THE CiriS&KN FIWDAYj NPV 34, 1011. rAGE T m IN THEATER PANIC ;ry of "Fire!" Cause of Rush of 300 For Exits. 1ANY CHILDREN ARE INJURED Jomo Irresponsible Person Responsiblt For Pellmell Stampede In Pittsburg Motion Picture House Firemen, Finding No Blaze, Assist Ambulance Attendants. nttsburg, Nov. 21. Just at the close of a performance In the Palm Garden theater here some Irresponsible person shouted "Fire!" Instantly there was a Ipanlc among the 300 persons In thfl theater. Men, women and children rushed pell aell for the exits, and somebody ou the I outside turned In an alarm, which brought the engines from a nearby fire station clattering down the street Strong men threw aside women and children In their efforts to get from the building, while the mannger ran to the stngo and tried to restore order The doors were promptly thrown open, and within a minute the audience was In the street, leaving behind half n dozen children who had been trampled and crushed by the crowd In Its efforts to escape. When the firemen arrived they found no fire, and their only work was to carry out the little ones nud send them to the South Side and St. Joseph's hospital, ambulances from which had been summoned. The police have no clew to the guilty person. QUAKERS NOT DISCOURAGED. Team Back From Michigan Defeat In Good Condition. Philadelphia, Nov. 21. Despite the I fact that all of the Pennsylvania play ers came out of the Michigan game In good shape. Trainer Murphy proclaim- led a rest. For the most part the Pennsylvania I players, although they were very sorry that they could not win the Michigan game, wore not downhearted. The consensus of opinion seemed to be thnt Pendleton, the referee, had himself prevented the Quakers from winning. Preparations are almost complete foi the Army and Navy game, which will take place on Saturday at Franklin field. HOUSE FALLS SIXTY FEET. I Two Persons Rescued as Flames Break Out In Pit. Scranton, Pa., Nov. 21. Cave-in of an old gangway of Vontorsch colliery carried down the double block of War ren Stephens. It was occupied by Ste phens and Patrick J. Buckley. Mrs. Buckley was cooking, and ns the house began to settle she scream ed, arousing her family, all of whom followed her to the street Stephens and his wife, penned in their bedroom. were rescued by neighbors, who low ered a ladder and carried them out just as fire broke through the wrecked structure and as the roof collapsed. The building went down sixty feet, and the fire destroyed all the furniture In It FIND BODY IN MINE HOLE. Murder at Freeland Discovered by Ac cident. Freeland, Pa., Nov. 21. Another murder In this vicinity wa disclosed by accident here by Max Ncsler and Frank Mallow running a mine loco motive out of the Drlfton colliery, who discovered a body in a mine cave, which was partly filled with water. The body was Identified as that of George Halko, who has been missing nearly four weeks. That he was murdered and robbed and tho body thrown Into the mine hole Is the theory held by the state police. A deep gash across the face and head further strengthens this theory. TTTPTU TvnrwQ ttt1 A r Trrnrme P North Mountain Dams Weak, Citizens Report to Governor Tener. Wllkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 21. Governor Tener has been petitioned hero by hun dreds of citizens of Huntington Mills, Harveyvllle and Waterton to Investi gate the three dams on top of North mountain. The residents of the vil lages lying nenr the dams are terror stricken lest the Austin flood disaster be repeated on the mountain. Ono dam is constructed of logs and Is said to have moved. Another Is of concrete and has cracked, It Is said. The dams hold back water covering hundreds of acres to a depth, of thirty five or forty feet. AIR PIPE TO BURIED MINER. No Sounds Heard, but Resouers Work Day and Night. Ilazleton, Pa., Nov. 21. In the hope that John Sarbck, a minor, who was ntombed last Saturday In the Green mountain workings of tho Lehigh aud Wllkesbarre Coal company, may still be allvo tho rescuers ran pipes from the surface to the chamber where he la Imprisoned. If be Is alive bo can get air through these pipes. Three shifts of rescuers are at work, but they have not reach ed the place where Sarock was when the accident occurred. No sounds have been heard. "For the sunshine and the rain. For the dew and for the shower, For the yellow, ripened grain, And the golden harvest hour, We bless Thee, oh, our Godl i "For the heat and the shade, For the gladness and the grief. For the tender, sprouting blade, And for the nodding sheaf, We bless Thee, oh, our Godl "For the hope and for the fear. For the storm and for the peace. For the trembling and the cheer, And for the glad increase, We bless Thee, oh, our Godl "Our hands have tilled the sod, And the torpid seed have sown But the quickening was of God, And the praise be His alone. We bless Thee, oh, our God!" tnrars $2 tlxmalxl &zxi iF I was a girl, I wouldn't go walking too far," said old Uncle Robert, as a girl of twenty passed him on her way down to tho gato of the farm house. "And why not?" sho asked, as sho almost came to a pause. "Well, according to my idea, it's go ing to rain and snow and blow and hail, and when the storm docs break, she's going to bo a buster." "I wanted to go lo tho posfofilce to mail a letter." "It's three miles there and back, and If I was you I'd put It oft. Mebbo somebody'll bo passing that you can send by. Tomorrows Thanksgiving, you know, and wo aro going to have tho awfulest, biggest, nicest dinner anybody ever sat down to. It's in your honor, you know. There'll be a turkey, a duck and a chicken; there'll bo cranberry sass, pumpkin pies, cur rant jell, sweet cider and apple dump lins; there'll be" "1 think I'll just walk a little ways, anyhow," said the girl, as she opened tho gate and passed down tho high way toward the village and tho rail road depot "And if you come homo as wet as a hen don't say I didn't warn ye. It's going to come, and it's going to be a buster." Half an hour later a middle-aged woman with a motherly face and voice came out on the steps and asked: "Pa, do you reckon it's goln to storm?" "Sure as ducks." "Where's Minnie?" "O, sho's gone for a Banter. I give her warning. What's she wantln' to mall a letter for? I hain't mailed a letter nor got one in twenty years, and I guess I'm about as well off as must folks. I was going to ask her but forgot it" "Don't you ask her a word about' it," cautioned tho wife as she came down to him. "I guess Minnie's got something on her mind, but it hain't none o' your business." "Something on her mind, eh? That's funny. Didn't know that girls ever had anything on their minds except new clothes. Is that why she como visiting us all of a gudden?" "None o' your business 1 I guess my own sister's daughter can com and see me any time she takes a no tion, and that without writing ahead. What's on her mind, as nigh as I can make out, is about a young man. They are engaged, and they've had a falling out, and she's sorter run away from him to find out if he really cares for her." "And she's got scared about it and has written him a letter to tell whero she is?" queried tho husband. "Go on! It's probably a letter to her ma, though I didn't see it nor ask. I hope she didn't start for town. It's going to storm for sure, and thero hain't but one house on the road where she could find shelter. Look down tho road and see if you can see her." "Can't see hide nor hair of any girl," reported Uncle Robert after going out to the highway and taking a long look. An hour later, with both uncle and aunt fidgeting about their girl visitor, the gray afternoon had become twi light In 15 minutes there was cold rain and lively hail, and Uncle Rob ert was blown into the kitchen. Miss Minnie had reached town and mailed her letter and started back again when the storm broke. Before it camo she thought she could make out a human figure on tho road ahead of her, but wasn't sure. Tho very first gust picked her up and turned her around and deposited her under a roadaldo tree. Sho re mained thero until the gale began to whip the branches off, and then let go her hold and ran for it She hadn't gono a quarter of a mllo when, as she crouched and covered her face, she was struck by a falling limb and knew no more. It was tho dim sight of the girl nnd tho scream she uttered when hit, that sent tho man who was clinging to the roadside fence back into the highway. He bent over the unconscious form and picked it up and staggered back to tho fence and followed it until be saw a light and found the gate of a farmhouse. His lusty calls for help soon brought j out a man, and the senseless burden i was carried into the house and ro- I eclved by a woman. "I don't know who sho is, but I found her In the road," explained her rescuer. "There is blood on her hair, and I think she was, struck down." "We'll do all we can," replied tho man and woman together, "but you mustn't look for much. We aro mighty poor folks. Wo hain't got no cam phor nor whisky, and as for getting a doctor out from town It can't bo done tonight." The girl was carried into the only bedroom and laid on the only bed, and when her wet clothing had been re moved and she was between the sheets, tho woman' got a cloth and a basin of water and washed away tho blood and whispered to tho stranger: "I don't think sho's bad hurt. She's just fainted away with the scare of it. When she opens her eyes I'll tell her to go to sleep, and she'll be all right in the morning," "Do you think it's some young lady from tho village?" asked the stranger of the farmer as they talked in whis pers in tho outer room. "No, I don't reckon so. I reckon it's that new girl that arrived at Turner's a few days ago. I saw her going to wards the village two hours ago." "Arrived at Turner's! Say, man, are you sure? Is it a strange girl to the neighborhood?" "I'vo heard say it was Uncle Bob'a niece, and that she como from" tho city. What nils you, stranger? Does this storm upset you?" It wasn't the storm. Percy Kincaid had quarreled with the girl ho loved and had asked to be his wife. It was about nothing, almost, as most lovers' quarrels are, but pride on either sldo held oft a reconciliation until the lov er finally learned that Miss Minnie had gone on a journey and left no word for him. She was going to spend Thanksgiv ing week in tho country. Within two days she had relented; within threo he was making every effort to locate her, that ho might patch up a peace. He had succeeded. He was going to throw himself on her mercy and ask Undo Robert for a place at his Thanksgiving table. The storm grew fiercer as the night ndvancod. When another day came even tho cattle could not face tho storm nor man move from his door. It was Thanksgiving day. At Uncle Rob ert's thero was a feast to be spread; "I don't believe they'd eat a single mouthful." at Bradley's there was hardly better than poorhouse fare. But the victim of tho accident was no longer In bed, and the rescuer no longer cared about the weather, and the farmer folks looked at each other and smiled and whispered: "Even if we had turkey and cran berry sauce I don't believe they'd eat a single mouthful. They've Just sorter found each other and are tickled to death." And when at last they could make their way to Turner's, and Undo Bob stuttered and Aunt Harriet cried for Joy, Miss Minnie asked in a way that was almost heartless: "Why do you tako on so? I never had such a lovely Thanksgiving in all my life!" Honor Belongs to Pilgrim Fathers. Long before the advent of the Pil grims in Massachusetts all rituals con tained expressions of gratitude to God for his mercies. In that of the Church of England special prayers were provided for tho Sunday service. This service, however, must be care fully distinguished from tho Thanks giving day of tho Pilgrim fathers. Fail ure to make this distinction has led to the groundless claim that the Pop ham colonists were "the first to keep Thanksgiving day" in America. Tho service at Monbegan, on which this claim is based, was the regular Sun day service of the Church of England; and while it bad an elemont of thanks giving, the day can In nowise be re garded as a Thanksgiving day as that term la understood. Cotemporary evidence refutes all claim to the contrary. S A BALD-HEADED WOMAN. 1 Shorn of Her Crown of Beauty, Lotes I In Love and Marriage. I Hair is certainly most necessary to 1 woman. Who could love nnd marry n bald-headed woman? What charms tould one array to offset kucIi a dlsfig urement? A woman's goal is usually lov6 and marriage. Her crowning glory is her hair. The loss of her hair mars her beauty, happiness, and success. Vet there are thousands of women who aro neglecting or injuring their hair to such an extent that it is only a matter of time when it will be utterly mined. Many women destroy the beauty, of their hair through thoughtlessness or ignorance of certain facts. They uso curling irons over-heated, or to excess. which destroys the natural oil of the hair, causing it to split, break, and come out. They do not shampoo their hair often enough, or too often. They use soaps or preparations which con tain ingredients positively harmful to the Bcnlp nnd hair. As a result of such treatment, dan draff Is created, the hair loosens, loses color, fnlls out and baldness com mences, unless proper and prompt pre cautions are, taken in time. Then again, microbes and certain diseases bring about unhealthy scalp nnd hair conditions. Almost any woman may rid herself of dandruff and diseased scalp and hair if Bhe will but uso the right rem edy. We have that remedy, and we will positively guarantee' that It will either relieve dandruff and baldness or It will not cost the user anything. That's a pretty broad statement, but wo will back it nnd prove it with our own money. Wo will return your money if you do not find that Rexall S)3' nair Tonic is an entirely satis factory remedy that will promote hair rowth and overcome scalp and hnlr troubles; that It will grow hair even on bald headi, unless nil life in the hair roots has been extinguished, tho follicles closed, nnd tho scalp is glazed And shiny. It gets its name from the fact that it prew hair in 03 out of 100 caes, whero it received a thoroughly hard, Impartial, and practical test. Wo want you to try Rexall "OS" nair Tonic at our risk. You surely cannot lose anything by doing bu, while you have everything to gain. You had better think this over, and then come in and see us about this of fer. You will be well repaid for your visit to our store. Remember, you can get Rexall Remedies in this community only at our store The Rexall Store. A. Jf. LEINR NOTICE TO HONDIIOIjDEKS OF THE M1LAXVILLE BRIDGE CO. The bondholders of tho Mllanvllle Bridge Company will take notice that in pursuance of a resolution duly adopted by the Company, and In ac cordance with tho provisions of the mortgage dated January 2, 1905, given by tho Mllanvllle Bridge Co. to' Homer Greene, trustee, one thous nnd dollars of the bonds secured by said mortgage havo been drawn for redemption. On presentation of said bonds to Homer Greene, Trustee, at his office In Honesdalo, Pa they will bo paid at their par value, together with Interest thereon to January 1, 1912; on and after which date In terest thereupon will cease. Tho numbers of the bonds so drawn are as follows: 84, 243, 32, 153, 218, 242, 30, 112, 276, 33, 3G, 1141 37, 245, 300, 87, 251, 227, 290, 298, 138, 11, 229, 126, 240, 100, 188, 142, 1G0, 281, 16, G2, 187. 246, 272, 164, s, my, is, 173. CHAS. E. BEACH, Secretary of the Mllanvllle Bridge Company, Nov. 14, 1911. 92eoI4w SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.-By virtue of process issueu out or ine uourt oi uommon Pleas of Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to mo directed and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public salo, at the Court House in Honesdale, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 29, AT 2 P. M. All the defendant's right, title, and Interest in the following de scribed property viz: All that certain lot or parcel of land situate in the townships of Sa lem and Paupack, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a corner on the north bank of the Wallenpaupack Rlvor; thence north 36 degrees east along the lino of the Davis lot 72 rods to a corner; thence north 18 degrees east along tho John Krleger line 158 and 9-10 rods to a corner; thence south 40 degrees east 162 rods to a maple on the bank of the river; thence In a westerly di rection along the bank of tho said river following its various courses about 306 rods to the place of begin ning. Containing 156 acres and 100 perches of land more or less as sur voyeu by M. P. Mitchell and being a portion of tho so-called Manor lot. Being the same land which L. W. Morse ot ux granted and convoyed to wm. II, Surplice by deed dated Oct. 5, 1893, and recorded in Wayne coun ty in Deed Book No. 77, pago 453, etc. Also, all that lot or parcel of land sltuato in tho township of Salem county of Wayne, Stato of Ponnsyl vania, bounded and described as foi lows: Beginning at a post on tho bank of the Wallenpaupack Creek south 68 degrees west by land of Wm, Shouso 39 rods to a stonescorn- er; thonco south 52 degrees east 15 rods to a stones corner: thence south 40 degrees east to a stones corner -3 perches; thence south 36 degrees west 75 perches to a post at low wa ter mark on the bank of the wailen paupack creek; thence up the said Wallenpaupack creek the several courses and distances 177 perches to the place of beginning. Contain I ing 48 acres and 149 perches be the same more or less. It being port of the Wallenpaupack Manor and by several deeds and conveyances made as on tho records of Wayne county entered Doc. 3, 1851, In Deed Book No. 17, page 401, will more fully ap- I pear. Being same land which Mary Ney by her last will and testament recorded In Wayne county in Will Ddok No. 26, pago 205, willed and devised to Martha A. Surpllco and William surpllco. Seized and taken In execution as the property of William H. Surplice at the suit of Martha A. Surpllco. No. 40 October Term, 1911. Judg ment, $6u0.00. Mumford, Attorney. TAK13 NOTICE All Dids and costs tnuBt bo paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEU BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale', Nov. 8, 1911. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE O REAL ESTATE. By virtue of process issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and Stato of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court Houso in Honesdale, on Fill DAY, DEC. 22, AT 2 P. M. All tho defendant's right, title, and interest in tho following de scribed property viz: All that southern part of a cer tain piece or parcel of land, situate In Preston township, Wayne county, Pa., beginning at a heap of stones on the line of land surveyed to John Chambers; thence by tho same and land surveyed by Daniel Bauman, north 63 degrees east 107 perches to a 'beach corner; thence by lots Nos. 42-37 of tho allotment of the Bond tract, north 27 degrees West 320 perches to stones the corner; thence by lot No. 29 on said allot ment, south G3 degrees west 107 per ches to stones corner and thence by lots No. 39 and 40 of said allotment, south 27 degrees east 320 perches to the place of beginning. Contain ing 314 acres more or less, being the same land that Thomas Cadwalader and wife by their deed dated tho 7th day of December, 1830, said deed be ing recorded in Deed Book Wo. 7 at pago 256, granted and conveyed to Bernard and Cornelius Rollly, and the said Bernard and Cornelius Rell- ly divided the said land property by the said Bernard Rellly taking the southern half or 160 rods by 107 rods of the said tract and the said Cornelius Rellly taking tho north half or 160 rods by 107 rods of the said tract. Also all that certain piece or par cel of land situate in Preston town ship, Wayne county, Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stones corner in the line of other lands of the said Bernard Reilly; thence by Lots Nos. 43-44 of the allotment of the Cad waladors in Preston township, south 7 degrees east 18G rods to a post sot for a corner; thonco by Lot No. 23 of said allotment, south 84 de grees west 180 rods to a stones corner; thence by land of N. L. Ken nedy, north 5 degrees west 159 rods to a stones by corner In the line of land of Bernard Rellly; and thence along said line, north 63 degrees east 42 rods to tho place of beginning; containing 78 acres and 149 perches bo the same more or loss, nnd being the same land that Mary Cadwalader by her deed dated the 2nd day of March, 1843, granted and conveyed to Bornard 'Rellly, and the said Ber nard Itellly having died on or about January 1, 1866, having made his last will and testament in which he devised the said land to his two sons. Michael Reilly and John Reilly. The said will having been duly probated To the Farmers of Wayne Co.- We Desire to Have You Patronize the 75 pCf CCnf. ' ne stockholders of this Bank are Farmers Open An Account in the Progressive Bank Capital Stock $75,000.00 Surplus and Profits $17,000.00 Comparative Growth off Deposits: June 1st 1907, May 1st 1908, May 1st 1909, May 2nd 1910, May 1st 1911, Officers: M. E. SIMONS, President C. A. EMERY, Cashier Directors: M. B. Allen, George C. Abraham, J. Sam Brown, Oscar E. Bunnell, Wm. H. Dunn, W. M. Fowler, W. B. Guinnip, John E. Krantz, Fred W. Kreltner, John Kuhbach, John Weaver. D. & H. CO. TlflE TABLE A.M. SUN 8 30 10 00 P.M.I A.M. A.M. P.M. SUN 10 00 10 00 4 30 0 05 .... Albany .... . Blncliamton , A.M. 10 00 2 151 12 30 2 15 2 15 .... Philadelphia. 8 15 4 0V 7 10 8 00 4 40 5 30 12 30 1 19 7 10 7 65 .WIlkes-Darre... ....Scranton P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Lv 5 40 5 50 6 61 8 43 8 65 6 20 6 30 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 2 62 2 67 8 45 8 65 869 9 18 ....Carbondale .... ..Lincoln Avenue.. White Farvlew Canaan ... Lake Lodore ... ... . Woymnrt Keene , Steene Pronipton...., 8 6 31 6 11 9 18 6 52 6 68 7 07 7 13 7 16 7 20 7 24 7 27 7 31 a n 9 21 9 24 6 26 6 32 6 35 6 39 6 43 9.12 0 37 9 32 b a 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 50 9 55 2 69 3 0.1 3 07 3 10 3 15 9 39 9 43 9 47 9 60 965 H 4i 6& ..Seelyrjlle.. , nonesdate P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar ln the office of tho Register of Wills in and for Wayno county on the 13th day of January, 1866, and recorded in Wayno County Will Book -No. 2, page 243, and the said John Rellly et ux having by their deed dated March 27, 1873, recorded In Wayno County Deed Book No, 43, at pago 76, granted and conveyed all his in terest in all the said land to tho said Michael Rellly. And tho said Michael Rellly having died lntestnto on or about tho first day of January, 1896, leaving to survive him a widow nnd ono child, Charles J. Rollly, and tho said widow having since died tho onttre title to tho land above de scribed becamo vested in tho said Chas. J. Rellly absolutely. Upon tho premises aro a good frame dwelling, barn, shed and other out-bulldlngs and a good orchard. Land mostly cleared and balanco haa somo good timber growing upon It. Seized and taken into execution as tho property of M. J. Moran and Chas. J. Riley, at the suit of Tho Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com pany. No. 96, March Term, 1910. Judgment, $300. Attorneys, De Laney Sc. McCarty. ALSO All tho defendant's right, title, and interest in tho following de scribed property viz: All that certain piece or parcel of Innd sltuato In the township of Dy berry, county of Wayne, and Stato of Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at the south-western corner of a lot of land, devised by William Hogland, deceased, to Eph rlam P. Kimble; thence south 50 de grees west 90 rods to the mlddlo of the public road lea'dlng down tho Dyberry Creek from Tanners Falls to Honesdalo; thenco along the mid dle of the same, south 28 degrees east 23 7-10 rods to a corner of Ell Burltt's land; thence by tho same and by other land of the said party of the first part north 50 degrees east 95 rods to a corner and thonco north 44 degrees west 23 6-10 rods to the place of beginning, containing 13 acres more or less. Being tho same land that Frederick Hubbard and Elizabeth Hubbard his wife by their deed dated the 29th day of November, 1870, recorded in Wayno County Deed Book No. 65, at page 247, granted and conveyed to Charles Tribes. Upon said premises Is a frame house, barn and other Im provements; land mostly Improved. Seized and taken Into execution as the property of Charles Tribes at the suit of Harry B. Ely. No. 131 Juno Term, 1910. Judgment, ?50.55. McCarty, Attorney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not be acknowledged. M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff. Honesdale, Nov. 22, 1911. eaver Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. ArGhttect and Builder MECHANICS $24,398.54 $109,896.20 $161,077,58 $241,843,67 $272,500.68 G. Wm. Sell, M. E. Simons, Fred Stephens, Georgo W. Tisdell, J. E. Tiffany, HONESDALE BRANCH P.M. P.M. A.M, P. M. A.M. SUN SUN. 2 00 12 40 10 60 8 45 10 60 00 4 09 7 11 7 38 7 11 7 38 A.M P.M. P.M. a 35 8 45 2 55 8 13 7 25 6 30; 12 65 12 05 10 OS 9 12 Ar A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 8 05 1 35 1 25 6 60 5 40 11 25 11 14 827 8 17 8 13 1 64 7 47 7 39 7 32 7 3 720 7 2J 7 19 7 If 7 64 7 60 7 33 1 21 6 34 11 10 10 63 11 45 10 37 10 32 i ai 6 18 611 7 25 12 66 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 36 12 32 12 29 12 25 7 17 7 12 5 66 4 68 4 65 7 09 7 05 10 ZA 10 2M 4 51 4 47 4 44 roriema. 7 01 10 2 10 II 6 68 8 65 1 40 10 Hi Lv A.M. P.M. P,M, A.MJP.M,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers