JL H lii O x X .1 Ji JN A Semi-Weekly Newspaper Dovot- "Profitable Advertising" and "Proved Results" Are Two TIN the Citizen can Guarantee Mere" i to the Interests of Wayne County foople. 71st YEAR. --NO. 93 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1913. price 2 oe; 0! 5, SHOOTS SISTER WITH SHOTGUN I'AULIXE DUDLEY, AGED 1 YEARS RECEIVED OXIA PART OF SCATTERIXG SHOT IXFACE itl-ToxIn Used to Prevent Tetanus My Dr. Burns-r-Xo Danger Antici pated From Accident AVhlch Hap pened Saturday Afternoon. Pretending that he was hunting vlth what he supposed was an un loaded shotgun, little five-year-old rhomas Dudley shot and wounded Ids seven-year-old sister, Pauline, vhlle playing In the yard of their lome at 115 Young street, East Ilonesdale, Saturday afternoon about lialf-past four o'clock. The lad was about twenty-nve reet kway from his sister when he level- Id the gun, but it was only In a fcpirlt of fun, for he had no Idea It Ivas loaded. The small shots entered Ihe right side of the body and face lit a slant, as the girl apparently turn fcd toward Thomas who held the gun i.t her left. Mrs. Ernest Dudley, the Inother, was attracted by the bcreams of Pauline and she Knew at Iince what had happened. Pauline tvas able to walk Into the house, lowever, and when Dr. Burns arriv ed he found her sitting up in bed. Irhe doctor found ,that none of the diot had penetrated very deep and that no serious results could be fear- lid as a result of the accident. Elev- bn shot were found in the girl's face Iind ten In the right side of the body ind arm but a probe for them has liot yet been made. An injection or ImHtnvIn was nrlmlnlsterRd to nre- ent tetanus. Mrs. Dudley said Monday that her two older boys had been out hunting that day and had had the fortune of killing a woodchuck. She said she aad always cautioned her boys to re- love the shells from the shot gun vhen they brought It in the house ifter returning from a hunt and that Miey had always been careful to at tend to it. Saturday, sne said, she supposed the excitement of shooting Ithe woodchuck had caused them to be careless with tho gun, which was brought to the house and placed in a corner. That Is where little Thomas found it later. 'It was a fortunate accident," Ishe stated to a representative of this paper. "Thomas didn t have any idea the gun was loaded when he I pointed it at Pauline. Thomas feels very sorry over It and says he will not pick up a gun again." nAAVLEY WOMAN DIES IX SAVAXXAn, GEORGIA. The death of Mrs. Orilla Killam, Iwfdow of Powell Killam, occurred on Thursday morning of last week at" the home of her son, Grant, at Savan nah,Georgla. Mrs. Killam had suf- Ifered two strokes of paralysis before leaving her home in Hawley for the South and two weeks ago while Ithere was again stricken. Mrs. Kil- Ilam was sixty-four years old and is survived by the following children: Grant, of Savannah, Ga.; Mae and I Oakley of Hawley; Mrs. Stanley Gaines, of Ferndale, Pa. The Temalns arrived in Hawley I Saturday afternoon, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Mae Kil'am, who I went to Savannah a week ago. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her late home in Hawley, and was in charge of the O. E. S. of which order the deceased was a member. Rev. D. S. MacKellar officiated. Interment was made in Walnut Grove ceme tery. COUSIN OF MISS AMANDA MATTHEWS KILLED. Miss Amanda Matthews, of Grove street, received word last week that her cousin by marriage, Otis W. Chalfant, of Sac City, Iowa, was kill ed Instantly while at work construct ing a building for an automobile company. Mr. Chalfant was struck on the head with an I beam, which was oeing placed In position. He died almost instantly of a fractured skull. Mrs. Chalfant, who 'before marriage, was Miss Clara B. Flem ing, is well known in Honesdale, having spent several months here a few years ago. Mr. Chalfant was 40 years of age and besides his wife, a mother and sister survives. The funeral was largely attended I land in respect to Mr. Chalfant the business houses of the city were closed during the services. Ho was a very popular man. Mrs. Chalfant's many Honesdale friends sympathize with her m her time of sorrow and trouble. TnAXKSGIVING SERMOX. Rev. Dr. W. H. Swift will preach the annual Thanksgiving sermon on Thursday morning, November 27, at 10:30 o'clock in Grace Episcopal church. AUTO EXPLOSION AT PLEASANT MOUNT INJURES TWO WOMEN AND CHAUFFEUR Three persons were burned Satur day night when the automobile Twn ed by Fred Payne caught fire. One of them was so badly injured that she had to be taken to the State hos pital at Scranton. The hospital pati ent is Mrs. Rose Denio, of that place. The others are: Mrs. J. H. Kennedy, of Pleasant Mount, and Cecil Living stone, the chauffeur of the auto bus. Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Denlo were the only passengers, and they were being taken to their homes from the Mount Pleasant railroad station. The car had stopped and Livingston was in the act of filling the tank with gasoline, when, from ALEUT FIRE LADDIES HAVE .. DIG TIME THURSDAY XIG1IT. Annual Mall and Supper in Hall at East Honesdnlo AVas Hlg Success Trtnn riilrkoti Stumor Sorvod liv lino uucKui suppci hcrcu u, , J Ladles. The Alert Fire company of East Honesdalo held their annual .supper and ball in tho Are hall on Thursday evening. Everything was a grand success from the sumptuous supper served from five o'clock and during the evening, to tho dance which fol lowed. Promptly at five o'clock the guests began to arrive and the dining hall was filled during tho entire evening. About three hundred supper tickets were sold and the dance hall accom modated about four hundred. The ladles of East Honesdale, un der tho direction of Mrs. Calvin J. Brown, produced one of the best suppers ever given at a like affair and everyone was more than satisfied that his money was well spent. The ladies should feel proud of their effort. As the first strains of dance mu sic floated down to the diners from the hall above there was a scramble to secure places on the floor. The dance began early in the evening and the merry-making continued unabat ed until the early hours of the morn ing. The proceeds from the sale of tick ets and supper amounted to about V" """"""'" " " 7 00. This amount will be used for mailing improvements iu uuwi hall and purchasing any additional equipment that may be necessary. The general committee in charge of the ball and supper was composed of the following members of the Alert Fire Company: C. W. Short, P. J. Skelly, Charles Herman, John Bussa, Walter Schlmpf, Frank Myers, Edward Keltz, Edward Pohle, Marshall Bayly and William Brown. LYNX SEEX NEAR GOULDSBORO. The powerful and dazzling front lights of trolley cars and automo biles running at high speed on dark nights seem to serve as dangerous lures to wild animals. Cotton-tail rabbits, apparently mystified by the rapidly approaching glare, will some times remain still and erect and be run over. Owls and pheasants have been known to collide with cars, and the penetrating rays of the steam railway locomotives headlight have lured birds to destruction. Recent ly, William Ammerman, state game warden, was returning about 9 o'clock at night from Pike county in an auto, and when near Gouldsboro he. saw a large bay lynx or bobcat, sittlng"rpfrgllt In the State road. The cat remained motionless and be wildered, but seemingly, not fright ened. It gazed intently at the . ad vancing light and as the machine was about to hit it the agile animal .sprang to the Toadslde and escaped. EVERY TEACHER EXCEPT OXE PRESENT. Out of 247 enrolled teachers in Wayne county attending the institute last week every teacher answered to roll call except one, Miss Loretta Spratt, of High Lake. She has ty phoid fever. In addition to tho 247 enrolled tho two substitute teachers were also present, making a total of 249. Every teacher was present to every half-day session, there 'being not a mark against any of them. White- Mills Xot Represented. Out of the 147 school directors In Wayne county, 99 were present at the annual meeting of the Wayne county directors' association. Every school board in the county was rep resented except White Mills district. GAIN IN CAMP-FIRE GIRLS. In connection with the issue of a third revised edition of "The Book of tho Camp-Flre Girls," a manual of organization, tests, etc., (George H. TJoran Company), it is announced that the order, organized and incor porated in New York in March, 1912, now has a membership of CO, 000 girls. Its branch clubs or Camp Flres, with from six to twenty girls in each, number 3,200 and are found in every state in the Union, and in Alaska, Panama, Canada, Scotland, the Philippines, Japan and Slam. Since January, 1913, new members have been added at the rate of 4, 000 a month. In June and July 10,000 girls joined the organization. CAMPAIGN EXPEXSES THREE POSTAGE STAMPS. Eugene V. Coleman, Republican councilman-elect, filed his campaign expenses with Prothonotary W. J. Barnes on Monday, Mr. Coleman said his expense was covered by three postage stamps. ' some unknown cause, there came an explosion, the gasoline leaping to the clothing of the two passengers and the chauffeur. The two women wero In tho rear seat Their coats .and hats were en tirely destroyed. Mrs. Kennedy's face was badly 'burned, and Mrs. Denlo sustained Injuries about the face, hands, nock, chest and back. The right leg and right hand of the chauffeur was, also burned. It was said at the State hospital that Mrs. Denlo's condition is good and that no serious complications are expected. XELSOX ALUEIITY DIES IX CARBOXDALE. Nelson A. Alberty, a former sheriff of Wayne county, and who until late ly made his home in Ilonesdale, died of heart trouble at his late home In Carbondale on Sunday morning. The funeral will be Masonic, the deceased being a member of Hones dale Lodge No. 218, Free and Ac cented Masons, since 1867. The re- mains were taken from the Delaware wtJro ueiuwuio & Hudgon train t0 the nome of hla 1 tt, i. n .. . t i I .... I where services will be held at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Members of Hon'esdale Lodge, No. 218, F. & A. M., are requested to meet In their hall at 2 'o'clock to attend the obsequies. iMr. Alberty was born in Albany county, N. Y Nov. 2G, 1831, and therefore lacked but a few days of .being in his eighty-third year. In 1858 he located in Wayne county where he became superintendent and bookkeeper for the Honorable Geo. F. Young, serving In that capacity for thirty years. In 1888 he was elected sheriff of Wayne county and In 1898 entered the federal service in the United States Internal Reve nue office at Scranton. Three years ago, owing to advanced age and fail ing health, he resigned his position and from that time on led a retired life. In August, 1854, deceased married Hester A., daughter of Joseph and Catherine Corby, of Blnghamton, N. Y. She died in Honesdale six years ago. He is survived by the' following children: Katheryn and Raymond, at home, and Frank E., and Mrs. Ed ward Wardi of Honesdale; one broth er, Frank of Dyberry, and two sis ters, Mrs. Nelson Miles, of Philadel phia, and Mrs. Nelson Bloodygood, of Port Jervis. Interment will be made in River dalo cemetery. "DUCKING THE TIGER." A Former Wayne County Boy Has Taken up an Aggressive Battle Against the Great Tammany Or ganization. The' following is taken from the Sunday edition of the New York Times regarding Attorney Edwin P. Kilroe, who is a former Wayne coun-. ty boy and well known .in Honesdale: "From the Nineteenth Assembly District, on the upper west side, there came last night the report of an uprising against Murphy. Edwin P. Kilroe, a lawyer, who when he was graduated, read an essay on "St. Tamma'ny; or, tho Organization of the Tammany Society of tho Co lumbian Order," and who is Chair man of the General Committee of Tammany 1n the Nineteenth Assem bly District, who said to have brok en away from the leadership of Jas. J. Hines, who, as understudy, for Aqueduct Commissioner John F. Galvini is nominal head of the Tain; many organization In tho district Mr. Kilroe Is, said to intend to form a rival organization. Three hun dred members of the Monongahella Club, the regular Tammany organi zation of the district, are said to have followed Mr. Kilroe, and with him will form the nucleus of an or ganization in the Nineteenth District which will fight the Tammany lead ership there at the primaries. GRADE YOUR WALKS NOW. The sidewalks in Honesdale as a whole make very treacherous walk ing for pedestrians. A few evenings ago one of Honesdale's fair represen tatives, while passing over one of .this fair Maple City's sidewalks, fell and Injured herself quite badly. There are a number of uneven joints, broken out pieces which serve as ruts in which a foot is easily turned over, resulting in a sprain or Dad. wrencn. There are also a num ber of places where water Is allowed to settle, thus making puddles which people often times step into and get wet feet. Now is the time to grade your walks. MARRIAGE OF A. L. STEINMAN. The many Honesdale friends of Al bert L. Stelnman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stelnman, of Deposit, of fer congratulations to him and his young bride, who was Miss Evelyn wneeier, also or Deposit. Their marriage occurred on Saturday last in mat town. OR a WEEK we will give to every purchaser of Community Silver this beautiful picture a Coles Phillips " Fade-away" girl in colors. You all know Community Silverthe Plate de Luxewith its beautiful designs and wonder" ful wearing quality. , ON VIEW AT i ROWLAND, THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Opposite New Postoffice. if COUNTY SCHOOL DIRECTORS HOLD ANNUAL MEETING DR. CORSOX ADDRESSES MEM BERS OX THEIR DOMIXAXT DUTY. Says Every Director Should Look to Proper Cnro of Children in nis District Supt. Knnpp Spoko on "School Metterment." In welcoming the directors of Wayne county to their annual con vention the president, Drr C. E. Eil enberger, Bpoke of. the splendid work Supt. Koehler had done In our schools. Under his administra tion our schools have made wonder ful progress and we can not fail to have unbounded confidence In a man who has so much faith In his fellow men. A. M. Lelne, secretary of the as sociation, read the minutes of last year's meeting and gave a statement of its finances. Election of Officers. The nominating committee gave the following report: President, J. A. Brown. First Vice-President, W. F. Suy dam, Jr. "Second Vice-President, F. C. Giles. Secretary, A. M. Leine. Treasurer, W. J. Ward. Auditor, E. R. Bodie. They were unanimously elected. Tho Director's Duty. Dr. Corson was then Introduced to the meeting and spoke on the "Dir ector's Dominant Duty." The man who has an honest purpose and earnestly strives to carry It out, never comes far from his duty. He actually knew of men who had had tho courage to stand up for their convictions long enough and often enough to try to equalizes the taxa tion. One of the most serious things in life is the occasion when a man solemnly swears to do his duty by the schools of his district. Every director owes a duty to the people. He should not needlessly squander away their money. Our schools cost much more now than they used to do. This is due to higher standards demanded of both teachers and schools. We pay more for luxuries and comforts today than we did 50 years ago, why not then, pay more for our schools? And yet some dir ectors grumble when a teacher wants an increase of salary. The dominant duty of the school direc tor is to do tho best for the child. He should look upon each child as his own. He should work as con scientiously for his neighbor's child asfor his own. It is poor economy to change teachers simply because one is a little cheaper than the oth er. Business men hang on to a good Bunloye as long ns .they can. even if 4hey have to douDje his salary to d6 it. vny aoes it take scnool direc tors so long to absorb this fact or to act uno'n it? The directors should see to the school building that it is as modern- as it can possibly - be. Many homes are so poorly ventilated that the only time children live in a well-ventilated room Is In the school room and so it ought surely to be adapted to this one thing, as it is, (most important. You wouldn't hire a laborer ,and give him poor tools or none at all. And yet you expect a teacher to 'do a good job with meagre equipment. The direc tor who refuses to vote for improve' ments in the school ought to be forced to cut his grain with a sickle and thresh it with a flail. Remem ber always the advancement of the child Is paramount and all else is subordinate to It. "School Betterment." Supt. E. M. Rapp, of Reading, was the next speaker. His subject was bcnooi. uetterment. ' One weak' ness in our school system is the in sufficient aid our Superintendent has. He needs an assistant How to make country life more invltine. socially, Industrially and educational ly, is a problem confronting the edu cators of to-day. When this is solv ed, the exodus to the city from the farm will be entirely stopped. Chil dren should live, if possible, in the country and their parents should ac quire content with the simple life of yesterday. If you wan,t to keep the country boy on the farm you must keep tho country girl there, too. Scientific farming will interest the boy. Tho time has gone when farming by tradition will answer. The farmer boy wishes to bo up-to- aaie ana tne community must help him to be. Team work in buying and selling, eliminating the middle men, will help tho farm to pay bet ter. "For Pennsylvania nnd ner CM1 dren." Farm life and farm ideals should be glorified to the young, in the schools and in the home. The teach er should teach In terms of the child's environment. Mr. Rapp be lieves in centralizing tho schools In a , district wherever possible and says if we stand 'back of our teach ers, our schools and our superintend ent we cannot fall of success. Our banner shuld floaty these words: "For Pennsylvania and Her Chil dren." Tho Closing Moments. L. G. Butler, E. F. McLane, A. W, Eno, Reuben Lancaster and S. B. Barnes were elected delegates to the State convention. Each director was allowed $10 toward his expenses. Judge Searle was called upon to speak, but declined because the noon hour was so near. DUtrlct Attorney M. E. Simons gave some reminiscences of his school experiences which proved to him conclusively that the spirit of the teacher was the most Important factor In the success of a school. A report of Jast year's State Con vention was read by J. J, Perham, after which the association stood adjourned. FORMER II OXE SUA LE I JOY WEDS HARRISIJURG GIRL. Star-Independent Contnlns Account on November 12 Francis L. Skelly is a Brother of Edward Skelly of White Mills. .The Harrisburg Star-Independent of Wednesday, November 12, con tained an account of tho marriage of a former Honesdale boy, Francis L. Skelly, to Miss Laura Margaret Cum mlngs, of Harrisburg. Mr. Skelly is a brother of Edward Skelly of White Mills, and an uncle of Miss Bessie Haley of Honesdale. The marriage took place In St. Patrick's pro-cathedral, Harrisburg, at 0:30 o'clock. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. M. M. Has- sett In the presence of the immedi ate members of the family. They were attended by Miss Tacy- Seuer waltz of Philadelphia, and J. A. O'Malley of Pittsburg. Immediate ly after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Skelly left for a honeymoon trip which included Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and the south. They expect to spend tho winter in Tampa, Florida.' Mr. Skelly, a native of.Honesdale, was a resident of Harrisburg for many years. He is at present north ern manager of the Florida Citrus Exchange, with headquarters at Pittsburg. They will reside at 331 Fairmont Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. CORN CROP REST COUNTRY EVER PRODUCED BASED OX VALUE OF 70.7 CEXTS; CROP IS WORTH $1,741,353, 010. Drought a Mugaboo Dnmngo AVas Overestimated nnd Government Roiort Somewhat Improves on Estimate. Washington, Nov. 15. This year's corn crop promises to be the most valuable this or any other nation ever has produced, although the de partment of agriculture s prellmln ary estimate of production, Issued re cently, Indicates it will bo more than half a 'billion bushels less in size than the record crop of last year, and the smallest since 1903. Based on the department's figures of 70.7 cents per bushel, the average farm value on November 1, the crop as now estimated, is worth $1,741,353,- 019 while the value of the 1912 Tec- ord crop was ?1,520,454,000. The previous valuable crop was that of 1909 when it was worth ?1,652, 822,000. The department's preliminary esti mate of production to-day increase by 90,000,000 bushels the estimate made in.Q.ctober .and.also,. that .made .In September. This was taken, to In dicate that the damage from the very severe drought in the middle west somewhat overestimated. The department of agriculture last week announced the November crop as fol lows: JCorn Production, 2,463,017,000 bushels; acre yield, 23.0 bushels; average farm price, 70.7 cents fl. bushel. Quality, 95.8 per cent. Corn on farms of 1912, correct crop on November 1, 137,937,000 bushels. Sweet Potatoes Production, 55, 760,000; yield, 95.0; quality, 99.4. Flaxseed Production, 19,234,000; yield, 7.9; price, 118.7; quality, 101.8. Buckwheat Production, 14,455, 000; yield, 17.0; price, 75.5; qual ity, 95.4. Potatoes Production, 38,550,000; yield, 89.2; price, 89. G; quality, 99.3. Tobacco Production, 903,875, 000 lbs.; yield, 789.8; quality, 97.4. Wheat Price, 77.0; eight meas ured bushel, 58.G. Oats Price, 37.3; weight, 52.1. Barley Price, 54.7; weight, 4C.6. Rye Price, 63.2. Hay Price, ?12.26. The total yield of various crops ex pressed in percentages of a "full crop" Is estimated 'by the depart ment of agriculture as follows: Apples, 44.6 per cent.; cranber ries, 70.0; grapefruit, 80.0; .grapes, 72.8; lemons, 65A0; limes,'90.0; or anges, 82.2; pears, 58.7; almonds, 50,0; cloverseed, 80i5; kaflr corn, 5.8; olives, 76.0; peanuts, 84,3; su gar beets, 89.0; sugar cane, 85.0; walnuts, 7.0. "EIX nOCHZEIT" Will be given by the Young La dles' O. A. B. C. of the Damascus M. E. church, in the High school gym nasium, Wednesday evening, Nov. 19 th. Among the features will be a handkerchief sale, an interesting cobweb, and all kinds of games. Light refreshments will be served. Everybody, young and old, are cor dially Invited. A good time is prom ised to all. Mrs. M. McDermott spent Friday in Carbondalo. FIVE MILLION DOLLAR CORPORATION FOR PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING OCEAN AIR LINE Paris to New York in sixty hours this will be possible within a year, according to A. Berner, a German in ventor, who on Friday last In Paris, organized a $5,000,000 corporation to build a fleet of six passenger carrying dirigibles to ply between Pars, London and Now York. Tho inventor said the specifica tions for his dlrlblgles had been pass ed upon by leading French and Ger man aviation experts and all havo agreed that his design presents the greatest possibilities for long, ocean voyages. The air cruisers, according td the plans, will be 800 feet overall, 80 feet In beam and, about 100 feet high. Each dirigible will accommo date 300 passengers and the luxuries THE "ISLE OF NOD" HONESD' PEOPLE MUSICAL PRODCWIOX OF FAIRYLAND PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCES. Given nt Lyric Theatre Friday and Saturday Evenings Everything; Went Off Without a Hitch Drills My Little Folks Feature of Play. Honesdale people were treated to an all-home talent production of "The Isle of Nod" at the Lyric Fri day evening. The play was present ed on Saturday evening also and at both performances the theatre was well filled. Tho first act opened with a scene representing the enchanted Isle of Nod at the north pole Inhabited by Immortals and invisible spirits. Tho part of Carlos, the shepherd, was taken by Deroy Kreitner, whom tho wlsemen tell to visit the spot and af ter going to sleep the fairy wand sets the mortal vision free and Mystic Fay opens his eyes to see his futuro In the person of Little Bo-Peep, rep resented by Miss Mildred Ward. Tho role of Queen of the Isle was ably taken by Miss Margaret Eberhardt. Carlos falls in love with Bo-Peep but being a mortal, there is diffi culty but they love each other and Bo-Peep is banished from the Isle of Nod when she marries Carlos, tho poor shepherd, Dragonfel, repre sented by John Carroll, with the aid of his collegues, Invokes the aid of the evil spirit to prevent the mar riage of Bo-Peep and Carlos, but fails. The fairies meet and plead for tho reinstatement of Bo-Peep. Tho Queen of the Isle consents and Bo Peep and her mortal husband are taken Into the Isle of Nod. The production was very good considering the limited time given them for rehearsing and tho play went along without a hitch. It was an evening of continual music and song and laughter and the comedy parts, of J. A. Bodie, Jr., as Archi bald Queezlebum, student of the Sun, Moon and Stars; that of Wilbur Bodie, as Signor Banan, an organ grinder; the Chinese attendant by Harland Histed, and Mrs. Blank hurst, leader of the Honesdale suf fragetts by Bradford Dean, raised a continual round of laughter from the audience. The Cast. Archibald Queezlebum, student of the sun, moon and stars, J. A. Bodie, Jr. Carlos, a poor shepherd, Deroy Kreit ner. Dragonfel, an evil spirit, John Car roll. Signor Banan, an organ grinder, Wil bur Bodie. Performing Bear, Vincent Carroll Affi4hpse .attendant, Harland His ted? " Prof. Bombsky, a Russian anarchist, J. A. Bodie, Jr. A College Chap, Howard Hagaman. Policemen, Earle Arnold, Ernest Lemnitzer. Dutchman, Leo Connelly. Poet, Alfred Kreitner. Plcaninnies, Alice Murtha, Helen Murray. Queen of the Isle, Margaret Eber hardt. Dewdrop, Clara Reif. Bo-Peep, Mildred Ward. Leah, Dorothy Howell. Sparkle, Helen Burns. Sunshine, Elsie Krantz. Starlight, Lucille Rowland. Mrs. Plankhurst, leader of tho Honesdale Suffragettes, Bradford Dean. . Old woman who sweeps the cobwebs from the sky, Mao Robinson. Scarecrow, Yama Yama Girl, Jen nette Rief. London Girls. Bessie Brown, Florence Smith, Ger trude Krantz, Florence Eldred. Society Girls, College Girls, Farm ers, Suffragists, Drum Majors, Mor tals, Goblins, Marines and Peasants, Immortals, Etc. STATE CAPITOL TO nAVE ITS OWN POSTOFFICE. Pennsylvania State capitol will (be the second in the union to have Its own postoffice. Arrangements wero made last week by the state board of public grounds and buildings and postmaster F. C. Seltz, of Harris burg, for the establishment of a sta tion in the basement of the capitol where all capitol mail will be re ceived and delivered. The New York state capitol at Albany Is tho only other capitol to have its own permanent postoffice. MORRISON AWARDED CONTRACT S. E. Morrison has (been awarded tho contract to install tho plumbing and heating In the new Hussco shoe factory. Work will commence at once. Mr. Morrison has furnlslied a written contract that the work in the building will be completed In two weeks' time. provided will vie with the equipment of tho Imperator, Berner explained that it will be Impossible for all the motors of the machine to fail to work, nor will there be any danger from explosions of the gas bag, such as wrecked tho Zeppelin L-2 and killed twenty nine men near Berlin last month. The new dirigibles will be fitted with semi-rigid cars running tho entire length of the dirigible. The car will be fitted with thirty-four motors of 200-horse-power each and will bo so arranged that the craft may bo oper ated in any direction without carry ing shitting ballast. The dirigible is expected to have a speed of soventy two miles an hour in the air,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers