The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 23, 1895, Image 7

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Prostrates bv the l,ent KaHtrmeiis
PhvsMane Hnffled Br llir Cane
(From the latt City, Keolruk, two.)
Mr. It-lea Meywrs, whose home U nt 351,1
Vernon tverim, Chkfitro, and whose visit to
Keokuk, In., will long be remembered, Wns
M ono time n(T ete4 with nervons mainly
which nt time drove hr nrly to 1M Mo
tion. "Those terrible hendnehrt (re a thing
of the pitst," she sfttd the othiT day to a
Gate City representitlve, "an 1 there Is quits
ft story In connection with It too.
'My nervous systota snst slnel n irrent shoek
sono flllocn yers aio, bronglit on, I believe,
through too mneh worrylnn over family
msiters.nnd then allowing my love for my
books to net the better of my discretion
where my health was concerned. Why,
whenever my afTctrs at hone did not go
along Just as I e.rpeetel, I wonll invariably
become prostratai Iron the excitement and
I would consldor mys.-lf fortunate Indeed If
the effects of the attack would uot remain
for a eroek. I wss oblige 1 to give np our
pleasant home not far Iron the Lske short
drive, beeauss I eonld not stand the noise In
that locality. I con 1,1 find no plnce In the
city which 1 deemed suitable to one whose
nervous system was always co tho point of
explosion. Ta add to my misfortunes my
complexion underwent A change ond I
looked so yellow nnl sallow that I was
ashamed to venture from the honse at all.
" 'Madam,' salt my doctor to me soon alter
nn unusnnllv severe attncK ol the malady,
''nnleas yon leave the city nnd seek some
flace of quiet, you will nvr recover. ' Ho
conclU'iei I would visit my uncle, who
lives In Pallas bounty, Iown, and whoe
farm would surely te a goolp'ace for one
In my nit IhMh condition. I picked np the
Oate City one duy and h;ippnel to come
across nn Intereatluif iveliai of th" recovery
of some woman in New York fit ue who wits
afflicted as 1 had been. This woman had
been cured bv Dr. Will lams' Pin k Pil Is for Pale
people. I ttiotiKht that If Pink Pills cured
that woman they might do the tame for me.
I began to take the pills according to direc
tions and I begun to feel better from the
tart. AHur I bad taken sewrnl boxes of
tbem I wus rendy to go back to Chicago. My
nervousness wiw gone and my complexion
was as fresa as thnt of any sixfen-yenr-old
girl In Iuw:i, ii n I Pink Pills Ih what put the
color In my ehceks. No wonder I am In snci
high spirits and leel like a prlr.e lighter. An 1
no wonjer I like to come to Kokuk for II it
bad not lieen for Pink Pills bougnt from a
Keokuk firm 1 would not have been alive
now," inuchiugly concluded the lady.
Dr. Williams' rink Pills contain all tho
elements necessary io give new life and rich
ness td the blood and restore slmttered
nerves. They are for sale by all druggists,
or may be had by mall from lr. Wililatns
Medicine Company, 8'rhenetiady, N. Y., lot
N cents per box, or six boxes for il.W.
Paris Ever Fnmous.
Taris was a famous and cultivated
city ages before Venice. Jf we search
for them, we may Unci in it historical
associations that may vie with those of
any city in the world, except Home and
Constantinople; and even its antiqua
rian and artistic remains are seldom
equaled or surpassed. At Home, Flor
ence, or Venice, the tourist talks of old
churches, palaces, and remains; at
l'aris he gives himself up to the boule
vards, the theaters, shops, and races.
The profoundly instructive history, the
profuse antiquarian remains of the
great city, are forgotten carcnt quia
vate sacro. The Spectator.
Paper plates are usel In soma Gorman
Catarrh Cnaaat Be Case
With local applications, as tlicr cannot resell
the seat of the dleeaee. Catarrh Is a blood or
oomiitutioiial discaee, and In order to cura
It yon njnt take Internal remedies. Hall's
Catarrh c ure Is taken internally, and acts di
rectly on the bluod and mucous urface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is not aquiuk medicine. It was
prtfttrribed by one of tlm bet physicians In thla
fount ry for years, and I a regular prescription,
t Ivcinnpone i of fie Irosl tonics known, com
bined wilii the best blood purifiers, acting di
rect Iv on the mucous ourfuots. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredients I what
reduce such wonderful rc'ills lu curing cae
irrh. Hpnil for testimonials fret.
K. J. Chknxv i- Co., Props., Toledo, Ot
Sold by drutfifuts, pries "5a
More than 20 villages In Italy are In ruins
owing to the recent earthquakes.
The Meet Plraaaat Way
Of preventing the grluuo, colds, beadachesand
fevers Is to use the liquid laxative remedy.
Syrup of Figs, whenever the system nocds a
gentle, yet effective cleansing. To be benefited
one must get tbs truo remedy manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For su,u
by ull druggists in Otic, and SI bottles.
New York has 1,000 Chinese laundries.
A lllunir Outlook
la that of the dyspeptic, but bis face will
brighten when be knows thnt ttipan- Tnbulus
cuie that teiiilde disorder and will make him
a ciieenul usu happy inuu.
In certain Prussian restaurants a shilling
Is charged for the use of the tuule-cloth.
I)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot euros
all Kidney and Bladder trouble.
Pamphlet and cmi.ultutiuu five.
Laboratory Utnghainpton, N. V.
Of nil the royal arms of Europe those of
Oreat Urituln una iruinua are ine most com
Karl's Clover Boot, the Brent blood Tmrtfler.
gives freshness and clearness lo the ctnnjilex-
IIIU DliU LU'V. ,.,,.,.,,,u ....... .... v.
Mexico baa a pulque famine.
teething, suttens the gums, 'reduces Intlunm
tiuu, ulluyK puiu. cures wind colic b. u bcvile
Tasmania boasts diamond.
I believe Pio's Cure for Consumption saved
my boy's lite lust summer Mae. aj.mii llocu-
LAas, i.e Hoy, anca.. uoionervu, iwt.
Molasses Is made Irom maize.
If afflicted with sore eves use Dr. Isaae Thnrmi
son's Lye-water. lllUggistttscalU.K, perbottta
Scrofulous Taints
Lurk in the blool of ulmoat overy one. In
mane eaaea thevare Inburltod. Beralulu up-
peart in running aorea, bunchoa, plmph-j
and cancerous growth. Dcroiuui cun im
cured by purifying tho blood with Uood'
B irsaparllla. T b
groat remedy has bad
wonlcrful success In reNiM
earing this olsoase. It thoroughly eradl
rates the humor Irom the blood. Hood's
Haranparllla cures lbs aorta and erupt tons
by removing the Impurities In the blood.
Hood's PHI eur all Uver Ilia, lie
Important Measures Consldersd by Our
Ttjmdat. Henator Fllnn Introduced a bill
tmendlni the act to regulate the manner of
increasing the Indebtedness of municipalities
nd to provide lor ine redemption oi ire
lame and Impose penalties for the Illegal In
crease thereof, Senator Steel Introduced a
hill nrovldlna for the Incorooration of com
panies to construot underground passenger
WaiistsnAT. The leglslntnre got down to
business to-day, and there was much activity
both bouses. Henatots unburdened them
selves ol a big batch of bills, Mr. Fllnn pre
senting one empowering municipal corpora
tions to grade, pnvn, curb, tnacadnmlr.e ami
otherwise Improve public streets and alloys,
and one to t fovlde for the Incorporation and
rcgulntton of ship cannl companies. He nlo
prcjontoil a petition Irom the council of Mill.'
vale In opposition to the ureuter Pittsburg
In the house Mr. Citton, nl Allrgneny. In
troduced a bill for the execution ol murderers
by electricity, similar to tho New lork ar
rangement: also ono providing for an ap
propriation of tlS.O 0 for the Allegheny Gen
eral hospital, and (20,000 for a new wing to
the building.
TiirnsiiAf A new legislative apportion
ment Mil was Introduced in the House by
Mr. t .ulbertson, oi Aiiegneny, cnuirmnn oi
tho Legislative Apportionment Committee.
The measure gives Allegheny county tour
nienili'Ts. two Instead oi one in the Last
Knd district, and two instead of one In the
Hlxth, and an additional member In the
lliithth. Tho I llth Is dividc.l into two dis
til. 'ts and Is given two n lditloual members,
on each In the new districts. Philadelphia,
Jefferson nnd Cambria are each given nn ad
ll'li'Ual member, while Homeret, Ijiwrence,
liedford, Schuylkill, Clarion, Chtster, Hunt
ingdon and Crawford each lose one. A hill
whs Introduced by Mr. Ma-krell, of Alle
gheny, amending the ltrooks license law so
as to prevent wholesale liUor dealers from
selling liquors In less qualities than a gal
lon. Other bills were Introduced ns follows:
Mineman, Cambria, abolishing days of
gra'e, and providing thnt notes, drafts,
etc., falling dun on Muudnys or a legal holi
day, shall bo due the next business day. A
bill offered bv Weyand, of Beaver, appropri
ates 15, OnO or a wall and 1111 in the washoui.
at I!rldg"water, Beaver county, caused by
the erection of a dam by the Pennsylvania
Canal Company. Mr. Fow, of Philadelphia,
miide nn aggressive light against the bill,
which was on the thirst reading, providing
for the publication of the famous "Bird
Book." The bill when passed tho lat two
sessions ol legislature was vetoed by Oov.
Pnttison. Mr. Fow snld the publications ol
this book would be a useless wasto of money.
The members of the rural districts urge the
passage o tho bill, claiming that It wa of as
much importance as any other Statu publica
tion, especially to the furmor.
Fbiiiav. A bill wns Introduced by Mr.
Cochrane, of Armstrong, appropriating e.'t.OiM)
to mark the point where tho lvnu purchase
line Intersects me Aiiegneny river at Kittan
ning. Mr. Williams presented a bill making
It unlawtul for any Individual or corporation
to prevent an employe from belonging to or
joining a labor orgnnira'lon. and providing
lor a punishment uy a line not exceeding
(200, or Imprisonment of not less than six
months, for violation of the proposed act.
Other bills were Introduced as follows: Mr.
Baldwin, appropriating 2S,0J0 for erotinga
monument upon thebnttlelleidolltrandywiuo;
Mr. Young, providing for a representation on
the board of trustees of Htato Normal schools
of three members ol the alumni of the school
when they have been In operation live years.
A resolution w s offered by Mr. Lawrence, ol
Washington, which was adopted, requesting
the State treasurer to furnish the House with
a statement of all moneys paid by the Btiito
College siuoc Its existence.
There wore 14 death from"grlp In Now
Kew York city In 24 hour.
Indlanspolls bakers reduced Iroad to 8
cent a loaf, or two loaves for 6 cent.
Four young ladles were drowned at Wink
ler' mills, near Blue Rapids, Kan., while
skating on Blue river.
The operators In the shoe factory of J. H.
Wlnchell A Co., of Haverhill, Mas., struck
to the number of 700. .
Ex-Governor Hogg, of Texas, will start a
daily newspaper at liallas, backed by St.
Louis and Texas capital
The Christian rndoavor convention will be
held In Mechanic's ball, Boston, next July.
In addition two Immense tent will be built.
The Supreme Court of the United State
douiod the petition of Eugene V. Dob
et al, participant In the big strike, for
for a writ of error.
The Clipper plow works at Deflanoe, O.,
wore totally destroyed by Are. The loss
will bo about 620,000, and the Insuranoe is
The work of the go light company ot Hal
den, Mas., exploded, wrecking the entire
plant. Loss, 030,000. Patrick F. Bolaa was
badly hurt
A reunion of the men who followed John
8. Mosby during the war, was held at Alex
andria, Va., Wednesday, and a pernament
organization formed, with Mosby a presi
dent Samuel K. Wilson, owner of bait a million
or one-third of the capital stock of the Tren
ton, N. J passenger railway company, ha
applied for a receiver tor the company, alleg
ing its Insolvency.
Fred J. Close, private secretary to ex-governor
Lewolling, ot Kansas, on December T
pardoned John B. Trne, who has boen serv
ing a lite sentence for murder. Governor
Levelling had refused the pardon.
a Illicit steam distillery, with a capacity
of dO gallons, with a 10-uorse power boiler,
was discovered by revenue officer neat
Bylacugua, Ala., and destroyed. It was th
Orst wildcat steam distillery ever found.
Senators Elected.
In the Massachusetts senate and bouse
George Frubie Hoar, (Hep.; was elected
United Htntes senator.
Every vote lu the Colorado Republican
Caucus wa given to bona tor E. O. WoJ
oott The Nebraska senate and house have
electod John M. Thurston, (Rep.,) Hena
tor. William E. Chandler's election as United
Btute senator fox New Hampanlru wa form
ally ratilied Tues'luy.
United State Henutqr McMillan wa ro.
oleoted by the Michigan legislature In Joint
seasion receiving a unanimou vote Julius U
Burrows reuelved all the votes tor sboit-term
The Populist and Republicans have Jointly
ratified both th nominations of J. C. Prltcb
ard and Marion Butler for Unltod Btate
senator for North Carolina.
A88lHtnntr-"l''votlie uroatest freak
In the world hero." Museum Manager
"What 1 itr A8HlKt4nfr-A farmer
vt'ho speak the dlulwt we cct In nui ma
rine short Htot'ti." Llfo.
IF VOU would fmd rltrhf. hellevn rloht
Items of Interest From All Part of the
Clearfield hat a family remarkable on a
count of its longevity. ' rat rick and Eliza
beth roster, who came to this country from
Irelnnd 45 years ago, were parents of six
living children and all but one of whom are
residents of this plnco. Their nget average
HI years. Mrs. Elizabeth Livingston, the
eiuest daughter, will be UO years of age next
montn. vm. porter, tno oldest son, nas
tmssed his fcsth year, nnd his second sister,
Mrs. Jane Knlston, Is K4. Ileltert, who re
sides near Cnrwensvlllo, and John of Clear
Hold, are 72 and 7'J repectivoly, while Hntah,
the youngest daughter, is 72. Patrick, the
father, died at 7 and the wife at 72.
settlemest rnonit.E..
The prosper ts for a speedy settlement ol
the coal minors' strike at liuBois, are ap
parently very good. The men are willing tc
work ou short time, II their comrades whe
were reeeiitly dmchnrgod are taken back.
Mr. Elliott, the general manager for Bell,
Lewi; A Vales, the owners of tho mines lu
which the strike ts In progress, ha gone tc
BufTulo to lay Hie proposition from the men
before the members of the llrm.
mux'T rnovi it is utAnoE.
Oeorgo Haekett. postmaster at White
Haven, wns arraigned belore United Htntei
Commissioner Iliihn charged with violating
t Ho postnl laws. t.'oingreisman Hines was
the prosecutor. The postmaster was accused
of destroying ctmpaigu lilernture sent out bj
Jlr. Iliues previous lo the Inst election. The
d"icudnnt wus discharged lor lack of evi
The Gettysburg electric railway; light,
power aud heating company was sold to J. L
Murphy, of Chicago; aud W. 11. Kendall nnJ
John Connelly, ol Philadelphia, for tlMO.OlH).
'JIMnlrnct includes bulliiing a line over tin
first day's battle Held; nnd through Little
town to the Maryland line.
The Llgonler Valley railroad company In
tend to do away with Its locomotive power
save lu the hauling ot heavy freight, aud sub
stitute electric motor power. Besides this, t
was decided to reduce the fare from 6 to I
ceuts cr mile. The road Is 10 miles loug.
from Latrobo to Ligouier.
ircn relioiocs FEnvoi.
Great Interest has been taken in the uniot
special service being held by Evangelist Fere
bcheverea. of Brooklyn, In Brnddock. Thi
services have been oouductod lor over a week
and many people have been converted. Thi
interest nas extended to all classes.
The Economy Btreet Railway Company, o
Beaver County, capital 0,000, has ueoi
ennrtereu, to uuini a line nve miles long
uartlord lirown, ol llocnesier, is 'resident,
Greene county seems to have tho cnll Jus'
at present on new oil strike. Interes
aroused by the McCalmont Oil Company'!
strike on tho MoLlure larm hail scarcely sub
sided w lieu the tioutb Pvnn OU Cotnpan)
ushered In a nww attraction in new territory,
located seven miles soutnwuet of Waynes-
bnrg, on the II. M. Spragg farm. The well
was drilled Into the Big Injun sand Mon
day and developod oil InautUctunt quanUes to
muicaie mat ii wiu mane a gooa prouuour.
Two burglars broke Into the residence ol
Thomas Aklns, near Dennison. and taking
his double-barreled shotgun lorced bint to
leave the house In his night clothes while
they ransacked It for money and other valua
bles. It Is not known exactly how much
money was secured, but u oonudorabte sum.
Akins lived alone.
Ordinance for submitting to the electors
of pittHourg the question of Increasing the
liMcbteauoss ot tno city to tho amount o:
t4. 730.000 for permanent Improvements were
passed In both branches of Council without
inuon opposition.
A series of entertnimont has been arrang
raiiged by the soicutlllo department of West
minster College, iu recognition ot tho con
tributions toward tho Mary Thompson Science
nan ny citizens oi ow Wilmington ana vi
At a Hungarian christening near Wilkes-
barre, Bunday night, fourteen men participat
ed in a BanKUiuury light. Revolvers and
knives wero freely used, and live men were
Damy slabbed, iwo ol tnem. Xlohael Pal
sko and John MlnUkl, will dlo.
At Grnensburg Judge Doty refused a new
trial to John Good, who shot Mack Slaughter
at Alice mines, and who wa kmud gulty of
murder in ine orst degree, ue tnen sen-
tcnoeu Dim to oeatn.
Charles Heeler, a demented man, who mys
teriously dissapeard from his home In
Beaver Falls, six weeks ugo, wa brought
back aud talma to LUxmout insane asy
Harry Brennenmoo and John Dernnk were
killed and two other injured by a boiler ex
plosion which occurred at the 40-lach
mm in ine caraegie teei vturxs at Home-
The Democratic city convention of Phllh'
dolphia unanimously nomlnntej ex-Qov
ernor Robert E. Paulson a candidate foi
At Rharon, the Bhenango Valley street rail
way company sate was blown opou and ran
sacked oi till m money aud sunt valuo-olea,
J. Linn McPherson. of Clearttald, a wat
veteran and wealthy lumber dealer, was to
cldeutly killed by the pramaluro esploaion ol
uis gun.
Samuel Todd, 0 years old, wa burned to
death at Groensburg, by hi clothe catohlng
are trow a grate.
Henry Mlzner. prosperous farmer living
near Hadley, put an end to ill-health by
saudiog uuuet una oi nearu
Rarah Folun, a domestic. In the employ ol
Mrs. Ellis Bulley, of Untontowu, wo burned
to ooatu vy a lamp explosion.
Eighty men were thrown out oi work and
a loss of (2,000 caused by the burning of
toe uumoce oaaj tipple at u ebatur.
John Hart, ot Philadelphia, wa fataltv In
Jured. his two bone killed and wagon do-
tnousnea by a houg uranca train.
Lewi Johnston wa Instantly killed at the
uu city tube work by coming in contact
Witn toe eigmricai apparatus.
It la Bpuln that la credited with tho
ortgto of Uia mustache, At a period af
ter the Moorinb Invasion, when tho
ChrUtlan aud Moslem populations bo-
come so mlsed that it wag bard to say
which were Moors and whU.h Spau
Utrda, the pious Spaniards hit upon the
mnatoche as a metuia of identification.
They permitted the balr on the upper
Up to grow, and ulao a tuft on the under
lip, an outline of the cross being thus
It does not take tho last drink to
New Frying Pan.
A frying pnn constructed on an Im
proved principle bnt been Invented by
Inspector Ltidbrooke, of the Great
Western Hallway, England. Ida pnn
consists of an outer plute of sheet Iron
and nn Inner one of btniilslind steel,
nd between the two Is a thin layer
of nbestoa, the advantage. tin I mod for
It lielng that It cannot get overheated
and burn the contents; that the fat will
not splutter over tlio sides, and the)
Juices of the meat are retained.
An Atchison woman's tioodlo dog
spoils a glass eve.
All the Name.
"Many days you have llngero 1 ahout my
eabln door i hard times, hard times come
again no more." Ail the same Merry Christ
mas and Happy Now tent pissol ns though
he land wns flowing with milk nnd honey.
Rome bought one thing nnd some bought an
other, tmt one of the l est Investments tor a
small sum ptld well. It was not for a Christ
mas bush, but thousands got It nn I thou
sands who had suffered long nnd wearily
with rheumatism wer" miide doubly happy
In being eund by St. Jacobs Oil. It leaves
no trace behind, an 1 all the same, the harder
times will eomo no more to them. The lux
ury of health Is worth a fortune.
If tho present rate keeps up, all the
men will lltially tie lawyers, and all the
women stcnoKraphera.
A Gentle Corrective
Is what you need when your
liver becomes Inactive. It'
what vou get when you take
Ilr. Tierce's Tkasnnt Pellets ;
they're free from the violence
otiu ine griping tnnt
conic with the ordinary
pill. The best medic a'l
nuthoritics agree that
in regulating the bowels
mild nicthoiis arc pref
erable, b'or every de
rangement of the liver,
stomach and bowels,
these tiny, sugar coated
pills arc most effective.
Tlicy go nlout their
woili in an eav and
natural way, ami their
good lasts. Will i' tiscii.
they are nlwnysln I is
tor. Being cotunnstd
of the choicest, concen
trated vegetable ex
tracts, tiny cost ttntch
more than other pills
lotttiu in cue mnritrt,
vet from forty to forty
tour are put up in each
scaled glass vial, ns
fold through druggists, nt the price of the
cheaper made pills.
" Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness, sick
and bilious headache, dizziness, costivc-
ness, or constipation, sour atouiach, loss of
appetite, coated lotigue, indisetiim. or dys
pepsia, windy bclchiugs, " henrt-burii,"
pain and distress after eating, and kindred
derangements of the liver, stomach and
bowels. Put tip in sealed glas vials, there
fore nlwnvri fresh and reliable. Whether
as a laxative, or in larger doses, a a gently
acting but searching eat name, tucse little
'Pellets "ore uneqtmlcd.
As a " dinner nilL" to promote digestion.
take one each dny after dinner. To relieve
the distress arising from over-eating, noth
ing equals one of these little "Pellets."
They are tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious
granules. Any child readily takes them.
Accept no substitute thnt may he recom.
mended to be "juet a good." It may be
belter for the dealtr. because of paying
him a better protit, but lit is not the one
who needs help.
A free sarnrde 11 to f doses I on trial. Is
mailed to any address, post-pafd, on receipt
of name and address on postal card.
Address World's Dispensary medical
Association, BuiTulo, N. Y.
What They Are For
sick headache
bilious headache
bad taste in the mouth
foul breath
loss of appetite
when these conditions are caused by constipation; and
constipation ia the most, frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody
to learn is that constipation causes more than half the
sickness in the world, especially of women; and it can
all be prevented. Go by the took, free at your drug
gist's, cr write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal Street, New
York. Pills, loc and s5c. a box.
Annual sales more than 6 ,000,000 boxes.
Tbd Best U, Aye, iha Cheapest." Avoid Imitations ol
and Substitutes for
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver Oil, with nypophosphites of Lime and Soda,
is a oonstructivo food that nourishes, enriches the blood,
creates oolid flesh, Btopa wasting aud givos streugtu. It is
for all
Wasting Diseases
like Consumption, Scrofula, Ansomii, Hr-ramusi or for Oougka aud
Oolda, C:ro Throct, BrsncUtis, Woak Longs, Losj of TldU and
General Debility. Scott's Emulsion, has no oiiuujpis
Nourishment for Babies and Crowing Children.
Buy only t'io genuine- put up in talmon-colortd u'rafr.
Send for f ample! tn Scott' 'i mult ion. FREE,
8oott A Bowns, N. Y. All Druggist. BO cants and 01.
Highest of all In Leavening rower. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Vast Armaments of Europe
Thirteen million bayonets prop up
the (.'star's throne. That Is the full
strcngtli of the Husslnn army on a war
footing. Uprruany comes next, but af
ter a long Interval, with 8,700,0() sol
diers; Italy has .I.IS.VXH) and Prance
2.NiU.Oon, excluding 850,)t)0 auxiliaries.
Austria's fine army, which In quality
is reckoned scarct-ly second to Kalsor
Wllliolm's, contains a maximum of 1,
TD4.1T3 men. Knglnnd nt borne and In
her colonies can mobilize a force of
0H2.CXI0. The little martial republic of
Switzerland can summon 4WI.0DQ sol
diers to ber banners In an emergency,
and even poverty-cursed Bpaln boasts
of 400,000. Austria, of ull the powers,
has the most burdensome military es
tablishment Her annual expenditures
on her army are $."5,000,(100, while
ItiiKsla's, with nn army seven times ns
largo, are only $ 1S'l,ooo,ooo. nnd Ger
many's fl In proportion to
size, England's army Is perliups the
moat costly. Iter (1020(10 men romilra nnntinlly for their support,
or only $3S,0U0,000 less than the
amount which provides Franco with an
enormous host of more thnu four times
England's numbers. Boston Journal.
The case Altered.
The sort of sentiment which the
Trench system of tnarlagos de conve
nance, or lu plain Ktigllsh, of marriage
for money, produces Is well Illustrated
by a story which a French paper tells.
Marie, n young lady, announces to
her parents that she has accepted the
hand of Monsieur X.
"Child, you are crazy!" exclaims Ma
rie's mother.
"Hut why, mamma?"
"Young X will have no money for
many years, because It all belongs to
bis grandfather, and after that comes
bis father, nnd you will be old before
you get at the property."
"Hut. mamma"
"No buts about It you are a bad and
nndutlful child!"
"But, mamma, It Is the crandfathef
whom I've accepted!"
"The grandfather I Oh, you little
Chemistry or Ill-Temper.
Trof. (Jates, of Washington, has en
tered upon an almost unknown domain
of psychical science. He claims to
have made the discovery that the emo
tions produce a physical reaction which
discloses Itself to chemical tests, anil
that the benevolent sensibilities, such
as kindness, cheerfulness, etc., exert a
good effect on the bodily health, while
the malevolent feelings exert a corres
pondingly bad effect.
Million In Charity.
England's poor rates amounted to
over JSd.000,000 last year.
sallow skin
torpid liver
depression of spirits
Do Not Bloop on the tf t Rl'le,
There Is little (I on lit that ait lintitcnst
numlH'f of pnrsons huMlitiilly fclwp on
the loft sldi", and tlioso who tin so can
never, It Is snld. lie strictly healthy. It
Is the most prolific e.ntse of nlirli tninre,
and also of the uniilenstint taxtu tn tbt
mouth on artslUK In the morning. All,
food enters and leaves the sto'tnat'li on
tlio rlcht side, and hence sleeping on tba
left side soon after eating Involves a
tort of pumping operation, which Is
anything but conducive of so'.md re
pose. The nctlon of the heart Is also
seriously Interfered with and the lungs
Ull duly compressed. Hence It Is liest to
cultivate the hnlilt of always sleeping
on tho rlfefht side, although Sandow and
other strong men are snld to lnvai'U
bly sleep on their bacl'.s. "
I fie Greatest fledlcal Discovery
of the Age.
Medical Discovery.
(lot this Lsttsr day befort ).it.rdsv.
I'enn lVtn, X. 1., Xov. US. 1S4.
Your Viseorr.rij hn rfne mwh fnr
tnt I am only too glad to Ml tvi ryhmly
ahout my rime.
When 1 Inan tnkhiri ft, one ii'tr two
lint July, 1 hail M'.S7'A'',s7,Hn7(s
worst form. I tent conntipittril. o hii
to at to ahrnyt van tnirrtinut, it ml I hml
a tonttmtt 7M.V fn my KTOMAK'll
anil LEFT SJUK. .Vy sums wrs tttjf,
and 1 rovlil imt tit ilmrn on a tit mil or
git doim to fix anything on the Itnor.
lint nutpcas tit. or yet dovn on my
k'neet. or do anythiny in my ynrtlm. I
feel like a new permm. Yon mint I tinvr
I vat diteimruyed, at 1 httre lost hr
ttttert ami an older brother -Ks
STOMACH TltOVIILE. lint 1 truly
teller if they hud iliotri, of your
remeiliet they vould he well, at I am.
You can lit up nty tcttirto ruit ynuvetf,
only do pnhlith it. that lemnen mag
know what the Dtteucery hat done for
me. lours truhi,
Ssnd postal card lor lir. Ksonsdy's book.
Is known to moat parsons.
Thay illustrate that greater quantity la
Not always most to be deelrsd.
These ceris ssprois the beneflelal qaat.
ity of
Ae compered with any previously knows
Rlpans Tebulce t Price, so cents born
Of druggists, or by msll.
RIMNS CHEMCM. CO., 1 0 Spruce St.. H.I,
W. L. Douglas
t9isV OBlCriTroa akin
' 3.q? P0LICE.3 SOLES,
Ovf On UllUoa Poopla wear t he
W. L. Dowlas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our sh303cro squally Mttsfcxtory ;
Thsjr plvo the boot volyo tor fiornoney. ,
Th:y e iuel custom shoes In style and fit. i
fhjlr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. .
?he pricce are nRlfnrm,Msrempnd on solaj '
rom Si to $1 saved over other mskea. J .
11 juurdoilBrumnotBuplyyuuwecaa. 1
Tho Largest Maniifacfarers of
On tkU Co&tlntQt, ha rtotlrtst
from th jtrsftt
Industrial and Fool
T'nllsUtS Ititt it I'rorcM. M Alba
Uv a t.f ullK r Lhs-tiilcsUsot !)' tu
narsl In inv of thr-ir nrrrwirsrkiini.
ThrlrrulictKiu UilK AK 1" Aii 1 COCOA (i hjluli-
put (Ui sJlutiio, DDti ciM'4 Itu than ww CnI a cui.
PATFMTIITNJtnii UAUKS Exsnilnstlona
s a-ns s w hi w..i put'oC4t,lltly of
nvvntlon. hi-tut for li, iiinr. (lulitp. or tmtv lo .el a,
Uutt'Ut. 1'ATiai. K ofAHUEl, V.ili,iTos. b.U.
WBITERS WANTED !" Ito"wii t h-me.
luitnifitten sy
waeweii eena a sa riiuuiiini4se
Xired. O. IIAVION, liu liiu, I'dllud'n.
siiuuttuni n
jur-'er- -
I: :
' i Best ftHiyti Syrup. Tbiui CitMid. Tyss I I
E In lime fold tT nrustitrJ. I 1
P M C 4
, and do rlehf.
make drunkard but the first