The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 13, 1911, Image 3

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in sua
For -Infanta and Children.
She Kind You Have Always Bought
New Torpedo Boats Make Uiual Eight
Hour Trip In Less Than Five.
Now Orleans, Jnn. 11. Headed by
the Paulding, tho fastest ship in the
navy, the torpedo boat flotilla, made
up of the Paulding, Hoc and Terry,
docked after what is believed to be
tho fastest time ever made for the run
from Key West to tills port. The
llotllia completed the trip, which gen
erally takes merchantmen olnht linnr
He Startles Congress by Demand' (
Ing That They Work n Little.
Ho Will Be fienstor
From Connecticut.
No Chance For Her to Cc;.
troi New York Church.
James A. Farreli to Succeed
William E. Corey.
Bears tho
In about four hours nnd fifty minutes,
j The destroyers, which are the newest
; ships of I lie navy, cost $7i"0,000 each.
The Excommunicated Leader of First j
Christian Science Congregation May
Wall Street Was Shocked, ao It Doesn
Know the New President of tho
'lhe.v h'iv. nor yet been accepted by
'he I'ovovinient.
Try to Push Through an In
dependent Ticket.
Trust, Who Has Been In
Export Company.
GEORGE P. M'lr.Stf. j
. I
New York, Jan. 11. Any idea tin;:
the adherents of Augusta K. Stutsou.
the excommunicated leader of tin
First Church of ClirlMt, Scientist, in
this city may have had looking toward
obtaining a controlling nieiuber.slilii in
the board of trustees of thu cliuii 1
through the election which is to li
held Jan. 17 was given n severe nei
back -when a meeting of the congrea
tion, in effect a caucus, indorsed all o
the present nnti-Stetson board for r.'
election. Unless those supporting M''
Stetson put a rival ticket In the lii'M
between now and next Tuesday even
ing the present board of trustees wli)
continue in olllce and the Stetson In-1
dent will be practically closed.
According to the bylaws of the Kir-;
Church of Christian Science hcr.
three trustees of a total of nine ;. v
elected each year. Besides the tliiw
vacancies regularly occurring this yo:n
incumbents to two trusteeslilns wli! 't
were filled by appointment following
the resignation of two of the loyal fol
lowers of Sirs. Stetson last January
have to be elected. Since the situa
tion forces the election of live, or a
mnjority of the board of the church,
the situation nppeared to those In
power to be of sufllciont gravity to
warrant the caucus.
After the regular slate had been put
timnrfll lit? n Vnfn ilinf n'na tiiioiiltiiiid 1
Virgil O. Strlckler announced that
next July at the expiration of his three
year term ns first reader of the church
he would cease to have any ofllclal
connection with the First church In
New York. He would not bo a candi
date for trustee nor would he continue
in his present position.
About 700 members of the church at
tended the meeting.
Three Men Dead, Another Will Die, as
Result of Quarrel.
Abboyville, Ga., Jan. 11. Three men
are dead and one mortally wounded as
a result of n fight near here. Those
killed are Matthew Wilson, James
MIxson and Noah White. N. P. Wil
son is mortally wounded. All are
prominent business men and until six
months ago were partners in the lum
ber business. Differences arose, and
White withdrew, alleging he had been
badly treated.
Feeling has been bitter, and the two
Wilsons and MIxson went to White's
homo to discuss matters. There were
hot words, and in an instant all were
using pistols, Including Mrs. White,
who came to her husband's aid when
she saw him attacked by three men.
It is said White killed MIxson and
was Jiimself killed by Matthew "Wil
son, who was at once shot to death bv
Mrs. White. It is said Mrs. White
mortally wounded N. I". Wilson.
Mrs. White was not wounded. She
nnd her husband were married only a
few months ago. She Is an expert
with firearms.
, Washington. .Ian. 11. Kepresentn
tivo Dwlghl of New York, the Republic
an whip f the house. Is much disgust
ed with the apparent Indifference of
Ills colleagues toward their legislative
duties. He says that in a few days he
will demand the enforcement of the
house rule adopted away back In 1S72,
providing that members shall not re
ceive pay for those days they do not
spend In attendance on the sessions
of the house.
"I am in earnest about this," Mr
Dwight said. "It has been threatened
before and nothing has been done. But
this is the short session; we hnvo a
great deal of work to do. That work
cannot be accomplished If half the
time is spent In securing quorums."
As soon as the members find out Mr.
Dwight means whnt he says the at
tendance Is expected to improve won
He Worried the Judge.
A rtory was recently told of the elder
Judge I'eckham, father of thu supreme
court Justice. In the early days of
dentistry a hickory plug was put Into
the cavity to fill the space where u
tooth ought to be. This plug had to
bo gently pounded Into Its desired po
sition. The old judge was somewhat
addicted to strong language, and when
the d'-ntlst began his wor ktho judge
Indulged In some classic comment. A:
the tupping of the plug continued he
threw all dignity to the four winds of
heaven, and his language became de
cidedly "more forcible than elegant."
When, however, he arose from the
chair nfter what seemed to him an
Interminable period of agony he pulled
out all the stops In his vocabulary for
a grand climax. The- impression on
his listener seems to have been deep
nnd lasting. As the Judge passed out
the dentist grimly remarked to a wait
Ing patient;
"Wasn't it beautiful? It wasn't real
ly necessary to pound half so loug.
but I did so enjoy his Inflection that I
almost pounded the hickory plug Into
splinters. Wonderful command of
language the judge has!" Caso and
Crossed by the Corpse.
Most of Wultbamstow Is too modern
to have much mystery about it. hut
the Walthamstow strip" of Ley ton
preserves the memory of a curious old
rule. Barely a hundred yards broad,
tills strip of land, belonging to Wal
thamstow 1,'irlsli. ran right across Ley
ton from the lea to Snaresbrook, par
allel with the southern border of Wal
thamstow. How came Leytou to be
crossed by this alien strip? Leytou.
it was said, had once refused to bury
a body fouud In the lea; Waltbamstow
came forward to do It And In bucIi
enses It was the rule that the volun
teering parish might take from the
other as much laud right through to
.the other side ns the men who carried
the corpse could cover walking in line
hand lu hand arms extended. The
Inconvenient result worried both par
ishes until the growth of population
rnnde new parishes necessary. London
His "Last Drop of Blood" Speech Made
In, London Objected To.
Washington, Jan. 11. Commander
William S. Sims, commanding the bat
tleship Minnesota nnd former naval
aid to President Itoosevclt, will be
reprimanded publicly for his alleged
indiscreet "last drop of blood" speech
made at Guild hall In London on Dec.
8 last when the officers nnd men of
the fleet were entertained by the lord
mayor of London.
Secretary Meyer asked Commander
Sims for an explanation of the au
thenticity of the statement. He re
plied that the remark attributed to
him by the newspapers was correct.
He said, however, that his remarks
were on the spur of the moment and
without preparations, nnd he explained
that he was stating only his personal
While his explanation wns frank and
comprehensive, Secretnry Meyer felt
that mild disciplinary nctlon wns nec-
cssnry because of the wide publicity
given to Commander Sims' statement.
New York, Jan. 11. James A. Far-
rell, president of the United States
Steel Products Exports company, a
subsidiary of the United States Steel
corporation, which handles its export
trade, lias been chosen president of
the United Stntes Steel corporation it
self to succeed William E. Corey,
whoso resignation was announced a
few days ago In a statement issued by
Judge E. II. Gary, chairman of the
finance committee of the corporation.
The announcement of the selection
of Mr. Farrell was made after the reg
ular Tuesday meeting of the finance
committee and wns unexpected by
Wall street generally, to whom Mr.
Farrell Is unknown. In connection
with the statement Issued nfter that
meeting Judgu Gary said that all of
the members of the finance committee
had been present, Including himself as
chairman, George F. Baker, William
E. Corey, Henry C. Frick, J. P. Mor
gan, Jr.; George W. Perkins, Henry
Phlpps, Norman B. Beam and Peter
A. B. Wldener. The statement reads:
The finance committee of the United
States Steel corporation after consult
ing Individual members of the board
of directors not on the committee has
unanimously decided to recommend to
the board at Its next regular meeting
the election of James A. Farrell as
president of the corporation.
Mr. Farrell has been the president of
the United States Steel Products com
pany ever since Its organization In 190S
and as such has demonstrated great
business capacity.
Help the Children.
"There Is nothing in all the world
eo important ns children, nothing so
interesting. If you ever wish to go In
for some philanthropy. If you ever
wish to bo of any real use in the world,
do something for children. If you
ever yearn to be truly wise, study chil
dren. We can dress the sore, bandage
the wounded, imprison the criminal,
heal the sick and burj the dead, but
there is always a chance that wo can
save n child. If the grent nrmy of
phllnnthroplsts ever exterminate sin
nnd pestilence, ever work out our
race's salvation. It will bo because a
little child has led them." David Starr
Strange Storehouses,
In the old birds' nests that are placed
near the ground In shrubs nud small
trees close to hazelnut bushes and bit
tersweet viues one will often Hud
a handful of hazelnuts or bittersweet
berries. They were put there by the
white footed mice and the meadow
mice, which visit these storehouses reg
ularly. Very often a white footed
mouse will cover a bird's nest with
fine dried grass and Inner bark and
make a nest for Itself. New York
Three Inscriptions.
On the doorwuys of Milan cathedral
are three Inscriptions. The first, placed
under n carved rose wreath, runs. "All
that which pleases Is only for a mo
ment." The second, uuder a cross,
reads, "All that which troubles Is but
for a moment." and uuder the central
arch is the inscription, "That only Is
which Is eternal."
A Popular Game.
"Many games originated from au
dent forms of worship, human sacii
flee, marriage, burial and other cere
monies," Dr. A. O. lladdou remarked
In an address at the Itoyal Sanitary
institute. "Leapfrog is a game coin
mon to almost every couutry, Jnclud
ing New Guinea and Japan." London
Dying of Love.
"Och!" said a love sick Hibernian
"What a recreation It Is to be dying
of love! It sets the heart aching so
delicately there's no taking a wluk of
sleep for the pleasure of the pain.
London Telegraph,
Not Jealous,
Mrs. Jawbnck John, I do believe
you nre Jealous of my first husband.
Mr. Jawback Well, no; I don't believe
I'd call It Jealousy. Envy Is the word
Cleveland Lender.
Colonel Scruggs, It Is Charged, Helped
His Butler Escape Arrest.
Atlnnti'. Ga., Jan. 11 Colonel W. L.
Scruggs, former minister of the Unit
ed States to Venezuela nnd well known
In diplomatic nnd literary circles, aid
ed by ids wife and daughters, cap
tured Policeman Spears, who had gone
to the Scruggs home to arrest the but
ler, and detained tho officer until the
butler escnped. Tho butler, Itobert
Lovett, was wanted for assault on his
wife, and Spears nppeared with a war
rant while the Scruggs family was at
Scruggs told the policeman the but
ler should not be nrrestcd, but Spears
disregarded tho diplomat's warning
nnd seized Lovett. Then Scruggs selz-
the policeman, us did also Mrs.
Scruggs and her two daughters.
Spears was thrown to the floor, ac
cording to the policeman, and tied,
and Scruggs told tho butler to run.
After the butler was given time to
get away the policeman was released.
Several warrants have been sworn out
for Colonel Scruggs. Scruggs says the
policeman wns insulting.
Old Daddy Longlegs.
Everybody Is well acquainted with
the Insect called "daddy longlegs." bill
not everybody knows that there is evl
donee to show that this strange little
creature, towering high upon Its thread
like stilts, Is probably a more ancient
Inhabitant of America than any repn
sentntlvo of the human species. Fnr
back In tertiary time, at the very dawn
of the modern world. Its ancestors
lived, we are told. In great numbers In
that part of tho continent which we
call Colorado. Tho fossil remains ot
these Insects show the characteristic
features that mark them today, al
though new species have taken the
place of the old. for even "daddy long
legs" knows what evolution Is and has
attained to something that In his view
is perhaps a kind of civilized existence
suitable to the exigencies of life In the
twentieth century. Harper's Weekly,
The Hunting of tho Tahr.
Of all the ways of hunting surely
that of the hlllmeu of Garhwal Is the
strangest. This, according to Major
the Hon. C. G. Bruce. In "Twenty
Years In the Himalayas," is their meth
od of killing the tahr. a local species
of goat: "Having driven the tahr Into
deep nullahs with most precipitous
sides, out of which there are certain
well known tahr runs, they proceed
to cover these runs where the ground
Is most difficult with mats made ot
spilt bamboo which have been pre
vlously well drenched In water. The
result Is the mats freeze and become
ns slippery us glass. Then they fright
en the herd and drlvo them over these
mats, with the result that they are
precipitated from the cliffs and that
tho Garhwall pick up the remains
perhaps twelve basketfuls."
Mostly Hall.
A New Yorker bought one of those
fine old colonial places dowu In Vlr
glnla, principally on account of the
glowing description of the real estalt
agent and on Information from friends
When he went down to see his man
slon ho was much Impressed by the
great pillars, the spacious porch and
particularly the great hall running
from the front to the back of the
He Inspected tho place and catnc
back to New York.
"What shall you uamo it?" ho wat
"I think." he replied. "I shall call It
Mostly Hall." Saturday Evening Post
Hartford, Conn., Jan. 11. Forn er
governor George P, McLean was nom
inated by the legislative Uepulill. an
.aucus to lie the party's candidate for
United States senator to succeed Sen-
ntor .Morgan G. Bulkeley. McLean re
ceived li:t votes to 4 for Bulkeley and
one for Stile Judson, Jr.
The nomination of McLean was
made unanimous. Both houses will
meet next Tuesday and elect McLean
A Philippine Pair Taken to New Or
leans to Be Separated.
New Orleans, Jan. 11. All the way
from the Island of Samar In the Phil
ippines, Luclo and Slmpllcio Godlno,
modern Siamese twins, have come tc
New Orleans In the hope that some
one of the surgeons here can separate
them. The twins are linked togethei
In much ttie same manner of the more
famous twins from Siam. tho connec
tion being at the base of the spina'
column. J. It. Louis, a wealthy mlnlnp
engineer of Los Angeles, Cnl., who i
paying for the trip and operation: Dr
James II. Dunlavey, also of Los An
geles, nnd the fntlier of the twins ac
compnnlcd them to this city.
Tho twins, linked ns they nre, fee
each other's emotions as plainly ns
they feel their own. When Luclo walks
forward Slmpllcio walks backward
When Lucio wants to sleep his broth
er feels drowsy; when he Is hungry sc
Is Slmpllcio.
There wns no trouble until recently,
when the usual order of thingt
changed. Lucio was taken sick, while
his brother remained perfectly, well
Tho twins nre four years old. They
were found by Mr. Louis a year ago.
The Rexall Store Offers a Remedy
For 'Catarrh The Medicino Costs
Nothing if It Fails.
When a medicine effects a successful
treatment in a very large majority of
cases, and when we offer that medi
cine on our own personal guarantee
that it will cost .the user nothing If It
dons not completely relieve catarrh, It
Is only reasonable that people should
believe us, or at least put our claim
to a practical test when we toke all
the risk. These are facts which wo
want the people to substantiate. Wo
want them to try Itexall Mucu-Tone,
a medicine prepared from n prescrip
tion of a physician with whom catarrh
was a specialty, and who has a record
of thirty years of envlnblo success to
his record.
Wo receive more good reports about
Itexall Mucu-Tone than we do of all
other catarrh remedies sold In our
store, and if more people only knew
wiiat a thoroughly dependable remedy
llcxall Mucu-Tone is, It would be the
only catarrh remedy wo would have
any demand for.
Itexall Mucu-Touo is quickly absorb
ed and by its therapeutic effect tends
to disinfect and cleanse the entire mu
cous membraneous tract, to destroy
and remove the parasites which Injure
the membraneous tissues, to soothe tho
irritation and heal the soreness, stop
the mucous discharge, build up strong,
healthy tissue and relieve tho blood
and system of diseased matter. Its
Influence is toward stimulating the
muco-cells, aiding digestion and Im
proving nutrition until the whole body
vibrates with healthy activity. In a
comparatively short time it brings
about a noticeable gala in weight,
strength, good color and feeling of
We urge you to try Itexall Mucu
Tone, beginning a treatment today.
Ai any time you are not satisfied, sim
ply come and tell us, and wo will quick
ly return your money without question
or quibble. We have Boxall Mucu-Tono
In two sizes, no cents and $1.00. Be
momber you can obtain Bexall Reme
dies only at our store The Bexall Store.
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Oliice: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwin's drug etoro,
Designer and Man- jj
H ufacturer of if
Office and Works
I 1036 MAIN ST.
Trains leave Union depot at 8.25
a. m. and 2.48 p. m., week days.
Trains arrive Union depot at 1.C0
and 8.05 p. m. week days.
Saturday only, Erie and Wyoming
arrives at 3.45 p. m. and leaves at
5.50 p. m.
Sunday trains le-ve 2.48 and ar
rive at 7.02.
Magnitude of Stars.
The brighter a star Is tho smaller
the number representing its magni
tude, and consequently u star ot the
tirst magultudo ts brighter thau one :
the second, and one of the secomi
magultudo Is two magnitudes brighiei
than one of the fourth, lu the same
way stars brighter than the Hist mag
nitude can be represented by number
smaller than one, by decimals, or uvei
by negative numbers. Slrius is ot Hi
1.4 magnitude. Vega of OM magnlluil'
Our sun Is a suir of the 2(1.5 inagn
(tide, and It gives us lO.OOO.OOU.tii.
times as much light us Slrius. If til
sun were twice us far away from u
as It Is It would give only one-quarte-as
much light. If It were ltHl.uo
times farther off than It is Its Ugh'
would be the same Intensity as t h.i '
of Slrius. Hut even at this cnnrliinii
dlstance the suu would be only hIhmh
one-sixth as far away as Slrius e
actly lies. Iu other words. Sinn
shines with a luster fully thirty time
that of our sun. -New York World.
How Fast of Ramadan Begins.
Since the Mohammedan year is com
posed of lunar months, the beginning
of the fast Is dependent upon the n;
peurance of the new moon The won!
of the almanac Is not taken as true
evidence, and before the mufti. I'M'
highest Moslem olliclal In the nation
declares the fast to have begun lw
Mohammedans must appear bet'oi
lilui and swear that they have seen
the new moon. In precisely the sain
manner the fact conies to a close. 'I'll,
mufti proclaims a three days' fV.i-
whenever the next new moon Is seen
by two of the faithful. One year ilu
moon was visible iu upper ICgypi Mi.
night before It was observed In Cairo
Two Mohammedans up the Nile tele
graphed the laet to the mufti. asUiii:.
him to announce the feast. This tie
refused to do on the ground that u
telegram could not take the place ot
two Moslem witnesses. Christian Her
Ummma WM " mm ffljw m fflb m mm n Vv
imWn Wjbk. TO H PS 1 an rl m w2
Little Violet was one day examlnlnc
n beehive, which wns new to her. Ite
ing disturbed, the bees came out ol
their hives and one of them stung her
Tears came Into her eyes, but she
quickly dried them and cried trliiui
"Now I know who takes the needier
out of mamma's cushion." Delineator
Couldn't Bother With Trifles.
"Has your father ever given you nnj
Idea what be thinks of me?"
"No. I really don't believe fntbei
thinks of you at all. He has so uianj
Important things to fill his mind."
Stray Stories.
Tho Kind You Have Always "Bought, and which has hcen
in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho sigrnaturo of
nnd has been matlo umlcr his pcr
j'' Sst&ffi-f-fl' Bonal supervision since its infancy.
T&uzf7Yt -CUCUi Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trillo with and endanger tlio health of
Infants and ChUdrcn Experience agamst Experiment.
What is CASTOR
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Qil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and aUays Fovcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
8 30
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9 18
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Ulnclutmton .
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..Lincoln Avenue..
... Lake I.odoro ...
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.... Honesdule
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