1 THE CITIZEN. Ilavo You EnJo'iKi . Tho Copy of Tho Citizen? Nofet'iis and Have It Sent Regular, l&j ; Tho Citizen Costs Only 91.50 Tor Year and You Get ALL tho llomo and County News. PBJOTM cents 71st YEAR. NO. 45 HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1913. MEMORIAL DAY FINEST IN MANY YEARS XARGE CROWD OF PEOPLE WIT NESS PARADE AND HEAR SPEAKERS. Thermometer Hovered Ahout 80 De grees AH Dny Addresses AVcro Tho Best Ever Heard In Hones dale. Memorial 'Day, 1913, will go down In the annals of local history as one of the best ever observed In Hones dale. Patriotism filled the air all along the line of march. It was re flected from tho stores and private houses In the form of Old Glory, be sides many flags being carried In the parade. The procession, without a doubt, was the best ever to have been ex hibited upon . the streets of Hons dale. The line of march was stren gthened by tho addition of the Span ish War veterans and Jenkins' Boy hand. There were more children In line than at any time heretofore, pu pilB of both the High school, primary and intermediate grades taking part. Each pupil carried a bouquet of flow ers. Owing to some misunderstand ing the borough council failed to re ceive their notice to participate in the parade. Outside of this the af fairs and doings of the day passed off smoothly. Tho program printed in last Tues day's Citizen was carried out as reproduced, both as to the line of march, formation and exercises at the cemetery. Homer Greene was master of ceremonies at tho soldiers' plot, where the exercises wore observed. The special naval memorial ser vice at tho bridge was very impres sive. It consisted of an address by Rev. C. C. Miller, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, which wo reproduce In part, and tho strewing of flowers upon the Lackawaxen riv I er in commemoration of tho marines who lost their lives at sea. After these exercises the ranks were closed and the procession con tinued its march to the cemetery, where short services were held. The exercises were observed as follows: Exercises nt the Cemetery. "The Assembly": Maple City Fife and Drum Corps. Invocation: Rev. A. L. Whlttaker. Opening by Post Commander. Raising Flag: Mrs. Wm. Clark. "The Star-Spangled Banner": Hones dale Band. Draping Grave: Mrs. C. E. Baker. "Glory Hallelujah": Band. Service in memory of the unknown dead: Decoration of grave: Mrs. D. B. Mantle. Dropping flag to half mast: Mrs. W. Clark. Dirge: Band. G. A. R. Memorial Service: Officers of Post. Band: "America." Attorney Charles P. Searle, orator or the day, outdid himself in the rendition of his address. In a clear. forceful voice he presented before his largo audience an oration that will long be remembered In the minds of patriotic veterans and oth ers who listened to his masterly ad dress, lie was heartily applauded throughout his talk and held the un divided attention of all. Attornev Searle is one of Wayne county's ris ing young lawyers, whose voice we hope may be heard in the halls of our legislative and senatorial houses in the near future. Attorney Searle's oration will bo found on page 2 of to-uay's paper. "Columbia": Band. Musketry salute to tho dead: Co. E. Benediction: Rev. George S. Wen dell "Taps": Post Bugler. Tho procession, disbanded in front of the Post headquarters where din ner had been prepared by the La dies' Circle, G. A. R.. Tho largo number of veterans, their wives and I children, visiting guests and others enjoyed the noonday meal. After wards old time war songs and stor- lies were sung and told and all re- Iport having enjoyed themselves. At St. Mary Madgnlen's Church. Special Memorial Day services, in cluding mass at 8:30, attended by labout 150 children of St. Mary I Magdalen s church, were held on Friday morning in that edifice. iFather J. W. Balta was celebrant. At 9:30 the children, accompanied ay tho Sisters of the church and rather Balta, marched to tho Ger- Iman Catholic cemetery, where tho services were concluded. The graves Bor tno deceased veterans were decor- lated with flowers and flags. Father uaita addressed tho children at that place on the meaning of the day, Appearance at Cemeteries. Tho different cemeteries. Including Jlen Dyberry, Rlverdale, Hebrew, St, iTohn's Lutheran and German Catho- llc, were in excellent condition. All cemeteries, with the exception of the Batter, are under tho sextonBhin of Robert J. Miller. Superintendent i.MUlor has eight men working in these different plots. Despite the inclement weather, which sot back considerable work, tho different lotB looked fine, reflecting considerable credit upon Mr. Miller and his efll biont corps of helpers. Urns on nrl- raio jots nau lately come rrom tho Iaplo City green houses containing uioommg uowers, wmcn harmonized vith the green vegetation, thus mak ing a beautiful picture to behold. Irho graves also were universally Ilecorated. Tho Glen Dyberry Como- ery company are opening up a new errltory on the side hill on which lire a number of beautiful lots. Tho roadway which was commenced two years ago, will bo extended this sea- lion. fortunes and their lives to tho cauBO of popular liberty. We cannot say too much in praise of their heroism, unselfishness and patriotism. They placed courtesy above life and prin ciple above mere existence. They thereby teach us that life is not worth living if principle and truth be missing. It is most fitting there fore, that we as a nation, set apart one day of tho year for the purpose of showing our gratitude, our rever ence and our love for those who went forth to light, to suffer, to groan, to bleed and to die if neces sary, in order that " this nation un der God might live and not perish from the earth." On this day North and South, full justice is done to the memory of those who fought on land; but not enough has been said of those who fought and fell on tho mighty deep. How well they performed their duty under the most trying circum stances, is a priceless heritage. Never, since the great sea fight of Lepanto, where 300 royal Galleys manned by 50,000 warriors met 250 Galleys manned by 120,000 men; never, since Augustus with 269 ships met and scattered the 260 ships of Mark Anthony; never, since tho inglorious destruction of the Spanish Armada, has the world seen such a miraculous creation as the American navy. What brilliant achievements are suggested by the names of Rear Ad mirals, frigates, ironclads, gunboats and men of war. Think of our John Paul Jones, who when asked by the British Captain: "Have you struck your colors?" replied, " I have not yet begun to fight." Think of Hull and Arnold and Decatur and Potter and Farragut. Think of tho magic names of those famous vessels tho Bon Homme Richard, the Delaware, the Constitution and the Chesapeake commanded by Lawrence, whose dy ing words to his men were: "Don't give up the ship." Think of the Niagara commanded by Commodore Perry who wrote his famous mes sage on the back of an old letter, " We have met the enemy and they are ours." Think of the achieve ments of Dewey and Schley and of all the heroic men who fought on land and sea ever since we became a nation. While wo then follow with just and exalted pride the footsteps of our soldiers, from the Aroostook to the Golden Gate, from Porto Rico to the Philippine Islands, erecting monuments over the graves of thoso fallen on land and crowning tho brow of tho living with imperishable fame, let us concentrate a single niche in the palace of our memories to tho patriotic American sailors who braved the shafts of disease of every clime, who fell In battle far away from every sight and sound of home, parents and friends, whoso shroud was the Union Jack, whoso requiem is the everlasting anthem of the storm-tossed waves, and whose only monument is the unsullied flag of their country for which they fought and died. Ah, they knew that loving arms would carry the men who fell on land and bury them with the honors of war; but for them, whose ship was at once their tent, their battlefields, their ambul ance, their hospital and their dying- Dea, tnere remained nothing, save only the cruel jaws of the man-eat ing shark and the endless tossing of the sea which knows no rest. In the cemeteries of Federal and Confederate dead, North and South, lie the remains of most of those who fell and died on land, but where those are who fell fighting on tho deep will not be known until the sea gives up its dead. Let us then unite with Nature in adorning tho graves of those who have gone hence, with greens and uowers, tokens of our unforeetful ness and praise. As they cast aside all distinctions of creed and color race and position, and strove for a common cause, the perpetuity of the iiepublic, so lot us follow Nature and decorate all graves with equal tenderness and love. From the greatest General to tho youngest drummer boy; from the greatest Ad miral to the smallest cabin boy, we do nis day honor all without dlstinc- tlon. 9 Let our young men and maidens now scatter flowers in profusion up on the sepulchres of the nation's de renders and upon the waters of our rivers, that they may be borno out on the receding waves of the sea as messages of lovo to the bravo sailor boys who sleep beneath, and may our nearts mis day noid sweet commun ion with the dead. (Continued on Pago 2.) TWO INJURED WHEN SURREHURNS TURTLE FRANK TAYLOR OF CHERRY RIDGE AND MRS. F. PETIIICK SLIGHT SUFFERERS. Harness Lets Polo of Surrey Drop in Going Down Hill Turns and Tlirows Occupnnts Out Horses and Surrey Tumble into Ccllnr. Frank Taylor suffered a severe cut over the eye and Mrs. Frank Pethick sustained a badly injured foot as the result of an accident Friday even ing about half-past nine o'clock when they were driving down Green street on the hill near the Genung school house. Frank Stegner, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pethick and three children and Frank Taylor were in the sur rey. They were returning from Mr. Taylor's farm that evening arter spending the day there. The team of horses driven by Mr. Taylor were very spirited and when they were descending the hill the neckyoke of the harness broke and tho tongue of the surrey dropped to the road suddenly, and tipped it completely over In the road. The occupants wore thrown out. All sustained injuries of some sort, but Mr. Taylor fell, striking his head on a sharp stone and Mrs. Pethick bruis ed her foot. The horses did not stop, however, and dragged the surrey down the hill about two blocks where the whole thing, horses and all, fell In a tangled mass into the pit dug for a cellar near the foot of Green street. They were not badly injured but were marked with bruises and cuts. The surrey was completely demolished. There was a sharp turn in the road near tho foot of Green street and instead of turning tho horses went straight ahead and fell head long over' the cement wall of tho cellar of the house Mr. Polley Is erecting near the foot of the street. Neighbors came and helped get the horses out of the pit. It took an hour to get them out. Dr. Griffin was called to attend Mr. Taylor. Rev. C. C. Miller's Address. li'ellow Citizens and Friends: Let us reverently tarry here Inoment to pay a tribute of respect o tne memory of our sailor dead Ivho like our soldlerB, sacrificed their BASE BALL SEASON OPENS WITH TWO GAMES FRIDAY MEMORIAL DAY AT ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CEMETERY On Memorial Day the people of St. John's Catholic" church went in procession from the church to St. Jdhn's cemetery, where the graves of the soldiers and others were dec orated. Thn services were In charce of the pastor of St. John's church, and con- Loose Playing Featured Both Games G C. CLUB MET TEAM FROM OLVPHANT MEMORIAL DAY ON LOCAL GROUNDS. BASEBALL FOR HONESDALE. sisted In reading the prayers for de parted souls, and blessing the graves Tho congregation sang several ap propriate hymns. In tho procession each child carried a flag. The at tendance was noticeably large. Fath er Doherty, a former pastor of St. John's, is burled among the people for whom he labored hero during 37 years of his priestly life. For each year of his charge a flag was placed by children around his grave, form ing a square of 37 flags. Four flags were placed at Father Canavan's grave the years of his priesthood. In a loud and clear voice, Paul O'Neill read Mr. Homer Greene's "Fifty Years Ago," pub lished in The Citizen of last week. SWARTZ CHARGED WITH FELONY SUES FOR $10,000 ACTION IS RESULT OF CHARGES MADE BY FLOYD BORTREE OF ARIEL. County Swnrtz GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LUCKY. Death of Harry Karslake. Harry Karslake. well known to a number of Honesdale and Wayno county friends, died of catarrh of tho stomach on Saturday at his homo in Long Island City, N. Y. Mr. Kars lake was born in England about 68 years ago and had been a resident in this section of tho country for a number of years. He is survived by a wife. William II. Karslake, of Dyberry, Is a nephew of the de ceased. While in Honesdale Mr. Karslake was employed at the Allen House. Tho remains will bo brought to Honesdale on Tuesday for burial. HORSE BITES OFF FINGER. Clarence Snyder, of Walton, met with a severe accident Saturday. Ho had been attending the auction horse sale in the afternoon and was helping a purchaser put a halter on a wild animal. In somo way tho horse grabbed tho second linger and bit it off, pulling a cord or muscle six Inches long from tho hand and arm, making a terrible wound. At the Austin horse sale Saturday over luu norses were sold. Fierce Flnmes Robbed of Their Prey Tiirougli Recent Removal of 500, OOO Documents. The savage tiro which broke out in tho basement of the Geological Survey building on Sunday, May 18, while in a sense disastrous, did, in fact, far less damage than was at first supposed. Tho bulk of the dam age was in the largo document room containing Survey reports and geo logic folios and a similar- number of topographic maps. Fortunately, over 90 per cent, of the Survey bul letins, water-supply papers, mono graphs, and other reports had been transferred last winter to the Gov- ernment Printing Office and work had but just begun on the transfer into the resulting space, from the adjoining "Annex," of the three and a half million topographic maps con stitutlng the Survey stock. Thus had the Are occurred earlier the loss in documents would have been many times greater, while If it had occur red a little later than It did, after the transfer of the maps, the loss would have again been several hun dred thousand dollars. As it is, about a quarter of a million topographic maps were slightly damaged and the stock of geologic folios was more or less damaged by fire and water, but from 80 to 90 per cent, of the folios are believed to be usable. All these folios, the regular price of which is 25 or 50 cents a copy, are now offer ed to the public at 5 cents each, with no further reduction for wholesale orders. The "reserve stock" of the Survey publications is largely mass of ashes and charred paper, Many of these reports, from 20 to 30 years old, are now rare books and this loss perhaps constitutes the most serious damage. A careful es timate of the damage caused by the Are corroborates the original state ment of a loss of $75,000. Construction of New Fireproof Building Delayed. Tho last session of Congress, after 20 years of more or less constant im portuning, authorized the construc tion of a new fire-proof Geological Survey building at a cost not to ex- ceed $2,596,000, but before actual work can be commenced this amount will have to bo made available in a regular appropriation bill. This means an unfortunate delay of an other year beforo any work can start other than -the preliminary estimat ing by the supervising Architect of the Treasury Department. It may bo , stated, in justice to tho present rented survey Duiiding, which is Ire quently referred to in tho nowsna- pers as a "flro trap," that this Is a correct statement largely becauso of the fact that the congestion due to the necessary crowding of a very large bureau into a much too small building has necessitated the erec tion' of somo two acres of thin wood en partitions and other Internal ar rangements which make the building a very uaa nro risk. In Two Trials In Wayne Wltliin Last Two Years AVas Indicted Turns Around and Asks Damages. George W. Swartz, of Ariel, started suit in the Wayne county courts here Saturday through his attorneys, H. Holgate, of Scranton, and Kimble & Mumford, of Honesdale, against Floyd Bortree of Ariel, claiming tho sum of ?10,000 for slander and defamation of charac ter at the hands of Mr. Bortree. The declaration set forth that G. W. Swartz, a citizen of the Common- ealth of Pennsylvania, was In the mploy of Floyd Bortree, at the lat- ter's mill at Lake Ariel up to Octo ber 1911. At that time he was charged with larceny of money and merchandise from the mill and was taken before 'Squire L. J. Pelton where he was obliged to give bail for his appearance at court. Ho was subsequently indicted by the grand jury on eight counts. In the trial that followed he was acquitted by the jury who brought In a verdict of "not guilty." In March of 1912 he was again arrested on a similar charge and was again acquitted by a jury. Mr. Swartz claims that his good name and standing in tho commun ity has been ruined by these actions to impeach his honesty and he brJngs the action for damages as u payment of the disgrace he has suffered on account of it. MAKES BUTTER FOR THE NAVY. The Ayer and McKinney creamery at Meridale has contracted and al ready has begun making butter tor the navy. Their contract is to make ono hundred thousand pounds. xjownsviue News. -Plenty of news in this paper. PRESTON PARK GIRL DIES FROM BURNS, Anna Haines, .aged six, of Preston Park, died in tho State hospital Sun day afternoon as a result of burns received in a flro which destroyed the homo of her parents and fatally burned her 14-year-old Bister, Vera. The older Bister died in the hospital a iow uays anor admittance. On May 18th Vera poured gaso lino on a slow burning coal flro tb quicken it. She believed that the liquid was kerosene. There was an explosion and the clothing of both children was set on fire. Tho girls rushed to tho village of Preston Park, a hair mile away, whero they fell exhausted. Tholr parents were visiting In the village and tho chil dren not knowing what to do ran to where their parents were. First AVent to Olynhnnt. 0-21 Second Called Off to Catch Train. Score Stood 10-9 Favor of Locals. The G. C. Club opened their base ball season hero on Memorial Day with a team representing Olyphant, in two loosely played games. In the first game Olyphant made 6 runs on 3 hits while tho Honesdale team only made 3 runs on 9 hits. None of the pitchers were very well support ed, but Rose and Loll of the G. C. club suffered tho most. Rose, who started to pitch for the G. C. club, was, very wild, although the boys from over the hill couldn't hit him when he got thom over. Olyphant made their first when Taylor got in the way of one of Rose's slow ones, and went to second on McGlaugh lin's sacrifice, which Dalles muffed, letting him go to third, and came home when Shilling juggled Balles' high throw to catch McGlaughlin at second, in the third Rose took his trip in the airship when Zevin .was safe on an error by W. Polt, Schen ockl on a error by Mangan and Rose hit Barnett, Rolls and McGlaughlin while Taylor made a nice single. which, coupled with an error by Bal les netted 4 runs. Loll, of White Mills, started In the fourth for Honesdale, and al lowed two hits and one run for the balance of the game. His work was the bright spot in the G. C. side of the game, as ho seems to have a fine assortment of curves mixed with lots of speed; J. Hessling, however, has trouble in holding him. The G. C. club made their first in the second on a hit by W. Polt, a passed ball and a hit by H. Balles. Another run crossed the pan in the fourth on an error by Corsak, a sac rifice and another hit by H. Balles. The G. C.'s best run was made in tne sixth on an error by Colin and hits by Mangan and Schilling. xno second game reallv ended In n. tie, 9 to 9, as tho Olyphant players had to catch a train. They allowed their side to bo retired in the first of the seventh after only one man was out, and Honesdale In taking their bat In the last of the seventh made on run on a three-bagger by Balles and a sacrifice fly by Hoef lein. This run, if counted, would make Honesdale a winner. 10 to 9. as the game ended at that point, but the score should revert to the end of the 6th Inning, making the game a tie, 9 to 9, because Olyphant was unuueu to a run lnnine in thn first of the seventh. Tho lineun: OLYPHANT. That Honesdale will have a Bure base ball team this year is now almost an assured fact for N. B. Spencer has taken up tho work ol organizing with a will. For a time the prospects looked rather dubious but they are growing brighter every day. Mr. Spencer has been assured of much financial backing from tho local business men and If enough money can be raised the grounds near the silk mill will be scraped and leveled; the grand stand renew ed and new bleachers put In. It is proposed to change the home plato around so that the right foul lino will be tho corner of the silk mill. Saturday afternoon last a few good "fans" were talking over the possibilities and finally became so enthusiastic that our friend, "Nick" Spencer, whom tho Citizen first boomed as tho proper man for man ager, started out to Jlnd just what the sentiment of some of the local enthusiasts was, and found so much enthusiasm, and of the "dig down in their pocket" kind that It is almost a sure thing that our newspaper base ball team will bo a reality in tho near future. In fact our hustling manager Spencer has already sent out his lines fof a game for next Saturday, and will have repaired tho bleachers and cleaned the grounds by that time. Of course all this means money and we understand that everyone is to have the privilege of contributing to the cause. It is the intention to use a few White Mills players, and wo under stand that they are willing. Tho fol lowing is a list of some of the play ers who have been mentioned: Loll of White Mills, a pitcher of tho very best rank for amateur ball, and the old reliable Bennie Hessling, Sander cock, Weaver, Larson and Wenders, of White Mills; Brader, Mangan, Dudley, Schilling and Curtis. DR. BETHANY. Bethany, June 2. Rev. J. E. Pritchard preached a fine Memorial sermon in the Presbyterian church the Sunday before Memorial Day. Ernest Paynter, of Carbondale, spent last Sunday with his brother, Lee Paynter and family, and also visited other relatives. Linda Odelle of Prompton, is spending several days with Nellie Pritchard. Mrs. Ernest Paynter and two lit tie girls, Phyllis and Rachel, of Car bondale, came Thursday to spend Memorial Day at the Lavo home. Miss Cody, of scranton, spent Memorial Day with Mrs. Charles Pethick. Mrs. A. O. Blake and Mrs. Henry A. Lippert, vice-presidents of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid and tne ladles of their circle gave a very nice supper In the church dining room Thursday to about fifty. Mr. and Mrs. James Johns spent Friday in Prompton calling on Mrs. John's father, Mr. William Pentecost. The Presbyterian Sunday school expects to celebrate Children's Day on June Sth. Mrs. Asa Kimble, of Dyberry, spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. E. W. Gammell. Many from here attended tho exer cises in Honesdale on Memorial Day. Bessie Kimble, of Pleasant Valley, spent Sunday with her cousin, Ella Gammell. Miss Starnes, of Honesdale, spent Memorial Day at her home here. Judson Noble arrived Saturday to spend Sunday with his wife and baby at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Many. Mr. Noble's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, of Fallsdale, wero also entertained at the Many homo over Sunday. Mrs. J. V. Starnes left Monday for Jersey City, enrouto to Portland, Me, She will spend Monday night in Jer sey City with Mrs. Lena Roberts and leave the following day for Portland to visit her sister, Miss Laura siay- ton. R. H. Stein, 2nd 0 0 Corsak, If 1 l Zevin, cf l o Cobln, ss o 0 Shenocki, 3rd 1 1 Barnet, 1st 1 o Rolls, rf l o Taylor, p i i McGlaughlin, c .... 0 0 O. A. E. 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 4 G. C. Mangan, 3rd 0 Schilling, cf 0 Hessling, c 1 AV. Polt, ss 1 H, Balles, 1st .... 0 C. Balles, rf 0 Hoinlckle, 2nd . . . 0 J. Polt, If l Rose, p o Loll, p o 6 3 CLUB. R. H. 2 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 21 O. 0 0 11 FRANKLIN ON GUNBOAT "CARONDOLET." Dr. J. H. Franklin, of Philadel phia, who is spending a few weeks in Honesdale, is a veteran of tho Civil war, having served his country both on land and water. He enlisted at Cincinnatti, Ohio, as a hospital steward and was afterwards trans ferred to Nashville, Tenn. He was then placed in tho navy. Dr., Frank lin did service on the gunboat "Car ondolet'' two months and was then made hospital steward, having charge of the sick bay on the boat. Often times In the absence of Dr. Bannon, surgeon in charge, Dr. Franklin was left in full charge of tho hospital ward on board the vessel. During tho fight on tho Mississippi the Carondolet, which was an iron clad and tho strongest of six iron clads of tho fleet, captured several places. Vicksburg was captured af ter two weeks of hard and terrible lighting. Other places taken were Grand Gulf, Yazoo River, Island No. 10, Deer Creek, Rolling Fork and other places. Tho Carondolet was equipped with eight inch guns, four guns on the port and starboard sides of the boat, and twelve inch guns in the bow. The Carondolet always took the lead in the conflict and was never disabled. Dr. Franklin said it was a cruel and barbarous war and only those who participated in it really know about it. AVhiie fighting on land it was a common occurrence to sleep between two dead men to keep the cold and chilly winds from blowing over one, take a stone or fence rail for a pillow and lay on wet and hard ground. Those were experiences Dr. Franklin and others had while doing duty between Nashville and Chata nooga. Dr. Franklin had three brothers enlist in tho 8th Pennsylva nia cavalry and all survived the war. 2 10 21 5 11 AVILL SELL FAIR GROUNDS. Tho directors of the Delaware County Agricultural Society have do cided to sell tho fair grounds at Del hi and will obtain an order from Judge Sowell for this purpose. Tho Delhi fair has been a losing proposi tion for years, and a big responsi bility for any set of men who un dertook to manage it. Downsvlllo News. ON THE GOLF LINKS. Memorial Day on tho Honesdale golf links was enjoyed by a num ber of Its members. There wero two tournaments played, ono among the gentlemen and tho other with the ladies. Two lino silver cups wero captured. Charles Weston, of Car bondale, secured the gentlemen's handicap cup, while Miss Faith Clark was successful in securing tno ladies' handicap. Mr. Weston's score was 89 for the two rounds. About 100 people were served to dinner, thus closing a yery pleasant Memorial Day spent on the heights. OLYPHANT Second Game. Stein, 2nd McGlaughlin, c J. Schilling, cf J. Polt, 2nd F. Schilling, p. R. H. O. A. E. 0 0 110 2 0 10 2 2 2 0 3 1 2 112 1 12 10 0 117 0 2 110 0 0 0 2 7 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 9 11 18 6 8 econd Game. R. H. 0.A. E. 2 2 2 1 0 110 11 4 2 10 2 110 3 0 0 2 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 12 0 10 0 0 10 111 9 10 18 7 8 AVAITED FOR PRINTER TO DELIA'ER MARRIAGE LICENSE Instead of Prothonotary AV. J, uarnes delivering tho marriage li cense that would make happy a Haw- ley coupio wnen tney called at the court house on Thursday last, the printer delivered tho license. The supply of blank notices had become exhausted before Prothonotary Barnes was evidently aware of it and before tho applicants, Edgar Shelp and Electa Tyce. of Hawlev. coniri obtain tho necessary legal document tne printer had to strike somo off, The ink was yet "green" when tho certificate was mado out. The couple remained in .noncsaaie an day. THE KNAPP TRLVL ON. The trial of Charles J. Knapp of Binghamton for alleged irregularities In the transaction of the business of tho Binghamton Trust Company, of which he was president, opened at Ithaca on Monday last before Justice Kiler- A Jury was easily secured of men who had no previous knowledge of the affairs' of tho Knapps or of the trust company. Of tho 12 men in the box nine are farmers, ono a traveling man, one a glass worker and one the flro marshal of lthacar ROAVLAND, THE JEWELER, IN NEW V U A1HEBS., Harold G. Rowland, proprietor of the Rowland jewelry store, located in the Schuerholz building, opened his new store to the public on Satur day, May 31st. Tho quarters are neat' in appearance, original in de sign and convenient for tho public. Tho store embodies all that goes to make a modern and up-to-date place of business. Tho fixtures, display cabinets, desks and moulding are of mahogany finish, while tho ceiling and walls aro white. Tho harmony is exquisite. AVell stocked cases of silverware, clocks and other valuable articles give tho storo a metropolitan effect. Suspended from the colling and over display cabinets are several artistic Roman gold electric chan dallers, which give a daylight effect at night. The Frlnk system of win dow lighting is of latest design and something new for Honesdale. The wiring was executed by Richard Hartnett. Mr. Rowland is entering upon the third year In business, having open-, ed his storo to the public in the Glehror building, from which place ho has just moved, October 29, 1910, Ho engaged A. A. Oehlort, of Scran ton, a practical jeweler and optician, who has been in Mr. Rowland's em ploy and is still associated with tho house. Mr. Oehlort is highly quali fied for the position he holds and has mado a number of warm acquaint ances while here. By exercising the slogans, " Promptness is a habit," and " Your satisfaction is our suc cess," the Rowland jewelery store has established a handsome business in Honesdale. Mr. Rowland Is one of tho Maplo City's promising young merchants. Ho is exceedingly popu lar among the young people, has a host of older friends and tne pros pects for a prosperous business ca reer are very bright. The Rowland Jewelry storo Is the third of Its kind to have been lo cated in tho Schuerholz building. P. P. Brown conducted a store there about 75 years ago, C. P. Eldred later on and now Mr. Rowland. Miss Maude Ridd has been spend ing a few days at her homo in Slko. Postmaster M. B, Allen Is Jn New York City.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers