THE CITIZEN. Uavo You n Ilonso For Bale or For Tho Citizen Advertisers Rccognlxe the Vnfuo of This PapcrrJlesalta Obtained. Rent? Use Our Cent-A-Word A diets. 71st YEAR --NO. 69 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1913. PRIOE 2 a "NTS R, AND MRS, HOLMES OBSERVE GOLDEN WEDDING DAY EVENING 200 GUESTS IN HONOR OF EVENT. i t -r t .1 A f I t-ti Mnudo Rchbein nnd Mr. Leon KnU Caterer From Wilkcs-Bnrre Prepared Banquet Were Married in Blnghninton. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holmes of .- i y i n nn in i n nrn tnn rnn iiirmiii :i iia iversarv of their marriace on Mon- t home to their many friends at hnnf fwn nnnrlrpfl trnpsfa WArfl nres- l in mite nun in luh itjativiLiea. Tli a In rim 1i mi co nf Mr n n rl Mrs. rtirap.a -was the scene or mucn ac- vltv ATnnrlnv nltrht anil the numer- 1 " T 1 T- 1- 1 i 2. ilt n ano aim ijbuu ivuu, viuiiu, iui- fthprt tho music for tne occasion. bout twenty-flve popular selections .1.1 Amnnrv llm IIIISIIII WiLn IIIUVCII. niuuuu 111 C her selections were "An Old Wed- f 1 ill I II Illlll 111 I1HI H. 1.1JII 1 At, Covers were laid for two hundred n a sumniuous uannuei iiau uuuii epUltU UUUCl IUK3 i.ixia. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes were the ciplents of numerous expressions good will in the form or valuable Mr. Holmes was married to Miss II I IM IV. 1 ,1111111111 III. llllltllUlll LU11 Y at the latter place on Aug. 2o, G3. They removed almost 1m- vo since, resided. One' son and u uuugiuum wcro uuru iu mum, isy. who iiveu 10 me age oi .i TT.i t i 1 1".. a -n r lis of Boston. Mass. Mrs. Mills th her three daughters, Misses Re- V 11111.. T T .. 1 11 ..1 11111- d P. Dalsv Mills were present at , nnnliinnnnml rl 1 r n TIT. ATllle s linalilG to bo nrosent on account illness and the youngest daugh- remained with her father. Mr. Hn mps is nf. nrespnr. enirncrpM the wholesale grocery business 1 is DieuiiieiiL (11 LIIK WilVllK Savings Bank. Both Mr. and Mrs. rimers or tne 1'res lvterinn enurnn urine tneir rpsirfpnn.p. mnnv nrrps hnvfi tnlren nlnno in the .1. ,mij uuiu nuiviicu ii ,ui i u n Tli m, hnim itinfrtliiiil urttli tn. ns, n n n n n nnm nn rna itriinTii tvfiTsnrv nf thpir mnrrfnirp. wlilnli marks their advent into the life the community our readers as 1 ns The nitizp.n extend tn tlipm nnprp nnmrrnfiimflnns ipri1 lifter n. hripf lllnpss Mint 1 R. flt flip hnme nf her iimlih. Mrs. Mannis Yarnes. She was in seventy-eighth year, was the ow of tho late Horatio Bennet, had spent her life In that vlcin She had -been a faithful mem- of the M. E. church since glrl- d. rs. Hennet is survlver! liv twn hers and two sisters; a son, De Bennet, of 'North Main avenue, ti inn . nnn it n nn uninr nmncn cheered the last years of life. Gil B'UUUbUJIUlCU UUU 1UUI it3Ul nnnilriren nisn nnrvltre ThA . 1 . . ,llitj f tl V UC1U 111 bllU In 11 Tl i 1 i 1. . . 1. .. i iK3 uiuvp .uujjiisi uiiurcu, AUKum conducted by .Rev. Franklin ce, and she was laid to rest at ter Center in the presence of a e circle of relatives and friends. Death of James U. Taylor, imes B. Taylor, brother of Geo. or, of Honesdale, died at his e in Scranfon on Wednesday of week. The remains were gilt to Honesdalo Saturday 1 1 1 1 Li tin iiih in ii it inert ii. i' n . . for interment in Glen Dyberry !tery. Undertaker W. T. Mooro charge of the funeral arrange- sv. win w. inner conauciea a t service at the grave. James B. or was born in Torrey, Wayne tv. seventy vears nun nnd has ) his home at 1340 Capouse ue, Scranton, for many years. , JO OUII11CU AAIO 111U1.11C1, 41J..O. n Taylor, and the following rsya nnrl alntniini flnnnm-t Klvn iam, airs. Lavina neynoias, am ana turner Tayior or scran- o pall-bearers, all nephews of pppnspfi. Wfirfi? TTnrpRt Tnvlnr Ham, Ray Bailey, Charles Budd, K PROGRESSING ON NEW BRIDGE. irk on the construction of the foot bridge which spans the iwaxen, connecting Court street Dyberry Place, Is progressing ly. Both abutments were com 1 some time ago and the steel is being rushed, hy the contrac- VAlonn ATi-ir-il 1 ,li fin fplip i new bridge has been laid, mak t possible for pedestrians to It was hoped that the work I be completed before the open f the Chautauqua. CliAUtauqun Next Year. all probability Honesdale and e county people will enjoy the ii nil o nnrincr n nvr von i t r luiiuav n v 1 1 1 1 1 l: it, niii uo uc whether qr not. the Chautau- rlll be held next vear. It is auqua dc contracted for. 1HS. BORCHARDT DIED HERE SATURDAY MORNING. Came to Honesdalo Week Ago From New York City on Account of Health Was Related to Freeman Family. Mrs. Louis Borchardt, of 138 West 117th street, Now York city, died at the Hotel Wayne here, shortly after ono o'clock Saturday morning. She was fifty-seven years of age. Mrs. Borchardt came to Hones dale last Monday to spend some time here on account of her health and registered at tho Hotel Wayne. She was taken HI while here and died less' than a week later. Mrs. Borchardt was related to the Free man family of this place. Her hus band, Louis Borchardt, was the son of Simon and Mary Borchardt, form er residents of Honesdale. Deceased is survived by her hus band, ono son, Ralph, and two daughters, Reine and Gussie, of New York City. The remains were taken to New York on the early Erie train Monday morning and tho funeral will be held there later. EXPENSIVE TALENT FOR FALL COUNTY INSTITUTE TEACHERS OF WAYNE COUNTY WILL HE ROYALLY ENTER TAINED WHILE HERE. Teachers' Institute TroRram Ono of Most Expensive and Talent of Very Best Secured by Superintendent J. J. Kochler. A most expensive and instructive institute program has been arrang ed by County Superintendent of Schools J. J. Koehler for the teachers of Wayne during the fall institute which will be held on November 10 14. All the talent secured Is con sidered tho best in their respective lines of work lectures, entertainers and instructors in school work. The program of speakers and en tertainers is given herewith but the balance of the program will not be made up until just prior to. the opening, of the institute. It is ex pected that the attendance this year will far exceed that of any other year as the program that has been arranged will undoubtedly warrant. Among the instructors in school work will be Dr. 0. T. Corson, of Columbus, Ohio, who will give aa address on "General Pedagogy." iProfessor F. A. Barbour, of Ipsa lute, Mich., will talk on the subject, "Literature and Grammar." Professor J. T. Watkins, of Scran ton, music director. Hon. 'Frederick Dale Wood, of Seattle, Wash., lecturer on "Politi cal Economy." The evening attractions will be as follows: A literary contest by the Wayne County High Schools- J. B. Ratto, impersonator and hu morist. Mauer Sisters, orchestra and vocal soloists. 'Strickland W. Gillllan, America's foremost humorist.' HYMENEAL. The marriage of Joseph Scheie, of Hawley, to Miss Mario Lovelace, of Hawley, took place at the parsonage of the German Lutheran church on Saturday morning at half-past six o'clock, Rev. C. C. Miller officiating. Walter C. Spangenberg and Miss Elma .R. Stockwell, of Gravity, were married on August 20 at the parson age of the Methodist Episcopal church at South Canaan by Rev. Jonas Underwood. The young couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Friend L. Williams and the ring service was observed. JUNIOR O. U. A. M. WIN AUTO. The local order of Junior Order of American Mechanics won a Sears runabout automobile in a number contest conducted by tho Pittston or der a few days ago. The local lodge took seven numbers on the machine which was practically new and their number was the lucky one. At the meeting of the order held in their hall last Friday night a communica tion from Pittston stated that an of fer of $100 had been mado on the machine. It was voted to accept the offer of the money. MUCH MARRIED COUPLE ONCE MARRIED IN HONESDALE. Under the cantlnn. "TTnvn AT.irripil Each Other Eleven Times," a story is being syndicated around the coun try to newspapers telling of the nu merous marriaees nf ATr. nnrl Mru . Frank Vernon of Hagerstown, Md. me arucio iouows: "To be married to each other elev en times since 1909 has been the novel experience of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vernon, who are at Braddock Heights. The marriage ceremonies have been performed 'in as many dif ferent countries. "Asked why he and his wife had been married so often, Vernon said it was a sort of a hobby with them and they took the' step as a precau tion because In some foreign coun tries marriages performed in others are not recognized. Ho and his wife were first mar ried in Columbus, O., in England, Scotland, Wales, France, Germany, Belgium and Russia in 19J1; in Syd ney, Australia, in 1912, and In Vera Cruz, Mexico, in 1913. They hold marriage certificates of all these wed dings and the display is unique." The name of the couple reminds the writer of a pair of roller skating experts who were In Honesdalo July 4-8, Itj 1911. They were the Great Vernons and advertised that a mar riage ceremony would be performed at one of tho exhibitions. They were married by 'Squlro W. H. Ham at tho Rink. Perhaps the Mr, and Mrs. Frank Vernon mentioned above and the expert roller skaters are one and tho same. HON ESDALE UPLIFT TO THE COM Proararri Presented One of Best on trie American SESSIONS ARE LARGELY ATTENDED BENEFITS DERIVED ARE UNLIMITED ENTERTAIN ME NTS ALL HIGH CLASS JUDGE BEN B. LINDSEY LECTURES TUESDAY EVENING ON "THE MISFORTUNES OF MICKEY" ATTEND THE CHAUTAUQUA. The Honesdale Chautauqua, which has been looked forward to with much pleasure and anticipation, is here in all its glory. It brought edu cational and entertaining features and above all that which inspires. The Chautauqua is a God-send to the public at large and especially to the people of Honesdale. Everybody who has attended the afternoon and evening sessions since last Thurs day, the opening day, feel better, act different and are praising the good Bishop Vincent, the founder of Chau tauqua, who by the hearty co-operation of the Chautauqua Association of Swarthmore and the guarantors in Honesdale, made it possible for this community to enjoy the best talent on the American platform to-day. It is safe to say that ifonesdale will be stronger mentally, morally and spiritually at the close of tho Chau tauqua than it ever was before. All hail to the Chautauqua. Thursday's Program. The Honesdale Chautauqua was called to order last Thursday after noon at 2:30 o'clock by Vice-Chairman Wallace J. Barnes of the local committee. After a brief address he turned tho session over to Dr. E. A. Turner, platform superintendent. Tho doctor told how it became pos sible that tho people of Honesdale might have the privilege of enjoying the Chautauqua, how the guarantors pledged themselves to sell 700 tick ets at $2 each, which is only about seven cents for each entertainment. Dr. Turner also told of the excellent program which had been prepared, of the best talent in music, science and platform speakers. Dr. Turner then introduced the Florentine band, which entertained the large audience with music, its like having never been heard before in Honesdale. Every number was enthusiastically applauded which brought forth en core after encore. Before the con cert closed Dr. Turner presented Miss Mellcent Melrose, of Boston. She, .too,, was heartily applauded. She possesses a ricll mellow voice. The evening performance consisted of an entertainment by this great band. Miss' Melrose also sweetly rendered a few solo selections. Thursday's program closed, gratify ing a largo and appreciative audience Motion pictures were shown after the musical program. Dr. Turner spoke Thursday afte'r n'oon, as did he also Friday and Sat urday afternoon on a series lecture on "Sociology." No feature of the Chautauqua pro gram has aroused more Interest or been more appreciated than Dr. Turner's lectures on Sociology. The first afternoon he gave an outline up on which the later lectures wero to be based. He began by defining so ciety as " An aggregate of related units achieving certain ends by co operation." Sociology was denned as " A study of the phenomena through which society achieves Its ends." He further remarked that sociology is constructive in its pur pose and wholly altruistic in its aims. The lecture on Friday dealt with the problem of the city and the country. After tracing the develop ment of the rural community from a pioneer condition of society, Dr. Turner pointed out the characteris tics of tho rural group as distin guished from the city and then dis cussed tho forces which tend to ob scure the difference between the two. Among these forces were mentioned modern means of communication, the department store, the rural high school, and the raising of farming to the dignity of a profession. In clos ing, he considered brietly the rarm er's boy and the hired man. The evi dent purpose o? the lecturer was to show that there Is a vital relation between tho city and the country and that the maintenance of the spirit of country life is wholly to be desired. Saturday's lecture had to do with 'Sociology and Social Custom.' It was clearly shown that In this relation no man can be a law unto himself. Good citizenship Involves a proper adjustment of every life to society, business, politics and religion. The straight edge which sociology ac quires to all customs is " the public welfare is tne supreme law." Re gardless of purely moral considera tions, such questions as polygamy, slavery, and tho regulation of the liquor traffic would bo taken up by the sociologist and tested In view of tho question whether they are social ly .wholesome or pathological. The dominant note of the lecture was altruistic. It is to be regretted that every adult citizen of our community did not hear this attractive presenta tion of a vitally important theme. Friday Afternoon nnd Evening. Despite the rain of Friday tho mammoth tent was well crowded, hardly a seat being vacant. This pleased Dr. Turner and he stated that he thought that Honesdale tru ly had the Chautauqua spirit. At the evening performance ho announced that Honesdale turned out in larger numbers on a rainy day than any other town In which It had been his CHAUTAUQUA AN MUNTY privilege to attend this season. The Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers fur-i nished amusement and entertainment to two large audiences. Their sing ing was highly appreciated. Gus Ochsner, tenor and champion Yod ler, was certainly great. The Yodle songs are altogether different from American rag-time songs. The songs have been handed down gener ation after generation with a few slight changes in them. Tyroleans are natural born singers as was fully demonstrated to the audience. Every member was an artist. "The Echo," rendered in the evening by the entire company, Mrs. Grauss, tak ing the echo part, was well received. In Switzerland an acho is re-echoed five to six times. Dr. TurifBr spoke very instructively and entertainingly in the afternoon on the subject of " The iProblem of the City and the Country," little comment on which was made in a foregoing para graph. Friday evening the program open ed with a half hour concert by the Alpine Yodlers, which was followed by motion pictures, depicting Captain Scott's trip to the South pole. It was a wonderful film, presenting some of the vicissitudes through which the gallant young explorer and his daring crew passed. After a few moments' recess at which time the children in the audience were allow ed to pass out, Dr. Turner in a most complimentary manner- presented Dr. Frank Dixon, of Washington, D. C, who held spell-bound the large audi ence for an hour and half while he gave a characteristic lecture upon "An Outgrown Constitution." Dr. Dixon told his interested hearers that the people of this country had outgrown tho constitution, or in oth er words that for over one hundred years they had been getting along with a constitution that was a misfit, but which was not noticed because the people were so busy digging out gold from our hills and from our valjeys and from, our forests and our streams that we 'did not' notice that we had never worn the latest thing in constitutions. Dr. Dixon claimed that in ten years there would be a change in tho management of affairs in our government. He stated that President Wilson was the best presi dent ever to have been in the White House and that he believed that he would accomplish things while there. He said the people did not want Taft owing to his policies, but that former President Taft placed five of the nine Supreme Court judges on the bench which In other words would endorse the policies of the president whom the people voted out of ofTice. And these judges would be on the Supreme Court bench un til removed by the Great Judge. Dr. Dixon said he believed in the recall of judges and also the referendum. Everywhere to-day the people are quoting Dr. Frank "Dixon's lecture. It was classical. Saturday's Sessions. .Saturday, like the two preceding days, had In store for Chautauqua goers pleasant surprises and whole some treats. Dr. Turner continued his excellent series-lecture upon "Sociology and Social Customs," af ter which the Brodbeck-Such Concert company was presented. The com pany consisted of Miss Viola Brod beck. sonrano. of Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Such, of Eng land, the former" as violinist and his wife as pianist. The trio are stars of the first magnitude and furnished excellent music, both in song and instrumental. Miss Brodbeck's bird like notes were well taken, elating her largo audience. The rendition of the selections brought forth ap plause. Mr. Such, who has played in European courts, uses a violin mado in 1765. In the words of Dr. Turner there Is "none-Such" on the American platform to-day. This noted violinist played with ease many difficult selections that Inspired his listeners, touching the heart strings of the soul in a manner that words cannot explain. After each selection Mr. Such received warm and hearty applause. IPaul M. Pearson, president of the Chautauqua Association, followed the concert and gave a ringing address upon " The Joy of Living." He was greeted with a Chautauqua sa lute. It really made one glad that. he wero living after he heard the speaker. He said so many good things. Fre3l dent Pearson possesses a brllllaat mind, Is witty and enjoys in mat lng everybody happy. His presence In the community has already been felt. He might be termed a doctor, as he prescribes a good laugh for everybody. Mr. Pearson is one of the many rays of light that is shining forth from the Chautauqua plat form. Ho Is a great lover of poetry. Dr. (Pearson announced one of the mottos ot tho Chautauqua Associa tion to be a quotation from Oliver Wendell Holmes: "I have never deemed It sin to gladden this vale ot sorrows with a wholesome laugh." In developing (Continued on -Page Four.) MARRIED FIFTY YEARS, OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY. Mr. and Mrs. William Singer ob served the fiftieth anniversary ot their marriage at their home . In Angels, Wayne county, last Wednes day. The aged couple have spent fifty years of happiness and last Wednesday demonstrated that they were still full of life and happiness. Many beautiful'gifts were presented to the couple. A bountiful dinner was served and was thoroughly enjoyed by a host of friends. All day long the couple re ceived congratulations and best wishes for many years of happy life. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Singer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Singer, son Clarence and daughter Mary, of Waymart; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker and daughters, Dora and Florence, of Gouldsboro; Mrs. Brown and daughter, Kathryn, of 'Newfoundland; Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Singer, Jr., son Arthur of Scran ton, and Miss Ida Zacharies; also five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. HONESDALE WINS BOTH GAMES OTDOUBLE HEADER FOREST CITY TEAM CANNOT CONNECT AVITH IIESSLING OR LOLL FOR COUNTING HITS. Hcssling Was In Good Form, in Fact the "Boys" Were in Old-Time Shnpe In Good Condition For Hawley Saturday. The "jinx" has either joined the Chautauqua or gone to Canada with Harry K. Thaw, at any rate ho has departed from the local base ball diamond and left the bats of the lo cal team loaded with timely, yea, very timely, base hits, in fact ono of the bats was loaded so heavily that when "Duffer" Weaver swung on one of Carpenter's fast ones in the first game it sent the ball so far out in left field that the left fielder had to " take a pretty long walk," before he recovered it, and by that time Weaver was home. It was the first home run of the year, and ono of the longest if not the longest hits ever made on the grounds. But to begin at the beginning. Honesdale defeated the strong For est City team in a double header on Saturday by better all around work by the scores of C to 0 and 11 to 4. The first game was by far the best, The locals put up a good game be hind our old reliable "Pop" Hess llng, who twirled in his old-time form, letting the Forest City sluggers down with five hits in, tho first game that he has pitched since July 12 th' Guess that's going some? Wo will have to hand it to "Pop" for ship ping that "jinx" to Canada., . The first. game started so early that the White Mills boys, Lily and Loll, did not arrive until the third Inning; Capt. Brader caught and Tarkett played shortstop in the meantime. The features of the game were the timely home run of Weav er's, which came in the second in ning with one out and no doubt helped a great deal in downing the Forest City boys. "Buck" Faatz also had two very timely hjts and a sacri fice, out or four times up. Mangan had a good day at third. We scored two in the second inning, when Walk er was passed, Faatz sacrificing him to second, and Weaver hit his history-making homo run, which re minded us of the days of Jos. Demer, We added another run in the third. Brader was hit, took second on a wild throw by Wolfert, and third on Lily's scratch hit, and came home on Mangan s sacrifice fly to deep center. In the fifth the locals worked three more over tho pan. Brader singled, but was forced at second on Lily's attempted sacrifice; W. Strattford let Mangan's drive got away from hlni, Lily tajdng second. Tarkett flew out to W. Strattford, Walker singled, scoring Lily, who took sec ond on the throw in, and he with Mangan, scored on a nice single by Faatz. Forest City tried three pitchers in the second game, all of whom were well received by the local lieavy ar tillery. Carpenter, who pitched the first game, finally had to go "to the mound. Every man of the locals was credited with at least ono hit, Man gan leading with two two-gabbers, and Lily, Tarkett and Schilling each having two hits. Honesdale scored ono In the first Inning. Lily singled, took second and third on wild pitches and came home when W. Mlskel became "peeved" and threw tho ball to cen ter field. Faatz started the second inning with a nice three-bagger over the center fielder's head, 'but was caught napping at third. Weaver then singled and stole second and third and came home on Schilling's single. In tho fourth Pitcher Carpenter, with the aid of three errors, took a ride In tho airship. Walker singled nnd stole, Wolfert erred on Zohara's poor throw of Weaver's grounder and Walker scored. Kellay threw Schil ling's drive to the bleachers, Weaver scoring. Loll, Brader, Lily, Mangan and Tarkett all hit safely, and Walk er, up for the second time, sent one through Joe Mlskel, 7 runs In . all counting. Our last runs were scored in the fifth. Brader walked. Man gan hit for two bases. Tarkett slng gled and Walker was safo when Wol fert muffed MIskel's throw of his liner, Brader and Mangan scoring. George Sandercock is spending a vacation in Elmlra. Lily was right at home behind the bat, and Weaver certainly showed that he could cover first In fine style. Buck Faatz continues his heavy hitting and leads the team with an average of .408. Tarkett is right af ter him with an average ot .403. Talk nbout your Joe Jackson arid Ty' uodd racesi (Continued on Pago Fire,) f FOR BORF'f-il OFFICES REPUBLICANS, J j MOOSERS AND DEMOCRA'J o ' ENDORSE SAME MEN FOR COUNCIL. Other Towns of County Are Putting Candidates,' Nnnies in for Local OfllcesMnny Petitions Are Be ing Filed. On Friday of last week the Re publicans of HoneSdale filed with tho county commissioners a list of can didates' petitions. The men named with ono exception are practically the same as those endorsed by the Washington party some time ago. The slate Is non-partisan. The Re publican slate Is as follows: Town Council S. T. Ham, G. W. Penwartien, Martin Caufield, Eugene V. "Coleman. School Directors J. A. Brown, A. M. Lelne. Auditors William Cummiskey and Leon Ross. Tax Collector Herman Schuer holz. Judge of Election R. J. Miller. Inspector of Election W. J. Hag gerty. A petition has been filed by W. J. Silverstone for burgess on the Re publican ticket. The Washington party slate is as follows: Town council, S. T. Ham, G. W. Penwarden, Martin Caufield. School Directors J. A. Brown, A. M. lieine. Auditors, Wm. M. Cummiskey, Leon Ross. Tax Collector Herman Schuer holz. Judge of Election, R. J. Miller. Inspector of Election, W. J. Hag gerty. The Democratic party do not put up a slate for members of the town council. They are satisfied to let the present members go in for an other term so that work which has been started by them can bo more V successfully and satisfactorily com pleted by the present council. A petition has been filed by Charles A. McCarty for nomination for Bur gess on the Democratic ticket. Mr. McCarty is the present Burgess. It is remored that the petition of Rev. G. S. Wendell Is being circulat ed by tho Washington party men. The Washington party petitions for borough officoTs, all except that of Burgess, were filed Monday morning. Among the number was the petition of George iP. Ross for county com mitteeman. J. B. Robinson filed his petition on Monday morning for Burgess on the Republican ticket. As Tuesday, August 2G, Is the last day for filing candidates' petitions, the commissioners" office will be swamped by the receipt of belated papers of prospective candidates. SYKES CASE NUPTIALS. Miss Lulu Case, a former Wayne county girl, was married to Roy A. Sykes, of North Adams, Mass., at high noon Thursday -last. The wed ding took place at the home of the bride In Plalnfleld, N. J. Only the immediate members of the families were present. The bridal party left for Boston and Plymouth, Mass., where they will spend their honeymoon. Mr. Sykes was a teacher in Passaic, N. J., for many years and the past two years has been employed by the Montclair State Normal School as Critic Teacher. She has also taken up interior decorating quite exten sively. . Mr. Sykes Is a graduate of Boston School of Technology and the Phila delphia Textile 'School and is em ployed as chemist and colorlst In the Passaic Print Works. The couple will reside in Passaic. THE NIGHT EXPRESS. By Homer Greene. A royal game is tho night express, When the work of the day is done; When the lamps drive out the loneli ness, And the grate fire glows in Its deep recess, And the winter night creeps on. "Now come!" I say to my four-year-old, "The hour for tho game is here, And you'll be the fireman big and bold, And I'll be the engineeV." A train of chairs In a faultless row, With ono high clialr at the head. "Now, all aboard! Time's up, you know. TIng-a-ling! toot! toot!"- and away we go, While tho furnace fire is fed. "Steam up! Speed on! for the night is cold, And the track ahead is clear." A thrilling ride for the fireman bold, And a joy. to the engineer. Through farm and forest we thunder on, And our light shines far ahead. But "Look! O deary, the bridge Is NON-PARTISAN T!k gone! A wreck there'll be In the ghostly dawn, And a train In the river's bed!" He drops' the tools that he sought to hold, And his eyes grow wide with fear; Ono leap; and he's safe, is the fire man bold, In the arms of the engineer. It's many a year since the night ex press Went thundering down to the bay; And a bearded man In a soldier's dress Is he who sprang to my quick caress When tho bridge was washed away. Yet I dream, as the winter nights grow cold, Of the nights of an elder year, ' When my four-year-old was the lire man bold, And I was tho engineer. Youth's Companion.
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