THE CITIZEN, FIUDAY, AUO. 12, 1010. ABOUT Til 15 NEXT GOVKUXOlt. Man Who Knows Mini Well Describes Personality of John K. Tener. Some very Interesting words re garding the pers6nnllty nnd popu larity of John Klnley Toner, Repub lican nominee for governor, wero voiced In an Interview granted by Chief llurgcss Henry 13. Ancker In the den of his residence on Jeffer son avenue, Bristol, says the Doyles town Intelligencer. Mr. Ancker, who wns one of the stnto delegates who officially notified Mr. Tenor of his nomination at Pittsburg July 23, spoke wnrmly ns to the capabilities of Mr. Tener who, In his opinion, will make n splendid run for the of fice for which he has been named by the Republicans of Pennsylvania. Mr. Ancker said: "It was an en thusiastic gathering of active Repub licans from every part of the state that met in the Americas club in Pittsburg to formally notify John K. Tener of his nomination for gov ernor by the Republicans of Penn sylvania. He is regarded by those who know him as the most repre sentative man In thnt section. He Is a man of education, public experi ence and financial stability. Later in the day I took a trolley ride over to Charlerol, a town about the size of Bristol Mr. Tener's home. "They certainly were boosters In that town; men, women and chil dren were rejoicing with exceeding Joy. It Impressed me so much that I Inquired around as to what Mr. Tener had done for the people that endeared him so to their hearts. They told me that since 1S91 ho has been Identified with every move which had In view the Improvement of the community and, while still a young man, he is looked upon more j as a father than In any other way. I 1!, to MnntlRarl ti'Hli Imnnrtnnf lmcf. I ness organizations in the Mononga hela valley; he Is secretary aiid treasurer of the Charlerol Trust company; he Is vice-president of the Webster, Monesen & Fayetto Rail way company, and he Is president of the Mercantile Bridge company. They told me of his yeoman service for his constituents while in Con gress and of his great work as a member of the rivers and harbors committee. They were already or ganizing a Tener marching club and a Tener glee club to participate In the Republican meetings of the com ing fall." "Where did you lirst meet Mr. Tener?" Mr. Ancker was asked. "1 met him first In the Lochiel hotel, Harrlsburg," responded the burgess. "He Is of a most prepos sessing appearance and while mod est and retiring Is of an exception ally strong character. I met him agaiq ln tlie Amerlcus club, Pitts burg, and when I heard him close his speech of acceptance with the expression 'that the people's wish shall be my guide and their approval my greatest reward," I knew that he meant it." "What do you think of Mr. Ten er's chances?" asked the reporter. "If the people of this state will hustle I expect to see an old-fashioned, overwhelming Republican ma jority. I am not unmindful, how ever, that there are several parties in the Held. 1 note also that many of the more prominent men who have on previous occasions partici pated in the organization of so-called reform tickets are now holding aloof, recognizing the insincerity with which these mushrom parties are tainted, and because they fall to see what good excuse any Republi can can have for deserting his party at a time when It has Just estab lished a fresh claim upon the confi dence of this state. It must not be forgotten by those who interest themselves in public affairs that when Edward S. Stuart was nomi nated for governor precisely this same talk was heard, then, as now, and the people were assured that the election of Emory was essen tial to the safety and welfare of the state. Stuart was elected In spite of this opposition and he has ad mittedly given as good an adminis tration as the state has ever had. It is fair to assume that John K. Tener, a business man like Mr. Stuart, will do equally as well." "And as to the remainder of the ticket, Mr. Burgess?" "I can say nothing stronger than the entire state and county ticket Is a good one." Beginning of the Germ Theory. Agostlno Bassl. u country doctor ln the north of Italy, early ln tho last century was the starter of the germ theory of disease. At that time a pe culiar disease was killing the silk worms, bringing ruin to the whole silk country of Italy. Basal, by tho micro scope, discovered the germ which la tho cause of the disease. Tho germ later was named Botritls basslana. Bassl believed and stated that human diseases were also caused by germs. Bassl's work was sneered at and pooh poohed by bis fellow men and physi cians, and bo failed to mako a lasting Impression, thereby losing great glory for Italia. New York Press. The Orkney Islands. 'The member from the Orkneys" Is the only man In the British house of commons who can say bo sits for 200 Islands. Only sixty of tho Islands are Inhabited, but the constituency em braces more than G0.000 people. The Orkneys were once given by Norway to England as security for a queen's dower and never redeemed. In the Islands the voters must go to tho polls by boats, and In some cases tho distance to bo traveled Is eight miles, JOHN M'GRAW GREAT LEADER, His Brains and Gingor Kesp New York Nationals Afloat. HAS VERY ORDINARY TEAM With Club That Is Inferior to Cubs and Pirates Under His Command, McGraw Is Making Great Showing. Mathewson Only Real Star. By TOMMY CLARK. For tho last year or two fans nnd critics hnve been handing bouquets to Fred Clarke of tho Pirates, Frank Chance of tho Cubs, Ilughey JcnnluRR of the Tigers nnd Connie Mack of the Athletics for their great managerial ability nnd their wonderful success ln keeping their teams ln the thickest of tho pennant fights year after year. While all four arc entitled to all the honors that have been bestowed on them, still there is one other baseball pilot who is entitled to bo placed In the game's hall of fame, nnd ho Is Johnny McGrnw of the New York Nationals. For the last few years McGraw has been nt the helm of n team that Is not equal ln strength ln nny departmcni to the Cubs or Pirates, yet he has man aged to keep tho Giants In the thickest of tho pennant fights. This year Is n exception. There aro no medals on tho team thnt McGrnw is trying to pilot to the top of the race this season, but lii is right on tho heels of the Cubs i.u ! Pirates. Xow look over tho team carefully and you will wonder how ho has been nble to keep It so high up In tho race. Take tho backstopplng department, for Instance. It does not compare with the Pirates' or Cubs' ln any way. Schlel or Myers docs not class with KUng, Archer or Gibson. Schlel Is too old nnd Myers too erratic. Point out one great star ln the Infield. Merkle on first Is not a crackerjack. Doyle on second makes more costly errors than any other second stationer. Bridwell Is only a fair shortstop. Devlin at third Is about the best of the lot, and ho Is on the toboggan. After looking over the Infield, gaze on the outer garden. Can you find a Cobb In It? I guess not. McGraw has the weakest left fielder In tho National Photo by American Press Association. JOIIXNT M'OBAW, NEW YOUK'H OlIKAT MAN ACIElt. league ln "Josh" Devore. In center he has Snodgrnss, formerly a catcher. The latter Is doing fairly well, but Is far from being a star. In right Mur rny plays a good game, but does not class with any of tho cracks. Take McGraw's pitching staff. Lenv lng out Christy Mathewson, where are his stars? Rube Marquard, tho $11,- 000 beauty, Is a counterfeit Ames lacks control; so does Crundnll, auO Drucke needs more experience. Wilts,. Is good, but owing to his frail build he is at his best when worked only e' ery flvo days. Of course there's Bugs Raymond, who Is still on tho pay roll but be Is useless. In reality McGraw has only two good pitchers, Mathew son and Wtltse. Glvo him another crack twlrler and a gingery catcher or let him have a Johnny Evera on his Infield or a Ty Cobb ln tho out to Inject life Into bis team and I'll bet bo will capture the pennant from tho Cubs or Pirates. It la McGrnw'a brains and tho ginger be has injected into bis players thit bare offset tho handicap bo la working tinder, McGraw- directs' bis players on every play simply because many of thorn are not tho brainiest ball tossera on the diamond and cannot be depended on to carry plays through of their own volt Hon. "- ' " IT SIFT DEATH Entire Autoing Party Killed In Accident. DISASTER AT BAD CROSSING. Five Occupants of Feldner Automobile Crushed When Engine Strikes Ma chineBodies Scattered Along Track For 200 Feet. Cnpe May, N. J., Aug. 10. Five hap py vacationists en route from Atlantic City to tho Hotel Cnpe May ln n big touring car wero Instantly killed nt tho Mill Lane crossing of tho Pennsyl vania railroad, three miles north of here. The crossing Is n double one, lwth Reading and Pennsylvania railroads crossing at grade within twenty feet of one another. Tho crossings are not protected by gates or flagmen, running from tho main seashore road toward tho "land locked harbor" here. It Is almout Impossible to sec approaching trnlns. Train No. 13 struck the auto Ists, running nt tho nstial fast speed of this famous seashoro train. The auto was literally torn to shreds. The bodies of the unfortunate victims went' thrown nlong the tracks for 200 feet. The victims of the accident were Fred Feldner, former president of the Cape May Hotel company and presi dent of tho Furst-Clark Dredging com pany, and wife; Mr. F. J. Mergen thnlcr, Mrs. Fritz Mergenthnler, nnd chauffeur. It Is supposed that the chauffeur did not see or hear the approaching shore lllor, ns tho grade at tho crossing is not open to tho eye of nny one coming toward this city. As soon ns the acci dent happened thousands of people ln every conceivable vehicle rushed to the fatal crossing. This is the third serious auto accident to occur ln lower township the last six weeks. Tho people who are residents of Cape May county have started a petition tc send to the Interstate commerce coin- mission to compel tho railroad to place gates and flagmen nt the crossings from Tucknhoo to the city. The main seashore road crosses the railroad three times ln one mile and a half and nil of tho crossings nt grade with out gates or flagmen. The victims of tho sad accident were brought to the morgue here. Mrs Fritz Mcrgenthalcr, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Feldner, Is torn almost le- yond recognition. ORDERS OUT TROOPS. Georgia Governor Determined to Pre vent Battle of Feudists. Atlatita, Ga., Aug. 10. Governoi Brown has ordered two companies ol state troops to prevent n battle be tween armed feudists, following the killing of the two Etherldge brothers last Saturday by three Morton broth ers. Tho Mortons wero removed tc Mncon to escape the vengeance ol friends of tho Etheridges, but wore taken back to Jones county Jail. The return of the Mortons Inflamed friends of the Etheridges nnd the sheriff wired thnt .TOO armed men have sworn to lynch the three brothers. The friends of the Mortons are rallying te protect the prisoners, nnd the sheriff says a pitched battle Is Imminent be tween the two factions. The killing of the Ethetidgo brothers and the pres ent situation is the culmlnntlon of a feud which has divided the in-ople of the county for years. It Is said everj man ln tho county Is llnedup elthei with tho Etheridges or Mortons. Weather Probabilities. Showers today; fair tomorrow; mod ernte to brisk winds. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Closing Stock Quotations. Money on call today was 2K per cent; tlmo money and mercantile paper un changwl ln rates. Closing stock quota tions on tho New York exchange Auk. were: Amal. Copper... CC Norf. & West... iWVi Atchison 68 Northweatern ..145 B. &0 108N, I'enn. R. It U'aVi Brooklyn R. T... 769i Reading Ul Chos. & Ohio.... 73ft Rock Island JOTi C. ,C.,C.&8t. L. 71 St. Paul l21Vt D. & 11 159 Southern Pac.113 Erie 24V4 Southern Ry.... Zili en. Electric. ...143& South. Ry. pt... 64 111. Central 130 Busnr 11SH Int-Met 1TH Texas Pacific... SKVi Louis. & Nash,. 133U Union Pacific. . .105 Manhattan 128 U. S. Steel 70 Missouri Pac... 51 U. S. Steel pf...HC N, Y. Central.... U3H West. Union CS Market Reports. BUTTEn Firmer; receipts, 13,002 pack sees; creamery, specials, per lb., 29Vi 29fta; extras, 2Sa2Sa; thirds to firsts, !ia27c; state dairy, finest, 27a2Sc; com mon to prime, 22a2Cc; procoss, specials, KHc; seconds to extras, 22a2Sc; factory, leconds to firsts, 22a23ttc; Imitation creamery, 21o2Sc. CHEESE Steady; receipts. 10,160 boxes; Itate, whole milk, specials, Ual6Hc; aver age fancy, small, white, HHc; large, llttc; small, colored, ItHc.; largo, 14Hc; prime, NuHVic; fair to ijood, 12al3fcc; toramon, SttallKc; skims, specials, lttic; line, UallUc; fair to good. 7fca&Kc, com mon. tViaCXc; full sklma, 2a4c EGOS Firm; receipts, 18,23 coses; Itate, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, white, 28u32a; gathered, white, 2&a28c; hennery, brown, 5o27c. gathered, brown, BaSCc.; fresh gutherod. extra, firsts. 20a 12c; firsts, 18Hal9Hc; seconds. l&UTUc IlAY AND STRAW Firm; timothy, old, per hundred, tl.15al.35; new, 11.051.25; Ihlpplng, old, tlal.10; clover, mixed, old, Kc.oll.15; clover, old, 90c.atl.05; long rye, loo.; oat and wheat, E0c; halt bales, ZVia lc less. POTATOES Firm; Long Island, per bbl., Jl.tSaZ; Jersey, Jl.COaJr southern, fLB U.7S. MILLINERY HINTS. Apt Advice of a Fa mous French Creator. at ULACK AND WHITE TONES. It requires an expert milliner to de cldo at a glance what colors, styles, etc., aro best suited to a client ln search of an attractive hat But thoso, who would, with great care and through pride or sheer love of toe sub ject mako their own selections and their own plans may find helpful ad vice ln the theory of an Illustrious French milliner on the simultaneous contrast of colors, especially In regard to bats. For those who are fair the white hat may be trimmed with white or pink flowers or, better still, blue. The dark person should nvoid blue and prefer red, pink or orange. Tho light blue hat Is especially suit able for the fair type of wearer. It may bo trimmed with white flowers, sometimes with yellow or orange flow ers, but never with pink, red or violet The dark person who risks a blue hat can certainly not dispense with orange or yellow trimmings for It The green hat puts value on white and pale pink carnations. It can also carry other white flowers or red flow ers. The pink hat should not be worn close to the head. It should be sep arated by tho hair or by a green trim ming. White flowers, with plenty of leaves, bavo a good effect ln the pink bat. The hat of a more or less dark red Is only advised to those of a very rosy too rosy, ln fact complexion. Avoid yellow and orango hats and show hesitation nnd shyness ln regard to tho hat of violet which Is always unsuitable for carnations, except when It Is separated from them either by the hair or by yellow trimmings. Be equally precautious ln regard to yellow bats, which only dark persons can risk with bluo or violet trimmings. The foregoing Is the advico of a learned man who has studied tho ques tion, and his theory Is known to be widely respected ln fashionable circles In Paris. But the question of hats and color Is. of course, generally one of per sonal taste, nnd the reader may or may not agree with the theory or be Influenced by It It Is given for what it Is worth. But tho bat illustrated can bo recommended as stunning. It Is of black fancy straw, trimmed with black tulle and white roses. What to Look For In Buying Beef. In buying meat it must be borno In mind that tho price of a certain cut Is not always a criterion of tho food val uo furnished nor even superiority of flavor, says tho Delineator. Take, for Instance, the tenderloin, which Is the most expensive part of all beef cuts. While there is no doubt about Its ten derness. Its flavor Is really nil and must bo enhanced In cookery by the Juices from round steak or mush rooms as well as various high spic lngs. In selecting beef tho following points nre to be considered: Insist on seeing the carcass from which the meat Is to bo cut If it carries the stamp "TJ. S., Inspected and Passed." It Is a guarantee from tho government that tho meat la healthy. Choose fat beef. Tho fatter tho beef the more tender. A prime pleco of meat uot only carries an outsldo cov ering of fat, but tho lean meat will be marbled with small specks of yellow ish whlto fat. Beef and mutton that bavo been bung some time and kept perfectly sweet will bo much more tender. Lamb and veal, being Immature, spoil quickly and should bo quite fresh. Meat of any kind should bavo little odor. It should bo Arm and dry rather than moist. Select your meat according to the use for which you Intend It and the plumpness of your pocketbook. A gen eral rule In that tho market value of meet Increases backward from the head, but decreases downward toward the leg. Those muscles which get but little exercise will be tender, while the neck and legs, which are ln constant motion, are tough, but Juicy. For roasts or broiled steak or chops the prime ribs and tho loin will be best, while the neck and legs are better for broths. Tender muscles should be cooked quickly, but the tougher por tions requlro long, slow cooking to soften tho fiber. When Hoatlng Clothi. When hot cloths aro needed, either for household or medicinal purpoBos, instead of wringing them out of boil ing water, with pain to tho hands and possible slopplness for tho patient, heat them ln the steamer and thus avoid wrinelmr entlrelv. "WAR CRY" GIRLS BARRED. Saloons of Denver No Longer Open to Salvation Army Women. Denver, Colo., Aug. 10. An order wns Issued by tho lire and iollce bonrds prohibiting Salvation Army clrls from cntcrinir saloons tn unlirif nld nnd sell their Journals. The order Is based uion the theory that the prac tice Is demoralizing, ns tho girls are thrown into temptation. Let wonderful WASHWAX do your family washing; saves rubblug and saves tho clothes; makes them clean, sweet nnd snowy white. WASHWAX is n new scientific com pound that washes ln hot or cold water without the use of soap. It Is entirely harmless nnd different from anything you havo ever used. Send ten cents stamps today for reg ular size by mall. You will be glad' you tried It. Agents wanted to In troduce WASHWAX werywhero. Address Washwax Co., St. Louis, Mo. 69tf NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Clyde S. Hardenberg, under date of July 18, 1010, filed in tho Department of Internal Affairs of Pennsylvania, an application for warrant to survey 10 acres and 73 perches of unimproved, vacant land, situated In the town ship of Clinton and county of Wayne, bounded on the east and south by land warranted to John Taggart un der date of February 11, 1794, and on the west and north by Elk pond. JAMES H. CRAIG. Deputy Secretary of Internal Affairs. Harrlsburg, Pa., July 15, 1910. COeoi 3. GUARANTEED Water Bonds TO YIELD From 5 to 6 per cent. In denominations of 100, 500 and 1,000 I If interested call on or address D. D. WESTON, 303-14th St., Honesdale, Pa. 53tlG WHEN THERE p IS ILLNESS 1 in your family you of course call a reliable physician. Don't stop at that; nave his prescriptions put up at a reliable pharmacy, even if it is a little farther from your home than some other store. You can find no more reliable etore than ours. It would be im possible for more care to be taken in the selection of drugs, etc., or in the compounding. Prescrip tions brought here, either night or day, will be promptly and accurately compounded "by a competent registered pharmacist and the prices will be most rea sonable. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, OlD. D. & It. Station. Honesdale. Pa. t: D. & M. CO. TIHE TABLE A.M.lA.M, SUN iSUX 8 201 VI uoi A.M. A.M.. P.M. 1 io m 10 oo 4 so; 6 05, ksaHssHDHnannnHHra w :: :: ... Albany .... lliiitfhamton A.M 10 001 2 15 12 30 8 30 2 15 "Tioj 7 55 . .. Philadelphia. 1 20 2 08 7 23 8 15 1 40 S 30 1 20 ....Wllkes-liarre. ijcrmuon.... 2 Oo P.M. A.M. P.M P.M. A.M Lv 5 40 3 50 5 31 b 11 (i 17 05 U 15 I'J 6 20 ti 30 2 05 2 15 2 19 8 45 8 55 8 59 9 18 Curbomlnle ..Lincoln Avenue.. Whites l'arvlew Ciiuaau ... I.nke Lodore ... ... . Wnymnrt Kit ne Steene l'rompton Portenla Seelyvllle Honesdale .... ti 31 3H 6 5 2 37 U 12 n 38 7 01 7 07i 2 13 2 49 2 52 9 21 U Z 2ti 6 32 ti 35 U X) ti i i ti K 0 60 9 it 9 29, 9 32 9 31 9 57 7 13 7 16 7 20 2 57 9 3i 10 00 2 59 3 03 9 39 9 4.1 10 01 10 08 7 21 3 07 9 4 10 11 7 2 3 10 3 15 9 SO 9 35 10 15 7 311 P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M Ar The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year opens with a deluge of now mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealors to get some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with tne unwary. THE'iONLY PJjACE IN HONESDALE AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE Is JADWIN'S PHARMACY. There are reasons for the pro-miuenco of CHILTON PAINTS 1st -No one can mix a bettor mixed paint. 2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won derful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agree to repaint, at hia owu expense.every surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective. . 4th Those who have used it aro perfectly satisfied with it and recommend its use to othera. KEYSTONE ACADEMY. A HKPIXKI) SCHOOL HOME FOIt BOTH SKXKS. Healthful conditions, pure spring wa ter, Inke frontage, extensive campus. New modern gymnasium. Pre pares for nil colleges and technical courses. Strong Music nnd Com mercial courses. Fnll term begins Sept. 0. C'ntnlog upon request. HIJ.V.I. F. THOMAS, A. M Fnctoryvlllc, Po. Cement We handle only the best and most popular brands of ce ment. Will be glad to quote you prices. Lime If you need lime do not hesitate to call on us. We carry the best and sell it at reasonable prices. Plaster Your plastering job will be a perfect one if you use our plaster. You can get no better prices anywhere. Oar stack of Ismbcr, s Mullet sad lath is aboTS lie STtra( MARTIN HERMANN, CALLICOON N.Y. Roll of HONOR Attention is called to tne STRENGTH of the Wayne County m mm The FINANCIER of New York City has published a ROLL Of HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks and Trust Companies of United States. In this list the WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Stands 38th in the United States Stands 10th in Pennsylvania. Stands FIRST in Wayne County. Capiial, Surplus, $455,000.00 Total ASSETS, $2,733,000.00 Honesdaie. ra May 29, 190S. AUCTIONEER & CATTLE DEALERS You will make money uy uavms me. bell phone m; Bethany, Pa. HONESDALE BRANCH P.M. iA.M, I P.. A.M. ISUN SUN I 10 50 I 8 45; 2 00 12 40 10 60 . 8 ML 3 5.1 7 3i; 7 32 7 31, 7 32 A.M . P.M. 10 20 4 03 7 15 3 15 6 20: 2 23 P.M. I 331 10 05 a 37 Ar A.M P.M. P.M, P.M. P M. 8 05 1 33 1 23 5 40 5 30 12 1; 12 o; 8 29 8 17 8 13 i 5i 7 47 7 41 7 39 7 32 7 30 7 26 7 22 7 19 7 15 7 54 7 50 7 33 7 25 7 19 1 21 S 24 12 03 1 03 12 68 5 08 II 41 5 01 11 37 11 31, 11 29 11 23 11 20 V' 31 5 CHi' 7 17 7 12 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 3H 4 51 4 4S 7 09 7 05 4 45 1 41 11 16 7 01 12 32 4 37: 4 34 11 12 11 U9 6 S. ti 53 12 29 12 23 4 30 11 03 Lv A.M. P.M P.M, CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers