The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 26, 1897, Image 8

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tr llnl Tim Mnrli I'mt nnii fntlon
llwr Trlllca.
Wo Iihvh a good navy, and we do not
appreciate it. Am ii mutter of fnrf, cnn
unities to otir new armnrrlnds unit
ciniM'tK lmvo not bcrn particularly fre
quent when their mzp nndthrir number
ntn ronsiilrrril. In this country every
trivial lnii-cliiincn in rutight tip nixl r
doited liy till' sensational tiewepapcl.
but nothing in faiil of similar accident
in foreign niivfrn. Ilniring tho limtrnn
(ion cf Ailiniriil Kimlierly' fl'-ct by tho
Snnioi.n huirieano ill IHH9, which no
skill or foresight could lmvo prevented,
our naval nervier fur mimy years lim
bern remarkably free from rrnlly seri
ous dinasti ts.
There is nothing in otir rerords to
re liipnrc with tlie capsizing of the Urit
ish liignto Captain with half a thou
Fund men in INTO, or the filial collision
i f the liritit-h i n ih IucIh Vanguard and
lien Dnko in 1 S7 5, or that of the Ger
man iroiielad Kaiser Willielm nndUroM
rr Kinl'uist the yenr following, when
WU int n perished, or thn loss of tho
British training ship Kmydieo and At
lantu in lfcTH mid lhHO with MIO nfli
tiK, suilois and apprentice boyx, or the
sinking of the British lliigship Victoria,
witii Admiral Tryon, i'i oillreia and
8!I0 sailors, by collision with the C'amp
cnlowuon June Si, 1HIIH, in the Medi
terranean, or tlm wreck of the bpanish
cruiser liciiia Kcgentp, on March 10,
lttir, with 480 otlieerH and seamen.
The list of minor accident to foreign
naval vessels in tlio past few years
would bo too long to enumerate. But
tho stranding of tho Hritisli ironclads
Hour and Anson, tho flagship Ampliion
mid tlio (-ruiwr Sultan wort) far nine
grave. nfTuirs than any such accidents
which have occurred to nny of our own
lit avy vessel within thin period. Wc
have had our fair share of troubles, per
haps, but no tuoro than that. Boston
Cnuliln't tlx Hlmti-l If Sonic of thr mil
rr KrfiiM-d to (lit a Their Nmiiii .
They had been discussing that ever
lasting scivant probhin. which ran al
ways bo depended upon to furnish n
topic for conversation when threo or
four women ore gathered together. Each
bad told of her experience with lier
"help," when one of them raid:
"My new housemaid is tbo greenest
girl you ever saw in your life. Her ig
norance is n perpetuul sourco of wonder
to me. The day after I got her I went
out shopping and told her if any ouc
called during my nbsruco to Ray I w as
out and ask bin name. Thcso scented
pimple instruction, but I thought iho
would need tin in.
"When I returned, I asked if any
body hud called.
" 'Yes, mum; they did,' the replied.
" 'Who were they?'
" 'They wouldn't tell their names,'
she answered.
"Wouldn't tell their names I' I ex
claimed in surprise.
'"Yes, mum; but I think ouo of
them said "bananas" and the othn
"I demanded further particulars.
"'I tried to tell them yon was out
and ask their names. You hadn't been
gone very long when one of them cnnin.
It was the man who called "banauus."
I rcmembtred what you said, mum, and
I went after him and told him you was
out Ho asked me if I wanted nny bu
nanus, and 1 told him no; that you was
out, and asked what was his name,
But ho wouldn't tell cue. It was the
name with tho other person who called.
Ho called "rags" and only laughed at
me when I ran after him.' "Chicago
Teach Spelling- Prom the Blackboard.
A revival of the old fashioned spelling
school has been tried in some localities.
but only to prove that it does not, as a
rule, reach the poor spellers. They stay
away from it they are not wonted in a
spelling match. The spelling school was
lor the glorification of the good spellers.
It did something, no doubt, for depraved
bruin cells before such mysteries were
ever heard of in connection with spell
iug books before physicial inertia
could be charged to weuk valvular heart
action, and ugly tempers to microbes,
and all tho rest. The spelling school be
longs to a past dispensation, says my
friend, hut it suggests whut might do
much for orthography, if the blackboard
were made a conspicuous feature mid
the uttentiou concentrated upon the
reading and writing of sentences, of
which the following might be un exam
pie: "Mr. Wright, the wheelwright,
does not write rito rightly, with help.
ful stories occasionally like thut of tho
teacher who wrotu upon tho bourd the
tliree words, "Boys, bees, beur, " asking
the children to construct und write i
sentence in which these words would b
used intelligently, one boy giving at
oiieo, "Boys bees bear when they goes
in swimming. " Jane Mursh Parker in
berth American Review.
Argentina Railroad.
In the Argentine Republic the service
of trains is appallingly irregular, chief
ly owing to the bad state of the perma
ueut way, which, when once laid,
left to take care of itself. The perma
nent way in some parts of the line is in
such a dilapidated condition that al
most every train is thrown off the rails.
This astounding fact is contained in a
recent report of the railway concerned.
1 he rate of traveling, too, ia astonish'
iug. At one spot, on a go as you please
local line, no train ever travels faster
than miles per hour. One may vary
the monotony of the journey by getting
out and taking a quiet stroll along the
hue, or stopping to pick up pretty now
era. There is no feur that the train will
catch you up. Harper's Round Table.
Noticed before.
"I see thut the scientists have diacov
ered that solid metal uctuully evupo.
' 'Gee! I but that is what comes of all
my money. "Indianapolis Journal.
in n:-
rnmiH'titor to wive a ttmiiy
Knitter Family fo p
Wrapper oa thi-y nii enlWrt.
Thive wrniiinT tnln nmilt'fl
r espruiM i fully yrt hhI Id
W A II. Wti kir. I'itMmrir,
I'd., with ft -hfi't nf iminr MM
ditt t'oinin'tttt-r n i II ii'iim
iiimI ft ntrw, mitnWr of wni.-
pi'l unit III. Iltltl tl' lllticr it
dlvlni'l L'umpH Inrllvtfc in.
Tho St' of IN mtvlvniitti
will tmi -unite t'i'f M No I,
Hti'l tliettiti'ifif WpttVlrirlnl .
ohln mul Murylmid Dlnirtrl
No. a.
Tot1iv('nniH'tltor whoM'nnV
in tltf luiift ft miinlii t of u run
lH'm frnin the Olntrict In whirh
In or nl(lif, w wl i u vp
mi onliT nn hiiv it ii for
nny Two Hundred t-'lft
(ti'o no) l.l nr Weill lln
lit oi ln- ti h mMp t
To thi' Competitor ho i tnl
In'hi'iH'Xt Irirut't iinmtn'rof
wminM-r. fitim lit il'trii t In
whirh In? or lu' irlilr wi
will tflvi uii onlt'i nil mIiv
iI'-hU t tor ny One Hundred
Twenty h'lw ili.ooi
Inr Heil Wkln f'ftc h ho or
nv nuif Ri'ltM t
To thi' live Coinpetitorft who
M'iMt in the next Ii iulut mini
hT of uniiHr fnmi I li iliw
tilrt til whii h they v
will ul vr nu ll An o:l r on nny
'h'fller for niiv Inrnfy Htv
i .()! Clnti Cont
r Jacket lh in n U t
To tho twenty Cmnneiltor t
who4nil In th next lamii
nimlrtTof winpHr from tin
11'lrict In whirh Iln re
M., wc will rIvp neh nn
1 Flmt PrltMi.
rtrh nf $i:)
toll KklB Strk,
i mt t'rlff.,
mrh nf Uii
Hrl KklB Ssrk,
10 TtilrH PrlfM.
m-i f ii ;i"
t'l.itll i'nmi nr
Jflfki't, ...
4(1 Fourth I'rlrM.
(m il of ft $1.',
rintli t'nnt nr
JurkH. . . .
Ml f irth I'rlrn.
cnfli nf ii SMI
I'lolh ('nut nr
.Ixkrt, . . .
w. &
ill nn nny ilejlel for
tin v F,fcv i$IA -1.0)
Dullnr Clolli Cnnt or
,ln.ket i hey inity ele:t.
To the luetitv roiniip.
(Itnr- who inf In tlip
next nruest niiml tr nf
wmpM'r f i'iii iheili'lilet
In hirh they reMde. we
Wiil lve I'iieh nn onlei on
iinv denier for nnv Ten
(io .not Cloth Cnnt or
.lAchet they irmy m. left.
Advtrtlilng Of pirlmtnl
Thp entire w ruM-er tnitt te
ptit In, an nil pintM or pleeen 1
nill Ikj rejected mid Hot i
He rit refill to prepny full
tm'MiitieiHi nil lettern mid fnek
iiK'. niheiwiM! they mnv m
-H-iit tothedeHd letli" etltee.
All romp tltor for thpM'
prizes will hnve lw rlt'ht to
reeelvcfrom ll H H llitetl M"t
vlvtitff the imrne tmd d
IreMM of the illee'fll n-r
tiii. K thev Mid a wlf nd-
lie-d i-iieloe n nd two
cent pnMn..e otninp.
Tin ptihlip wl 1 drnrtnVe
imti f Unit nil i-tnpIo,
Hfeiii nr other (terMitiwdlreetlv
in iiehreetly In Ihe einptoy fif,
nt l-oi'Heete I Willi tile lirin of
U . It. Wnlker. lire d l ioieo
fi niu enlerhiir iiilornmi eiith n
for nny of the-e pue-.
Coinpethnr win i il'tiitii
xujn-pi r from minld M iipln
leiiuo' liit k wiil Ik' ili.Miiuili
tle i,
Top content will tNitividy
'loi At U o elnek Do II
-iftein time. Nitvetnher M.
iH!7, nnd wruttperw reeelved Hi
the home it lice l itl-ltnrw
tifter tleit hour will no Ix
minted A w iird w ill hetn idi
uMNin nrterthut time n tin
wmppen enti Ih eonntf d. 1
The "iMeeefiil p"rMn will ,
U fmmedlntelv tiotilled 1v
letter, wilh full In-tinettniiP 1
fi o wher nnd how ihey i'hii
wine their prize
W. A II. Wnlker will etidenv
or to iiwrird the priri n fnirly
to (he l'vt nf Ihe r nMHlV mid
lii-h'tnetit. I'Ul It I" mi'ieetood
Unit nil who eompete nwippto 1
neei-ptthe nwnni oi m.
Walker liitnl
Pittsburg, Pa.
An Eclipse
of competition is tli rfnult of our magnificent furni
ture display. There are great dilTerenceH in fur
niture; pome of tlieni are visible and Home are not.
A really handsome piece may be too (limny to be of
any service. Another piece less strikingly attractive
to the eye may possess a durability and value that
make it very desirable. Our parlor and bedroom
suits and other goods in sets and single pieces offer
the double merit of beauty and real value, coupled
with moderate prices.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
Free Trip to
Niagara Falls!
rm -'id rrf
WE will furnish transportation from lleynoldsvillo
to Niagara Falls and return over the U., R. &
P. R'y, and two days' board at Hotel Imperial, one of
the leading hotels at Niagara Falls, to the person who
will secure the largest number of
Gash Subscribers
to THE STAR before June 15th, 18U7. Subscription
price to be $i.00, strictly cash in advance. See partic
ulars of this offer elsewhere in this issue of THE STAR.
Ed. and Publisher.
U Marriage a Failure t
IIhvu yiiii lnin trying to (rrt tlio Ix'st
(Hit of existi-iii1" without limit h In ymir
fmiiily? IIhvo ynti ln't'ti wi'IU'Iiik out
yiiiir lifn friiin tliu i-lTi'tts if )vhniIii,
Ilvi'i' ('iiinilaint iintl I iii ly. Ht ion? Air
Jim hIltjiIchh Ht nlxht? Do yon iiwako
In thn timrnintr fi'i'linir liingulil, with
coaled :otigu mul hiiIIow, IhikiuiI
IihiIth' Don't ilo It. A Hhout In thn
ciiiiip I1N limv llncon'ii Celery King Ihim
curil otherHt It will euro you. Trial
piiek-ngx free. Large hien fille. anil 2"m
at. II. Ali X. StokeV llrug Htore.
' in linvel fiir iiii'itiHltiti itiililulii-(l
Ihhhi' In IViuiHVlvioitit. fn In iy fT1" Mini ix-
1ii,ii-i,h. riwiilitii hi nttiiii'tit . Ki'M-N'Mci.
InrlcHe wit fulilii.ed Mliimiii"! iimi'Imh.
Che Nlll IiiimiI, ftiir IllHiirniire IMiltr., I 'hlnilfo.
Fractlcal flor&e-sliocr
anil General Blacksniltti.
Horse HhiH'liiit done In Iho fieiitOHt Piiiiiner
tnid h.v tho luletl Imiiioved melhoiN. ter
lundllVeieiil klndi of hiM'i iiiiidf for cm ii'i1
thtn fif fniilly iii'lloh Mini ftKetiHed feet. (Mdy
I he hewt mil kr of mIhh'n Mini liutl- IIH'd. Ite
pull ttiir of ii II Id m N einefiillv nnd ptornntlv
duil. SA1 lrFAt I H IN til'AHAN TKKII. l.llltllM'r-
llli-ll n ntippllt on hiind.
.In. knii ft. nein- I'lfih, ;i'nnld-v file, I'll.
ki National iiiiii
KUiuuai ua
of in: i s -oi.its villi:.
'. .tllfrlirll, friolfli'iiM
Meoti yt MrllniKl, Vli'P rri-.
John II. Knui'lirr. lil-r.
('. Mlti'lii'll, Heott Mi'Cli'llillill. J.C. KIiir,
1 oil ri II. CiM-lieti. 11. F. Ilrown,
U. W. fuller, .1. II. KiiiicIiit.
IIim'h n itrnenillitinldim hiiHlnnHHiuid nollrltN
the iii'roillilH of int'lrhnntM, proreHHlfiiiiil 111111,
fiirnii'i-H. mi'f'ltiiiile. nilnerN. Iutnlprnii'n nnd
olhei-M, pioinlHtiiii 1ln inoHt ntrefiil ntttnlton
tO t III tHltllllTKH Of llll IMtl-MIIIH.
Siife HrpoHll lloxi'H for rent.
l'liHt Niitlonul Hunk tiiilldliiK, Nolnn lilook
Fire Proof Vault.
only Is ponHihlo, whether lis a tet of
excel Irnoo In journullHin, or for tlio
ineuMiironient of (iialllleH, timu or
viilueh: und
uftor u curuer of nearly twenty years
of unititcrrui'tud growth Is juotilled
in uluinilng thut tlio Hlnndurd Ill's t
uHtuliliHhed by tho foiindurs Is tlio onu
true test of
A Perfect Newspaper.
To publish ALL THE NEWS promptly
and Hiioelnctly and In thn most i-ead-uhlo
form, without oliriion or pai-timm
bias: todUeiiBH its xignitinaneo with
frankmwu. to kerp AN OHKN EVE
ini I'UULIC ABl'SES. to glvo
besides u complutu reeord of current
thought, funcies and discoveries in 11II
departments of liuiuan notivlty in its
Dully Edition of from 10 to 14 pages,
and to provide tho whole for its
patrons lit tlio nominal price of One
(Vnt that was from the. outset, arid
will continue to bo tho uimof"TllH
The Pioneer
ono cent morning newspaper in tlio
United Stutes, "Tim Kecord" Bt!ll
leads where others follow.
nre always receiving new goodn nnd ran nlways give you
good vnluew 111
Dry Goods,
Notions, Clothing,
I Ials and Cqs, .
Shoes, Itc.
) carry a complete ntock of everything and you will find
our UKUUKKIKS and PKUVJSKJNS always up to
standard in quality, and the very lowest
price. We invite a share of your trade.
Witness its unrivaled average daily
circulation uxoeedlng lllll.(HK) coiiies.
and an average exceeding UO.OOO
copies for its Sunday editions, while
imitations of its plan of milillcullon in
every important city of tho country
testify to tho truth of tho ussortion
thut In tho quantity und quality of its
contents, und In tlio price ut which It
is sold '"Tlio Record hus established
the standard by which excellence. In
journalism must bo measured.
The Daily Edition
of "The Record." will bo sent by mail
to any address for $3.0(1 per your or 2u
cents per month.
The Daily and Sunday
edition together, which will give its
readers tho best und freshest In
formation of all thut is going on in
the world every duy In the your In
cluding holidays, will bo sent forl.00
a year or !t cents per month.
Record Building,
To Jive an idea
Of the different styles and patterns of Shirt Waists
in our enormous stock of this season's arrival would
take this entire page. We can simply say that it is a
most attractive one and the prioeB are only from 50c.
to i?.45. The quality in every case will be found to
he of good value. We have a large assortment of
Wash Goods and Organdies from 8c. to 25c. a yard.
Special Sale!
Lace Curtains,
Curtain Swisses,
Scrims, Embroideries,
Laces and
White Goods,
to travel for rt'oiillilM eHiubllslird
house la IVnhny Iviiiiiu. Miluiy il hikI kx-iK'iiM-s.
Position permanent. Iteferniii'ii.
Kni'liMti self-add lesneil lliliiii'(l enveloiii'.
Tliu Niilioiml, ttlur lusiiiuueu lllilg , t'lili'iiuo.
Friday and
A. D, Deenier & Go.