The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 20, 1904, Image 1

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    An independent journal devoted to the
interests of Reynoldsiille.
Published weekly. One Dollar per year
strictly in advance.
NlUIfiEfi 48.
The Romantic Actor, Mr. CLIFTON MALLORY, in T. W.
Robertson's tamous ungusn umeay,
Reynold Opern House
Thursday and Friday Evenings, April 21 and 22
Elks Chnrlty F"uncl qnflt.
SIMON INGOT, the wealthy London Director Dn. W. A. Henry
ADA INGOT, his daughter, a spoiled child Genevifa'k Dean
RICHARD CHIVY, an EdkIIsIi oit An. F. Harms
SAMUEL SMITH, a silk merchant Frank Alexander
Mr. SAMUEL 8MITH, his wife, fuBby Liw.ik Shijuhhou
REGINALD JONES, a cotton merchant Homer Phh-mih
Mlu ARIMINTA BROWN, eaHlly shocked Cob Shaffer
THOMAS, Insrot' servant Leonard Harris
GEORGE. Garrlck's valet Frank Alexander
CLIFTON MALLORY, as "DAVID GARRICK," the celebrated EnglUh Actor
COSTUMES English court of tlie period 1742, by Hermann and Miller.
Mr. Mallory' costumes, by A. E. GauchW. SCENERY Uy Bosnian & Landls.
Incidental muslo by Mrs. Clifton Mallory, Mimical Director.
ACT I. June 1742. Time, mornlnsr and afternoon. Scone Salon In Ingot's house.
ACT II. Time, afternoon and evening. Scone, same as Act I.
ACT III. Time, early the next morning. Scene Apartments of David Garrlok,
the celebrated Englsh Actor in Loailon.
Musical Program which Precedes Action r.f. Play
Florence Stoke Sadie Ford Halllo Hums
Rosie Hughes Gertrude McMahon Ella McDonald
Frances Green Mary McMahon Florence Green
t' Annie Bohren Gertrude Goodor Blanche Dlllman
Marlon Harris Ruth Whlttaker Margaret Phalen
Alice Degnan Johanna Oelslur Hazel Hoffman
Olive Sykes Nellto Foley, Captain Mary Wlndle
Alice Handyside Jane Bates
Laural McPheraon Susan McKernan Dolla Lynch
Joanna Mllllren Malfsna Sonmir Florence Harris
Althea Brewer Mayme Haura Maude King
Bessie Baum Phyllis Hays Lena Brennao
Marlon Harris Drum Major Josephine Montgomery Cornot
Dorothy Scaultze Cornet Anna Williams Trombono
Sarah Shannon Alto Nellie Flannery Cornet
Margaret Wildauor Cornet Mary Bolger Snare Drum
Rosettla Montgomery Tuba Margaret Flannery Bass Drum
Our canned goods that
got wet are about all
We want to reduce stock
in some lines
And will offer some spec
ial bargains this week.
Robinson & Mundorff.
The Star's Want Column
never fails to bring results.
"There la -evidently on erroneous idea
broad concerning the harvesting of
the banana crop," sold n imin who hns
been for seven yenrs ou n plnntntlnn In
Honduras. .
"The statement thnt four or five
crops of banauna lire Inm ost el n yenr
Is entirely incorrect. A crop Is hnr
vested on an average of every fifteen
daya throughout the year. Each thrifty
banana plant has many suckers or
stalks growing from a single root at
the same time. Due or more bunches
of the ripening fruit arc cut from a sin
gle stalk, while the other stnlks grow
ing from the same root nre left un
touched, and In fifteen days another of
the stalks la shorn of Its fruit. This
process continue Incessantly during
the year. In July and August it is
necessary to cut off the ripening bitucu
ea every ten days, while In December
and January about once a mouth la
sufficient, the average throughout the
year being practically fifteen days."
Mexican Herald.
Who Were Therf
To one great fact do all the most an
cient epochs of blBtory bear witness;
one and all they prove the existence In
yet more remote past of an alrendy
advanced civilization ttuch us could only
have been gradually attained after long
and arduous groping. Who were the
Inaugurate of this civilization? Who
were the earliest Inhabitants of the
earth? To what bloloKlcul conditions
were they subject? What were the
physical and climatic conditions of the
globe when they lived? Hy whnt flora
and fauna were they surrounded? Hut
science pushes her Inquiry yet further.
She desires to know the origin of the
human race when, how and Why men
first appeared upon the eurth, for, from
whatever point of view he Is consider
ed, man must of necessity have had a
beginning. "Manners and Monuments
of Prehistoric Peoples."
C'llmklna a, Coeoannt Tree.
Cocoanuts when ripe fall to the
ground and when neeessnry are pluck
ed by men who climb up. It sometimes
makes one's blood run cold to hoc them
run up the trees Uko moonkeys. Two
ways are practiced for mounting the
trunk. In tho case of a small tree, or
at an odd moment, the man wulks up
the trunk, keeping his feet Hat against
It and throwing his weight buck from
It as much as possible, retaining his
position at the same timo hy the ten
sion of bis arms. The other and nafi-r
plan 1 to pass a loop of cord around
the feet, which are thus kept close to
gether, and grasp tho trunk of the tree,
the arms In tho meantime assisting
tho climber, who moves upward in a
erics of Jumps.
Tree Kill Tree.
A Victoria clcrgyiuun had an orange
and a pine tree In his garden. One
spring It was noticed that tho orange
tree was drooping, nnd on digging
down he found that the roots of the
pine, which stood at some distauce,
bad twisted around tho taproot of tho
orange tree and were strangling it to
death. The offending roots were un
twisted and cut away, and the droop
ing plant revived. The tree eventually
died. Then on digging down at a
greater depth the clergyman found tho
pine bad attacked the orange root low
er down and accomplished lta murder
ous end.
A Hint to the Knaaated.
There is a superstition which saya
that engaged couples who are photo
graphed together never got married.
Superstition Is gradually dying down,
so that few would he kept back by an
old woman's saying. There la, how
ever, one thing which should keep en
gaged couples from being photographed
together, and that la the thought that
If either or both should marry some
one else the fewer tokens there nre of
previous love affulrs the greater 1 the
chance of happiness In the final choice.
Oktchlae Pla-eona In Queenstowa.
The ragged children of Queens town
catch pigeons In a curious way. Seat
ed In a row on the edge of the pave
ment, they each have a string stretch
ing into the road, at tho end of which la
a noose surrounding some tempting
breadcrumbs. Homeless pigeons pounce
on the meal and are aa quickly Jorked
to the pavement by the cheering
youths. London Graphic.
A Caution.
Eeglnald-I lovo you, Madeline. For
you I would give up family, position,
wealth. Madeline-Hold, Iteglnuld!
Giving up family Is all right; I fulu
would be spared a mother-in-law. Give
up your position if you can get a better
one, but please bold on to your wealth.
We may ueed It.
The Wioii Market.
Mrs. Newlywed Have you any nice
lumps this morning? Butcher Slumps?
What are they? Mrs. Newlywed In
deed, I don't know, but my husband Is
always talking about a slump In the
market, and I thought I ahould like to
try aome. Philadelphia Record.
Whf He Dian't Par.
"I have bet a silk hat with .that man
five times in the lust yeur, und be has
never paid me one of them."
"That so? I didn't know he was In
the bablt of breaking bis word."
"Oh, be Isn't; be won the bets."
I a OM Seninnn'a Scheme to Wta
Honor Fur a Favorite.
An nhiUBlng story Is told of an old
seaman on one of the United States
cruisers In the north Atlantic squad
ron. Ho was not a person of wide af
fections, but he had a worm place In
bis heart for a young ensign who had
been kind to him In many little ways.
One day n landsman fell from the
rigging to the water, nnd as he could
not b wlni ho would have been drowned
but for n young olllcer who sprang In
after him and held him up till assist
ance came.
Later the young officer received a
complimentary letter from the secre
tary of tho navy. Every one rejoiced
but the old seaman; he coveted the let
ter for his ensign.
"That's rt nice thing to have, letter
like that," be said n few days later.
"You ouulit to have one."
"I don't quite see bow I can get one,"
laughed the ensign.
"Well, see here," said the old man
eagerly. "Tomorrow night I'll be In
the main chains, fussing with some
thing or other, nnd I might fall In, and
yon could Jump after me."
"Thnt would be very good of you,"
said the ensign gravely, "but, you see,
I'm not good swimmer by any
"Ho, that's no matter!" said the old
seaman. "I'll hold you up till the boat
A Lack of Mnaenlar Control la What
Cannes tho Break,
The pitch of the human voice de
pends primarily upon the number of
vibrations per second of the vocal
cords, and theso, In their turn, depend
on the length, size and degree of ten
sion of tho cords, which Increase In
length with tho growth of the larynx.
One of the deepest bass notes, from
the greater length of the cords, has
only eighty double vibrations a second,
while a soprano voice can give 002
such vibrations In the snmo time.
The sl;.e of a bid's larynx Is, roughly,
that of ii woman's, but when the pip
ing schoolboy Is shooting up Into man
hood his larynx grows rapidly and the
vocal cords become elongated nearly In
ti e proportion of three and a half to
two. The cartilages by which their
tension Is regulated also share in this
growth, as Is seen by the swelling of
the so culled "Adam's apple."
Now, nil these parts do not Increase
with equal rapidity; hence the muscu
lar control, which must be very exact,
Is rendered uncertain and the voice la
said to "break." A similar change
takes place in the case of women, but
very much less In amount, and far
ther compensation In tho formation of
the upper part of tho larynx serve to
disguise the e fleet.
lliilmon'a Choice,
Tom I've been bidden to hor wed
ding, but I'm not going.
Dick But your absence will surely
be noticed. Do you think you can af
ford that?
Tom Well, when you can't afford to
have your presents noticed your ab
sence is Imperative. Philadelphia Press.
Where It Should lleln.
"But why do you have your hero
marry In the first chapter?" they asked.
"Because," replied tho author, "It has
always seemed absurd to me to end a
novel Just where a innn's troubles real
ly beK'In. That's where you should be
gin the story." Chicago Post.
Too Good to Bliss.
"I supposo tho hero und heroine of
that story get married in the last chap
ter?" she said.
"No, divorced," replied her friend.
"Oh, how lovely! Will you let me
borrow it when you get through?
The Cash New York Racket Store
inery ! Millinery
Wc are handling a very fine
line of Millinery which we are
selling at low racket prices.
Call and examine our line of
millinery. We are always
glad to show you our goods
whether you purchase or not.
Ribbons ! Ribbons !
We have a very large line
of all styles of Ribbons, sell
ing from 5 cents a yard up.
Call and see them you' will
be surprised at the bargains.
One Rnarllnliman and One Irishman
Were Amona- Their Namber.
An Englishman and an Irishman
were among the sturdy 120 ad
venturers who sailed with Columbus
In the three small hundred tonners.
This may hare been due to the well
known fact thnt nothing brings men of
different races together more than
maritime nnd commercial enterprise,
or, still more probably, hecuuse they
were swept In at Pulos. when Colum
bus put the press gang to work, as he
was authorized to do by Ferdinand
nnd Isabella.
The names of these men, as given
by Navarreto, were Jallarle do Lajes,
Ingles (probably Arthur Lake, Eng
lish), and Uulllermo Ires, nuturel de
Oalney, cu Irlanda (probably William
Herries or lllce, native of Unlway, In
These two men were umong the
forty whom Columbus left behind In
the fort constructed in Hlspanlola bo
fore be sailed for Europe, who all met
their death at the hands of the natives
before tbe great discoverer returned,
owing to their disregard of his express
Tha Coeoannt Tree.
There Is no tree so widely distribute!
throughout the tropics us the coeoannt.
Even on remote atolls of the south
seas, which geologists say were only
recently formed by the subsidence of
a volcano and the growth of coral up
from its base, one finds tho coeoannt.
Tbe parent tree leaning over the beach
of one tropical lslund drops Its fruit
Into the sea, to have the nut carried
away perchance halfway round tho
world. Then In some faraway plncj
tbe waves cast the cocoanut ashore to
sprout and propagate another forest
after Its own kind.
The Apple.
The apple is not considered to be it
complete food in Itself, hut on the foe 1
list It has a value far ubove the nutri
ment It possesses. Apples aid tho
Itomacb In tbe digestion of other foods,
und therefore the best results are ob
tained from eating them after rather
than before meals. After partaking of
an unusually heavy dinner tho entlng
of au apple will be found to facilitate
an early digestion and afford great re
lief from the sufferings attendant upon
Too Much Iteallsm.
"Do you not feel at times," remarked
the fireside critic, "that realism can be
carried too far on the stage?"
"Yes." replied the tragic actor, with
sigh, "The luBt man I was working
for did it. He wanted to pay us all
off In stage money." Cincinnati Times
Star. Coming and Going.
"Hello, Mike! Do you find much to
do now?"
"Yls. I'm Jest after cuttln' down
tree, nnd tomorrow I'll have to cut it
up." Knnsnii City World.
How He Won It.
Gondson It was Lawyer Townsmun
thnt won my lawsuit for me. Simply
Whv, I thought he was on the oppos
ing side. Goodson He wag. Tit-Bits.
Waste of Words.
Miss Withers When Harold kissed
me he told me that he loved me. The
Friend What a waste of words!
Town Topics.
We hope nobody ever courted ns
they do on the stage. Washington (la.)
Impatience and pride have destroyed
more souls than wickedness. MazzinL
You will never get on the sunny side
by waiting for tbe world to turn round.
Atlanta Constitution. j
We have moved into the room formerly occupied by
II. W. Eason & Co., in the Hoover building, one door
above our old location, and will have a
Grand Opening on
Saturday, April 23rd.
A cordial invitation is extended to the public to call and
examine our immense line of goods. We have increased
our stock in all lines and will be able to give you still
greater bargains in the future than we have in the past.
Hoover Building. MaluHtreut. - Kuyuoldavlllo, Pa.
No Perfect Health.
Sir Michael Poster In a lecture on
"Health nnd III Health" to the men
bers of the Worklngmen's club sn! 1
that health, like happiness, did not c-:-Ist.
They bad a goal, or limit, an I,
while Rccmlng nttnlnnbln, eluded ptv
feet possession. The body conslstcl
of n number of mechanisms which hud
tho closest nnd most exact relation
As they approximated to harmony
there was health, but when discord
came, III health. London Telegraph.
Walked It Off.
"I'm sorry. Mrs. O'Toole, to hei.r
thnt yer husband surfers from Insoin
ny. My husband bad the ranie com
plaint, but ho cured It."
"How did he, now?"
"Sure, ho been mo a night watch
man!" Urooklyn Life.
"Are you the waiter who took my
order for that chop?"
"Yes, sir."
"Bless me, how you have grown!"
Chicago Journal.
HI Intended.
nnsbnnd Does Jack know Miss Pep
pertree? Wife (cnlmly)-I believe not,
for he hns nsked her to marry him.
Town nnd Country.
TnkltiK nnd Glvlnn.
'You enn't." said the philosopher,
"take from n thing without making It
"Oil. I don't know," the fool replied.
"Have you ever tried taking a light
from one candle with another?" Chi
engo Rcord-IIernld.
Take your
of our large stock of
Buyers of fine Carpets will be pleased to learn that
we have secured a large lot of fine 'Carpets in new
nnd up-to-date designs in Wilton, Fine Axminstcr,
Fine Wilton Velvet, Velvet and Tapestry. Also a
large line of Rugs, same grade ns carpets.
Remember we always carry a full line of Mattings,
Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Etc.
Nollroli,.r,.)y ilveti thnt tlin piirtnorxlihi
liMlierlfieMUilnit In-iwecn .1. II. IIiikIiih nail
.lnhn rummy, l'iiiliTtikrrs mill Picture
I nimef iter the Him muni, ,,f Mnirheo Al
I ointoy, hili heen (IIbooIvimI hy tnlltiml run.
sent mill the Inmlnexs will horiimhie.tml here
iiflerliy ,. . Iiiiuhi-s. All l.nill.i kimwlmr
thcirwlvi' Inilelileil to the III in nre rcineMled
loimikti liny iiiimiI lit their entlliwt i-nnviMi-li'iii
e null nil iier-unx hiivinu ehilnii imiln-
the linn will present I hem to J. . Iliwlie.
J. II. HmiiKS,
ons In eiirh Mini to trnvel for house estnl,
llwhed eleven years nail with 11 lnrun riipltiil.
to cull llpnii nierelmntN nail fluents for slle
ressfiil mill prollinlile line. 1'ermiiiient en
linuement. Weekly cnh siilnrv of SM nnd nil
lrnvellmreM'ni" nnd hotel nilvimeert
In enh eneh week. Kxx rleiiee not cenlll.
Mention reference uti'l clii'loeeiritildre.i'
envelope. T 1 1 K NATIONAL, jut Dearborn
Htreul, ChleiiKn.
1 Summer Normal
The Summer Normal to bo hold
at this placo beginning
flonday, May loth,
and continuing fur a term of six
weeks offers following foiirc'iurses
Grammar Grade, ' $5.00
High School, $6.00
Teachers Preparatory, $6.00
College Preparatory, $7-50
(Itietitdltiit twoMUhjectsr
For further imrtlculnrrt address
C. V. Smith,
D. 8. Uacon,
Heynoldsvlllo, Pa.
and Carpets
Per Cent
beemb iifiiiTWj
Pays ZL PerCent
On Savings Accounts.
Connnoaaded fiemWAnmiallj.
Just as Safe and Easy to Bank by Mail
Coming in Person. Ask How.
ASSETS OVER 7, 000. 000.
Wall Paper.
Latest spring styles of wall
paper which we are selling
from 2V& cents per bolt up.
Greater bargains in wall
paper have never been offered
in Keynoldsville.
Lace Curtains.
Magnificent line, all styles,'
irom S'Jc a pair and up.
WindoW Blinds and Cur
tain Poles.