The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 16, 1910, Image 6

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    Xtm CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DUO. 10, 1010
Vor a time It was great fun to llvo
hi the little forest clearing which waa
the Harmons' home, but after nwhllo
It began to grow lonely more so than
ever now that Christmas was fast ap
proaching. Strange things always do happen tho
day before Christmas, and a very
rtraiiRO adventure had Teddy and Dot.
"Oh, dear," Teddy was saying, "1
know Santa Claus will nover come to
night; ho'd novor And his way,"
Dot remained for n moment In
fbought; then sho burst out suddenly:
"Then s'poso wo go and look for him.
Course he'll go to the nearest town,
'cause it's u great big place, with lots
of girls and boys. An' if we can stop
him anywhero I guess he'd come if
we'd ask him."
"Great! You always do think of the
right thing. Dot!" exclaimed Teddy.
Just as twilight was falling the little
boy and girl slipped from tho house
unnoticed by their mother and wore
soon lost to view In tho great forest.
Of course this was very wrong, but in
their zeal to find Santa Chins they
didn't stop to think.
Meanwhile, in town, Uncle Jack was
about to put the finishing touches on
his costuma You see, he thought he
would dress himself exactly like Santa
Claus, load a pack full of nice presents
and pay a visit to tho cabin in the
clearing. Ho, too, was afraid that
Santy might not be able to tlud his
way there, and he didn't want Teddy
and Dot to go without their usual
Uncle Jack had never paid them a
visit. Indeed, ho had come to town
but a few days before. But ho felt
sure he would have no trouble in find
ing his way, faint though the track
through the forest was. ITo was dis
turbed, however, when he learned that
ho would be unable to use his horse,
because the animal had been badly
lamed tho day before. As no other
horse was obtainable, Uncle Jack
started out on foot.
On and on went Teddy and Dot upon
their journey. After awhile Dot began
to grow the least bit afraid, while even
Toddy's stout heart misgave him.
"I don't think wo can find Santy to
night; let's go back," whispered Dot,
throwing fearful glances at the shad
ows cast by the trees overhead.
Teddy nodded his head sadly and
was about to turn when something far
ahead claimed his attention.
"Somebody's over there, an' I do
believe it's Santy! It looks like him,
The two walked timorously forward.
Suro enough, it was Santy! Seated
wearily on a tree stump besldo the
road, with his pack besldo him on the
ground, he looked up as the boy and
girl drew near.
"Well, children, how do you do? You
don't often see Santa Claus without
his reindeer, do you? Tho fact is," ho
explained, "I Jumped out of my sleigh
for a moment, and for the first time in
my life the reindeer ran away from
me. I can't understand it. Perhaps
you can tell me where Ted and Dotty
Harmon live. I was on my way there
when this accident happened."
Teddy and Dot wore so overcome
that nt first they were unablo to
speak. Runty seemed surprised, too,
vben ho learned their names, and he
laughed heartily when tboy told him
what their errand had been.
Mother was surprised most of all
vhen tho brother and sister gravely
uhercd their visitor into tho room
with tho words:
"Mother, wo thought Santy couldn't
And us, so we went out and found
And Santy left them all manner of
nice things, which, of course, they
woro not permitted to see until the
Strange to say, that night Santy dis
appeared again, and tho next morning
leddy and Dot found in his place their
Uncle Jack.
Tho two wcro greatly puzzled as to
how Undo Jack had arrived. But
they wondered still rnoro about tho
way they had found Santy and how
ho had been able to go awny without
his reindeer.
"Perhap3," suggested Dot, "his team
eamo back for him." And for want
of a better answer Teddy was com
pelled to reply. "Porhaps."
gcv ituftUfttttu.
OuutorcJfc bon 11 a r I 3R u c a I.
(StttcS luarmcn SommcrtafleS, oI3
in ber Qautrtftnbt fclbft bee djaticn
feiitc fliiljlc hot, unb tuir utt3 fo felir
nad bcr frifcljeu SanMuft Tcfintcn. bo
d)loien nur, ooaj lenes ncmc
onrtdictt Jit fetufen. roddieS ahriMien
Seracn laa nub tint cittcn anndjm-
baren $raS 311 fmifen itrat. n
bcr 2ttittc bed artcnS ftonb cut
HctncS .$ol3(iebnitbc, crridjtct, nnt aI3
erfjnlj oeoen Unmctter ju btenen.
G3 hiar nidjt arofecr, aI3 cm arofier
9k(icncf)irnt, iwcttn and) baruntcr ein
Stja) mit jtDc't SUanfen ftonb, tun bic
!Deqttanlid)rett unD racbt Dts uuf
nnrtenS ut beben.
SDte ic bauerte oomais cnoao
Iiittner, unb fo beninnen tnir bic Uu
norjid)Harcit, bo.3 artd)en 3U fattfen.
28ir gcbodjtcn, bnfelbft bie SRadjmtt.
feme unb SJbenbc ju bcrunnfleit, vi-
l"d)e Quft jit fdjopfen, im rafc ju
Iicflen, nnS buret) 3htcfctt itecucit ju
Inffen, uttferc ciocne Grnte entail
beiiitfcu. mit eittcntSBorte cin $emn
lebcu 3ti fiibrcn. Den .ftaithtyunEt
bcS nrteuS bilbcte cin SJhifjbaum,
nub bic3 entfdiieb unS utm Sfcmfc.
G mar cin flrofjcr, tnad)tiacr 93aunt
mit cuter bidjtcu Saubfronc, bec una
fo bMcutbi-rt bottc. 2er Sefttscr, aI3
cr fal). bafi bcr SJnum unicren 33eifaII
Oefunbeit. it&crljouttc tpn nut ot.
prerfmtflcit. Gr iaflte, loir fonnten
einen ciniafiriaen ftriiditcertraa in
jebu Sal)rcn nidjt nerjeljrcn, unb bom
Grtranc brctcr aljre tonntcu roir
bie .ftnutiiiiunic Iojcn. Gr fdjlnor. e3
fci ber fjerrlidjfte aDer 9htfjlwumc,
uit etn itfd)fer q'dbe un3 bnfitr
cin e&cnerbifleS $aw3 in ber 23or
ftcibt. Gublid) erflarte cr, biejer
Jhtpnum tri'tgc grudjte, 10 grolj rote
ein G5nnfeci, ioldjc, bte f cl&ft etn ittnb
auffttnefett fonne unb bie in alien
?ru3tenuua.en ben $rei3 geroonuen.
5 fd)int'r5e ibn ba3 Serj bei bem
Sebanfen, fid) bon bicfem SRuftbamu
trciuieit 311 miiffen, bod) bie 33crl)alt
niffe icicn ioldic, baf3 cr nidjt nnber3
fount. Wt bem 33rfauie btce3
ilnuinee initrbc fcin Seben tint jebn
oaijrc ncrfitrst.
3(1-3 notf bic crftc SHate be3al)lt fat
ten unb all ncue SDcfibcr im artcu
erfdjicnen, fcffclte bor ndem ber 9lufj'
fiaitm uniere U3ItcTc. G3 tear m bcr
ifiat etn berrlidjcr ?)aum, xvoljl an
bic brci Storfirjcrfe b.od). Seine un
terfteii 3lefte fonutc fclbft ber I)5d)ft
gcroadi'eiw Wlann uid)t erreidjen, unb
bp r Stamm roar fo bicf, bafj ba3
.innuffletteru cin 2ing ber Uumog
lidifeit fdjtett. 5Bcnn luir tfju urn
giitgcn, crmiibetcn loir, unb ba3SIu3
mf)cii bnnad) roar fo fiifi.
l?r gcrucfene 93cfifeer hattc 3ar
m'djt bie uode SBafjrijeit gefagt, 5)c
'oitbcrs mo3 bic Oualitat ber 9?iiifc
ictriftt: benn biefe roaren mtfjerfi
flciu into fo bart, baft man fie nur
miitelft eittcS Sd)tniebefiammer3 auf
6rcd)en foitnte. 3)aun lunren bie
("vriid'tc and) (joUtfl unb gat nidjt gut.
i!i roir cine 9htfj aufbradjen, fonnte
ber 2d)itc(l3ug bon 23uSabeft bi3
l$itu foinutcu. 2)afj roir baS Gr
trannib cine? 3&re3 in 3)u
tidit perjelircn fonnten, bal lunr poll.
fontittPit lpafjr.
Tcr .ierbft brad) an unb man
odte uiii Giubeimfen bcr gri'tdjtc
djrritcn Die '-Daucrn, bie roir bn
mit bctrnutcn, erflartcu jebodj, e3
fomic nur miitelft Sdjiff3maficn ge
;diel)t'ii. baju gcijorc aber and) cut
entfprcdjcnb ftarfcr ffllanu. nfolgc
beffen blicb ber grofjtc Sljeil bcr
Ariidjte ant 33nume. Diefer Umftanb
srrlortte bie Sbiibeu ber Umgebung,
iibcr ben 8auu 311 feen, fjinauf 3U
flcttcrn, unb urn einigc Wtffe 311 cr
Deuten, riffen fie gan3e Sfefte fjetab.
Sie tierurfadjten fo biel djaben, bag
idj ibuen auflatterte unb atnei fdjred
(idj burdjbriigelte, lta3 toicber 3ur
iolge attc, bafj id) roegen leidjter
forperlidjcr SJerleuug Unanneljm
lidjfciten b,atte unb mid) nut burdj
cin grofjcreS elbopfer retten Fonnte.
Da badjte id) fdjon nidjt nteb,r boll
Siebe unb SBonne an ben Shtfebaum,
fonbern blidte ttjn mit formltdjent
af5 an, ba et ja Sdjulb ttug, bafj
meine betben Jfnaben bon tbm berab
geftitt3t roareu, unb id) fo bie .ilfe
oe3 3lr3te3 tn vlnjpntd) negmen
mufjte. Der Vta&bat, bet Seuge un-
feret Grbittetung teat, itoftete mid),
bet 92ufjbaum fct Beranbetlidj tote ein
fi'inb, Ijcuet tritge et flcine, fdjlcdjte,
Ijarte 3tudjtc, tm nadjften Sanre
fonnten abet fcine gtitdjte gtofj unb
mit einet papietbiinnen djale fein.
(Seine ?Jkobb,e3eiung traf iebod)
nidjt ein, benn im folgenben Src
loaten bie Jiiiffe hiomoglid) nod) f fet
ner, fjnrtcr unb (jolsiget. 3d) glaube,
ierflleidjcn SHiJfc gab e3 uirgenb3
auf Grben. Jiiemanb roolltc fie bn
ben, nut ben 5)uben maten fie roifl
fommen, bie tpcflen einiget 9Juffe ben
gait3en Q5atten niebctttaten. Sd) et
Iaubte iljnett 3icat, ben gan3cn Gf
ttag rib3ttfdjlagen unb nad) $aufe 3
tragen, bod) c5 fdjeint, aI3 fdimerfe
mand)em nur bie gcftofjlene Studjt
gut, bie fdjluct 311 ertingen, mit ffic
fabt feiner .aut.
?(I id) fa(j, bafj bte 9?i'tffe nicmanb
fyaben moflte, betfbtad) id) eine gc
roiife 3uiutue bemienigen, bet bic
r I
AJOa) Die
fttitdjte betabbolen rciitbe.
1 SUouern berlangten nod) eine gtofjete
eumnte, mouten Jogat, oafj id) tor
fiebett tjctftdiere, benn man fonne j I
pom -Omtnte bctabjallcn unb ba3 C3c
nicf Btedjcn. 9hm WoIIte id) ben
attcn bctfaufctt, iiodj fein fiiiufet
fanb jidj, ba jidj bet 9htf bc3 93au
meS rocit unb Brett uctbreitctc.
9latiirlid) tond)3 nut uod bie Gf
bittenntg in nut, unb rott nndjen bent
Dbflgartcn au3. Jiiijie roolltclt loir
gat nidjt merjt effeu, fclbft baim nidjt,
loenn -fie uttS cutgcgculad)ten. Da
loattbte id) mid) an einen Xtidjlcr, tun
ben 23aum 311 bctfattfen, bod) bicfet
fngtc, ba3 $013 fct fcf)t bart, nut 20
ffiulben tocrtb, unb and) nut fcnmt,
luenn mit ifitt fclbft nu3f)aucn liefjeu
unb ibn con ben Sfeftcn teinigtcn.
Ginc3 KngcS Hoflte id) tm 53icr
fjaufe mein 2eiB unb bat mcinc 93e
fannten urn 3latf). Gin $ctr, bet
nal)t bei uuferem Sifdje fafi, trat 311
nut unb fhn,terte tn mem Oht:
5djeuTen 5ie ben Crttag bem
Der ebattfe gefiel mir, unb flug3
fd)tieb id) eineit fflticf an bie D'ttef
fion be HBaifctTljauie3, toottn id) Beit
Gttrag etneS SJZufjBaumeS bem Sfi
tut fdjenlte. Det Dbftgatten liege
ba unb ba, unb man m&g nur bic
9tuflc f)era6fdIa9en unb fotttragen.
Den fflrief refommaubiette id), bod)
troljbem toat id) febt unrub.i. Sd)
jiitdjtett, man ttmtbe mein ejdjeuf
3utudn)eiftn, oltr toenn ntd)t, mid)
titdjtig auSfdjelten, iafj id) tljtten
iibel mitgefpielt. G folgten nun
fd)uere Xage, BefonbetJ, als mtr bie
Direffion mittbetlte, ie neme mein
9lnlc6ot bonfoot on, unb bit armen
SSaifenfnaBen roitrben f iir mid) unb
meine gamtlie beien. 5d) btelt mid)
infolg-ebeffen tptnifl 3U J&aufe auf, unb
bem Dbftgarten wid) id in gtofjent
Bogen auS, urn ja nidji mit ben SBai
fentnaBeu 3uiammen3utteffen.
Wetnem 'Sdjicffale fonnte id) abet
bennod) nidjt ent(jeben. GineS 2agc3
ttat etn eleganter .etr mit bte't Da
men in meine 33o$nung. Die Da
men blieben etwa3 sutitd, toaf)tenb
bet $etr tjortrat unb fid) raufperte.
Dantt fxgann cr im 9tontn ie3 SBat
(enbaufeS 311 fpredjen. Gt btad)ttou
eroigent DattTe, eon mcincm cblcn
.et3en. Bon bet 23of)Itbatigfett tm
3(Ugf nteinfn( toon SHtjfen, otteS Se
gen, bom ."Otmmelrctclje, l)ict unb
ba ffJauien ba-e"b, urn ben SQetfall
bcr Dnmen (out rocrben 311 laffen.
So erfubr id), bie SBaifcntnabeit
fatten bie vMf"e betabgeidjlagcn unb
bicfclben icicn in ied)3 Sadcn nad)
Lottie gcfbtndjt roorben unb fo fonn
ten lie matireno ocf gnn3cn xutniers
9iuf5ftrubel effen. ronS bet Shtaben
Qetbfpeife roiire. Da iprad) and) idj:
don bcr s?flidjt, bon S$6rberung ebler
3iele, Bon 9Mtffcu unb grofjer Jvteitbc.
Die Deputation gab mit fdjriftlidj
ibrcn Danf unb Iicfj mid) bod) Icben.
Dici'e flcine S.te cntfling ben $our
italiftcn nidjt, bic mid) als cittcn
eblen SKenfdjcnfreunb rt'tlmiten unb
a(3 Sorbilb babiuftelltcn. Sn ben
oabtbi'tdjeru be3 SSaifenbattfe3 rourbi
id) natiidid) ebenfad3 erioabut mit
bem S(u3brucf innigftcn Danfei.
Seitbem fomntt bet Gttrag be
9iufjbatinte3 jebe3 Sa()t bem SSaifen
fjaufe 311, uvsb id) nebme einen fjcr
Dorragenben Blafe untet ben cblcn
Wenfdjenfrcuuben ein. Ginmal mufjte
id) bei ben miffeeinljeimfenbeu SBai
fenfttoben borbeigeben, bic mir bot
gcftetlt lourben, 'bic mid) aud) bod)
Icben Iiffeen, bodj id) fab e3 roobl
nur 311 gut, mir bcrftobleuetroeifc
oiitbeitbc Slide suioarfen. Dod) ba?
Kjut gnr nidjt3 on bet 3adjc. 3d)
bin bodj ein grofjer 9JJcnfd)ettfretmb
acioorben. cin SSobltbaler, loie e3
bcren )oob,I faum einDuettb in unfe
ret Stabt gibt.
ffik tjaben flintier unb ffieridjtS
Doffaieijer gentein? 2Wc, Ua fie
icfien, moflen fic fja&en.
A Bit Too Clever.
Tlolmnn Hunt used to tell how a car
penter saved one of his best known
pictures from a Berious error. The
man was doing some odd Jobs nbout
the house nnd was found frowning at
'The Shadow of tha Cross" in tho
studio the picture in which Christ,
who has been sawing a plank in the
workshop, rises t& his full height and
stretches, his slindow forming u cruel
"Well?" asked the artist interroga
"Don't think much of It, mister,"
was the blunt comment.
"Why?" demanded Ilunt, amused,
but n trifle nettled.
"Any one that can saw wood with
out making any sawdust is n sight
clever'n any I ever seed," was tho
It was true the floor was clean be
neath tho bench!
Cheap Prizefighting.
Speaking of tho depths to which
prizefighting has fallen, it was at a
llttlo "fight" attraction near Pittsburg
that tho audience was much displeased
with the manner in which the fighters
conducted themselves. To tell tho plain
truth, they were "stalling" making be
lieve they were fighting, whlio in re
ality they hnd agreed previously not
to hit each other hard enough to hurt.
In answer to tho hissing tho referee
advanced to the sldo of the ring and
ftced the audience. "It isn't my fault
that they didn't fight; they were paid
to fight," ho said.
Then ono of tho fighters aroso and
put up bis hand for silence.
"We only got ?5 npleco and a beef
stew, and wo ain't going to kill our-
selves for that," he said.
. u audience. Bvmnathlzlnc with
tho fighters, hissed tho promoters.
Pittsburg Oazetto-Tlmes.
His Sarcattlo Friend.
Ho was very proud of his new auto
mobile talked automobiW?, dreamed au
tomobile, read automobile. Klually to
his friends lie becamu a nuisance, and
each to himself swore softly that ho
would bide his time nnd nt the prop
cr moment give him a llttlo verbal
Finally one long suffering Individual
was naked to go for n ride. Excuses
were of no nvnll. He was bundled
Into tho machine and taken for n spin
through tho parks and over the boule
vards, in due course of time, without
any serious mishap, they pulled up at
tho Automobile club. Tho auto crank
nnd his guest wcro soon surrounded by
several of their friends.
"uow ma you enjoy your rideV was
asked of the nuto crank's friend.
"Until today I never thought an
automobile could go so fast," wai his
reply. (Here the auto crank was all
ottcntion. That was fsomo prnlse for
his car. Itight out in public too. Thnt
would (Hence some of the scoffers who
said ids mnchlne should be called
Snail.) "Why, do you know there was
a car went by un nt such a clip that I
could hardly see it."
The auto crank glared, and under his
gaze the group melted away. They had
had their revenge. Pittsburg Gaictte
Times. Juvenile Suicides.
"A generation ago the taking of their
own lives bT minors was almoatn un-
AIUfl yi UDE- c are ImPorters anc Distributors of high-grade European and
if llU fSt fill Li American Wines and Whiskies. The Sweden-American Co. is In
dependent of any Trust.
compel us to sell at their prices. We buy in large quantities. In dealing with us, you do not
pay profits to middlemen. We sell first-class goods at less than half what you pay elsewhere.
W e have determined t?o introduce our products to the American public, and are willing to give
you the benefit of our foresight and advertising methods. We simply want to prove the worth
of our goods and to make a steady customer of you. Your trial order will do more to prove
the alue of our goods than all the advertising or letter writing we could do.
eEl llnii ITY s to ollr rel'amlity, S to your banker, and have him look us up in Dun
LLfHDELi ! 8 or Bradstreet Mercantile Agencies, and he will tell you of our high
standing, or have your Express Agent write any Express Agent in Cincinnati, and see how
well we stand. You can be assured that we will do exactly as we say, and that you will receive
the best of treatment at our
from men who are known all over this country. Our goods
they are worth a trial by you?
Cliff Gordon, the" German Senator,"
the actor-tnanager who has made the
irorld laugh, says : "Ifarr never had
better liquors or at better prices. I car
ry them everywhere icith me."
You will note that we have listed a number of standard wines and liquors in our order
blank. They are, one and all, liquors that are fit to grace the sideboard of any home in
America. We want to call your especial attention to our famous "SWEDISH PUNCH."
This is one of the best holiday liquors that has appeared in years. It is made from a recipe
that has been handed down from generation to generation by the Royal Family of Sweden,
and is now, for the first time, put upon the American market. Too much can not be said for it.
2 quarts
4 quarts
This applies
FOUR quarts
and guarantee our goods to be just as represented, as stated above. Our special four quart
FREE offer is limited to thirty-five days, so get your holiday orders in early so as to avoid de
lay, as all express companies are very busy at this time of the year.
Our offers are the most liberal ever made at any time, at any price, by any firm. If you
cannot use twelve quarts yourself, get some of your friends to join you in ordering, and di
vide the shipment when it reaches you.
Send your order TO-DAY NOW ! Our holiday business will be very large, and to in
sure prompt shipment, orders should be sent in immediately.
(Tear off order blank and mail.) (Fill in blanks carefully.)
Find encloied $ tor which pleaie forward by ex-
preis the following enter:
- g PORT '
Address your envelope plainly to
Importers and Distributors,
Sweden-American Building CINCINATI, OHIO.
nearn or occurrence," snid n physician.
"Now it Is becoming alarmingly fre
quent not only In this country, but in
llii rope. In most cases the phenome
non pan bo set down to tho artificial
life people lead and to the complex
conditions of modern existence. Very
often parents nre too ambitious for
their children nnd by constant appeals
to them so work on tho nervous tem
peraments of their offspring ns to
bring on n derangement of the mental
faculties. One of tho most noted spe
cialists of Franco, Dr. Herlllon, who
has made n study of tho matter, as
serts that children who have a suicidal
tendency nre for the most part want
ing in the scnso of smell. Ho makes
rccommcudation that all who suffer
from this defect should bo taken to an
expert for examination, ns ,it might
tend to forestall some futuro tragedy.
Baltimore American,
Her Question Answered.
Yes. Geritldlue, wo quite agree with
you that the crunching of celery is a
noise abhorrent to the sensitive soul.
A much better way Is to cut tho stalks
Into medium shed pieces and hold
them in the mouth until they dissolve.
Write again. Oernldlne. We are nl
wuys glad to dispense useful informa
tion. Lipplncott's.
Is a Dollar That Mar Come Back
- to Your Purse 1
Below we reproduce testimonials from a few of our steady custom
ers. We have hundreds more, but selected these because they were
Hobby North, one of the stars of the
Follies of 1910, says: "I don't be
lieve I ever had such good whiskey as
your Private Stock. How can you
sell it for the price f
of any goods in the assortment mentioned
in order blank, shipped, all charges paid,
of any goods in the assortment mentioned
in older blank, shipped, all charges paid,
tttttitfflttntRiTtTttttittittiTttttffltittttitnii si
from Nov.
20th to Deo. 25th, inclusive,
be repeated.
Quarts of any goods in our as-
sortment, shipped by express -
of any goods in our assortment
12 Quarts
tumainrnmnmuniuwuitttnttttttinmi muttt:ttimm:ta::mr.n
P. 0. ... f.
Express Office
R. F. D. or St.
rrusoN on paiiadisk.
Jail So Attractivo Prisoners U i't
Thought of lcnvlng.
Truman Catlln, Jailer of tho co"
ty Jail at Litchfield. Conn., be!'
ho has solved tho vexatious pr bl .1
of prison reform. Ho makes th 1
bo attractivo that tho prisoners h fi
tho thought of leaving. As a r u t,
ho is ahlo not only to dispense w t n
lot of expenslvo kcopora, hut t
crato tho Jail as en empl , t
agency and sends his charges
out guards to labor on tho h!cl 1
and In garden patches. In t'.ilr .
he is ablo at tho end ot tho y
turn ovor a tidy sum to the ro
Tho food is good, tho bed.-
comfortable, and every cell is 1
ated with pictures which Ja
Un cuts 'out of tho magazines
coll doors nro novor locked.
Is n code of houor among the I.
field prtsonors and thoy arc no
lng to embarrass Jailor Catlln I
the 50 prlsonors aro trusties :
odd jobs about town during UV
Nobody watoaos them. Ph 1 1
nh la Hecord.
rhotograpliy nt Sea.
Tho latest Innovation aboard
nowNorth German Lloyd Unci 1
prlnzes3ln Cecille, Is a fully equ
photograph studio, which has b c
popular with travolors and Is a p.
ItabU business.
please them. Don t you think
Al. 11. Woods, one of America's
most famous Theatrical ifanagers,
says: "Enter my standing order for
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