jj. PTAiJS UK UHln, irrrr OF iOLEDO, I Lucas Covntt. f "m ttiENET maKca onm wni no la armor partner ol the nrm of V. 3. cnt.vr.r A Co.. doing business In the City of Toledo. County and Htate aforesaid, and tk-it siild Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDKKU DOI.LAI18 for each and every caiso of t'ATAium that ennnot be cured Dy the uso of Hall's Cataiuui cuiik. FRANK J. CHENEY, swom to beforo me and subm-ribcd In my presence, this 6lh day ol Pocember, A, l) I MHfi. i " i A. W. OLEASON. SEAL NOTAIIT I'l'DLlC. Hall's Cntnrrh Cure la tnlcrn Internally and sets directly upon tne blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for tcntlmon lain, frvo. r. J. I'll K.N KY 4 CO.. Toledo, O. r Sold bv all DnicclHts. 75c Take Hull's Family IMHs for constipation. FOR SALE. Oh my head! Over work, worry. trained nerves, exhaustion, throbbing temples. AH headache and neuralgia pains "Cured in flash" by ANTI-ACHE Does dot affect the heart 10c and 25c at all druggist Warn Chemical Co., Clarion, Paw On south side of Main street, between Fifth ittid Sixth streets, (rood seven ruum luiuft) with bath and hll modern improvements. Lot 110x150. Prices and term ruuforjnble. Do not overlook minus it Is one of the most desirable locations In town. Also, two (mull store rooms on Main bireui; lot 30x150; uuud locution. r Also, sue me for all kinds of properties In al; parts of. town and West Kuynoldsviile.' Several good farms for sale. HOHERT Z. PARRISH. Salt, Salt. Best grade fine salt. 280 pound bar' rels, SI 10 at J. H. Fink's. Punxsutaw- ney, Pa. 1 Blankets and Comforts. See our big 12 4 all wool blanket, all colors, worth 80.50 pair, our price .l W. Others tqually as low. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa. The American Boy Shoes outwear all others. Price $3 00 uud $3 60. Adam's. REAL ESTATE Rent or Sell E. NetT, Justice of the Peace Reynoldsville, Pa. 1 Pure Wool The lower part, dipped in boiling rtttuMr potash. . wu entirely dissolved, proving il lo be pure wool. mtiummm tmmnmm mm i mwfflt tttfttitti mtmmnm Part Cotton When boiled In caustic potash the wool Inside (he squares was dissolved, leaving only the cotton bars. v Clothcraft Stands the Acid Test 'OU always find in your Clothcraft suit a regularly signed, legal, binding guaran ty that the suit is pure wool. That euaranty could not be given if the makers and we Ourselves did not absolutely know the goods to be pure wool. This is the test: Pure wool boiled in caustic potash complete ly dissolves. If there is any cotton in the mixture, it. remains. i : Every piece of cloth coming from .the mills must be able to stand this test before it is accepted for Clothcraft. ' ' Wool lasts. Wool keeps its stylish shape and color. When you can have all-wool guarantied at $10 to $25 it is foolish to take anything; less. Then come in today and pick out your Clothcraft suit or overcoat. Bina-Stoke Go. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A. 4, Clothcraft All Wool Clothes ft 3DaysTHa! Our enthusiasm concerning The FREE Sewing Machine is so great that we are absolutely certain that if you once have it in your own home you will never think of owning any other that if you once find out the convenience of its scores of 20th Century im provements then the time for you to think of possessing any sewing machine but "le FR.EE In your Home ""wsmssssu will have gone forever. For that reason we pro-, pose that vou try ThtFrtt for .10 days. We want you to keep it in your home to sew on it to test it in any way you choose to compare it with any sewing machine you know of and then make your decision. Unless you are fully satisfied more than satisfied send it back to us it will not cost you a cent we will refund all you have paid on It. We know that such an actual test for 30 days will show vou that all other sewine machines are thirty years behind the times, ugly and full of out of date imperfections. Side by side with its beautiful French Leg design, the old style . machine will look like a Relic of the Revolutionary War. . To make it still easier for you to find all this out, we will sell you The FREE on your own terms and on payments aa low as 1.00 A. Week The price of the machine we do not dare to publish because it is so low that . you would think we exaggerated when we tell you in the same breath that it is the i Xightest Running Sewing Machine The Most Perfect Stitching Machine in the world, in the World, The Fastest Sewing Machine in the The Most durable Sewing Machine World, in the World. The Most Beautiful Sewing Machine in the World, That it has all the good points ever known to sewing machines, that it his 'eliminated all the bad points and that it has a score of special improvement! ' besides. In order to team of the remarkably low price, we want you to come t the tore and first allow us to show you its many points of superiority. ' Ccmo tomorrow end See T FREE and take it hams for a trial . t HUGHES & FLEMING . Reynoldsvliio Psnnayuanln Furs. ' This year our lino is the largest and .most compete. We will save you dollars on furs ond coats. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney. Pa.' Shoes, Shoes. We save you from 50 cents to II. fiO on Shoes. Try us for vour nexi pair. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa, A hieh top tan nhon for little (rents. extra value for 81.75. Adam's Boot shop. Ladies Suits and Coats. . Bettor assortment, ne i , w re prices at J. H. Fink's, Punxsutawney, Pa. Ladies' Coats and Suits. We save you from f5 00 to 110.00 on all suits and coats purchased here. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa. Want Column. Rates: One cent per word for each n ory Insnrt.too. Dyeing and Cleaning. Clothing and gloves and feathers a specialty. H. H. Dahler, Reynolds vllle, Pa. ' We want every working man to have a pair of Men's-Ease shoes. (3 00 to $4 CO at Adam's. We are the only people in Reynolds villa that carry the Apollo Chocolates, Reynoldsvllle Candy WorkB. ' Piano boxeB for sale "at Hanking' Music Store. If you have any chestnuts bring them to us and we will pay you cash. Reyn- oldsyllle Candy Works. Blankets and Comforts, , See our big 12-4 all wool blankets, alt oolors, worth It! 60 pair, ourprlce 15 00 pair. Others equally as low. J. H. Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa. A Walk-Over Shoe for dress, a Men's Ease for work. The greatest combina tion in shoes. Adtim's boot shop. For Uontr-House at corner of Hill and Third streets. Inquire' of Mrs. Cora Mitchell. Wanted House with not loss tlinn sir rooms and bath. Inquire H. B. Loxtcrinan. Foil Runt Modern Improved olirlit room house, Inquire at Tho Blur Office Wanted Several younf? men to go to Arizonn. M. C. Coleman. Wanted Good pirl for housework. In quire at E. Neff's office. Dininproom pirls nnd women for sweep ins; wanted. We furnish a good home; work is easy; wages Jtt.(K) per week. Ad rcss State Normal School, Indiana, Pa. For Sale House and barn and acre of ground for 1200 In Paradise. Inquire of Mrs. Nancy E. Tyler, R. D. 3, Reynoldsvllle. 3t Sewing Wanted Inquire of Lilly Pontefract and Esther Klepfer at the former's home in West Reynoldsvllle xv ov. ist. For Rent House on Second street. Inquire of Mrs. Hannah lenewlne. FOR Sale Two cooking "anges your choice for 110. N. Chittester, West Reynoldsvllle. For Rent House on Third street November 1st. Inquire' of M. M. Davis. For Rent Good residence on Main street at reasonable rates, (j All modern Improvements. Inquire of J. K. Johns ton, Reynoldsvllle,' or write Mrs. M. Ayres. 1317 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. Wanted To weave carpet for all peoplo w bo can send material by street car. Write for pHcpk. The same old wHBvor Theophlel Demay, Box 317, Delancpy. Pa. For Rent Eiifht room bouse In cluding bath room. L. M SNYDER. For Sale at a Bargain-Cart, top b'iKtfv mill I wo hornH carriage. Inqulie o' .1. H Corhett. I ' - mm mm Cnpyih. Hart ScSiffner k Marx " i FOR DYSPEPSIA. You Risk Nothing by Trying This Remedy. We want every one troubled with Indigestion and dyspepsia to come to our store and obtain a box of Reiall pyspepsla Tablets. They contain Bis-muth-Subnitrate and Pepsin prepared by a process which develops their greatest power to overcome digestive disturbance. Eexall Dyspepsia Tablets are very pleasant to take. They soothe the Irritable, weak stomach, strengthen and invigorate the digestive organs, relieve nausea and indigestion, pro mote nutrition and bring about a feel ing of comfort. If yon give Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets a reasonable trial we will return your money If you are not satisfied with the result Three sizes. 25. cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Re member you can obtain Rexall Rem edies only at The Rexall Store. For Sale by Stoke & Feicht Dru? Co , Reynoldsvllle, Pa. E3H S ft. 4 v-.-r-.KM .Twill I will visit Reyn oldsville November 12 and Brookville 14-15, and will have all the latest styles in spectacle frames and mount ings and everything needed forthorough ly ttesting the eye sight; and the lenses w i 1 1 be accratelp ground to meet the needs of the epe. . G. C. GIBSON,. Optician. T's really a joy to us to put before our fellow-citizens such clothes as these of ' Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are a great item in the lives of all of us; not for what they cost, but for what they are, and what thev help make of us; for the way they make us look to other people. fa A man's reputation may be even effected by his clothes. A You see what we're doing; supplying clothes that do the most that clothes can do stV for a'man;'Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. I Overcoats $18 to $ 60 6 ; . 0 o o 9 o p p p p p p p p p p p p ' p ' Suits $20 to $50 a a a s a a a This stbre ca ' show you one of the greatest assortments of P Underwear, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Coat Sweaters, Hats and Caps I of any store outside of the largest cities. p Kemember we are agents for the John B. Stetson Co. hats. Mothers, remember we are giving a good first-class watch, guaranteed for one year, with each boys' suit or overcoat. W. H. BELL Good Clothes and Furnishings REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Sealshipt Oysters The Cream of the Oyster Beds Packed in the Prime' of their . Freshness They are packed in the prime of their freshness, into air-tight, ice-cooled Seal shiptors a perfect shipping refrigerator "which keeps Sealshipt Oysters at a uniform degree of coldness. That is why Sealshipt Oysters are the ' finest in flavor and richest in food value, We transfer Sealshipt Oysters from Sealshiptor into the Sealshipticase, and hand you the oysters in a wax-lined Seal shipt blue and white wax paper pail. In no other way can you get the genuine Sealshipt Oysters. . Honest Value for Your Money Sealshipt Oysters are the standard of oyster value. When you pay less you get Besides the supervision of State and Federal Government, the waters where our beds are located are analyzed by the Lederle Laboratories the famous food experts. Last May the Government passed a ruling prohibiting the shipping of oyster9 in contact with water. This ruling is in substance the same that ' has always governed the sale of Sealshipt Oysters This wui cause many imitators to try and foist other oysters as genuine Seal shipt. . So in protection to yourself buy from us. We are bona fide registered Sealshipt Agents, a part of a perfect organization The Sealshipt System. See the Sealshipti case in our store. , ' H. T. PETERS We arejthe only authorized agents in town to handle Sealshipt Oysters ' - . REYNOLDSVILLE. PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers