Cti Pino Job Work Promptly Ex edited at Tho Citizen Office. Subscribe For Tbo C The People's Family Pnp . .51.50 1'cr Year. o J 5 . 03 - 70th YEAR. --NO. 89 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. PRICE 2 CENT S WILSON HAS TABULATION; llinois Is Surely For Roosevelt. TO TAFT. one New England State Wilson Missed. OUTH DAKOTA FOR COLONEL late Reports Give Indiana to Wilson I by 80,000, and New Jersey'j Plurality Will Reach 50X00. It Is Believed. Republicans Have Lost United States Senate. I New York, Nov. 7. Corrected and ad tlouiu returns Increased the magiil- Lde of the victory of Woodrow WlUou lid the Democratic party generally Lroughout the country. I Late returns and corrections on those ade before teemed to make It certain pat Wilson carried thirty-eight states the polls, while Iloosevelt was sec- lid with six and Taft third with four. I Democratic chairmen of Peunsylva- In, Kansas and Idaho wired to na onnl headquarters that the results in nose states were bo close that It mbjht quire an official canvass to make sure bat Wilson had lost They were em- iatlc In their claims of victory. This Iould take two states from Roosevelt id one from Taft. As it stood, with the close states np- lirtioned on the face of the returns ob- Inable, Wilson will have 412 electoral jtes, the greatest number ever given a presidential candidate; Roosevelt lUl have 104 and Taft will havo 12 horn his four states. This will give ,'ilHon a majority of 200 over all, a urallty of 30S over Iloosevelt and a urality of 400 over Taft Hoosevelt till beat Taft by 02 votes. Wilson Vote Increases. The day brought three significant langes in the electoral count and aft was the loser In each. New tampshlre, with four electors, and llt- e uuoue isiauu, wim nve, ior me Irst time in the memory of man went lito the Democratic column, while K'ashiiigtou's seven votes went to the redlt of Iloosevelt I Wyoming, which was credited to Wil- Im on election night, goes into the aubtful column. It Is not quite certain that the Demo- rats will havo control of both I ranches of congress. There is no uestlon about the house, in which the democrats will have a plurality of ltil Iccordlng to the latest figures. The hogresslves will have sixteen mem- era. The senate is still in doubt. At best lie Democrats cannot hope to control by more than a slight majority, but le results In Michigan, Illinois and olorado are still In doubt In all lesc states where senators aro to bo ilected the legislature Is bo close on lilut ballot as tho returns come In that very district must be counted before lie result cau bo known. The senate as constituted today con- tsts of fifty Republicans to forty-three liemocrats, there being three va- Bancles. The terms of thlrty-flve sen I tors expire on March 3, fourteen lemocrats and twenty-one Repub- Icaus. Upon the face of tlie latest re ams New Jersey, New Hampshire, )elawarc, Colorado and Montana ap arently have elected Democratic legis itures which will send Democrats to lie upper house at "Washington. qual Suffrago In Three More States, Three states havo been added to Ihose where equal suffrage obtains, vhile a fourth state appears to have lone tho same way, although all votes Ivill have to bo counted before the ro lult Is assured. The trio udded to the lual suffrago ranks are Michigan, Kansas and Arizona, whllo Oregon's iote Is so close and lu some districts to confused that a complete count Is heeded to establish tho victory or de feat of the woman voter. Reports received Indicate that Repre sentative Joseph G. Cannon of Illinois, I'Dncle Joe," one time speaker of thu liouse, has been saved from political blivlon by the narrowest of margins kftcr his defeat had been conceded. ss than 100 voteB stand between im and retirement from public life. South Dakota For Roosevelt. South Dakota, with Its five electoral Lotos, which In the earlier returns was credited to Governor Wilson, has ap- arently gone for Mr. Roosevelt by about 0,000 plurality. With mora than if tbo precincts Jn bo bod that lea& 38 STATES IN GONGR and the districts yet to hear from aro In outlying parts of tho state, where his streugth bns been greatest Burke nnd Martin, Republicans, and C. II. Dillon, Progressive, appear to have been elected to the house of repre sentatives. The Republicans have elected their cnndldato for governor. Illinois, which showed a strong lean lug toward Governor Wilson when the count was resumed, appears to be firm ly In the Roonevelt column. Cook :ounty pave Mr. Hoosevelt a plurality af about 10,000. The returns from the Mitlying counties reduced this to let-st than 10,000. but with 2,875 precincts out of 4.2SG counted Mr. Roosevelt had a plurality of 15,1-10 over Governor Wilson. The vote then was: Roo.e velt, 277,030; Wilson, 202.-1D0; Taft. 158.02S. In 1,177 precincts outside of Cook county the returns gave Wilson 111,403, Hoosevelt 100,231 and Taft 72. B02. The same precincts in 100S gave Taft 1S1.570 and Bryan 120,452. Threaten Roosevelt's Lead In Kansas. Mr. Roosevelt's good lend in Kansas has been seriously threatened. With less than a quarter of the precincts lu he hns a lead over Governor Wilson of a scant 1,000. The returns are mostly from tho city districts, and Mr. Roose velt Is expected to forge ahead when the returns are received from the rural districts. Governor Wilson carried Now Jersey, his own state, by more than 50,000. Under his leadership the Democrats carried Iowa hi a presidential election for the first time In the history of tho state. He has tibout 10,000 plurality there, although the Republicans ap pear to have carried the state ticket by a safe majority. Indiana went for Wilson by nearly S0.OO0. In New Hampshire, which It first appeared had been barely carried by Governor Wilson, on the latest returns gives him a plurality of 1,570, Mr. Roosevelt running third. This leaves Vermont the only New England state to remain Republican so far as the presidential choice was concerned. In Massachusetts the total vote was: Wilson, 170,003; Taft, 152.255; Roose velt, 140,152. Governor Foes was re elected by nearly 50,000 plurality. On the face of the returns It would appear that Governor Wilson received the normal Democratic vote, while , President Taft and Mr. Roosevelt di vided the normal Republican vote. New England's Loss Unprecedented. The loss of New England, barring Vermont, to the Democrats Is without precedent Mulne has elected six Dem ocratic electors for the first time lu the history of the state. Massachusetts bus managed to save a bare Republican majority In tho legislature, enough to elect a Republican to succeed W. Mur ray Crane in the senate. Rhode Island uIbo saved a Republican legislature ma jority. Without precedent also was Ohio's re jection of its own son, President Taft That most loyal state has gone over Into the Democratic column with Its twenty-four electoral votes, all of Its Important state offices and all except two or three representatives. Minnesota gave Governor Wilsou a plurality of about 5,000, but elected a Republican state ticket All the south ern states gave Mr. Wilson tho usual overwhelming Democratic majorities. For a long time it appoared as though Governor Wilson might carry Pennsyl vania, but tlie latest returns show that Mr. Roosevelt safely holds that state Returns from 3,071 out of 0,503 election districts in Pennsylvania glvo Roose velt 240,500, Wilson 210.335 and Taft 183,003. Runs Ahead of Sulzer Here, In New York city Mr. Sulzer'B plural ity was 110,807 and Governor Wilson's 123,100. Manhattan and tho Broux pave Governor Wilson a total of 104,211 votes and Mr. Sulzer n total of 147,101. Mr. Sulzer will hove a legislature with him which will be Democratic by a good working majority. TIiIh Is the second time In eighteen yoars that the party has had controL The present Democratic majority In tho senate ap parently bus been increased from nlno to twelve. The Democratic majority in the UKseiubi probably will be ten. The Bronx voted to separate itself from New York county. The fight for Bronx county resulted In 33,522 votes for Its establishment against 23,007 acainst the division. There was much spposltlon to the establishment of the dow county among proiierty holders in the borough, but it was unorganized. PENNSYLVANIA IN C0NQKESS. Late Figures Show Republican Gain In Lower House. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. The complex Ion of the next cotigresuional delega tion from Pennsylvania will bo twenty three Republicans and thirteen Demo crats as against n prescut represent tlon of twenty-four Republicans and eight Democrats. The official election count ma chango thee figures slight- ESS IS LATEST DEMOCRATIC The Increase in the number of the iiext delegation Is accounted for by the four congressmen at large, all of whom nre Republicans and who were voted for on tho basis of the last reap portionment, giving Pennsylvania tlilr-ty-six instead of thirty-two representa tives In tbc lower house. For the first tlmo in seventeen years Philadelphia will have two Democratic representatives in tho lower house. BAT STATE VOTE PECULIAR. Legislature Republican Despite Demo cratic Victory For President. Boston, Nov. 7. The surprising fea ture of the election which not only gave the electoral votes of Massachu setts to the Democrats for the first time and elected a Democratic gover nor and lieutenant governor Is the fact that the legislature Is strongly Rcpub lican, which means the selection of a Republican as successor to W. Murray Crane as United States senator. Ex cept to say that tho Republicans, find lng everything else was lost, devoted their energies to saving the legislature there Is no way at present of account ing for this Republican success in the midst of a Democratic landslide. The Republicans, with four repre sentatives' districts yet unreported, will have a majority of fifty-two when tlie legislature sits in joint session to choose a United States senator. This Is a gain for the party over last year. The congressional delegation from Massachusetts stands nine Republic ans and seven Democrats, a gain of three Democrats, the number of dis tricts having been Increased from four teen to sixteen since the clectlou of two years ago. Wilson's plurality in Massachusetts is 18,030. He roceived a total of 174, 057 votes. Taft received 150,018 and Roosevelt 141.025. WILSON HAS EH0DE ISLAND. But Republicans Elect Governor and , Hold the Legislature. Providence, It. L, Nov. 7. Complete returns in Rhode Island show that for the first time since tbo organization of the Republican party In 1864 a Demo- erotic candidate for president carried the state. Wilson's voto In yesterday's election was 30,200, while Taft receiv ed 27,755, and Roosevelt received 10, 488. Rhode Island will be represented lu the lower house at Washington by two Democrats and one Republican. The Republicans re-elected Governor A. J. Pothler for a fifth term, a record un paralleled in the history of the state. The Rpubllcnns retain control of the general assembly, having a com fortable margin on joint ballot A United States senator will be elected in January to succeed George Peabody Wetmore of Newport Judge Le Baron Colt of Providence has been indorsed by tho party nnd will undoubtedly bo the next senator from Rhode Island. WILSON'S MANY CALLERS, Already There Is Tartc of Whom He'll Name In Cabinet. Princeton, N. J., Nov. 7. President Elect Wilson's first studied comment on his overwhelming election was a word of reassurance to the business interests of the country. Throughout tho day tho stream of congratulatory messages continued to flow In uninterrupted to the president elect and by night there has been called to the attention of the futuro president the good wishes of admirers in nearly every state lh the Union, to say nothing of the Philippines and two Central American republics. Not all of these congratulations came over tho telegraph wire. Tho governor had just finished a late breakfast when members of the faculty of Princeton and their wlvos carao to assure him of their gladness. Henry Morgcnthau, chairman of tlie finance committee of tho national cam palgn coramlttoo; Bollo WeHs, treas urer of the Democratic national com mittee; Frederick O. Penfleld and Abram E. Elkus came to assure him that everybody that had anything to do with the campaign was Just us pleased as they were over tho result loiter on camo William F. McCombs. Tho governor will spend tho rest of tho week hero and says ho doesn't know whero ho will go after that His intention is to tako an absolute rest for several weeks. A to cabinet possibilities, tho gov croor merely smile. Ho is known to regard very highly some of tlie men who havo assisted him in his cam paign. Josophus Daniels Is ono of thoe most persistently mentioned imong ttose who aro In the jtovern- (Continued on Pago Flvo.) MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Landers Honesdalo Nora Duffy Carbondalo Monrc-e Bolkcoin Dyberry Clara Kimble Honesdale ELECTION FLASHES .tlcvHiiges Received Ti-tlay Glvo Wll Mm l!tl Electoral Votes Places Roosevelt's Plurality nt !1.",()(K in State Taft on Job. CSpoclal to Tho Citizen.) Washington, Nov. 7. President Taft returned to his desk In the White- House today. He smiled and joked with his friends and said ho did not mind defeat. Philadelphia, Nov. 7. Theodore Hoosevelt carried tlie state by 35, 000. Tho returns aro coming in rap idly and It is claimed that that num ber may bo passed. New York City, Nov. 7. Election totals aro all In. Woodrow Wilson got 439 electoral votes to his credit. Thero is a good chanco of adding there votes of Wyoming to that vote. Roosevelt got 'Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Washington and Mis sissippi. Taft carried Utah, Idaho and Ver mont. AIXEY DEFEATS HILL IX 14T1I COX. DISTRICT. Has Plurality of illlO Jackson Has Good Lead Over Spencer Many Republicans Voted for Wil son in Wnync. Tho complete returns from tho forty-one districts of Wayne county were brought to the Prothonotary's oilice lato Wednesday evening. The completed returns give Taft C44; Wilson 1878; Roosevelt 2530 in this county. The light for Representa tive for this district resulted in a plurality of 283 for Jackson over Spencer. The vote was Jackson 2, 430; Spencer 2,147. For Congress, Fourteenth district, Ainey received a plurality of 29G over Hill in Wayne county. Tho vote was, Ainey 2408; Hill 2112. Mr. Ainey carried the district, which is comprised of Wayne, Wyoming, Susquehanna and Bradford counties, by about G000 plurality. The vote by counties was: Ainey Hill Wayne 2408 till 2 Wyoming 17I) 1305 Susquehanna :108a lilflS Bradford 0118 2101 Totals 14,:?2!t 8,257 Theodore Hoosevelt carried the fourteenth congressional district by a plurality of 2063 over Wood row Wilson, the Democratic candl d; to. Tho total vote .cast for .President in Ljno county .was 5063. Chafin re ceived. 5 votes and Dens 7. Wilson' and A. Mitchell Palmer carried Monroe county. Palmer had several thousand votes to spare. Wilson carried it by 2000 votes. Berry, for State Treasurer, carried it by 3,500. In Wayne county Young, for State Treasurer, defeated Berry, Demo crat, by a plurality of 654. Powell defeated Cresswell in Wayne by 909. Tho complete tabulated returns of tho forty-two districts of Wayne county will be found on page two of this paper. The table shows the vote of each district for President, State Treasurer, Auditor General, Con gressman and Representative. It also gives tho table of votes cast for President in 1908, also tho voto cast for State Treasurer In 1909. Tho vote from Preston No. 1 Is not given in the table, nor is tho voto for Ainey and Hill given from Starruc ca. Tho table was printed before this could too obtained. Dentil of J. F. Salber. Johannes F. Salber, son of Mr, and Mrs. Adolph Salber of 1223 West street, died Thursday morning of lung trouble, aged about 19 years. Besides his parents, two brothers, Emll and Joseph, and a sister, Loulso, all residing in Honesdale, survive him. Another sister lives In the west. No arrangements havo been mado regarding the funeral. Tho deceased was a bright young man and was employed by the Honesdalo Footwear company for some tlmo. Tho family havo tho sympathy of tho community In their bereavement. COUHSB OF LECTURES FOR HIGH SCHOOL. Tho Honesdalo High school has made arrangements with tho Red- path-Brockway Lyceum Concert company for a series of entertain ments to bo given at tho Lyric dur ing tho winter. All school children by paying ?1 can receive a course tlckot, which sells at $1.50. Tho entertainments aro: Walter Eccles and Collego Sing ing Girls, Friday, Novombor 22. Tho Music Makers, Tuosday, De cember 31. Tho Boston Lyrics, Thursday, January 23, 1913. Hono, tho Magician, Monday, March 31, 1913. MUST COMPLY WITH INTER STATE LAW. Dr. C. J. Marshall, Stato Veterin arian, roceived word that W. E. Jones, a cattlo dealer at Spraggs, Greeno county, had plead guilty to tho chargo brought by tho Stato Livestock Sanitary Board of bring ing dairy cows into Pennsylvania from 'West Virginia without a health certificate or official permit as Is re quired by law. Mr. Jones paid tho lino and costa. "v1 Tho Livestock Sanitary Board of ficials state thoy aro determined that tho interstato law must be complied with and the herds of Innocent Pennsylvania dairymen and lireeders protected against diseased cattle from other States. STEAMER "ROYAL GEORGE" ON THE ROCKS IN ST, LAWRENOE Ship Torn From Bow to Stern-Perilous Condition of 225 Passengers-Grounded During Heavy Fog-Tug Boats of No Avail (Special to Tho Citizen). Quebec, Canada, Nov. 7. Two hundred and twenty-five 'passengers on the Royal George steamer aro In grave danger of death. Tho steam er, which was making its last trip of the season, sailed from Bristol, Eng land, on October 30th for Quebec. Tho steamer grounded on tho rocks In a dense fog last night on tho St. Lawrence river about ten miles from Quebec. It Is reported that tho bottom of the steamer is torn from bow to stern. BRAKEMAN GROUND TO DEATH Found Along I)., L. & W. It. It. Tracks With Body Cut in Twnin Head, Both Anns and Ono Leg Amputated. (Special to Tho Citizen.) Scranton, Nov. 7. John Stilland, of Elmlra, N. Y., met a horrible death early this morning near Clarks Summit. He was a brakeman on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad freight train, which was bound from Elraira to this city. His mutilated remains were found lying along the track at Clarks Sum mit. The body was cut in twain. Both arms, head and one leg were separated from tho trunk. NEW BOOKS AT TUB HOXBSDALB FRKB LIBRARY. Tho following books aro cata logued at the Honesdalo Free Li brary. The authors appear In al phabetical order at the beginning, followed by the title of the book. In some instances thero are no au thors given. These books are from tho Pennsylvania Freo Library Com mission, Harrisburg. Alcott, Jack and Jill; Alden, Moral Pirates; Arts and Crafts; Aus tin, Betty Alden; Austin, Standlsh of Standlsh; Barnes, For King or Country; Bond. Scientific American Hn- Tim Inn PflnitoaQ rtt W nirta Boy, Bralne, Princess of Hearts; Brooks, Book of Famous Americans; Brooks, True Story of George Wash ington; Brown, Lonesomest Doll; Bouvet, Sweet William; Caffln, American Masters of Sculpture; Carling, Doomed City; Century-Art-American; Century, U. S., Public Works; Chambers, Out Door Land; Chattanquan Painting, American; Coffin, Boys of '76; Collin, Daugh ters of the Revolution and Their Times; DtfMorgan, Joseph Vance; Dillon, In Old Bellalre; Dow, Amer ican Renaissance; Duer, Prince Goes Fishing; Ellet, Women Artists in All Ages and Countries; Fowler, Tho Boy; Green, Leavenworth Case; Hagenbeck, Beasts and Men; Hark or, His First Leave; Henty, Jacobite Exile; Hutton, Boy I Knew, Four Dogs and Some More Dogs; Isham, History of American iPaintlng; Johnston, Lewis Hand; Johonnot, Flyers, Creepers and Swimmers; Kingsley, Resurrection of Miss Cyn thia; Lee, Happy Island; Lent, Be ing Dono Good; Lyle, Lone Star; Macleod, Stories From the Faerie Queen; Morris, Historical Tales; Munroe, Snow Shoes and Sleds; Outlook-Architecture, American; Outlook-Art, American; Perry, Hope Benham; Ray, Ackroyd; Ray, Phebe, Her Profession; Rev. and Rev's Metropolitan Museum; Rogers, Tree Book; Scott, Romanco of Polar Ex plorations; Seton Two Little Sav ages; Stevenson, Kidnapped; Stev enson, Child's Garden of Verses; Stoddard, On tho Old Frontier; Tomllnson, With Flintlock and Fife; Whall, Stained Glass Work; Wig gins, Polly Oliver's Problem SXODGRASS WILL ItEMAIX WITH GIAXTS. New York. Persistent reports that tho New York baseball club of tho National Leaguo would dispense with the services of Fred Snodgrass as a result of his costly error in the last world series aro set at rest in a statement given out hero by John J. McCraw, manager of tho Giants. He say 8: " I do not blamo Fred Snodgrass in the least for his falluro to catch that ily ball In the last gamo of tho world's series at Boston. Snodgrass Is a valuable and conscientious play er and ho will bo a moraber of tho Giants next season. His falluro to make tho catch Is something that would happen but onco In a thous and cases, and I want to say that he Is deserving of sympathy for this failure. It hurts him more keenly than it hurts anyone else. In this connection i may say that I feel oven woreo for Mathowson than for Snodgrass, as Matty pitched thrco excellent garaeB without winning any of them. Thero never was and nev or will bo another pitcher like Matty." HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Tho following deeds wero recorded in tho Register's office: Maude M. Katz to Jacob F. Katz, of Honesdale, lots in 'borough. Jacob F. Katz et al. to Maudo M. Katz, lots in Honesdale. Henry A. Belknap et ux. to Chauncey" N. Fuller et ux. of Scott, land in Scott township; considera tion 50. A wireless brought a fleet of tug boats to the scene of the wrecked ship, but owing to the heavy storm and dense fog the tug boats could not go near enough to the vessel to bo of assistance. Ofilclals of tho Canadian Northern Ship company, owners of the "Royal George," admitted to-day that their steamer is in a perilous condition and It is claimed they entertain very little hope for tho safety of the pas sengers on board. IXSTITUTE KXTEItTA 1XMEXT8 NEXT WEEK. County Superintendent J. J. Koeh ler has completed arrangements for a series of tho best entertainments ever produced from a local platform. On Monday evening, (all enter tainments being held in tho Hones dale High school auditorium), tho Wayne Count High School Liter.uy Contest will be held. There wil bo six contestants who will participate in the contest, two from each of three districts representing northern, central and southern Wayne county. The same recitation and declama tion will be given the contestants in each district. Admission 25 cents; reserved seats 10 cents extra. Tuesday evening Alton Packard, cartoonist and humorist, will give his famous entertainment on "Undo Sam's Folks." He conies highly rec ommended and a very entertaiuing evening is promised. On Wednesday afternoon the Wayne county spelling contest will take place at tho court house. The contest will commence at 1:45. Ad mission 10 cents. The spelling con test will consist of written and oral. Sixty contestants will participate, two from each district in the coun ty. Medals will be awarded to tho successful pupils. The public is es pecially invited to attend. Wednesday evening -The Hart- ioras, a male quartette of note. wm be the attractlon. Lovers of good , , ., . D music should attend. The entertain ment consists of Instrumental ' and Vocal music and action. Admission 25 cents; reserved seats 40 and fiO cents. On Thursday evening Dr. John Merritte Driver will give his noted lecture on " America Facing the Far East." Admission 2 5 cents; no re served seats. The diagram will be opened at Chambers' drug fctore every morning at 8 o'clock. Tho pupils who were tie in tho district contest will receive district diplomas. Congressman W. D. li. Ainey will be present and make an address. Ho will also present the medals of award and diplomas to tho successful contestants. AVOID THE HOT-HOUSE HOME. The hot-house season Is here. People are shutting up their houses and firing up their furnaces until tho temperature in the averago living room approaches that of an ordinary greenhouse. Wo forget that while a tempera ture of 70 degrees may be beneficial to plants which are never taken out of doors, most of us who are obliged to earn alivlng must brave all kinds of weather. Tako a carnation from tho conservatory and place It in tho open air when the temperature is be low 30 degrees and it will die. Put hot-house men or women out on tho street on a blustery day and see how soon they shiver. People think that they catch cold from drafts. What most often hap pens is that they become overheat ed from a close hot atmosphere, and consequently aro easily chilled. This lowers their vitality and allows the cold in tho head to dovelop. Per sons who aro accustomed to a 60 degreo or 65 degree room tempera ture seldom suffer from chills or colds. What Is more, they save coal bills. PHONOGRAPH AT Fl'XEHAL. Boston. In conipllanco with tho last wishes of Daniel E. Caswell, who for tho past ten years conduct ed tho Humanitarian temple in Mel roso there were no services at his funeral. Howover, a phonograph was placed near tho head of tho cof fin, nnd his favorite hymns were played. The records were changed by an undertaker's assistant. GOXE OXE HETTER. A few days before election tho press stated that Roosevolt was cheered 42 minutes and later when announcing Wilson's appcaranco in Now York It was claimed that ho was applauded 64 minutes or a half nilnuto longer than William Jen nings Bryan in 1896. HEAL ESTATE TU.VXSFEItS. Mary V. Bergman of Texas to Ray Bayley, of same, land In Texas town ship; consideration $1. Alex N. Stasko et ux., et a., of Canaan, to J. W. Bronson, of samo, land in South Canaan township; consideration $85. W. J. Roso of Boyd 'a 111118, was attending to business In town on Wednesday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers