A K81 SHHW-&-WAGNER 'ti 4, 3 4? 49 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL MENTION I 0 ' kfc Mrs. George Mollliurer, of (iriint stroot, spent Thursday in DnWois. Mrs. John Ross ami Mrs. T. K. Evans spent one day tho jinst week in DuBols. MUscs (Joia Robertson and Aria Bumu spent Monday evening in Punxsntawmiy. Miss Cooxir, teacher in the West Keyu oldsville public school,, spent Sunday In Kane. Mrs. Tei-a Hanley visited luir hrotlior, Dr. Fred K. Booth, at Knirmotmt City, the past week. Miss Robinson, -who spent tho summer In thiB place, loft on Saturday for Parker, Pa., whore s!ie will visit relatives for some time. ' i Miss Aldine Dickey, forn.erlj- of this place, who went to Erin about a month ko is ill nt hor homo with typhoid fever. She is reported gvttiiiK uloiur nicely. Dr. Prod K. Booth visited his parents In Hoynoldsville n day last week. Milton Killhart. a former lieynoldsville hoy who is now Icx-nted In Chicago, 111., was a visitor in Uoynoldsville last week. Rev. T. W. Evans, pastor of tho Brook villo Baptist church, spent last Friday nt the homo of Dr. A. J. Meek In Heynolds ville. John Arnold, of Yonngstown, Ohio, came to Heynoldsville Monday to visit his further Charles J. Arnold, and to attend the S'lffer-Arnold wedding. Arthur E. Tyson and wife, of Knkanee, Wisconsin, visited the former's parents Mr. and Mr. James A. Tyson, In Keynolds villo last week, going from here to Toronto. Cii'.n.lu to attended tho Interna tional Convention of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. Tyson is secretary of the largo Y. M. C. A. at Knukanee and is doing well. See the special line of Union Suits Underwear Re Wio and ICj.'ii'on '. MILLIREMS The Reliable Clothiers See the new Brown Suits and Overcoats Mm, i mjn i Copyright 1908 The Howe of Kuppeaheimer Chicago See the Back; See the Fit of Collar; See the Swagger , V Hang of the Back Kuppenheimer Overcoats and Raincoats "-$10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00 and $20.00 Jlats, Shirts, Neckwear, Coat Sweaters, and Warm Wool Underwear The new fall and winter styles are now ready for your inspection. STYLES FOR MEN AT MODERATE PRICES MILLIREN BROS. - THE RELIABLE CLOTHIERS Mr. and -Mrs. CwR. Hall spent Sunday In Brookville. , James V. Mumiy. of Harrislmrg, wus in Reynoldsvillo Monday. Miss Alice KolU spent several days this week with her parents at Ohl. Andrew McGinnis, a former Reynolds villo boy, was in town Monday. Miss Bertha Tamper Is visiting In .Tohnsonhurg a few days this week. - Frank Meiiinniss, of Philadelphia.' was in Heynoldsvllle on business Monday. Charles Eagin, of Lutherslnirg, was In Reynoldsvillo Monday and attended .the masquerade ball In I. O. O. F'hnll. Mrs. George Kline. Mi's. A. L. Martin, Mrs. John C. Hirst and Miss Alice Plant were in DuRois Sunday visiting friends. , ' John H. Kauolk'r, president of the First National bank Of l'ieynoldsvillo, Was in Indiana, Pn last week, attending o meet ing of the Central Hunkers Association, Rev. Charles C. Moliney, of this place, is now located nt Bellview," Pa., as the minister on tho Methodist Episcopal chnrgo at that place. There nro four ehnrches on tho charge. Miss Alice Plant, nf England, is the guest of Mr. and Mi. John C. Hirst at their homo on Hill street, and will sjiend several months in this place. Mrs. I. M. Hoch, who was operated on for appendicitis at the Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh recently. has recovered sufficiently to be able to return to her home In West Reynoldsville. 'Squire ami Mrs. E. Noffreturmxl this week from Pittsburgh, where they went several weeks ago to attend the funeral of a former close friend, and to visit a brother of Mr. Nefl, Dr. Edwin L. Neff. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice ia hereby given to all coo corned that the Brm of Faies & Fetter bag thU day baen dissolved by mutual agreement. All accounts owing to the Bald Arm aro payable to its successor, the Fales Grocery Company, and all bills against it should be presented to the said company for payment Fal.es & Fetter. October 13, 1910. Shoes, Shoes Wp .ave you from 50! cents to 11.50 on Stows Try us for 'your next pair. J. H. Fink, Punxsntawney, Pa. ',. Ladies Suits and Coats Butter assortment, newer styles, low er prlceB at J. H. r'ink'e, Puoxsutawne , Pa. Ladies' Coatsjnd Suits. We save you from " 03 to 10 00 on all min and coats purchased here. J. H. FINK, Punxsntawney, Pa. Pla-mate shoos fnrehlMren. Room for every toe. Price 11.50 and II 75 Adam's Slt, Salt. Boet grade fine salt, 280 lb. barrels, tl 10 at J, II. Fink's, Funxsutawney Pa. Women's cloth top sree, Gun Metbl and Patent. Price 12.50. Adam's. Do not forget ih place for your home made candies Rj) noldsvlllo Candy Works. . -Al. W; Martin's- BIG ORIGINAL UNCLE TOM'S CABIN MONDAY xMOV. 7. ' BAND AND ORCHESTRA Newest edition of the oldest fiit . known to all the world as the best. ' - No parade. 1 Performance on the statre, not on the street. Free Bund Concert twice daily. Not a Little Show Just for the Little Folks, but. a Big Show for all the Folks Ixrth Younj; and Old. ERICES 10-20-30 and 50 FOR BALD HEADS. A Treatment That Costs Nothing if 1 x Fails. ' ' . We want you to try three large bot tles of Rexall "03" Hair Tonic on our personal -guarantee that the trial will not cost you a penny if it does not give you absolute satisfaction. That's proof of our faltb In tbjs remedy, and it should Indisputably demonstrate that ;we know what -we' are talking about when we sny that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic will grow balr on bald beads, except where baldness has been of sucb long duration that the roots of the hair are entirely dead,' the follicles closed and grown over, and tbe scalp Is glazed. Remember, we are basing our state ments upon what has already .been accomplished by the use of Itexall "03" Hair Tonic, and Ve have the right to assume that what it has done for thousands of others it will do for you. . In any event you cannot lose anything by giving It a trial on our liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 60c and f L00. Remember, you can obtain Bex all Remedies In this community only at our store The Rexall Store. For Sale by Stoke & Felcbt Drug Co,, Iynoldsvllle, Pa. . The Uig Store Carefully Selected Stock of Pall and Winter Merchandise It is with pleasure that we announce to the public that we have the must carefully assorted stock of merchandise that we have ever had and we are confident that you will agree with us when we say that we have the best and most complete stock that has ever been shown in this city We do not hesitate to say that we guarantee our prices to be 'absolutelv ritfht in everv particular when quality or rrterit is taken into consideration, OTDXT A T We have a few special things to pfh-r yoli this week Oi .1 VXxTL-LO '"that will particularly interest you. These were with a view of Riving you specially good values such as you can not obtain anywhere for honest goods or goods with merit. T?1 VVf'n Q We have a comP'e Hue of ribbons in all colors and wiilths but J-VAL'L'v'--Ao.we have secured a lot in good colors only in widths 22-4.0-GO and 80. No 22 regular price 25c at 10c. No. 40 regular price 18c at 12Vc . No. 60 re gular price 2c nt 15c. No. 80 regular price 25c at 18c. v These are especially adap. ted for hair nbbous and are just rignt for nair ribbons for school girls. You might as well save 50 per tent on hair ribbons as long as they last. ' QnlTrC3 S'Iks fr S1"rt Waist9 and Dresses We have a lew regular $1.00 IOHH.O t now at 50 cents. PERSIAN TRIMMINGS We have just received a nice line of Persian Yorkings and Trimmings. Persians are very much the cnrred th ng just now. Wehave a nice'lineat popular prices. DRESS GOODS We have the strongest and the most up-to-date line of dress goods we have ever shown. We have all colors at all prices. SUITS AND COATS We have a nice line of Ladies Tailored Suits from $10. to $40. We have just received the last ship ment of Ladies Coats. Serge Coats have very much the call just now. There will be nothing new any more this year. If you huve not already bought your Coat, do so now. .American Lady Corsets We have just received the new Fall styles. All sizes. 1. to $2.5o BLANKETS Cotton Blankets 11-4 at $1.00 Wool Blankets $4. $5. and $6. L - ft w fiisi SHICK & WAGNER Th Bii Store Corner Mum and Fifth Sts.. ReynoldsvjUe, - - Pa, THIS 13 I.VPOR TANT Sink- & K 'cb- D'w C' D"i rra to An- i i.urc: h v Akcikm for Tbomps'i H Biin-m h Moriev Bxck Kidney at d Liver Cur. Tlieiv m e linmlieds of poo)ile. young and olil. vitrlit Iiim'O in Uoynolc'sville who nro taking medicines for viirius ailments, wlio do not ovi'n susfei't tlint tlie kidneys are to blnme. These sufTrriMa do not know that In all probability their kidneys ore all clogged up. are inflamed or congested, ami are unable to properly filter tho impurities f(xn the blood. It is tho blood pure, and If the kidneys ai-e not In good condition, disease of other organs of the body will surely develop. Thompson- Ilarosma will cure any disease of the kidheys, or Stoke & Feielit Drug Co.. will give you your money back. Don't say. dear reador that your kidneys are all right, for if yon sutler fiom lame back or side, from backache, dizziness, pains that comes and go ns quick as a flash, or if you have that all-iiMlon't-caro-what-happens'N- feeling, then your kidneys are clogged up. and yon need Thompson's Biirosmn to thoroughly cleanse, renovate and purify'thein. If yon are in ill-health now, and are not absolutely curtnin of the cause, get a 50 cent bottle of ' Thompson's Barosma at Stoko & Feicht Drug Co.. to-day. It will make you feel better In a day. It will tone up your kidneys liver and bladder In a week. - . - " It is the best investment you can make. It is woihy of, a trial on our guaranteed plan. Ask for Thompson's Barosma. Tho dollar bottle contains inrnv than twice as much as tho fifty cent size. II Lubrication With- out Carbon Deposit A thin, pale oil, made from Pennsylvania Crude Oil Best for either, air cooled or water-cooled cars. No fictitious body high real viscosity. Will not congeal. Ask your dealer. Write -us, if he can't supply you. Waverly Oil Works Co. Independent Refinmn TIIU MAN who Jias saved nothing -ha yet to make a beginning. Each day's delay makes the start more difficult. Tasks that Hie eisy lor us when we are young, be come burdensome when we are old, and as we are younger to-day than we will ever be again, it will be easier to start to save to day than to-morrow. We invite your account, even it is only one dollar to start with. i THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Prohibition Candidate for Assembly ANDUEVV W. SMITH Of Washington Township, Jefferson Co. General Election Tuesday. Nov 8, 1910. I will be honored by your support. . i BUSINESS CARDS, E. NEFF JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ' Tension Attorney and Real Estate Agent. SjMITTT M. McCREIGHT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, . Notary public and'real estate agent. (El ections will receive prompt at tentlot. OOlce tut he Reynoldsville -Hardware Co. building Main street lieynoldsville, Pa. RAYMOND E. BROWN, attorney at law, Brookville, Pa. G. m. Mcdonald, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Real estate affent, patents secured, col lect Ions made promptly. Ofilce in syndlcute bulldiuK, Reynoldsville, Pa. I)R. B. E. IIOOVEK, DENTIST, Resident dentist. In, the Hoover building niwiiinjcu isviiiieness in operaung. DR. L. L. MEANS, DENTIST, Offlcemn second floor of the First' National b;rult bulldinn, .Main street. I)U- R- DeVERE king, DENTIST, offlceon sec nd floor of the Syn llcate build Ing, Main street, Heynoldsvllle, Pa. fJENRY PRIESTER UNDERTAKER. Black and white funeral can. Main street Keynoldaville, Pa. JTJGHES & FLEMING. ' funeral directors. Main Street. Reynoldsvillo, P. ROYAL ARCANUM, Reynoldsville, Pa. Meets every second and fourth Thurs day in r. O. O. F. ball. ' Furs. This year our line is the largest and most complete. We will save you dol lars on lurs and coats. J. H. Fink, Punx9Utawney, Pa. For a fancy box of chocolates for your sweetheart, as a Rift, call and see us ReyuolusviUe Candy Works. Dress Goods, Silks and Trimmings. '' Send for samples. Our ssortment Is unlimited. Beautiful new all over lace and trimmings. ' J. H Fink, Punxsutawney, Pa. JgXECUTOR'3 NOTICE. Estat'e of Prudence Bprague, late of tbe borough of Reynoldsville, deceased. hereb y given that letters testa mentary upon the estate of said decedent have been xranted to the undersigned.-All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to mane payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them knowa without delay to . E. 0. PpRAOtim, ' W. 0. Spkauuk, Clement W. Flynn, Executors. Attorney. Reynoldsville, Pa, , ! . 1
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