PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1913. "SPLEIO --T. R. That's His Comment on Out come of Suit. ALL CONCERNED ARE PLEASED Colonel Says He Didn't Seek Revenge, but Aimed to Stop Further Slander ing Editor Newett Commended For His Action on Stand. Marquette. Mich., June 2. Delighted with the vindication he received by the acknowledgment of George A. Newett, editor of the Ishporalng Irou Ore, thai he could not prove that Mr. Itoosevell. was ever Intemperate or addicted tc Intemperate habits, Theodore Roose volt and his party left for home. Be fore leaving Mr. Roosevelt said ho had desired vindication, not revenge, bul that there never again can be raised the question of intemperance where he is concerned. With the award by the Jury, at the suggestion of Mr. Huusovelt, of dam-, ages of (J cents the libel suit of the erstwhile president came to n close. The action of Mr. Newett In admit-1 ting on the witness stand that he coulu not prove, bis assertion that Mr. Roose I velt was Intemperate and that he wa! ' convinced from the testimony and th depositions of Mr. Roosevelt's wit nesses that the assertion was not 1 founded on fact lias brought him com mendation from many sources. T. R.'s Stand Admired. On the other hand, the action of Mr Roosevelt In accepting the admission of Mr. Newett gracefully and disclaim ing any desire for revenge or pecun lary benefit has brought forth expres sions of admiration. The action of Mr Roosevelt In asking that only nominal damages bo awarded was made at the moment Mr. Newett admitted that he did not believe that Mr. Roosevelt was Intemperate and that he was not Jus tified in printing what he did. "The verdict was perfectly splendid," said Mr. Roosevelt. "I did not go lntc this case for money, but for vindica tion. I made my reputation the issue because I wished once for all thor oughly nnd comprehensively to deal with these slanders. I have achieved my purpose, and I am content." The editor in vindicating Mr. Roose velt said In part: "I am unwilling to continue to assert that Mr. Roosevelt actually and in fact uraim 10 excess, as a puuusner or a newspaper I have never knowingly done Injustice to any man, and neither I nor any of my attorneys is willing now to make or continue the assertion of an unjust charge against the plain tiff in this case. We have reached the conclusion that to continue expressly or impliedly to assert that Mr. Roose velt drank to excess or actually became Intoxicated as set forth in the article would do him an injustice." WEDDING 0EDER BY WIRELESS Editor and Widow Arranged For It When 1,500 Miles at Sea. Boston, Juno 2. - R. W. Pillsburj, proprietor of the Manchester (N. H.) Union, arrived on tho steamer Cincin nati from Europe with his bride, whom he met while making a tour of tho world on tho Cleveland and whom ho married at Yokohama a few months ago after arrangements for tho mar riage had been made by wireless when the steamer was 1,500 miles from that port. Mr. Pillsbury's brido was Mrs. H. C. Valentino of Trenton, N. J., a widow. The Cleveland left San Francisco last February. Mr. Plllsbury began courting at once. When tho steamer arrived at Hongkong they announced their engagement. Before reaching Yokohama Mr. Plllsbury sent a wire less requesting that a Presbyterian minister be got. When the big liner arrived there the Itev. S. n. Devine was on the pier nnd married tho pair. Mr. Plllsbury was a widower and has a son at the Naval academy. EXPRESS KILLS MAN IN AUTO. Companions Jumped, but Julius We! wecke Was Cut In Two. Catsklll, N. Y., Juno 2.-The West Shore Chicago express, northbound, etruck a high powered car belonging to tho Post garago at Catsklll, instant ly killing Julius Welwecko of Catsklll. He with Henry Post and Goodwin Cowles left hero to bring a disabled car back to Catsklll. In crossing the tracks they failed to notlco tho np proachlng train. Post and Cowles Jumped, but before Welwecke, who was in the rear seat. could Jump the car was struck and he was thrown in front of tho engine, which passed over him. cutting his body In two. Ho was thirty-four years old and leaves an nged mother. 1913 JUNE 1913 I S I M I IT 1 W I T I IF I S I Y254567 8910 111213 14 15161718192021 22232425262728 1291501 "P ARTIST STARVES TO DFATH. Had1 Struggled Vainly Against Adver sity Before the End Came. New York, June 2. Six years of struggling to fulfill an unrealized ideal brought with him to tills country when ho came from Germany ended lnglorl ously for Edgar Jenlcko. His body, shrunken by disease and lack of proper nourishment, was found hunched up on n mattress spread on the floor of the basement In which ho lived at 431 East Eighty-third street. Hy the neighbors, who watched hlg eccentric movements, ho was looked upon as a genius. Ho had told them of his substantial ancestry and pros perous relatives, who sent him a week ly remittance from a little German town, but ho lamented his inability to go back to them as the possessor of the fame ho set out to achieve. When ho moved to the little base ment apartment six yeara ago Mr. Jo nicke brought with him a comploto artist's outfit. His pictures were at tractive, and in the first few months of his dwelling there well dressed young women came to him for lessons In painting. With him to his meager home Mr. Jcnicke brought also a battered grand piano and two violins. It was his playing of these Instru ments that brought the neighbors into his dim little abode In the earlier days of his residence there. They all were In the place when a policeman broke in the basement door and found him dead. The neighbors learned about two years ago that Jenlcko was suffering supposedly from tuberculosis. Ho re fused the aid they offered him. Let ters in his pockets showed that small amounts of money came to him from Mrs. Obrlst Jenlcko of Wittenburg. Germany. On the lloor alongside the mattress on which Jenlcko was found dead was half a stale roll and a tin cup half filled with water. Those who looked at the body declared they believed tho man had starved to death. Tho case was reported to the coroner for investigation. $65,000 CHEST AT SEA BOTTOM. Electro Magnet to Be Used to Raise Safe Containing Gold. San Francisco, June 2. Captain T. H. Whitelaw has located an iron chest which contains $05,000 in gold Ingots at tho bottom of tho Bay of Angel island and will attempt to recover the fortune by means of an electro magnet The safe was dropped from the hold of tho steamer Corcoran, which was rammed ,and turned turtle after collid ing with the steamer Seminole In a dense fog four months ago. Owing to the depth of the water Cap tain Whitelaw has been unable to send a diver down to mako a lino fast so tho safe might be raised. This will be the first time magnets have been used for this purpose here. WOMAN AVIATOR IN PLUNGE. She Saves Her Life by Quick Action After Motor Stops. Madison, Wis., Juno 2. Blanche Stu art Scott, a woman aviator from Chi cago, fell a hundred feet here, but was not badly injured. Sho was flying for tho Madison Aero club and had Jus! gone up for her second flight. She saved her life by quick thought t 1 action. When her motor stopped she volplaned to the ground. The wheels of her machine hit a fence and threw her out. Filer Killed at Chicago. Chicago, Juno 2. James Colovan, a young amateur flier, was killed by tho overturning of his blplano Just outside tho flying field of tho Aoro Club of Illi nois. Heat where others fall, because they have a large amount of heating surface, nn ample fire chamber and nro correctly rated. First cost of n heating apparatus Miould not nlono bo considered, but wlint will bo tho expense for fuel nnd maintenance. We will bo glad to estimate 1 your heating requirements. 0. M. Spettigue PLUMBING & STEAM HEATING, nonesdale, Fa. Ditoii Boilers A Hqricharoson ( I Mjj tout I ) SEEK TARIFF LOBBY Wilson Expected to Give List of Names. SENATOR OVERMAN PRESIDES. Members of Uppor House Will Be Asked to Tell of Their Relations With "Big Business" Each to Have Fifteen Minutes on the Stand. Washington, Juno 2. Speculation is rife In legislative circles as to the dato when President Wilson will appear bo fore tho lobby investigating committee of tho senate nnd submit to tho com mittee the list of persons who, he charges, aro at work endeavoring to in fluence members of congress to oppose tho Underwood tariff bill. Until that list is presented, it Is admitted, there will bo considerable uneasiness in dif ferent quarters. TI;o members of con gress aro also wondering Just how far the president's Information regarding the lobby extends. Preparations for tho commencement of the probe today were completed and Senator Overmon of North Carolina, who will preside over tho subcommit tee that will conduct the Investigation, announced that senators In blocks of four will be called upon to tell of their relations with "big business" during their terms in the senate. After each of the ninety-one other senators has testified five will take the stand. Mr. Reed will occupy tho chair while Mr. Overman testifies. Can't Finish In Ten Days. Although ten days is tho limit fixed in the Cummins resolution for a re port. It Is already apparent that an ex tension of tlmo will bo necessary to complete the sweeping Investigation. Each senator Is expected to occupy only fifteen minutes. Following them will come the representatives of the In terests who are seeking changes In the tariff schedules. Among those who have been most active In conducting a propaganda for changes In tho Underwood bill by means of advertisements in tho local papers and personal appearance before tho finance nnd the ways and means committees, are these: William Whltmnn of Boston, repre senting tho American Woolen associa tion, who has been active for fifteen years in presenting the Interests of the woolen Industry to congress. WInthrop Marvin, secretary of tho American Woolen Manufacturers': asso ciation. Henry T. Oxnard of jWashlngton, who is largely interested In beet sugar growing nnd represents tho industry. Truman G. Palmer, also representing the Western Beet Sugar association. He has an office in the Union Trust building, Washington. Gcorgo Moyercord of Chicago, repre senting the lithographers. William Payne, son of Representa tive Sereno Payno of New York, author of tho Payno-Aldrlch tariff bill. Mr. Payne Is n lawyer and authority on customs matters. STEALS HOUSE FROM THE CITY Italian Meant to Sell It to Customers For Kindling. New York, Juno 2. Nicholas Notto. an Italian kindling dealer at Mnspeth. was arrested charged with stealing a house belonging to the city of Now York. When tho city condemned Roosevelt avenue as a preliminary to the erection of tho elevated railroad which Is MaB- peth's share of the dual system the city took title to a one story house. Yesterday all that remained was the foundation. Tho police say that Notto, with help, tore down the building and stacked the wood to bo cut up for kindling. MASONS HONOR A BABY. Little Girl Baptized as Ward of Order In Buffalo Temple. Buffalo, June 2. With ceremonies used In this country for tho first tlmo since 1771 Ruth Kntbarlno Daggett, baby daughter of Byron B. Daggett, was baptized at tho Scottish Rite ca thedral here. The ceremony made the baby a wnrd of tho Lodgo of Perfec tion and entitled her to tho guardian ship nnd protection of the Masonic fra ternity In every part of tho world. Mr. Daggett Is a thirty-second degree Mason and sovereign prince of Pal monl Lodge of Perfection of the An cient and Accepted Scottish Rite. WALKED OFF PIER ASLEEP. Somnambulist Traveled a Mile In Night Clothes to the Hudson. Hastlngs-on-nudson, N. Y June 2. Melville Hnynes of Unlontown, about a mile from here, owes his Hfo to tho fact that ho is a good swimmer. Clad only In his night clothing ho walked from his homo In Unlontown to a pier at this place while asleep. Without awakening ho walked off tho pier. Needless to say, ho woko up when bo Itruclc the water. Then ho swam ishore. ?50O)00 to Firm's Help. Cincinnati, Juno 2. Mrs. Mary M. Emory, widow of Thomas Emery, has distributed securities for more than $500,000 among' tho office forco jbf Thomas Emery's Sons and .certain onl data of the Emery Candlo company es rewards for faithful eorvlce. IMPORTANT TO SUBSCRIBERS. Our subscribers are kindly re quested to consult tho expiration dato on their paper this week and if in arrears to kindly send us their check or a money order. As we aro now compelled to make affidavit each year to the Government showing the number of subscribers in arrears and since the law expressly states that "unless subscriptions aro renewed within one year from the dato of expiration they shall not be accepted at the second class rate of postage" we trust our subscribers will appreciate our position and attend to tho mat ter immediately. HAWLEY. Miss Kathryn Gelsler, of Belle monte Hill, is spending a week with friends and relatives at Newark, N. J. Mrs. R. F. Warg, of Penn avenue, spent Thursday at Blooming Grove. Mrs. May Plum, of River street, re turned homo yesterday after visiting friends In Scranton. Rev. R. Lucas and son, John, left Tuesday morning for New 'York, from where they sailed Thursday to Germany. They will spend about three months with tho former's mother there. Frank White, of Lake Ariel, was a caller in town recently. George Daniels, of Kimbles, spent Thursday here. Chief of Police Tanner, of Han cock, spent a few days last week In town. The following from Lakevillc were callers in town Thursday: Rev. Stephen Treat, Bliss Treat, Miles Bishop, Philip Sheley and Llela Tetz laff. Miss Anna White, of Church St., left Tuesday morning for an exten sive trip abroad. Misses Ethel and Laura Decker, of Main avenue, spent Memorial day with their parents at Kimbles. Frank Campbell, of Blnghamton, was a business caller here recently. 'Squire Hollister of Hollisterville, was a caller here recently. Miss Mary Miller, of Lakeville, Is spending a few days with relatives in town. LAKE COMO. Lake Como, May 29. Helen and Ethel Woodmansee, Mary Stoneburg and Blanche Blair attended Sunday school at Starlight Sunday. Clayton Decker has accepted a position with Mr. Barnes at Herrlck, Pa. Viola Allen, of Pleasant ML, re turned home Saturday after spend ing some time with her sister, Mrs. Schenck. Florence Pattent is assisting Mrs. R. O. Woodmansee with her house work. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ennes, of Sparrowbush, returned home after spending two weeks with friends here. The base ball players attended the ball game at Equinunk Saturday be tween Equinunk and Lake Como, score 4 to 11 in favor of Equinunk. John Flynn and Joel Bullock, of Union, Pa., were callers in town last Thursday. PAUPACK. Paupack, June 2. Mrs. Spinnler, of Tafton, died on Thursday even ing. Tho remains were taken to New York City on Saturday morning for burial. She leaves a husband, one son and two daughters. Miss Louise Singer, of Hawley, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Singer. iHarold, Leland, Floyd and Anna Qumble, Edna Singer, Dorothea Gum ble, Blanche M. Fowler, Mabel and Joseph Gumble attended the Memor ial Day exercises at Hawley. Anna Steinman spent Memorial Day at Scranton. Mrs. C. A. Pellett entertained the Ladies' Aid society on Thursday. AMENDMENT TO V. S. CONSTITU. TION. United States Senator Chamber lain's resolution proposing an amend ment to the Constitution of the United States to give the ballot to women, has been ordered favorably reported by tho Senate Woman Suf frage Committee. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Cole Harwood, N. Y, Lillian Tarbox ....Harwood, N. Y, Leo Smith Abrahamsvllle Emma Abraham Galilee INDIAN ORCHARD. Mrs. S. K. Dillswas given a sur prise on Friday last when a number of friends came to spend the day with her, bringing with them good wishes for the return of many more birthdays and a number of beautiful china dishes, pictures, etc., also re freshments. Those present were: Mrs.- A. Mitchell and daughter, Eva,' Mrs. M. Connor and son James, .Mrs. Wm. Moloney and daughter, Flor ence, Mrs. Fred Marshall, and Mrs. Simon Marshall, all of Laurella; Mrs. J. W. Spry and friend, Lulu Hiller, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Henshaw, Edna Toms and Irvln Henshaw, Jr., Mrs. E. C. Ham, H. H. Crosby and NOTICE OF AMENDMENT CHARTER. OF In the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne County, 228 March Term, 1913. Notice Is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the said court on Friday, Juno 20th, 1913, at 2 o'clock- p. m under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provld6 for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporations" approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the approv al of certain amendments to the charter of Stalker Methodist Episco pal church changing tho name of the said church to "Grace Methodist Episcopal Church" as setforth In tho petition for the allowance of said amendment, filed In said court. Mumford & Mumfprd, Solicitors, Honesdale, Pa., May 28, 1913. 44w4. I Goulds will PATENTED. I M URRAY CO Everything for the Fnrni. wife. Other friends were prevented from enjoying the sociable afternoon by the Incessant fall of rain and sick ness. Miss Mary Church, who has spent the winter in Lynn, Mass., having sold her late brother's estate, will roturn to Wayne county the later part of this week and will spend a part of her time with her sister, Mrs. P L. Braman. The Ladies' Aid members, acting upon the suggestion of Mrs. R. Left wich, will hold a Children's Day at her home June 5th. Recitations and If SNAPPY LITTLE BUSINESS STORIES, "f AVatch This Space Every Tuesday. "Heart to Heart Talks About Advertising" By Roy B. Copyrighted 1911 This talk 'is directed to men and women who have "the commercial in stinct" who can make some one thing better than any one else and who are ambitious to have a business of their own. . ,j ... .. There are scores of men and worn- , 1 1. I . i - n. i" boss. Lying dormant in their brain are Ideas, which, if commercialized would make them wealthy. What others have done you can do through ambition, determination and advertising. "Mary Elizabeth," of Rochester, was a working girl who made delici ous chocolate creams. Sho sold a few pounds and was so encouraged that sho got tho advertising manager of a local newspaper nelp prepare some advertising. Within a few months every lover of good candy In Rochester was eating Mary Eliza beth's chocolates. This was five years ago. "Mary Elizabeth" Is now a wealthy business woman employing several hundred people. Her chocolates are known from ocean to ocean. Mennen was a barber, but he thought everybody ought to use his talcum powder. From a small start with advertising in his local news papers an enormous business was created. Mennon left an estato worth over a million dollars. A young man In Scranton secured (Continued Tuesday.) Read Every Talk He Wil Soon WHO? WHY, BRAMAN AND A BIG DROVE OF iowa Horses Can't say positively, but probably of as fine a lot of Iowa Horses as before the next Citizen Is published were over bred, broke and brought thef Allen House stables wllj, be. full Into Old Wayne County. 3E3C A. iFL ZKT 33 S S You will find It right in tho Allen House stables. Why not look It over and pick out what you want while troubles pur sprayer Throws either a fine spray or a solid stream. New style solid brass nozzles that will not clog. Full brass pump that will not corrode. Pump it full of air and the sprayer does the rest. Come in and let us demonstrate Price $4.50 each and worth more than it costs. Honesdnle, Fa. singing are on the programme, also refreshments will bo served. Come and bring at least one child and spend the day in a Jolly way. Lulu iHiller, of Beachlake, return ed homo Sunday after a few days' visit with her friend, Mrs. J. W. Spry. J. I. Henshaw, who will graduate from Lafayette College this week, will spend a part of his vacation with his parents, A. M. Henshaw and wife. Congratulations, Irvin. John Reining of Beachlake, spent Sunday at A. M. Henshaw's. Simpson. by R. B. Simpson.) the formula for a toilet cream of superior merit. He started with less than $100 and in fifteen months had built up a business requiring a work ing capital of $300,000. AiiUUlDl 111 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 1 0 111 U 1 11 ,. , Cl ICUUU 111111 LU 1111111U lt.Hl 11 U 111 lj made bread. He began by making bread in his own kitchen and ad vertising in a small way in the daily newspapers. Within two years he has become one of Philadelphia's foremost bakers. Hundreds of similar stories of a big business from a small start can be told. Nearly every successful en terprise had a humble beginning. Continuous advertising made them grow. If you can make a loaf of bread, better pies or other eatables, better children's aprons, rompers or other articles of wear or use, come out in to the open and let everybody enjoy tho benefit of your genius. Com mercialize your talent. It is a part of the business of this newspaper to make business for oth ers. The advertising manager will assist you In drawing up a plan and writing your ads without charge or obligation. Make a start NOW. Get a good plan and stick to It advertise con tinuously and consistently and you will soon be at tho head of a busi ness you will be proud to own. - It's Worth While. Here! waiting for the new stock of Iowa Farm Horses to arrive? That would be a dandy scheme, now wouldn't it? Be
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers