The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 27, 1910, Image 7

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    THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, AVll. 27, 1010.
Scrap Book
Appearancat Deceitful.
She bad nil the enrnwrks of a green
stenographer, nnd It therefore occurred
to the fresh young clerk thnt hero
.was one -whom ho could guy to his
Lenrt's content. After luncheon hour,
when all the men were In Uio office,
seemed the best timo to show what n
wag he was.
Tipping them thnt he was going to
have some fun, he went up to her nnd
said, "Oh, Miss T., I heard tho funni
est story today," nnd ho proceeded to
get off n time honored patriarch of n
When he had nnlshed she looked at
him guilelessly nnd said, "Oh, Mr. X.,
If you ever hear tho mate to that will
you tell me?"
"Tho mate?" said he. rather bewil
dered. "Well, you know," snld she, "Noah
took n pnir of nil things Into tho nrk
with him. and now thnt I know one of
the Jokes really I would love to know
the other." IJpplueott's.
It Never Comes Again.
There ore trains for all our losses,
Tlicro are balms for all our pains,
But when youth, the dream, departs
It takes something from our hearts.
Anil It never comes again.
Wo are stronger and are better
Under manhood's sterner reign.
Etlll we feel that something swot
Followed youth with Hying feet
And will never como again.
Something beautiful Is vanished,
And we sigh for It In vain.
We behold It everywhere.
On tho earth nnd In the air,
But It never comes again.
Richard H. Stoddard.
According to Formula.
Judge rennypackcr was once asked
by his brother llnrry during n session
of court for the loan of ?o. Harry
walked to the desk mid whispered the
request in the Judge's ear. The latter,
looking down over the top of his
glasses without the suggestion of a
smile, said loud enough to be heard
throughout the room:
"Put your application in writing nnd
present it to the court in n proper man
ner." Mr. Pennypacker, thinking the
Judge's Insistence upon regularity to
be merely regard for tho dignity of the
court, wrote out the request and hand
ed it to the clerk of the court, who In
turn passed It to the bench. The
Judge read It quietly and seriously and
then Interrupted the pending trial long
enough to say:
"Application for n loan of $5 made to
this court Is received and refused."
What the Sandwich Was For.
A stately old professor was ap
proached by a young student one dny
In the western colleges. Trying hard
to keep back n smile, the young man
"Professor, you say you nre an ex
pert at solving riddles, don't you?"
"I claim that I am, my boy."
"Well, then, can you tell me why a
man who has seen London) on n foggy
day and a man who has ut seen Lou
don on a foggy day are 'like a ham
The professor studied for a long
time, venturing several answers, which
proved to be wrong. Finally, at his
wits' end, lie said:
"I give It up."
"It's easy," said the other.
"Give It up," repeated' the professor.
"Why," was the reply, "one has seen
the mist, and the other has missed tho
scene. Ila, ha! -Catch on?"
"Of course I do, you lunatic! But
what has the sandwich to do with It?"
After the youngster had recovered
from a spell of laughter he chuckled:
"Oh, that's what you bito ou."
Almost Too Far.
"Very good repartee very good but
perhaps a little strong."
The speaker was a prominent actor,
lie resumed:
"It reminds me of a dialogue at the
Lambs club between a New England
poet and a Scot.
"'nah!' 3aid the Scot, hearing that
the poet had a press agent. 'Hah, you
Americans are possessed with an Itch
for notoriety!'
"The poet tossed back his long locks
"'Well,' ho cried, 'an Itch for no
toriety Is better than n notoriety for'
"Hut with a 'Tut, tut, gentlemen!'"
said tho netor. "I ended this unseemly
wrangle ere It went too far."
Heroic Courtesy.
A French writer on "The Revolution,
tho Empire and the Restoration." cites
an amusing instance or what he culls
heroic courtesy. Percy, Lord Heyerly.
Invited to dine with him it marquis
who was ouo of tho uumt valiant sol
diers of the army of Contle. Wishing
to honor his guest and the cause which
ho served, that of the French king,
tho English peer ordered his butler to
bring hint a bottle of fine wine 100
yeare of age, "n ray of sun shut In
IIo opened It carefully and offered
a glass to tho marquis, snylng, "If you
deem It worthy tho honor, will you
drink In this wine tho health of the
Tho marquis tasted the wine. "How
do you llko It?" asked tho host. "Ex.
qulslte," replied tho marquis. "Then,'
said Lord Beverly, "finish tho glass.
Only In a full glass can ono drink tho
health of bo great and so unfortunate
a king." Without hesitation tho mar
quia did as ho was bidden. Only when
tbo Englishman tasted the wlno him
self did ho learn that what bo had
forced on his guest was castor oil.
The Gtory of cn Ecrly Portrait of
Frith by llimj?lf.
Ilcre Is the unitisl.i,: hlstn-y of one
of Filth's own por.ralt.f (-..tinted by
himself. Tho celebrated nrtlst had
entirely forgotten Its existence until a
friend cutcred his studio In London
one morning nnd asserted that a capi
tal picture of himself wns on view In
a Small shop In Grcnt Portlnnd street.
"It's not a bit llko what you nro now,"
observed tho friend, "but It mny have
resembled you somo years ago. Go
and look at It."
Mr. Frith went and found his own
imago after nn estrangement of forty
five years. IIo determined to buy It.
though ho hnd not tho faintest recol
lection of having painted It. "Ah, a
portrait!" said Frith to the woman in
charge of the shop nftcr he had pre
tended to examine several other works.
"Whose likeness Is that?"
"That," said tho lndy, "Is a portrait
of the celebrated artist, Frith, painted
by himself."
"Why, he must be an elderly man,"
put In the nrtlst.
The woman remarked that he was
young once.
"Humph!" quoth tho genial Frith.
"Not much of a picture."
To this the woman demurred and
nsked 20 for the canvas. It wns
Frith's turn to appear surprised.
"Well," replied the shopkeeper with
out luovlng a muscle, "It cost us near
ly as much. We shall mnke a very
small prolH. You see. It Is very val
uable because the artist is deceased."
"Decrased!" exclaimed the astonish
ed painter. "Dead, do you mean?"
"Yes, sir; died of drink. My hus
band attended the funeral."
Frith bought the picture, but did not
revive for some time.
Didn't Startle Her.
A certain prominent New York busi
ness man Is known as a "high roller."
"A chandelier fell In the night at his
house." explained one of his friends,
"nnd in tho morning at breakfast ho
said to his wife, with a laugh:
" 'What did you think, my love, when
you heard the chandelier fall In the
dead silence of the night?'
" 'I thought, darling.' his wife an
swered, 'that you had been detained
on business again nnd wns getting up
stairs as quietly as you could.' "
An Easy Winner.
George Ham of the Canadian Pacific
railroad Is the greatest Canadian mix
er. He usually entertains nil the visit
ing English Journalists and statesmen
who come to look over Canada.
Once a party of dignified English
Journalists came over, nnd nam met
them at the dock ut Quebec. Ono was
a particularly dignified representative
of the Loudon Times, much Impressed
with his Importance.
"George," said a friend who was
with him, "you'.ll never be able to
make a dent on that man."
Hani looked him over. "I'll bet you
a dinner,", tie said, "that he'll be call
lng me 'George' before midnight."
At 0:30 that night Hniu called up
his friend. "You lose," Ham said.
"He has not only called me 'George,'
but he now has his arm around my
neck and Is calling me 'Georgtc.' "
Philadelphia Saturdny Evening Post.
The Tattered Flag.
A eeueral on his return from tho
wars showed his family a regimental
flag tattered, torn anu riuuieu wuu
bullets which he had personally cap
hired from tho enemv. On the follow
ing morning tho trophy was to bo
presented to tho commander m cmer.
When ho called for the flag his Indus
trious wlfo brought It to him smiling
ly and, presenting it to mm wuu a
look of proud satisfaction, said!
"James, I sat up all night mend
ed the flag, nnd now see, It looks al
most as good as new!"
To be bright and cheerful often ro
nulres nn effort. Thero Is a certain urt
in keeping ourselves happy, and In this
respect, as in others, we requlro to
watch over and manage ourselves al
most as If wo were somebody else.
Sir John Lubbock.
Ho Would Need It.
A professor of chemistry in a med
ical collego was examining his class
and asked the question, "Suppose you
were called to attend a patient who
bad swallowed a heavy doso of oxalic
add, what would you administer?"
There was sllcnco In the room for
somo seconds, for nono of the pupils
knew the answer.
Finally tho youngest of the students
murmured as a sort of suggestion rath
er than a solution, "Spiritual consola
o u
Theso nrtlclcs and Illustrations must not
be reprinted without special permis
John Hcnpeck when ho took a wife
Thought that meant happiness for life.
Hut wedlock often turns out wrong
llecauso n woman's tongue's too long.
And then her mother would chin In,
And round her tongue would spin nt htm.
So John got henpecked night and day
And sought to tako his life away.
Determined on sad suicide.
wnen laincs wmspereu irom mo wpon,
"Why don't you show your true man-
nooa :
You surely have a punkln head
If by tho noso you may bo led.
Why don't yon play a trick or two
And show those torments who's who?"
Just then John saw nn oaken plank
That reached unto the other bank.
Ho loudly laughed: "I'vo got 'cm now!
Just watch me stop their bow, wow,
I'll simply fix that oaken plank
Where they cross o'er to yonder bank,
So when they go to Aid society.
Where scolds nnd gossips aro almighty.
They'll get a ducking good and deep.
My, won't I laugh to hear 'em weep?
I'll let 'em soak awhllo In there
Until they get more debonalre."
Now, soon they camo around tho turn,
Those women who had words to burn.
And when they got out on tho plank
Tip! Splash! "Murder!" In they sank.
The bank right there was very steep.
The creek Itself was also deep.
They stood on tlptoo to their chin.
So even yelling chance was slim,
While John, who hid across tho way.
Rejoiced to hear those two scolds pray.
O Lord. Just get us safe to shore
And we'll not scold John any more!"
You bet he worked tho hero bluff
When he was sure they had enough.
And. though this happened long ago.
John Btlll Is their great, brave hera.
No need to spilt a scolding tongue;
No need to amputate a lung;
No need to throw a half ton brick;
Just let 'em drop Into tho creek.
Q. How can I get my roostera to
grow their new tails In time ,for fnll
fairs? I have lost, tho ribbon twice,
because my birds had molted out their
tails and were knocked by the Judgp.
.V. About six or eight weeks before
the fair gently pull the tail feathers.
Q. Please tell me at what price
squabs sell. My homers do not seem
to know how to build a nest that will
keep their eggs from rolling out and
breaking, now can I prevent this
loss? A. Price of squabs depends on
quality, size and season. The rich do
not object to 0 per dozen for fine
birds. At seaside resorts they pay ns
high as $4.50. For cold storage you
get from $2.25 to $2.50. Wholesale
winter prices run from $3 to $4. Pro
vide earthen bowls for nests nnd egg
breakage will cease.
Q. Will you please Inform me how
to stop the blood when a cock's comb
has been cut off? A. Obtain a soft
feather length of wound and cover the
raw surface. This will at once stop
the blood. Keep bird by himself until
wound heals.
Q. How can I stop egg eating? A.
Feed the egg fiends nothing but egg
shells until they get a surfeit. This
invariably cures.
Q. Can bacteria penetrate an egg
shell? If so, which Is more apt to
contaln germs, a fertile or Infertile
egg? A. In a recent test at tho Pas-
lour Institute nearly half of the fer
tilized eggs contained bacteria, while
the Infertile eggs wero free from
Q. What has been your cxperlunee
In crossing the different breeds of tur
keys? A. AVo have found cross bred
turkeys not so vigorous ns pure bred
and more susceptible to disease.
Q. Where may I secure n copy of
tho new "Standard of Perfection?"
Will It bo tho criterion for Judging nt
next winter's shows? A. Tho now
"Standard" will not be out until after
show season Is over. The old "Stand
ard" will be used by Judges and Is for
sale by the different poultry Journals.
Don't let your turkeys loaf over on
tho next' farm nnd eat the feed nnd
then expect to claim them without op
position In tho fall.
Don't trust to luck and neglect to
lock your plant at night. Those open
coops will bo visited by Skunk, Wea
sel & Co.
Don't give up a good Job and go Into
the poultry business thinking It's n
Don't let mice multiply under the
brooders nor rats feast on your chlckeu
Don't let pheasants run where the
trees are yew. Yew leaves are poison
Don't nllow hens out whero "red dev
ils" run. They will run over them Just
for fun.
Don't expect your trado to be Im
mense In size when you fall to regular
ly advertise.
Dou't let tho bogs eat tbo turkletB up
nor keep tho chicken killing pup.
2 yli
jilt ,
Pigeons, like cows, need salt, and
the English make the following mix
tureSalt Cat that furnishes (hem tho
salt needed and n splendid tonic be
sides. It's a standard:
Salt Cat. Dry pulverized yellow
clay, one peck; fine nlr slnked lime,
one-half peck; oatmeal, one-half peck;
fino charcoal, one-half peek; mealed
oyster shell, onc-hnlf peck.
Add four ounces each of ground
anise, enrnway, cumin nnd coriander
Mix thoroughly, then add for each
half gallon of mixture one-hnlf pint of
water, two tablespoonfuls of Douglas
mixture nnd a heaping handful of line
Keep the lumps before birds at nil
times or pulverize for hopper.
"Boys will bo boys," und they do llko
pets, and their favorite pets arc chick
ens. Boys are gradually leaving Bantams
for tho larger breeds, which simply
proves they nre getting more practical.
A boy writes us: "I nm selling off my
Sebrlghta nnd Intend to buy White
Wynndottes. Bantams nro pretty, but
I wnnt chickens I can mnke money
Another writes for n rooster nnd
says: "I used to have rabbits arid,
guinea pigs. I sold them and bought
Game Bantams. For three years now
I have been keeping White Hocks nnd
Dottes and I have been saving the
money from eggs and culls nnd have
$15 In the bank.
"I hnvc paid my feed bills, and
mother uses all the eggs she wants,
besides n chicken sometimes."
Here's n third letter that Isn't Just
so pleasant: "I am reading your 'Notes'
every week and keeping them all.
Please let me know what to do for
that rough scab that gets on my roost
er's legs. I like chickens and want
to be a fancier some day, but Just
now I am fighting It out all alone.
"My parents won't help me at all,
but I work hard, and my chickens have
paid their bills right along."
Now, Isn't It a pity this last boy's
parents don't know a good thing when
they see it. Hope your boy isn't "fight
ing It out all alone." Hope you're In
terested In his pleasures and employ
When our birds droop their wings
nnd pant ou the roost we chase them
Into the yards for the night. The dew
freshens them and In the morning they
nre bright and lively.
We find metal roofing on poultry
buildings a pretty hot proposition. Tar
roof the same. They retain the heat
so long. There Is nothing bettor than
cedar shingles.
AVhcn you tako up a breed Its pop
ularity must bo considered or you will
be stranded with a lot of birds you
can't sell. For meat, eggs and fancy
the Wynndottes and Bocks aro now
the rage.
Tho drought In many sections the
last season made oats very light.
Thresher could blow this light stuff
out, but as they nre paid by tho bushel
It ls carried to the granary. Buy oatn
by weight this year and be suro your
horse and hens nren't cheated with
Interest In poultry culture Is shown
by the organization of now poultry
associations everywhere. Tho Blooms
burg (Pa.) association Just organized
with 100 members, tho Sunbury or
ganization held Its first show last year
with 700 entries, while ihe L'ewlsburg
association, only two years old, has
the largest membership In Pennsyl
vania. These three associations aro
within an hour's rldo of each other.
Whon a watchdog gets very little
meat It Isn't much of a Job to bribe
him with a pleco of round steak. It's
better to feed your dog cheap meat
than to raise chickens for thieves to
Twenty-seven thousand bens, 30,000
young stock and B,000 ducks aro
housed ou tho farms of a Lakowood
(N. J.) poultry company. They aro
buying up adjolnlug farms and open
ing egg stores In the cities. Don't say
"Do chickens pay?"
At coruhusklng It Is poor economy
to let green corn and nubbins lie Mi tho
field unless hogs follow tbo buskers
and clean them up.
If turkeys clean up this yellow corn
yellow diarrhea' will clean them up
and you'll clean up no yellow coin.
So many pigeon breeders allow tho
droppings to accumulate and cake on
tbo loft floors.
If you Intend to raise chicks on tbo
Kama ground next season, lime tbo sur
face well, plow it under and sow
wheat Itoll this smooth and keep the
chickens off till It Is well grown.
Holland, known ns North nnd South
Holland, forms part of the northern
part of the Netherlands. Theso prov
inces nre composed of land rescued
from tho sea nnd defended by Im
mense dikes. Holland was Inhnbltcd
by tho Bapvt In Uie time of Cncsar,
who made a league with them. It be
came pnrt of Gallia Belgicn and after
ward of tho kingdom of Austria. From
the tenth to the fifteenth century It
was governed by counts under the
German emperors. Hollnnd was nt
ono time n Dutch republic. It was
created u kingdom In 1800, and IxhiIh
Bonrtparto, father of Napoleon III,,
was declared king.
He I trust you have forgiven mo
for not recalling your name the other
evening, although I remembered your
face perfectly.
She Oh, yes; but my name Is such
a plain one I should think yoa would
linvo remembered It quite as readily.
He Not at all. Your name Isn't
half as plain a cr beg pardon; your
face Is much more aristocratic than
your I mean to say that your namo
Is harder than
His Mental Incapacity.
The Court So you ask divorce from
this man on the ground of mental In
capacity. What proof have you that
he's Insane? Tho Woman Who said
he wn insane, your honor? Tho Court
Why, you say he Is mentally Incapa
ble. The Woman Yes; Incapable of
understanding that I'm boss.
Enthusiasm Dulled.
"Don't you feel ns if you would like
to leave footprints In the sands of
time?" asked the ambitious citizen.
"No," answered Mr. Crosslots gloom
ily; "out where 1 ll"o tho mud Is eight
een Inches deep, and I don't feel as if
I wanted to see another footprint as
Ions I live." Washington Star.
Is Your Blood Pure?
Does your head feel heavy and ache?
your throat dry, nose stopped up and hot,
no appetite, little chilly feelings creeping
along the spine, hands hot, feet cold,
tongue furred, eyes burn, you feel sick all
over liver ieit mis way oeiorer
You are bilious. Nio it in tho bud: do
the right thing first. Promptness will work
wonders. Start using Smith's Pineapple
and liutternut Pills, take two to four at
bedtime, ouwon t need anymore; they
will cure you in a night. Don't wait till
you get down on your back, then it will
take longer, but, even then, these pills will
work wonders. I hey promote the harmo
nious action of the stomach, liver and
Get a bottle of your dealer today and
take them home with you and use them
when you experience any departure what
ever from a healthy standard. They will
make your blood rich, red, pure. Physi
cians use and recommend. They form no
habit. You should always keep them on
hand. These little Vegetable Pills will
ward off many ills.
To Cure Constipation
Biliousness and Sick
Headache in a Night, use
(BUTTERNUT J Diseases ot HZHz
Headache and
PILLS ixzssszs p-y
CO Tills In C.ln Vial 25c All Healers.
For Sick Kidneys
Bladder Dl&eaws, Kheamatlim,
the one best remedy. Reliable,
endorsed by leadlnjr physicians;
safe, effectual, Heaults lasting.
On the mar Vet 18 years. Have
cured thousands. 100 pills In
original Klaus package, 0 cents.
Trial boxes, 60 pills, 05 cents. All
druggists seU and recommend.
Buss for Every Train and
Town Calls.
Horses always for salt
Boarding and Accomodations
for Farmers
Prompt and polite attention
at all times.
Drawing-Room Buffet
Sleeping Car
Scranton and Pittsburg
, via
Fenna, R. R. Irom Wilkes-Barro
Leave Scranton at 5:30 P.M. daily
except Son. arrive Pittsburg 7 A.M.
Leave Pittsburg at 8:50 P.M. daily
except Sat, ar, Scranton 9:50 A.M.
Berth reservations can be made
through Ticket Agents, or
Div. Frt. and Tana. Agt.
Scranton, Pa. 15ei20
Kn.Anmr.I. Ilovn. Into of Damnscus, Pn.
All persons Indebted to snld citato nre noti
fied to mnku Immcdlntc payment to tlie un
dersigned ; nnd those lmvlnc claims Against
the said estate nro notified to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
lloyds Mill, I'n.. April lit, Administrator.
Hcislo M. Hector v. Claud J. Hector.
No. 70 October Term lln. I.lbcl In Divorce.
To CI.AUII J. HKlTOIl You nre hereby
required to appear In the said court on the
third .Monday of June next, to answer tho
complnlnt exhibited to the Judpo of said court
by Jlesslo M. Hector your wife In the cause
above stated, or In default thereof a decree
otdlvorcu ns prayed for In said complaint
may be mnde nculnst you In your nbsenc
.M. I.KK IlKAMAN. Att'y. Sheriff.
CJustnve Klcemnn v. Claire Klectnan.
No. 31 October Term, 1!W9. Llbei In Divorce.
To CLAIKK KLBKMAN: You nro here
by required to appear In the said Court on
the third Monday of June next, to nnswerthe
complaint exhibited to the lu dec of said
court by fiustnve Kleemun. your husband,
in the cause nbove stated, or in deruult there
of u decree of divorce as prayed for In said
complaint may be made against you in your
absence. M. l.KlillllA.MAN.
Searlo A- Salmon. Att'ys. herlff.
Honesdale, Pa., March 25. 1911). KeoiU
O HEAL KSTATK.-llv virtue of process
issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Wayno county, and State ot
Pennsylvania, and to mo directed
and delivered, I have levied on and
will expose to public sale, nt tho
Court House In Honesdale, on
TIIimSDAV, MAY 5, 1010, a I M.
All of defendant's right, title and
Interest In tho following described
property, viz:
All that certain pleco or parcel of
land situate In tho township of Pal
myra, county of Wayne, and State ot
Pennsylvania, hounded and described
ns follows, to wit: Beginning at a
post on tho side of the public road
leading from Hawley to Honesdale;
thence along said road south
seventy-two and one-half degrees
east twelve and one-half rods
to a plno tree; thence south twenty
six degrees east four and three
tenths rods to a post; thence by lands
of George Atkinson north sixty-seven
and one-half degrees east thirty-sir
rods to a heap of stones hy a chest
nut tree; thence north twenty-two
and one-half degrees east one
hundred nnd thirty-three and one
half rods to a stones corner in line
of lands late of Russell Daniels;
thence along said line of land south
sixty-seven and one-half degrees west
seventy-seven and one-fourth rods
to a post on the berme bank of tha
Dolaware & Hudson canal; thencs
along said bonne hunk of the canal
its several courses nnd distances to a
stake near and below iock numbered
32 on said canal, and thence along
the lands of the Del. & Hudson
Cnnal north 16 and one-half degrees
east 3 and eight-tenths rods to post
corner; north 55 degrees east 2 rods
to post corner nnd north 36 degrees
west 14 rods to place of beginning.
Containing 45 acres and 76 perches.
See Deed Book No. 89, page 257.
About 6 acres of above lands are
Improved. Upon same Is two-story
frame house and two small frame
Seized and tnken In execution aa
the property of Mnrie B. O'Donnell
at the suit of F. L. Tuttle. No. 27S
June Term 1909. Judgment. $172.60.
Mumford, Attorney.
TAKE XOTICK All bids and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
M. LEE BRAMAN, Sheriff.
Honesdale, Pa.. Apr. 9. 1910.
JN IES In compliance with Sec
tion 3, of the Uniform Primary Act,
page 37, P. L., 1906, notice is here
by given to the electors of Wayne
county of the number of delegates
to the State conventions each
party Is entitled to elect, names of
party olllces to ho filled and for what
offices nominations are to be made
at the spring primaries to be held on
1 person for Representative In
1 person for Senator in General
1 person for Representative la
General Assembly.
2 persons for delegates to the State
1 person to bo elected Party Com
mitteeman in each election district.
1 person . for Representative la
1 person- for Senator In General
1 porson for Representative In
General Assembly.
1 person for Delegato to tho State
1 person to be elected Party Com
mitteeman In each election district.
1 person for Representative In
1 person for Senator in General
1 person for Representative In
General Assembly.
3 persons for Delegates to the State
3 persons for Alternate Delegates
to the. Stato Convention.
1 person for Party Chairman.
1 person for Party Secretary.
1 person for Party Treasurer.
Petition forms may be obtained
at the Commissioners' office.
Petitions for Congress, Senator
and Representative must bo filed
with the Secretary of the Common
wealth on or before Saturday, Mar
7, 1910. Petitions for Party offi
cers, committeemen and delegates to
tho state conventions must bo filed
at the Commissioners' office on or
boforo Saturday, May 14, 1910.
Georgo P. Ross, Clerk.
Commissioners' Office,
Honesdale, Pa., April 4, 1910.