The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 02, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Astley Had Three Terrific Bouts
Witii Death.
At One Time He Flew Through the Air
at a Height of Threo Hundred Feet,
Grasping Rod With One Hand Hair
Raising Performance.
Ono of tho most hair raising per
formances over put up on nn aeroplane
was given at tho Ilrooklands uero
drome, near London, by the British
aviator, II. do D. Astley, who is a
cousin of the Marquis of Hastings.
Astley was flying a fifty horsepower
Blcrlot racing monoplane for the first
His first lap of the aerodrome was
a scries of up and down dives, which
looked as if ho were sitting a bucking
broncho, only each buck took him forty
feet up and down again. Then 'he got
the weight of the machine Into his
hands and steadied her down for a
second lap. Peeling ho had got full
control, he took her tip to a height of
300 feet, where he was flying quite
nicely when a gust of wind caught
him and turned him up on to his left
wing tip, and ho began to drop side
ways. Sat In the Air.
Knowing his only chance of righting
himself was to drive head 'first out of
the gust, he pulled the tall of the ma
chine up in the air, switched off his
engine and dived for It. Just as he
got the monoplane 'diving quite
straight he accidentally touched the
switch, and tho engine started again
full blast The sudden pull of the big
engine, added to tbo weight of the
machine, jerked tlie whole apparatus
from tinder Astley, who was left for
a fraction of a second sitting In the
He grabbed the llrst thing that
came along, and when ho came to
himself sufficiently to think he found
himself sitting astride tho frame of
the machine, hanging on to the top
rails of the frame -with both hands
and looking straight down into tho
seat ho had quitted. Meantime the
machine, absolutely without control,
was heading full speed for tho ground,
now only about 100 feet below him.
Fortunately for him his weight, be
ing so far back, made itself felt, and
at about 100 feet from tho earth the
tall dropped, and tho machine .started
climbing skyward again.
Given Up For Dead.
The other aviators on the ground had
given him up for dead as he mnde his
dive, and now they gave him up ngain,
for tho machine climbed perfectly ver
tically, and no ono had ever seen a
machine going aloft hanging on to its
propeller and nothing else. They sim
ply stood and waited for the mm nine
to start dropping backward. There was
nothing else to do.
Then Astley pulled himself together
and clawed himself up tho frame so
that by holding on with, his right hand
he could catch hold of tho control
wheel with his left, but he could not
get into his seat so as to get his feet
on the rudder levers. By this time the
aeroplane had climbed to n height of
about -100 feet and was still rising.
As soon ns lw had got partial control
Astley said to himself "This Is where
I start for home again" and jammed
his control wheel hard forward. Tho
tail came up, and tho machine got on a
level keel and steadied herself. Then
ho raised tho tail a bit more, and, look
ing over tho front of tho machine,
meanwhile lying flat on his s.tomnch
on top of tho frame, he saw below him
tho sewage farm which covers and
spoils n big portion of the Brookland
"That's tho safest part of Brook
lands. Mo for it!" thought Astley, and
up he brought his tall still more, so
starting another dive for earth. Hav
ing no rudder control and no moans of
getting any, ho could not turn. All ho
could do was to regtilato his up and
down flight and keep tho machine from
heeling over sideways; consequently
If ho missed the sewago farm ho
would hit tho railway embankment,
which forms the limit of the aero
drome, and his only chance wns to
drive straight Into tho sewage.
Lands Unhurt.
Down ho came, engino running all
out, and again tho onlookers gave him
up for lost. WJWtnty feet from tho
ground ho let go with his right hnnd,
made n dab for tho switch and cut out
his engine. Then ho hauled his lever
back, dropped his tail, and the machine
came up level, to drop gently into the
soft mud of the sewago farm, where
tho wheels stuck and tho monoplane
quietly stood on her head, decanting
Astley over tho top of tho engino Into
tbo dirt
Net results, a couplo of broken wires
nnd all tho buttons pulled off Astley's
overalls as ho clawed himself on his
stomach along tho frame, and this aft
er being dead for certain throo times.
Luminous Compass.
It has been decided to adopt a lumi
nous compass in tho German army,
nnd it will bo used In military maneu
vers so ns to allow tho troops to And
their direction without trouble. Very
good results are expected from its use.
Tho compass will havo n dial prepared
with luminous paint, so that It may
lin seen In the dark. i
Coffin, Now Under a Stairway, la Soon
to Bo Interred.
Five yc;;r.s after being brought to
this country the body of John Paul
Jones, hero of tho Itevolutiouury war.
is about to be Interred. Forgotten by
those who participated in the ceremo
nies attending Its return here forgot
ten even by men iu the naval service
the dark leaden colli n containing all
that Is mortal of tho famous wan lor
has lain tinder tho stairway of Ban
croft hall at the United States Nuvu.
academy ut Aunaiwlls. Ono end, part
ly covered by the uuion Jack, pro
trudes Into tho hallway, and many a
Jest has been made as passcrsby brush
past the coffin.
Tho activity of tho Sons of tho
American devolution is responsible for
tho passage of u bill through congress
last March authorizing tho expendi
ture of $75,000 for the burial of John
I'aul Jones In tho little chapel at tho
Annapolis Naval academy and the
erection there of a memorial in his
Just why America's great naval hero
should havo been so completely for
gotten for live years is a riddle that
no one ueonis able to answer. It is ex
plained that the Naval academy of
ficials did not enter a request for funds
to bury the body because -their budget
at tho last session of congress was
unusually large and it was feared that
an addition might result .Ui reductions
When knowledge of this camo to the
Society of the Sons of 'tho American
Revolution recently a committee was
chosen to urge a special appropriation
bill through congress. This passed
without difficulty.
Although tho appropriation was
made more than two months ago, the
officials of the navy department have
not yet decided on what style of me
morial will lie erected in the hero's
memory, 'Some are In favor of cutting
n grave in tho floor of the chapel nnd
placing tho coffin there. Others are
advocating a tottib above the floor
Meanwiiile John Tnill Jones' body is
resting beneath a flight of stairs.
More Nearly Related to Flying Things
Than Swimming, "Says Expert.
Although a turtle was declared by a
Harvard university expert to be more
nearly related to -a bird than to a fl3h
and to possess a highly developed nerv
ous system, capable of memory, intelli
gence and lovable tendencies, Judge
Stevens in the Boston superior court in
structed a jury to bring a verdict of
not guilty in the case of John n. Wer
ner, a restaurantman who wns charged
with cruelty to animals in keeping a
1C0 pound green sea turtle on its back
In a window. Wclner had been fined
$25 in the municipal court and ap
pealed. The defense contended that the
charge of cruelty to animals would not
hold on the ground that a turtle was
not an nnlmal. but a flsh.
Professor Itobert Yerkos of Harvard,
witness for tho government, declared
that turtles are more nearly related to
birds than to flsh. On cross examina
tion Professor Yerkcs said that there
was a difference of opinion about tho
cruelty of tho act, but admitted the
necessity of either placing a turtlo on
Its back or in water if it was to bo
kept alive.
Schedule of a Chicago Waiter Vho
Will "Do" Europe.
John Henry Willlnm Benin, a Chi
cago waiter, who will pass the sum
mer in Europe, traveling .on tho pro
ceeds of tips paid him, guvo the fol
lowing precepts on tipping. Ho plans
to follow them la giving his own mon
ey away:
AVhcn dining alone, 10 cents.
When dining with a woman, 25
When entertaining n party, CO cents
or more.
When in doubt, 10 per cent of bill.
Deduct accordingly when tho waiter
refuses to smile.
Never offer a tip until after eervioo
Is over.
Be liberal, but don't overdo It
Rehm will tnko bis wife and two
daughters on tho trip. They will sail
on tho Lusltania in tho best quarters
avnilablo and for throe months will
"do" Europe in style.
Membors Pledged to Radiate Good
Cheer and Dispel Sorrow.
Business men of Blunt, N. D., havo
organized the "Happy Consolation
club," its chief purpose being to gath
er up and radlato sunshine and good
cheer and dispel sorrow nnd trouble
A sot of bylaws has been adopted, and
ono rulo requires members to greet
other members on tho street with a
smile. If this rulo is violated by a
member ho will roccivo nothing but an
Icy stare,,
Tho club has a worrying committee,
the members of which must do such
worrying as may bo necessary for tho
other members. A member who vio
lates tho rulo In regard to meeting
other members with a smilo on tho
street will be punished by being made
n member of the worrying committee,
and this will release from that com
mittee one of the orlglnnl members.
Result of Five Years' Study by
George Westinghouse.
Engines May Be Started "Cold" In
stantly New Turbines Mean Saving
of Moro Than One-half of the Weiflhl
In Engines Other Features.
A revolution In tho method of np
plyiug power to vessels, and especially
to naval vessels, is fairly certain to
'be accomplished by the general in
stnllntlou of n new tyio of marine tur
bine engine and its reduction gears
which can start cold.
This turbine and gear etiuipmen
represent tho result of live years of
study and experimentation iiy George
Westinghouse in tho works of the
Westinghouse Machine company at
To the United States goes the llrst
opportunity to try out tho Invention:
hence It Is that with tins 'building of
the collier Neptune, larger than most
battleships, the government will in
stall two of these engines.
Britishers Astonished.
When the finest and largest war
ships of the British navy were here at
tending the Hudson-P.ulton celebration
tho officers could not 'believe that any
turbine could be started "cold" be
cause the turbines In "their ships, the
pride of the English navy, required
ten hours to "warm up" before the
engines could be started without tear
ing out the blading lnsldo and render
ing the engine useless. So much did
the English engineers doubt Mr. West-
inghouse's accomplishment that they
made a special trip to Pittsburg to we
the engines operated. And their su
prise at tho starting of the engines
"cold" Instantly was only equaled by
their astonishment that the engine
could be opened, examined, closed up
again and actually started in less than
one lwur, when in their own "up to
date" eugines they required days.
In addition to tho tremendous ad
vantage that immediate action gives.
other departures from previous prac
tlce which are radical have leen
made to lessen the cost of construc
tion, facilitate fhe operation of tho ma
chinery and its inspection and to re
duce the weight and space occupied as
well as to provide a control mechanism
whereby the officer in charge of the
ship may have as complete a control
of the engines ns ho now has of the
steering apparatus.
Automatic Control.
Automatic control, it is claimed, is
fully proviCW for. Tho design of the
turbines had an ahead portion and a
reverse portion and a cruising element
all within one caging. The oversjKvd
Ing of the turbine eugines from any
cause whatever, and especially In a
heavy sea, Is automatically prevented
by the governor control. All steam
and exhaust connections are made to
the lower half of the turbine, and tk
general construction is such that tUo
steam may bo turned directly into ib
apparatus when ccld and full spaed
attained In less than a minute, where
ns the form and dimensions of the tur
bines which have heretofore been used
for naval service have been such that
the turbines required preheating, such
action taking from throo to ten hours
according to tho size of the machinery.
The speed developed is nlso consider
Jible. Tho man on tho bridge -nn re
verse either or both turbines from full
speed ahead to full sieed astern In
less than llftecn seconds. Tho speed
and direction .of both turbines, bolus
under instant control, permit of thi
turning of tho t,hlp in the shortest pun
siblo distance. It gives the officer In
command absolute control, minimize--
tho dangers of collision and makes for
prompt maneuvering In ibattle or in
As to tho minimum of space that Uif
new engine will require, It Is claimed
for tho new turbines that they mean
tho saving of more than one-half ot
tho weight In engines nnd a decrease
in tho capacity of boilers required be
cause of tho lack of consumption ot
steam. This, it Is said, is of tho great
est Importance, as It permits of the
use of thicker armor and heavier guns.
Blind Professor Ablo to Follow Plays
Accurately by Sound.
In order that ho may "hear" the lall
games at tho local park a season pass
has been presented to Professor Earl
C. nouk of Springfield, O., who Is
Professor Houk is vocal instructor at
Wittenberg college. He enjoys "hear
lng" ball games. By means of tho um
pire's calls on strikes and balls, the
crack of tho bat against tho ball, the
shouts of Joy or groans of tho crowd
nnd with somo ono to explain tho Intri
cate plays ho follows the gamo with
surprising accuracy.
At 101 He Fasts Sixty-five Days.
Marlon Crabtroo of Savanna, 111., 101
years of ago, has gone without food
for sixty-five days, and It is said that
his chances for at least another year
of life after his remarkable fast are
better than ever. Physicians who
havo attended tho aged man say he
has a good chance to pull through,
nis fast wns self inflicted.
Henry L. Stimson, New Sec
retary of War.
y 1311, by American Press Association.
nenry Lewis Stimson, who succeeds
.laeob M. Dickinson as secretary of
war, was the unsuccessful Republican
candidate for governor of New York
last fall. Since his defeat he has been
engaged in the practice of law. From
1000 to UW.) he was United States
attorney for the southern district of
New York and attracted wide atten
tion through his conduct of 'that office.
After Mr. Stimson quit the district
attorneyship he was named as special
counsel for the government iu the
prosecution of the sugar trust, and hp
succeeded in causing that Institution
to pay into the national treasury more
thau SiU.tXlO.uOO. Other prosecutions
against the Artmckles and against rail
roads for violations of tho rebate law
and similar actions brought n return
of more than S-'.fMXi.OOO to the govern
ment. lie ilso prosecuted the case
against Charles V. Morse.
Tho new war secretary is forty-four
years old. He fitted 'for college and
went to Yale, graduating' In 1SS8. Then
he took his law degree at narvnrd and
In 1891 entered the office of Ellhu Root.
At the end of two years ho was made
.a partuor in the firm. Hp Is a close
friend of Theodore Roosevelt and Glf
ford Piucthot.
Born of Fighting Stock.
Colono Giuseppe Garibaldi, who
fought so Tnllautly Tor tho Maderists
at .Tuareg and who received the sword
of General Navarro, comes from a fami
ly renowned for its lighting blood. He Is
a descendant of the great Italian leader
who fought for liberty in many lands.
The first and greatest Giuseppe Gari
baldi aided tho rebels of Rio Grande
do Sul against Brazil. In winning free
dom for Uruguay he developed the fa
mous Italian legion, which always aft
erward furnished him as tho core of
every command with a group of sea
soned warriors, hard ns nails and pug
nacious as bull terriers.
Jealousy of tho exploits of the For
eign legion, which wan commanded bv
VS ......
1911, oy American Fresa Aasoclatlon.
Colonel Garibaldi, has been marked In
tho Insurrecto army since the capture
ot Juarez. Francisco Villa, tho former
bandit, who is now a colonel iu the in
surrecto army, and Garibaldi had a
clash throo days leforo the battle of
Since that day Villa's hatred has
flrrown. Ho helped to work up the anger
of Orozco that led to the clash with
Madero. Garibaldi at that time stood
bcsldo Madero and had members of his
legion present ready to fight for the
revolutionary leader if necessary. Aft
er that incident soeh threats were
made against him that he was advised
ia cross ine unago to ui l'aso. xuen
Villa followed him thero with the in
tention. It is said, of killing the Italian
officer, but wns disarmed by United
estates secret service men nnd sent
back to Mexico.
Branding Criminals.
Paraffin injccuuiis are a new method
for branding crlmluals which a Dr.
Icard of Paris Invented and about
which he is exceedingly enthusiastic.
Tho doctor proposes that a small quail
tlty of paraffin shall bo injected under
the skiu of every convicted pcrsou.
This forms n slight hump, which re
mains the rest of tho person's life
without tho least danger to his health.
A detective arresting such a man, or
eveu before arresting him, would, on
feellug the hump, know him lnstnntly
for an old offender. Dr. Icard thinks
that, in accordance witli his scheme, a
regular language of signs might bo
prearranged by means of the paraffin
hump. Thus, for example, It would be
agreed all over tho world that tho right
shoulder blade should be r- serve d tor
operations upon confirmed criminals.
The area thus defined would bo divid
ed into three parts. The upper would
be reserved for "very dangerous"
criminals, the middle for dnugerous
and the lower for less dangerous.
New York Tribune.
Opium Growing In This Country.
The Post Graduate, a medical mag.
nzlnc, reports n rumor that a planta
tion for the growing of opium Is to bo
established In this country nnd says
that "as our revenue laws prohibit tho
Importation of opium, except for med
ical purposes, and ns uudmbtedly opi
um could be cultivated in some parts
of our country in which the climate Is
similar to that In which It Is grown in
tho east our government will bo
charged with the duty of strictly su
pervising any attempts to raise such a
crop if it can be made commercially
successful." According to this journal,
500,000 pounds of opium are used an
nually iu the United States, "a hun
dred times more than is prescribed by
The Baby Uenerat.
IThB Infant -emperor of China has been
frtven supreme command of tho army.
News ltem.l
When a baliy heads an army
Can he-flodso the cannon balls?
Cotter put him In tho navy;
He's an expert on tho squalls.
Still tho infantry might like him:
Ho can sound alarms at nlsht.
But suppose he cot the colic?
Thero would never be a fight.
Spokane Spokesman-Review.
In Proportion.
WlOe iT want a cap, please, for my
Shopkeeper Yes, madam. What size
does he wear?
Wifie Well, I really forget. Ills col
lars arc size 1G, though I expect he'd
want about size 18 or 20 for a cap,
wouldn't he? Philadelphia Press.
The Hobble Shoe.
Havo you seen the latest thing
Which the advertisements sing
Tho hobble shoe,
Biief vamp, tight toe
And heels so altltudlnous?
They're wearing them right now.
Wish you'd tell me how
They get about,
Maids lean and stout,
Xlicsc hobblers multitudinous.
Atlanta Constitution.
Wise M3n.
"Decided where you'll spend this
"No. I'm going to let my wifo de
cide this year. She used to wake me
up in the middle of the night last
summer to remind mo that I picked
the place out." St. Louis GIobe-Demo-cror.
teitan "American rlome
h(VWIWiVuyi yumrkt .V Adtrrtliinr Dortor
Fooled, Urrrtfrd or Itnbhril lnu. Don't lodr til kilt
mrirtly Scivndfle (oubloitlon Selected it CooiMnf d oul
oi GOOO DUiervot Druiti. to tilt ieh 1 eterjr fuClTldntl
Cue, la poilllTrlr the Only Cure, no mttler vliataotter
your Ailment or lilac! inajr be, ranie or vrlgl, no matter
wlo failed. Writ, alato your Caie In itrlrt roniHtnra,
DOCTOR, I'nit llnx rbiiiideiutll P.
MM and Builder
Plans & Estimates
Residence, 1302 East St.
A. T. SEAItLE, Vice Tres.
We want you to understand tho rcfiHons
of tills
HAS A CAPITAL OF - - - $100,000.00
EVERY DOLLAR ol which must be lost before any depositor can lose a TENNY.
It has conducted a growing and successful business for over 515 years, serving
an increasing number nf en Atom era with fl.WHiv n.l ant;afanii -
its casn mnus are protected by MODERN STEEL VAULTS.;
t.i11.1.0' ihf sscP,uP,e,d.,w!tn.con8ervatlve manacement. insured
tent1!2..A?K.l uIi I'KHSONAL Ari'KNTION constantly cUen the
iJAnk ? SfiSlfAta 8, 'A0,'?,1' XP.h'o 1,'oard ot Directors assures the patrons
Bank tho prlme cssftntlal of a Botl
Total Assets, -
w. F, SUi'DAM.
sv. n. holmes
Monday, May 29
For A Short Time Only
Please call early for
Late of Lake Township,
All persons indebted to said estare are notl
liedto make immediate payment mi tlietin
ilerslKiieil : and tlmse linvlnsr claims nenlnst
the said estate are notified to prutent them
duly attested, for settlement.
Ariel. Pa.. April 8. 1011. ""fe
in your family you of course call j;
a reliable physician. Don't etop
at that; iiavo his prescriptions S
pnt up at a reliable pharmacy, fj
even it it is a little farther from t
your home than some other Btore. jj
You can find no more reliable
htoru than ours. It would be im- it
possible for more care to be taken
m the selection of drugB, etc., or j
in tho compounding. Prescrip'
tions brought here, either night
or day, will bo promptly nnd U
accurately compounded "by a l
competent registered pharmacist U
and the prices will bo most rea- jj
Opp. D. .t II. Stutloil. IIONKSDALK. Pa. I
Do you need somo printing done?
Come to us. If you need somo en
velopes "struck off" coraet3 us.
We use plenty of ink on our bbs.
W. J. WARD, Abs't Cashier
- - $2,951,048.26