The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 30, 1910, Image 6

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Backache Is usually kldneyache.
There is only one way to remove the
pain, you must reach the cause the
kidneys. No better kidney remedy
than Doan's Kidney
rills. They perma
nently cure all kid
ney Ills.
John C. Nolan, 173
K St., So. Boston,
Mass., says: "I had
backache, pains In
my head, dizzy spells
and urine scalded
terribly. I doctored
with physicians and
finally went to C Hospital. In
stead of growing better I grew worse
and left the hospital entirely discour
aged. Luckily I began using Doan's
Kidney Pills and was completely
cured. There has been no sign of kid
ney trouble for five years."
Remember the name Doan's.
For sale by all dealers.' 50 cents a
box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Huffalo, N. Y.
Trying to Console.
"My son," remarked the stern
parent, "when 1 was your age I had
very littlo time for frivolous diver
sions." "Well," replied the young man, "you
didn't miss much. Helleve me, this
gay life isn't what It looks to be."
Bug Hey! 'Wait a minute, Mrs.
Mrs. Snail I can't stop, now; I am
going to town to do some Christmas
shopping, and It's November now!
Indigestion, Gas, Sourness and Dys
pepsia Go and Your Stomach Feels
' Fine in Five Minutes.
If your meals doit tempt you, or
what little 7u do eat seems to fill
you, or lays like a lump of lead in
your stomach, or If yon have heart
burn or a sick, sour, upset or gassy
stomach, that is a sign of Indigestion.
Ask your Pharmacist for a 60-ccnt
case of Pape's Diapcpsin and take a
little just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nau
sea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizzi
ness or Intestinal griping. This will
all go, and besides, there will be no
undigested food left over in the stom
ach to poison your breath with nause
ous odors.
Pape's Diapepsln is certain cure for
out-of-order stomachs, because it pre
vents fermentation and takes hold ot
your food and digests it Just the same
as, if your stomach wasn't there.
Relief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store here in town.
These large 50-cent cases of Pape's
Diapepsln contain more than sufficient
to thoroughly cure any case of Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis or any
other stomach disturbance.
He Couldn't See.
Little Jack's father was the teacher
ot the Sunday school class of which
Jack was a new member. He had been
told that as this was his first Sunday
he would not be asked any questions
but he must pay close attention just
the same
So, on the way home his father
asked him who it was who killed
"I don't know, I was sitting on the
back seat and couldn't see," was the
ready answer. From Norman B.
Mack's National Monthly.
Twin Extravagances.
"I don't suppose there Is anything'
gets nut of date quicker than a wom
an's hat ' '
"Unless It is a battleship."
lYhat Mann Kye liemeriT Dwm to thn
Ky- Is to lUilrttHh. Clt-Shhe, blrt'iifrttit-n and stimu
late lliMiltbfnl I'lmihiUon. I'mruotlng Normal
Condition. Tit Murine in roor Hyes. . .
It isn't every ball player who can
make a hit on the stage.
18-20-22 West 20th Street, New York
Branch KstabllubmeiiU under SAME NAME at
Oernian Kngluid , Vnuue
Buying and Rtlllnff represents 1 1 tp In ill In.
fiorlant Fur Market ot the World, dtitrlbutlnf
arh article where beat remit ti are obtained, en
able us to pay- highest market prices tot raw
fun at alt times.
Our Raw Fur Quotations, Shipping Tags, ate.,
will be sent to an address on request.
References: An Men-an tile Agenc r Bank.
Wsntnll Ifonto MARVELOUS Invention.
ndniCB AKIIhiO, fcolentllla dlsooTory. Lemand
lanterns turn ooal oil Illumination into ausllKlik
Large, poanUful, suwdr, whlu name, excellent brll
Manor. No smoke, aineU, dirt. Nothing like It. Honoe-
Uilni new. Larue nrudu. belli for lit oenu. agnnle
waking bushel, or mnn-r, vt rite ns now.
u, Basils lawn uunraai, iMft. aMea, vssa.
J.ADT AOENTH WA KTKD Ladies wanted to
o work tn spare time to repre&ent mannfautureft
Experience not neacspiarj. On oommlaslon bast
laltf JtUDOU'ii, JSdgewatsr, Wew Jelaar
ft.-' ' .'
iW4sLf't 1 1 -3g flrivW.IIjil' II lif! IE! 6 felt
LONDON England. Manuel of Portugal, who is now domiciled at Wood Norton, the country home of the duke
of Orleans, is still known as King Manual and is treated with all the respect due to royalty. Uefore long Man
uel and Queen Amelie probably will set up their own establishment at Craycombe, an old house on the duke of
Orleans' estate, perched on a hill among thick game woods. Though old and not very large, It Is charmingly
situated. Queen Amelie knows the place well, for she lived there for a Bhort time before her marriage. Wood
Norton Itself Is far from being palatial, but it is a large house and its royal pretensions are emphasized by the fleur-de-lis
that appear everywhere about It. Its great gates once stood before the palace at Versailles.
Device Arranged to Protect New
Yorker and Family.
J. Montgomery Gubblns Makes Con
trivance to Absorb Silly Chatter
of Neighbor and Throw It
Back at Her.
New York. "See this funnel?" said
J. Montgomery Gubblns the other af
ternoon. He held up an ordinary tin
funnel the kind grocery men keep
near the vinegar barrel.
"This funnel," continued J. Mont-,
gomery Gubblns, without waiting for
a reply, "contains my own arrange
ment of violin strings and syphons
and along this snout you see there Is
a little keyboard. It will find any per
son's 'note' and I call It 'the Gubblns
Bilencer and word catcher.'
"I was forced by. circumstances to
Invent this contrivance for the protec
tion of my family and my own peace
of mlml. It happened this way:
"The wife of our next door neighbor
on the left of our Omaha home Is a
bore. It was her habit before this,"
and he waved the funnel, "to call on
us several times a week JuBt at din
ner time. She always came to borrow
something a cupful of sugar, a pint
of milk or an egg.
" 'Oh, I mustn't keep you from your
dinner!' she would exclaim with a
sniff. After declining an Invitation
Sixteen-Year-Old Girl Gives Up Her
Aspirations to Be Star Taken
to Her home,
St. Louis. Miss Isabel Embrey, six
teen years old, who ran away from
her home in Meridian, Miss., to go on
the stage, was cured of her stage am
bitions after dancing In tights for two
nights In the chorus of a St. Louis
theater. She forsook the footlights
and fleshings for a prosaic job In a
department store, and was tearfully
willing to return home with her pa
rents. They left with her the other
day for Meridian.
She said that she went first to Cin
cinnati and played a minor part one
night In the venerable drama, "East
Lynne." As the ascent to a Btarship
In the play proved more steep and
difficult than she had expected, she
left Cincinnati for St Louis.
Father, mother and daughter had a
reunion at police headquarters, and
the girl cried as she told of her ex
periences. She had been living at
No. 3501 Morgan street, but gave her
address as the Jefferson hotel, she
said, to Impress ber girl friends In
Meridian. ,
Sailors Rescue Seal Orphans.
Seattle, Wash. The revenue cutter
Bear, the last steamer to leave Bering
sea, arrived here the other day, bring
ing ten orphan fur seal pups, Whose
mothers were killed by Japanese
poachers. The pups, reared by sail
ors on the Bear, will be sent to Wash
ington, where experiments In feeding
tbem will be made.
Mother seals will feed only their
own babies, but men on the Bear dis
covered that If a ligament hampering
the baby's tongue Is lanced tho teeth
are available at once and the pup
will eat fish.
Freedom to Wed Demanded.
Rome. A movement is on foot
among the telephone girls of Rome to
have abolished the regulation which
forbids tbem to marry before they
reach the age of twenty-eight years.
Italian women reach their prime be
fore they are twenty, and consider
their chances of marriage greatly les
sened by this government regulation.
to dinner she would take a few
steps toward the door, then Btop and
talk and talk and talk, and every few
words she would remark that she just
must go homo.
"Courtesy forced my wife and mo to
stand and listen to her. On these oc
casions I could always hear the dinner
cool off.
"Things came to a desperate pass
one night when we had a distin
guished person from Clam Gulf dining
with us. The neighbor was there and
talked so long our dinner froze. Then
there came a loud Bnap from the din
ing room. Willie, my youngest son.
was surreptitiously breaking an icicle
from the chicken's wing. And the dis
tinguished person got mad because
he wanted to do the talking himself.
"Dang! An Idea suddenly kicked
me Into action. I rushed to the kitch
en, snatched this funnel from the
hands of the cook and ran to my work
shop. Presently I emerged triumph
ant. "Walking nonchalantly toward that
talking female with the funnel held
carelessly In my hand, I planted my
self directly in front of her and
pressed one of these keyB. The result
was Just as I had planned. The wo
man's jaw kept on moving, but she
spoke soundless words, at least the
only sound heard was the thud-thud
of her words dropping like pebbles
Into this funnel.
'T pressed another key. The woman
Animals to Drink Water In Which
Fish Live to Solve Cancerous
East Portland, Me. Is cancer com
municable through fish to human be
ings? Through the1 establishment of a test
bureau at the United States fish
hatcheries here the government in
tends to try and settle for all time
this much mooted question. Dogs are
to be used In the experiment. A half
dozen little mongrels which will be
enrolled as charter members ot the
"cancer squad" have Just arrived, ac
companied by I)r. Harvey R. Gaylord,
director of the Gratwlck cancer labor
atory at Buffalo, N. Y. The doctor
litis achieved fame through his discov
eries, that the laws of immunity ap
ply to cancer.
The dogs are to be fed on the best
and most healthful sterilized food,
have the best sanitary quarters and
have a canine physician all their own.
To appease their thirst they are only
allowed to drink of a pond In which
there are fish. These fish and the
dogs, carefully tended, may thus be
made to solve another of the great
puzzles of the medical world. That
Is, If the cancerous proclivities ot the
fish are transmitted through the wa
ter, then the dogs, it Is believed, will
show it and prove that the danger of
this disease Is ever present for hu
man beings who drink water in which
fish live.
Prof. Charles G. Atkins, in charge
of the hatchery, says:
"We now have a number of dogs
and expect shortly, to receive more,
sent here to aid in investigating the
cause of the throat disease known as
goitre, which is" one of the 'numerous
fyrms of cancer."
That the cancerous disease affecting
both dogs and fishes is similar in na
ture has already been established.
That It is identical remains to be
demonstrated. Tho relation between
the two has not yet been worked out,
and that la just what the scientists
want to learn, among other things.
Dr. Harvey R. Gaylord, who is In
charge of the experiments being made,
stretched her Jaws as wide open as
she could, then her words began to
roll from the funnel back into her
mouth. When her mouth was full of
words I pressed a third key. Then
she ate her own words.
"I kept this up until Bhe got a vio
lent attack of indigestion and we had
to send for the doctor. The medical
man said but here's my train."
Aigrettes Cannot Be Sold by New
York Milliners After July 1
Next by Statute.
New York. The plumage of forty
three specimens of birds formerly
used to decorate women's hats can
not be Bold by the milliners of New
York state after July 1 next, accord
ing to the annual report of the Na
tional Association of Audubon Socie
ties. The most important feature of a
law recently passed by the state leg
islature, the report continues, Is the
prohibition of the sale of aigrettes.
New York Is one of the three greatest
centers for tho sale of aigrettes, the
others being Paris and London.
The aigrette is taken from the
mother bird when nesting, and costs
her life and the life of the young
birds. The Audubon societies have
been fighting for the protection of
these birds for many years.
The passage of the so-called plu
mage bill will prevent the ubo of
their plumage as well as that of most
wild birds of the country and all the
blrdB native of Now York state.
"The dogs do not contract tbe can
cer from the fishes, it is believed, but
by drinking water from the ponds
where the Infected fish specimens
The United States government is at
present taking under consideration
the advisability of establishing a per
manent station here where export
ments In connection with cancer may
bo made upon dogs in lieu of human
Exhausted Bird Joins Fishermen on
Board Fishing Boat Angler Ten
derly Cared for.
New York. The fishing boat Angler
went out to the banks for fish and
came back with a pigeon. She had
a big crowd ot amateur fishermen on
board, and while steaming- about for
a good place to drop lines John Voltz,
a' deckhand, saw a pigeon flopping
about in the gale as it wounded.
The bird made a desperate effort to
get to the Angler, and despite the fact
that there was enough noise and hi
larlty aboard to scare a tame cat, the
bird gave no heed and dropped help
less on the deck. Volts picked up the
pigeon and put It in a box In the cabin.
giving It water and oatmeal.
The bird had an aluminum band on
Its left leg, bearing the number "6."
Capt. Al Foster of the Angler, said
the owner can have the bird by prov
ing his property.
Tramp Secures Pies.
Sharon, Pa. "Fire! Fire!" shouted
a tramp at the home ot Rev. Thomas
Barnes in Brookfleld township just
as the family sat down to chicken din
ner. Everybody rushed out Just In
time to see the man disappear. An
other man went in the back door, stole
the chicken and two pies from tho
table and fled before the family dis
covered the trick.
Congress In China In 1913.
Peking. An Imperial parliament, the
first in the history of China, will be
convened in 1913, according to an offi
cial edlot Issued the other day.
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as a natural necessity there is no woman who would
not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription mahea
weak women stroni and sick women
veil, and Slvea them freedom from pain. , .
It establishes regularity, subdues Intlam
matlon, heals ulceration and. cures e
male weakness. -
Sick women are invited to consult as by letter, free.
All correspondence strictly private and sacredly con
fidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med
ioal Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to euro
them at home, send 31 one-cent stamps to pay cost of wrapping and mailing
enly, and we will send you a fret copy of Dr. Pierce's great .thousand - page
illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in
handsome French cloth binding.
When a girl exchanges photographs
with a young man she nearly always
gets the worst ot the trade.
Mrs. Wlnnlow's Rimming- Bymp for Children
leethliifr, Rnfti-ns tlmirumn, reiltieea Inflamma
tion, ulluys pulit, tmres tvlud cullu, 5c a bottle.
A bachelor gtiis' club Is an associa
tion of wonieu who think they are
more likely to get husbands by pre
tending not to want them.
Pneumonia and Consumntion lire ill-
ways iin-ce'letl by an ordinary cold. Ilnm
lins Wizard Oil rubbed into the chest
draws out the inflnmmation, brenks up
the cold and prevents nil serious trouble.
Not a Solitary Exception.
Professor Astrology teaches that a
girl born In January will be prudent,
good-tempered and fond of dress; 1n
April, Inconstant and fond of
Hostess In what months are girls
born who ore not fond of dress?
ProfeBsor In none, madam.
Got Out of the Habit.
"I see you have got a young mnn
"Don't you think a pretty girl stenog
rapher adds a great deal to the at
tractiveness of an office?"
"I suppose she does, but I can't dic
tate to a woman somehow. I s'pose
It's because I have been married so
long." I
On the Senators.
The . wit of Bishop Seth Ward
amuses Nashville frequently.
Bishop Ward, In company with two
senators, came forth from a Nash
ville reception the other day and en
tered a waiting motor car.
"Ah, bishop," said one of his com
panions, "you are not like your mas
ter. He was content to rldo an ass."
"Yes, and bo would I be," Bishop
Ward answered, "but there's no such
animal to be got nowadays. They
make them all senators."
At the One Horse.
Jere L. Sullivan, the head of the
Hotel and Restaurant Employees' In
ternational, said In Cincin
nati, apropos of Labor day:
"Our American hotels are better
than they used to be, and for this bet
terment my organization deserves no
little credit.
"We have today no such hotels as
the One Horse of Tin Can, where. If
you asked for a bath, they used to
give you a shovel and tell you to go
down to the hollow and dam the
"An English earl once visited the
One Horse hotel. The landlord with
out ceremony led him outside, point
ed to a window on the fifth floor, and
"'Thar's yer room.'"
Kidding Worse Than Cutting.
Tal kabout making good with your
friends, a New Orleans man told
cvorybody ho knew that he was going
to Philadelphia for the dual purpose
of seeing the world's baseball series
and having a slight surgical operation
performed. Reaching this city, he
consulted a specialist, and was told
that an operation was not necessary.
"But, doctor," the New Orleans
party urgently Interposed, "It must be
"Why must It?" wonderlngly quer
ied the surgeon.
"Because," was the startling re
joinder of the Southern man, "I told
all the boys at home that I was going
to hav,e an operation performed, and
If I don't make good they will kid the
life out of mo." Philadelphia Tele
Both Kept Up on Scientific Food.
Good sturdy health helps one a lot
to make money.
With the loss ot health one's Income
Is liable to shrink, if not entirely
dwindle away.
When a young lady has to make her
own living, good health is her' best
"I am alone in the world," writes a
Chicago girl, "dependent on my own
efforts for my living. I am a clerk,
and about two years ago through close
application to work and a boarding
house diet, I became a nervous In
valid, and got so bad oft it was almost
impossible for me to stay In the office
a half day at a time.
"A friend suggested to me the Idea
of trying Grape-Nuts food which I did,
making It a large part of at least two
meals a day. t
"Today, I am free from braln-tlre,
dyspepsia, and all the Ills ot an over
worked and Improperly nourished
brain and body. To Grape-Nuts I
owe the recovery of my health, and
the ability to retain my position and
Read "The Road to WeUville." In
pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Brer read the hove letter A stew
one anpenra from tlsne ta time. They
re erenulae, trne, nnsl full ef kmamaa
"I wish to
say that I
have used
Sloan's Lini
ment on a
lame lee that
has given me much trouble for six
months. It was so bad that I
couldn't walk sometimes for a'
week. I tried doctors' medicine
and had a rubber bandage for my
leg, and bought everything that I
heard of, but they afl ,did me no
good, until at last I was persuaded
to try Sloan's Liniment The first
application helped it, and in two
weeks my leg was well." A. L.
Hunter, of Hunter, Ala.
Good for Athletes.
Mr. K. Gilman, instructor of
athletics, 417 Warren St., Kox
bury, Mass., says: "I have used
with great success in cases of ex
treme fatigue after physical exer
tion, when an ordinary rub-down
would not make any impression."
Sloan's Liniment
has no equal as a
remedy for Rheu
matism, Neural
gia or any pain or
stiffness in the
muscles or joints.
Rlonn's bonk on
homes, cnttlf. nhncp
nml poultry sent
free. Acldreis
Dr. Earl S. Sloan,
Boston, Mans.. U. 8. A,
The Public Parks
of San Antonio
surpass, in number and acreage,
those of any city of similar size in
the world. Something of the old
Spanish. love of fountains, rare
foliage and flowers is expressed in
these parks and in the garden
squares, places and private
grounds throughout the city.
But it is the climate that is by far the
most attractive feature of San Antonio.
Cloudless skies: dry, invigorating air,
altitude and splendid natural drainage
all combine to make a climate as nearly
perfect as can be.
Most of each day in winter
months can bo spent outdoors in
healthful recreation.
'In Bunny Pan Antonio" -a beantifnl
lllustrnteil booklet nliont tMscitrof
you mien Uteauf SunAntutilo'sattrao
tireuess. Benil for It toUajr It's free.
Cta'l Psu. Ait. M. K. & T. Rr. iftj Vf
The difference
remember this
it may save your life. Cathartics, .
bird shot and cannon ball pills tea
spoon doses of cathartic medicines
all depend on irritation of the bowels
until they sweat enough to move. Cos
carets strengthen the bowel muscles
so they creep and crawl naturally.
This means a enre and only through
Cascarets can you get it quickly and
naturally. SM
Cascarets 10c box week's treat-
Eent. All drusrbists. Blsaest seller
tbe world million boxoa a monia.
West but tf flsrisi-AsHrica's larbt Caress.
COrnifts, Crsptfniit and Veastablts set $)00
to $1500 per scie two lo three crop per Jssl
Bo drought, so rreezek no extreme heat.
(LQuick Irsssponaboa. low freight rates fet Easkaa
and Nonhns market! rii 3. A. L. Rr.
Cisatructira booklet free Dow. AtUnMI
ot. OTniis.,
OtNrnsL Imoustmai. Aacprr.
ui ujuwe
for Coughs h Colds
U- fx