SIRES "AND SONS. Surnsnto, tbc violinist, had ouc pe cullarlty he never wrote a letter. Ills autographs are scarce, ns he carried on hl3 correspondence almost entirely by telegraph. Timothy Dwlglit, ex-prosldeut of Yale university, recently celebrated his eightieth birthday nunlversary. It Is ten yearH since he resigned from the presidency. William Campbell, recently liiHtallcd In Edinburgh as Judge of the new Scottish court of rcssIou, Is the first Honmn Catholic appointed to the Scot tish bench since the reformation. P. M. Hubbell, said to be the wealth lent man In Iowa, has signed a note for $20,000 In favor of the Iowa Home Kor the Aged, payable "ten days after my death." Hubbell, at the age of seventy, Is In excellent health. Saul Gaguc, a drug clerk of Illddc ford. Me., has collected a million and a half of canceled postage stamps of different varieties, all neatly arranged In uniform packages. He has been collecting these stamps for twenty years. Former United States Senator Wil liam E. Chandler of New Hampshire has publicly declared that he believes that when people go from this world they take on new physical forms and live In other worlds In the suns around us. When W. V. Astor found that Eng lish law sustained the people of Hevcr In their right to travel on the footpath across the beautiful park of Hover castle, which he has lately bought, he built a high brick wall nlong each side of (he footpath, surely for once Justi fying the ancient Jest of calling him William Walled-Olf Astor. State Lines. Washington Is the only one of the Pacific states In which coking coal has been found. More eggs are laid In Iowa than In ny other state. Tho annual output Is sstlmated at 100,000,000 dozen. Tho state of North Carolina Is the most notable in Hie country for the variety of precious stones produced. While ten of the forty-six states have forest reserves, only three states New York. Pennsylvania and Wisconsin--have over 50,000 acres In state f"rot laivls. Siberia's Rivers. Siberia lias many navigable rivers. The Obi. the Yenisei, the Lena, and tho Amur, with their tributaries, make communication easy between the in terior of Asia and tho Arctic and the Pacific oceans. These rivers arc. how ever, only navigable for a small part or the year, owing to the severity of the long Siberian winter. COUPON in Form with Privilege of Registration. Bonds are Subject to Call after April 1, 1913, at 100 and interest. DENOMINATIONS, $100, $500 and $1000. Law Points. Failure to look and listen before crossing n street car track at a public street crossing Is held In Pllmer ver sus Dolsc Traction company, Idaho, 04 Tac. 432, 15 L. It. A. (N. S.), 254, not to be as matter of law negligence per se. The Hen of one advancing money to a lessee on the security of a building removable by him before the expira tion of the term is held In Hughes versus Korshow, Colorado, 03 Pac. liifi, 15 1,. It. A. (X. S.), 723, to become Ineffective upon the expiration of the lease. The primary duty of fencing or pro tecting from contamination a ditch used by a municipality to convey wa ter across the Held of another is held In Hellcvue versus Daly, Idaho, 04 Pac. 103(5. 15 I,. It. A. (X. S.), 002, to rest upon the owner of the easement nnd not upon the owner of the fee. Short Stories. Heggars arc never suppressed In Tur ' key. 1 About 10,000 varieties of fish are known, A four foul coal seam yields 0,000 tons per acre. Mount Crocorua. In the White mouu- J tain group, Is 3.400 feet high. j The customs service of China estl- I mates the total population of that 1 country at 4:13,214,000. The United Slates has the largest number of crematories and Incinerates I the largest iiumber of bodies of any , nation In the world. Elephants are probably more abun dant in the basin of the Congo, where the swamps afford them protection, I than In any other part of Africa. Train and Track. Pay-as-j ou-enter cars lu Chicago have reduced the number of accidents by over li! per cut. The driving wheels on u locomotive recently built for a French railroad that is full of sharp curves are flaiige less. the ermine being kept on tho Vrack by wheels that revolve horizon tally between the rails. Leipzig, normally. Is about to have one of the largest railroad stations in the world. It will have twenty-six parallel tracks for Its thirteen lines, and between each pair of tracks a wall forty feet wide. The total width of the train hcd will be nearly 1,000 feet and of the facade 1.115 feet. Bells of Bruges. The famous peal of bells at Bruges j is played on the principle of a music I box. A cylinder weighing a ton ear j ries pegs which move the wires com i miinlcntlne with tho bell hammers $1,000, Consolidated mortgage 5 Dated April able April and October. Philadelphia, Trustee. Further Particulars Address obSBS;SrteprM&s'MpfcPa J. UllUU taiUtUiaiO nUUlOO ww WOOD, Honesdkle, Fa., Local Representative. SOMETHING NEW. A Delicious Dessert That Will Appear at Christmas Dinners. A new dessert has made its appear ance which Is as delicious as it U at tractive In appearance. It can be ci ther ordered from the confectioners or made at home, and the latter is preferable at all times. Vanilla ice cream, spongo and fruit cake will be needed. The cckes arc cut from loaves and should be nn inch thick when Heed and should fit an oblong mold. When the cream is frozen to a mush, pack an inch layer in the mold, then place the fruit cake on this, then cov er with another layer of tho cream, over which lay the sponge cake, and then add the last cream layer, which ANIXitiA ICS CREAM WITH SPONGE AND FltUIT CAKE. should fill aud overflow the mold, hay over this an oiled paper. A buttered one will do or three thicknesses of paraffin paper. Put the cover over this, allowing the paper to come down over the sides, tic securely in place and then run melted lard between the cover and the pan to prevent all pos sibility of the salt aud Ice leaking in. Pack In salt nnd Ice for three or four hours. When ready to serve remove the coverings, wipe the outside of the mold with a hot cloth and Invert tbc mold on to n cold dish, when the cream loaf will slip out. An extra addition can be served in the whipped cream sauce tinted with yellow or pink, using egg yolk for the first and a bit of boiled beet Juice in tho latter Instance, this being placed In the cream before whipping. But this dessert Is Just as tasty with out tho sauce. Should this be found too much trouble, then the cream can be dished from tho freezer on to slices of tho fruit and spongo cake and served. Their Greatest Sin. In most of the Islands of the Pacific hell Is not reserved for the wicked in our sense of the word that Is. the thief, the murderer, the slanderer anil tho selfish man. All these finally reach a state of happiness. Rut a most un mistakable hell Is reserved for those guilty of the only sin known to them, timidity and cowardice. Servia. Servia Is the most densely populated country In the Balknn states. 1S 1908 Due rRQ COMPANY OWNS, in fee simple 22,500 acres of COAL LAND conservatively estimated to contain 300,000,000 tons of minable coal Situated Nichols and Clay Counties, West Virginia, on a branch of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad ; also the Kanawha & West Virginia R. R. CRANBERRY HINTS. The Least Understood and Oftenest Abused Domestic Fruit. Tho cranberry Is tho least under stood and the most abused of any of our domestic fruits. Comparatively few know Us possibilities. Quite ns few know how to prepare It In palata ble form. Tho expression Is common, "You need n barrel of sugar for a barrel of cranberries." This Is not true. It Is not a sugar consumer compared with most fruits. If users will make the test they will discover that more sauce with less sugar proportionately can be made from a quart of cranberries than from a quart of any other kind of berry and if properly made will be tempting and toothsome. A barrel of sugar will sweeten more than three barrcU of cranberries. A cranberry shortcake will compare favorably with a straw berry shortcake. Eaten raw. they aro a laxative and liver tonic, and, like the olive, one can cultivate a fondness for them. Cranberries are keepers, like the ap ple, and, like apples, require a cool, dry place. It Is economy to buy good berries. Never cook In tin or Iron ware. Use porcelain, earthenware or granite. Do not cover with cold water and allow to simmer, steep and stew over slow fire. This makes tough skins, pale, sickly pink or dark, dull red color and gives acrid flavor.- Use boiling water, cook rapidly and not long. For a good sauce, to one quart of clean cranberries add one pint granu lated sugar, one pint of boiling water. Place Immediately over brisk fire, stirring enough to mix sugar with wa ter and coat berries. Cover as soon as berries begin to swell and pop. Stand by and mash until every berry Is broken. Keep them boiling during this operation. By the time berries are nil mashed or have boiled fifteen minutes remove from stove nnd turn Into china or earthen ware dish. When cold the result should bo a beautiful rich red. Jellied sauce. Culinary Conceits. Cheap 'cuts of meat can be served palatably In stows and croquettes. To bake p.-.ncakos without greasing the griddle add a talilespoonful of but ter or half a cup of cream to the bat ter. When making a pea soup. If the peas ! iro boiled a little while separately i with a pinch of common washing soda ' !iey will bo found lo cook much more quickly. They do not need soaking. I Paro some large apples and core jtliem, till the centers with chopped, cover with sugar, put into a deep baking dish, add a little water and hake, basting well from time to time. Serve hot or cold with cream. ooo.oo per cent April, 1958 On Effect of the Green Hat. "Blxby Is engaged to the De Glitter girl, you know?" "Yes." "She won't let him wear his new green hat when he walks with her." "Why not?" "She says 11 makes her face too red." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Kept Him Guessing. Mr. Mouse Well, I wonder what sort of a newfangled rot trap that Is I've been all over the thing, and 1 can't find n bit of cheese. His Youthful Ambition. "When I cr was a small boy," said Sapleigh, "my one cr ambition in lif was to be a er clown, donchei know." "Indeed!" exclaimed Miss Caustlquc. "And the realization of your youthful ambition must' be gratifying to you." Houston Post. Careful Disorder. Jane Why. Mabel, your hair is in frightful disorder. Did you forget to brush it? Mabel (coldly) If you knew a little more, .Tane, you wouldn't be so hasty. This is the latest thing In coiffurc3, and it took me two hours to get It. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Drawing the Line. "What do you think of the dancing that is now being shown on the stage?" "It Is quite enough to see It," an swered Miss Cayenne, "without being so audacious as to think about It." Washington Star. Vanity. Apropos of vanity. Secretary Root i told at Yale about a politician who the day before ho was to make a certain speech sent a forty-one page report of it to all the papers. On page 20 appeared- this paragraph: "But the hour grows late, and I must close. ("No, na Go on! Go on!')" Argonaut. BONDS, Interest pay TRUST CO., Life. Life's a poker Kama at best. The cards are dealt, and none stay 'em. It'a up to you to do the rest. Buck In and day 'em. Dotrolt Free Press.' Mora Space Needed. "So you are going to move? ll thought you liked your present flat so mucn." "So we do, but my wife bought a now hat yesterday." Baltimore Amer ican. Christmas Shopping. Now doth the merry maiden fair Buy presents small and great. But It doesn't seem to worry her. For papa pays the freight. Chicago News. Plashes of Fun. 1 Mamma Marlon, r am surprised that you should suffer a man to klsi you. 1 Marlon But, mamma. It wasn't suf fering. Town and Country. A Frugal Meal. "My sheath skirt's cute enough to eat!" The foolish maiden cried. But It would make a frugal meal With nothing on the side. Atlanta Constitution. The Worst Variety. Ted I hate a kicker, don't you? Ned Yes. especially the one wv sits behind you in the theater and'i kicks your chair all the evening. Puck. Thus the Cynic "You learn a lot," the poet said. "By writing for the press," "What a rejection slip looks like The chletest thing, I guess." New York Telegram. Quite So. "There's always room at the top," quoted the museum fat woman as she hung up her Christmas stocking. Browning's Magazine. A Paradox. A man will make, as like as not. Mistakes his lifetime through. Yet thinks he knows exactly what All other men should do. Pittsburg Post. Reminded. "Does your husband forget to mail the letters you give him?" "Never. I put them In his cigar ifnsc." Cleveland Leader. Out of Proportion. My yearnings aro of mammoth size. With many twists and turnings. But woo Is me here the trouble lies I.Ike a midget are my earnings! Detroit Tribune. Art. "So your friend Is au artist?" "Yes." J "Light fingered or the other kind?'( New York Sun. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers