PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JULY i, 1913 TWO farmers met In a western town a day or two aftera cyclone had visited that particular neigh borhood. "She shook things up pretty bad out at my place," said one, stroking his whiskers meditatively. "By the way, Hi," ho added, "that new barn o' yourn get hurt any?" "Waal," drawled the other, "I dunno. I hain't found it yet" . ! t No Bubbles In Hers. Little Elsie, given her first glass of mineral water, made a very wry face over it "It tastes that way, dear, because it's charged," said her mother. "I guess, mamma," said Elsie, push ing it aside, "I'll Just have some of the kind you've paid for." Having an Understanding. She Wfien we are married, dear, will you expect mo to bako my own bread? Ho-Ill leave that with you, darling, only I shall insist on your not baking mine. .T TTt TT y.Tt Tt-?.t..T..TTT SUMMER FISH HINTS. X Tou can select a fish lying on ice on the marble slab, apply the ordinary tests of "bright eyes and red jjills," take it homo and find it is beginning to urnT" Twenty minutes is sufficient 't is more langerou to cat tainted fish than anything olse, and the use of sauces, dressings and various condiments often hides, too successfully, tbo taste which would betray its condi tion. If you are at all sus picious place in the water in which the fislrls to bo boiled two or three pieces of charcoal, egg size. This will make tho fish turn out perfectly fresh and wholesome. There are two simple ways of keeping fish sweet Ono is to hang it up in a muslin bag soak ed In vinegar, tho other to lay it in water and cover with small pieces of charcoal. Fritters, fish or anything can bo fried in tho same fat without any of tho different tastes being transmitted If the fat is. in each case boiling. ,.TMMt,T-T..t-TTilTMT.lTi.T. THE CHHLMFU I-M-H-M- K4 jmm&y- msss&m sjmi m A ,Nev Arrival. Tho Gopher I can't get tho snow oil you. Tho Guinea Fowl Thoso nro tho polka dots on my plumage. Baby Alligators. Baby alligators nnd crocodiles as soon as hatched aro taken by tho mother to somo out of tho way pond, where by degrees they nro introduced to tho water that Is to be their futuro home, nnd when threo or four weeks old they nro often, seen riding upon tho back of tho mother, her rough hldo fre quently being completely bidden by them. ? I Point. It is. necessary in this gamo for tho ono acting as guesscr to have a confed erate. He is then ablo to leave tho room nnd on his return to mention what person was pointed at during his absence. It is done in this way: It is agreed between tho guesser and his partner that whoever speaks last bo fore tbo door is closed upon tbo guess er shall bo the person pointed at It is very seldom that any one discov ers this trick. WHAT THE WITTY OWES SAY The Outlook if Women Rule. Mr. Meeklcy Then you would have the word "obey" omitted from tbo marriage service? Miss Strongnilnd Not at all; merely transferred so that the man will say it. S None There to Read. "I feel afraid of that woman. They say she is a mind reader." "Well, she won't bother you." n h Can You Beat It? Housekeeper Why do you charge so much for your Ice? Iceman Well, mum, tbo water was high where we cut it. I AT A GLANCE. f Lake Superior drains an area of 85, 000 square miles. Tho Portuguese language Is spoken by 30,000,000 persons! . ii . 2. 1 There aro 3,421 "languages and dia lects in use in tho entiro world. n i The human family is subject to fifty principal forms of government. vi On the American continent theroaro 1,024 languages and dialects made uso of. 5 tn In tbo course of a year lightning strikes in this country at about 0,000 places. 5 Considering tho entire earth, about ono person in a hundred lives to bo sixty-five years of age. . n If tho earth were to revolve seven teen times faster than it does bodies at tbo equator would lose their weight and remain stationary in tho air with out support. coma Riddles. When is coffeo llko tho earth? When It is ground. What grows less tired tho moro it is worked? A carriage wheel. When may a man bo said to break fast beforo he gets up? When he takes a roll in bed. 1 Who Knows? "Oh, sonny, est my Bllppers, please!" My papa calls to me When he Is tired and wantB to rost And we havo Just had tea. I like to do what he requests, Put don't I dread to go All In the dark alone upstairs) And don't I bo up slow! X grasp the slippers, and I turn. Just three steps bring me to The banisters. I selio the rail, And don't I shoot down I Whew I "Don't be afraid, son," papa says. "The dork has not hurt you." Of course It hasn't, but who knows When It Is going to? pOlNTSfL Small habits nnd mannerisms betok en good or bad breeding. It is hard to cure oneself of every day mannerisms, but it can bo done if you keep at it perseveringly. Take, for instance, the habit of yawning in public without making any attempt to conceal your widely open ed mouth. No man or woman who has any claim to good breeding would think of doing such a thing. Not only Is It extremely unbecoming to stretch your mouth from ear to ear, but it is not a pleasant sight for other people. Of course you can't keep from yawn ing, but you can place your hand over your mouth when you do yawn. Another rude and exceedingly aggra vating habit is that of interrupting conversation, taking tho words out of people's mouths and carrying on tho story yourself. Walt until the other person is finished and then have your say Don't talk at the top of your voice about your own prlvato concerns when in public. The public Is not interested and prefers to read its newspaper in peace. If s no use saying that you can't cure a habit like any of tho small ones men tioned. You can if you exercise your will power. It won't take long. Just keep it continually on your mind, and never give way to It. After awhile you will forget all about it I TL II Y112,A The Dining Room 1 I lliC UUWG OeaUlUUl j In Summer THIS simple dining room furnishing gives n cool and roomy aspect to the summer dhilng room. Tho wall treatment is suitable for n low celled room, the dark green burlap, which ends nt tho Hue of tho picture molding, being carried Just to the height of tho door. Above that tho wall Is finished llko tho colling in plain white. The simplo yet massive furni ture is of dark oak. Tho sideboard has handles In an old silver effect, and the furniture is upholstered in dark leather. A quaint Uower stand Is filled with flowering plants. On tho dining table n handsome sliver vessel for fruit stands Just beneath tho handsome chaudellor, whose cupllko reflector serves to throw tho light on tho center of tho table. The portiere, of a thin, soft fabric in ono of tho now cubist patterns, is in tones of dark green and red. -H-H-H-H-1-I-1-I-I"1"I-I"I-1-I"I-H-I-1- IN FASHION'S MAZE. Plain materials aro used for 4- points on blouses. , Tho summer evening gown is colorful. Whlto gloves stitched with red nro very smart Figured lawn is combined with plain bluo lawn. natplns with extremely small heads aro displayed. Tbo wired laco ruff suggesting tbo mcdlci collar is now. Sleeves of fino soft material show a decided fullness. Coat suits are mado of chamois colored ratine. Tho contrasting skirt and coat T contlnuo to hold Bway. ua many pretty garuen now appear frills of plaited tulle. -S-H-M-H- In some cases very tender and easily chapped skin will yield to the treat ment of glycerin applied immediately after washing when the skin is moist Do not apply it to a dry skin. Hub thoroughly into tho skin and then rub with n little good cold cream. Soaking thin hands In warm olive oil for half an hour every day will fat ten them. Alwnys bathe tho hands in warm water before using any improv er, so as to open up tho pores. After an oil soak wipe dry and use pre pared chalk as a powder until obliged to wash them free from oil. To protect the skin from the hot summer winds rub a littlo cold cream on the face and dust on pure rice pow der when obliged to bo out in the wind. Afterward wash off with warm water, followed by a cold rinsing. A chiffon veil worn through the windy season will save tho skin from tan and rough ness. For falling hair shampoo the head with green liquid soap and plenty of hot water; then apply every day for a month this tonic and shampoo once a week with soap nnd water until the month Is up. Constant use of green soap will make the hair too dry. Tonic Tincture cantharides alcohol ic), four drams; tincture capsicum, ono dram; tincture nux vomica, four drams; cocoa oil, one nnd a half ounces; eau de cologne, five ounces. 0 GENTLE, gentle summer rain. Let not tho ellver Illy pine The drooping Illy pine In vain To feel that dewy touch of thine To drink thy treshness once again, O gentle, gentle summer rain I In heat the landscape quivering lies; Tho catOo pant beneath the tree; Through parching air and purple skies Tho earth looks up In vain for thee For thee, for thee, It looks In vain, O gentle, gentle summer ralnl Come, thou and brim the meadow streams And soften all the hills with mist O falling dew, from burning dreams By thee shall herb and flower be kissed, And earth shall bless thee yet again, O gentle, gentle summer ralnl YfUUam Coz Dennett i An Old Favorite I I Summer Rain 1 FASHION HINT By JUDSC CH0LLET This house gown in empire design is graceful and much trimmer than the usual negligee. It is finished with an open neck and rolling oollar. The skirt is cut in four pieces. Tho blouse is simplo, with a plait over tho shoulders. For the medium size the gown will requiro nine yards of material twenty- HOUSE OOWN IN E1ITII1E STYLE. seven inches wide, with ono yard for tho trimming. This May Manton pattern Is cut In sizes from 34 to 44 Inches bust measure. Send 10 cents to this offlce, giving number, 78GS, and It will be promptly forwarded to you by mall. If in hasto send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage. "When ordering use coupon. No. Slzo. Name ... Address The Largest Magazine in tho World. To-day's Magazine is the largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. FIvo cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciates a good magaz.lne should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, Today's Magazine, Canton, Ohio. 14tf. Your aching corn will not trouble you if you use "PE DOS" CORN CURE. 15 cents. J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Ilnve 1110 and savo money. Wl attend snles anywhero in State. Address WAYMART, PA.CR. D. 3', r Sold by (fcasra averjrtkart The AUanllo Refining Company W. C. SPRY beaoiujAXE. AUCTIONEER nOIiDS S.UiES ANYWHEItB rs STATE. NIAGARA FAIXS. THE TOWER HOTEL is located directly opposite the Falls. Rates are reasonable. 19eolly TUB WAYNE COUNTEAN, Frank V, Woodward's local literary monthly. Is published In Honesdale with olllces In year, and many say It la worth a dollar, A8IC ANY HORSE I Eureka PKOFESSIONAT, CARDS. Attorncvs-at-Lnw. 1r E. SIMONS, iJX. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOU-AT-LAW. Office in the Court House, Honesdale; C1EARLE & SALMON. O ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS-AT-LAWi unices lateiv occupied by judce searle flHESTER A. GARRATT, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAWi Offlre-Dlmniick Building, Honesdale, Pa, TKTM. H. LEE, Office. Foster Iiulldlnff. All legal business promptly nuenaea to. iionesuale, 1'a. "II r TJMFORD & MUMFORD, 111 ATTORNEYS & COUNBELOBS-AT-LAWi rm t iv 1 ttii 1 11 ji Ti TTOMER GREENE. XL ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office: Relf Building, Honesdale. AHARLES A. McOARTY, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. collection oiciaims. Office: Relf Building, Honesdale. Physicians. T B. PETERSON, M. D. V . 112fiMATN BTSEET. HdSEBll A PA . es eiven careiuj aitemion.'3ai ivtuu F. G. KICKARD Prop MRST-CLASS WAGONS, RELIABLE HORSES. Especial Attention Given to Transit Business. I STONE BARN CHURCH STREET. SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you If vuu arc ill uic: miuiucl for bWbLKi, ML Vblv- CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "Guaranteed Articles only sold." n S MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. itrautttnxtJ JOSEPH N. WELC Fire Insurance inr iii nn i rn r. iiiiiiii Agency in Wayne County. loneeaaie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers