THE WEATHER Wednesday fair to partly overcast weather anil nearly stationary temperatures will prevail. jC jc tr jo K1 X K" tc if ' K hflgVayne County Organ Semi-Weekly Founded k 1908 fc Weekly Founded, 1844 J of the S REPUBLICAN PARTY 67th YEAR. HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1910. NO 59 LEONA LORD IN CELL HERE Woman Believ ed To Have Put Pick Into Sike Lord's Head Held Without Bail as Result of Coroner's inby Constable ion- day Night. As the result of the coroner's in quest held Monday In Bleck's hotel at Equlnunk, Leona Lord, the woman who, according to William Lord, a son of the victim, hit Silas E. Lord In the head with a pick, was ordered held without ball. She had been out on bonds of $1500, but these by Justice Kordman's orders were cancelled and the wom an was taken by Constable James W. Harford on a warrant issued by the Justice and lodged In jail at Honesdale at S o'clock that night. Mrs. Lord took her arrest coolly. She had been expecting It. She and -the officer left Equlnunk at 4 and the ride to Honesdale ' took four hours. S3, falked,litUa4flji the way dowj., The coroner's jury Daniel Hall', Henry Stelnbrucker, Cain Lord, C. "E. Woodmansee, J. Waldren Farley .and Isaac Lord returned the ver dict "that Silas E. Lord came to his death by reason of wounds In his head made by a pickaxe and a hoe, and that one of said wounds made .a hole in the skull and penetrated the brain, and that said wounds were administered by Samuel W. Reed and Leona Lord with malice aforethought." The fight and the hoe and pick wounds took place July 12. That was a Tuesday. Slke Lord died Sun day afternoon at 3. He was a dy ing man from the moment ho got the pick blow. Dr. P. C. Frlsbie, who attended the case with all dili gence, knew that. William Lord and Floyd Lord, the sons of Slke, knew It. but the family naturally hoped against hope. The trepanlng of the skull, an operation In which Dr Frlsbie was helped by Dr. F. J. Woolsey of Hancock, did not bring relief and Slke sank steadily to tho end, which came peacefully, with his wife, sons and daughter at the bedside. The Inquest at the hotel took all day. Coroner H. B. Searles, District Attorney M. E. Simons, Sheriff M. Lee Braman and Photographer J. A. Bodle went up from Honesdale, leav ing here in Mr. Braraan's swift team at 4.30 in the morning. They got there at 8 and ate breakfast-at tho hotel and stretched their legs before getting down to business at 9. There were four witnesses examin ed and their quizzing by the dis trict attorney and tho coroner last ed until tho middle of the day. These witnesses were William, son of Slke, who was fighting with Millard, son of Leona, In the ditch tho day of the fatal affray; Elizabeth, the invalid widow of Slke, Dr. Frlsbie and Mrs. Denlo. Their evidence tho district attorney firmly wltheld from the newspapermen when they -called on him this morning at 9 o'clock In his office In the courthouse here. Ho handed them the type written copy of the Jury's finding and told them, politely but stoutly, that this was all they would get today. The three scribes were Mr. Simons' first callers. The prosecutor hadn't got his mall nicely opened when they showed up. They were not or dinary newschasers that advanced (Continued on Page 'Eight). JADWIN FOR LIGHT DEAD TIKKD OF PEANUT CROWDS ON THE DOORSTEP, HE ASKS COUNCIL TO PUT A LIGHT WHERE REAMS WILTj FALL SMACK IN FACES OF THE SPOONERS. C. C. Jadwln, who has gotten this early rising business right down, line, showed up at his store a little ear lier than usual Monday morning. He was out to get signers for his peti tion asking the council to put nn arc light at the corner of Main and Eighth streets, at the angle of Mr. Jadwln's property. Before G o'clock he had put four names on the paper. Between C and 7 he got four more and the game was going finely by 8. "I'm sick of this peanut business on the doorstep," said Mr. Jadwln. "It Isn't a Joke any longer. It's gone too far. Every morning I have to sweep a carload of peanuts off those steps and I'm too old a man to be doing that. (He's 7C.) Turn on the light and that will put a stop to the peanuts and the spooning." The ex-congressman smiled out loud and stood a little stralghter than usual which Is standing some. "I'll get 'em!" he said, and then another man, a Main street business man,. was escorted to the desk to work a fountain pen on the Jadwln petition. The Aug. 7 meeting of the coun cil will consider It. HE BEATS HIS WIFE Htf'GEORGH1 VAN LUVAN 'ISJTiie I? splendid stretch of TO JAIL BY 'SQUIRE SMITH HE KISSES BETTER HALF AND BEGS HER TO FORGET, RUT ITS TOO LATE. George Van Luvan of Torrey, who has been drinking too much of late, was before Justice Robert A. Smith Monday morning, charged by his wife, Catherine Van Luvan, with pounding and thrashing her and their baby, as well as with threaten ing to kill the two of them. Mrs. Van Luvan called 'on Justice Smith a week ago and made her complaint, but her husband Just then straightened out a bit and promised to do better. He didn't keep his word. Mrs. Van Luvan came to Honesdale again to see Jus tice Smith and Sunday morning early Sheriff Braman had Van Luvan brought In. Van Liiivan was very penitent when brought Into the justice's of? lice. He hugged and kissed his wife and begged her to forgive and for get their past troubles. That didn't work. She remembered his blows and the names ho had called her. "Such a man as you are ought to be punished," said Justice Smith. "I'll hold you In ?200 bonds for tho August court." Van Luvan cried and kissed his wife again, and then he was taken over to jail. Walter Beck and Arthur Fnss hauer are today throwing out their chests and wearing "the smile that never comes off" because they havo had conferred upon them by their wives tho proud degree of "Daddy." c A Ml iiri UNTERMEVgR News SnAnshnts l'resIIent Taft 18 cruising along the Mnlne coast on tho U. 8. 8. Mayflower. A. deal supervised by Lawyer Samuel Untermeyer, JoJiiuia backed by tho English engineer Sir Wectman Pearson, whereby oil land worth millions la being secured In Oklahoinu, may Of the Week navo for ltB VarPso 010 fighting tho oil trust Italy has reported tho Leaning Tower of Pisa as being In danger of col lapsing. New Jersey Democrats have asked Woodrow Wilson, Priuceton's president, to become a candidate for governor. Indictments ugainat Governor B. F, Carroll Of Iowa for criminal libel. Grand Trunk railroad, of which Charles M. Hays la president, Is lighting tho strike which has affected the entire system. Search is being made for Dr. Haw ley IL Crippen, accused of murdering' his actress wife. Belle Elmore, in Loudon. STATE .0. P. COMMITTEE C SAYSTENERAND HIS TICKET WILL WIN A Philadelphia special says: Chairman Henry 'F. Walton of the Republican state committee and Re corder of Deeds William S. Vare, who made the notification speech, and others who went from Philadel phia Sunday got back from Pitts burg, where John K. Toner, nominee for governor, and his colleagues on the Republican state ticket were formally advised of the action of the Harrlsburg convention. They agreed In declaring the occasion to have a pronounced success. "There Is reason for general con gratulations," said Chairman Walton, "over the enthusiasm evinced at the notification of the state candidates of the Republican party and the large number of active Republicans from every section of the state In attend ance at the ceremonies. From per sonal contact with some of the best informed men In the state, I am safe In predicting that there will bo an unprecedentedly large vote polled for the Republican state ticket this fall. The party is harmonious and the candidates are men who will ap peal to the voters of every class. Mr, Tener has made for himself a plat form such as any business man with patriotism and public spirit would favor, and upon every hand It Is manifest that the people have con fidence in his sincerity and ability to do what ho proposes." Recorder of Deeds Vare gave a dinner of 30 covers In Pittsburg at the Hotel Shenley Saturday evening, to which the candidates on the state ticket, Mayor Magee. State Chair man Walton and others of promin STATE ROAD IN DREHER. Claimed Contractors Didn't Finish It Up According to Specifications. state road extending from beyond Gouldsbero to Halgs' Mill In Dreher township. The people appreciate the road, but they are considerably dissatisfied at the Incomplete man ner In which the contractors did their work. There Is a lot of mur muring, also, over the dilatory ac tion of the authorities In not com pelling the contractors to properly finish the job. The 12-foot roadway was finished up In good shape and the three feet on each side was properly arranged, but the ditch work on each side and tho sloping back of the embank ments, as per specifications, have been sadly neglected and are very unsatisfactory. In many places there Is no ditch; In other places the bank has washed down, filling tho dltcheg. This could not have hap pened If the banks had been graded back, as called for by the specifica tions. In several places It Is noticed that the water has been pushed over onto tho road and Is already disintegrat ing tho roadbed. In other places trunks of trees or large rocks have been left where the ditch should have been. Failure to do this work properly is diverting the drainage over onto the road and causing damage to a road which has cost the taxpayers a lot of money. Somebody should get after High way Commissioner J. W. Hunter and have him put the contractors back onto tho Job, and compel them to finish their work in a satisfactory manner, In accordance with tho specifications. HAiRMAN ence on the committee of notifica tion were invited. Independent Convention Plans. Managers of the Independent par ty are perfecting plans for their state convention, which will be held In Wltherspoon hall In Philadelphia Thursday. They are receiving reports from tho various counties and making up their list of delegates. There has been little attempt to have It ap pear that the convention Is to be a body of representatives chosen by the people. The facts are that In most cases the delegates are being selected by men Identified with the old Lincoln party or the GIbboney interests In this city or the William Fllnn fol lowing In Allegheny county, with a few disgruntled Democrats, picked up here and there. The convention is expected to come out unequivocally in favor of local option, and this will be made probably the paramount Issue of the campaign. The GIbboney following will also support a demand for a constitution al convention, and In this they will be backed by the Granger element, under the leadership of ''Farmer" Creasy. Should GIbboney be nominated for governor, which his friends declare to be assured, many Philadelphia In dependents will decline to support the ticket, as they say GIbboney should retire In favor of someone who has not figured as a perennial candidate for office. FIVES SUES AUTO COMPANY. Legal Steps Follow Bad Runnway Accident on Main street. Anna May Fives, the little 7ung- stec'frbm Pleasant Mount who was so badly hurt In a runawaf'accldent on Main street two months ago, has brought suit by her father, William B. Fives, against the Auto-Transportation company. Chester A. Gar rett Is the plaintiff's lawyer. The little girl was in her father s wagon and the horse was tied In front of Meyer's restaurant when tho auto came up the street with curtains flapping. The Fives horse, frightened, reared and broke away. He ran down the street and when opposite the depot the little girl was flung out. Her head struck a tree, and from the tree she bounded to the sidewalk, where she landed on her head and was rendered uncon scious. The horse kept on and turned around In front of tho Western Union office. He finally threw tho wagon ngalnst a stone post, with the result that the wagon was reduced to kindling wood. Anna May was laid up as tho re sult of her hard bumps on tho head and Mr. Fives had to buy a new wagon. The suit Is the outcome. The declaration had not been filed today. Frank Farnhnm, who has two good fingers, not more, on his right hand, was going over his lawn with a sickle when his thumb and fore finger were suddenly prostrated by an attack of writer's cramp and tho pain and discomfort made the Inven tor quit his mowing right away quick. Dr. Peterson Is doing what he can to straighten out the afflicted thumb and forefinger. DITCH CAUSED LORD FRACAS THE THIRD TICKET SMALL CAUCUS IN TOWN HALL DECIDES .MICHAEL J. HANLAN AND JAMES RIRDSALTi SHALL GO TO PHILADELPHIA TO PUT UP ANTI-TENE R, ANTI-GRIM SLATE THIS WEEK. The third ticket men, whose call for a meeting to send delegates to the Philadelphia convention Thurs day was handbllled through the town Saturday noon, met In town hall at 8 that night and named Michael J. Hanlan and former Judge James BIrdsall as their delegates. There wasn't a heavy crowd In the hall when the meeting was called to order. There might have been 20 men, all told, that had collected In response to the handbill call sign ed by three preachers and six lay men. The preachers were Rev. George S. Wendell of the Baptist church, who knows William H. Berry personally and says he's all right; Rev. Dr. W. H. Swift of the Presby terian and Rev. A. L. Whittaker of the Episcopal. Their names were followed by those of William H. Dlmmlck, J. W. Seaman, T. A. Crossley, Earl Sherwood (Washing ton lawyer), W. T. Butler and Thomas Crossley. Col. Dlmmlck was chairman and he told the men in front of him what they were there for. The Old Democratic warhorse of half a cen- (Contlnued on Page Eight). BLAZE AT, TANNERS FALLS' TACKLED BY WORKMEN AND NEIGHBORS AND PUT OUT RE- FORE DAMAGE REACHES MORE THAN $300 FLAMES FIERCE FOR AN HOUR, THOUGH. The fire at the Rleflers' acid fac tory at Tanners Falls came about through the efforts of workmen to loosen up the congealed tar In one of the coals. Waste and rags sat urated with oil were placed upon top of the coll and ignited with a view of softening up the tar and residue in the coll and getting It to How. The blaze of the oil-soaked material was greater than expected or Intended and It soon had the sides and roof In Its embrace. The Rlellors have always had tho matter of fire protection In view and Installed some time ago a pump and several hundred feet of hose to meet any such emergency. When the whistle sounded the alarm for fire the fire brigade of the factory and nearby neighbors nssembled very quickly and In a few minutes had the apparatus in play and all dan ger of any great conllagratlon was soon dispelled. The flames were very stubborn and It required considerable work to prevent their spreading, but Inch by Inch the men gained tho mastery un til after over an hour of hard work the last vestige of Hro was ex tinguished. Without the protection that was nfforded by tho fire fighting apparatus, both of the factories and other buildings might have been de- (Contlnued on Page Eight). FIRE T Sam Reed Silas In Head With Hoe Dur ing Fight That Ensued When Silas and Will iam Tried To Stop SVSillard and Sam Dig ging Ditch Be tween Proper ty at Equinunk Stories of the Interested parties necessarily differ as to the melee of July 12 In which Slke Lord received his death wounds, but this much all hands agree upon: Millard Lord and Sam Reed were digging a ditch be tween the Leona Lord and Slko Lord properties In Equlnunk when Slke and William Lord tried to stop them and a fight ensued, la which Sam pitched into Slke with a hoe and struck him on the side and back of the head. William Lord says Sam Reed hit his father with the hoe he had In his hand. Millard, the son ot Leona, Is equally strong In his state ment, stuck to from the first, that his mother had no pick in her hand that day,' that she picked up a hoe and was going to hit William with it when Sam stepped up to the wom an and took the hoe away from her. The first reports ot what has turn ed out to be a tragedy that got to Honesdale were brought here the night of July 13 by Floyd Lord. Oakley Tyner, Millard Lord and Mrs. H. J. Logan. The cousins came here to get legal advice, and at that time William saw O. L. Rowland and Millard Lord saw W. H. Lee. Floyd Lord was not at the house when the fight took place. There were wild reports In Honesdale that night to the effect that Slke had as many as 25 holes in his head. Sam Reed, as told in this paper at the time, got away a few minutes after he had knocked Slke out with i tne noe. lie siimueu iu wic uu of the Delaware, where there are generally plenty of boats to be had, and found a fellow who was willing to row him to the New York side of the river. The bridge to Lords vllle is a good stiff mile away. Sam knew better than to take a chanco at the bridge. "I'll give you 10 cents to take me over into Sullivan county," said Sam. The man with the boat wasn't a 10-cent man, and he took Sam over Into York state for nothing. Sam landed at Lordsvllle, where he has friends, and that night It was a Tuesday he slept In the railroad tower. Next morning he was found iu Lordsvllle or nearby by Leona Lord, the womau he likes, and sho told him, so the story goes, that Slke wasn't much hurt and that it would bo safe for him to come back to Equlnunk and stay at her house. Not knowing, in all probability, that Sike was fatally hurt and that It would bo a hazardous thing for Slke's assailant to set foot on Wayno county soil, Sam came back. He went at once to Leona's house, and It was there that Constable Harford and his posse found the fugitive and arrested him. Sam had n hearing berore Justice Kordman at Bleck's hotel In Equl nunk that day and was committed to jail without ball to see whether Slke Lord lived or died. The fol lowing Saturday Leona Lord and Mil lard Lord were arrested by the same constable and brought beforo the same justice. Her ball was fixed at I1G00 and his at JC00, and both Mrs. Lord and her son wore nblo to find a bondsman. Leona and Millard Lord havo been In Honesdale several times to see their lawyers, W. H. Leo and Frank P. Kimble, and Mrs. Lord has stead ily declared she did nothing that day save to defend her Bon agnlnst Wil liam when William had Millard down In tho ditch and was pounding him. Slko Lord was very well known In Honesdale. Ho was CO yearsqld and In tho good old days of big rafting on tho Delaware ho was a famous raftsman and a man of unusual strength and agility. Ho weighed 190 pounds when In his (Continued on Pago Eight)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers