The Elk advocate. (Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa.) 186?-1868, August 12, 1865, Image 3

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    T II E EL K A D V 0 C A T JS
For Sale !
Stationary and Foitable Knjrines, with
new Fatent Fi?uni, complete tor
-A , 0-
Portatite Avavr
with Two Rotary Saws.
inj iinv sized !. -.
T C'j ' I .11 1 A' I X" . ' I I ! I?
, . , ,
Manufactured in Sand.i4y, Ol.i... and .
delivoroil at i.ny sta'nm i-i tuo ! :i
UoaJ, chcajipr and Li'I'i'i-. i't iii t in 1
furni-lu'd b l'.a-t!tn Mannl.u Iiiicm.
1111 "l""n
bv letter t lie sukseril'cr at Itiil-ivav, 1'.
O., Llk On. Ph., "I' iii iiersi'!! at tiiviii
Creek, ou the Clarion 1'ivcr.
July 1st ISO.). 2in. IM.
X-. i I .1.1
Entice lPrc)V ;:ivi'ii. mar i
tors f'ai!iiiiiik'.rafi.M, un tli." c-t.ito (.1
Juliu-i Vuiii'i iiiini'ii, !ati: i-t Ui'i.zinji-r
towiisliip, i;ik ci uiti y, di'c i-. I. Iiaviiv
Ijoi'U giantml to t!j' nu ll oiiinc l, all
persons inJ liti'd t Kinl tr-tatc arc 10
qilfhtO'l to inukc iniiiimliatii pa', inivit,
aud tliuo having cluinn anaint tlio
vnrue will present the same duly iiutlun
tieatod lor suLtlviucnt to
JJcnithigcr April Liili 1 1 G 1 .
fl I . 'I1 . A 1
io-'bceti nted to Jno.Stiinlun.n and
Anton Toclitman, Ex-itntor.t of the l ist, .
will and testament of l.orcny Shn;kiinn, '
late of St. Mary's, ,W,1. all person, 1
kuowin- themelvos i,i.h l,ted to said
loiiiii; ,11.1 iinini. tit: 111,11.' ill,
aud those liavii ct clai
His ti'i'.lll-
tho j
sumo will present them du'y tiutiienti
cated forsettleniniit.
GEO. ED. AVKIS, He.-Uior !a.
NOTICE Letters ol' A 3 n.-ii.i-t
lion cum WitMrt'o (t ;..'. on the en- j
tute of Anthonv Kmitz. late, of the i nr. I
OUtrU of St. -Vary's deeear-d, luivliii ;
bcm granted to the nmleisine 1. All j
persons indebted to said estate are re.
quested to make payment and those j
liavitij claims to j.reseul them without j
delay to
St. .Viry's, E!k Co. Pa.
June 1st '0 j. tjw. !
Administratoi B Notice.
ETTERS of Adniinisir iiioii Imvioz .'
J been e ranted to the snbseri'iei' o:
the estate of (leo. A. Kicnz'e, late o
St. MarCa LmoiiLdi, deeea-ei'.. Notice
ih hereby given, to all persons knowing
.1 t.., .,i . i t .1 . , i i
illl'IUSUlt C3 I'J .-.l.'l llillt, l.J
: .!!.. t . i ..!' ,1..,
xoziuu luiuicuia ii- f i.i .:icn l, .i iiu .ti t 1 1.- ..,.- (
liavinz claims a-amst Mid estate, will I
present the same duly atithenticited for (
I I E N; LE. i
lo;,,!,,,,,, j
R'uljioaj Xoo. 10, 1-U.
SURE CCHE FUil !) 1 !' I'll I'.I! I ;
MiJ'C B.'v' i
TV II A T T II E 1! A L M I L I. I O !
r.emovc Ohstruotinn ullny i nfl.i ant inns
facilitate l' iii ae l I'n-e-.ii o i"ii. io-
Hii(pm Kntiirifniei:!... iiiol viiiioe aicl
Btreiigthoii' i pa: is riaiiij. iml i in t.lil ( lity. and live interests in oil
lions C'ulie, Jiervdn lli n.l iilie. Karai-lie. Leises. Also for sal ; a Iiu :."fl and coiu
Ihirus, Freezes. Tee liaehe Sp. nins. Ili-ics-'. I ..Mim, H,lU.l j,, Cvi-nv die, Clari.-u
ic. ; ami fur .Spianis, Hini-es, Gal'-. l( ,.(
Itcuves, Disli-Hipi'i-, .y.-.. in linres Tlic . .', ' ' , , .
tiuiekcst relief lor p:o'. uf nny T im Killer l' :1;', ' olli -r particulars apply
ia use. There ii, no vmiicly tli -.i ih n.o t i .1 ( ( ) . ! S ' i ( EI'E il. at the Hotel
BO Jiruilipiy III icnoiup i iiu ii ;i , ...inn:, i' , . .
an the Mafic Uahn, whie!i ili'serves t.i ic
ceivc the favor ut ti.' puti'ir.. Il is iw own
recomnieiiilatioii. ti'i'l liy t'-e pi;rlr n uni-c
of gioJ works, where it is known, nnv en
jr.yn llic hiutho! l-c, io at inn. IV r ni!e t v
J. Powell. Il"iik & i ". ein. itck-wiy l'i
Wholesale liy farici x Hall, 0 in fels i
l'rug mures, Erie I'ft
EURO' IS Oi-' YOC ill.
A gentleman who sulk-red foe vears
from Nervous and Cicneiai Ih-hih'y.
Nijjlltly Euiissio l8 ai..l Seminal Weak
uess, the result of viuibliil iudise'e'.ion
and eame near ending Id days in hope
less misery, wijl. fi.i the sake ot' siitf -r
ing man, send to any one nl'dicied. tin
n'nuple means used by hmi which ell 'it
cd ii cure in a few weeks, alier the tail
ure of numerous iiiedieine... Scud
Jira teii envelope aud it wiil cyst you
Address EDO A U Til EM IN E,
Station L, F.'shSt .
N i w Yi i k City,
C:al Lands For Sale'
MTE subscriber t.ll'ers tor sale the !
-"-Coal privilege, wilii the. riyht ol'
.itntn.r nti.l nlh.O' l;.i tie.:i h: llliil...- .J'l..
seres of laud situated in l'o tp., b ar- !
field county Fennsy k ania, within "J !
Ulilcs of the Rid'Way iV h i v n ir 11 It I
which connects with the I'lnla .V
R. R , at Ridoway, with a six foot vein
ot Bituminous Coal upon it, which is
now coiumaiidin Biieh ciiorui'tiis oriecs,
lor in a ii u t'uc t u ri n purposes. For sa.e
cheap, terms cash, a ynod title L-iveii.
For further partie'il ire a:!dre-.i
C. L. I! Ul! KI T,
Cleailicld J'. O..
Clc ii'del l Co., I'.i
NOTICE. Tin! !',- .ks unJ :l - ms l
Jecob J. tiinrer Co., ami rimi-ith II.
(ierinj; & Co., of ;-' Mm-y'h. ,,,.,..
1'iiiceil in the hiuels nl'ib,, n n . 1 i -M p,,
betllunicut. Parlies inil. a, tej ' i fi hin- nt
ilie above firms, ure li'iiitad ili .i iboir ac
Counts iiiu.t be,.,l I y j im ni tu tliC.
unders.i-cJ, within ii') J.v's. "
i.i:i:ii: j. in. vkki.v. Any
for CEIUNG ii CO, S CuRLLl & CO. J'tbruary, if.-.u 'e5.-ft.
n:v m rsic "FCXER yj
i m a i; c n t o t n e m i- m .
tVe Vnrlyr Presudenl, by Mm. K. A. !
P HKIICIiST. the popular compos, r
I Ik- I ii.n.e .7 1 in i n ;i I s : ' I .us !- a fine ,
Ci nip, si r 1 1 , will worthy tlit reputation
nf its m 'lit Yerv solemn an 1 ini-
:tn i.oriirorir.s ai1.! isxn-:n
weekly- Vnv r,v t? ; with ?-..
Ii'Mto of the Vrsid.-M-. :"! o.-pt. Mr!,-'!
f.,. TTflT? A -? WW
US .No. 4l IWltrar. N. '
i7'c "'ii7;MwVT'T.iTt77i;n-T '
vittp n i i .i. . .i .
,, ' , . , r . "
.1 I rjitli.T' I' i n rpr...f ii.i i- 'ii i n.i.
,! I i,iii..nii.. AntiniH' Kin.:..,,,
Jolin Kvit;.li. at .iaiv'.-1. liaf. ll.i.i
dav l't'Pii di!ulved ly im:U':d L'u:;fent
oi' tlio jurti(.'S
J mi;; "Htl 'G :;i I'd.
noi ici:.-Aii f or-,3 i,i,.t..,..i t i,
I-: -.,.,
r irm o: .. i nnr n, aim ni .c!ii'niiii!
' . !,i''- : I'.oi.'sii'l iln'ir ai . mils .y ilu:
firs, f liitv ni.i. i i;ln r by lime i.r o'h.-r.
wi.-c. wlirii i! r tn'.'-i mi's llnu I n l(.
1'i.r i in iii'.-. I : f i niLcfiniii. I'm iiiii
In rrnl Lovno. '(i.. w;!l tinil 1 1 1 i i- ac.
c.iuiiis'it t'vutrcville i:i.til the linvj "Intel
('H AS. LI II It.
St. Mary's, May 1":li ldlj.j.
B B 0 W M
Ji "mi An lUO rtlllli
uv atT em oir"-fT
, 0 , , , - f- ,bt' 1- i' v V V
!;. h ' L ' '' J L "N A'
J Jiavam,
Ei.-y Oh'ij'H,
liorkiiiL' f"naii,
DILUVrvo iiOOM "ll AIRS,
And Cphokiered ware of all kinds, td.-.l
Cain Chair.-. Cain Hocking Chairs.
Common or M.' inckor Chairs.
lxn Weuds
St. i:ids,
Liudit Stands,
Whet, not-,
Cnvner Stand-,
Wash Stand.-!,
V:u droLes,,
ie. Ae. .Ve.
We spare no pains in paekin' ni.'iii.
ture -o that it ean be shipped anv dis
tanee without, hemtr injured. I'o hot
1' the place.
I'ec. 4t.i iisji.-tt.
lr f TT 1 lir 1
All. AuIjI
TOVY 1 (VI'S v ii
T I i My IV I (J I I '
A 1 1 . ! r O It o A L r. .
TS "V" h 3, r t' :,"J""H?- ,1"
-lun.t.K, ktel entre s '-ee , ,.i ne
J:;-J. '.. 't. 1!,; Co., 1 ;,.
.'ise ... ( aei i.s ot i.iijo, t i,; a i:i h
nth east ef tin: 15,,iv.:wh. Likewise
il:.. 1!t,()(ilvJ !iCnM f .,, f f,,.,, ,(1l.
Th'.i e liire.. s with rv,i houses and burn:)
iij'i'i lln'in. and iil'.evvise Coil of an ex-
i et 'eoi' fin illty, tlio eoa
.. t . ti e !
in tl-,:, ko.-ss. with a :roo 1 pr.o
' ' ' - I-
cot of (,'l
. ..
.ii i me chick, near ureenvilie
Co.. I'l
. l a . i, .
r.n-e tmMi-iru in a unwind wc,i. i
I, n-iii i 1 1 lull i :o., i'a
Ma 12th. Iii. I'd SI .",G
1 ''u'
....ji. .
i ou u .pi. nr. n y oi ih:j were earrici on
....i.i "... i i . i
i.'il l.ui'is, mi )li.'i.S I M.I III-II, 111
KcucZ'-lte ioA-n.hip, I'.ik Co Fa., ilur-
mo; the fiijh water ol March 1
ivith ll.n loll.iwii.' mi'.rks. arel ! -
S X E. S T J. v.' i) L X M. ;, K, c (;
WMi l'e. D,o 1 to. i :ii ,...
Icr, A A: f. itia noinl., h un Abo
-woor three m.rks th.n we d., not U,, :
the meanine; ot. The oiier or ow ners
h-renf. an reijnic-J t,i piopcrtv.
pay all leal i-h.irocs mill take them ntlis from Mereh
-o.i, A. !.. lS'.o, othetwise Ihev will
hefo.leited. '
''i i I'd. :;t.
April -:ih
M.-iSOUTUK ul- CM.PAltTNEitStlH'- ;
NO li't'. is hcvby (jivi-n, lieu ihi. Co-i
I'.o-Uii'i-sUip 1-ereO'f ..-i) niisi n, ua ho- Ilie
ii. ones nl'i'. I.nltr v I'n . a' sV M u e'.H an 1
' i'r.-l S.-bvcnia '; (V , ai K.'i-s.'y. is ihs-
- soit-e I lie Jirst it i v nf Aeril lusr. ,-
inn. mil cnlHeiit. The l;..i.s. ninl e uns !
i'. 1,, ,..l,!i.ihnnii niMbe toft in i!ie !
l.tuuls .f del. I.ii'o Si. .'lily's Ini- settle. -
Xlay, l;!ih I
niA.s. i, run
.1 S,
nth!) s' i ! Ill' N I Mi,
All i.'i.-oii in U'litcl to fl;e
:latc linns nt S fliiiciiiu-f co,
j tit Cciitrcv ilie, I'ii., jui'l l.uh
c('co.. ;.t f. .M .ry's '.., mv.
to eoiiie! forward v.itliouf do-
lay .aii.l (dt.nk uji tlicir "s-pon-
I f )) "... 1
illillA, il We ('lost' UU nil!'
. . . i
Lti .I'l.-.sM iiy tim 1st of Airil
tii'.xL Ovr nta'ouiitd nmit Le
. . ..
scttlcil Ly that time or tLo i'ur
will ilv soiin-u'lifi-e.
F. St'lKEXINO A Co, Cei.t."ovil!.
C. LCI1R k Co, St. Mary's.
March, 1th 1SJ5
notice of i.mirnt) r.uiTxrrisn.r
;'' ,u E .'"''y. ,c" 'l'"t , lK0;1.,
I.ut m.w n-. iuiii- at V. ilc.f Ms Ccimiy.
lie ill' Puiiii-'vivtiiii-i, lu.d Janus (Mark
ie-ih:;.i-c a' 1 l.U'UliiM i i the .Sin to of cw
Jersey, luive fuinu-l a lnuiiuil part ntJ-lti
jutrsii.iul to ihoAel of tlio (omeral .Wctnbly
of ihe ;;iate of I'liin-yiwuiia. i a-ncl ihn 'Jl.-t
ol' .March I s ear'uiiJ -ii Act i-boie to
I'll. i. 'j i pal I ne. aliips" nil ty seivitil aiip
J . 1 fills, lor ll.o lui.iri I i'". ur jf l.oalliui' at
t-'0..-r.leiv.-ii-i. upon t.i,
V..O..J.IV fbilcn; Sml. 7
ll'ivs-u-h in. mi ilio t'i'!li.iii'' ttriiM
i.l .-aiii i'n M t.i l.u
V in.nt: ul n. il in
"f the Iti-ine uaio-i..'loo, istlinni'uiiil'aciuii! ;
,.f leather : t;.. The mime of the nem-i-ul
j.. .l iner i Tin I'liVti. li-i'.v vi'iilin hi
IiIi-.iX al.ji (-.nil : rlic aiiKnitit of
-..;:i.ll c..iii; l.j tin: v -'ii.1 j -i in
1..,..,.. ct..- i.
uk'l.iPin ili,w.,,l ,!il.,
it'i. 'I'lic nurl-
I.'n H I
i i n u f !r.. .1 i!. i' ii m!i
V j
.!i'.i A. I". l.Mil. r,'i!i 1 iy cC April
A 1). 1st'.'. I'alel in II i!rpf," .;J
NOTIO!-;. Lcttnrs (( Adiiiii.-sir.i-
tion liavo Lci'ii granted to the iit.ii.T
hiiiiid iipn'i the ii.-ta'o of L"vii I'u-t.
late of A'ci'iimi, tin.'iii.i .v..t;ity Now
Yi.rk and I'n iin-riy d' K!k cinn'v I 'a , i'
'.lie IN ,i-trr of F.l!; cinnilv. All n;r-
s 'ii? ..ii ivvmu- t!ii'ii:nivt'.i :i
t.i the
ostafe arc roijitcstcd to niako fniynnvi!
forthwith and any persons lei vinr cdaitiy
:;t;aiii.'f the e-t ii i)n..ti'd t i pic
sent, thorn tu I ho link". -i nud for scti!c-
Cii -m. Oncid.i Co.. X. V.
H'dii'.vuy, J uno 'HA, 'O i.
ADrviinisr.iTarv'S noikik
Letters ul A'lin;nis'.rat:oii have been
in Mir lorin ol' La'V, to tli.' f-no.
ber upon the Kstato ofi'liomas Over-
county. ih;eeascd. A!! j.etsons having
any claim ni:i;;:t raid !'!ta!e, are ic
(putted to present them duly a:tMie:'.:i-
caied lor M'tileuii
Any jicison ow-
i ur the Estate, are rcinesi.v'1 to ma!.
pavacEt f vt'thv::'.!:.
A !., ;Ut itrir of '
vel,uiu' ti the human s;,'.el:!, ii:t- I
Orel felt"i:-.le : tlir rfmio roul -i n!' I
ilisoii-ej ; !: .....r..5.w. un,!., M'
,-(i-'d ; how to niarrv Wi ii and ,i thou-
id things ne vr iiulil'-hed before n
i i -.
ItiOU of
"Mi'iitc.'iL (.'"V);,is s.;:.-j:," a eni-i.
ions honk for envious iieonle. and a ro'iod
b:.nk lor every one. 4'hJ paes, 1it'..i
j llh.sLi-a'iieis. ' pj-iee 81'". ' '..titi-at.s
j table sent fife, to any address. "I5..nks
! may he had at the Eon!.; s torus, or will
be sent by niti-!. po-t paid oil receipt of
the piiee. Add: ess
j e v.. rot m. d ,
lloU Eroadvvav. N Y.
l NuTICE is ;;ive.:i, that one
'J,l"oo L-eni'i.i...r ;.ov,-;t!. iii' r.i ttiis m;.
ier, underthe head of Vakiab'e '1 "Wo
Lots mid I'livmsfor sale, has no authori
ty to sell the ii town lots ami 2.
I '" 1 i and ue. St. .Marv's Horou J,. as
lh(,,,8 r ,,,,, uf
tLo av , ,.,., f widjout
mv a;iprov,ii will imr he vilid.
St. Mary's, Juu'.- 2'd 'Oo.
''! iLr.. .nistiees i.l i!,a reaoe
X-. ,(' r . . n r - . .
1 i 1 ... ...1 I . . . 1 .!. . . . t . I
"ici.ioies oi tiie several rownsnioS ;
o! hi 1 oti-,ty. are requ
tested to send i
. their returns to ilic uuderiijjne-i by
- - .11 ct .) nne.
. ,.., T T,r ,r
j.i.ii air. .1. i s r.i. i , j
DLlriet Attortipy
Elk Co.. Fa.
35en-.'iiir.i- ()., .Tuns -J J o.
Just Iteceived
At the Rook Store, St. Marv's
.... -
4 i .
V.,1, I
HI 'TS pvimfUy :ltl tS(!tlfi;.l ,
AHtvlie! ("5'2riTII)llV fe All.'W.
.Mil duds primary (i.-t..'.i;)L
MWallyis (JoH-rn,,, yc '
1! . . '. 1 , ,
U-yh, Vn:uuvy Geography
Mienvitii lull L't-ipy 1 M!.
V flistt-r's Culii'iton Scliutl Die-
U narics.
Hnmus GltltntU-V
'i ,
i ai arrays do
Nos. 12 tfc '. phun oopv bor.ks
r.l.'.tlk iKH.k.S,
; Jj'ttitr unto t writlii" dtici'
r..i. i i -ii-
iiiis. i mis UVJIJ .M
A c-, iVe .
eU.',U s.
l o oiisuiuptivos.
1 he tinder.dL'iied having been res tor
; is to bcibh in a few week ., by :t very
ample ivincu'y, alter, haviiin' suH'ereii se.
I V. I I 1 ...n- ,, i I I . . I ........ IV . :
with a s,v..,-.,n,., ,.ir.....;.,.,
ami ti,.. ,i,;.' .it (' , :,: : "
"" '...'i'.'uii in
CUXiot:.', to make 1.I10',.-!1 tobis !' I b nv mil.
oivrs t ie in, nns .,!' ..,-..
To a!! s
desiie it. he Will s-en i a 1
copy ol the pre-criptioii u,c t, (free of
chiii-"e.') with the directions for" prep ar
iii;; an J usiii;.' the siime, which thy will
liml a fitrt: curt: fir Co.vsu i e i mv
Ac. j'hemiK-o'i.j.'Ct of the tidu-ni-er :
: i: it...'' . . . I
theaiiiieted.mi'jspei'd inlormation whicl. a
'i -.ii , , .
j he eoueeive.-, to be liivaluable; and he 1
oi seiii.iii'- iiie ii esc it ion is tn ,,...: t
I -.i . . .
oopes cvcrv suiierer Will tl-vliLs rem,., i
il nil) ...... fl...... .....I.i . ,
..-ii ' ..i "."
.... '"V'li I.'J.IIIU'', I'lJU !M,'l
piove a bk'ssiiiLr
t. .- i .1 .
Furies wishlu'' the Diescrint ou will
, i,
lease address
rlv. kfward a. .vilsoy
wtntn... i i" V.
illwuurg, Imu.'s County
New orL.
CJL Al!Ti:iu.V JdlltiN.M, Jl: HAG
Cii'vuLuoll .!.,0.'. (!:ir;;(.,! in tl.
'.!!. I.) Kat-h nniiibor ontain.s laivc In l iti..n t our main luMiuw.if 10
mid ii.a-tnili.-pnt Kscliion VUu. si.l.Midid ) TuiiiAPliir . Head-
illustration ol all the fasluonalila and
I'n l is novclti,'... for la lics' and ftliildr.-n'i
I'ress. iiM-lnl inlonnatiot). an 1 the
lile-fizo I':i) terns, ent roady l'uf ntt, ft;.
et.t. Yeailv. SI ;m,,J,; , .,,!,.,, 2!i.'0l,t.:.
iv 1 .' . i i. . i-
I'liim of I usheis, .so.
. V.
-17'J I':" l dvvty,
sru::nu Axt-v.vt.cArr v. rri.Mifxta '. ! '.
rail, Vi.tV tM,rt, I;,
i.....ii'U. Mirror t.f 1 -.siumM ontitlvd t
soloctiotl of '.' CCtlt.4 wi'itli f:f i:x'i'.i
l;.!'tl'!il.J. i;l' a fOf'V :i' MtllC. '(1111 01 I-.-1
W'vs!i:if I'o OutiiiiaOh-ldrcti's Wewy
.' ft;r M ens extra, tliv Ladio'
ua , . . .. ,
I' ..i' i; eiiiij t'.j " MiljaC'l'ii-rs ,'u 1 taidi
mil 'ic si:tit i'tr.-iiii Ait' n:s or anv
otlit-r iiiav.a.i no or ncwrfjiajier f"f one j
year, t.r a splciidi'l rLo'n; A'iiii:;;. I
1'or a chiii f i tiuiiev's l iolv's l!un: !
i ;ui iiuii-i- o-i i i.iLa.'.io , oi un eiea'i
:ilt, or Mc.el 1'aek Coiiih. '.o Niilc Oomli,
A I'in'i ol' I i.l. Mine 1 leinoicst's ?'
liniiloii';' Jj'.teh .v s'in )'ae!iine, or a
ell.tio.kiii Attachment, or a fall set of
Stei 1 or liilt Ceinha.
A Clul. f.f'ti.i.ii new WluttdiTti'id Wild
- :V .i ..ioj- : ; i : n 1 . i i - iviili f i iniiirraii-
,cif If.ckii.;; Atiacliiiifiit.
A (inh oi ii.", a ,!edid l,crt lever
x ol.i . .1.
All tii SnW,iln'f arc entitled t-itlie
ri- t pveiiiiatn. I'tei t.i the tetter t.p of.
the club un extra copy ol'tiie of 1
l-'ashioi-.v h'i'; v. nr.
Anv linsi: tjr-.v ol v" I i':i'.iM'rii.:ioii:
t.i'.vi.nt leak. to.: ut) u ciuti, wid is
credited t he same as if sent ah,;'-1 her.
Hack nmiibii's as sr.-.;e'uufciis i'O'.'.l nc.i.
int.Tr.n voce tot oi I'.) "etita.
Splendid terms i';.r icrrLti. ;';o:id for
Administrator's Jsale
h .v i '. : in.'i oi i ii' . i pna:
- . - . ... . .
o ill I if tie
fate if I'a ,J
4.'!.fllK,!V ;ic, ) ,,e
shall r.-q-.o-'e t.
t'll'oiie Vcllliltr
vi out c: y at tlio i'ourt lion-u in Li-hj.
on 1 He- lav too o l flay of ,):!UM1
next tii I oV !:! i as the p.-e cite
of Aiilhi'iiy .Meyer, k 1. l i-.e.kts in
't. Mary's, in the said iv-unfy i ! '.,k,
k:v.i'."ii f io'.s. " . ni;:' teen ((!); t-,tcn'-ohe
.'-T.' iniiiy-i k''.t t".'i-Mv.i'.it!i '
k an I ti-enty . ( J1 ) i.u croi , -fre..! ,
in front on cross ttfeet one i;e.ieii..l
ha ; i-i;.h and in dep.h at ri-ht I
auie.s two liii'i'lrei.l i'-'M'i tei'i. I
Terms of s i!c. one tlrr l nf the pur
chase money hi h ind st coni'iruritioii of
sale and theiesidwe in t v.'o eij'ta! au.iiial j
instalments thereafter, to be .secured bv '
jiiatueii', tjiiici an-t t.irtua;e
A'lii'ini-.'ratoi' of '
AXTilOXY MEVEit ik.fd i
J and our ft nt linmn
re limy
.)!! - in t in iiiin .i t u :ii i v ..
li.ev can obtain a
v;nv low riounii.
Oil! W(T.--S IBt
V'AU ISAM-1) Til KM 1' 'I IX. i: f..E YEAK
iinilhe buyer hi a'iowe.l ilie
lTVIIlJorH ,,f I'.x ttlllli'Ul.
irrntiK I' I V VP r ' rmw i c n
- ".-(iiui
I Luitrri;,! I)p!, x !,i fIJ , J ,. ,,,
j A In M el-i-.s llui:iii! f iine-l'h me ofSilver
i material, over whieh is eteetro-fino pi oe l
' 1 k. ).iUI, most .I'irihte ivr nlit m iking
the i niiiuinii so f-iiihlis that il c inn. it be
! ih'te.o'C'l fi'iiia Iho s.iii.l nifitei'ltil 'iv ine
1 laa-t expei'iciici"l.iiiiiu".'s : ill i-.n hr-
itctu. Lnii'l'iu tuu'lo iiiovenciit. I.mciii.'v.
; ' - iv1"-""" p
ocoii.ts. fin,) isnit n lip rvcc'.t..,! in .....w,,-!.!
appearance, ins is m-.oMir.iu v one of the
liiT Aiirie:.i:sever ofterea f.r trnJers iul
Vte ilaiois." ' .'njiiie.-rs. Eaii
mi's, n-A
i , io ir : .iiiini;. Tin i..i i un.n siiniMioi'
j P...-., .I'l-r ; fiherali .n of clin.Ue will tint
-'i'e.'t then- aeeui-uy. Vri-e. pi:"!:ci'l in nin. )
sinine ami co".! rtuiui. onl.-r, oa'y $:;3, or
i aiul, tim , ntwTixo lev
I PEST O.t'.tMTY S'll.'YEff CAES. over
! v.h.e!i i- .-irn-tii r. pi ii ...! i;. p , similar
. t on i- I ei pi-'-vi-ii inipicr. nu t superior let-
j tusfe 1 movement..? Willi "isioii. In be r.-'eil
liliiiiiiii. .nrscs. oli. r l.ns l-niii' In, of - '
i.u IV. . :l, in,
ii.aG.'eeiiwie'uiiiie. sncp
s.-".,t:. '.ml nh ilo; i: piovi'-.i. i.i. All in
no. : oi" '- b-
' r.'-ll : i . '. , , I il.s
ami fiuhh-s.. np-
r-4i!..ivo ''"I i's sapei-i'ir nioveineiit into
! ennsei -riiimn. we regani ii ns Uceue'liy the . hf the lOadaiid 2.1 souaie feet on
, cheape-it nriiele ol the kiinl in llie nctrliei. ,uc..,il. .: i . e .. i i ,.
. i. i , ,. line fiout l s.Ie ot t!i" roil le i 1 n ti
t Price, in u''"J I I aau-ii f or -Icr, J-ij el easel , ., , , 1 11 "
: of ii f. -rs'; . i. " , Ihe railroad Fepot. '1 his .-,, n0
r-ji'-'Ve .ok no p.iy in li'lvnnee, h.,t will ; f''Ct on the raii road and 1 C.-M feet
I forwai-it eitlmi' nf Ihein In respnnsibb: par- , ou St. M ichals Road. The l 'adh' i.k
i 'ies. p. ay f.-i.-i f ilie Slaic. with .., ,d ,;, r 'J r.,.j 0Vlt rilli; ,
" ''; &r ,'" .x.,"'l".!"",u "' , the Southern part of the 1.,'.
' jrivinir u,e baver the privil- 1 . .. '
i ee of exumiiiatimkan,!. if'n l se.tistaeti.rv ! 1 ue al;!,vi v;!!l ''a S"''I hiule or
I thi watch can be l-i'-ii-in-,! al oi.:' "j-nensi.
1 ie ex,ri-ss r laipaini s re'" .. j ii:.-ikiiii
i-.i'.liet inns on soMiers in. 1 iitlui- iii -Inv.ii
. i.u.s. ennser. inn n um. . .,,..1 d i,,,:.
), -? , ., I
ecoiiij.ii n ieil by tim cash m imiire. at-
I . "em-ike . ' of two cb.l- I
!:u's on r'wh t!, py- ;
lurw ivii-i i!i niK'nice.
' Mmi'v 'nnv b.. .i,m I,- i ,.
! pc.isc.
TIP is OArr.iiTV ro
I aul 31 l.i-t. ;.J St.,
l'!;).s;t-j t'ity I'.S'I I
I'i s'.-i'Ui'te. It! k
A "'- by a Retire 1
.- ' Y-'' lnturo f "'"'".'
tim ail. 1 its vanoii- st io,' I.,,.-.. I'm..,.
, .. -- ......
''"'I'V'""8''1 l,'t;'!'il,:ut,!i;,Vil!1i,ld 1"'
seriptions whien have ciiii d tkiiism.U
...:n : .. ci u.ousau.H.
i i. ' . .
" oi i v cui, ii in uili vfl. to nnv ..
atirviii. H win cost von Until!,,., rl
' j may be the means of savin,' your money
aii'i r-.-iiia ia iuii. u.e. ci'Lii iiu q.i.Iiv;.
.... i 1 i ' ... U'JIU
,M - U tllO'lli il'lll
1A1;1 ' J
Jluray street,
S1 Xcw
March 17, '05
y c: u. t. Antncny & uo.
.Mniifaclurcrsl' I 'J-ornvipLic
Mat-rial "
i.-n . i l ..(.' am- r.r.i , i.
.;! I.KOADWA V. :.. V
. 'i-"-:ff. ! J : 1 -.--i -. v;; :
j ViCV.'3,
! "?''""? v'- '.v-i an iuifmroi: !.,r'
I iV!lll.i"!r "'' fc,,,.is, Amcni I'! r! l'u-
i Ol-'Il PIIK'5 llll'l L'lli 1-CarT a. ...-,, ill .j. Ki.'iill-
i'.,r I'.i.. ,;,y,'- p, ',v.-i: i c c !. i ' .i ; ; LV.r j
( ''."ji! r, ill t.ri.i.: tJ u!, s i ou i
; ''-" i ' '- !
, rxtor-. : V v-':, "a ;.r.w.
j w v. :...e ,. 0 , .
: Ti :r. 1 r-.n u:i
li'-.l-ii! u .11' 11 . i ' : .' - '.V. ..'A !.t -. n I ". r.-.I. ' ! 1 . "
i ':'' f'""" ' rj ?' e.i-U. . w '
i ,!!Mi!,,.ir,v,',,''l':' ''"l '' '
jl'1 il.. rill l-einitv n:.i. uin iili.!,- lo niir
i "l!:-c. Tin y vi!tV. u.-u. by a.- U, ; avJ. !
. rcj. i j t of i i.'i'. ' .
i-v io i-r t.i.;-..
'."JUA I' ,';'.
) llur ( :;l:i'n ? ive.. fo:.v.r:iff .-.v...
Til' it.'.S N U I , I '
'U fni-..etJ
a I 1 . 1 i-:is 'iv. f'j'i'iuu i'ly tici'i . inai.l
l'.iri.'.-iiti (I.'" t'Miuru Aai"ri'."i:.s, .:?.,
lo i M ii Cor,"! tin, ! Pir.'i,.? non,
'Jo i .; -4 i,i-i)(;rn!t', I 1!i Jiiii )?.
2T" C.h'.lic's. ! 1'. tlll'mK
Iiki !.:':ii.('.1!..iI-:X .yt AvtisN,' I
"ilo'i' lei'.-ii. ; Stuj-.
j 7 : :;"VI ''-'"' '. ! -Vt fr...i,'u' Wv,t.$z. ,
j 'tIr
j inetU'iii,;; ..-.;.Uvtiriis i.' th? li.o-i rn'.e'ir.i- :
' i'l I'.i.ii. 'i-. ii.'is. Vttsihwi. Smtufv fte. '
Cnliilot.iiii st::v i ii i i -t i.l tainn. An
Ot'l'V for fan I.'.-.' a I'ic; wi:-: f,.;ll our ":;!
al.Vee wilt, ho 1 on I'm iT-;r:it;t of .! t ).
...nil M iit l.y mail. f ,i '.ii.
I li'.'Oir'l-.l;)M0' S .I'l.I f.:..i; S ; I ; n T .11
C. (. l.
; 1 .'I11V -'.! l.rT
i f'"' mi mi.i.i
iiii Mile:. (
i ,. . J " " I ;' M 1 '".
i ...,.,..,. v, ,,-,'.
in ic
i. cull.
- . .... ,.. .
v,' h m E K" : w ii iVii i: lis '
I'.) l ! Wllit ' !l!s'r
()-..! .. ('
uv r ' i: '! .,
- !e: . t. !-ii-I 11.-:,.:
! :-1. -: ' '. s-nr
: -' i'.- .'Ion -'tsciio j. ,
:d vdi f ree tie ti,
: ' l.'i-e or ehi'.l,
, in S.:: Wo',;;.
,v mail i.!;pLc:5,
i t of price.
v,'-nx!-;n a- co
:.v. 1-:;
v. Y.
h 'o" --'
New Firm I
New To;
I be Unoer-i-.'ue.l, lnvir!.- i
, icioi .V r l.',e ::i:.!ia: let..'. v.i:i
' Turnery. St. .MarCs, 1
uH'-'rded "..i t um:" of I
1 ,! ' ! ' '-'i' I" I tin a:-, , ,('.,
with the --new nui'i" ol l.v.ri.e- aiei
it 1 1. n I -il i
i -l. i. n.i.iv. I iu.y w. ; n;.,", , ,,i,,! u.l,v
! o;; hand ti,d ti.ianfaet are t on -oer. en-ln u;
...i.i i ... . .
: L.jiij t'O'.ii'i, .tiioes, t.-util-', Ml
; K;e.
:;i'V v.-urraiit Wi'I : e
I Repairing done neatly an 1 protii!.' Iv.
Ciisiomrrs ean rely on reerivin-r their
orders at the i.r..nii-f.l tim '.
sex i on ,t r.oit.s,
Januaty 4th, 1 S'.'.'j.
J? l 1? r T? J rr
-f : ! I, fj t'.
Ce.itrevxlle, Elk county Pa
. .
: TsVO Vftluablo Lots for falfi
' Iri tflf Pnvnnffli nf Cf UTovi.o
liwVj, p, ' 5
! A-iV VU. X rt-
i To be sold on the first dir of Miv
; V. 1). 1C..Y nt tht. 1..
i. . i ... .1 . -i .
. . , .' .-- - -
' 0 t,l'',? o llfferii'.on. I lion oiv of,
the hits is e.'eefc- I n yoi . School lions !, '
t.earlv new t.nd .n l' ii I couclition '"j h -,-
; ;.&,, ';V r (j ., r i
; Mill lUeip'n.i and Uai! 1' J he I
' r;a'' Lading to the tail road depot rut;- I
J through the South end of the !.,t.
. tno lot ex. hisr-e i,: ii... ,, ,,l
i:e I old
sqnave leet, 5.")'..H pouare fe.-t on!
lb., V I, t:.i.. .1... 1 ... . . . i , :
1 ' '" ' ' T"1 '
' 3l'-"- 'i'-n-e l.'eton the S'-mth sj.l,. of ,i.
J he other lot en tains SToTi square
; leet, OS I squire feet oi) the X u; h sidi
; toj;e.ier.
Reiner, as m-iy sua j.iiie'i-oa.i-s.
Flans of the iibovc hits limy be feeii
on applies'; ,;( il k3.
:i:-y, Sarvey.
; . .
I or. r-t. .'lary s I'a.
Any L'idy or 0 'tifh-p.ian semlhi;; nK.' ail bv-s. will receive !u!i
, iu.:r ai.-i.e-s. win receive tua direct
i n.r .'itnu. j; ttie aii.-ctt.m.; ol tbe
oi , ).
Sl'i! ..'J, 'li.' l Will'.!;
! marry happily, inv
et.'t'j.e tiij'u to
-eetivc ot v?:i!ih,
r beauty. Add, -
C.i.leai 1'. 0..
Nov,' Veil; C:'v
C ireC 17, '''..VSia.
c '.n-eii. ah . i.'ivai ,ifv (.; ,j,a
('ons'jtupiive sufr. rets will receive u ;p.'aiiist said E-tate, ate i'.n r;ied ',
valaible piec.-ipti ni li.r thi cur... of present thepi duly a'lthe.'i'ieete 1 f , in
Con.-umpliou, Aathina, Eronehitis, and tleUJuiit. Anv '.-r-.:i owi:. t'o- Ikt
ad ih.-oat ni l ,uul; a-etious, Ceo ol are reouctcd "t j xsiaLc r-avuic-Lt fjrji
eharej by. s. , their ublress tu ; rath. '
uev. ,uhi) A. ILSON,
l t.aauieuur
Kius Co.,
S toutti N'' York.
. c w A r r a cr e m t u t ?
rr.F.Mi.:Mor3 iu:sn to in
i -r .
Store oi
cr.NTj''.i.r. elk eg v
' X I L Y A 2'. 1'. 1 V ; X O
AffAW: io I.'itRF.-ir !
I A riiaii;i".v,leJ. 1;; ;L: .Lily thrornc of
, cujtotiieis wKeh;'.i:.:."u ''CRStX B.iCiis"
TVi'iirstic Cotton Goodi f.r.'. ons tiud all esclaio;
' ,r .
xlO'i? CllCdJ) Y UIU Dl'e&3 UOO
t " -- 0
M .- -i
' ( '. i.s. i '. :
B r o d h
I O C C !' 2 s
lllll'Z S i
. hareiTiX WARE,
OIIm mid Paints
, Pgv
! km
!- Vm
yf-S rry.
vi '.--tM .: -. yfl Vi'ii Tik y r".
sfVo:5den Ware,
Tt is useless f,.r tn att?, ti trive
a full list of the stoek, but invite one
ftr.d all. t.i dfop in, aud esaaiino for
niter, lli;, Fotatocs, Oraia
II ides. Calfskins and til country prodtuv
ck?tt at market pice, f ir goods.
vi:k. Jane Ft, ljiJ5.
iUiuiuktralsn Notice
Letters of A JiiMi.ktration b.'ne 1
2'T.ititcd in due ti-nil id'L'iW, to the y,.
K'ltber Win. Mack, liiou thi. Ji-ia'i; of
El'.-dia .b'.el:, Late of Sakau Ml. vo..
Meek, Diceoeeh.
u;vii t. u & i'tt. sf