tiik citizen, fridav, sept. 22, 1011. PACK) y REI'UHLICAN CANDIDATE FOR COUNTl COMMISSIONER. JOHN MALE. Cherry Ridge. FOR COUNTl COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself as a Republican candidate for the nom ination to the onlce of County Com missioner of Wayne county, and re spectfully solicit the support of my friends at the primaries to be held on September 30. 1911. J. h. SHERWOOD. Preston, Pa., Aug. 15, 1911. 65eoltf. Candidate on the Republican Ticket for Nomination for REGISTER AND RECORDER. Floyu Th Instituto' Rev. service li, Waymart, ni. All ai Mrs. H was receD' Pethit U' Kiilliriiiy- of Candidate. 7 kind of an anniversary is fire cfved by men, his friends all fie' Wayne county will have a n.flld opportunity to give him a h as a souvenir of the occasion, uli FAVORS APPRECIATED. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF T. Y. BOYD. I wish to announce to the Repub lican voters of Wayne county that I am a candidate for the nomination at the coming primaries for the of fice of Sheriff. Your vote and your support in my behalf will be greatly appreciated. T. Y. BOYD, Boyds Mills. FOR TREASURER. W. W. WOOD, I most respectfully solicit your support at the prlmaiies September 30, 1011'. .n RICHARD J. KERENS. j Ambassador to Austria Denies ( Rumors of His Resignation. ( Washington, Sept. 19. Richard C. Kerens, American ambassador to Austria-Hungary, who is in this city to confer with officers of the state de partment, says that be intends to re turn to hts post next month. He would not discuss the report from Vienna that he intends to re sign from the diplomatic service. MADISON OF KANSAS DIES. Progressive Republican Was Serving Third Term In House. Dodge City, Kan., Sept. 10. Edmund H. Madison, representative in congress from the seventh Kansas district. Is dead at his home here. Representative Madison was one of the striking features In the strenuous light over the rules in the last con gress, which resulted in the curtail ment of the speaker's powers and rad ical changes in the code governing the house. Madison and Murdock of Kan sas, Hayes of California nnd other progressive Republicans, under the leadership of Nortis of Nebraska in the closing hours of the sixty-first con gress, waged and won the battle for reorganization of the house methods. Mr. Madison served through two con gresses, and was re-elected to the pres ent one and was active in the work of the recent extra session. He was a member of the Balllnger-Plnchot in vestigating committee. CALL PARSON IMPERTINENT. Astor's London Paper Defends John. son-Wells Prizefight. Loudon, Sept. 10. The Rev. E. B. Meyer, president of the Nationul Fed eration of -Free Churches, says he is prepared to raise an indemnity fund to reimburse James White, the pro moter of the fight between Jack John son and "Bombardier" Wells if the mill is called off. The Pall Mall Gazette says the Rev. Mr. Meyers is making himself ridicu lous. His public prayers for the con version of Johnson and Wells, Mr. As tor's paper says, were an imperti nence. A pugilist may be as good a Christian soldier even as a parson. The contest, says the paper, is unob jectionable on racial grounds nlone, considering thn ho color question is such a notable one In South Africa. NO FIGHT LEFT IN THEM. Old Pugilists Ask For Term In Work house For Winter. New York, Sept. 10. Martin Cos tello, forty-five years old, and Albert Grlffo, forty-four, each of whom loss than a score of years ngo was classed among the stars of the fistic arena, were sentenced to the workhouse on charges of vngrancy by Magistrate McQuado In the west side court. The two old fighters asked the court that they bo sent to the Island to bo taken care of for the winter months. Each said be had no home. Wrights Get a Bird Woman. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 10. A Minneapolis woman is the first of her sex to enter the school of instruction for nviators conducted by the Wright brothers in Dayton. She Is Mrs. Em ma McKenzie, and sho will work un der n contract with the Wright broth ers In exhibitions as soon ns she has secured her pilot's license from the Aero Club of America. Mrs. McKen jsio -will fly under the name of Ethel McMortou. Market Reports. BUTTER Steady; receipts, B.3S7 pack ages; creamery, specials, per lb., 27Ua 27'ic; extras, 2Ca20c; thirds to firsts. SOValSc. ; state dairy, common to prime, 10a25KiC,; process, seconds to specials, lSa 23c; factory, current make, I7a20c; pack ing stock. 16alSc. CHEESE Firmer; receipts, 336 boxes; state, whole milk, specials, per lb He; nverago fancy,. 13Vtal3c.; undererades, llHal3Uc; daisies, best, liic; part skims, 5'4allHc; hard skims, 2a3Vlc EGGS High grade firm; receipts, U.4S1 cases; fresh gathered, extras, per doz., 25a27c.; extra firsts, 23a2Ja; firsts, 21a2;.; seconds, 17alSc; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery whites, S0a35o.j gathered whites, 22a2Sc.; hennery browns, 27c. J gathered brown and mixed, Ha2Gc. POTATOES WeaKj Maine, per bag, $2a' 2.25; Long Island, per bbl, or bag, 12.25a 2.C0; Jersey, J2a2.25; sweets, Jersey, No. 1, per basket, 1.25al.40; southern, yellow, per tbl J2.25a2.75. MEATS Live veal calves, common to choice, per 100 lbs., J7.50al0.W; live butter milk and grass calves, Jlaij live calves, western and southern, $ la 7.25. ff. - VOTERS, TAKE NOTICE! To the Republican oters of Wayne County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofllc6 of county commissioner to be held Sept. 30, mil. to the voters with whom I am not personally acquainted will say, I "ave been in business for the last twenty years and have many friends In Wayne county and will do all In my power to reduce the taxa tion of the farmers and real estate owners. If nominated and elected I will direct my best efforts. Your vote and support in my behalf will be greatly appreciated. MINOR BROWN, White Mills, Pa. CANDIDATE for PROTHONOTARY. JOHN N. Sn.UlPSTEEN. To the Republicans ot Wayne Co.: I take this means of announcing myself as a candidate for the nomi nation of Prothonotary at the pri maries, Sept. 30, 1911. To most of you I am known per sonally. During my seventeen years of service as a clerk in the Hones dale postolflce my efforts have been to perform my duties faithfully and courteously to the patrons of the of fice and the public generally. To the voters with whom I am not personally acquainted 1 would say that, since a severe injury sustain ed by my father a few years before his accidental death when I was six teen years old I have tried to make an honest living. My birthplace was in Texas township, district No. 4, Wayne county. My school days were limited to the district school and the Honesdale High school. As a boy of eleven years 1 spent my summers slate picking on tho Dela ware & Hudson dock and attended school during the winter. I also spent several summers working on a farm in Cherry Ridge. After school I entered the office of the Honesdale Iron Works, known now as the Guerney Electric Elevator Co.,. where I stayed a number of years and later entered the Hones dale postofftce serving two years un der William F. Brlggs. I then went to the Carbondale Lumber company as a bookkeeper, remaining with them until the appointment "as post master or Miss Mary E. Gerety, who later became tho wife of Hon. C. A. McCarty. In June, 1896, I returned to the Honesdale postofflco where I have been employed over since. In coming before tho people and asking their assistance and vote at the com ing primaries, let me say that I am no tool of any boss or bosses. I simply desire in common with every American citizen to better my condi tion. Your support will be appre elated and If nominated and elected I will devote all my time and atten tion to the duties of the office to which I aspire and will resign my present position. As tho son of the late Newton Sharpsteen, veteran of the Civil war, I have an interest In and sym pathy with all veterans. Most cordially yours, J. N. Sharpsteen. NOTICE. Notice Is horoby given that an ap plication will he made to Alonzo T. Searle, President Judge of Common Pleas of Wayne county on October 9, at 2 p. m., under the provisions of the incorporation act of 1874 and Its supplements for a charter for an intended corporation to ho called the White Mills Fire Department, the character and object of which are the support and maintenance of a fire company for the extinguishing of lire In the borough of White Mills and vicinity. Wayne county, Fenn sylvanla, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges con ferred by the said act and the sup plements thereto. SEARLE & SALMON, 72eoi Solicitors. C. We wish to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't be afraid to write this offica for paper and stamped envelops. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION SUB MITTED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJEC TION, BY THE GENERAL ASSEM BLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUB LISHED BY ORDER OF THE SEC RETARY OF THE COMMON WEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF AR TICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTI TUTION. Number One. A JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, so as to consolidate the courts of common pleas of Allegheny County. Section 1. Bo It resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia In General Assembly, met, That the following amendment to the Constitution of Pennsylvania be, and the same Is hereby, proposed, In accordance with the eighteenth ar ticle thereof: That section six of article five be amended, by striking out the said section, and Inserting in place there of the following: Section C. In the county of Phil adelphia all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the district courts and courts of common pleas, subject to such changes as may bo made by this Constitution or by law, shall be in Philadelphia vested in five distinct and separate courts of equal and co-ordinate jurisdiction, composed of three judges each. The said courts in Philadelphia shall be designated respectively as the court of common pleas number one, num ber two, number three, number four, and number five, but the num ber of said courts may be by law increased, from time to time, and shall be in like manner designated by successive numbers. The num ber of judges In any of said courts, or in any county where the estab lishment of an additional court may be authorized by law, may be In creased, from time to time, and whenever such Increase shall amount in the whole to three, such three judges shall compose distinct and separate court as aforesaid, which shall be numbered as afore said. In Philadelphia all suits shall be Instituted in the said courts of common pleas without designating the number of the said court, and the several courts sball distribute and apportion the business among them In such manner as Bhall be provided by rules of court, and each court, to which any suit shall be thus assigned, shall have exclusive jurisdiction thereof, subject to change of venue, as shall be pro vided by law. In the county or Allegheny all the jurisdiction and powers now vested in the several numbered courts of common pleas shall be vested In one court of common pleas, composed of all the judges in commission In said courts. Such jurisdiction and powers shall extend to all proceed ings at law and in equity which shall have been instituted in the several numbered courts, and shall be subject to such changes as may be made by law, and subject to change of venue as provided by law. The president judge of said court shall be selected as provided by law. The number of judges in said court may be by law increased from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on the first day of January succeeding Its adoption. A true copy of Resolution No. 1 ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Two. A JOINT RESOLUTION. Proposing an amendment to section eight, article nine, of the Consti tution of Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia in General Assembly met, That the following is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in accordance with tho provisions of tho eighteenth article thereof: Amendment to Article Nine, Section Eight. Section 2. Amend section eight, article nine, of tho Constitution of Pennsylvania, which reads as fol lows: "Section 8. The debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or incorporated district, except as herein provided, shall never exceed seven per centum upon the assessed value of the taxable property there in, nor shall any such municipality or district Incur any new debt, or In crease its Indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property, with out the assent of tho electors there of at a public election in such man ner as Bhall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now ex ceeds seven per centum of such as sessed valuation, may be authorized by law to Increase the same three per centum, In the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation," so as to read as follows: Section 8, The debt of any coun ty, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or In corporated district, except as heroin provided, shall never exceed seven per centum upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein, nor shall any such municipality or dis trict incur any new debt, or increase its indebtedness to an amount ex ceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property, with out the assent of the electors thereof at a public election In such manner as shall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now ex ceeds seven per centum of such as sessed valuation, may be authorized by law to Increase the same throe per centum, in the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation, ex cept that any debt or debts, hereln- aiter incurred by the city ana coun ty of Philadelphia for the construc tion and development of subways for transit purposes, or for the construc tion of wharves and docks, or the re clamation of land to be used in the construction of a system of wharves and docks, as public Improvements, owned or to be owned by said city and county of Philadelphia, and which shall yield to the city and county of Philadelphia current net revenuejn excess of the Interest on Raid rifihfc nr rlnhtn nf thn nnnnnl In. stallments necessary for the can- conation or saia aebt or debts, may be excluded in. ascertaining the pow er of the city and county of Phlla- rifilnhin. tn hpnnmn nfViorwIoo In debted: Provided, That a sinking fund for their cancellation shall be established and maintained. A truo copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. ROBERT McAFEE, Secretary of the Commonwealth. NOTICE of uniform: prmlyries. In compliance with Section 3. of the Uniform Primary Act, notice Is hereby given to the electors of Wayne county, Pa., of the- County. Township and Borough officers to bo nominated at the Primaries to be held at the regular polling places in each election dlstrjct from 2 to 8 p. m Saturday. September 30, 1011. For countv officers, enr.h nf thn nn. litical parties is entitled to nominate as follows: One nerson for .Tndepi nf thn finnrt of Common Pleas. One nerson for Prothonotarv and Clerk of the Courts. One person for Sheriff. One person for District Attorney. One person for Register of Wills and Recorder of Deeds. One person for County Treasurer. One person for Coroner. One nerson for Minn Insiifinrnr. SHh District. Two persons for County Commis sioners. N Two persons for County Auditors. The terms of all Township and Borough officers who were elected In 1908 for a three-year term will ex pire the first Monday in December and their successors are to be nom inated and elected as follows: One person for Supervisor for 4 years. One person for Constable for 4 years. One person for Assessor for 4 years. Two persons for Overseer of Poor for 4 years. One person for Auditor for 4 years. Two persons for School Directors for 2 years. Two persons for School Directors for 4 years. One person for School Director for G years. One person for Judge of Election for 2 years. One person for Inspector of Elec tion for 2 years. One person for High Constable In each Borough. Town Councilmen to fill the place of those elected in 1908. Justice of the Peace In place of those elected In 190G. One Town Treasurer in Townships that elect them. One person for Registration As sessor in each nlpntlnn rHorlnt in townships that have two or more poiang piaces. If anv SuDervisnr la hnlrllncr nfflno by appointment by Court, his term expires and his successor must be nominated for a two-year term. School Director candidates must designato on their petitions for which year-term they are candidates. Petitions for county office can be obtained at the Commissioners' of fice. Petitions for Township and Borough office can be had of the party committeeman in each district or at the Commissioners' office. All petitions for County, Town ship or Borough office must be filed in the Commissioners' office on or before Saturday, September 9, 1911. Judicial candidates must file their petitions with tho Secretary of the Commonwealth on or before Satur day, September 2, 1911. J. E. MANDEVILLE, J. K. HORNBECK, THOMAS C. MADDEN, Commissioners. Attest: Geo. P. Ross, Clerk. uzeoi 3. NOTICE BRIDGE BUILDERS. Bids will be received at tho Com missioners' ofllnn In Hnnonrlnlo nnrl Montrose until 5 p. m., Thursday, Sept. 14, 1911, for the construction of a concrete arch bridge over the Lackawanna river at Forest City, bid's to bo opened in the Council rooms, Forest City, at 10 a. m Fri day, Sept. 15, 1911. Plans and FRED SAUNDERS who is probably as well and favorably known as any man in Wayne County is a Demo- cratic Candidate for an office that requires tt much responsibility and work. To this end he most earnestly solicits th'fc support of the voters of Wayne County on September 30, for the office of REGISTER and RECORDER tt-t-tttttt-ftttt-ftttt-ftt-ftt-ftt-ftt-ftttttttt-ftttt-ftt-ftt-ftt-ftttttttttt-fs D. & H. CO. TII1E TABLE A.M.I SUN 8 30 10 00 P.M. A.M, A.M. l'.M, SUN 10 00 10 00 4 301 Albany .... . Iilnetminton a os A.M. 10 00 2 15 12 30 2 15 15 . Philadelphia . 3 15 7 10 8 00 4 40 fi 30 12 SO 1 19 7 10 7 55 .WIlkes-Barre. ....Scranton.... 4 05 P.M. A.M P.M. P.M. A.M. Lv 5 40 8 43 8 65 8 69 9 18 6 20 6 30 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 37 2 43 2 52 2 67 8 45 8 65 8 69 9 18 ...Carbondale .Lincoln Avenue.., Whites , Farvlew , Canaan , ... LakeLodore .. . Waymart , , Keene , , Steene , ....l'rorapton...., ..... Fortenla , ....Reelyvllle , .... Honesdale 6 Ml 5 51 6 31 6 11 6 62 6 68 7 07 7 13 7 16 7 20 6 17 21 9 ii 620 6 32 6 33 9 32 9 37 9 39 9 32 9 3; 9 3! 2 6 0 0 11)1 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 9 43 9 47 9 60 955 9 47 9 50 9 63 7 21 H 46 6 60 7 27 7 31 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. Ar specifications may be seen at the Commissioners' office, Honesdale and Montrose, also at tho office of W. J. Maxey, Forest 'City. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check of at least 10 per cent, of tho amount of the bid. The right is re served to reject any or all bids, Tho contractor will give bonds to com plete the work in GO days. W. H. Tingley, A. J. Cosgrlff, J. E. Hawley, commissioners Susquehanna county. J. E. Mandevllle, J. K. Hornbeck, T. C. Madden, commissioners Wayne county. 3teol SPECIAL ELECTION. To M. Leo Braman, Esquire, High Sheriff of the County of Wayne, Greeting: Whereas, In consequence of the death of the Honorable George W, Klpp, who was a member of the Sixty-second Congress, from tho Fourteenth Congressional District, composed of the counties of Wayne, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Brad ford, a vacancy exists in the repre sentation of this State in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States. Now, therefore I, John K. Tener, Governor of said Commonwealth, In pursuance of the provisions of the Constitution of the United States and of an Act of the General As sembly of this Commonwealth, en titled "An Act Telating to' the elec tions of this Commonwealth," ap proved the second day of July, A. D. 1839, have issued this writ com manding you, the said M. Lee Bra man, Esquire, High Sheriff as afore said, to hold an election in the County of Wayne, on Tuesday, the seventh day of November, A. D. 1911, for the election of a represen tative of the people of this Common wealth in the House of Representa tives of the Congress of the United States, to fill the vacancy aforesaid, nnd you a-e hereby required and en joined to givejoinedcmfwdywddmfw joined to give lawful notice, and cause to be held and conducted the said election, and make return thereof in manner and form as by law is directed and required. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the City of Harrisburg this fourteenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and eleven and of the Commonwealth the 136th. JOHN K. TENER. By the Governor: Robert McAfee, Secretary of the Commonwealth. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself to the voters of Wajne county ,ab a candi date on the Republican ticket for the office of County Commissioner, sub ject to the primaries to be held Sep tember 30. To those citizens who do not know me would say that I was born In Wayne county, and have spent my life so far within Its borders, excepting two years of volunteer service in the last of the Civil war. My oceupation Is now and has been chiefly that of farm ing. This Is my first request for county office, and if nominated and elected will discharge the Incumb ent duties in an honorable, and I trust an efficient manner. Respectfully yours, A. M. HENSHAW. Indian Orchard, Pa. 6Gt7eol Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of Wo print pamphlets, Wo print bill heads, Wo print envelopes, s Tlltf IMAMIltSlIt liriAKl. I'llls la IleA and Hold irn-tnlllA Votes, seueJ with Blue Ribbon. Take lie nther. Itur of voar oar " ltrucffl AslcforCIIM'in:H.TERrl liKAnii for V5 j ean, icnoi -n'as Best, Safest, Always Reliable sOLO BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE HONESDALE BRANCH P.M. P.M. A.M.I P. M, SUN A.M. S.UN. 2 00 12 40 10 60 8 45 10 50 9 00 4 09 7H 7 7 14 7 38 A.M P.M. P.M. 9 33 8 45 2 65 3 13 7 S!3 6 30 12 65 12 03 10 Ub 9 12 Ar A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M, P.M. 8 05 1 35 1 25 5 60 5 40 6 31 11 25 11 11 11 10 10 63 827 8 17 8 13 64 7 47 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 26 7 22 7 19 7 15 P.M. 7 61 7 60 7 33 7 25 7 17 7 12 1 21 6 181 12 66 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 86 12 32 12 29 12 25 6 11 11 45 10 37 10 32 10 29 10 25 666 4 68 4 65 7 7 05 4 61 7 01 4 47 10 21 6 68 6 65 4 41 10 18 10,15 4 40 Lv A.M. P.M. P.M, .A.M. " -p tt tt tt u tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers