t TJIR CITIZKN, FRIDAY, JANUAHV 21, 1010. REPORTS TRACE OF ANDREEJ ARCTIC Missionary Tells of Eskimo Tribe Which Had Rope and Instruments SAY THE EXPLORERS STARVED Another Story It that Andree Party was Killed In Fight and Balloon Belied Came Out of the Sky In a "White House." Winnipeg, Man. Bishop Pascal, who has charge of the Diocese of Prince Albert, which embraces the sub-Arctic country to the north of that city, brings back with him a story of the finding of traces of the balloon In which S. A. Andrce, the Swedish explorer, attempted to drift across to the North Pole. One of his missionaries reported to him that while working among the Eskimos of the Arctic region ho mot a tribe which had some of the plundor of the party with thom. These na tives had In their possession a quanti ty of rope of a quality which they could not get In barter from the ships which enter the Arctic sea. When questioned the Eskimos told that many years before they had come across two white men who came down out of the sky In a "white house." These men had aftorward starved to death and the natives had seized upon the balloon, the cordage of which they converted to their own uses. Bishop Pascal Instructed the missionary to return and get further details. This Is the second story of this kind which has come out of the frozen north. A Hudson Bay factor has the same report in a somewhat different form. His story Is confirmed from the London office of the company, where it was sent in official dis patches. According to the factor, an Indian arrived at his post on the up per Churchill In 1900 from an extend ed trapping and trading trip along the borders of the Arctic ocean in North ern Canada. The Indian told of hav ing met a party of Eskimos who had with them a number of brass insiru ments of different shapes, a quantity of metal fittings, which they had util ized in making hunting gear; several cooking utensils and much cordage and fine waterproof cloth. He had en tered Into communication with thom and learned something of where thej got their strange treasures. Several years before they had been hunting on one of the islands of the Arctic Ocean, and one day they be held a peculiar apparition in the sky. It resembled a huge "oomiak," or woman's boat. When it finally landed three men stepped out. They started to approach the natives, who were in a state of terror and made a hostile demonstration. One of the white men fired a gun and a fight followed, in which the natives were victorious, killing all three of the wanderers. The Eskimos stated to the Indian that they had not intended killing the three white men, but that in their terror they made signals for them not to approach. One of the whites, not understanding, took these signals as a sign of hostility and opened fire. FISH EATS OFF OWNER'S HAND. Pickerel Trained to Perform a Num ber of Aquatic Tricks. Superior, Wis. Police Sergeant O'Brien has at his home a large aquarium In which he has a pickerel a foot and a half long that Is said to have been taught, among other things, to eat out of the hand, to jump through hoops and to do other tricks. The fish has a strange history. Sergt. O'Brien purchased it from a fisherman at Wisconsin Point several weeks ago. It was taken home, whero it was decided to keep it for future eating, and to keep it fresh it was placed In water again, apparently dead. On Inspection in the evening Mr. O'Brien found tho gills of the pickerel moving and that It was possessed of life, The fish was soon able to swim n little. A tank was secured for It, and It has since become quite a pet of tho family. The fish weighs about eight pounds. APPLES AS LIQUOR CURE. Iowa Physician Says They Kill Taste for Drink. Des Moines, Iowa. Dr. Samuel Bailey, of Mount Ayro, and a promi nent member of the National Medical Society, before the Stute Horticultur al Society declared that applo eat ing kills the taste for cocktails and other strong drinks. He says It is the meat eaterR who become addicted to strong liquor, and that fruit eating should be encouraged as a solution of the liquor problem. Tho society Indorsed his theory. ONION BIN A POOR BANK, Farmer Had Not Told His Wife and She 8old Vegetables and Money. Antlgo, Wis. Thinking It about aa safe a place as any, William Jackson, a farmer of Rulling, put $20 In cash and a $30 check in a cellar bin and covered them with onions, but failed to toll his wife what be had done. Ha tare it no more thought until bo learned that his wife had sold soma of tho onions. Search revealed the fact that tho money was gone and now he la look ing for It amoac bis customers. TISIl THAT IS XOT AFUAID. Tike Parted nt n Stan's Hand An other Hit ii Fisherman's Arm. The boldness of a pike Is very ex traordinary, writes an angler. I havo seen one follow a halt within a foot of the spot where I havo been standing; and tho head kcopor of Richmond Park, England, assured mc that ho was once washing his hand at tho side of a boat In' tho great pond In that park when a pike made a dart at it and he had but Just time to withdraw it. A gentleman now residing at Woy b rid go In Surrey informed mo that walking one day by the sldo of the IUvor Woy near that town hd saw a large pike In a shallow creek. He immediately pulled off his coat, tuck ed his shirt sleeves and went Into tho wator to Intercept the return of the fish to tho river and to endeavor to throw it upon tho bank by get ting his hands under it. During this attempt the plko, find ing he could not make his escape, seized one of the arms of the gcntlo man and lacerated It so much that the wound is still very visible. Random Shots. I shot an arrow into the air, it fell In the distance, I knew not where, till a neighbor said that It killed his calf, and I had to pay him six and a half (JC.50). I bought some poison to slay some rats, and a neighbor swore it killed his cats; and, rather than argue across tho fence, I paid him for Joliars and fifty cents ($4.50). One night I set sailing a toy balloon, and hoped it would soar till it reached the moon; but the candle fell out on a farmer's Btraw, and he said I must settle or go to law. And that Is the way with the random shot; it never hits In tho proper spot; and tho Joke you spring, that you think so smart, may leave a wound In some fellow's heart. Em poria (Kan.) Gazette, Where the "Good 1nns" Were. One of the mottoes which, though good, are rarely applied, is "A place for everything and evorything.in Its place." A writer In tho Dundee Ad vertiser tells of a London cab-driver who seemed to think that affairs were ordered after this pattern. As ho sung down the Strand, an Ameri can sitting beside him asked him to point out the spots of interest. "Right you are, sir!" agreed the driver, touching his hat. "There's Luggit 'ill, where they 'ang "em." A little later, "There's Parliament 'ouses, where thoy make the laws wot does It, across the way. An' thero's Westminster Habbey, where they burled tho good 'uns wot didn't get 'anged!" One TliinR He Could Not Have. Although there was no sort of toy which could be bought and for which Harold had expressed a desire that was not in his possessions, he still had his unsatisfied longings. "I know what I wish 1 was, mother," he said one day, when his ownbig brother had gone away and the lit tle boy across the street was ill. "Yes, dear," said his mother. "Perhaps you can be it, Harold; mother will help you. Is it to play soldier?" "No, indeed!" asld Harold, scorn fully. "I Just wish I was two little dogs, so I could play together." Important Personage. A King's coachman Is a personage of no small importance. Certainly tho coachman to her late Majesty Queen Victoria had a befitting sense of the dignity and rcspopclblllty of his position. On the occasion of the Jubilee of 1SS7 he was asked if ho was driving any of the royal and Imperial guests at that time quartered In Buckingham Palace. "No, sir," was his reply. "I am the Queen's coachman; I don't. drive the riffraff." London Chronicle. Cliine.su Pirates. Piracy Is no new thing In the wa ters around Hong Kong. As long ago as the thirteenth century thq island of Hong Kong was a piratical stronghold, and for centuries tho Chinese government was unable to drivo tho sea robbers out. All craft passing what Is now Hong Kong har bor wero compelled to pay tribute. Tho higher elevations of the Island served as lookout stations, and no boat that approached was permitted to loavo until It had paid toll. Improving .Mini Dogs. Boston has a hospital for the treatment of dogs suspected of hav ing rabies, and several cases have boon improved, though tho vetorlna ries do not say thoy havo cured the dogs of hydrophobia. They have merely improved some dogs suspect ed of the disease, Worcester Tele gram. The Modern .Mother. Madam to tho nurso maid, who has Just brought homo her four chil dren from a walk) Dear me, Anna, how changed tho children look since I last saw them! Are you quite sure they are the right ones? Fliu gende Blaetter. Only a Slight Error. "Thoy done what thoy should have done," remarks a New York poltlclan' who has a careless stenog rapher. Probably he really said "should have did." Philadelphia Ledger. Quick-Working Machinery, tn a single mlnuto a machine which cuts up wood to make matches will tura out 40,000 "splints," as they art called, RAISES TAKEW00DPECKER3 Trained to Transform Ordinary Rock Maple Into Costly Bird's. Eye. Bangor, Me. After having Bpcnt more than sixty yean? and moro than $10,000 In hunting bears and studying tho ways of wild creatures, Urccnlcaf Davis of Mount Katahdln has begun to ralso tamo woodpeckers with the purpose of using thom to convert ordi nary rock maples Into the rare and costly wood known as bird's-eye maple. Mr. Davis Is more than eighty. It haB been Mr. Davis's belief that no creature should be kept In captiv ity moro than a month. Ho has two crows, one moro than thirty years old, which have stayed by him and never sought tho society of their kind. Two robins lived with him for three yeara. His great success, however, has been won with woodpeckers, of which ho now has nearly one hundred. Most of them are the red-headed sapsuckers, which pick round holes In tho bark of trees. Ho passed weeks In his grove watching the result of the wounds which the birds inflicted on the bark. As the scars healed he noticed that there was a bright red spot left on tho wood directly below tho wound. It occurred to him that as the mark ings of bird's eye-maple were due to red spots in the wood, and as nobody had ever been able to account for them, It was possible that this variety might owe Its origin to the work of woodpeckers. By mixing anta which ho sifts from the sand with a paste formed from elm bark boiled down to a thick bat ter he can smear the trunks of thrifty maples with such food as the wood peckers require, and while they are getting a meal from the bark their bills are boring new holes in the trees and transforming ordinary maple, worth no more than $12 a thousand feet, into bird's-eye maple that sells anywhere from ?50 to $60 a thousand. DOGS DRUNK ON AUTO FUMES. Pittsburg Curs Not Mad but Merely Exhilarated, Like Joy Riders. Pittsburg. The Pittsburg Police Department, after an exhaustive in vestigation, has decided that the al leged epidemic of hydrophobia among dogs here is little more or less than a plain case of drunkenness among the dogs drunkenness through the fumes of gasoline escaping from automobiles. Cnptain of Police Ford declares he has discovered the dogs became drunk Hko the chauffeurs who speed. Both get Intpxlcated, he oay3, on gasol'ne fumes. Tho Captain explains that there is a habit prevalent among chauffeurs of drinking gasoline. The fumes from this oil exhilarates the im biber and gives him nerve to clip curves and corners. The dog acquires the gasoline fume drunk habit through running after automobiles. The dog then gets into the same class as the gasoline exhilarated auto drinker and doe's wild and ungovernable things. The dogs are not mad; they're drunk, says the Captain. 161 FLIES AS EVIDENCE. Proof Insufficient, Judge Decides Case Against State. Sheboygan, Wis. How many flies must the State offer before it can se cure conviction if 1G1 flies found in a cheese vat are insufficient as evidence to convict a cheese factory owner of keeping unclean premises. This is a question which Stato Dairy Inspector E. L. Aldorhold is now asking. He recently brought proceed ings against a cheesemaker at Ply mouth, and when the case was called before a Justice, Mr. Alderhold drew from his pocket a little box and turn ed it over to tho court as exhibit A. Tho box contained 101 flies and Mr. Aldorhold swore that he picked them out of a cheese vat In the defendant's factory. After all the testimony had been taken and evidence presented tho Jus tice decided against the State. To add to Mr, Alderhold's humilia tion at losing after he believed he bad a clear case, the decision of tho Jus tice was lustily cheered by the towns people and farmers present. MARRIED MEN WANTED. Logan County Land Owners Will Rent No Property to Bachelors. Springfield, 111. "No unmarried men need apply," Is the sign that ha3 been hung up by the land owners of Logan County, who are renting their farm lands. The movement has thrown the young men into a panic, and it is said moro engagements have been announced in the vicinity of At lanta since tho plans were started than in the same periods In half a dozen years preceding. Other young men inclined to balk at tho matrlmon lal proposition aro departing for other sections. Jokes When About to Be Embalmed Terre Hauto, Ind. As nn undertak er Btarted to prepare the body of Ed ward Murphy for burial the supposed dead man arose in bed and yawned I feel better after that long sleop," be said. Murphy had been in coma ten hours and an invalid a long time. The undertaker soon was recalled, for Mur phy died after Joking with the om- balmer. Woman Bhoea Oxen. Throo Lakes, Wash. Mrs. Mary Johnson of this city earns a good in come working at her trade of shoeing oxen, Bo expert has she become that she is able to nail shoes on the hoofs of ten oxen tn one hour. Tor that burst of speed she recelres $T.M, or seTCBty-Sre cents for each ox. A Bad Break. "Mushlelgh, the actor, made n bad break nt his wedding to-day!" "Hnw was that?" "Aftpr Ihn ceromonv his friend pressed round him and congrntulate him bo carneatly that Mushlelgh re quested tho minister to perform tin service ov.er again aB an encore!" Madam, Would You Like a Healthy Complexion ? The rosy cheeks, red Hps, and bright sparkling eyes of natural healthy beauty is the only kind that charms. Lotions, washes, paints and po'wders deceive no one. The real Beauty of Health comes only with pure rich blood. What makes pure red blood ? Why, your stomach, liver and bowels all working right. Dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation and biliousness will ruin any complexion. To get rid of these and have the Beauty of Health, the only real Beauty, take Smith's Pineapple and Butternut Pills. They invigorate the blood, strengthen the nerves, and the skin becomes rosy and red, showing the circu lation is normal and active as Nature in tended it should be. Physicians use and recommend. They form no habit. You should always keep them on hand. These little Vegetable Pills will ward off many ills. To Cure Constipation Biliousness and Sick Headache in a Night, use SMITHS trn PINEAPPLE Con tvi n a Vtotv BiUousnvs. iyr-' AND Wiaige&xon BUTTERNUT! Diseases or thtt Stomacft PILLS OO Tills In Glass Vial 36c All Denier. SMITH'S BUCHU L1THIA KIDNEY PILLS For Sick Kidneys Bladder l)lse&es, Khenmattsm, tbo one best remedy. Reliable, endorsed by leading plirldam; safe, effectual. KpmuUr laitlng. On the market IS year. Have cured thousands., 1(0 rills la original glass ptrkace. GO cents. Trial boies.ro pills, Siivnls. All druggists seU aDd recommend. DIVISION AND APPEALS JLt Notice is hereby Riven, pursuant to tho provisions of tho Act of Assem bly, entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the govern ment, payment of tho interest of tho stato debt, receiving proposals for the sale of public works and for other purposes," approved tho 27th day of July, 1S42, that the assessors of the several townships ana boro ughs of Wayne county have made their returns of their assessments for the year 1910, and that the fol lowing is a statement of the aggro- gate values and assessments made by said assessors of the several sub jects of taxation enumerated in the lltli section of said Act of July 27, 1S42, and in tho several Acts sup plemcntary thereto, and of the whole amount of county taxes as assessed in said townships and boroughs. MOXKV St 1551 pa Ml DtSTIUCT VAt. CO TAX. AT 1KT. Berlin t 3fa!I,-778'f 1811 Bethany 43.525 lSI.Otil 11,150 Ituekinsham XC'.Wo l,:fiU.7U St,:(73 Canaan 15j,9K7 IE3.OT !i;uu Cherry Itldge &M.716 mm 11,-soo Clinton KiOiTJ 3,421. tW 3I.2S9 Damascus Md.lfiO S.tMj.?.! 4S.Wi7 Dreher lsw,;a 7!n;su li.ax) Dytierry 1M1.41S 1.137.77 MJKSi Hawley UH,U -'.-ttMX'l MJ,7! lloncsttule 2.21)0.530 S.Nr.V.D, 200,01X1 Lake S1U.820 2,0710 51,212 Ix!liuil01l HO3.40h 1.2I3.U3 31,708 Lehlch 217.W54 H71A' 4.710 .Manchester 32ci,lf lOl.lil 10,73.1 Alt. Pleasant (iU.130 2.450.52 70.300 Oregon 21S.320 7..2S 15.SI1 Palmyra 131,334 52I.1U 2,172 l'aupuck lUJ.GXi 774.78 3,Ki Preston 4II0.225 4.001 Prompton UJ.03U 381.12 30.111 Salem 377.80U 1,511.42 21,585 Scott 17H;iSl 713.52 4,000 South Canaan 201.381 1,015.52 25,000 Starruccu 1U7.H07 431.87 31.137 .Sterling Wi.lSi 744.73 13,521 Toxus 1,100.461 4.425.81 151,582 Waymart 183.200 732.H) 17,785 Notice is also given pursuant to Act of Assembly aforesaid, that the following days and dates appointed for the appeals from, the assessments for tho several boroughs and town ships, havo also been appointed by tho Commissioners of said county for finally determining whether nny of tho valuations of tho assessors have beon mado bolow a just rnto accord ing to tho moaning and intention of said act. Tho Commissioners of Wnyno county, sitting as a Board of Revis ion, have appointed the following days aud dates respectively for hear ing final appeals from tho tri-onninl assessment of 1910 nt tho Commis sioners' olilce, Honcsdalo, Pa,, be ginning at 8 a. in., Monday, January 31st and closing at 2:30 p. in., Sat urday, Feb. Oth: Monday, Jan. 31. Ilonesdale, Orogon, Lebanon, Tuesday, Feb. 1. Berlin, Damas cus, Manchester, Buckingham, Scott, Stnrrucca. ' Wednesday, Fob. 2. Preston, Mt Pleasant, Clinton, Paupack, South Canaan. Thursday, Fob, 3. Lohlgh, Dre hor. Sterling, Salora, Lake, Cherry Kldgo. Friday, Feb. 4. Hawley, Palmyra, Prompton, Canaan, Waymart. Saturday, Feb. E. Texas, Dybor ry, Bothnuy, Persons having & griovanco Bhould try to adjust It with the assessor be fore tho appeals; If this cannot bo done, and It is not convenient to at tend the appeal, write tho grievance and mall It to tha Commissioners' olilce and It will recelvo attention County levy for 1910 is 4 mills and one-half mill for support of non resident paupers. J. B. UANDEVILLE, jr. K. HOIINBECK, T. C, MADDEN. County Commissioners. Attest: Gaorgo P. Boh, Clerk. HMMltlt, T. Markln gthe Santa Fe Trail. Tho famous old Santa Ko trail is to bo marked so that its location will not bo forgotten. The school children of Kansas wcro asked to contribute a penny each to secure suitable markers for this pioneer highway of progress, and 3G9.1GG responded. With this fund tho trail will bo outlined in an cudurlng manner from Kansas City to Santa Fe, 800 miles as the caravans made It, tho time consumed for the round trip being 110 days. It Is be lieved tho trail dates' back to 1510, when a Spanish adventurer led an expedition from Mexico aa far north as Kansasi But It was not until the beginning of the last century that tho American trader and pioneer utilized tho long trail that stretched out into tho wilderness of the new El Dorado. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Where Elephants are Stolen. To steal an elephant would seem to be wcllnlgli impossible. Uut the Urit lsh Consul reports that it is a com mon practice In Siam. There the huge quadrupeds aro employed in the teak forests and frequently disappear. Ono British firm last year bewailed tho loss of a dozen and reported that as many moro wcro stolen from their contrac tors. Another firm lost nine, only three of which were recovered. Aa tho average value of the elephants is about $1,000 a head, the consul natur ally enlarges on tho seriousness of 'he matter. What Is annoying about it Is that tho officials are indifferent iuiu it ono of tho missing creatures is recov ered at all it is only by means of a search party organized for tho purpose. Pinless Chinese. A member of the Chinese legation, clad in splendid pale hued silks, stood before the Casino at Newport. "Pins," he said, "cause untidy habits. We have no pins in China. The right way to fasten things is with buttons and buttonholes, or with loops and frogs. To fasten things with pins is to make use of an untidy makeshift. To employ pins is to be come lazy and slovenly. "Wo havo no pins in China. Cer tain foreign manufacturers shipped millions of them to us in the past, but wo sent them back. We had no use for them. We were too neat." A DOLLAR. SPENT AT HOME Is a Dollar That May Come Back : to Your Purse - Yob Don't Know How Easy It Is To Cook Perhaps your folks are among the few in this town who have never had a taste of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish. Perhaps you are one of the women who have a mistaken prejudice. Perhaps you think that because this is a fish food, it is too much trouble to cook. Perhaps you think that it scents up the kitchen. Please let us point out your mistake. For this is one of the world' choicest foods. And we don't want your family to miss it BEARDS LEYS jf saca cODFlS Nothing Else Half As Good Nothing else half its (food for breakfast or lunch is so easy to prepare as this. Beardsley's Shredded Codfish is ready to cook the instaut yon open the package. No bones to pick out no washing no soaking no boiling. Our patented Shredding Process saves you all that. And it makes the meat fine and fluffy and dainty. This shredded meat cooks almost the minute heat reaches it. Any way that yon serre it, you can have it ready for the table in ins time Ulan it takes to mak coflee. THE PACKAGE WITH THE RED BAND IJ4 1.11k wappr. K prtrTTllT. wkatTtr, mt th Frt aii4 & hi-mH, Alt pkcd la tla !. The Era of New Mixed Paints ! This year operu with a deluge of now mixed paints. A con dition brought about by our enterprising dealers to got some kind of a mixed paint that would supplant CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS. Their compounds, being new and heavily advertised, may find a sale with tno unwary. TJIE(ONIjY PIiAOE IN HONESDAIjK AUTHOHIZIil) TO HANDLE Is JADWIN'S Thoro aro reasons for tho pro-eminence of CHILTON PAINTS. 1st No ono can mix a hotter mixed paint. 2d Tho painters declare that it works easily and has won dorful covering qualities. 3d Chilton stands back of it, and will agreo to repaint,Jat his own oxpenso.ovory surface painted with Chilton Paint that proves defective 4th Those who havo used it are perfectly iatiafied with it, and recommend it um to other. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Thi Kind You lla?a Always BoogM Bears the Signature of MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. For New Late Novelties IN- JEWELRY SILVERWARE WATCHES Try SPENCER, The Jeweler 'Guaranteed nt-tlclcs only sold." Not Like Other Fish Beardiley's Shredded Codfish isn't at all like the old-fashioned dried codfish. There's none of that strong taste. And none oi the odor in cooking. For we use only the choicest fish the plumpest and fattest the finest that come cut of the deep. We get them from Northern waters. Where they attain a superlative flavor. And we take only the best part of each fish the sweetest, most delicate meat Have It Tomorrow New that yon know you were wrong in thinking Beardsley's Shredded Codfish a bother to cook, why not try it tomorrow "fish-day"? Just to see what a delicious breakfast or lunch you will hav. A package will cost you only 10 cents. And it makes a full nieul for fire. There is other codfish in packages. Bnt no other Shredded Codfish. No other kind you will like halt as well as onrs. So please see that yon get Beardsley's the package with the red band. Get ThU Free Recipe Book Ask your grocer for our book of tempting new recipe. Or write ns we will send yon the book, and with it a generous sample of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish. J. W. Beardsley's Sons 474-478 Greenwich St, New York CHILTON'S MIXED PAINTS PHARMACY.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers