T II E EL K A D V 0 C A T JS For Sale ! Stationary and Foitable Knjrines, with new Fatent Fi?uni, complete tor SAW MILLS O'.I UOHING FOR OIL. -A , 0- Portatite Avavr with Two Rotary Saws. f.T inj iinv sized !. -. T C'j ' I .11 1 A' I X" . ' I I ! I? , . , , Manufactured in Sand.i4y, Ol.i... and . delivoroil at i.ny sta'nm i-i tuo ! :i UoaJ, chcajipr and Li'I'i'i-. i't iii t in 1 furni-lu'd b l'.a-t!tn Mannl.u Iiiicm. 1111 "l""n bv letter t lie sukseril'cr at Itiil-ivav, 1'. O., Llk On. Ph., "I' iii iiersi'!! at tiiviii Creek, ou the Clarion 1'ivcr. Win. Q SWAKTS, l-nt. July 1st ISO.). 2in. IM. AD.MIMSTKATOli S NOHO';. X-. i I .1.1 Entice lPrc)V ;:ivi'ii. mar i tors f'ai!iiiiiik'.rafi.M, un tli." c-t.ito (.1 Juliu-i Vuiii'i iiiini'ii, !ati: i-t Ui'i.zinji-r towiisliip, i;ik ci uiti y, di'c i-. I. Iiaviiv Ijoi'U giantml to t!j' nu ll oiiinc l, all persons inJ liti'd t Kinl tr-tatc arc 10 qilfhtO'l to inukc iniiiimliatii pa', inivit, aud tliuo having cluinn anaint tlio vnrue will present the same duly iiutlun tieatod lor suLtlviucnt to 11 KIM AN KOCH. JJcnithigcr April Liili 1 1 G 1 . KXLOUTOilS NOTK'K. fl I . 'I1 . A 1 io-'bceti nted to Jno.Stiinlun.n and Anton Toclitman, Ex-itntor.t of the l ist, . will and testament of l.orcny Shn;kiinn, ' late of St. Mary's, ,W,1. all person, 1 kuowin- themelvos i,i.h l,ted to said loiiiii; ,11.1 iinini. tit: 111,11.' ill, aud those liavii ct clai His ti'i'.lll- tho j sumo will present them du'y tiutiienti cated forsettleniniit. GEO. ED. AVKIS, He.-Uior !a. NOTICE Letters ol' A 3 n.-ii.i-t lion cum WitMrt'o (t ;..'. on the en- j tute of Anthonv Kmitz. late, of the i nr. I OUtrU of St. -Vary's deeear-d, luivliii ; bcm granted to the nmleisine 1. All j persons indebted to said estate are re. quested to make payment and those j liavitij claims to j.reseul them without j delay to ADOLt'll FOCMT.M.VV, I St. .Viry's, E!k Co. Pa. June 1st '0 j. tjw. ! Administratoi B Notice. I ETTERS of Adniinisir iiioii Imvioz .' I J been e ranted to the snbseri'iei' o: the estate of (leo. A. Kicnz'e, late o St. MarCa LmoiiLdi, deeea-ei'.. Notice ih hereby given, to all persons knowing .1 t.., .,i . i t .1 . , i i illl'IUSUlt C3 lllUl.Vll.il I'J .-.l.'l llillt, l.J : .!!.. t . i ..!' ,1.., xoziuu luiuicuia ii- f i.i .:icn l, .i iiu .ti t 1 1.- ..,.- ( liavinz claims a-amst Mid estate, will I present the same duly atithenticited for ( eettlement. ,M KT.T I I I E N; LE. i lo;,,!,,,,,, j FREDERICK. I R'uljioaj Xoo. 10, 1-U. SURE CCHE FUil !) 1 !' I'll I'.I! I ; WALLIS IMI'HOVED MiJ'C B.'v' i TV II A T T II E 1! A L M I L I. I O ! r.emovc Ohstruotinn ullny i nfl.i ant inns facilitate l'erspii-.ni iii ae l I'n-e-.ii o i"ii. io- Hii(pm Kntiirifniei:!... iiiol viiiioe aicl Btreiigthoii wc.il.iai' i pa: is riaiiij. iml i in t.lil ( lity. and live interests in oil lions C'ulie, Jiervdn lli n.l iilie. Karai-lie. Leises. Also for sal ; a Iiu :."fl and coiu Ihirus, Freezes. Tee liaehe Sp. nins. Ili-ics-'. I ..Mim, H,lU.l j,, Cvi-nv die, Clari.-u ic. ; ami fur .Spianis, Hini-es, Gal'-. l( ,.( Itcuves, Disli-Hipi'i-, .y.-.. in linres Tlic . .', ' ' , , . tiuiekcst relief lor p:o'. uf nny T im Killer l' :1;', ' olli -r particulars apply ia use. There ii, no vmiicly tli -.i ih n.o t i .1 ( ( ) . ! S ' i ( EI'E il. at the Hotel BO Jiruilipiy III icnoiup i iiu ii ;i , ...inn:, i' , . . an the Mafic Uahn, whie!i ili'serves t.i ic ceivc the favor ut ti.' puti'ir.. Il is iw own recomnieiiilatioii. ti'i'l liy t'-e pi;rlr n uni-c of gioJ works, where it is known, nnv en jr.yn llic hiutho! l-c, io at inn. IV r ni!e t v J. Powell. Il"iik & i ". ein. itck-wiy l'i Wholesale liy farici x Hall, 0 in fels i l'rug mures, Erie I'ft EURO' IS Oi-' YOC ill. A gentleman who sulk-red foe vears from Nervous and Cicneiai Ih-hih'y. Nijjlltly Euiissio l8 ai..l Seminal Weak uess, the result of viuibliil iudise'e'.ion and eame near ending Id days in hope less misery, wijl. fi.i the sake ot' siitf -r ing man, send to any one nl'dicied. tin n'nuple means used by hmi which ell 'it cd ii cure in a few weeks, alier the tail ure of numerous iiiedieine... Scud Jira teii envelope aud it wiil cyst you aotiiia-r. Address EDO A U Til EM IN E, Station L, F.'shSt . N i w Yi i k City, i C:al Lands For Sale' I MTE subscriber t.ll'ers tor sale the ! -"-Coal privilege, wilii the. riyht ol' .itntn.r nti.l nlh.O' l;.i tie.:i h: llliil...- .J'l.. seres of laud situated in l'o tp., b ar- ! field county Fennsy k ania, within "J ! Ulilcs of the Rid'Way iV h i v n ir 11 It I which connects with the I'lnla .V l.ne R. R , at Ridoway, with a six foot vein ot Bituminous Coal upon it, which is now coiumaiidin Biieh ciiorui'tiis oriecs, lor in a ii u t'uc t u ri n purposes. For sa.e cheap, terms cash, a ynod title L-iveii. For further partie'il ire a:!dre-.i C. L. I! Ul! KI T, Cleailicld J'. O.. Clc ii'del l Co., I'.i NOTICE. Tin! !',- .ks unJ :l - ms l Jecob J. tiinrer Co., ami rimi-ith II. (ierinj; & Co., of ;-' Mm-y'h. ,,,.,.. 1'iiiceil in the hiuels nl'ib,, n n . 1 i -M p,, betllunicut. Parlies inil. a, tej ' i fi hin- nt ilie above firms, ure li'iiitad ili .i iboir ac Counts iiiu.t be si..il,.,l I y j im ni tu tliC. unders.i-cJ, within ii') J.v's. " i.i:i:ii: j. in. vkki.v. Any for CEIUNG ii CO, S CuRLLl & CO. M.M.ir J'tbruary, if.-.u 'e5.-ft. n:v m rsic "FCXER yj i m a i; c n t o t n e m i- m . OKY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN." j tVe Vnrlyr Presudenl, by Mm. K. A. ! P HKIICIiST. the popular compos, r I Ik- I ii.n.e .7 1 in i n ;i I s : ' I .us !- a fine , Ci nip, si r 1 1 , will worthy tlit reputation nf its m 'lit Yerv solemn an 1 ini- :tn i.oriirorir.s ai1.! isxn-:n weekly- Vnv r,v t? ; with ?-.. Ii'Mto of the Vrsid.-M-. :"! o.-pt. Mr!,-'! 1 f.,. TTflT? A -? WW US .No. 4l IWltrar. N. ' EH i7'c "'ii7;MwVT'T.iTt77i;n-T ' IL-Ol.l HON Ol CO PAR IN Lit. vittp n i i .i. . .i . ,, ' , . , r . " .1 I rjitli.T' I' i n rpr...f ii.i i- 'ii i n.i. ,! I i,iii..nii.. AntiniH' Kin.:..,,, Jolin Kvit;.li. at .iaiv'.-1. liaf. ll.i.i dav l't'Pii di!ulved ly im:U':d L'u:;fent oi' tlio jurti(.'S j ANHU)N'V KU.VTZ, .IOIIX K" HUG II. J mi;; "Htl 'G :;i I'd. noi ici:.-Aii f or-,3 i,i,.t..,..i t i, I-: ...it -.,., r irm o: .. i nnr n, aim ni .c!ii'niiii! ' . !,i''- : I'.oi.'sii'l iln'ir ai . mils .y ilu: firs, f liitv ni.i. i i;ln r by lime i.r o'h.-r. wi.-c. wlirii i! r tn'.'-i mi's llnu I n l(. 1'i.r i in iii'.-. I : f i niLcfiniii. I'm iiiii In rrnl Lovno. '(i.. w;!l tinil 1 1 1 i i- ac. c.iuiiis'it t'vutrcville i:i.til the linvj "Intel tune. ('H AS. LI II It. St. Mary's, May 1":li ldlj.j. iuriiUure. B B 0 W M IIAI'U1 AC TUSK R OF Ji "mi An lUO rtlllli uv atT em oir"-fT , 0 , , , - f- ,bt' 1- i' v V V !;. h ' L ' '' J L "N A' Solas. J Jiavam, Ei.-y Oh'ij'H, liorkiiiL' f"naii, DILUVrvo iiOOM "ll AIRS, And Cphokiered ware of all kinds, td.-.l Cain Chair.-. Cain Hocking Chairs. Common or M.' inckor Chairs. lxn Weuds Tuhlcv, St. i:ids, IL-auivs. Liudit Stands, Whet, not-, Cnvner Stand-, Wash Stand.-!, V:u droLes, looni-a.es, ie. Ae. .Ve. We spare no pains in paekin' ni.'iii. ture -o that it ean be shipped anv dis tanee without, hemtr injured. I'o hot 1'or.et the place. JiUOWWS VTA RE ROOMS. I'ec. 4t.i iisji.-tt. lr f TT 1 lir 1 All. AuIjI TOVY 1 (VI'S v ii T I i My IV I (J I I ' A 1 1 . ! r O It o A L r. . TS "V" h 3, r t' :,"J""H?- ,1" -lun.t.K, ktel entre s '-ee , ,.i ne J:;-J. '.. 't. 1!,; Co., 1 ;,. .'ise ... ( aei i.s ot i.iijo, t i,; a i:i h nth east ef tin: 15,,iv.:wh. Likewise il:.. 1!t,()(ilvJ !iCnM f .,, f f,,.,, ,(1l. Th'.i e liire.. s with rv,i houses and burn:) iij'i'i lln'in. and iil'.evvise Coil of an ex- i et 'eoi' fin illty, tlio eoa .. t . ti e ! in tl-,:, ko.-ss. with a :roo 1 pr.o ' ' ' - I- cot of (,'l . .. .ii i me chick, near ureenvilie Co.. I'l . l a . i, . r.n-e tmMi-iru in a unwind wc,i. i I, n-iii i 1 1 lull i :o., i'a Ma 12th. Iii. I'd SI .",G 1 ''u' ....ji. . i ou u .pi. nr. n y oi ih:j were earrici on ....i.i "... i i . i i.'il l.ui'is, mi )li.'i.S I M.I III-II, 111 KcucZ'-lte ioA-n.hip, I'.ik Co Fa., ilur- mo; the fiijh water ol March 1 ivith ll.n loll.iwii.' mi'.rks. arel !ltt.ls - S X E. S T J. v.' i) L X M. ;, K, c (; WMi l'e. D,o 1 to. i :ii ,... Icr, A A: f. itia noinl. i-.ai-t, h un Abo -woor three m.rks th.n we d., not U,, : the meanine; ot. The oiier or ow ners h-renf. an reijnic-J t,i pn.ve piopcrtv. pay all leal i-h.irocs mill take them awaywithil.lh.ee ntlis from Mereh -o.i, A. !.. lS'.o, othetwise Ihev will hefo.leited. ' W. II JO'lNSdV, M'M. dOIIN'SOX. ''i i I'd. :;t. April -:ih M.-iSOUTUK ul- CM.PAltTNEitStlH'- ; NO li't'. is hcvby (jivi-n, lieu ihi. Co-i I'.o-Uii'i-sUip 1-ereO'f ..-i) niisi n, ua ho- Ilie ii. ones nl'i'. I.nltr v I'n . a' sV M u e'.H an 1 ' i'r.-l S.-bvcnia '; (V , ai K.'i-s.'y. is ihs- - iiv.il soit-e I lie Jirst it i v nf Aeril lusr. ,- inn. mil cnlHeiit. The l;..i.s. ninl e uns ! i'. 1,, ,..l,!i.ihnnii niMbe toft in i!ie ! l.tuuls .f del. I.ii'o Si. .'lily's Ini- settle. - Il'".lt. Xlay, l;!ih I niA.s. i, run .1 S SNEIilNtir.il, nth!) s' i ! Ill' N I Mi, ATTENTION LIGION! All i.'i.-oii in U'litcl to fl;e :latc linns nt S fliiiciiiu-f co, j tit Cciitrcv ilie, I'ii., jui'l l.uh c('co.. ;.t f. .M .ry's '.., mv. KAIIXESTLY FIl'iCCSTK!) to eoiiie! forward v.itliouf do- lay .aii.l (dt.nk uji tlicir "s-pon- I f )) "... 1 illillA, il We ('lost' UU nil!' . . . i Lti .I'l.-.sM iiy tim 1st of Airil tii'.xL Ovr nta'ouiitd nmit Le . . .. scttlcil Ly that time or tLo i'ur will ilv soiin-u'lifi-e. F. St'lKEXINO A Co, Cei.t."ovil!. C. LCI1R k Co, St. Mary's. March, 1th 1SJ5 notice of i.mirnt) r.uiTxrrisn.r ;'' ,u E .'"''y. ,c" 'l'"t , lK0;1., ISi I.ut m.w n-. iuiii- at V. ilc.f Ms Ccimiy. lie ill' Puiiii-'vivtiiii-i, lu.d Janus (Mark ie-ih:;.i-c a' 1 l.U'UliiM i i the .Sin to of cw Jersey, luive fuinu-l a lnuiiuil part ntJ-lti jutrsii.iul to ihoAel of tlio (omeral .Wctnbly of ihe ;;iate of I'liin-yiwuiia. i a-ncl ihn 'Jl.-t ol' .March I s ear'uiiJ -ii Act i-boie to I'll. i. 'j i pal I ne. aliips" nil ty seivitil aiip J . 1 fills, lor ll.o lui.iri I i'". ur jf l.oalliui' at t-'0..-r.leiv.-ii-i. upon t.i, V..O..J.IV fbilcn; Sml. 7 ll'ivs-u-h in. mi ilio t'i'!li.iii'' ttriiM i.l .-aiii i'n M t.i l.u V in.nt: ul n. il in "f the Iti-ine uaio-i..'loo, istlinni'uiiil'aciuii! ; ,.f leather : t;.. The mime of the nem-i-ul j.. .l iner i Tin o.li.rj I'liVti. li-i'.v vi'iilin hi IiIi-.iX al.ji (-.nil : rlic aiiKnitit of -..;:i.ll c..iii;-it.iil.cl l.j tin: v -'ii.1 j -i in 1..,..,.. ct..- i. uk'l.iPin ili,w.,,l ,!il., it'i. 'I'lic nurl- I.'n H I i i n u f !r.. .1 i!. i' ii m!i V j .!i'.i A. I". l.Mil. t..tl.s r,'i!i 1 iy cC April A 1). 1st'.'. I'alel in II i!rpf," .;J NOTIO!-;. Lcttnrs (( Adiiiii.-sir.i- tion liavo Lci'ii granted to the iit.ii.T hiiiiid iipn'i the ii.-ta'o of L"vii I'u-t. late of A'ci'iimi, tin.'iii.i .v..t;ity Now Yi.rk and I'n iin-riy d' K!k cinn'v I 'a , i' '.lie IN ,i-trr of F.l!; cinnilv. All n;r- s 'ii? ..ii ivvmu- t!ii'ii:nivt'.i :i .ii-L t.i the ostafe arc roijitcstcd to niako fniynnvi! forthwith and any persons lei vinr cdaitiy :;t;aiii.'f the e-t id-.ir... ii i)n..ti'd t i pic sent, thorn tu I ho link". -i nud for scti!c- tJl'JDt. IL W. MAHAY, Cii -m. Oncid.i Co.. X. V. H'dii'.vuy, J uno 'HA, 'O i. ADrviinisr.iTarv'S noikik Letters ul A'lin;nis'.rat:oii have been J-'ratitod in Mir lorin ol' La'V, to tli.' f-no. ber upon the Kstato ofi'liomas Over- late ie.ne'e'te l.r.vn 111!; county. ih;eeascd. A!! j.etsons having any claim ni:i;;:t raid !'!ta!e, are ic (putted to present them duly a:tMie:'.:i- caied lor M'tileuii Any jicison ow- i ur the Estate, are rcinesi.v'1 to ma!. pavacEt f vt'thv::'.!:. ANN OV EflTCrtF A !., ;Ut itrir of ' IP YOC YANT TO KNOW ft. LITTLE OF EYKUYTIIINv: vel,uiu' ti the human s;,'.el:!, ii:t- I Orel felt"i:-.le : tlir rfmio roul ti-..nl.iir -i n!' I ilisoii-ej ; !: .....r..5.w. un,!., M' ,-(i-'d ; how to niarrv Wi ii and ,i thou- id things ne vr iiulil'-hed before n i i -. and .1 ItiOU of "Mi'iitc.'iL (.'"V);,is s.;:.-j:," a eni-i. ions honk for envious iieonle. and a ro'iod b:.nk lor every one. 4'hJ paes, 1it'..i j llh.sLi-a'iieis. ' pj-iee 81'". ' '..titi-at.s j table sent fife, to any address. "I5..nks ! may he had at the Eon!.; s torus, or will be sent by niti-!. po-t paid oil receipt of the piiee. Add: ess j e v.. rot m. d , lloU Eroadvvav. N Y. l NuTICE is iier.ly ;;ive.:i, that one 'J,l"oo L-eni'i.i...r ;.ov,-;t!. iii' r.i ttiis m;. ier, underthe head of Vakiab'e '1 "Wo Lots mid I'livmsfor sale, has no authori ty to sell the ii town lots ami 2. I '" 1 i and ue. St. .Marv's Horou J,. as lh(,,,8 r ,,,,, uf tLo av , ,.,., f widjout l': mv a;iprov,ii will imr he vilid. l'.OXEFATI CS CllMOXD. St. Mary's, Juu'.- 2'd 'Oo. ''! iLr.. .nistiees i.l i!,a reaoe X-. ,(' r . . n r - . . 1 i 1 ... ...1 I . . . 1 .!. . . . t . I "ici.ioies oi tiie several rownsnioS ; o! hi 1 oti-,ty. are requ tested to send i . their returns to ilic uuderiijjne-i by th. I - - .11 ct .) nne. . ,.., T T,r ,r j.i.ii air. .1. i s r.i. i , j DLlriet Attortipy Elk Co.. Fa. 35en-.'iiir.i- ()., .Tuns -J J o. Just Iteceived At the Rook Store, St. Marv's .... - 4 i . V.,1, I HI 'TS pvimfUy :ltl tS(!tlfi;.l , JM'lllH'l'. AHtvlie! ("5'2riTII)llV fe All.'W. .Mil duds primary (i.-t..'.i;)L MWallyis (JoH-rn,,, yc ' 1! . . '. 1 , , U-yh, Vn:uuvy Geography Mienvitii lull L't-ipy 1 M!. V flistt-r's Culii'iton Scliutl Die- U narics. Hnmus GltltntU-V 'i , .lowers i ai arrays do Nos. 12 tfc '. phun oopv bor.ks r.l.'.tlk iKH.k.S, ; Jj'ttitr unto t writlii" dtici' r..i. i i -ii- iiiis. i mis UVJIJ .M A c-, iVe . eU.',U s. l o oiisuiuptivos. 1 he tinder.dL'iied having been res tor ; is to bcibh in a few week ., by :t very ample ivincu'y, alter, haviiin' suH'ereii se. I V. I I 1 ...n- ,, i I I . . I ........ IV . : with a s,v..,-.,n,., ,.ir.....;.,., ami ti,.. ,i,;.' .it (' , :,: : " "" '...'i'.'uii in CUXiot:.', to make 1.I10',.-!1 tobis !' I b nv mil. oivrs t ie in, nns .,!' ..,-.. To a!! s desiie it. he Will s-en i a 1 copy ol the pre-criptioii u,c t, (free of chiii-"e.') with the directions for" prep ar iii;; an J usiii;.' the siime, which thy will liml a fitrt: curt: fir Co.vsu i e i mv Aii'i!iMA.I,t.,M'i.ins,(:tt:ns.Cui, Ac. j'hemiK-o'i.j.'Ct of the tidu-ni-er : : i: it...'' . . . I theaiiiieted.mi'jspei'd inlormation whicl. a 'i -.ii , , . j he eoueeive.-, to be liivaluable; and he 1 oi seiii.iii'- iiie ii esc it ion is tn ,,...: t I -.i . . . oopes cvcrv suiierer Will tl-vliLs rem,., i il nil) ...... fl...... .....I.i . , ..-ii ' ..i "." .... '"V'li I.'J.IIIU'', I'lJU !M,'l piove a bk'ssiiiLr t. .- i .1 . Furies wishlu'' the Diescrint ou will , i, lease address rlv. kfward a. .vilsoy wtntn... i i" V. illwuurg, Imu.'s County New orL. II ME. DF.MORF.STS MIRROR CF FASEON'S CJL Al!Ti:iu.V JdlltiN.M, Jl: HAG MUN1!'.) Cii'vuLuoll .!.,0.'. (!:ir;;(.,! in tl. '.!!. I.) Kat-h nniiibor ontain.s laivc In l iti..n t our main luMiuw.if 10 mid ii.a-tnili.-pnt Kscliion VUu. si.l.Midid ) TuiiiAPliir M.MKKIAl.s.ve . Head- illustration ol all the fasluonalila and I'n l is novclti,'... for la lics' and ftliildr.-n'i I'ress. iiM-lnl inlonnatiot). an 1 the f.nr lile-fizo I':i) terns, ent roady l'uf ntt, ft;. et.t. Yeailv. SI ;m,,J,; , .,,!,.,, 2!i.'0l,t.:. iv 1 .' . i i. . i- I'liim of I usheis, .so. . V. -17'J I':" l dvvty, sru::nu Axt-v.vt.cArr v. rri.Mifxta '. ! '. rail, Vi.tV tM,rt, I;, i.....ii'U. Mirror t.f 1 -.siumM ontitlvd t soloctiotl of '.' CCtlt.4 wi'itli f:f i:x'i'.i l;.!'tl'!il.J. i;l' a fOf'V :i' MtllC. '(1111 01 I-.-1 W'vs!i:if I'o OutiiiiaOh-ldrcti's Wewy .' ft;r M ens extra, tliv Ladio' ' ua , . . .. , I' ..i' i; eiiiij t'.j " MiljaC'l'ii-rs ,'u 1 taidi mil 'ic si:tit i'tr.-iiii Ait' n:s or anv otlit-r iiiav.a.i no or ncwrfjiajier f"f one j year, t.r a splciidi'l rLo'n;.-a.li A'iiii:;;. I 1'or a chiii f i tiuiiev's l iolv's l!un: ! i ;ui iiuii-i- o-i i i.iLa.'.io , oi un eiea'i :ilt, or Mc.el 1'aek Coiiih. '.o Niilc Oomli, A I'in'i ol' I i.l. Mine 1 leinoicst's ?' liniiloii';' Jj'.teh .v s'in )'ae!iine, or a ell.tio.kiii Attachment, or a fall set of Stei 1 or liilt Ceinha. A Clul. f.f'ti.i.ii new WluttdiTti'id Wild - :V .i ..ioj- : ; i : n 1 . i i - iviili f i iniiirraii- ,cif If.ckii.;; Atiacliiiifiit. A (inh oi ii.", a ,!edid l,crt lever x ol.i . .1. All tii SnW,iln'f arc entitled t-itlie ri- t pveiiiiatn. I'tei t.i the tetter t.p of. the club un extra copy ol'tiie MiiT.ir of 1 l-'ashioi-.v h'i' ..in; v. nr. Anv linsi: tjr-.v ol v" I i':i'.iM'rii.:ioii: 'lit t.i'.vi.nt leak. to.: ut) u ciuti, wid is credited t he same as if sent ah,;'-1 her. Hack nmiibii's as sr.-.;e'uufciis i'O'.'.l nc.i. int.Tr.n voce tot oi I'.) "etita. Splendid terms i';.r icrrLti. ;';o:id for Administrator's Jsale h .v i '. : in.'i oi i ii' . i pna: - . - . ... . . o ill I if tie fate if I'a ,J 4.'!.fllK,!V ;ic, ) ,,e shall r.-q-.o-'e t. t'll'oiie Vcllliltr vi out c: y at tlio i'ourt lion-u in Li-hj. on 1 He- lav too o l flay of ,):!UM1 next tii I oV !:! i as the p.-e cite of Aiilhi'iiy .Meyer, k 1. l i-.e.kts in 't. Mary's, in the said iv-unfy i ! '.,k, k:v.i'."ii f io'.s. " . ni;:' teen ((!); t-,tcn'-ohe .'-T.' iniiiy-i k''.t t".'i-Mv.i'.it!i ' k an I ti-enty . ( J1 ) i.u croi , -fre..! , in front on cross ttfeet one i;e.ieii..l ha ; i-i;.h and in dep.h at ri-ht I auie.s two liii'i'lrei.l i'-'M'i tei'i. I Terms of s i!c. one tlrr l nf the pur chase money hi h ind st coni'iruritioii of sale and theiesidwe in t v.'o eij'ta! au.iiial j instalments thereafter, to be .secured bv ' jiiatueii', tjiiici an-t t.irtua;e ANTHONY M LYE A'lii'ini-.'ratoi' of ' AXTilOXY MEVEit ik.fd i C0LDI3RS IN TEE ARMY J and our -DO.an ft nt linmn Ai re limy .)!! - in t in iiiin .i t u :ii i v .. Which li.ev can obtain a GO0O& DURARLE TIME-FLECE AT A v;nv low riounii. Oil! W(T.--S IBt V'AU ISAM-1) Til KM 1' 'I IX. i: f..E YEAK iinilhe buyer hi a'iowe.l ilie lTVIIlJorH ,,f I'.x ttlllli i.tl'Ul. irrntiK I' I V VP r ' rmw i c n - ".-(iiui I Luitrri;,! I)p!, x !,i fIJ , J ,. ,,, j A In M el-i-.s llui:iii! f iine-l'h me ofSilver i material, over whieh is eteetro-fino pi oe l ' 1 k. ).iUI, most .I'irihte ivr nlit m iking the i niiiuinii so f-iiihlis that il c inn. it be ! ih'te.o'C'l fi'iiia Iho s.iii.l nifitei'ltil 'iv ine 1 laa-t expei'iciici"l.iiiiiu".'s : ill i-.n hr- itctu. Lnii'l'iu tuu'lo iiiovenciit. I.mciii.'v. ; ' - iv1"-""" p ocoii.ts. fin,) isnit n lip rvcc'.t..,! in .....w,,-!.! appearance, ins is m-.oMir.iu v one of the liiT Aiirie:.i:sever ofterea f.r trnJers iul Vte ilaiois." ' .'njiiie.-rs. Eaii mi's, n-A i , io s.ni.-s ir : .iiiini;. Tin i..i i un.n siiniMioi' j P...-., .I'l-r ; fiherali .n of clin.Ue will tint -'i'e.'t then- aeeui-uy. Vri-e. pi:"!:ci'l in nin. ) sinine ami co".! rtuiui. onl.-r, oa'y $:;3, or i aiul, tim , ntwTixo lev I PEST O.t'.tMTY S'll.'YEff CAES. over ! v.h.e!i i- .-irn-tii r. pi ii ...! i;. p , similar . t on i- I ei pi-'-vi-ii inipicr. nu t superior let- j tusfe 1 movement..? Willi "isioii. In be r.-'eil liliiiiiiii. .nrscs. oli. r l.ns l-niii' In, of - ' i.u IV. . :l, in, ii.aG.'eeiiwie'uiiiie. sncp s.-".,t:. '.ml nh ilo; i: piovi'-.i. i.i. All in no. : oi" '- b- ' r.'-ll : i . '. , , I il.s ami fiuhh-s.. np- r-4i!..ivo ''"I i's sapei-i'ir nioveineiit into ! ennsei -riiimn. we regani ii ns Uceue'liy the . hf the lOadaiid 2.1 souaie feet on , cheape-it nriiele ol the kiinl in llie nctrliei. ,uc..,il. .: i . e .. i i ,. . i. i , ,. line fiout l s.Ie ot t!i" roil le i 1 n ti t Price, in u''"J I I aau-ii f or -Icr, J-ij el easel , ., , , 1 11 " : of ii f. -rs'; . i. " , Ihe railroad Fepot. '1 his .-,, n0 r-ji'-'Ve .ok no p.iy in li'lvnnee, h.,t will ; f''Ct on the raii road and 1 C.-M feet I forwai-it eitlmi' nf Ihein In respnnsibb: par- , ou St. M ichals Road. The l 'adh' i.k i 'ies. p. ay f.-i.-i f ilie loy.il Slaic. with .., ,d ,;, r 'J r.,.j 0Vlt rilli; ,.oa.fi. " ''; &r ,'" .x.,"'l".!"",u "' , the Southern part of the 1.,'. 'ineilcl.veri.il. jrivinir u,e baver the privil- 1 . .. ' i ee of exumiiiatimkan,!. if'n l se.tistaeti.rv ! 1 ue al;!,vi v;!!l ''a S"''I hiule or I thi watch can be l-i'-ii-in-,! al oi.:' "j-nensi. 1 ie ex,ri-ss r laipaini s re'" .. j ii:.-ikiiii i-.i'.liet inns on soMiers in. 1 iitlui- iii -Inv.ii . i.u.s. ennser. inn n um. . .,,..1 d i,,,:. ), -? , ., I ecoiiij.ii n ieil by tim cash m imiire. at- I . "em-ike . 'e.luet.im of two cb.l- I !:u's on r'wh t!, py- ; lurw ivii-i i!i niK'nice. ' Mmi'v 'nnv b.. .i,m I,- i ,. ! pc.isc. TIP is OArr.iiTV ro I aul 31 l.i-t. ;.J St., l'!;).s;t-j t'ity I'.S'I I I'i s'.-i'Ui'te. It! k Ccusurnption. A "'- by a Retire 1 .- ' Y-'' lnturo f "'"'".' tim ail. 1 its vanoii- st io,' I.,,.-.. I'm..,. , .. -- ...... ''"'I'V'""8''1 l,'t;'!'il,:ut,!i;,Vil!1i,ld 1"' seriptions whien have ciiii d tkiiism.U ...:n : .. ci u.ousau.H. i i. ' . . " oi i v cui, ii in uili vfl. to nnv .. atirviii. H win cost von Until!,,., rl ' j may be the means of savin,' your money aii'i r-.-iiia ia iuii. u.e. ci'Lii iiu q.i.Iiv;. .... i 1 i ' ... U'JIU ,M - U tllO'lli il'lll TFFMEV 'A MI I V AI 1 1A1;1 ' J Jluray street, S1 Xcw March 17, '05 y c: u. t. Antncny & uo. .Mniifaclurcrsl' I 'J-ornvipLic Mat-rial " i.-n . i l ..(.' am- r.r.i , i. .;! I.KOADWA V. :.. V . 'i-"-:ff. ! J : 1 -.--i -. v;; : StCrCcScCOO RJld tCrC03CCiC j ViCV.'3, ! "?''""? v'- '.v-i an iuifmroi: !.,r'tr.ci:t. I iV!lll.i"!r "'' fc,,,.is, Amcni I'! r! l'u- i Ol-'Il PIIK'5 llll'l L'lli 1-CarT a. ...-,, ill .j. Ki.'iill- i'.,r I'.i.. ,;,y,'- p, ',v.-i: i c c !. i ' .i ; ; LV.r j ( 'r.t.il..'."ji! r, ill t.ri.i.: tJ u!, s i ou i ; ''-" i ' '- ! , rxtor-. : V v-':, "a ;.r.w. j w v. :...e ,. 0 , . : Ti :r. 1 n.mf... r-.n u:i li'-.l-ii! u .11' 11 . i ' : .' - '.V. ..'A !.t -. n I ". r.-.I. ' ! 1 . " i ':'' f'""" ' rj ?' e.i-U. . w ' i ,!!Mi!,,.ir,v,',,''l':' ''"l '' ' jl'1 il.. rill l-einitv n:.i. uin iili.!,- lo niir i "l!:-c. Tin y vi!tV. u.-u. by a.- U, ; avJ. ! . rcj. i j t of i i.'i'. ' . i-v io i-r t.i.;-.. '."JUA I' ,';'. CAi.n ) llur ( :;l:i'n ? ive.. fo:.v.r:iff .-.v... nvi: Til' it.'.S N U I , I ' 'U fni-..etJ a I 1 . 1 i-:is 'iv. f'j'i'iuu i'ly tici'i . inai.l l'.iri.'.-iiti (I.'" t'Miuru Aai"ri'."i:.s, .:?., iih.j'ir lo i M ii Cor,"! tin, ! Pir.'i,.? non, 'Jo i .; -4 i,i-i)(;rn!t', I 1!i Jiiii )?. 2T" C.h'.lic's. ! 1'. tlll'mK Iiki !.:':ii.('.1!..iI-:X .yt AvtisN,' I "ilo'i' lei'.-ii. ; Stuj-. j 7 : :;"VI ''-'"' '. ! -Vt fr...i,'u' Wv,t.$z. , j 'tIr j inetU'iii,;; ..-.;.Uvtiriis i.' th? li.o-i rn'.e'ir.i- : ' i'l I'.i.ii. 'i-. ii.'is. Vttsihwi. Smtufv fte. ' Cnliilot.iiii st::v i ii i i -t i.l tainn. An Ot'l'V for fan I.'.-.' a I'ic; wi:-: f,.;ll our ":;! al.Vee wilt, ho 1 on I'm iT-;r:it;t of .! t ). ...nil M iit l.y mail. f ,i '.ii. I li'.'Oir'l-.l;)M0' S .I'l.I f.:..i; S ; I ; n T .11 C. (. l. ; Cli.il 1 .'I11V -'.! l.rT i f'"' mi mi.i.i iiii Mile:. ( i ,. . J " " I ;' M 1 '". i ...,.,..,. v, ,,-,'. in ic ;.;-- i. cull. -.: r:.:l.tv - . .... ,.. . v,' h m E K" : w ii iVii i: lis ' I'.) l ! Wllit ' !l!s'r ()-.. C.ee! .. (' uv r ' i: '! ., - !e: . t. !-ii-I 11.-:,.: ! :-1. -: ' '. s-nr : -' i'.- .'Ion -'tsciio j. , :d vdi f ree tie ti, : ' l.'i-e or ehi'.l, , in S.:: Wo',;;. ,v mail i.!;pLc:5, i t of price. All. v,'-nx!-;n a- co :.v. 1-:; v. Y. h 'o" --' BODT ifcSHOF. SHOP. New Firm I New To; I be Unoer-i-.'ue.l, lnvir!.- i , icioi .V r l.',e ::i:.!ia: let..'. v.i:i ' Turnery. St. .MarCs, 1 uH'-'rded t.ie "..i t um:" of I .i, 1 ,! ' ! ' '-'i' I" I tin a:-, , ,('., with the --new nui'i" ol l.v.ri.e- aiei it 1 1. n I -il i i -l. i. n.i.iv. I iu.y w. ; n;.,", , ,,i,,! u.l,v ! o;; hand ti,d ti.ianfaet are t on -oer. en-ln u; ...i.i i ... . . : L.jiij t'O'.ii'i, .tiioes, t.-util-', Ml ; K;e. Allofwl.ieh :;i'V v.-urraiit Wi'I : e satisi'ii-rion. I Repairing done neatly an 1 protii!.' Iv. Ciisiomrrs ean rely on reerivin-r their orders at the i.r..nii-f.l tim '. sex i on ,t r.oit.s, Januaty 4th, 1 S'.'.'j. J? l 1? r T? J rr -f : ! I, fj t'. Ce.itrevxlle, Elk county Pa . . : TsVO Vftluablo Lots for falfi ' Iri tflf Pnvnnffli nf Cf UTovi.o liwVj, p, ' 5 ! A-iV VU. X rt- i To be sold on the first dir of Miv ; V. 1). 1C..Y nt tht. 1.. i. . i ... .1 . -i . . . , .' .-- - - ' 0 t,l'',? o llfferii'.on. I lion oiv of, the hits is e.'eefc- I n yoi . School lions !, ' t.earlv new t.nd .n l' ii I couclition '"j h -,- ; ;.&,, ';V r (j ., r i ; Mill lUeip'n.i and l.ne Uai! 1'o.id. J he I ' r;a'' Lading to the tail road depot rut;- I J through the South end of the !.,t. . tno lot coutu.is ex. hisr-e i,: ii... ,, ,,l i:e I old sqnave leet, 5.")'..H pouare fe.-t on! lb., V I, t:.i.. .1... 1 ... . . . i , : 1 ' '" ' ' T"1 ' ' 3l'-"- 'i'-n-e l.'eton the S'-mth sj.l,. of ,i. J he other lot en tains SToTi square ; leet, OS I squire feet oi) the X u; h sidi ; toj;e.ier. Reiner, as m-iy sua j.iiie'i-oa.i-s. Flans of the iibovc hits limy be feeii on applies'; ,;( il k3. :i:-y, Sarvey. ; . . I or. r-t. .'lary s I'a. LOVE A NO IFVRIMOXY. Any L'idy or 0 'tifh-p.ian semlhi;; nK. th.il' ail bv-s. will receive !u!i direeti.ms , iu.:r ai.-i.e-s. win receive tua direct i n.r .'itnu. j; ttie aii.-ctt.m.; ol tbe oi , ). Sl'i! ..'J, 'li.' l Will'.!; ! marry happily, inv et.'t'j.e tiij'u to -eetivc ot v?:i!ih, r beauty. Add, - Mits .MARIE LEMOILLE, C.i.leai 1'. 0.. Nov,' Veil; C:'v C ireC 17, '''..VSia. T-O CONS CM I'll YES. c '.n-eii. ah . i.'ivai ,ifv (.; ,j,a ('ons'jtupiive sufr. rets will receive u ;p.'aiiist said E-tate, ate i'.n r;ied ', valaible piec.-ipti ni li.r thi cur... of present thepi duly a'lthe.'i'ieete 1 f , in Con.-umpliou, Aathina, Eronehitis, and tleUJuiit. Anv '.-r-.:i owi:. t'o- Ikt ad ih.-oat ni l ,uul; a-etious, Ceo ol are reouctcd "t j xsiaLc r-avuic-Lt fjrji eharej by. s. , their ublress tu ; rath. ' uev. ,uhi) A. ILSON, l t.aauieuur Kius Co., S toutti N'' York. . c w A r r a cr e m t u t ? rr.F.Mi.:Mor3 iu:sn to in i -r . Store oi ( ! i: cr.NTj'.r.vi'.i.r. elk eg v ' X I L Y A 2'. 1'. 1 V ; X O PKOPLIi AffAW: io nif.in I.'itRF.-ir ! i t I A riiaii;i".v,leJ. 1;; ;L: .Lily thrornc of , cujtotiieis wKeh;'.i:.:."u ''CRStX B.iCiis" -o All. TVi'iirstic Cotton Goodi f.r. Cu.it'. r.ie ons tiud all esclaio; ' ' ,r . xlO'i? CllCdJ) Y UIU Dl'e&3 UOO ARE t " -- 0 M .- -i ' ( '. i.s. i '. : I B r o d h 4T I O C C !' 2 s OLOTI-IIXG lllll'Z S i . hareiTiX WARE, HARD YARE OIIm mid Paints , Pgv ! km rVts !- Vm yf-S rry. vi '.--tM .: -. yfl Vi'ii Tik y r". sfVo:5den Ware, Pork 3 Tt is useless f,.r tn att?tr.pt, ti trive a full list of the stoek, but invite one ftr.d all. t.i dfop in, aud esaaiino for th-nveivej. niter, lli;, Fotatocs, Oraia II ides. Calfskins and til country prodtuv ck?tt at market pice, f ir goods. vi:k. Jane Ft, ljiJ5. iUiuiuktralsn Notice Letters of A JiiMi.ktration b.'ne 1 2'T.ititcd in due ti-nil id'L'iW, to the y,. K'ltber Win. Mack, liiou thi. Ji-ia'i; of El'.-dia .b'.el:, Late of Sakau Ml. vo.. j WILLIAM M VCI' Meek, Diceoeeh. u;vii t. u & i'tt. sf Ju3lliWSSi.