PROFESSIONAL CARDS . A T T OR H B T. AI LA W . lock ha mr, , PA: SOUTHER & WILLIS. A t . . -.ruey s at jjaw, Ridgway llk cou ty ja., will attend to all profession vuBiuess promptly. CIIAPIN A WILBUR. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Cffio l vnpin'IockT Ridgway EH Co. Pa Particular attention given to collections and ali monies promptly remitted.. Will ,But,u' m ""joining counties. JP.II.N G, HALL ATTORNEY AT T.ATtr Ridgvyay, Elk County Penna LAURIE J. BLAKELT, .ATTORNEY AND COUNSELREL AT LAW. StMarj's, Elk County Pennsylvania 'DZk.,W. JAMES BLAKELY St. JMary's Elk huny Pa. Tin., w. vtr sir aw Practices Medicines fc5urgery - uentreville RlKUo. l'a. DR. J. S DORDWELlT Eclectic Physician, (Lately of irarren county Pa.) Will promptly answer all professional alls by night or day. Residence one door East of the late residence of Hon. J. L. Gillis. DR. C. R. Co.,ra. night or day. Karlet, Kersey Elk Will attend to all calls Jnj 21, 1861. HOTEL CARDS. FRED. KORH'S. Eagle Hotel Luthereburg, Clearfield County To. 82Fredrick Korb Proprietor, hav. iug built a large and commodious house, is now prepared to cater to the wants of the traveling public Luthereburg, July 16th 1S6I. ly. LUTHER SB URG HOTEL, I.utlierbug, Clearfield Co. Pa. WILLIAM SCHWEM, Proprietor. Luthersburg, July 27th 1864. tf. " i i i i , i i . . i i , . , a -m NATIONAL HOTEL I Cornerjof Peach Street and . the Buffalo Road. ERIE, FA. ENOS B. HOYT, Proprietor "This House is new and fitted up with especial care for the convenience and comfort of guest, at moderate rates. JfcfilOOD tTAILIla ATTACHCDtd8 EXCHANGE HOTEL, Ridifumy, Elk county Pa., DAVID THAYER, Prop'r. a.Tuis bouse is pleasantly situated on tae bank of the Clarion, in the lower end or the town, is well provided wnh house room and stabling, and the proprietor will pare no pains to reader the stay of his guests pleasant and agreeable. RiJgioay July 28, 1860. HYDE HOUSE Mrf E O- Clements, Proprietress- Ridgvray, Elk County Penna Boot-jack Elk County Pa, H. B. SlION-S, Prov'r. Ridgway Nov. 28th 1863. CLEARFIELD HOUSE, corner or Market and Water Sx's Clearfield Pa GEO. N COLBURN, Proprietor ST MARY'S HOTEL- Br. Mary's Elk County Penna. M. WELLENDORF, Prop'r. LOCK 1IAVEIV , Pu. E. W. BIGONY, Proprietor. Omnibus running to and from the Depot free of charge. WOOL Lock. Um, CLINTON COUNTY 1 A. EAttusin I'Jour, uratn ana J Feed near the Passenger Depot MOORHEAD HOUSE, Main S Rrookville Pa., C. N. Kretz. Prop'r 'Sliis house hasbccQ refitted and furnish cd in a neat style, and is every way kdapted to the wanta of the pMt. Ridgway Markets. (Jorrected wceekly; "vlliH S I N E S S CARDS --- - r iit i i - r i rr 1 Apples, (dry)' bushel ... 3 50 Buckwheat . u . . . 1 00 Beans, " ... 4 00 Hutter " lb . . 20 Beef . 57 Board M. 10 00 Corn " bushel ... 1 60 Flour ' bbl. 12 00 Hides " lb ... 08 Hay " ton - . 30 00 Oato ' bu: ... 1 00 Wheat " ... 2 50 Rye ... 1 25 hingls " M. . . . 4 66 JJ!V ' " dojeq J . 20 P.W.BARRETT Editor VOL 5. 1805 18G I1ILADKLPIHA & ERIE RAIL- ROAD. This great Knc traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the eitv of Ti!r!i in Lake Erie. ' It has beon leased by the Mm - a Rati Road Company, and is opera - 1a cd bv them Its entire length was opened for pas senger and freight business, October 111, TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT RIDGWAY. Through Mail Train 1 53 p. m. Accommodation a.m. Through Mail Train 12 S3 p.m. Accommodation l'asscnger cars run throuf?h without change both ways between Philadelphia .... ami fine. ELEaENT Sl.EEPINn nnann P.vnrnc. m obtu'i.u iAR8 on rizprcss z . .0- ..wUUU .cave, De ways between Williamsport for" receiving tbo notice. ro, and Williamsport and Arrangements were made by the citi t. wis to have the full amount of men fur. 1 rains Doth wi and Baltimore Philadelphia business applv at the S. E. corner . 10th x ui iiuuruiauon reanentino i'aoanncrr and Market Sts. l oi. And for Frsiylit buainenanf tho Pntn. pany'a Agents: a. If. Kingston, Jr. Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Philadelphia. t rtr ' i .1.1- ff . itejruuius June. J. M. Drill. Aeent N. C. U U Hat. timore. II. II. Houston, Gen'l. Freinkt A n't. PkiPn II. W. GWINNER, Gtn'l. Ticket Agl. PhiVa. Jos. D. Potts, General Manager, Wm'tp't. TMOKTNSnv On TV A TFTJO J Merchandise Provisions &c, on the Keacty py tyitem, at prices much to the advantage of purchasers. Dealer in Clothing, Hats, 4 Men's Furnish! na Goods Lock Haven, Cmntok Co., FRANK XENZ Centre ville, lElk county Pa A DOL.PH TIMM. Centreville, Elk county Pa. General Manufacturer of Wagons, BuersricS &0.-ALSO Knrni tlll-A filinn urn Bureaus. Tables. Stnnna 1?f,atQ0. Chairs. All kind of ReDairin don nt reasonable rates. BOOK STORE, ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PA. In the room formerly occupied by Doct. Blakely. COUNTY DIRECTORY, "President Judoe. Hon. R. G White, W'ellsborough. Associate Judges, Hon. V. S. Brockwav. Jav tD. Hon. E. C. Schultze. St. Marv'a. Sheriff. P. W. Havs. Ridffwav lrothenotarv . Rea. and Ree. George Ed. Weis, Ridcwav District AUorntv. J. C. Chapin, Ridgway Charles Luhr. St. MaTy's County Surveyor, George Walmsley, SL Marys Commissioners, CharlesWeis, St. Mary's Julius Jones, Jienczett Joshua Keefcr, Jones Auditors, R. T. Kylor, Fox Henry Warner, Jones II. D. Dcrr, Benozett CPfTCEIshereby given that there will be amcctinc of the Stockhol. ders of the Clarion River Navigation " 1 .1 11 . . f WW company, at tne uouse 01 win. Jt. 0.1. ". i 1 :n o.....i. 11 . ounrain, urucKwuy vino on oaiuruay me 17th day of December next, for the purpose ot organizing the company and the election nf a l'rfsi.lnnt and fnnr nmn. . . N. B. LANE, A. I. WILCOX, J. 8. HYDE. GEO. DICKINSON, N. M BROCKWAY. Commissioners Ridgway Not. J4tb im. INDEPENDENT. ; TERMS-$1 25 per Annum if paid in Advance Ridgwat Elk Count? Penna., Saturday December 31th 51iLK ADVOCATE T'cd'f bul " Truth, Liberty and Lcm, ?laIir,wWraMn fc"r tl,M "'"" Published"" EVery Saturday .. r. J I " ' "ARHETT. 1 .jQgway, x a, Dec. 31 18C4 1 S- W- 1'ETTENGILL & CO,' ADVERTlSKINO AnVMC.V 11 V Nassau St., New York and 1 O Rtntn Sr Ttncfnr. S. M. PETTENGILL & Co., are the agents tor tne HjLk Advocate and the most influential and largest circulating NewsnaDers in the United Rtntna nn,? the Canadas- they are authorized to con tact ior us at our lowest rates. Trouble Ahead. Oui 1 1 ox townsnip, wore at the last call lor Kl 1(1 I II III wha. W.n.J J . 1 300,000 men, drafted, and the greater portion 01 tnem notihed to that effect lew caving taken "Irenoh leave," be- nished to clear tho township. But by .t.iuiu, ajul uy 801116 mislnke or new arrangement, the I men were not nnt intn tlin nJ men were not nut into thn sorrino nr,A consequently those drafted are now held to peisonal service, not giving them the right to furnish a substitute. We have no legal right to express our opinion with regard to the matter, but can not help sayingthat in the first place, something must be "lotten in denmark." And in the second place, we hope our friends in Fox. mav meet with htn success than they anticipate, from tb'el laci iaai mey snouia De treated as ers have been. nr u 1 . 1 m o wuuiu most certainly ft our pan, aavise one aua all, to ccm-., prompt- ly and report, and B&V6 tlA 'WnnkU expense of arrest. A portion of the Board seem to thi;ak that, under the oircumstances 'it ,yA. gards Fox towasb.p, by proper exertion nn (ham tnMk 1 " . . p ...... raVlf maj De revoked, and give to those who wish to do bo, tho chance Hv a BUDstituto. We have been informed that a'hin dig" came ot at the TTvdn TTm last evening (Friday 30th) in memory flf tlm mami.Al.1. ,1 . . - Jcur, wuica is aDOUt passing away, and of the bright and glorious prospects of the incoming year, We have no rieht tc iud intimate, that any thinj; was lacking, to make the whole thing agreeable, but we have the right to say, that few par ties Come Of as thev tllnnl.l An roViora the Printer is not patronized by way of having a few hundred tickets prin ted. To Whom It May CoxcERN.-For the benefit of our readers and all others interested, we publish tho following, banded to us by the proper authorities, to- to it. "We are authorized to state that the people of this Congressional District, have now an opportunity to correct their iinrollment lists. In view of the com ing draft, this is an important matter and should be attended to at once. Persons claiming exemption on the grounds of Alienage, over age, under age and physical disability, should pre sent their claims to the Board of Enroll, went, who will attend to buch cases daily until Feby. 1st 1865. Persons who have recently movod into the dis. trict should have their names placed upon the lists, thereby lessening the "i f drawn. Attend to these matters without de lay and thereby save much trouble and complaint when the draft is finally made. Found Dead. On Saturday night the 24th iust., the dead body of a man named Peter M'Quirk, was found 1) ing on the tract of the R. R., about one mile east of Rathbun's station, the back part of his head was torn away, the scalp was found lying on the tract, about , ... ISO Fort frnm thft hndv. I hA prnvcl trmn o brought the body to St. Mary's, same night. On Sunday, Justice Vollmerheld i .1. t. . UQ DqUeB gyer iub reuiains, me jury an inquest over the remains, the jury fonnn'.flpftfh from the effect of a blow 1 or fall, which tore away the back part of tho head, cause unknown. It is supposed that he was struck Ly the Freight Train, as he was seen to leave Rathbun's and go cast shortly be. fore the train arrived. JSaS-Since- the oil fever seems to bo the prevahng epidemic, it would be well ior our property lioldicrs, to look closely to what kind of contracts they make with strangers, ns many engaged in purchasing leases or wrighls tooppcrate upon, are without capital. We copy'the following scnsiblo article from the McKean Miner, wbioh should ln unffi. cent to nut each nnd cverv nnrsnn nn their guard.. "Lookout for them. Our town has had many visitors of lato who aro leasing up all tho bottom lun Js in thia vicinity fbr oil speculations. Many of tneso pcopte are sdarpers who have neither monev nor influence. TIipt rrM long leases, at a trifling cost, hoping that before their leases expire, oil will be found in this locality nud they will be able to sell out at a bic ficure. Wp would advise our people to lease to nostiangers, nor even 10 acquaintances, without compelling them, in the lease, to com. mence operations within 90 days, which is time enougn ior Dona lide operators to get on their machinery and eo to work. If oil should be discovered in these valleys, which is not atallinmrnh. able, many of our people will regret having given leases which never mm. peis tne lessee to commence operations. 1 From tn Erie Weekly Dispatch, Fatal Accident. Au accent occurred at the Lake Shor'jR.. Depot about 2 o'clock jcsto.rdac afternoon. which resulted in the instant .death of George S. WWUll: Eso.. of this eit. The accident 'nappened while the engine of the Cleveland and JErie branch, was barling up towards the Western engine oonse, after having been disengaged, rrom the train just arrived from the west. Mr. Whitehall, who is very deaf, came upon the track at its junction with Sassafras at-, and stepped before the en gine at a distance of not more than ten feet froir it. The engine was 'instantly mereed, but it was impossible to check it in time to save him. He was pushed along in the rear of tho engine for several feet, when he tell upon the track and was rolled and crushed into au almost indistinguishable mass, the wheels finally passing over his arms and legs and sepa rating them from his body. Mr- Whitehall was about 50 years of age, and had been employed at the Wes tern Freight Office for tho last two years as a book-keeper. He was a strong, vigorous man, with no infirmity save an almost total deafness, whioh had afflicted him for many years, and has at last caused his death. He was held in the highest estimation by the Company, for the neatness, accuracy and facility with which he performed his duties. He was well known' throughout the city, and his singularly genial and social nature had won lor him hosts of friends. The death of no man in his sphere of life could have been moro deeply rcgrcted. Mr Whitehall having no family. resided with Mr. Charles Shirk, whoso wife was his sister. Tho remains were conveyed to the residence on Ninth Streot, at which place tho funeral ser vices will be held at 10 o'clock to.mor- row morning. THE WAR IN CLEARFIELD CO. The Capture of 19 Bounty Jumpers anu deserters. A Desperate and Bloody Attack on r . x-. Reserves. THE NOTORIOUS TOM ADAMS KILLED. fjo Murder of Private Cooper. Such is thTtfrrUy important news furnished tho publie by tt&IIarrisburg Te leoranh of Friday last, anduct- i4t0wniLlP' wcre al f i ; i.:t. :. ,, r..:..i. cd. Tho Telroranh then prooeed to give the startling details in tho following language : From information received by Major Dodge, A. P. M. G., we learn that the troops dispatched from this post in quest of bounty jumpers and deserters in Clearfield couuty, came in collision with a party of these desperadoes, and after a desperate fight succeeded in killing their leader, the notorious Tom Adams, and capturing nineteen of the cut. throats who fought by his side. It appears from the information re. ooived here, that Capt. Southworth, Co. C, 16th Kegiineut Veterrn Reserves, on Monday evening was proceeding on the road to Osceola, and, when near Phil- lipsDurg, ascertained that a largo party r A, . . i.j : . 