l'AGE i TUB CITlXBS'j FJUHAY, JUNE ii, iiHl; THE CITIZEN Scml-Weekly Founded 11)08; Weekly Founded IS II. Published Wednesdays nnd Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter, at the postofflco, Honesdale, Pa. 13. 13. HARDENBERGH PRESIDENT B. H. WITHERBEE t MANAGING EDITOR, J. M. SMELTZER ASSOCIATE EDITOR DIRBCTORB ! C. n. DORFUNOEU, M. B. ALLEN, If. WIl.BON, K. B. HARDr.NnEROH, W. W. WOOD Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re turned, should in every case enclose slamjts for that purpose. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.50 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Post Office Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdclc, Pa. All not.ces of shows, or other entertainments hold for the purpose of making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notice of entertainments for the benefit of chuiches or for chnritable purposes where a fee Is chareed. will be published at half rates. Curds of thanks, 50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. The policy of the The Citizen is to print the local news in an interestinp manner, to summarise the news of the world at large, to fight for the right as this . il.. 7.l ..'.1 a t t,. i.. 4l. ....... Jc jtaptr eeca tie Ttyni, wiiiiuui icu ui iuiui interests or us readers ana the wcitare oi tne county, FRIDAY, JUNE il, 1011. RELATIVE PRICES. At the auction at Allentown, Pa., the other day, a Kentucklan paid $15,000 for a bull. That's nothing. once paid for a small bull con. :0: KINGS AND If every time a President of the United States was Inaugurated ho had to be kissed on the cheek by the members of the cabinet and the army and navy officials, as King George will an' Dukes an' sich, the only candidate of would be the Maine Squeeze of the Perpetual War Scare Richard Pearson Hobson. :0: THE NEED OP THE NATION. "An' I tell you, brethren, an' slstern," says the negro philosopher, "dat dls race suicide am shorely a terrible evil. What dls country needs Is to imitate Brer' Rabbit an' be prophylactic." :0: IT IS A SHAME, ISN'T IT. "An the worst of It all Is," said the little girl explaining to her playmate the arrival of a baby at her house, "that every time the stork calls at my home an' leaves a baby, my mamma has to go an' get sick just when we need her the most." :0: HOW TO BE HAPPV THOUGH MARRIED (NO. 2). In a recent Issue we said, "There are six rules for a happy marriage. The first Is, 'get a divorce as soon as possible.' The other five don't count." Having given this excellent advice to the two rising young barristers, for whose benefit the editorial was written, we naturally expected to learn that such an easy loophole of escape had made a strong appeal to their separate legal intellects and that they would shortly be lit subjects for congratulations. Also wedding presents. But no. Likewise nix. Also nuthln' diddin'. It seems as though their thoughts ran more to Blackstone and Greenleaf than to Cupid and Hymen. So far as we can learn, their hearts flutter no whit faster in their respective legal bosoms; their faces brighten not at the mention of Hclolse Van Schuyllght or Maggie McCue and they have yet to blush under the cynical smile of the jeweler's clork. Of course divorces cost money. Honesdale isn't Reno. But, then, being lawyers, they could secure their own divorces and If they wanted to be real mean qbout It make their former wives pay them counsel fees. Still, we have hopes for each of them. And just to show them how much easier It Is to pop the question than It Is to question the Pop, we will offer a few rules for their guidance in the delicate art of proposing, and being accepted. Anyone can propose and be turned down, but it takes more than a knowledge of locus sigllum to lasso a girl with the Rope of Gold. Therefore, First, choose a suitable girl. By this, we do not mean a girl who is easy to suit, certainly not; hut one who can cook, do the housework, mow the lawn, care for the garden, make her own clothes especially hats and do other trifling little things like that. Her spare time can be devoted to the week's washing and Ironing and looking fresh and cool and pretty after bending over a hot stove getting supper. Of courso no girl can be suitable unless she has sufficient money to support her husband In the style to which he has always been accustomed. This last is very assentlal. And, by the way, she must bo a college graduate, beautiful, loving disposition,- dainty flgger, clever conversationalist, know how to mix cocktails and be less than twenty-live years old. Having found a girl possessing each and every one of these elemental characteristics, don't waste time In proposing. She wouldn't have you anyway. Just kidnap her and collect the ransom. :0: THE DISCOVERY OF AMERICA N JUSTICE. Christopher Columbus Wilson, President of the United Wireless Com pany, has been sentenced to three years at the Atlanta Penitentiary. As everybody knows, Christopher Columbus Wilson, as his name Implies, was, and Is, a discoverer. He was Captain of the bad ship, "Swludler" which same is a maritime term for the United Wireless Company, which struck on the rocks of the law and the U. S. Government some time ago. Besides Captain Wilson, this ill fated barque was manned as follows: First Mate, George H. Parker, director and western agent of the company who will spend the next two years in a companion cell In the same peni tentiary as his daring captain; second mate, Francis X. Butler, a legal sailor, who as counsel for the "Swindler" steered It through the shoals and breakers onto "Conviction Reef" where It foundered, and who will now pay the penalty for "defective eyesight" of two years at the same prison with his two superior olilcers; Steward, W. A. Driscol, treasurer of the company who will enjoy the delights of the New York penitentiary for one year, and last but not least Able Bodied Seaman W. W. Thompson, who conducted the New York Selling Agency and who joins the Steward for the same period In the same place. It seems that after Christopher Columbus Wilson and his crew had been sailing the waters of'Legltlraate Business for a short time In tlfc Unit ed Wireless Craft, they began to discover new lands on every side. First, they discovered the Archipelago of Lies, and forthwith they sent out a whole passol of lying circulars as soon as they discovered the Peninsula of the Misuse of Mails. This naturally led them to the discovery of tho Land of Easy Money, through which they continued their explorations and discoveries until caught, convicted and sentenced. During their exploration of the Land of East Money, they took In ?3, 000,000 through selling what was supposed to be treasury stock, but which was, in reality, their own personal shares. This $3,000,000 was subscrib ed by tho dear, gentle, gullible public for the enlargement of tho plant and operating apparatus. As far as this money went It was all right but it didn't go far enough. Most of It was salted In the hold of the bad ship "Swindler," and the pirates In charge divided up. Only $750,000 of tho $3,000,000 ever got to the treasury of tho company. Finally, to be exact, Monday last after a dramatic and spirited trial, In which attempted bribery Is charged, Christopher Columbus Wilson and his Jolly tars discovered America n justice. They have been taken to their respective colls, and tho bad ship "Swindler" is no more. May each day of their imprisonment seem llko a thousand years, es pecially In tho case of tho lawyer Butler as an example to other legal luminaries who make It their profitable business to find divers and devious ways to break the law In tho Interests of tho Get-Rich-Quick Scoundrels. "Ahoy, Atlanta!" The Ship of State thus halls the Pen, With flvo more swlndlors. Wish 'twere ten! , i :0: The New York Herald paid that amount for Doctor Cook's "own" etory. iu inn cii win. ci tuny otin, wi.ni We remember when ?25,000 was KISSES. have to be kissed by all the Earls for the position that we can think NAVAIj NAMES. , A new English war essol has been christened the "Mayfly." Would eoem more seasonable If John Bull had named It tho "Junebug." :0: EASIliY CON lNt'ED. "I'm two kinds of a Democrat," says Uovornor WlUon. "I was born one and whan I grew up, I became convinced It wns the only thing to be." Guess Bryr.u must represent the rest of the 57 varieties. :0: Nr. CAUSE FOR WOKUV. Woodrow Wilson, a3ked as to his Presidential candidacy, said, "It's too far off to talk about." And as far as W. W. 13 concerned, It gets far ther away every time he whispers. : :0: SO DO WE. "I hope to end my days In peace," says Diaz. A heap sight better, according to our foolish way of thinking, than to end them In pieces, as he came mighty near doing. :0: OR IS BITTEN OFF. "'Tho criminal end of the Tobacco Trust Is being studied," say the nev reapers. Still the trust mnsnates probubly aren't doing any oertlme worrying. That end of It generally goes up In smoke. s s (Continued from Pago One.) (for burial; a resolution prepared by Attorney General Bell, at the re quest of the Governor, providing for the appointment of a commission by the Governor to examine Into the question of a public utilities com mission and prepare a bill for the next Legislature. Such a resolution had already passed the House, but got no farther In the upper body than a committee. How far the Governor will go in retaliating upon those who were influential In throw ing him down will be Been within the next thirty days. Nearly three thousand bills were Introduced In both Houses during the session. Of these, 191 became laws, 26 were vetoed, and something like 800 are In the Governor's hands to be acted on within thirty days. The balance either went down to defeat or failed to get out of com his four weeks' task and a most re mittee. To-day the Governor begins sponsible one it Is. Notwithstand ing the repeated statements by the chairmen of the appropriation com mittees that the appropriations should not exceed the estimated re venues, It Is known that the Legis lature voted away at least a mil Ion dollars more than the State's financial officers believe will be re ceived, and some cutting must be done as usual. The Governor will have to face a considerable number of salary-raisers, for the Legislature voted many increases. Our old friend, tho Capitol Park Extension bill, is up to the Governor also, ask ing for $200,000 as a starter, though fifty times that amount will bo need ed before the project Is completed. Governor Stuart vetoed a similar bill two years ago, on account of a lack of revenue. Two Important Measures. Praise must bo given the Legisla ture for having passed two important constructive measures, tho Sqliool Code and the Sproul Good Roads bill. It Is safe to predict that the Governor will sign tho latter, the former having become a law. The School Codo Is not exactly what the Educational commission desired, but It seemed to he the bc3t that could be had, and it Is a big advance over the present system or lack of it. The Sproul bill reorganizes the State Highway Department, and it Is gen erally believed that E. M. Bigelow, of Pittsburg, will be the new man at tho head of it. Mr. Hunter, the present Commissioner, will be re tained as Deputy. Other bills passed by the Legisla ture concerning the wisdom of which public opinion differs, are the soft coal mine code, tho full crow bill, the Pittsburg plan for that city and Scranton, the Judges salary in crease, tho Judges pension bill, the Ferguson white slave bill, the single medical hoard, resolution to amend tho Constitution so as to allow a bond Issue for good roads, bill to reim burse George Gray Barnard, the sculptor, In tho sum of $80,000, and increasing the pay of Senators and members. Some that fell by the wayside were the Local Option bill, civil service re form, pure paint bill. Fort Wash ington park bill, soldiers' pensions, bill to tax anthracite coal, resolu tion permitting the people to vote on direct election of U. S. Senators, the excise hoard bill, tho Kline li cense bill, employers' liability bill, antl-vivlsectlon bill, equal taxaton for corporations, and a number of revenue measures, ' beside several bills providing for the initiative and tho referendum. Kllno Hill. No liquor bill of recent years has stirred up as much comment as the Kline bill. The main purposo of this act was to allow tho state treas urer to grant licenses to brewers and distillers, to sell anywhero In the State. The power of granting the licenses was taken away from the judges, and lodged In the State Treasurer, who was given no discre tion In tho matter. The bill, as ori ginally drawn, passed the Senate, whero It originated, and went through tho House with a slight amendment. By the time it got back to tho Scnato considerable op position had developed and the Sen ate, by a small majority, refused to concur. This left the bill ponding for a few days, when It was sent back to tho House, In the effort to have that body strike off tho amend ment, but this tho House, by a largo majority, refused to do, thus defeating the bill. It Is generally conceded that its defeat was accom plished by the Influence of the re tailers nnd restaurant keepers, aid ed by tho members In favor of local option. Tho Supremo Court last week re fused to disturb the finding of the Superior Court and tho Court of Dauphin county In tho Huston case, ana josepn u, uuston, architect of the new capltol will bo sentenced to the Penitentiary for an Indeterminate sontenco of not less than six months or more than two years. It Is stated that he Is very much broken In health and that he will probably not live out even the minimum sen m tence of six months. While there are those who believe tie Is not guilty of conspiracy, many are of tho opin ion that no fraud could have been perpetrated without his knowledge and consent, for he Is presumed to have Inside Information, If any one had. Promise Kept. The promise made to the people by Edwin S. Stuart when ho was a candidate for Governor of this state has been kept, as his friends knew It would be. The task was a most unpleasant one, and a less courageous man would have shrunk from It, or at least side-stepped, but It has been finished. Unfortunately, the man who reaped the greatest pecuniary benefit from the new Capi tol work, escaped punishment. One of the last acts of the Legis lature was to pass an act appropriat ing $80,000 for the use of George Gray Barnard, to reimburse him for tho expense he has Incurred in finish ing, packing, shipping and setting the statuary which now adorns the front of the Capitol. There Is no doubt of the Governor's signing this bill as he recommended It In a mes sage to the Legislature. N. E. HAUSE. The legislature of 1011 approach ed its dissolution with more In temperate evidence of joy over the termination of its official duties than has been evident during the last de cade. The soul of levity and of phy sical demonstration was evidenced when the dead files became Instru ments of joyous interchange. The vehemence of activity was so forceful that early In the demonstra tion Chief Clerk Thomas H. Garvin was the recipient of an unintended blow which blinded his right eye but did not interfere with his casual con sideration of necessary roll calls. Tho venerable chief clerk, who Is a masterpiece of modern political mathematics, was quickly in consulta tion with an oculist who dispelled the optical Illusion with a sombre eye patch and an inflltoration of some soothing lotion. In rapid' sequence came from the senate conference reports which no body heard or cared for. They were accepted and endorsed with that rapidity that always accompany the rapid fire finish of tho closing night. There was little compensation for the great crowds that thronged the senate and house chambers. The governor's platform pledge, the pub lic service commission bill had been crushed and asphyxiation had over taken the Kline proposition for the liquor interests. Forced by the popu lar demand for some remedial legisla tion for cities of tho second class the legislature felt it Incumbent to pro duce a compromise measure. Aside from this feature, which ap pears to have had the active sup port of the various Republican ele ments, tho closing night of the legis lature pesented llttlo of Importance. There was tho usual storm of song, of mock proceedings and tho intro duction of presiding officer of mem bers whose claims to recognition are largely based on eleventh hour efferts to tho admirers. As tho result of tho defeat In the Senate of the resolution creating a commission to take up the public utilities bill, Governor Toner's pet measure will be considered by the revenue and corporation commission, of which Senator James P. McNlchol Is chairman. This became known today, when It was learned that tho McNlchol commission will during the next two years take up quietly tho utilities bill and report some sort of a measure to the legislature of 1913. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, SS.: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior partner of the firm of F. L. Cheney & Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Stato aforesaid, and that said flrr will pay the sum of ONE HUNDREL DOLLARS for each and every case o Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscrib ed in my presence, this Cth day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal) a. W. GLEASON. Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by atl Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. WAYNE COM3ION PLEAS: TRIAL LIST, JUNE 10, 1011. Smith vs. Brown. Tollep vs. Chaplak. Klausner vs. De Broun. Town vs. Cortrlght. Heurlcb vs. Sanders. Stuck vs. Blgart. M. J. HANLAN, Profy. Honesdale, Pa., May 29, 1911. 43eo3 -Advertise in The Citizen. E (Continued from Page One.) lucky to win one of the two games! The lurid details follow: MORNING GAME. DUNMORE. R. H. O. A. E. Hnwloy, ss 1 1 o 2 2 Dooley, cf . 0 1 2 0 0 Payton, If 0 1 3 0 0 Loftus, 2b 0 0 0 1 1 Jackson, lb 0 0 8 0 0 McDonald, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Coollcan, 3b 0 0 1 2 1 Moran, e 1 0 5 1 1 Knox, p 0 0 1 2 0 Totals 2 3 20 8 5 HONESDALE. R. H. O. A. E. Mangan, lb 1 1 8 1 0 Brader, ss 0 1 1 2 0 Hatler, cf 0 0 0 0 1 Sandercock, c 0 0 9 2 1 W. Polt, 2b 0 0 0 1 0 Dudley, If 0 0 1 0 1 Schilling, rf 1 0 1 0 0 J. Polt, 6S 0 0 1 3 2 Male, p 1 1 o 1 0 Totals 3 3 21 10 5 Dunmore 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 Honesdale 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 3 Two base hits, Mangan. Three base hit, Male. Sacrifice hits, J. Polt, Dooley, Knox. Struck out, by Knox, 6; by Male, 8. AFTERNOON GAME. DUNMORE. R. H. O. A. E. Hawley, ss 2 0 0 0 1 Dooley, cf 0 0 0 0 0 Payton, If 0 0 0 0 0 Loftus, 2b 0 1 1 1 0 Jackson, lb 0 0 4 1 0 McDonald, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Coollcan, 3b 0 0 0 1 1 Moran, c 0 115 1 0 Farrell, p 0 0 1 1 0 Totals .2 2 21 5 HONESDALE. R. H. O. A. E. Schilling, rf 0 0 0 0 2 0 Brader, ss, 3b .0 0 Hatler, cf 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 1 0 0 Sandercock, o 0 1 Mangan, lb 0 0 W. Polt, 2b 0 0 Dudley, 3b 0 0 0 Jacobs, If 0 0 1 Hessllng, p '. . . 0 1 1 Polt, J., ss 0 0 0 Totals 1 321 9 3 Dunmore 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Honesdale 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 One base hits, Loftus, Moran, Hat ler, Hessllng. Three base hit, San dercock. Stolen bases, Hawley, Lof tus, Moran, Brader, Jacobs. Base on balls, off Farrell, 2: off Hessllng. 2. Struck out by Farrell 15; by Hess llng 4. Left on bases, Dunmore, 3; Honesdale, 5, Umpire, H. Dallas. THE TREE DOCTOR Continued From Page One.) new to him, the reporter strolled out to Irving Boulevard, to get lo- l cal color for his story. Two places , at which work had been done at tracted his attention. I The first one was tho maples in i front of the home of Mrs. W. W. Weston at 1209 Main street, which had been carefully gone over by the ; crew of experienced men sent out by this enterprising Wilkes-Barro 1 linn. It was a wonderful transfor mation they had wrought. Symmo , try had been restored to unsightly and ueformed trees. Cavities had been filled, and treated In such a manner as to leave hardly any visi ble trace of their existence. Beauty nad been added to this garden spot of Honesdale, the natural attractive ness of the adjoining Riverside Park enhanced, and withal the value of the property considerably Increased. By and by he carao to Mr. Holmes residence, at 1238 Main street. There he found the men hard at work. Hard at work is right, for tho five maples, which were being treated at this spot, had reached tho allotted four score years. Mrs. Holmes Pleased. There he spoke with Mrs. Holmes, who along with Miss Mary Weston, and Mrs. R. B. Torrey, is a patroness of the movement. She expressed her pleasure with the work, am was especially delighted to think that the lives of the dear old maples would bo prolonged for another generation as a result of their professional treatment Superintendent Thomas H. Wln sklll, who beforo coming to this country was associated with tho Kew Gardens In England, and who studied under Doctor T. H. Mawson, tho latter a tree expert and land scape architect, who lectures at the Liverpool University on "arboricul ture," obllglugly came down the lad der, and talked to the newspaper man, explaining to him the different stages in the work. The corner treo In particular. was In bad shape. All the decayed por tions were chipped out until tho live wood was reached, when anti septic solutions wore applied. Three upright bars were then placed In tho centre, a frame work put over it, reinforced with cement, and covered with manganese, leaving a baroly perceptible scar. In about three years he said, tho bark would grow over, and no one would know that an operation had over been perform ed on the tree. Ho was enthusiastic, naturally, about the good work being done elsewhere by his firm, who aro ad visors to tho Street and Sewer De partment of the city of Wilmington, Del., which has entire charge of the streets in that city. The concern by which ho is employed Is treating an orchard of Ex-Governor Lea, of Delaware. 150-Year Old Pear Treo. They preserved, ho said, a pear tree about 150 years old for Dela ware's U. S. Senator Henry A. Du Pont, which required over three1 tons of cement, sand, etc., to com plete the treatment. TEAM BROKE Tho Bonsey nnd Rifkln concent has a wide reputation for this kind of work. As. landscape gardeners they frequently plan and develop parks, playgrounds, cemeteries, etc. Appointments can be made by ad dressing Miss C. L. Peterson, Presi dent of the Honesdale Improvement Association, or their homo office In the Second National Bank, Wilkes1 Barre. This firm Is thoroughly unselfish In their advocacy of a shado treo commission In Honesdale, for they are not by a long shot tho only es tablishment In the country doing this kind of work. Furthermore In the opinion of Mr. Rifkln, if Honesdale wore to adopt tho Shade Tree Commission Act, it would not obligate them to lay a special assessment on property-holders, which feature of the bill lias arouked some local opposition. To sum u all up: If you were sick you wouldn't go to a quack or a pow wow doctor, so why, dear reader, when your trees are In an unhealthy condition, should you engage any "saw-and-hammer Jack of all trades" to butcher them for you? PENSION HILL. Mr. Sherwood Introduced the fol lowing bill, which was referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions: Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that any person who served In the military service of the United States during the late Civil War, and who has been honorably discharged therefrom, shall upon, making proof of such facts according to such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may pro vide, be placed upon the pension roll and be paid a pension as follows: For a service of ninety days or over and less than six months, fifteen dollars per month; for a service of six months and less than nine months, twenty dollars per month; for a service of nine months and less than one year, twenty-five dollars per month; for a service of one year or over, thirty dollars per month. No soldier who Is entitled under this Act to a pension of either twenty-five dollars per month or thirty dollars per month shall be eligible to ad mission or residence In either a State or National soldiers' home. Section 2. That any soldier eligi ble to a pension under this Act, who was wounded In battle or In duty, and who was thereby disabled and Is now unlit for manual labor, shall be paid the maximum pension under this Act, to wit, thirty dollars per month, without regard to his length of ser vice. Section 3. That no part of the ap propriation for pension under this Act shall be paid to any soldier whose annual Income is one thousand dollars or over, Section 4. That no person shall receive a pension under any other law at the same time or for the same period he is receiving a pension un der the provisions of this Act. Section 5. That rank shall not be considered in applications filed here under. Section 6. That this Act shall take effect Immediately, and payment of pensions under this Act shall com mence from the date of filing appli cation for the same. The Home of the ORGANIZED - 1836 Progressive Conservative Successful Will extend every facility that good banking will justify. Accounts of Individuals, firms and corporations soli cited. Correspondence invited OFFICERS: HENRY Z. KUSELL-EDWIN V, TORRKY PRESIDENT. CASHIER. ANDREW THOMPSON - A.C.LINDSAY VICE PBESIDENT ASSISTANT CABIIIER. DIRECTORS: Henrv Z. Russell Andrew Thompson Edwin F. Tohrey Homer Greene Horace T. Menneii James C. limns i it. Louis J, Dorfunoer E. 11. Harden herqu Honesdale Platioriai Bank. Philip R. Murray .-MWUBrJih
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers