TUB CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1010. CORRESPONDENTS' COLUMNS i THE MOST RELIABLE MEDIUM FOR '. SPREADING INFORMATION ! POYNTELLE. Ico harvesting nnd blizzards aro In order here the last two weeks, with the odds In favor of the bliz zards. Tuesday, December 28, I'hilandor Black, of Maplewood, came here, accompanied by the following as sistants: Messrs. Alton Black, Alton Van Sickle, Fred Van Sickle, Fred Bell, Clyde Bell, Elmer Brown, Mnhon Qruinlck and John Bell, all of Maplewood. Thoy arrived here on the noon train and after dinner repaired to Lake Five Mile, whero the Consumers' Ice Company, of Scranton, has an up-lo-date lco plant of twenty thousand tons ca pacity. They proceeded to preparo for business while the telephono was kept hot throughout the vicin ity announcing that Mr. Black had come, as it Is always a sign some thing is going to bo done when he awvears. By Thursday night every thing was in working order. Next in order was to organize a working force, which Mr. Black proceeded to do with his usual dispatch, as follows: Alton Black, In charge of the field; H. C. Wolff, of Orson, feeding the plane. Ho proved tho right man in the right place, by pushing up twelve thousand cakes in eight hours. I. W. Hlne was on the planer; Lafe Bennett of Win wood, on the gooseneck; Nick Bart- leson of Orson, tending friction; Alton Van Sickle, carpenter; John Bell, filler; H. W. Sanford, of Orson, ex-Superintendent of the Poyntelle anu Orson Ice company, as general utility man; Floyd Phillips, of Win wood, timekeeper, and, last, but not least, Tom Smith, of Orson Thus organized, with seventy-five . men and eight teams, all were work Ing like clock-work when Mr. Davis, general manager of the company, came up from Scranton last Monday and sent Philander Black to Maple wood to look after their ice cutting there, leaving Alton Black in charge here. He is getting good results, considering tho adverse weather he has to contend with. Last Saturday one of the men who was towing a float of Ice through tho channel got onto the float to clear away slush Ice that bad collected In front of it, and, being unable to distinguish whero the float ended or the slush ice began, made one step too far and went down amongst the floe. One of the other men came to his assistance. Ho went to the shanty and dried a little and was soon back to his post, none tho worse for his bath. One of the horses broke through while plowing, but wns soon hauled out. The Poyntelle and Orson Ice Co. Is operating on Summit Lake, with Henry Sheldon superintending tho work, but are handicapped by tho weather, which has been close to zero some days. INDIAN ORCHARD. Friday's snow storm blockaded the roads in many places in this vicinity and but few teams were seen on them to-day. All of the men from this place who were working on the Ice for tho Borden's, returned home on Friday morning. They expect to return on Tuesday next. John Miller and wife, of Hawley, were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Jos. G. Swartz on Sunday last. Grandpa Miller, who has been making his home with Mr. and Mrs. Swartz, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Levi Ostrander of Atco. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Bayly spent Sunday last with That) Wood and family of Boyd's Mills. W. C. Spry of tho Old Bed Bock Farm, attended tho annual meeting of the Big Eddy Telephono Co. at Cochecton on Tuesday last. This is becoming ono of the greatest com panies in this part of the Union. Fred .Marshall and William Mo loney of Laurella, wore business ca, lers at Earl Ham's on Monday laBt. Mrs. It. E. Bayly, of Laurella, was a visitor at the home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bay Bayly, last week. John Clemo, of Waymart, was in this vicinity this week buying fat stock. Fred Swartz visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ostrander, of Atco, the early part of tho week. William Oliver of Genoungtown, was a caller at A. M. Hcnshaw's on Wednesday last. O. W. Troverton, who has been working in a sugar plant in Michi gan, haH returned to his home. C. C. Gray of Honesdalo, nnd F. Taylor of Cherry BIdge, visited In dian Orchard Grange on Wednesday evening last. Pomona Grange will meet with the Indian Orchard Grange on Thursday, February 10th. A good as well as profitable tlmo la antici pated. II, II. Crosby spent Thursday last with John and William Perkln of Englchart. Nettie Ham, of Honesdale, spent Saturday and Sunday with her fath er, Thomas Ham. Lowis Gray has been hauling wood for Wm. Ives, of Beach Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Marshall of Beach Lako, spent Friday last at A. M. Ilenshaw'B. Misses Florence, Maymo and Mar garet Malonoy, of Laurolla, were i pleasantly entertained nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. David Olvcr on Sun day, the Oth. Ollff Trevorton, a student cf tho Honesdale High school, spout Satur day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trevcrton, of Beach Lake. The Bethel school contemplates holding an entertainment In tho near future. H. H. Bunnell and Fred Swartz were business callers In tho vicinity of Beach Lake on Friday last. A, M. Henshaw and grandson, Leon Toms, drove some fat cattle to Hawley on Friday last. Tho Honesdale and Texas Poor Directors met at tho Almshouse on Friday. Wo are all glad to learn that they have reappointed Mr. Bun nell for stewart. A. M. Henshaw and W. H. Mar shal .were calling in the vicinity of Forest Lake on Friday last. STERLING. For the past week or two sleigh ing has been excellent, but now more snow is coming and we certainly have a regular old-fashioned, Democratic winter. Many have Improved the sleigh ing by laying in a good supply of coal. On account of the measles many are not attending the high school this week. All our sick are on the mend so far as we are aware. Miss Annie Simons Is dressmak ing for Miss A. M. Noble, who soon expects to go to New York City to attend a wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Yates are nicely settled in their already fur nished house. Congratulations. The boys have "had a cigar" and so are happy. In fact it has been too cold and disagreeable to enjoy a goon "sklmelton." The Republican party will hold their caucus on Saturday evening at the Odd Fellows' Hall. Chester Stevens left for Scranton to-day with a load of eggs for J. E. Cross. Thirty-live cents per dozen Is a pretty good price for that article. Thomas Musgrove has been on the sick list for several days past, but expects to lie able to servo as juror all this week. The Grand Army men very con siderately choose the 13th for their installation exercises and also din ner. Most of the members of the Post were present and after a pub lic installation Rev. W. E. Webster delivered an address that was care fully prepared and also well receiv ed. Still a number of us fa.l to see where General Uobt. E. Leo was either a christian or a patriot. In fact we think he was, In every sense or the word, a rebel. Remarks were briefly made by Hev. F. L. Hartfor and M. A. Gilpin. John Bird, of Madisonville, spoke at some length on intemperance, and we agree with him that that Is the ques tion of the day. Hev. J. H. Boyce kept all in good humor and the pu pils of the High school furnished the music. Tho meeting was well attended and was certainly a decided success. Mrs. W. E. Webster Is visiting her parents near Waverly, N. Y. Hut Williams delivers two full two-horso loads of merchandise every week for J. E. Cross. BETHANY. Vinlng Cody returned from Honesdale Wednesday. Mrs. Volgt, of Honesdale, spent several days last week with her sis ter, Mrs. Ernest Bodie. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Clemo, of Car bondale, spent part of tho week with tho former's mother, Mrs. Kate Clemo. Rev. Cody spent Sunday in Fac toryvllle exchanging pulpits with Rev. Pimm. Miss Addle Jennings is very seri ously ill. Mr. James Johns Is able to be out after his recent accident. Quito a number nre expecting to attend the Sunday School convention nt the Baptist church in Honesdalo on Thursday. Keith Sutton is seen out most overy day in his comfortable sleigh and fur robe enjoying tho sleighing. Mrs. Jasper Faatz, of Scranton, was a visitor at tho homo of Judson B. Faatz on Saturday. Tho Aldenvlllo M. E. Ladles' Aid served a fine dinner nt tho parsonago on Thursday. Asa Kimble, wife and son, were callers at E. W. .fiammoll's on Sun day. James Henshaw bought a carload of Hme last week and the farmers of his neighborhood wero busy hauling it to their farms. George Henderson has made a good recovery from his recent acci dent. Jasper Faatz, of Scranton, Is thinking of purchasing tho Ward place. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Many attended the funeral of Mrs. Franklin Bodie at Prompton on Wednesday. The annual donation for Rev. W. B. Slgnor will take place Thursday evening, January 20th, at tho par sonage. All are welcome. Mary R. Gilchrist and Howard Johns, pf Forost City, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Johns. HAWLEY AND WILSONVILLE. Mrs. Edward Hardier, who lives on tho hill, la quite sick nt this writ ing. Stanley Crnnc called nt Wilson-1 vlllo on Sunday night. Friday's deep snow fall made a log-weary return trip from work for the many pedestrians who are em ployed In Hawley's various factories and live nt Wllsonvlllo and Tnfton. Some of the mill girls did not go to work on Saturday. Last evening's excitement was a runnwny horse owned by Gottlclb Walter of Hawley, driven by his young daughter nnd her girl friend who wero seen to drivo toward Bono Itidge. Shdrtly afterward the horse and the unoccupied sleigh returned. Your correspondent hns not learned what became of tho young ladies. Another recent excitement nt Hnwley occurred in Atkinson's lum ber yard when tho owner, Harry J. Atkinson, wns bitten by a dog. Tho wound wns given proper attention and he soon thereafter went to New York. The dog wns also sent there to ascertain if there is any Sign of rnbics. Mrs. Peter Daniels, of Lakcvlllc, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. George Helchelbeck, at Wilsonvllie last week, returning homo on Sun day. Verna Bennett, who has been liv ing with Mr. and Mrs. Keesler at Tafton Corners, went to the Kohl man House at Hawley, on Saturday to assist Mrs. Kohlman. Mrs. Brlgham, of Port Jervis, came to Hawley first of tho week to see her physician. Dr. Cattcrall, who attended her during her illness when hero on n visit to her parents Christmas week. Wm. Watts and two gentlemen friends, enjoyed a sleighridc to Robinson's Pond on Sunday. E. Degroat, fireman of Wall & Murphy's saw mill, at Seelyville, has moved on the Purdy farm at Fowlertown since work in the mill Is suspended for the present. Julia Compton, teacher of the Tafton school, went to her home at White Mills on, Saturday. Marina Jrinisn entertained a guest from Hawley on Sunday after noon. George Teeter made a business trip to the county seat on Tuesday. Most of the caucuses of both par ties for the nomination of borouga and township ofilce3 will be held. on Saturday night. It is every Amori can citizen's duty, who is a voter, to go to the po'f-3 aud vote. No actioli is in reality as bad as wrong action By staying away we give the op- portunity to the bad men In politics to control tho nomination and eleo tion of the officers, thus driving good men out of politics. The vot ers themselves aro to blamo for this londitlon of affairs. Do your duty and you probably will have no cause for complaint afterwarus. After a sickness of only three days with diphtheria Miss Ella Kelley died on Friday at her home on the West Side. She was aged 15 years and the funeral was held on Saturday. Several cases of the dreaded disease are reported to be at Hawley. Lena Miller, who livos on the east side, Is very sick. Several accidents have occurred while coasting on the hills near town. Mamie Maloney was thrown from her sled, breaking her knee cap. Nicholas Butler cut a gash In his leg which required several stitches to close it up. 'THRUST DAGGER IN MY HEART' SHE ASKED. Pittsburg, Jan. 15. "Thrust a dagger through my heart three times, to make suro I am dead. Let my body lie ten days, cremate It then and bury the ashes in Alle gheny Cemetery," were the written Instructions found beside tho deaa body of Laura White, a spinster, sixty-five years old. Miss White was always regarded as a pauper. The body was discov ered early to-day at a place whore she lived alone in a room with' five locks upon the door. Tho body was In n condition indicating that who had died days ago. Police found in a trunk In the poorly furnished house bank books and a will disposing of 7 100,000 to local charitable institutions. Can celled checks in the woman's cloth ing ranged in amounts from 17 cents to $1,000. Real estate held by the woman is located In Indiana, Montana and California. Tho will found by tho pollco makes special request that "compe tent medicinal authority examine her body for ten days" to ascertain to a certnlnty that death had oc curred. The sum of $50 was left for this service. The doctor stab bing her heart three times is to recclvo J 20. OLD ENOUGH, ANYWAY. Tho "scientists" hnvo generally computed tho ago of tho earth at 100,000,000 years. Now comes Professor Davis, In a lecture deliver ed a day or two ago at Lowell, Mass., asking us to lop off 40,000, 000 years, leaving our planet "only" 00,000,000 years old. By tho way, It is interesting to know that Venus which Is now as "Hesperus, load lng tho starry host," blazing In our Southern sky with Incomparable effulgence, and Is rapidly approach Ing a brilliancy that will enable it to present the rare phenomenon of visibility by day was an "old thing" when the earth waB born from tho whirling elements of "chaos nnd old night." No ono need dispute Professor Davis's calcula tions by which be corrects the In- significant error nbovo alluded to. Ho Still leaves tho earth old enough for nil practical purposes nnd n good ninny millions of years older than most people Imagined it to be. But, as we read of tho almost ln calcuable aeons nnd distances which are Involved In the myBterlcs of tho unlvcrso ns rovcaled to us by those Who nro wise abovo what Is Written, wo cannot but be impressed with tho force of Young's npothegm, "An undovout astronomer is mnd." IS THE WILL OF THE LATE HENRY C. COLE A FORGERY? THIS IS THE QUESTION THAT MUST HE SETTLED. Henry D. Cole's will offered for probate Is disputed. Register of Wills E, M. Gamtnell hns to decide whether the paper which is before him for probate is the will of Henry D. Colo of Waymart Is a forgery or the slmon pure document disposing of his estate. Mr. Colo was a pros perous farmer and left an estate, amounting to over $5,000, his real estate being valued at $2,500 and personal about $3,000. When Mr. Colo died letters of ad ministration were taken out by nnd the bond signed by John Senscnstlne who is a brother of Cole's second wife. About three weeks ago Mrs. Cole claims to have found a will which she claims is thnt of her late husband, In which all the personal property Is left to her. The will was written with lead pencil nnd the writing Is so dim nnd Indistinct that it is not decipherable without the aid of a magnifying glass. This will is contested by Cole's children by his first wife, who claim tho will is a forgery. Register Gammell gave a hearing on Saturday in order that both sides might give what evi dence they had to support their sides of tho case. Mrs. Cole was represented by Attorneys F. P. Kimble and O. L. Rowland, while the contestants were represented by Attorney E. C. Mumford. Senscnstine, who, as above stated, is a brother of Mrs. Cole, and Is the ono who took out the letters of ad ministration and signed the bond, swore that he recognized the will as one made by Colo and that he was present when It was written, saw It executed and signed same as a witness, and that ono Will Bur dlck was the other signer. The will 'was dated August 12, 1907. On cross examination he reitorated this testimony and was requested by At torney Mumford to write on a piece of paper the name oi Henry D. Cole, his own name, tho name of Will Burdick and tho words "Way mart, August 12, 1907." Sensen tino further testified thnt the signa ture attached to the -administrator's bonds wns his own writing. Miss Nelllo Humnicll, of Way mart, testified that she had lived in the Cole family and had seen Cole write his name upon a slate several times for the amusement of the chil dren, sometimes he wrote "H. D. Cole" and other times "Henry D. Cole." Mrs. Burdick, widow of W. B. Burdick, lato of Waymart, was shown the Cole will. She stated after a close examination of the al leged signature of her late Husband, that It was not his writing and that he never wrote it, and called atten tion to the spelling which was "Boedlck" and stated her husband knew how to spell IiIb name which was "Burdick," and that she never knew him to sign his name "Will Burdick," but wrote it W. B. Bur dick or Willard Burdick. William H. Bronson, assistant' cashier of tho First National Bank of Carbondale, said he knew Cole and saw him write Ills name upon the signature card at the bank. Nelson H. Cole, of Scranton, son of tho late II. D. Cole, said ho was acquainted with his father's writ ing, having received several letters from him and had seen his signature on checks. Father's alleged will was shown him nnd after examining it through tho glass said It was not father's handwriting. That nono of It was his father's writing, not even the alleged signature. On cross-examination witness said that his father didn't always write his signa ture "Henry Colo," but sometimes "H. D. Cole." Tho next witness wns George O. Sharp, assistant cashier In tho Mer chants and Mechanics bank, of Scranton, who stated thnt ho had testified on sovoral important cases in tho Lncknwnnnn valley as an ex pert in handwriting, among them being the colebrnted Crnwford will enso In Scranton. Tho nlleged Colo will wns given Sharp, who stated after a cnreful oxamlnntion hnd been made, that it was his opinion that tho body and Blgnaturo of tho will was of ono handwriting, becauso tho letters were practically all of the same slant nnd appeared to bo writ ten by a cramped hand. In pick ing out different letters n compari son was made with tho signature nnd they wero all of tho same slant. "It is my opinion," said Mr. Sharp, "that ono party wroto the body of tho will and signaturo nil nt the samo time. The capital "S" in John Sensenstlne's nnme, nnd whore it appears In tho body of tho writing, In my opinion, appears to bo the Barae." The handwriting of John Sonsenstlno made in court Saturday was given tho expert nnd a compari son made botween tho two. When asked whether tho writing of John Sensenstlne was tho same as that contained In the body of tho alleged Colo will, Mr. Sharp replied that "It Is my opinion that it is," and also tho signaturo of Will Burdick as compared with that of tho body of the will, ho replied, "Is tho samo." Other witnesses called wore Mr. and Mrs. William Klces, of Scrnn ton, tho former n son-in-law of Mr. Colo, and tho latter a daughter. Mrs. Klecs stated that her father had made no will April 15, 1908, nnd hnd seen him many times sltico. Cole told her ho would never make a will. Mr. Klecs corroborated Mrs. Klees' sworn statement and stated that Mr. Cole told him he would never make a will; that It was not very pleasant for him whero he was. faaw him twice since August i, 1907, tho ' date of the alleged will, once In his house nnd once in Scrnnton. Her last conversation with him about tho will was on No vember 23, 1907. The hearing will be continued af tcrHhls week's court. HUMAN LIKE FOR JANUARY.IOIO. The piquant, beautiful face of Elsie Janls greets tho reader on the cover of Human Life for January, and the Issue carries a splendidly Il lustrated story of this very clever little star. A wealth of other good things Is bound between the covers of this number. Alfred Henry Lowls' sec ond Instalment of "Traveling with Taft" is undoubtedly the big maga zine feature of the opening year, and his account of a secret meeting at a certain Boverly cottage last summer is full of surprising disclosures. Rufus H. Glllmore has nn absorb ing story on Mrs. Augusta E. Stet son, the dethroned but still feared and powerful leader of the great Christian Science church which she built in New York City. It Is a re markable story of a remarkable woman. Vance Thompson tells the strange story of the duel waged by Mme. Stelnhell the "Witch of tho Elysee" for her life, In which she matched her beauty, wit and fascination ngalnst a relentless Judge, and won. More wonderful than the "Arabian Nights" Is the story of Joseph Par rott and the building of the great Flagler railroad in Florida, by which It will be possible next February to go by rail to Havana. Julia .Marlowe is the bright partic ular star in this month's series of "Actresses of To-day." The other departments, including The Camera on Folk of the Hour," Celebrities of the Day," "Caustic 'omment of the Cartoon." "Mnilnrn Mortals," etc., are right in step with the march of progress in their chatty, entortaining sketches of people worth Knowing about. PREFERS PRISON TO HOME. Convict Declines to Accept Parole ami Return to Ills Wife. New Castle, Ind., Jan. 15. Rath er than be paroled from the Michi gan City penitentiary and be com pelled to return here and live with his wlfo and support her, Albert Mnrley will remain in prison and serve his sentence, and then be at liberty to do as he pleases. A parole was offered Marley, which his wife had been instrumen tal in obtaining, but the convict pre fers to remain behind prison bars until his sentenco is served. Marley was arrested for wife de sertion, and of his promise to pro vide for his wlfo and children ho was allowed to go on parole some time ago. Later he said ho had evi dence that his wife was unfaithful and Marley returned to prison lifter he violated his parole. Now he pre fers to remain in custody rather than live with his wife. Children and Infant's coats to closo out at less than cost. Mennor & Co. -Advertise in tho Citizen. JANUARY CLOSING OUT SALE --OF-- - - ER & CO, T0 CLEAN Ladies' Jacket Suits. Misses' and Junior Tailor Suits. "Winter Coats and Cloaks. Evening Capes and Cloaks. TJp-to-Date and. Nobby Fur in Muffs, Collars and Scarfs. Real Goods. We have an odd lot of Made-up Waists in Silk and Wash- Goods that we will sell out at very low prices. MENNER & CO. miumitmmtnmimiuiuummntmiuiKHntimmmmmtit THE COMETS WERE DEFLATED. The Honesdale Team find a "Olncli" Last Friday Night, Ha, ha! It was a snapthat game of bnBket ball between the Comets of Carbondalo and the teara of this place. They couldn't eve see the ball when It conies to play with such a powerful team as Honesdale puts forth this season. Tho gamo was plnycd at the High School Gymnasium on Friday night nnd It wns n howling success espec ially to the Honesdalo boys. The score was 52 to 3 in the honor of the High School. Tho home team had their oppon ents simply dazzled during the forty minutes of play and never during "tho game was there tho slightest chance for the boys from over the mountain. The particular stars for tho locals wero Jacobs and Brown, although every member of tho team deserves much credit. The follow ing tolls the tale of woe and the terrible onslaught: r Comets Lewis, Right forward; Williams, left forward; Morgan, center; Davis, right guard; Herbert and Millard, left guard. Honesdale High School Freund right guard; Hlller, left guard; Jacobs, center; Mclntyre, right for ward; Brown, left forward. Baskets, from field Freund 5, Hlller 3, Jacobs, 5, Mclntyro 4, Brown 9. From foul, Williams. Referee, Flnnerty. RUSSIA LEADS WORLD AS A WHEAT GROWER. Washington, Jan. 15. The Unit ed States has lost Its place as the greatest wheat-producing country In the world, and Russia now holds that distinction. Even though last year the total yield of wheat in the United States was next to the largest in the history of America agricul ture only the crop of 1901 having exceeded It Russia last year pro duced the remarkably large harvest of 783,000,000 bushels, or 46,980, 000,000 pounds, which constitutes tile largest crop ever harvested by any country, and 20,000,000 bush els greater than that of the United States. The great yield of Russia for 1909, as shown by the revised official returns, which have just been re ceived by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture, Is the feature of tho grain world for tho year Coming nfter three successive short crops, the great one exceeds by more than 100,000,000 bushels the pre vious record of Russia. Only once before has the wheat I production of Russia surpassed that ' of tho United States, nnmely in i 1904, when the crop here was a par i tlal failure. Now in a year when the American yield Is next to tho largest ever grown In the United States, Russia a second time takes first place. The wheat acreage In Russia has been rapidly Increasing for many years. Last year it was more than 05,000,000 acres. Rye was grown on 72,000,000 acres last year. Rye Is the chief bread grain of Russln, while wheat is the "money crop," about one-fourth of the whole being exported. HOG WEIGHED MOO POUNDS. New Jersey l'nrnier Semis Monster to Market. Bridge'on, N. J., Jan. 15. The largest hog over raised in this sec tion was brought to this city yester day. When dressed It weighed 900 pounds. It wns raised by Henry J. Freas, a farmer living near Aldlne, N. J. It was twenty months old when kill ed, nnd measured seven feet In length, three feet two Inches across the back, and three feet six inches in height when it stood in tho pen. AT - - KEYSTONE STORES. UP STOCK: it
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