1; " 1 ! near by. Capt S. at once made the ne. 18(34 NO 21 ccssary arrangements for the capture of these rascals, and proceeded immediate, ly to surrouud the place of their conceal ment. On discovering tho presence- of the troops, the deserters at once opened a fierce fire. Tho action, however w.ia short and the notorious bounty jumpei, was instantly killed, nineteen of Ins n socintea being cnnturerl. Tli our side amounted to killing ofono man. rnvaio. Uoopor, tnrmorly of the Gth Regiment. New Hampshire Yolun. tcors. It is expected thnt this notion will constrain deserters who infest Clearfield county to rally and entrench' thnmRi'Iro soruowhere in the mountain fastnesses of tho region, and that before tlieso gangs are brokcu up and brought to justice, a most bloody fight will occur. Now, except as to the killing of the two men nameJ.'abovc. there is snnmnlv a single word of truth iu tho above. We have mado evory effort to'gct at the facts, and whilo they arc different sto ries in circulation wo believe tho main facts in the following statement may bo relied upon ; The. soldiers are stationed at Phillips. burg, in Centre county. On Tuesday night, tho 13th instant, there was a par ty at the house of Thomas Adams, iu Knox township, Clearfield county-some 12 or 13 miles from Phillipsburg, and about tho same distance from Osceola. This party is said to have given by Adam3 to a brothcr-in law, who had just returned from tho war with an honorable discharge About 3 o'clock on the morning of tho 14th, a military officer presented himself at tho door whero tho party was enjoying them selves, and demandod a surrender, sta ting that thev were surrounded. A n w Adams immediately ran up stairs and urcu irom me 101c, toe nousc being nut a story and a half) killing one of the soldiers. He then escaped from the other end of tho building, on the roof of a shed, and thence to the ground, aud was making his way to the woods, when he waordered to halt, when failing to do so Gve or six shots wcre firod at him, only one, of which, however took effect. These were tho only shots fired.. The rest of the men 13 or 19 in all sur rendered without a struggle, were ironed and marched off to riiillipsburg. Sever al revolvers were lying upon a bureau in another part of the house, but their owners could not, or did not attempt to, reach them. Adams used a musket, loaded with buckshot Aftoi- ti e sur render, a thorough search was'maJo of the premises, but beside some ten re volvers, and three or four guns, we heard of nothing of a warlike" character being discovered. During this time the door had been kept closed, lasting perhaps an hour and a half, when Mrs. Adams was tho first to go out, and was the first to dis. cover tho dead body of her husband about ten feet from the door. The only person injured, besides tho two who were killed, was a'son of John M. Chase, whose "loyalty," we presume, will not bo questioned. Some of the soldiers, it is supposed, mistook him for the person who fired the shot that killed tho soldier, and gave him a sevcro blow across the tcmploawith tho butt end ot a pistol. Who were tho men arrested, wo have not heard; cxeopt that thcro was not a single eitizcnof Knox townshijHamong them. A man named Jacob Reed, whoso "loyalty" is abovojsuspicion, and one or two other citizens of Woodward township, were among the captives. The rest of tho party wcro citizens of ad joining counties Whether they were "bounty.jumpcrs," . or "deserters," or escaped conscripts, or citizens pursuing their lawful calling, wo aro unablo to to say. They wcre all marched to Phit lipsburg'ou Weduesday,,'and we pre sume, have siuco been scut eastward. Adams, the "avowed traitor," and notorious bounty-juniper," was, we bo lieve, originally from Cambria county. In 1360, he was among'the most ardent of Republicans, and was among the first to volunteer his services. How long ho remained in the service, nor why he left it, we are not advised, further than that his denunciation of the men he had assisted iu putting into power was of ,Ue ost impassioned character He was not a "bouuty-jumpcr,"at least t hi is the first time wo have ever heard tho charge made against him. This, then, is tho sum and substance- of this "Desperato and Bloody Attack on Company C, ICtli Regiment Veteran Keervcs;' this "desperate fight," it which tho deserters were "concealed" in a house, and "opetiod a fierce fire !" Whore our "mountain fastnesses" arc,, whoro the "deserters who infest Clear field county" arcto'rally'fand entrench thcmsolves," we are totally ignorant-,; but when they are "brought to'justicc,"' and that "most bloody fight" cimo off. wc win try and be there to see. Tho facrof thepartynt Adanis seems to have been no "concealed" affair. B ut it is alleged that information oSlhc fact was conveyed to the military officer, at Philipsburg on Monday or Tuesdays and a guide furnishedj to pilot- thcuv across the country, crossing"ClcarficU; creek about tho'mouth of Pott's run. A letter from Philipsburg, dated tho 15th, and published in tho Telegraph of the 1 Gth, gives a more truth fulac. count of this fad affair. jBut the- write spoils his story by closing his letter as follows : "Major Gabel, (the officer in command) is determined to arrest every deserter, and every disloyal man who has assisted in fomenting this resi?ta7tcc to the Government. M'ho Major Gubel is we knowj not. We take it for granted that ho is a man of sense, and understauds his duty as a military officer. But if we wcre mista ken in this ; if ho is a second Paine, or Lew Wallace, and the Jacobin leaders of this couuty become common inor mcrs, then some twenty.sevcn hundred Democrats of Clearfield county must nre. fpare themselves for seizure and arrest, lor these same leadors including this same Philipsburg libeller, who is doubt, less eome miserable creature subsisting upon publio or private charity have time aud again charged every man of us as being "disloyal," and as "fomcn. ting resistance to the Government." If our political opponents shall constitute themselves judges of their neighbors' "loyalty," and Major Gabel shall at tempt to execute their mandate, why, all wo have to say now is, that that J .w. uui VVUUIIJ 13 at hand than we had anticipated. "Dark Day" for our country is nearer . Brown's Bronchial Troches are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy : they havo becu thoroughly tested, and maintain the good reputation they havcjustlyacquired. For Military Officers and those who often over tax tho voice, they aro useful in relieving an Irritated .- Throat, and will rendnr articulation easy. To the soldier exposed to suddcu changes in tho weather they will give prompt relief in Coughs and Colds, and can bo carricl in the pocket to be taken as occasion requires. Orlf you want any of the following articles, you have only to call atSchujn iiif,' & Co., store in Centreville and you will bo supplied. Fresh Cove Oysters in Cans. Airtight Peaches " " " Tomatoes " " Fresh Lobsters " " Pickled " " 200 Bbl's 'AX X X X.Flour iust ro . a , . ceivod. Ladies vs. Gentlemin- Three things a lady cannot do : 1st. She cannot pass a millinery shop without stopping. 2d. She cannot see a picco. of lace with, out asking tho'price. 3d. She cannot sec a baby 'without kissing it, . . A lady of ouracquaiutance'turns the tables on the gentlemen as tollows : Tbreo thiugi a gentleman canuot do . 1st. He cannot no throno-li tlm 1ini,. and shut tho door after him. 2d. Ho cannot havo a shirt made to suit him. 3d. He can never be satisfied with tho ladies' fashions. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS (gURE CURE FOR D1PTHEIUA ! WALLIS IMPROVED MAGIC BALM. WHAT THEBALMWILLDO. Remove Obstructions, nllnv Inflnmntinn. facilitate PerHtm-atinn find nirnnlAtinn. rA- duces Enlargements, and ritaliie - and strengthen weakened parts Ciamp and Bil lious .('olio, Nervous Headaohe, Earache, Burns, Freezes, Toothache Sprains, Bruises, Sic. ; and for Sprains. Bruises. Oalls. Heaves, Distemper, fo., in horses. Tub Quickest relief for pain of any l'ain Killer in uie. Ther If. no i-nmAilf that, wilt n so proinply in relieving th ills enumerated .1.- r..: ri i v j a. iu .11 a 10 naiin, which uegerveg ia re ceive the favor of the public. It is its own recommendation, ami r.v tha of Bood works, where il is known, now en joys the highest reputntiou, For sale by j. roweit, Mouk & M Vean, Kidjway fx. Wholesale by Carters & Hall, & Warfecli Irug stores, Erie Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers