The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 24, 1912, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    Til 12 CITIZEN', WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1012. PACK 8
Cockerels, Afton strain. Cnll or
wrlto nt onco. H. A. Rowlnnd,
Honesdale, Pa.
Honcsdalo Footwoar Co. at a sac
rifice. Address Honesdnlo, Pa., 1'.
O. Box 113. 3 Ct
Rhode Island Red and Rose Comb
Brown Leghorn Cockrels. A. C.
Hlne. Orson, Pa. 104eol4t
box of shells only J4 at Erk Dros.
A raro bargain. Come and inspoct.
tal stock of the- Honesdalo Dime
Bank will bo sold Monday, January
29, 1912, at 11:30 o'clock at F. P.
Klmblo's office. Terms, cash. C. J.
Smith, trustee. 3t
with or without board, by family
of three Apply to Smeltzer, Citizen
office, or write.
-W R LUIS, PJano Tuner, IS AT
Briggs' boarding house. Can also
'phone orders to Cole's Drug Store.
lng manager for good general
etore. business where there Is chance
to work up a good trade and In- j
crease business, leu years experi
ence, and fl'st-class reference. Somo
good country town preferred. Ad
dress, Box 203, Scranton, Pa. 7-3el
Building, 54 G Main street, Hones
dale, Pa. All ready for business at
the above stand. Photographs,
frames, Eastman's Kodaks, films, etc.
tometrlst (Eyesight Specialist)
will bo at the Allen House, Hones
dale, n,ext week Monday and Tues
day, January 29 and 30, and at the
Park View Hltel, Hawley, on Wed
nesday, January 31. Difficult and
complicated cases solicited. Eighty
per cent, of headache and nervous
trouble is due to defectlvo vision.
lower floor rooms, must have all
improvements, centrally located. In
quire at Citizen office.
inches long. Numbers "43" on
one side and lettering on revered
ldo. "Safe" only word roadttble.
Owner can have property by calling
at Citizen office,
and slelghB kiOn't forget E. T.
Smith, 1120 Church street, who has
.the largest assortment In Wayne
county to select from. 7Dtf
silver by Sommer, Jeweler and
Optician. 90tf
"Dec. 1 1" on tlio label of your pa
per means tlmt your subscription ex
pires December U11; "Jan. 12"
xplres Januurv Jin-, etc.
Wc linve sent expiration notices to
our subscribers ami if you liuvo re
ceived n letter requesting renewal, do
not et offended It Is only a re
minder that your subscription needs
attention at once.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cocll
Fredericks, a daughter, January
Strawberries aro in the city
markets They are retailing at only
85 cents per basket.
Alfred Paschall, formerly editor
of tho Doylestown Intelligencer,
died sudden y at his home In West
Chester on Tuesday of last week.
His death was totally unexpected
and occurred a few minutes after ho
had been taken 111.
Look at the label on your paper,
and if you aro not paid up to Jan.
12 wbi-b means tho 1st of Janu
ary, 1912. kindly attend to the mat
ter as soon as possible, so that we
will not be obliged to tako your
name off tho list In order to com
ply w M the provisions of tho new
subscription law.
The following olllcors wero
ole'ted at a meeting of Pleasant
Valley Grange recently: W. J. Og
den, master; W. H. Karslake. over
Beer, B W. Ross, lecturer; Bayliss
Bullotk, steward; Charles Roo, as
sistant steward: W. J. Miller, chap
lain; L W. Nelson, treasurer; C. S.
Bates, secretary; Wesley Bates, gate
keeper; Mrs. Stella Bates, ceres;
Beatrice Kimble, pomona; Ida Roo,
flora; MIlllo Karslake, lady assistant
Ralph A. Heafey, of South Ca
naan, died In Emergency hospital
at C'arbondale Thursday night at the
ago of forty-four years. Mr. Healoy
had only been a resident of South
Cnnaan abo If threo years, having
moved there from Carbondale, where
ho was born and where ho had spent
tho greater part of his life. Ho was
well known In Wayne county. Ho
Is survived by his wife, one son,
Frank, and tho following brothers
and sisters: Mrs. George Chupman of
Carbondale; Mrs. Efllo Roelson, Mrs.
Besslo Roelson, of Prompton; Mrs.
Eliza Welsser, of Waymart; John, of
Steeno; Alonzo, of South Canaan, and
Charles. Tho funeral was held at
the homo of Richard Day In Carbon
dale Saturday at 12:30 o'clock. The
body was taken on the 2:05 train
from Carbondale to Canaan Corners,
whore Interment was made.
A tolophono has been placed In
the Hawley High school.
About 125,000 worth of fur Is
trappod annually In Cortland county,
N. Y.
A. O. Blake, of Bothany, took a
car load of cattle to Jersey City
Wednesday of last wcok.
On Tuosdny evening the Phlln
thca class of tho Baptist Sunday
school meet nt tho homo of Mrs.
Munsou McDerniott, on. East Exten
sion street.
Elnborato preparations aro be
ing mndo for tho leap year danco to
bo hold In Lyric 'Hall this Wednes
day evening. A number of out of
town guests aro expected to bo
Ono of tho largest steel rail
orders placed this year has been clos
ed by tho New York Central Com
pany which placed contracts for 115,
000 tons of rails for Its requirements
for 1912.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Mang of Fortenla
treated about thirty of their friends
to a sleigh ride and a most excellent
supper Thursday ovening. All speak
very highly of tho host and hostess
The wholesalo prico of butter in
New York recently went to forty-two
cents a pound, tho highest price
reacned In twenty-eight years, and
retailers wore asking 52 cents with
only limited . supplies of tho best
quality to bo had at either prico.
On Tuesday afternoon, January
1C, August McCanu, celobrated his
third birthday at tho homo of his
parents on Rlvor street. About
twolvo guests were present and a
very pleasant afternoon was spent.
At 4:3o refreshments were served
after which all departed for their
homes wishing August many more
happy birthdays.
Mayor Shank, of Indianapolis,
Indiana, and his salesman, H. R.
Adkins, had a lively trade In fresh
eggs, dressed rabbits and dressed
chickens in the city market thero
recently. Fresh eggs were sold for
3S cents a dozen, from 2 to 5 cents
less than other stands wero charging.
If wo had more Mayors like Shank
wo would soon reduce tho cost of
living to a normal figure.
A Chicago special of recent date
says: With the thermometer register
ing 32 degrees below zero, Carl
Faulkenberg, a 17-year-old fugitive
from tho Minnesota Stato Industrial
school, rode 75 miles on the pilot of
a locomotive and was nearly frozen
to death. Ho was found in a Chicago
hospital. Faulkenberg's hands, feet
and face wero frozen and he was in a
serious condition from exposure.
Passengers on tho train took up a
largo collection for him.
Tho election contest for the seat
in Congress from Luzerne county
now occupied by Hon. C. C. Bowman,
came up last Saturday before the
Elections Committee of tho House,
of which Hon. T. T. Ansbury of Ohio
is Chairman. The entire day was
taken up with arguments of counsel.
Hon. John T. Lonahan appeared for
George R. McLean, contestant, and
W, L, Bowman of New York and
Hon, W. D. B. Alney appeared a8
counsel for Mr. Bowman.
. Gilbert Hlccox. bank director
and farmer, of Milwaukee, Wis., in
producing milk of quality,, has dis
covered that tho use of a cheap
phonograph 'has increased tho pro
ducing vaiuo of his Tierd of seventy
bloodod cows two quarts each day.
As the milk to the exclusive set at
twolvo cents a quart, this makes his
music work worth $1,000 a year to
the farm. Ho worked on tho theory
that music at milking time would
mako tho cows less nervous.
Ino men of St. John's Roman
Catholic church happily surprisod
their new priest, Rev. John O'Toole,
last Sunday ovening In the parochial
residence on Terrace street. Sunday
was Father O'Toole's twentieth an
niversary of ordination Into priest
hood. Somo of tho members of his
parish learned of this the latter part
of the wook and purchased a spark
ling cut glass water set, most beauti
ful In design. Tho presentation
speech was mado by Attorney C. A.
McCarty, and tho response given by
Father O'Toole.
Attorney u. a. .Mccarty was
ablo to reach his safe on Monday af
ternoon. Tho combination worked
freely and tho door was opened
without any difficulty. Tho con
tents, which consisted of valuable
notes, mortgages, deeds, contracts.
wills, etc., wero unsoilcd and good as
tho day in which they wero placed
in the lire-proof sate. Tho papers
represented sevoral thousand dollars'
worth of valuable papers. Tho day
book was slightly damaged by water,
but not enough to obliterate any of
tho writing. Other books, which
wero partially burned, wero recover
ed. The tire on ono of tho driving
wheels of tho Honesdalo passenger
engine of Conductor James Ward's
train, becamo loscned Monday morn
ing. Engineer J alio Arnold discov
ered tho tiro was working off at For
tenla and ran slowly from that placo
to Honesdale, arriving a fow min
utes late. There being no extra lo
comotive In tho round house and the
company having no means of setting
the tiro here, another engine was
sent for. It arrived in time to haul
tho regular 12:25 train to Carbon
dale. Tho disabled locomotlvo crept
along at tho "Stourbrldgo Lion"
speed, four miles an hour, until It
reached Carbondale, where It was
ropalred. Tho careful attention of
Engineer Arnold undoubtedly avert
ed a wrecK.
C. E. Lestor of Somorsot, Ky.,
has been promoted from tho position
of Master Foreman of all boiler shops
on tho Erlo from Salamanca, N. Y.,
to Chicago, 111., to tho poltlon of Mas
tor Mechanic on tho B. & O. with
headquartors at Pittsburg, Pa. Mr.
! Lester is a son of Colonel and Mrs.
S. E. Lester of Somerset, Ky., form
erly residents of Wayno county. Mr.
Lester is a young man of 32 years
and his promotion is a most dosorv
cd ono. Ho Is considered one of tho
I most ofllclent men In tho servlco of
tho company. His father is also a
popular engineer on tho Queen and
Crescent road and his friends hero In
Wayno county will bo glad to learn
of his advancement, as nlno years
ago he was just an apprentice In tho
Queen and Crescent shape located at
Somerset, Ky.
Rev. II. M. Crydenwlso, of Blng
hnmton, dollvcrcd two eloquent sor
mons in tho Methodist church on
Sunday, occupying tho pulpit morn
ing nnd ovening.
Several frolght cars aro filled
with Ice dally by tho Lake Lodoro
Improvement company at Keono and
shipped via 'Delawaro & Hudson to
valley towns nnd cities.
J. A. Bodlo, tho vhotographcr,
has purchased tho equipment of U.
G. RIdgoway's gallery, lower Main
street. Ho has leased tho placo for
an lndcllnlto period.
Representative Chnrles Blgart
paid Mrs. George J. Bergmann ?400
on Mondny, tho amount of insurance
enrried by her lato husband In tho
Prudential Life Insurance company.
Thoro will bo a very Important
mooting of tho Honesdalo Business
Men's association at City Hall this
(Tuesday) evening. All tho mem
bers aro urgently requested to at
tend. Lehigh Valley Transit Company
at an Important mooting In Allen
town recently, makes further pur
chases of tho Montgomery Transit
Company to pave way for tho now
road to Philadelphia.
Edward Doltzer has purchased
tho equipment of tho West Side Shoo
store, Scranton, and In a short time
expects to open a branch storo to
his largo Honesdale shoo store.
Surely Honcsdalo Is growing.
A slelghrlde party composed of
about 28 pcoplo from hero wero en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Frank
Mang of Fortenla on Thursday
evening last. Card nnd other games
wero indulged In, after which a
dainty luncheon was served.
Rev. H. G. Harned, superin
tendent of the Bible society, Scran
ton, distributed in December, 1911,
over fourteen hundred volumes of
tho Scriptures, and about thirty
thousand valumes in thirty-one lan
guages In five years, ending Decem
ber 31, 1911.
Miss Mabel Broad, who suffered
a heavy loss In tho Red Stono Front
block, recovered somo of her music
on Monday. She had several dol
lars' worth on trial and practically
all was ruined. Miss Broad now has
her musical studio in her home on
Thirteenth street.
'Alva Masker lives on a farm at
Uswlck, Wayne county. Tho cold was
so intense at his place on Snturday
night of last week that a colt that
was nearly a year old was frozen to
death. A cow was so badly frozen
that it had to be killed. His chick
ens were frozen on their roosts.
William r. uarey, Justice of tho
Peace of the borough of Sayre, was
recently admitted to the practlco of
law In tho courts of Bradford county.
Tho motion for Mr. Carey's admis
sion to the bar was made by Hon. E.
M. Dunham, formerly presiding judge
of Sullivan-Wyoming judicial dis
trict. Tho Electric City Male Quar
teto entertained a fow of their
friends at Taeubner's last Friday
evening. Their songs were all well
rendered and very clover. Tho
quartetto will mako another visit to
Honesdale in the near future. A
banquet was served after the musi
cal treat.
Henry Pruemers has purchased
tho Btock recently bold by John
Weaver, Jr., In tho Wayno Cut Glass
company, Towanda. Tho former has
been olectcd vice-president and assist
ant cashier of that company. Ho has
purchased tho dwelling recently va
cated by Mr. Weaver and will oc
cupy samo April 1st.
Reports of tho death of MIcajaTi
Wise, aged 109 years, Wayno coun
ty's grand old man, who is now
making his home In Beaver Brook,
N. Y., aro erroneous, according to
Mr. Wise. Within the past two
weeks he drove from his home to
Narrowsburg, N. Y a distance of
ten miles, to get a supply of feed for
tho stock on the farm.
A fourth-class postmaster ex
amination will be held at Honesdale
on Saturday, Feb. 17, 1912, for tho
purpose of filling a contemplated va
vancy In tho position of fourth-class
postmaster of Class A at White Mills,
Pa. The compensation of the office
Is ?700 per year. Full Information
can bo secured from tho postmaster
at Honesdalo or Whlto Mills.
What might have resulted In a
very serious accident for a number
of Honcsdalo boys, occurred on Sun
day night. A party of boys were
coasting down the Cherry Ridge hill
and their sled ran into tho open bug
gy of George Dirlam. Tho buggy
was overturned nnd badly smashed
and tho horso bruised on tho legs.
Tho boys escaped without injury as
did Mr. Dirlam.
Sixty-ono years ago in April,
1851, occurred tho greatest fire
Honesdalo has ever suffered. Tho
flro started in tho building owned
by tho father of P. R. Murray and
swept through tho lower part of
town. Tho losses which wero scat
tered among about sixty-four differ
ent people aggregated In tho neigh
borhood of $125,000 and nbout ?5D,-
uuu or wnicii was covered In lnsur
An enthusiastic Loyal Temper
anco Legion of about forty members
nas recently boon organized at Beach
lako. Tho Legion Is presided over
by Wm. J. Davey and mootlngs are
hold ovory two weeks. Tho last
meeting was hold at tho homo of Mr.
Ives and though tho weather was so
vero a goodly number woro present
and a very interesting program was
carried out. Tho president address
ed tho Loglon, a recitation wns given
by Miss Bornlco Dunn, and a reading
bv Miss Mnrln Tlnrnno Minn T.nnv
J Downing was chosen to prepare a
program anil loaa tho next meeting.
Tho bill In tho lntorcst of sol
diers, widows and minor children of
tho Civil-Mexican war, H. H. R. CO,
which has been smothering In Com
mltteo slnco April 20, 1911, ns well
ns a bill to pension soldlors confined
In Confodornto prisons, H. R. 723,
wero called up on Saturday by Hon.
James Mann, Republican floor lead
er. On motion to discharge tho com
mittee and to Immediately consider
theso bills In tho Houso, tho Demo
crats bolng In tho majority voted
solidly against this motion, and It
was lost. Tho effect of this will bo
to Indefinitely postpono action on
these meritorious measures.
Born, to Mr. nnd MrB. Olaf
Spottiguc, Jr., on Monday evening, a
In 1911 foreign countries in
vested $100,000,000 in American
farming machinery.
Tho first trial for breach of
promlso wns held In England during
tho rolgn of Queen Elizabeth.
A marriage license has been
granted to John Hnggorty and Miss
Nettle Ham, both of Whlto Mills.
Tho only negatives J. A. Bodlo
saved from the flro wero thoso of
County Treasurer W. W. Wood and
the lato Rov. William Dassol. )
Tho young pcoplo of St. John's'
Catholic church will hold their first
annual euchro and danco In tho now .
State armory on tho evening of Fob.
Francis McGraw, whllo coasting
down hill, Monday night, lacoratod,
tho upper Hp. Tho lad went to Dr.
L, B, Nielsen's offlco and bad threo
stitches taken.
The Cole arbitration case began 1
today. Tho arbitrators aro Georgo
P. Boss, F. H. Crago and Buol !
Dodgo. J. R. Jones, Esq., of Scran
ton, Is tho Attorney for Hiram Colo. ,
Kroltncr Bros, have ordered
lumber to remodel the Relf-SpottI-.
guo building and expect to rush tho
work so that tho burned out tenants'
can occupy tho building In tho
At a meeting of tho stockholders i
of tho Honesdale 'Consolidated Elec
tric Light, Heat and Power com
pany, hold on Monday, tho following
directors wero elected for 1912: An
drew Thompson, H. T. Menner, M. B.
Allen, H. Z. Russell, Russell Dlm
ock, E. U. Harcnbergh and G. M.
J. L. Favreau, adjuster, repre
senting tho General Adjustment
Bureau; Thomas A. Hurd, special
agent Springfield Flro and Marino
Insurance company, and John S. Luce
of tho Commercial Union Fire com
pany, all of Scranton, were In Hones
dale Monday to adjust tho losses of
the different tenants of tho Red
Stono Front building. An amicable
settlo was mado with A. Ebcrhardt,
tobacconist, for $475. On Tuesday
Adjusters D. F. Good of tho North
American company and Mr. Ennis,
representing the Franklin, Penn
sylvania and Hanover companies,
both of Wilkes-Barre, wero In town
In connection with tho same business.
Maple City Camp, Modern Wood
men of America, celebrated their
thirtieth birthday on Friday even
ing of last week. There was speech
making by several members of the
camp. Tho Juvenile orchestra and
Miss Henrietta Waller furnished
music during the evening. The af
fair was attended by the Woodmen
and their wives and friends. Of
ficers for tho ensuing year wero in
stalled as follows: Consul, G. P.
Ross; banker, A. C. Lindsay; ad
visor, E. G. Jenkins; clerk, H. H.
Hiller; watchman, Gustavo Laszing;
escort, Fred Weniger; sentry, Henry
Gumpper; trustees, George Holsteln,
W. 'H. Burkhart and Fred Weniger.
A banquet prepared by the ladles
was served after installation.
M. B. Allen transacted business In
Scranton Friday.
Rev. Balta was a Wllkes-Barro
visitor last week.
David Menner was a Carbondalo
visitor last Thursday.
Miss Antonette Brown was a Scran
ton visitor on Friday.
Miss Nova Keen, of "Waymart,
spent Monday in town.
Mrs. C. E. Baker of Waymart, was
a visitor in town Monday.
Miss ixiuIso Hardenbergh was a
Scranton caller on Tuesday.
Miss Margaret Manning spent Sun
day at her homo in Bethany.
C. P. Searle was a business caller
In Scrantonon Saturday last.
Georgo L. Simons, of Hawley, was
a caller In Honesdale on Monday.
Thos. Gallaher, of PIttston, Bpent
Sunday in town with his mother.
Lewis G. Hill, of Lookout, mado a
business trip to Honesdalo Monday.
Joseph Jacobs was on business in
Scranton the latter part of last week.
Dr. Georgo C. Butler was confined
to his home last week with tho grip.
Georgo W. coillns, of Hoadleys,
was a visitor In Honesdale last week,
Mrs. George Wolf and Mrs. Philip
Mang were in Carbondale last week
J. A. Bodio will open his photo
graphic gallery In tho Rldgeway
James Connolly Is visiting his
daughter, Mrs. John Golden, at
Luther Woodloy, of Binghamton,
was a business caller in Honesdalo
on Monday.
Dr. John Baumann returned to
Jersey City Friday after spending a
fow days hero.
August Neutnan, who spent a fow
days last week in Honesdale, has re
turned to Hawley.
Mrs. N. E. Blgelow of Niagara, has
boen passing soveral days with
Honcsdalo relatives.
Wm. Hawkins, of tho Atlantic Re
fining Co. of Scranton, was a Hones
dalo visitor last week. I
Mrs. Mary Simpson of Kceno, Is
a guest of her nloco. Mrs. James!
Lindsay, of Church Btreet.
W. W. Parker loft Saturday on a
business trip in tho Interest of the.
Durland-Weston Shoo Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ungor, of
Hawioy street, wero tho parents of,
a son born Sunday, Jan. 14. i
Mrs. Tilllo Durshlmer of Seoly-j
villo, was a caller on Mrs. Foreman
on Cottage street last Saturday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKanna aro
spending a fow dnys In Now York
City. They left Tuesday morning.
Miss Mahol Kollow of Scranton,
spent Sunday at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Georgo Barrlblo of High street.
E. V. Coloman Is on a business
trip In tho south and Middle Atlantic
States for tho Irving Cut Glass com
pany. Horaco Wl.zard, who Is employ
ed at Stamford, Conn., recontly vlslt
od nt tho homo of his fathor, Fred
Miss Mlnnlo Roesingor, of Carbon
dalo, passod several days of last
week with Honesdalo and Seolyvlllo
rolatlves. ,
Mrs. Mary Hagen, of Willow avo
nuo, has returned to her home hero
after several months' visit In Tron-,
ton, N. J. I
Mr. and Mrs. Max Lovl and son
dopnrted for their homo In Cleveland,
Ohio, Thursday nftor spending a
fow weeks nt tho homo of their son-In-lnw
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Katz.
Coupon Worlh 2rtc If Presented at
Percy Ii. Colo's Store.
In order to test tho Citizen's great
circulation and Its superior adver
tising value, wo havo mado arrange
ments with Percy L. Colo, tho popu
lar druggist, to offer one of tho best
selling medicines at half prico to
anyone who will cut out tho follow
ing coupon and present It at his
This coupon entitles tho hold
er to one 50c packago of Dr.
Howard's specific for tho euro
of constipation and dyspepsia
at half price, 25c. I will re
fund tho money to anyono dis
satisfied. PERCY L. COLE.
Twenty-Five Cents.
If you cannot call at his storo, cut
out tho coupon and mall It with 25
cents, and n 50 cent box of tho speci
fic will bo sent you by mail, charges
paid. Do not put It off. "Ono today
Is worth two tomorrows."
Painter Paper Hanger
Hotel Wayne. HONESDALE, PA.
IpntlpU RrflQ General Insurance
Winter Clothing !
on all Suits and Overcoats
Although the last bank to start in Honesdale it has
more stockholders than any other bank in Wayne County
and shows a steady increase in deposits, having up to
January 1 reached the $300,000.00 mark.
q EVERYBODY welcome at THIS bank,
J We earnestly solicit the business ot all classes and
welcome you to join us by opening an account of $1
or more.
M. E. SIMONS, President C. A. EMERY, Cashier
M. B. Allen, W. M. Fowler,
Georgo C. Abraham, W. n, Giilnnlp,
J. Sam Brown, John E. Krantz.
Oscar E. Dunnell, Fred W Kreltner,
Wm. II. Dunn, John Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Smith,
of Sherman, recently spent a fow
days with tho Misses Brown on East
Park street.
Mrs. Geo. Shrechan returned to
her homo In Carbondalo after visit
ing at tno homo of Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Pohlo.
MIbs Laura Courson, of Waymart,
and Ulenn Wllmnrth, of Aldenvllle,
wore guests over Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hlllor aro tho
parents of a daughter born recently.
Mrs. Isaac Male, of Hawley, vlsltod
friends hore on Friday.
Joseph Fryer, who has boon con
fined to his home with eryslpolas, Is
able to out again.
(Other Personals on Pago 8. )
for the return of M. I.ce Braman if you
expect to buy
I will arrive in Honesdale about Feb
rurv 10th with a consignment of fine
your way, and every horse will be sold
as represented.
church st. SALE STABLE honesdale, m,
well protected?
Call us on Consolidated 'Phone,
No. 1-9-L or come and see us,
Office opposite Postoffice.
yft Gome Here
Save Money
O. Wm. Sell,
M E Slmonw.
Fred Stephens,
George W. Tlsdell,
J. E. Tiffany,