '' There sh.ttl by r.--; -'.',;. it. c:ir, l.e made on :.ue!i t; . e t!,o r.e -T'-.o on t.;i e-p-.l't; lie ir. :r.." Fo.-!o;i peel K. I v.1 lio V'ulj'.ionn tnciii! rr cf con- 'ros.H !Vum Fi.iluJol lll.i. 1 pray to iireer' ny tV.rtnV f r v.l.at, Hce.ir.tin;' to lov r.-.-o''.i'-! ion, m an exee'.lutit likeiioss of -lulin Ur.iwn, v.-ho-.o ii ,ne bus liecoma hi'orieal tn a m-iriyr in llio cau-e of human na'iire.'' iVe. Wm. . Sar-jril, '(.; (o a X. '. uriwl, Juy l.oo-j. .:ri tii::n on Tin?: "John I'.rown was a murderer." "Tin! mard-rs, the tloeving, the trcaehor. ous e..:iiiict of i h'.s old n. an liroivn, who wn nothin miioio lhan a iiiiirlerev, arohber, a I iiii-f, and a triiitiir.'' "There Mas never any poopK' on the face of the i-urih preat.T than t'ae got they worshiped ; and if John I'o'ov. n becomes the l h-.-is1, nod iii? guliiws tii l ios, Gou de liver me fv on i nob j.eople a.i they, v.liother 'hoy are fanai i.is, lK-iaoi-ratie or l'.ujuibliean, or any niber ile-fci : j tiou of pernors I caro l -: t by v.h.it name- they art- eoll.-d Prtti. u .Inr'r, a Johnson, in l'a Aftu'.e of the Vui'.cd S:,i!,s. A t AMilic-nht it a nisvtiinni't : A (V.3 unionist i a fctco-.ooiii.-t. A S eessionist i ;. do. unionist. A iinmniiii:t is a i Abali ti...n's. 1 tie.i'efure, a seie-s-ionisl is au o.,liii jiii. t. Jiioro is not n p irlieUi of dif-tri-'oie briwueii th'-ei."---pKnident Johnson, Ui:n 0-vrr:tir.) June 2d, ISS'd. "i l.e man who delibcnuMy un t boldly fi.sjna that 't'toiraas Ji-li'er.!..n, waeu he J.ei.ncd iheijiirnoiit that nil lo-.-n wi-.re crna. ted equ.-i'. ha t tho ticr;r.) in his iici. ii ei'.ncr ao MiM or a kiiav.-." PreUiai Join. iOh, of thi I'. S. Senile, in l&j'J. C2,"lLe firui of Finer !i Rur;-.-., Erie ei'y, coroinue to keep their tr.de I btfjrc the public Tliey advertihe ex-' trusively, ood well they mij, for it is impossible to find a better stock of goods ifc'.-ir Ibe, in thi:; section ot the country. Tbcy are hvgely eugsged in the uiunu. f.oturu ul all kinds of e..t;i'cotionary,fiud dealers will Cod their r;ooua to be of the best jt:ality and ra ost alcab!o kir.d. They also keep coDf.taotly on haad an aBSOituietit of Oranges, Lcuious, Nuts, Foreign and Domestic Fr aita, Pieklca, Oystera, Cars. lobac:o, tc. laetr Nraiou ao1 Toy 4p.irtuiPt!t enibriee ' the Rtnall warts in daily nse. Tayioj: particular Httontion ti tlte Tvholoale tr.iuo, und lmyin in larpo lot.-i, thoy nro pnubloil to Mipi'ly dmloi at lowest cnsli prices. OrJors .rotnpt!y and carefully fillcl. The M(s nn Khn Cun'i Cnmly cop. tiii'ict iti doinaii'l. The who'.osalt! prioo Pt frris h;i been ro.lncc.l, .'iving the rpfiiilcra larger margin. jy27-;f. Anucunccment3. as?i:m ih.v. Ir. . II. Eiirly. is nfforcil I.) tlie rotors of t'i iliMii't, cimii'ocil i.f (lie countioi of 'Viirlipld, 1.1't an 1 F.ivp-.t. an a cuinlidato to iv. vomit the r id lHi.ti-'.ot, in the next I.i'i.;!p'.k'u,.-o. TT.KASUilE I!. j Wi. ; anth.ir!. e 1 1 j aniMuiu'o tlio niiino ! fJ:c Coyne, oT !tt. M.iv.i b.HM:?!i, n I a" ftinuidHtv for the o.Ti 'e of (.'i.-.t.jty Tro..ur;-r. -.. j'OU iU y,l i V. I'll.I.'iW rinzt-A: 1 offer myself t .. yir.tr coissiilcralion as an Jnihprnditnl Candidate for tho cirtee of Slicriff, and if elei'teil, will divol.anre tho duties of the i-.fjiti di the Lr-t if mv nbililv. Wm. J". I.I.A H Y. Fox Au -Urt ,;-). 1 NEV ADVERTISEMENTS ;SEOOK store, j ..fsT ItPOKlVr.r) AT T3R !ST. Til M1V S li.MilC i Stohk. ' iire.it fron llu I'iitliidicrs iu New ov'i!, o.i'-'oii nnd rliiln.leli!iiii. a Weil ko. loeu I stovlt .f SCIUXU. lHXvS, suitable fur iill liarls of I'lk cuutitv n.ud povtion3 of j the r.ujoiniii;; couiitie'. Tcae'icrs, School I Dirooto' r.m! the jMibli j mo invihrd to call nnd enfi'iiinc my o!' c';. Having pui elimrd ! the wl.n'o frn:; llie publiihori fur cmli, I ! r.'.i ?!i.ib'e.i to sell low. A libural iliac. ; it is t i wade on u'l viii'J'.'ues ef S-10 a;id tijiwnrdj. i v,'. t. r,L.K!:i.y. i St. M:o.-;,Hi-r.f. 1 !h T.. W. J. 1AKFjIiY, Ho'.tkaollcr Sf iir.it moi' tind tlcal (.f in 1'aiiCy fu-ticlo:. (One door .nm.h i f Fs.-p, Rudolphs.) Ft. M .try's Street, t't. Marv's, File c-T.ntv, Ta. -i isc tin ig.ie.'i, Fejuly C-lloet.-.r of Fitern v :nno tax, of i tho 1 Uih UUlri.t. '.vill be i.i F.idgwav, . i ... xi i. .. ... .. i - coili.ry ni.. on . toinny lV xuesuay the 2-1 un 1 od days ui Ootober, (Court v IV. r.n Mom week) to lvecive the amount of iaxes due iti the county for the year 18Go. fl-retall at the "Hyde House." V. FO'lin, IV'pi'y Col. September 1 tth, 1303. FLECTION FROCLAMA'l"ON. - T&THF.UE IIF.UEAS. Iu and by the 23d X o.. ..: i .1 ,..o.i.., ..l , ,, ,,. , , , , Attsenibly ot Fenu-vlvai.ta, ptissed July 2d 130, entitled an a-'t relating to the 1. loci ions of the Common wealth, it is rtiioined on the Sheriff of every county in Pennsylvania to gi-.c, notice of till i-eneral Flection.! t.) bo held in said i. oiumonwoaU.i, f. ; J to enumerate in oueh lt-tiee th ofTieors to be c 'cctjd. J.) j nisuanoe thereof, I, P. W. Hays. Sheriff. ii the county of F.Ik, hereby n,ake ktio.vu to the electors of said county tiiatan I.leetn.n will be ueld in eli 3 at'o;e-iiJ cot'.uty of F'.k, on Tues oay llio Kith ii . y j f).:!o'ier next, for the i lee'.i.t.; of the iolbwinj ofdeors, to wit : One j.r-r-tf.B for Ao-iil r .'leneral 0,,e ii orsuu for Survi yor General. O.ie jioi.-o l ! o r.-.'oieiit the counties "f Ciaii. ii, 1'. M Catneron and (.".i.aril-?! I. in the Senate of the Cmmon we-.lth of i'i ,;!:.- Ivaoia. Osrs f-or--.ii ri'pr.-seul the comities ( f Cle iriio! I, !v'; an ! F.neu in tho Gen-rot Asi-'-mYv of I'eiinovlvania. One Ass.,;-ia',e J .: d.,0. One Shc.-itf. One 'I rea surer. Two Cummiis.sionei's, cno to serve one year and one thtee years. One Audit sr. One Coroner. The ouali'iod voters of said county of Fit. will hii',1 their elections in the several districts as follows, to. wit : Highland township, at the house of Levi Ellilhorpe. Jones towiisiup, ot the house of R. V, Frown. Spring Creek township at tho house of Stockdale, Downer it Co. Ridgway township, tit the Court house. Fix township at the Grave Yard School IIou-.e. Jieu.inger township at the School House on Michael st, near Elk Creek bridge. St. Mary's borough at tho house of Ignatius Garner. Jay township at the house of Alfred Fenrsoll. Reni-zette township ut tho house of Tims. vrtnrir. And 1 also give notice that every pur sou excepting the J ustiees of the Peace, who shall ho'd tiny office or appointment Of profit or trii.Sb under the government of tiie Fniteil States, or of the State, or ;.f any city or incorporated district, whether a com:nisioue J oiiiccror other wise, cuhoiiiiia!e r,:ti ;i-r or oent, w ho is or t-hail be t-iiioloye. 1 ui.dcr tiie Legiijluiive, Kseeistive or Judieiarv di partmeut of this State r.r of the Fuited States, of any incorporated district; aud also, that every member of Congo es, of tho State Legislature-and of tho select and Comoioo Council of any city, or Couimlsiiuner of any ineo; poratcd dis liict, is by law incapable of cxerei-ing ut the saine time tho office of Judge, Inspector or t'erk of a.-.y election in this Comujouwealib, and that iioluspce. tor, Judgo or other officer of any ueh I olectiou, shall be eligible to auy olliec then to be voted for. Aal io aod by the hh sectic-n of aa ot, ipp-nvo 1 the loth day of April, 1S50, it in euautod that the 15 section of an net passe J July 2J, 1820, entitled "An aut rolatinit to the elections of thi Cmmnonweultli," hlmll not lo con?! rued ns to prevent any mili'ary or Uurough oiTiecr front serving b? .Tu'dve, Inspector or Clerk of any General or special clec. tion of this Commonwealth. And the return Judires of the re. f peciivc districts aforesaid, are reijniri d to meet in Kiduway, the county teat of faiJ county, (,n Friday after the second Tuesday ot October iiext. then ei;d there to discbarjii! the duties riquired by law. I W. HAYf?, Mrry. Ofhee !idL;way, Sept. 9th IS 03 "j i).V virtue of h writ of I'itri" r.'Oi'iM !jit ) out of the Court of Co'ioii rii-Rj cf Elk count v, nnd to me I'ircct-.-d a delivered. I ill ea-pose to public out-cy r.t the Court Hoti"e in Ilidwnv. cm Mon- i i... .t i, ... i ...I...... p. "in., tho following dsjeribed real estnlo, to wit : All that certain tract of land situate in .lay t nvm.hip K'.k cittnty l'a., hoitn. dod and described m lo'ilows : Beuin. tiin-5 at an Oak stub, leino; the Smth. Iast corner ot tract of land conveved bv George Thompson and wile to the aid George W. II tiller, by Fee l dated Fith April JMi4. recorded at Ridgway, tn deed book IC. page 273, thence North along the ea3tern boundary ot Hiid tract one lutnd'-ed and sixty perches to a Fo.t beinj; the North East corner of said land, thence Went along Northern boundai y of said land, lil'ty eceen nnd one half rods, thence South by line t'lroupii the middle of t-'aid Thotn on tract, to the Southern boundary, otic hundred and t-ixty rod, thence East fifty seven and one half r ids to t'iC plaee of beginning, containing filty to-veu 1 one Lull acres, ind being tee Fa.it half of said larger tract conveyed by George Thompson and wife, to said G. V. Ilullc-r. 1 laving about twenty acres cleared, a one story and a half frame dwelling house, log barn, and other out rmihlin tiierejii. !-e:zed and taken t iiilo Jhvoc-uti'iii as the properlv of Geo. Huiler. at the suit of Reed tin 1 U e-iVer. P. W. FAY; Rilgway Sept. 'Jth lSd-5. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The limited partnership, heretofore exis ting between l'lieodoro Piileu. General partner, and .! nines Clark, .Special I'mlner, iu tlie biiiiiess of Tauuingat Wilcjx KM; Co. Til., im tkis day disfolvnd hv ituUiihI ennsctit TIIKOrnl.Ti I'.W.i'.V, JAMtS CAltiv. Wilcox 2Ut An? IbC-i. FOUWARD. Jtll It 11! 0.0- MARCH KIGUT INTO 11IDGWAY ALONG iVAIN yi'REET TO THE Old C h a -39 i n 3 i Where you will Cud Drugs, Medicinex, Oils. Paints, Vatnish, Brnsbe3. S t a t i o n u r y , WATCiiFS. WAKltANTD ; SIT.VIJKWAIIB, w.vr.:;ANn:ti; A oni-r:il a-isoi't'.jjitnt of Va- ! n-'tu's iind V... ij 'jur1 V.I " "ri if yf : Fancy Soups, Violin Siring?, Perfumeries, Albums, Yankee No tins, if. Lnsnp Oil by the barrel!, Dye 81 lids. I ti sir u- moiits and ImjilenuMitif partaiti iii" to tlio I) AUG VAJSlXEiS, Ac. Pure Liquors, for Medical purposes, only. ROllbWFLLA: M ESS EN G Ell. Ridgway, Aug. 17, '05. VjOTICn '.Vh-rct.v, Li-t-r. Testa. i luentary t3 lhe Estate- ot Michael Ove! late i.f Joy township Klk county dee'd have been granted to the suhscii. bors : All persons indebted to said Estate are roejucited to make iinini diate payment; and tho.-e having claims against the same will present lliemdnly authenticated f j( set f lenient lo MN PARR. Fcnelett tp., Iill; collate A. '. Git AY, " Jay tp. Elk County . ft . , o . - I August iiun iooj O premises of the suhserilier in Fox township, on or about the 20, ol April G3' a red & w hite spotted cl.v, about 7 years old since ha 1 a pall, one red steer about I year old. The owner is desired to emu.) forward, orovc properl v. pay charges, .Vc, t r othcrwi.-e they vali j lo rli.-po.-ied of as the lew directs. : Fox tp. Aug If, ';.", G EO- FAUST. Adrafntstrator's Notice TETTERS cf Administration having J been oTsiilcd to the subscriber cn the esttite of Ceo. A. Kitnzle, lute o t. Man's borough, deceased. Notice in hereby given, to all persons knowing themselves indebted to faid estate, to nuikc immcoi tto payment, and all these having claims against id estate, will present the etme duly authenticated for SOtl'iUUfctlt. FKl-FFUKK KICNZLK. Aumniistnttor Hkiyteitg A to. 1SU4. flST of tiradd .lururs, drawu fur I J n,.t,.b,.p 'I'.,,-,,, ivif, i j lnititu:r Michael j Bauer Geo. j Carman Hiram ! IVtwahi Nicholas j I't'Iu Geori.'ir A St. Mut-y's. Iieuziner. prin Creek. Hi'tizingcr Fox ivtrley C- K llai.c.iek Kii.is Mohuu John do da th) dj do do Uotjzitiger do do i y yet s Jidm I l'.'.,11i ! " VI iv... r i ,,,;'-V, " "' br J ) F'r Gcort;.-? U i Vonderly Johu Gros3 Win. j Jlittcr Cliarlea j org Mhiu'i) ; Schneider l'aultts do Uiibeibiiili XaveiiiuM St. Marys j King Juhn U) do do liYnezett do Spring creek F.et.'cr Geort'O Wu ujfdey George JoIibsod Wallace H Johnson Ralph it Moore Henry D J1ST of Traverro J t tober Terra IS1).). Jurors drawn forOe. brown Michael. Fox. Punrkett Cliarlos. Hidpwav. Ue'.n.ip Hirauit?. i!idj;way, Itrook ins .liiuie, Jny, Iioylo John, St JIurjj, Cook Joeiih Sr. Vox, Culnhaii Jerci'iiiih I' ox. Cook .ohu. Tex, Ceok Ininiel, llidj, wny. Cobb T. H Jlidgvay, liil Reio-iiit, Itidoway. Uaiiii'-an .liin.t. Foi, Er.z Fmn cis X t'ox. Fieili'.nd Obver. tmHl, Oorg Francis, .St. A'arys. Gardner S. It. St, Marys, Glover Charnic, Uenziuijer, Jlor'on lsn-io .Tr. Itidgway, Hi nly w. C Itidpway, Hyde .iofcpii S. ltidgway. jlouch Jacob V. Knltfuay, hciiidel Jno. lteuiiner Hewitt I-iHiikliu fc, I ix, ilototiai;,;'! John . Fox. Hunt Wm. G. fc'Lrinn Creek, Ilaius ' .'acob. I'.etizitigcr, Kyier Al.ilplma, Fot, K ier 1 1 i v 3 , i'ox. K.ilts 0. F. Fox, Kom. ! nier.!r .'olin. 1! id 'way. Lewis l.llis, Uen- czetto. M.-sier S.jiiiro, Fox, Meud.loaiah .V. Jay, Murry John, Ueiji-.ett, Meyr John, Si. Mary's, I'erriu Me.i-iin, spring Crejk, l'enderj5il Autlioiiy, IJeiningcr, Powell Jurome. Itid(:wiiy, iVi;.ra James W. Fox, .S'oeiiheiiiier John, Si. Mary's, Stubbs Chas. ilighlund, (-.churning Gerhnrt, !it. Mary's Rchivuing rr.'d. Fox. Short Sainjioon, Fox, Taylor James 11. Fox Wiluox Chirk A- Fox, Heiullelder .iosaph, St. Mary's, Wilhe'.m Jc-s"pli, St. Mui y's. NOTICE Letters of Admiuistra tion cum tatamriito annev), on the es tate of Anthony Kuutz, late of the bor ough of St. ,lary'.H deceased, having bevn granted to the undeisigtie.l. All persons indebted to said cs'ato are re. quested to make payment and those having claims to pieieiil theu without delav to ADOLPII FOCIITMAN, St. .Vary's, Elk Co. Pa. June 1st '0,3. (3w. IT 1ST of Causes s.:t down for trial st the October Teim, lci'd.3, of the Elk County Ce'.muoti Pii.as. clove Wt rvr.r.t el si Joy & Welch for use vs, Geo. II. Powers Jii-oph S. Hyde et t.l vs 15.0. Feiiiyetal Miks Joy for use vs Geo. II. Hewers & oo., Jtalph Hill vs Alexander Muyhood e'.al J. c. t hapin vs David S. Luther Joseph S. Hyde i t al vs J. ('. Rums Michael Saettaw a! ut vs Simeon c Fail, ct al V. Perry Carter vs J. c. chapin GEO. ED. WF.IS, Prolbom.U'.ry. Du. C. R. KAi'.r.t.Y & II. IT- Fr.ssLr.r., will constantly keep on hand at the old stand of Dr C. R. Early, a full assort, incur of choice Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold at the very lowest cash prices. E'S-Prolossionnl Calls will be promptly altetidod to, by II. II. Fessler. All consultation to Oliico bti-iuess, will be Etrictlv attended too bv Farley t.nd ! Fessler. " Kersey August 1st FKi" j VS'eJ.l-THi.N.-Ni".e; is hereby given that the limited parltiotship, h-tre. lofovc exis'.iiio betweeii T!.id..re Fi'i ii of'W.loox, liik Ciui.tr. IVtiii.-', kaiii, . nnd.ljiii-' l.krk i i' I'i.outii-lii ul C o State of .WiV Jcrsoy. to.- the R.aiiufac ture ol le; tber r.t Wiieox Elk eoiinty Pa. siid par'iisrr-hiji b.jin ; fo.iti'-il n.'t.kr tie. Aeti"d Asseoihiy of the 2 1st .'I.-.re!i 1 eelith d "A.u Aot I'e'.i'ivo to li.oj. ttd pal toe.--.hips" nnd iia fupp.len.enfs, will be dissolved, faliy and tinaliv on Monday the 21st day of Augu.4 A 1-lSti-o; the said partnership then Ceasing and determining by the mutual consent of the parlies. 7 UFO. PAT.FV. JAMES (JMht-:, Wilcox July 10th 13.3. Consumption. A valuable l.cali.-.e by a Polired F'nysieiun, on the nature of consump tion and its various stages, toiether with rules lor self treatment, and simple pie seriptions which bavo cured thousands, will be sent, free of charge, to any ona applying. It will cost you umhi.-ig. and may be tho means of saving your money aud perhaps your life. Sena an oddics fted envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D. Muray Street, fit Nw Y.vxk City M.'iT.'ii 17, ''; !im. noitivri.i, K nicssEcra, nut Afiwr. Dtnlers in Li uga and Climleal, ' rAIKTS, OIL3 AND VARMSH. Perfumery i Toilet Articles & Stationary. lh'ihjwcy, Elk County Fcntux. United States Mail. Pennsylvania. i'lvpanah will be received at the Cos. tract otfice of this Pepartinent until 8 p. in. of July .'Hit 1805, (to be decided on the following day) for conveying the mails of the United States, from Aug. ust l oth ltj.i, to June oOlh 18G8, on the following routes in the state of I'enu. sylvaniii. by the schedules of departures and arrivals herein specified, or sueh others a.-t will make the desired connec. t:oi:s nt the tcriiiin.il offices. The proposals must be endowed "Mail Proposals, State of Petmsylvacia," ami addies-ed to the Secoud Assietaut Poet, master General. Washington D. C. FuurK No. 2740. From Wilco, hy Kat-son, to Smithport, 22 miles aucf bick, gix times a week. Leave Wilcox daily, except Sunday, at 2 p. mi., arrive tit Wilcox by 0 p. u. Leave Smithport daily, except Sun. day, at (J u. id. arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. m. Koitk No. 2740 A. From Wilcox by Williaiusville and Sergeant, to Cler. montviilcj Iti miles aud back on;o week. Leave Wilcox Saturday at 2 p. n. Arrive at Clermontville by 7 p m. Leave Clermontville Sat', at 8 a. m. Arrive at Wilcox by 1 p. in. For forms, of proposals, guaranty and certificate and conditions to bo ineorpo ratod in the contracts, see pamphlet ad. Vertiienients for conveying the mails ia Pcun.tylvMuia, Ac, dated, 10th Novem ber 18133, aud 13th December 1864, in be fouudiu the principal Post Offices. W. DKNMSON, Postmaster General Imformation Free TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS, A GENTLEMAN, enrck of Nervou Debility. lueo'iipeleucy Premature Je. cay, and Youthful Error, actuated by m detire to benefit others, will be happy to iurr.ish to all who ueed it (freo of charge,) the recipe aud directions for making lhe simple remedy used in his case. SuQ'erers wishing to profit by the' advertisers bad experience, aud possess a sure rnd valuable remedy, can do so by oddressiug him at ouco at his place of l u'inesn. The Receipt and fnll informa tion ot vital importance will be cheer, fully sent by K-turii mail. Address JOHN B. OGDKN: No. GO Nassau Street, New York. P.S. Nervous Sulfereisofb-oth eexei will tlud this information invaluable. (3 moths For Sale I Stationary ami Portable Engines, wito new- Patent Pietou, couiplete for SAV,' MILLS OR PORING FOR OIL. . -.1 L S 0- Porlab3e jS'avr Mills, with T (to Rotary Saws, rigged for Saw. ing Miy sized logs. A LSO DlllVI NG PI PE. I Manufactured in Sandusky, Ohio, and deliver, . I et any station on tho Pail Road, cheaper and better, than cau b furnished by Eastern Manufacturers. ,'i;?"Fjr further information, address ' by letter the subscriber at Ridgway. P. 0. , Lilt (.o. Pa., or in person at Spring Creek, on the Clarion River. Win. Q. SWARTS, Aacnt July 1st 1?G3. 2m. Pd. A DM INISTFATOIFS NOTICS. Notice is hereby given, that let. tits if administration on tho estate of J ulius A ombaunien, late of Renzinger township, F'.k county, deceased, having been orai, led to the uudersigued, all per.y .n indebted lo said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against tho same will present the same duly authen ticated for seiili'.iietit to, III" P. .IAN KOCIR. 1. Vn.iiiger April Pith ISO 1. EXECUTORS NOTICE. iierea', Letieis Tehtameutnry bar. ! '''r '''" -rant..-l to Jno. Str.ekmr.ii and A nt.oi I oio t ma n, Executors of tho last V .!! ;i o 1 te-ta'iH i't of Lorenv Stoeliiiian. ,i:e 1. on oi Stl M.,,-,-, .).....! ii Mary's, dee'd, all persons. t'lin.-elves indebted to Paid o .. ' , !1 mr.f e immediato payment, i. nd li .r.o La-.-icp' claims against th sun? wiil present them duly autheuti. eaiod for .settlement. GEO. IR). WETS, Register &e. DISSOTX'TION OF CO-PAirrNElt. SHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that tha f-Partnership heretofore existing un der the names of Anthony Kuntz and John Krr.gh, at St. Jary'e, has this day bue.i do-sjlvcd by mutual consent of the j ariii 3. A NT II ON Y KUNTZ, JOHN K RUG II. Juno 22d 'di St Pd. NilTlCE. All persons indebted to late Firms cf C. l.uhr ii Co, niicfTred, Mchcen'mg & Co., are requestod lUeir ac-oounU by the tir.u of July next, either by note or other, wise, when dm acnounis will tbeu be left for immediate collection. Persons indebted to Fred Ki-huiniriK & Co., will find their ao. counts ui tmrvi!!e until the above atstad tic-.'i-. C3A3. 12. :.i. Mar'2, My Jota iS06.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers