THE WEAttHEli 6a Wednesday partly cloudy to fair weather will prevail, aad oa Thursday, general! fair weather. 4P " jP C it P I? JP P K" jc K P it T r T Semi-Weekly Founded k 1908 5 Weekly Founded, 1844 j j ,x j j ji jt jt jt j j , pPn'iPiPppppppPtPK,iPiPir- Wayne County Organ J6 of the , ,1 J RE S tLl'CAN PARTY t a u .a 3 66th YEAR. HONESPALE, WAYNE CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1909. NO. 103 Cttett s His Answer to Bessie De Voe's Suit Is Filed. NEVER PROMISED MARRIAGE. Actress Produces Letters Addressed to "Dearest Bessie" by Young Multimillionaire, Sending Love and Kisses. New York, Dec. 28. Frank Jay Gould has filed his reply to the charges of fraud and misrepresentation which Bessie De Voe, a former stage favor ite, brought against him in her action for $250,000 damages in connection with an alleged promise to marry her. His answer says he never promised to wed the actress and is a general de nial of the accusations. It was not put in, however, until after his law yers had exhausted their efforts to ob tain a further extension of time, which they had previously obtained twice. Miss De Voe's lawyers hold commu nications of a most affectionate char acter alleged to have been sent by Mr. i' I ' ! V MISS BESSIE DE VOE. Gould to Miss De Voe. In number they are sufficient to make a full sized volume. Here Is one of them: New York Yacht Club, Nov. 9. 1908. Dearest Bessie So at last you did write "Frank" perhaps If you keep on writing It that It will come more natural In talk ing I like It any way. I have been so busy with the kids and also about a small dinner I had at the house Saturday even ing that I could not come In. You are as sweet as ever and sweeter, for you wrlto mo when I owe you a couple of answers. Have also been rather put out by some Hhlng I heard about the case (divorce). Will tell you what next time I see you. Flease don't feel badly at anything I said, dear; think I know what you have refer ence to, but please don't. May come over tomorrow 'or little while. Will write more later. Yours as ever, FRANK. In order to qualify himself for the company of n young girl who was an expert dancer Mr. Gould, it appears, took lessons in the terpslchorean art and was nicknamed by his friends in the Seawanhaka Yacht club the "danc ing commodore." In reporting his progress he wrote to Miss De Voe: Flagship Helentta, July 8, 1906. Dearest Bessie Did you see this notice of the "dancing commodore" before? What would I make a week In vaudeville, or had I better go Into the legitimate T Received your third letter this morning, and It made me feel better. Could not come to New York on Monday, but today feel a little better, probably on account of the cooler weather and your note. I certainly miss you very much. You must know that. Bessie, but even If you had been here I could not have seen you. 1 understand their going to send up again to Canada for more witnesses, but there la nothing they can get, so am not wor rying. Much love to you, dear, and re gards to mother. Your FRANK. Address care of Mr. Howard Gould, on board steam yacht Invincible. The reference herein to "their going to send to Canada for more witnesses" Is believed to apply to the lawyers for Mrs. F. J. Gould In her divorce case. Mr. Gould wanted his little daugh ters, Dorothy and Helen, to meet Miss De Voe, "their future mother," so he took them to the Slayback home, as the following letter shows: My Own Dear Bessie I saw- Mr. and Mrs. Slayback last night after dining alone, and Mrs. Slayback wants you to come over next Sunday In time for lunch' and spend the night If you care to. Then Sunday afternoon, as the "kiddles" are .with me, I will bring them up to Seventy-fourth street to call on you. Won't you do this! Say "yes," please. Hadmy photograph taken for you today and hop to have the proofs next time I come over, perhaps tomorrow or Thursday. Am go Ink out with my brother Ed this evenlnc. All my love and kisses to the only Bessie " V l zron br FRANK. GREAT R. B. STRIKE IMPENDS Presidont of Switchmen's Union Asks President Taft's Aid. Minneapolis, Minn., Dec. 28.-Tbe switchmen's strike goes on. The laboi leaders refuse to accept the offer of thu railway managers, and peace ne gotiations are at an end. A general strike of the eleven unions comprising the railway department of the American Federation of Labor ap pears Imminent. Governor Adolph Eberhart admits that his efforts to ad Just differences .between switchmen and railroads have failed. Two thousand five hundred men are directly Involved in the northwest switchmen's strike, but more than 20, 000 coal, iron, copper and iron miners have been laid off between St Paul, Duluth and the Pacific coast because of the strike. It now looks like n general strike throughout the United States. Presi dent Perham of the Switchmen's un ion has gone to Washington to ask the Intervention of President Tuft and the Interstate commerce commission. Traf fic is badly tied up, and many towns are suffering for fuel. Before he left this city President Perham asked Governor Eberhart to appeal to the interstate commerce commission to Intervene to prevent a strike which would paralyze railway traffic between states in the northwest. The refusal of the railways to guar antee the re-employment of every striker within a fixed time is the rock upon which the conference struck. Having delivered their ultimatum dn this point, the railway managers left the office of Governor Eberhart. STOLE TO BUY A HUSBAND. Girl Bank Cashier Jells of Taking $97, 000 For Her Dowry. Chicago, Dec. 28. Angelina Schla vone, daughter of u wealthy banker, was called as a witness In Judge Tut blll's court here and told in detail how she robbed her father's bank of $97, 000. She took the money, she said, so she might give it to her uncle and aunt and cousins, who had promised to pro vide a husbaniTfor her In return. The girl had kept a record of all her thefts in a note book, and from this she read her story of the robbery, , committed while she was cashier in i the bank. "Every day I took some money out of the bank," she said. "The amounts varied from $100 to $500 a day. Most of this I gave to my uncle, some I gave to my uuut and some to Mollie, my cousin. "They promised to got me a hus band. When I got enough of the mon ey to satisfy them I was to take more. Then I was to be married to my cousin." "But were you married?" asked the court. "No," said the girl, pouting. PASTOR AND WIFE SLAIN. Strangled In Their Homo and Minis, ter's Body Thrown Downstairs. Washington, Ind., Dec. 28. The Rev. William Bitter and his wife were found murdered in their home, near here, and the entire county Is aroused. The wife was found lying full length upon the fioor of the sitting room of their country home, her head toward the fireplace and her hair disheveled. She was in her bare feet and had probably made ready to retire when the crime was committed. 'She was choked to death. The body of the minister was found In the cellar, at the foot of the stair way. He had been strangled and thrown downstairs. Both bodies were stiff, and there is no way of telling when the double crime was commit ted. They were last seen alive last Friday, when Milford Ketchum and wife, who had been gnesta of the Bit ters, left the house. GORDON SUCCEEDS M'LAURIN. New Senator Not to Be a Candidate For the Legislature. Jnckson, Miss., Dec. 28. Governor Noel has appointed Colonel James Gor don of Oklahoma as United States sen ator from Mississippi to succeed A. J. McLaurln, deceased. The appointment Is temporary until the legislature can elect a senator for the unexpired term and is made with the understanding that Senator Gor don will not be a candidate for the term. The senator is seventy-six years of age, a native of Mississippi and served with distinction In the Confederate army. JERSEY SENATE ORGANIZES. Frellnghuysen to Preside and Acker min to Be Majority Leader. Trenton, N. J., Dec. 28. At a caucus of the Republican members of the next senate Senator Joseph S. Frellnghuy sen was selected for president. Senator Frellnghuysen 1b the father of the present New Jersey automobile legislation and la a candidate for the nomination' for governor next fall. Senator Ernest B. Ackerman of Un ion was a freed upon ai majority lead en the noon BROKAW CONFUSED Admits He Got Wife's Maid to Spy Upon Her. ALSO THREATENED DIVORCE. Millionaire Reconsiders His Offer For a Reconciliation Made Affidavit Thatjte Has $70,000 a Year. Mlneola, N. Y Dec. 28.-W. Gould Brokaw became confused and proved a bad witness for himself when ho was cross examined In court here In his wife's separation suit. Arthur J. Baldwin, Mrs. Brokaw's lawyer, han dled the millionaire without gloves and trapped him into making impor tant admissions. The lawyer made much of the means by which Brokaw kept track of his wlfo's actions while he was in North Carolina and she was at Great Neck, and he forced Brokaw to confess that the system of espionage originated with Miss See, Mrs. Brokaw's former maid. "Mies See phoned to Dr. Helnckle, and then I later learned what was going on," he replied guilelessly. "So complete was the system that you knew what she did twelve hours after, didn't youV" "Yes." Miss See is the maid who Wood, the butler, testified, was discharged by Mrs. Brokaw after being whipped. Brokaw seemed greatly surprised when Baldwin asked if he ever em ployed detectives to follow Mrs. Bro kaw. Pressed to answer, he said ho didn't remember. He was compelled to admit that fol lowing u quarrel with ills wife at the Hotel Manhattan he declared at a con ference, "I want a divorce." At that time Mr. Baldwin had declnred that Mrs. Brokaw didn't want a divorce. Mr. Brokaw said that he had chang ed his mind about wanting to take his wife back. Although no longer ago than last Friday he was ready to begin over tures for a reconciliation, he declared that he no longer loved the plaintiff and that he would never agree to mak ing up. He had been quite willing to settle the quarrel in good faith, but something he heard the other day had caused him to reconsider. He didn't explain what it was that, he had heard. Mr. Brokaw denied that he had ever accused his wife of flirting with Dr. Chipman, Jimmy Martin, Dr. Pou or any other man. Mr. Brokaw wanted to know if this was not the real cause of the many quarrels between the Bro kaws, and Brokaw declared it was not. Switching suddenly to another line, Lawyer Baldwin, shouting fiercely and shaking his index linger, wanted to know if Brokaw had not been fond of his wife. "Yes, I was," declared Brokaw. "Did you say you were ready for a reconciliation?" "Only what I said in court here." "Tell us what you said In court about taking your wlfe4)ack?" "I said that if Mrs. Brokaw would try to be different and If I could be lieve her under those circumstances I might take her back that Is, under certain conditions, but I did not re view the conditions." "Do you or do you not want your wife to come to you now?" "Under certain conditions I found out the other night no, I do not," stumbled the witness. "You don't want her back ever?" "Not since what I found out the other night. No!" "When this trial began, did you love Mrs. Brokaw?" "I had a feeling for her." Mr. Baldwin forced Brokaw to ad mit that when Justice Jaycox had fix ed temporary alimony'' ho (Brokaw) made affidavit that his Income was $70,000 a year. Brokaw explained that he had made such an affidavit, but did not know the state of bis financial af fairs. Since then he bad learned that his Income was only about $40,000 a year. CLEMENCY TO M'FADDEN. President Permits Him to Pay Hla Fine of $2,000 In Installments. Washington, Dec. 28. President Taf t has approved a recommendation made by Attorney General Wlckersham that Bernard McFadden, erstwhile publish er of a physical culture magazine at Trenton, N. J., who was convicted of sending indecent matter through the malls, shall be permitted to pay bis fine of $2,000 In Installments of $200 a month. McFadden was fined and sentenced to prison. He carried bis case to the United States supreme court, and when that tribunal affirmed his sen? tence he appealed for a pardbn, and the president commuted the sentence by waiving tie Imprisonment on con dition that the toe be paid la fall. 1 BRIDE SEES HUSBAND SLAIN. Rejected Suitor Murders Bridegroom Three Minutes After Ceremony. Strickland, Pa., Dec. 28. Three min utes after he had been married to Miss Rose Lee Butler and as he was about to enter a carriage with his bride Gabriel Den was shot to death by Jos eph Jackson, who had been a suitor for the girl's hand. As Len fell dead at the feet of the bride Jackson turned to the girl and cried: "You are responsible. You pre tended to love me, but threw me over for Len. I told you that no other man should have you, and I have kept my word." Jackson fled and has not been appre hended. The girl denies that she ever encouraged Jackson. CARNEGIE HAS BAD FALL. Found Suffering In Central Park and Carried to a Cab. Now York, Dec. 28. Andrew Carne gie, who was to havo entertained President Taft at dinner if the snow had not deterred the president from coming to the assembly of historical societies, is laid up in bed with a bruised knee, the result of n fall In Central park. Mr. Carnegie slipped on an icy strip of pavement in the park. He was walking alone. At a point opposite Seventy-ninth street, well inside the park, there is u slope of sidewalk where some youngsters had been coast ing. Loose snow hid the glassy sur face, and Mr. Carnegie lost his foot ing. His left knee received his weight, and the kneecap was Injured. One of the park watchmen hurried to Mr. Carnegie and helped him to a bench, and n hackman was called to drive him home. Mr. Carnegie was suffering acutely. Pour Italian laborers chanced to be near, aud they volunteered to help. They and the watchman lifted Mr. Carnegie carefully to his feet, and the cabman took him on his back. The little trip to the cab was made on the back of the cabman, with the Italians and the watchman forming n bodyguard. They lifted him on to the cushions of the cab and started off. When they reached the Carnegie home the family butler hurried to the curb and helped the others ns they carried Mr. Carnegie to his room. There he was attended by his physi cian, Dr. Jasper J. Garmany. WELCOME TO ZELAYA. President Diaz Will Entertain Deposed Ruler of Nicaragua, City of Mexico, Dec. 28. Despite the fact that the Mexican government real izes It is Incurring a heavy responsibil ity in offering a haven to Jose Zelaya, the deposed president of Nicaragua, administration officers here are prepar ing a warm 'reception for him when he arrives in the capltol. Minister Castro of Nicaragua is au thority for the statement that Presi dent Diaz will entertain Zelaya per sonally and will grace any formal re ception that may be given In honor of the deposed ruler. Minister Castro says thnt Zelaya will remain in Mexico looking after some of his investments here for a few weeks. Then he will sail to Belgium to take up permanent residence In a palace ho owns near Brussels. Belgium Is the native land of Ze laya's wife, and several years ago the Nlcaraguan secured a residence near Brussels presumably for just such a contingency as be now faces. Unofficial information from Wash ington to the effect that the state de partment will hold Zelaya to account for the killing of the Americans, Groco and Cannon, causes little comment here. The Mexican government seems to be disposed to' take the stand that so long as Zelaya has not been found guilty of murder before a proper tribu nal Washington can take no offense If Zelaya Is received here. To Fill Senator Raines' Seat. Albany, N. Y., Dec. 28. Governor Hughes has called a special election for Tuesday, Jan. 25, to fill the va cancy caused by the death of the lata Senator John Raines of Canandalgua. This district comprises the counties of Ontario, Waynn and Yatee. HMZ J FICHT New President of Nicaragua Mobilizes troops. WILL RESIST ESTRADA'S ARMY Admiral Kimball Lands 700 Amer ican Marines on an Island Owned by Salvador, Just North of Corinto. Washington, Dec. 28. Rear Admiral W. W. Kimball, comraiiuduig the American naval force at Corinto, Nica ragua, has sent a dispatch to the navy department saying that President Jose Madriz of Nicaragua, to whom Jose Santos Zelaya turned over the affairs of the government at Managua, has Is sued a proclamation to the people of Nicaragua declaring In favor of gen erul elections for the election of the uext president of the republic. Madriz also invited the Insurgents under General Juan J. Estrada, tho president of the provisional govern ment, to lay down their arms and turn their rifles and ammunition over to the government. A dispatch was also received at the sto te department from Henry Caldera, the American vice consul at Managua, saying that Madriz was sending troops eastward with tho intention of meet ing the insurgent nrmy, which wns supposed in Managua to be advancing on the capital. The son of nn Ameri can citizen at Grenada, he added, bad been beaten and arrested. Mr. Caldera gave no further details of the assault. With the assent of the republic of Salvador Admiral Kimball has landed a detachment of 700 marines on one of the islands in the gulf of Fonesca, a short distance north of Corinto. The marines had been aboard the Buffalo for. several weeks, and Admiral Kim ball desired to relieve tbeni from .the cramped quarters aboard ship. The' transport Prairie has sailed from Cristobal for Blucfields with a stock of foodstuffs and hospital sup plies for the prisoners in Bluefields. President Estrada has sent a dispatch to the state department thanking the United States for its prompt action In relieving the distress there which fol lowed the recent battle at Recreo. He said: "It Is with profound appreciation that we Nlcaraguans view the charity and kindness which characterize your work for humanity. The message which brought the shocking news of the distressing condition in which our captives arrived in Bluefields could have but readied you ere your direct ors had given instructions through your state department for tho issu ance of supplies for the subsistence of the Zelayan sick and weary. "Now by the fortunes of war under our care the resources of the revolu tion are sufficient only to provide for its troops, and the many hundred forc ed on us by the surrender of Zelaya's entire army at Recreo would have placed us in a critical position had It not been for your noble action. "Although this army was sent by a president whose representatives exer cised diplomatic functions before all governments, it had no hospital or commissary corps attached, troops be ing left to shift for themselves as best they could. "Although it endeavored to treat Its captives with all possible considera tion, It would have been helpless to provide for the surrendered Zelayans. Nlcaraguans ure appreciative and will not forget your prompt relief, and the fervent prayers of its people in thanks for your bounty were ofTered on Christmas (Jay in our churches. Repre senting the revolution and personally I communicate eternal ernHtiwU JAPAN ANGERS CHINA. Latter Nation Says Former la Break ing Its Promises In Manchuria. Pekln, Dec. 28. The Chinese govern ment has formally complained to Ja pan against the violation of the Man churlan telegraph convention of 1003. The complaint alleges that the Japa nese are guilty of extending telegraph and telephone lines and traffc In Man churia. China appeals to the Japanese foreign office to terminate this viola tion of the agreement and to continue the payment of telegraph royalties which the Japanese government sus pended two months ago. FLOODS ON THE ISTHMUS. Panama Canal Work Hindered by Rise of Chagrea River. Panama, Dec. 28. Heavy rains dar ing the past few days have cansed a big rise In tho Chagres river, Inundat ing much of the railway and the Pan ama; canal. Rail traffic is suspended, and tele graph and telephone wires are pros trated. One railroad bridge Is swept away,- Work on the canal proper is Kin 2 3LF FOR BOY'S LOVE. Nurse Was Jealous of Youthful Uweet- heart and Young Girl. . Pittsburg, Dec. 28. Because her boy l lover was paying attention to a girl twenty-five years her junior Mrs. Lil lian A. Ashley, a trained nurse of Cleveland, committed suicide by shoot ing. Arthur Poole, a fair haired boy of twenty, with whom she ran away from Cleveland some months ago and with whom she has' been living here since, has been put in jail by tho police and will be held as n witness. The nurse, who nlso was known as Mrs. Arthur Seaborn, was called to nurse Poole while lie was sick In Cleveland six months ngo, and, though she was old enough to paBs as hla mother, she became Infatuated with him, nnd when ho got well sho Is said by Poole to have proposed to him that they run away to Pittsburg, and Poolo consented. A few days ago Mrs. Ashley saw Poolo on the street with a schoolgirl sixteen years old and became jealon& She accused him of huvln bought tho girl a present aud would not accept his denials. She brooded over this, and when Poolo returned homo sho killed herself. PRINCE CHUN STABBED. Manchoo Cook Tries to Assassinate tha Regent of China. Shanghai, Dec. 28. Prince Chun, the regent nnd father of tho child em peror, Hshan Toung, was stabbed and seriously wounded while . leaving his carriage near the palace at Pekln. His assailant, who wns arrested, Is a Manchoo who was formerly a cook In the Imperial, household. Prince Chun has been a conspicuous figure in the Chinese empire for years. He was appointed regent until his son, tho emperor, who is a buby of three years, becomes of ago. Chun is a brother of the .late em peror. In June, 1891, be was appoint ed lieutenant general of the plain white banner and in the next month PRINCE CHUN, wns sent ns a special envoy to Ger-'"" many to express regret on behalf ofi the throne for the killing of the Ger-f man minister at Pekln during the Box er troubles. The rapid rise of Prince Chun has been attributed to the favor of th dowager empress, Tsi An. He re mained in. her good graces despite the fact that he had shown himself to be a partisan in the movement for the progress of western innovations and tho banishment of eastern supersti tions. , It was during the mysterious days of November, 1008, that Prince Chun became a great figure in tho Chinese empire. After the wrangle nnd the Intrigue of those days he emerged the ruler of China. By edict of Nov. 18 Chun was made lieutenant of the em pire. His baby son, Pu Yi, had al ready been adopted by tho emperor, Tsal Itlen, or Kwag Su, and proclaim ed heir to tho imperial throne. On Nov. 14 Kwnng Su died, nnd the dow ager empress followed him the next day. Pu Yl was at once proclaimed as emperor, and Chun assumed the regency. President Taft Frees Murderer. Washington, Dec. 28. President Taft has commuted the twenty-live years! , sentence of Thomas F. Westmoreland who was convicted of murder in Texas sixteen years ago, so that the prisoner will be released at once. British Steamers In Collision. Liverpool, Dec. 28,-Tbe Blbby liner Derbyshire and the oil steamship Bar anac wera in collision In the Menrsey. Both veMs ware badly damaged. sadly bimBexM.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers