THK WKATIIHH On Friday, fair weather nnl considerably lower temperatures will prevail, and on Saturday fair. CttKCtt Scml-Weekly Founded Vj Wayne County Organ ' of the j REPUBLICAN PARTY j J o J J .1 J Ji jt 1908 Weekly Founded, 1844 J j & o jt jt k j t jt j jc 67th YEAR. HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1910. NO. 12 CHIT IE MIES Identity of All Whom Gon gers Bribed to Come Out. TWO ARE DEAD ASSEMBLYMEN James W. Osborne, Counsel For Accusing Senator, Declares That Bridge Companies Raised Corruption Fund. Albany, X. Y Feb. 10. It is posi tively stated that the efforts of Repub lican senate leaders to Ueep secret tlie names of tlie legislators who got $5, 000 of the Conner bribe fund will prove futile and that even if Scnntor Bonn Conger or Hiram G. Jloe arc not asked for the names while they are on the witness stand they will be made known nevertheless. Two of the alleged receivers of bribes are assem blymen now dead. Until today It was generally sup posed that the $4,000 envelope was handed to a very prominent member of the assembly, but it now appears that lie got one of the $1,000 envelopes and Senator Allds the other, while the JAMES W. OSBORNE. He Is Chief Counsel For Con ger In Senate Bribery Inquiry. $4,000 envelope went to nn individual an assemblyman, who divided it among some of his colleagues. It Is also Inti mated that besides this $0,000 there wns another $1,000 involved in this transaction nnd that members of the assembly were not the only ones who participated in the distribution. Hiram G. Moe, the ngent of the Conger brothers in the bribing of Senator Allds, continued on the wit ness stand under the cross examina tion of Martin W. Littleton of counsel for Senator Allds. Mr Littleton went sharply nt the witness as to the extent of his knowl edge that Allds nnd the two other assemblymen were bribed by the Con ner $0,000 fund. Mr. Littleton asked him if he thought he was doing an honest act when he lugged a boodle fund to Al bany to bribe legislators. Mr. Moe uld It never occurred to him that he was a party to nny bribery proceed ing. He brought the money to Henn Conger's room on the morning of April 23, 1001, and at the lutter's direction, witness said, he put money in three envelopes first the $4,000 parcel, then the two envelopes containing $1,000 each. "And yon mean to say that you tucked these envelopes carefully In your pocket nnd went to the capltol with Henn Conger, not knowing the purpose for which this money was to be paid?" asked Mr. Littleton. Mr, Moe professed that he did not know. "Didn't It ever occur to you or your conscience when you were handing out $0,000 what the jnouey wns for?" insisted Mr. Littleton. Mr. Moe said: "I wondered." Mr. Littleton had Moe describe hU visit to the capltol with Henn Conger on the eventful morning the legislative session of 1001 wound up. Mr. Moe told of going to the nssenibly entrance nnd handing the $4,000 envelope to the member designated on the envel ope; then going to the corridor front ing the assembly room with the second envelopo nnd Anally belug Introduced to Senator Allds by Senator Conger nnd of the trio proceeding around the jissemhly corridor to the ways nnd means epinmitteo room. During Moe's recital of his distribu tion of the three envelopes tho Identity of the member alleged to hnvu been given the second $1,000 envelope wan nearly revealed. Mr. Osborno lnter oosed an objection iu time to prevent Mon from giving that nwny, nun wns not followed up. Moo said he never knew that the $0,000 of the $0,500 Frank Conger had sent down for Henn to have distribut ed in the assembly wns for bribery purposes until Henn told Moc that was the purpose while Moe and Henn were on their way home to Groton. Asked If It was the bridge compa nies' money or Frank Conger's money tha Moo took to Albany, witness said he wasn't sure, but thought It was the bridge companies'. "Isn't it n fact," asked Mr. Llttle nn "that th bridge comoanles mot In Syracuse In 1001 and raised n corrup tion fund?" Mr. Osborne jumped up and object ed, but Mr. Moo had already an swered: ."1 uever heard of it in my life." Mr. Osborne then said. "I think I would be prepared to concede that a corruption fund was raised." lie ad mitted that the bridge companies had raised a corruption fund, but said it was raised at Syracuse in 1003 and not in 1001. "Yon mean that Senator Conger's companies raised the corruption fund?" continued Mr. Littleton. "Oh, I will give you tlie names of all of them in It if you wnnt me to," replied Mr. Osborne. , AFTER COLD STORAGE MEN. New Jersey Judge Charges Hudson County Grand Jury on Conspiracy. Jersey City, . J.. Feb. 10. Supreme Court Justice Francis .7. Swayze charg ed the Hudson county grand Jury re garding the law of conspiracy ns af fecting packers, railroads and cold storage companies In their reputed regulation of food prlees. The Judge outlined the meaning ot conspiracy and told of laws bearing upon conspiracy to create high prices of necessities. He continued: "If the evidence renders it probable that the object of accumulating food stuffs and holding in cold storage was' j,ient Kelr Hardie. tlie Labor member merely to enhance the price to public I of parliament for Merthyr-Tydlll, re injury an Indictment would be proper, ferring lo the speculations in the J he gist or the crime or conspiracy is the combination; it Is the illegal agreement that constitutes the crime, but it has been decided that an indict ment can be found in this state when the conspiracy Is found (n anotho" state If it can be proved that nn overt act wns done here by some of the con spirntors." Prosecutor Pierre Garvin summoned mnny cold storage men before the grand Jury, nnd it is reported that' In dictments will be found. THAW TO HAVE A HEARING. Court Appoints Referee to Take Testi mony on His Removal. Nyack, N. Y., Feb. 10. Supreme Court Justice A. S. Tompkins has handed down his decision denying the application made by the attorneys for Harry K. Thaw for Thaw's discharge from custody. The second part of the motion made by Thaw's nttorneys was to have him removed from Mattenwnu to some other hospital on thu ground that Matteawan asylum is not a proper place for his delusions. It is chnrged that Thaw does not have proper treat ment by the olllcers in charge of that institution and that his health Is Im paired by his confinement there. These charges, says Justice Tompkins, should be carefully investigated, and he ap joints William Van Anice of Orange county as referee to take testimony and report to the court. AMELIA GLOVER DEAD. Former Stage Dancer Was Noted For Her Beauty and Grace. New York, Feb. 10. Amcliu Glover, tho dancer, who was famous tweuty years ago for her beauty and grace, died at the home of her Bister, Mrs. II. A. Ludlam, in this city. For years Miss Glover wns ono of the stars of John Hussell's comedians, an organization that was as celebrated as Hoyt's companies or the various llnrrigan productions. Miss Glover worked as a member of the Kusaell aggregation with such well known stage folk as William Collier, May Irwin, Dan Dirty, Theresa Vaughn, David Wnrfleld. Ignncio Mnrtlnelll, Joseph C. Miron, Nat Goodwin and Kate Castleton. Some of the shows that Miss Glover appeared In were "The City Directo ry," "About Town," "Natural Gas" and "We, Us & Co." INEZ MILHOLLAND FREE. Not Clear That 8ho Fomented Trouble Amonn fitriklnn Shirt Waist Girls. New York. Feb. 10. Tlie ense oH Mfss Inez Mllhollaud, the Vassar law student, who was arrested by Captain Domlnlck Henry on the charge of in citing disorder among striking shirt waist making girls, was dismissed by Magistrate Hcrrman In the Tombs court on, motion of District Attorney Whitman. Mr. Whitman said the testimony ngnluNt Miss Mllhollaud was not suf ficiently strong to warrant placing her on trial. lAMIUIIHbttbMMii Rritkh Premier Horinc tn Take the Helm Again. CONFIDENT OF ENOUGH VOTES. He Assures Redmond That Licens ing Clause In Budget Affect ing Ireland Will Be Modified. Loudon, Feb. 10. At the conclusion of the cabinet meeting today l'rime Minister Herbert Asqulth went to Hrightou for nn audience with King Kdwnrd. It Is reported that Mr. Asqulth has decided to again take olilec as pre mier and is coulldent of being nble to carry out his program in the house of commons. As a result of the elections the Lib erals In the new parliament will have a majority of six over the Unionists, a majority of forty-six iu the event that the Labor members co-operate and a majority of 128 when the Irish Na tionalists vote with them. John Hedmoud, the Irish leader, has been assured by the premier that the licensing clauses of the budget which affected Ireland will be modified In the new finance bill. The Labor conference, at which the parliamentary committee of the Trades Union congress, the General Federa tion of Trades Unions and the Labor ' party are represented, resumed its i session at Newport, in Monmouth shire. In the course of his address as pros newspapers In regard to the policy of the Labor party In the new parlla ment, said that nt all costs the party must maintain complete freedom of action both in the house of. commons' and in' the constituencies. The treatmenftmeted out by the Lib erals to'-,thu Laborltc candldnten dur ing the elections, snld Mr. Hardie. was not of a Sind to predispose tlie Lnborites 'toward any friendly rela tions with the new governmeut. The nntlhouse of lords policy of the Liber als, as far ns It had been disclosed, continued Mr. Hardie, did not Inspire the Lnborites with overmuch confi dence in their intentions. The policy of the Labor party to ward the house of lords, declared Mr. Hardie, was set forth on June 10, 1007, by a resolution inviting the house of commons to sweep the house of lords into oblivion. For that reason, he con tinued, the Lnborites have only an academic interest in the difference of opinion disclosed by the Lnborites as to whether the second chamber should lx elective or should continue to be hereditary. JOHN REDMOND RE-ELECTED. Irish Nationalists Exclude O'Brien and Healy From the Party. Dublin, Feb. 10. At n private meet ing here attended by sixty of the new ly elected Nationalist members of par liament John Itedmond wns re-elected chairman of the Irish party in the house of commons. Tho olllcinl report of the meeting coutnlus no mention of the party's prospective relations with the govern ment, but gives the text of a resolu tion, which has the effect of excluding Messrs. O'Hrlen nnd Healy and their followers from the party unless they are admitted by a subsequent resolu tion. SERIOUS CRISIS IN SPAIN. Moret Cabinet Resigns King Tells Pope Concordat Must Be Changed. Madrid, Feb. 10. The cabinet, which was organized on Oct. 21, with Senor Moret y Prendergnst, the Llberul leader, as premier, has resigned, caus ing a serious crisis. King Alfonso Is consulting leading politicians in re gard to tho situation. Dllllcultles have arisen between the crown and tho Vatican. The govern ment Is supporting' the crown in re gard to n modification of tho concordut. Till, luitlil ri.f'i.ntlv fli.lf1rnu.enri o vintf. - f - ' - --.. ..l. uw.w to King Alfonso through tho nuncio at Madrid, with a view to preventing tho status of the relations between Spain and the Vatican being in any way annulled. In reply to this King Alfonso said that a modification of tho concordat was possible at thu present time and that as a constitutional monarch he had to bow to the wishes of his people as expressed by the government. Second Operation on General Wood. Baltimore, Feb. 10, A second opera tion has been performed on General Leonard Wood at the Johns nopklns hospital, aud he is reported to be 'lulnir well. CONGRESS AGAINST COURT. Judiciary Committees of Senate and House Deny Jurisdiction. Washington, Feb. 10. The Judlcliiry committees of the senate and the house of representatives, acting sepa rately, reached the conclusion by unan imous vote in each Instance that the supremo court of the district of Co lumbia, acting through Justice Daniel Thew Wright, exceeded Its Jurisdic tion in summoning the members of the joint committee on printing to ap pear and show cause why a writ of mandamus should not issue requiring that committee to award a contract for supplying paper for the gowrn inent printing ofllce to the Valley Pa per company of Holyoke, Mass. The case is unusual, and congress Is anxious to have the Issue settled. The court's action grew out of the receut award, of contracts by the Joint printing committee for supplying paper to the government printing of fice. The Valley Paper company of Holyoke wns the lowest bidder, but the joint committee declared that the bid was Informal and throw It out. Thereupon the Arm got from Justice Wright a writ of mandamus to com pel the committee to make the award. MRS. SAGE SHOWERS GOLD. Gifts Aggregating $350,000 to Charl- j tics In the South. Galveston, Tex., Feb. 10. Scattering money in every direction where the recipients are deserving, Mrs. Itussell Sage and a party nre now speeding through Texas on their way to the Pa cific coast. In the last week she has distributed , more than $.150,000 In various towns ' In the south. She gave $75,000 to the I hospital at Kl Paso, Tex.; $45,000 to ! MRS. RUSSELL SAGE. She Lavishes $350,000 In Gifts to Charities In the South. charities in New Orleans, J20.000 to nn orphan asylum in Uvalde county, Tex., nnd $25,000 to n tuberculosis sanitarium nt Hracketsvllle, Tex. At Del Hio, the Home For Homeless Children is richer by 515,000, the sanl tnrium nt Boerne has received $10,000, and Pecos has been given $15,000 for it hospital for consumptives. All along the route welcome pres ents have been distributed, although the amounts in most cases are not so large. More than a score of charitable societies have experienced the wealthy widow's beneficence, nnd very many small organizations have been enrich ened by gifts of from $500 to $5,000. Iu the party besides Mrs. Sago are Major Slocum and his wife. They nre traveling in the private car Convoy via the southern route to California. PEARY TO BE REAR ADMIRAL. ' Senate Promptly Passes Bill to Retire Him With That Rank. Washington, Feb. 10. The senate by unanimous vote and without debate passed the bill Introduced by Senator Hale to promote Hobert K. Peary, the explorer, to the grade of rear admiral of tho navy nnd place him on the re tired list. Tho advancement will place Com mander Peary In the list of senior ad mirals, niftl he will receive $0,000 a year lit pay. President Tnft stands ready to approve the bill. It has al ready been approved by Secretary Meyer. ABDUL HAMID FRENZIED. Deposed Sultan In a Straltjacket to Prevent Suicide. Constantinople, Feb. 10. Abdul Ha mid, the deposed sultan, who Is a prisoner In a villa at Salonika, was seized with a violent paroxysm of frenzy nnd attempted to strangle him self with n silk handkerchief. He was finally subdued after a se vere struggle, during which he knock down one servant who tried to ulet him and bit the finger of an other. It wns necessary to place him In a straltjacket In order to prevent hi in from taking his life. b ST. rl REPLY TO IREIJUB r. i f a. -i I Disnop Cranston Challenges : r I ArPnnKnnn Ffir rrfinf I aiuiuiaiiup iui num. DEFENDS ROMAN METHODISTS Says It Is Hard Task to Justify Pope's Action In Refusing to Receive Former Vice Presi dent Fairbanks. Washington, Feb. 10. In a vigorous Interview here the Itight Hev. Karl Cranston, bishop of the Methodist F.plscopal church, takes Issue with statements made by Archbishop Ire land growing out of the refusal of the pope to grant an audience to former Vice President Chnrles W. Fairbanks. He denies emphatically some of the archbishop's statements with refer ence to it he work of tho Methodist Kplscopal church In Home. "I have read what Archbishop Ire land had to say of the Fairbanks Inci dent," snld Hlshop Cranston, "and he is doubtless the best man who could have been put forward to save the pope's face In this country. If he had been pope at Home he would probably have managed better than the present Incumbent. "In his attempt to square the beha vior of the pontiff with American Ideas of religious tolerance the arch bishop has a hard task, but he ought to know that to say 'You're another' j and to start east with doubled lists lsj not the dignified way to go about it. 1 It will not sntlsfy fair minded Amerl-1 cans to say that Mr. Fairbanks was to . ... . . , ... ., mmii-an u iifiuiftuij ui iit'i milium nuic-i ., , , - , , tics on Sunday and therefore could not be received by the pope on Mon- day. for, the archbishop's word to the , ' .. . ' , . contrary notwithstanding, we have an American congregation ns well ns an Italian In Home, aud Mr. Fairbanks i .i i ... .iu.,, u VUIIIIIIIUI .Ft alitor' car hi their ow.i niaee of -oi .!. both parties having a standing which' the pope did not give nnd cannot tnke away. Kven had they been a dlsrepu-i table lot to whom Mr. Fairbanks sjioke, the precedents of the Vatican do not Indicate that high moral tests nrn invariably applied to persons who nre granted audience at the Vatican. Mr. Fairbanks both taught and exem-1 pllfled true Catholicity. "Nor will It do to say that for the pontiff to have received the distin guished American under the circum stances even as they are narrated by the archbishop would have meant an Indorsement of the 'pernicious' propa ganda of that 'Methodist association.' "Millions of Americans firmly be lieve that the Roiimn hierarchy has used not merely 'pernicious,' but cruel and pitiless, ways of making and hold ing proselytes, but what American ever dreamed that when a president of the republic received nn archbishop, a cardinal or even a papal legate In audience that he was thereby sanc tioning the teaching or preaching or methods of the papal prognuda or giving countenance, say, to the claims of the papacy, which conlllct with the kingdom of Italy, or to the pope's con tention with France? "If the archbishop's reasoning Is valid, diplomacy must at once ex clude many people who have been fre quent callers at the White nouse lest offense be given to friendly nations. "Hut the Vatican sends out a new explanation. The pope ennnot receive any one, however distinguished, who docs not while in Home behave ns a Catholic. That Is consistent. In words nt least, as Home understands them. And the pontiff Is said to regret Soth Low's too early backsliding In speak ing to a Protestant nssenibly after be ing received. Could he have been properly advised?" Discussing Archbishop Ireland's charge that the methods of tho Meth odists In carrying on the work In Home nre "dishonorable." Hlshop Cranston said: "I challenge him to give specific data. Wo will agree to match every specification with counter evldenco to show that Home does not know the meaning of the word the archbishop has so glibly used when proselyting methods are fairly compared. Tho short of It all is that tho Methodist Kplscopal church has dared Invade papal countries with Protestant Ideas." With reference to the allegation that Methodist Italian literature la full of misrepresentations, Hlshop Cranston said that tho Methodist board of for eign missions would not put out a false representation of any system. Naval Officer In Divorce Suit. New York, Feb, 10. Supreme Court Justice McCnll has granted a divorce to William Guy Peck, a Wall street broker, from Bessie Cannon Peck on the ground of her misconduct with a naval olllcer Iu Washington. I "111 NAMES DR. HYDE. fhat Millionaire Swope Was led by Poison. :lty. Mo., Feb. 10.-Dr. Hen- Pett GVSujHydo ims been held respon- the dean, of Thomas n. SwP- T1,e coroner's Jury took thin nctlon, declaring In a verdict that the . Ilim,0.mlrc nhl,nnt,ir(m,st t.ame to his death as the result of strychnine administered under the orders of Dr. Hyde. Whether death was caused with fe lonious intent the Jury did not attempt to determine. Its work consisted of telling the manner of death. Virgil Conkling, county prosecutor, refuses to tell his plans. It rests with him whether there shall be an arrest. Three persons who would have shar ed In the distribution of Colonel Swope's estate, estimated at $0,000. 000, have died, and Illness has at tacked six others. Those who died were Colonel Thom as Swope, Jumes M. Iluuton, a cousin, and Crlsman Swope, a nephew. Those who were ill of typhoid were Marga ret Swope, a niece: Lucy Swope, a niece; Mrs. Margaret Swope, a sister-in-law; Stuart S. Fleming, a nephew; Sarah Swope, a niece; Miss Dixon, a cousin. BARONESS DE FOREST ELOPES. English Beauty Leaves Husband For Lieutenant In Life Guards. London, Feb. 10. The wife of Baron Arnold de Forest has eloped with Lieutenant II. C. S. Ashton of the Life guards. It is said that the elop ers hurried to Gibraltar, boarded a steamer and are now on their way to New York. Ashton Is a noted horseman, popular in tlie Kuglish army set. The baron and baroness were married Feb. 11, 11)0-1. She Is the only daughter of th second Harou Gerard and a goddaugh ter of the late Lady Uosebery. Before , . . . . marriage she gained a reputation as nn . . . equestrienne, was devoted to sports , . , , , , ,, , , aml' "V"8 ' ' I acco,np,IsI,cd' w"8 a 'avorAlto lll , , , Maurice Arnold, baron de Forest, la thirty-one years old, two years the senior of the baroness. He wns adopt ed by the late Baron Hlrsch, his moth- , . , , .. - ' . .. . .. can. When ar.tyiiiirsL'ti uiea tx ForestSvas created, a 'lTemlitairy baron of the Austrian empire by Emperor Francis Joseph. THREE BURNED TO DEATH. Tenants of Upper Floors of Bank Building Penned In by Fire, Williamsport. I'a., Feb. 10. Three lives wore lost aud three buildings In the business part of Jersey Shore, fourteen miles from here, were de stroyed by tire, with a property loss of $50,000. The dead are A. L. Dravenstadt, Williamsport; Mrs. A. L. Dravenstadt and the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hlchnrd O'Connor of Jersey Shore. Mrs. John Sterner, who received a fractured skull, Is not expected to live. She and her husband occupied apart ments iu tlie building of the National bank of Jersey Shore, and the fire originated In a hallway on the second tloor. Tenants of the upper tloors were hemmed In by flames. FLYNN STAYS TEN ROUNDS. H Has Advantage Over Sam Lang- ford In a Rough Fight. Los Angeles, Cal., Feb, 10. Sam Langford failed to stop Jim Vlynn In a grueling ten round tight .t Nand Junction, near here, and Flynn would have received a decision If one had been permitted. The light bristled with foul work. Both men butted with their heads and wrestled In and out of clinches. Lang ford landed ninny heavy blows on the white man's head, but he could not score a knockdown, and before the battle was half over Flyuu had the Boston negro on the defensive. Iu the second round Flyuu butted Langford over the left eye and opened a deep cut. At the end of the seventh and ninth rounds Langford wns pinned against the ropes Iu his own corner and was hanging on to save himself. Flynn's best work was doue at close quarters with body punches, and at the sound of the final gong he had an advantage. Langford says he received a rough deal from the referee, who failed to recognize Flynn's fouling. YOUNG WOMAN A FIREMAN. Daughter of Russian Ex Minister Makes Good at St. Petersburg Blaze. St. Petersburg, Feb. 10. The sonie what eccentric daughter of M. Errno leva, cx-mlnlster of agriculture, has Joined the city lire brigade to get ex- i perlence that will ennble her to form a ilro corps of women. She has Just proved her mettle by working alongside the firemen, wear ing a fireman's uniform, engaged la quenching a fire. She scaled a ladder with agility, mounted to tho roof of the burning building and worked hard. erdioliJ HlulKIII i KartS&E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers