THE ClTl.lX, KKIDAY, DKCKMItKK SI, 1010. AFTER m D Government Would Dissolve Trust; files Bill, NAMES HEAD OF MORMONS. Havemoyer Executors Also Charged With Participating In Gigantlo Monopoly In Restraint of Tradu. How Business Was Controlled. New York. Nov. 29. United Stntra Attorney Wise has filed the Ioiik ex pected hill of complaint In the pov crnnient's suit to dissolve the suptr trust under the Sherman antitrust law. In the suit, like that against the Stand ard Oil, the povcrhnient asks the court to declare that a coinhlnatlon and con spiracy exists for the monopoly of the supir business and to restrain the American Sugar Itclintng company, the National Sugar Hetlulng company and the Western Sugar Itcllnlng company from engaging In Interstate commerce In sugar and to restrain any one from voting on the stock of tho companies named In the bill. The hill was drawn by Mr. Wise un der the direction of Attorney General Wickershnm and names ns defendants thirty sugar companies alleged to be part of the trust, together with their ofllcors, and also tho executors of the will of II. O. Havemoyer, head of the Ainerienn Sugar Refining company, un der whose direction the alleged monop oly was formed. Among the individual defendants Jianied nre Washington R. Thomas, Charles R. Foster, former nsslstant sec retary of the treasury, and elected treasurer of the trust; John D. Sprock et, Adolph R. Spreckels and John I). Sproeki'ls Jr., and Joseph F. Smith of Utah, head of the Mormon church. The bill recites tho history of the companies, beginning at the original trut agreement of 18S7, when seven teen of the twenty-three existing sugar companies entered into a combination under the name of the Sugar Refineries company, controlling 00 per cent of the industry. Within the next two years, it is alleged, twelve of the refineries then combined were closed up, and the remainder were combined Into four large refineries. These consolidated refineries name ly, the one in Williamsburg, the Stand ard at Roston, tho Matthiessen at Jer sey City and the Louisiana at New Or leanswere taken over by tho Ameri can Sugar Refining Company of New Jen-oy, "since which time," says tho synopsis of the bill given out by Mr., "the company has uniformly pur sued the policy of absorbing competi tors whenever It could and when suc cessful sometimes operating their re fineries and In other cases closing them down to prevent an Increase in the amount of sugar produced." In 1S02 the American controlled U8 per cent of all refined sugar in this country, says the bill. "From 1S!)2 to 1000." says Mr. Wise's statement, "many other refineries started up mid others tried to. Of these a company in Raltlraore built a refinery, but before it could operate the American Sugar Refining company bought Its capital stock and never al lowed It to open." The bill alleges that since 1000 Have moyer and his family and the sugar company have controlled the National Sugar Refining company and restrained competition with it and that the Na tional company in turn has restrained competition with the McCahan compa ny. In addition to giving a summary of the customs frauds and the rebate cases as evidence of the means employed to crush rivals the bill says: "in order further to cripple competi tors, destroy competition and strength en the monopoly tho defendants, act ing in combination, have long sought unduly to control the avenues through which sugar is distributed as a part of interstate and foreign trade and com merce. Ry using their great power they have demanded that brokers and other intermediaries should handle their products unfairly and unlawfully, and for a long time they wrongfully In duced members of various wholesale grocers' associations throughout the country to purchase and handle their sugars exclusively and to sell the same at uniform prices without competition among themselves and thereby have greatly damnified their competitors, other manufacturers and dealers, as well us the public." In order to acquire tho l)0'-t sugar companies the American, the bill re cites, sent out large quantities of sugar to the middle west on which It obtain ed rebates and free storage, then drop ped the price below cost, and when this had weakened these companies It begun to acquire them. It Is alleged that it purchased one-half of the com mon stock of the American Reel Sugar compuny and put It under contract not to compete and exacted one-quarter of a cent per pound for all sugar sold by that company. Illinois Gains In Population. Washington, Nov. 20. According to statistics Issued by tho census bureau the total population of the state of Illi nois is C,ai8,501. This is a guln of 817,041, or 10.0 per cent, over the pop Ulation of 1000, which was -1,821,(350. Twenty Firemen Overcome by Smoke. Chicago, Nov. 20. Twenty firemen were overcome by smoke and one was badly cut by broken glass In fighting u fire in a three story brick building. W. 3. HIOjtAii. ( Sugar Trust Charges Invo'vn tho Head of tlio Concern. ( PLAN AN AIRSHIP LINE. Melville Vaniman Has Been Asked to Holp Promoters. Atlantic City, N. J., Nov. 20.-Mel-vllle Vaniman, chief engineer of the Wcllman airship expedition, may su perintend the construction of a big air liner In the same hangar used in launching tho balloon America on the attempted flight to Europe. A Roston syndicnte proposes to build a dirigible capable of carrying twenty persons to be used on regular schedule between Roston, Now York, Philadelphia. Rnl tlmoro and AVashington and hns in vited Vnnliusin to assist tliem. Charles J. Gliddcn of the Aerial Navigation company has asked for bids from balloon builders in Ger many, France, America and England for n 200,000 cubic foot capacity spe cial balloon of n composition of cotton and rubber. This. Is to be used by pi lots of the Aero Club of New England In an nttempt to cross the American continent. Should this trip be successful work will be started immediately on tho monster dirigible nt the Wellman-A'an-iman hangar at the Inlet. A gas plant and other equipment used in construct ing tho dirigible America nre intact. DID PREACHER DIE FIRST? If So, Mother of Murderer Profits by Mrs. Armstrong's Will. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 20. John Sears, the half blood negro who killed the Rev. Amzl L. Armstrong and his wife last Wednesday, was not mentioned In the will of either of his victims. Rev. Mr. Armstrong mentioned neither Sears nor his mother In his will, but the will of Mrs. Armstrong provided that Rachel Sears, the mother of the murderer, should bo provided with a home and clothing during her life. The old negress had worked in tho family of Mrs. Armstrong thirty-three years. Tho question as to which will shull be given precedence will require a ju dicial determination as to whether the Rev. Mr. Armstrong or his wife died first. With the evidence now at hand It appears probable that the decision will bo that the Rev. Mr. Armstrong per ished first and that his wife survived him by a few moments. This would entitle the Sears woman to a home for life. TRIES DEATH IN STATION. Young Schoolteacher Drank a Vial of Laudanum. Newark, N. J., Nov. 20. Miss Claru Strauss, a schoolteacher, of Philadel phia attempted suicide in the waiting room of the Market street station of the Pennsylvania railroad here by drinking poison. The station was crowded with persons waiting for trains, and many of them saw her take a vial of laudanum from her hand bag and drink part of the con tents. A policeman made the woman swnl low a large quantity of milk and kept her walking until an ambulance from St. Rarnabas hospital arrived. The young woman was conscious when she reached the hospital. She refused to tell why she attempted to take her life. Miss Strauss Is twenty-three years old. Plot to Wreck Train Falls. Athens, Nov. 20. AVhat was an ap parent nttempt to wreck a train on which Premier A'enlzelos was traveling almost succeeded. An Iron bar was laid on thu truck on n bridge. The en gineer saw the obstruction and applied tho brakes In time, saving tho train from destruction. Another Typhoid Victim at Annapolis. Anuupolls, Md., Nov. 20. Tho twenty-fourth cuso of typhoid fever devel oped at the Naval acodemy when Mid shipman M. C. AVoodwnrd of tho first class was admitted to tho Navul Gen eral hospital for treatment. . Parliament to Meet Early In 1911. London, Nov. 20. A royal proclama tion has been Issued summoning the tw parliament to meet ou Jan. 31, I 11. JURY ISJEADY. Visits Scene of Newark Fire and Adjourns. TESTIMONY BEING GATHERED. As Soon as Witnesses Have Boen Sub poenaed It Will Decide Who Is Re sponsible For the Death of Near ly Thirty Girls In Disaster. New York. Nov. 20.-Otnclnl investi gation of tho fire which caused the death of twenty-three women and girls In tho AVolf undergarment works in Newark Snturduy was continued this morning. Coroner Stclner nnd the Jury of six went to tho late home of Miss Cnrrlo Robrecht, one of the vic tims. After viewing the body the jury was sworn In nnd wns directed to re turn a verdict ns to how she came by her death and who If any person or persons were responsible. The Jury met at 11 o'clock this morn ing and visited the scene of the holo caust, after which an adjournment was taken. AVithln ten days the tak ing of testimony will begin. Mean while Prosecutor Mott will subpoena witnesses and will got In shape the mass of evidence his detectives have been gathering since the fire. Deposi tions will be taken from some of the Injured In the hospitals. Nineteen of those Injured in the fire remain in St. Michael's, and six of them nre In a serious condition. The doctors In St. Michael's hospital have given up hope of saving Emma Goege. Annie Hnug, thirty years old. who was thought to bo badly hurt, has boen placed on the list of those dangerously Injured. All of the twenty-throe bodies hnve been claimed by relatives. The last of the unclaimed bodies was Identified as Mrs. Tartuglia by her father. Several funerals have been held. Morris Gottlieb's three daughters TH lle, Minnie and Dora eighteen, twenty nnd twenty-six years' old respectively, were burled side by side. A solemn high mass of requiem was said nt St. Stanislaus' Roman Catholic church over the bodies of Mrs. Fran ces ICnskn and Sophia NIelwocka The church was crowded. As tho proces sion left tho church hundreds of spec tators knelt In the street. The body of Mrs. Alice Melvln was taken to the home of her parents at Crossfleld, Md. Mrs. Melvln came here about six months ago, and in her desire to obtain pin money for Christ mas she got employment not more than two weeks ago. She intended to quit next Saturday. Roy Davidson, seventeen years old, who was at first reported dead, ap peared nt the courthouse to tell his story to the prosecutor. The boy was employed ns an nsslstant in the Wolf uudergarment concern. He told the prosecutor that he wns taking freight off the elevator when he heard the cry of fire. He said that ho shouted to the girls to go to the fire escapes nnd that mnny of them crowded on the plat form leading to the one in tho front of the building, and the platform col lapsed. He told some of the girls to go to the other end of the building, but they refused to go, nnd he stnrted for that end himself. The smoke became so suffocating, he said, he hnd to retreat and went to the rear of the building, where he climbed out on to tho only other fire escape on tho building. MOURNING AT WHITE HOUSE. Pauline Wayne's Son Dies From Being Petted Too Much. AVashington, Nov. 20. AVhon the stork called on Pauline Wnyne at the AVhlte House stable recently President Tnft gave the thoroughbred calf to AV. W. Price, who works as a correspond ent at the AVhlte House in the day time and farms by night in Maryland. All the other AVashington farmers thought Price was lucky. Price bought n fancy new milk cow to serve ns foster mother to Pauline's firstborn son. AVhen he called at tho White House stable to get the calf he found It hud died In the night. 1'rice now hns a high class new milk cow he will sell nt cost. "Too much federal supervision," he complained to the AVhlte House stable "attaches," who had showered every possible attention on the tender young life. JUDGE DILL'S HEART. WEAK. Jurist Is Critically III at His Home In Orange. Orange, N. J., Nov. 20. Judge James Dill, who recently resigned from the New Jersey court of errors and ap peols, who is known as an authority on corporation law and as tho man who Is said to have attended to the legnl details of the formation of tho steel trust, is critically ill hero with acute heart trouble. Judge Dill was stricken Thanksgiv ing eve. Physicians huvo been In the house day and night. Sherman's Brother After State Job. Utlca, N. A'., Nov. 20.-Accordlng to local political gossip, former Mayor Richard AV. Sherman of this city, tho Democratic brother of tho Republican vice president, James S, Sherman, is boiug groomed by bis friends for up- I polntmcnt us state superintendent of puuue wonts, u pusuion now uum oy Frederick AV. Stevens. CONGRESSMAN L0HOW0"RTJr He Is a Member of Committee Investigating Ship Companies. New York, Nov. 29. The first hear ing before the congressional commis sion that is investigating the so called "ocean steamship trust" failed to bring out any evidence showing that the for eign steamship lines had formed a gi gantic combination to restrain the de velopment of an Amerlcnn merchant marine by means of rebates, coercion of sldppers nnd power of lobbies nt AVnshlngton. Three members of the committee were present, Congressman J. Vnn A'echten Olcott, chairman of the com mittee, nnd Congressmen Longworth nnd Garrett. Tho only witness called was George L. Norton, editor of the Marine Jour nal. His testimony was brief. Tho committee will hold four other meet ings this week in this city. RAILROADS MAY BE INDICTED. Judge Charges Them With Violating Sherman and Elkins Antitrust Acts. t Savannah, Ga., Nov. 29. It is very evident that certain railroads with ter minals in Savannah nre to be Indicted In tho United States court, now in ses sion here, for violating the Shermnn nnd Klklus nntltrust acts. The United States court grand jury went Into ses sion after listening to n long charge from Judge Emory Speer dealing en tirely with these two national acts. Judge Speer at the conclusion of his charge dealing with the transportation problem said: "Now, it is not difficult for you to see and to know how deeply and pro foundly In earnest our government is in tho righteous enforcement of these laws. They arc made for the salva tion of the masses of the people, for the safety of the nation." EXPLOSION KILLS 14 MINERS. Accumulation of Gas the Cause Nine Buried Alive. Paris, Tex., Nov. 20. Fourteen men. mostly married, lost their lives in the Jumbo mine pits, owned by the Choc taw Mining company of St. Louis und located near Antlers, Okla. After nine men bad gone down into the mine there was nn explosion near the foot of the shaft. Five other men were at the time of the explosion on their way down Into the pits, nnd they were hurled out of the shaft, their bodies going high into the air nbove ground. Tho other miners were burled alive In the mine. Tho only cnuso given for the accident Is that it was the result of an accumulation of gns. Weather Probabilities. Rain in southern, snow in northern portion; tomorrow unsettled nnd cold er; brisk to high northwesterly winds. Market Reports. BUTTErt-Unsettled; receipts, 4,271 pack ages; creamery, specials, per lb 31c. j ex tras. SOc: thirds to firsts. 24a23Hc; held, specials, 31c.; seconds to extras, 25Ha 30c.; state dairy, common to finest. 24a 31c: process, 24a2Gc.; factory, current make. 24a31c. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 1,506 boxes; state, whole milk, specials, per lb., 15ji 17c; September qunllty. fancy, white. 15a 15V4c; colored, 15V4c ; later make, as to quality, 13nl5c; white, 14V4c; common to choice, 13al4c; pnrt skims, 4Vial3a; full skims. 2Ha3Wc EGGS Fresh steady, receipts, 5,017 cases; state. Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, whites, per dozen, 42a55c; brown, 40a43c; Bothered, white, 38a 4Sc; brown, 30a40c. ; fresh Kathered, extra firsts, 31a 30c. ; firsts, 30a 33c.; seconds, 26a29c; refrig erator, special marks, 35c; firsts. 23Ha24c. POTATOES AVcak; Maine, per bag. Jl.40nl.60: state, $t.30nl40; Long Island, per bbl., fl.50a2; Jersey, per bag. Jl.30al.D0; sweets, Jersey, per bbl., Slal.75; per has ket, 50aT5c. LIVE POULTRY-Weak; chickens, per lb., HalSVic; fowls, 12al3c: turkeys, 12a Ilia; aucks, lonicc; gecsu, l2Hal3a; pig eons, per pair, 20c. DRESSED POUIrrtY-Dull; fresh kill ed turkeys, western, spring, per lb., 21a 23c; ,old, 21a2:,, nearby, 23a25c; broiler. Philadelphia squab, per pair, 40nCOc; 3 to i lbs. to pair. 23a2fc: state and Pennsyl vanln, 3 to 4 lbs, to pair. ISalDc. ; chickens, Philadelphia, over 8 lbs. to pair, 20c; Pennsylvania, lCal7c; western, roasting. 14c; mixed weights, 12al3c; fowls, aver age best, 14c; old cocks, 13,io.; spring ducks, western, lCc; squabs, white, per dozen, I2.50a4.25; dark. tl.75aZ. RHPORT OP THE CONDITION OF Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OF IIONK8DALK. WAYNK COUNTY. PA. nt the close of business. Nov. 0. 1010. RESOURCES. Hcscrve fund $ Cash, specie imtl notes, $3,749 60 Due from npproved re- serve agents $39,777 60-49.527 06 Mckcls, cents and fractional currency 102 SI . Checks nnd otlicr cnsh Items 1,920 01 Due from bunks nnd trust com panies not reserve llllls discounted, 82,116 81 Time lonns with collateral 31.45.1 uo Ixiain on cnll with collateral 1)0,013 35 bonus upon cnll upon two or more nnmes , 33.C07 09 Loans secured by bonds nnd mort gages... 11,755 00 Investment securities owned exclu sive of reserve bonds, viz.. Stocks, bonds, etc $17,077 81 Mortgages und Jutlg- incuts of record 41,990 32-92.068 2) Olllco linlldlng nnd Lot lHm 65 Furniture nnd fixtures 1,801 41 $ 353,9(18 33 MAMI.rriF.8. Stock nald In t 75 non oo Surplus Fund 10,000 00 iiiuiviucu i-roms, less expenses nnd tnxes pnld 4,501! 72 Individual Deposits, subject r rnnr no 1 in 111 IV viim.iv fil'K' t Deposits, special 171,325 C7-2CG.1G.J 61 $355,963 X) btnto of Pennsylvania, County of Wnync, ss I. C. A. Ktncrr. Cashier of the above namrd company, do solemnly swear that the nbove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge aim ueuci, C. A. KMKItY, Cashier. . Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 13th uny 01 rov. iuiu. ItoA S. Kdoctt.'.N, P. Correct nttost: M. K. Simons. ) M. 11. AM.E.N. Directors. J. S. ltnowN. I REPORT OK THE CONDITION OP THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK AT HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA. At the close of business, Nov. 10, 1910. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $ 210.757 07 Overdrafts.seeurcd and unsecured Hi 4!) V. a. ISonds to secure circulation. 65,000 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 2.800 00 lloiids. securities, etc 1,310,152 41 UnnkliiL'-house, furniture and fix tures 40,000 00 Due from National Hanks (not Reserve Agents; 2,073 25 Due from State and Private Punks and Hunkers, Trust Companies, and savings Hunks 1,072 15 Duo from approved reserve agents 113,882 09 Checks and other cash Items ... 3,185 M Notes of other National Hunks.. 4iW 00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and cents 410 C2 Lawful -Money Reserve In Dank, Viz: Specie fS7.J4 50 Legal tender notes 9,542 00- 9G.5CC 50 Jteuempiion miia with u. s. Treasurer, to per cent, of circu lation) 2,750 00 Total fl.yoi.437 09 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In i 150,000 00 150.000 00 82.071 31 51.1W) 00 401 21 nurpius iunu Undivided protlts, less expenses and tnxes nald National Hank notes outstanding Due to other National Hanks Individual deposits subject to CUeCK tl.Hll.J.'l uu Demand certlticutes of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing 2J.010 00 55 00 1,125 57-$ 1.474,411 57 isonus uorroweu rone None Notes and hills redlscounted Hills payable. Including certifi cates oi ueposit lor money bor rowed None None Liabilities other than those above staled Total $l.y03.4S7 09 State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss. I. E. F. Tokrey. Cashier nf the nhnvn named Hunk, do solemnlv swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my Kiiowieuge unu oeuei. E. K. Torrev, Cashier. Subscribed and swnrn to before ma this 15th day of Nov.. 1910. It. A. SMITH, A. 1 , Correct nttest: H. Z. ltltSSELL. ) Jab. C. Hikdsall, J-DIrectors. E. 11. Hardendekoii, J 4w91 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OK THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK or HONESDALE, WAYHE CO.. PA., at the close of business, Nov. 9, 1910. RESOURCES Reserve fund t t.'ash. specie and notes, $12,789 85 Due from approved re serve agents ...149,039 39 Legal securities at par... 15,000 00-236,82) 21 Nickels, cents and fractional cur rency 97 81 Checks and cash Items 1,425 SO Due from Hunks and Trust Co's.not reserve ueents iKCO 45 Hills discounted. 107.170 04 Time loans with collateral 31,750 00 iouns on can witn col lateral 111.019 11 Loans ou call upon one name 200 00 Loans on cull upon two or more mimes 60,557 1G Loans secured by bond anu morii;uL'e l'j,uo-dbu,42U 31 Investment securities owned ex clusive of reserve bonds, viz: Stocks, bonds, etc.. 1,790.209 71 Mortgages unci Judg ments of record.... 276,930 SS 2.OS7.U0 21 Olllco building und Lot 27,000 00 Other Ileal Estate ti.OOO 00 Kurnltiire nnd Fixtures 2,000 00 Overdrafts 31 41 Miscellaneous Assets 400 00 $2.930,V9u 26 LIADII.ITltH Capital Stock, paid ill. ...J 100,000 00 Surplus Fund 310.000 00 Undivided Protlts. less expenses und tuxes paldll5,007,5(r-525,007 66 Deposits subject tocheck $176,839 37 ludlvidul leposlt.Tlmu,2.201,U14 75 Time certificates of de posit 238 78 Curtlileil Checks 1H0 nil Cashier's check outst'c 5,719 71-2S4,996 61 Duo to Commonwealth 25,000 CO Due to nanus mm Trust (Jos. not re servo ugents 1,680 09 Dividends unpaid f 936.UI0 26 .j mm . . vi.i.j . . u.i.u, v.uut.vj ui i, j tic, a 3. I. II. bcott bulinon. Cashier of the uhove named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) II. S.SALMON. Cashier. Subscribed und sworn to before me this 11th duy of Nov. 1910. (Signed) ROBERT A. SMITH. N, P. (Notarial Seul) Correct Attest: V. 11. Ilot-MKB, ) F. 1 Kimhlk, Directors. II. J. COKQKII, J TWKIjVH muslin trespass notices for $1.00; six for seventy-five cents. Narno of owner, township and law regarding trespassing printed there on. CITIZEN office. Long Lost Wedding Ring Recovered. Mrs. Ruby Hayes again Is in pos session of her wedding ring, which she lost twenty-flvo years ago. Immediately after her marringo aha lost tho ring, which was recovered five years Inter, only to bo lost a sec ond time within a short time. Her husband was repairing the trough in his yard, and digging up a spadeful of dirt ho saw a shining article, which he found was the wedding ring. Philadelphia Record. An Expansive Little Water Snake. Not every crcatura can swallow an ther bigger than Itself, but there is a little water snako nt tho Aquarium that does this handily. This water snake is a foot and a half long and about as big around as a big load pencil, say a scant flvo-slxtcenths of nn Inch In diameter, but It will corner and capture a killleflsh an inch and a half long and close to half an inch In diameter and gulp It down whole easily. New York Sun. Is Your Appetite Always Good? Why can't you eat as you used to ? Sim ply because your liver doesn't do its wotlc properly. Its business is la take bile out of the blood, which acts as Nature's cathartic, but your liver is sluggish and the bile accumulates too fast, and you feel Worn out, tired and lifeless, and each suc ceeding day brings no relief. The use of Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills will regulate your bowels, stimulate your liver, and promote a healthy, vigorous appetite. Mr. 1UY W. DIXOK, of Sanford, Me.,Vrrlte: " I liavo pained ten ixjunda. 1 can now eat all kinds of loud." Try them and you will be convinced that these little vegetable pills are indeed a tonic and stimulant to the functions of the liver. Then your brain will be active, your mind clear, and health conditions again estab lished and you can eat anything. Get your liver right. Smith's Pineapple and butternut Tills act gently but surely on the liver. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. Tl ese little Vegeta ble Pills will ward off many His. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITHS IP1HEAPPLE 1 AND HeaaJchear3 fex ) (BUTTERNUT! PIUS OO 1'IIIs In Gins Alt Healer. SfVHTH'5 BUCHU LlTHIA KIDNEY For Sick Kidneys Bladder Discavs, Ulienmatl-ni, the on best remwly. Reliable, endorsed ty leading rhjaictans; Kerultt lasting. On the market 13 years. Ilaro cured thontands. ICO ptlls In original glass parkape, Co cents. Trial boies,tO pills, IScents. All drarcists sU and recommend. PILLS Magnificently located residence and large grounds of W. F. SUYDAM Splendid site for hospital or hotel. House steam heated. Elec trically wired. Large barn. Corner lot. 125x150. J. B. ROBINSON, Insurance and Real Estate, ladwln Building. WHEN THERE IS ILLNESS s in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that ; nave his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable store than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, 2 Opp. D. A II. Station, Ho.nesdale. Pa. Rmmmtmtitrnmimrtiitmmtttttttsn SPENCER I The Jeweler t would like to see you If t f you are In the market! JEWELRY, SILVER-! WARE, WATCHES,! clocks, diamonds, AND NOVELTIES i! "Guaranteed articles only sold." i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers