Younger Set By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS, Author of "THE PiailTINQ CHANCE," Etc. Copyrighted, synopsis of pi:i: l.nixn niAt t.-.ks. Chap. l-J'tttiruliii.' from Manila. Caiiinlii f-dwyn, former'! or the army. Is wi ' oiiiim home liy His Msti r. Mna ni!.-l. Ikt w. i UM Husband Austin, mid tliclr iniiii"'"''-''"i",'" fen. Ullitn Urmll. ward of SUm ""J Aii-t li part ot their IiouhIioIiI. i'lwln cm-omit, without trtillt on hi" l,'ir, ,''- "v wife, 1lxe. who x now tin v.lfi of .lack liutliuu. with whom pIic ran awnj fpmi Selwyn. II Kllirn. who is vcrv f flier brother. IJeralil, d'-splte the voinm 111:10 liealect o' her, maki f rii nl- with mIv. n. O pick up once more and tighten and knot to gether the loosened threads which represent ed the unfinished record that his race hud woven Into the social fabric of the motroDolls was merelv an automatic matter for t His own people had always been among tho makers of that fabric. Into part of Its vast and Intricate pattern they had woven an Inconspicuously honorable record chronicles of births and deaths and marriages, a plain memorandum of plain living and up right dealing with their fellow men. Some public service of modest nature they had performed, not seeking It not shirking, accomplishing It cleanly when It was Intrusted to them. His forefathers had been, as a rule, professional men physicians and law yers. His grandfather died under the walls of Chapultepec castle while twisting a tourniquet for a cursing dragoon; an uncle remained indefinitely at Malvern Hill; an only brother at Montauk Point sickened In the trench es before Santiago. His father's services as division med ical officer In Sheridan's cavalry bad been perhaps no more devoted, no more loyal than tho services of thousands of officers and troopers, and his reward was a pension offer, declined. He prac ticed until his wife died, then retired to his country home, from which house his daughter Nina was married to Aus tin, Gerard. Mr. Sclwyn, Sr., continued to pay his taies on his father's house In Tenth street, voted In that district, spent a month every year with the Gerards aiid judiciously enlarged tho family servation. in Greenwood, whither he m m ' retired In due time. The first gun off the Florida keys sent Selwyn's only brother from bis j law office In hot haste to San Antonio. That same gun Interrupted Solwyn's connection with Necrgard & Co, op erators In Long Island real estate, and a year later tho captaincy offered him In a western volunteer regiment oper ating on the Island of Leyte completed the rupture. And now he was back again, a Khnnw .nrnr nrtwi with nnttnn nf 1 nlcklnir nn the severed threads-hls I Inheritance at the loom and ot retv lng them, warp and weft, and continu ing the pattern according to the de signs of the tufted, tinted pile yarn knotted In by his ancestors before him. Meanwhile he was looking for two things an apartment and a Job the first energetically combated by his im mediate family. It was rather odd the scarcity of jobs. Of course Austin offered htm one, which Selwyn declined at once, enraging his brother-in-law. "But what do I know about the In vestment of trust funds?" demanded Selwyn. "You wouldn't take me If I were not your wife's brother, and thafs nepotism." Austin's harmless fury raged for nearly ten minutes, after which he cheered up, relighted his cigar and re sumed his discussion with Selwyn con- wpfitni thft mnrK-si nf rnHnim hrtra1 schools, tho victim in prospective being A little later, revertlnc to the sub- ect of his own enforced Idleness. Sel- jru buiu, -i ve Deeii on uie point ot going to see Neergard, but somehow I can't quite bring myself to It slinking nto his office as a rank failure In one profession to ask him if he has any use for me again." "Stuff and fancy!" growled Gerard. "It's all stuff and fancy about your be ing any kind of a failure. If you want to resume with that Dutchman, go to him and say so. If you want to Invest anything In his Long Island schemes he'll take you in fast enough. Ho took In Gerald and somo twenty thousand!" "Isn't ho very prosperous, Austin?1 "Very on paper. Long Island farm lands and mortgages on Hampton hen- . j, i. l.l . - coops are not fragrant propositions to me. But there s always ono more way pf making a living after you counted cm all up on your fingers. If you've any capital to offer Neergard, he won't shriek for help." "But isn't suburban property" "On tho jump? Yes both ways. Oh, t Necrgard is all riguu ir wouldn't have Permitted into it. Neergard sUcks to bo wasn't I Gerald to go into his commissions and doesn't back his fancy in certified, checks. I don't know exactly how ho operates. I only know that we find nothing In that sort of thing for our own account But Fane, Harmon & Co. do. That's their affair too. It's all a matter of taste, I tell you." Si 1007, by Hobert W. Chambers. I Selwyn reflected: "1 believe I'd go and see Neergard If 1 were perfectly sure of my personal sentiments toward course, but I have always had a curl- ; ous feeling about Necrgard-that he's forever on the odgo of doing some- tiling-doubtful" "Hta business reputation Is all right ti -!,.., .i.i ii., in. .. ..?... ...... t . i It On principle, however, look out for nn apple faced Dutchman with a thin nose and no lips. Neither Jew, Yankco nor American stands nuy chanco in n deal with that type of financier. Per sonally my feeling Is this: If I've got to play games with Julius Necrgard, I'd prefer to be his partner. And so I told Gerald. By tho way" Austin checked himself, looked down at his cigar, turned It over and over several times, then continued quietly "y tlle way 1 suppose Gerald Is like other young men of his age and times Immersed In his own affairs thought less perhaps, perhaps a trifle selfish In the cross country gallop after pleasure. I was rather severe with him about his neglect of his sister. He ought to have come here to pay his respects to you too." "Oh, don't put such notions Into his head" "Yes, I will," insisted Austin. "How ever Indifferent and thoughtless and selfish be is to other people, he's got to be considerate toward his own family, and I told him so. Have you seen him lately?" "No-o," admitted Selwyn. "Not since the first time when he came to do the civil by you?" "No, but don't"- "Yes, I will," repeated his brother-in-law, "and I'm going to have a thorough explanation with him and learn what he's up to. He's got to be decent to his sister. He ought to report to me occa sionally. That's all there Is to It He has entirely too much liberty, with his bachelor quarters and his junior whip persuapper club and his house parties and his cruises on Neergard's boat!" He got up, casting his cigar from him, and moved about bulklly, muttering of matters to be' regulated, and llrmly too. But Selwyn, looking out of the win dow across the park, knew perfectly well that young Erroll, now of age, with a small portion of his handsome ,UUJC "l u,s "1"V,-r "f l',aal lang stage and beyond the authority of Austin. There was no harm In him. He was simply a Joyous, pleasure lov- ' ing cub, chock full of energetic ln- stlucts, good and bad, right and wrong, out of which, formed from the acts which become habits, character ma- 1 turcs. This was his estimate of Ger- 1 aid. 1 The next morning, riding In the park with Eileen, he found a chance to speak cordially of her brother. meant t0 look nP Gerald," be said, as though tho neglect were his own fault, "but every time something happens to switch me on to another track." "I'm afraid that I do a great deal of the switching," she said, "don't I? But you've been so nice to me and to the children that" Miss Erroll's horse was behaving badly, and for a few moments she be came too thoroughly occupied with her mount to finish her sentence. The belted groom galloped up, pre pared for emergencies, and he and Sel wyn sat their saddles watching a pret ty battle for mastery between a beau tiful horse determined to be bad and a very determined young girl who had j decided he was going to be good. ' ., ?nce or twice the i excitement of so- Ucltude sent tho color flying into Sel wyn's temples. The bridle path was narrow and stiff with freezing sand, and the trees were too near for such i11"1 maneuvers, but Miss Erroll had made up her mind, and Selwyn already had a humorous idea that this was no light matter. The horse found It seri ous enough, too, and suddenly conclud ed to be good. And the pretty sceno ended so abruptly that Selwyn laughed aloud as he rejoined her. "There was a man Boots Lansing In Bannard's command. One night on Samar the bolo men rushed us, and Lansing got Into the six foot major's boots by mistake seven leaguers, yon know and his horse bucked him clean' out of them." "lience uls Christian name, I sup- pose," said the glrL "But why such a story, Captain Selwyn? I bellevo I stuck to my saddle." "With both hands." ha khM rnriiini- ly. always alert to nlacuo her. for she I was adorable when teased, especially - . . - in tne ncginmng or tneir acquaintance before sho bad found out that It was a habit cf bis, and her bright confo- ilon nlways delighted him into fiAthei( nlschlcf. i "But I wasn't a bit worried," ho con-J Jnued. "You had him so firmly. t , .. . ,.. .,,,. ,. J , man , , flU8btasi What you saw," sho said, flushing ip, "Is exactly tho way I shall do any! pleading with the two animals you; Bcntlon." later, sho remarked, "It's just ns S'Ina says, after all, isn't it?" "I supposo so'," ho replied suspicious-, ty. "What?" - "That Gerald Isn't really very wick il, but ho likes to have us t'.ilill; so. It's a sign of extreme self cotn'elous less, Isn't It." she added Inuocciitly, 'when n man Is afraid that a woman thinks he Is very, very good?" "That." ho said, "la tho limit. I'm jolng to ride by myself." Her pleasure In Selwyn's society had tradually become such genuine pkvs ire, her confidence In his kindness so maffoctedly sincere, that Insensibly iho had fallen into something of his uanner of badinage especially since tho realized how much amusement ho found hi her own smiling confusion tvhen unexpectedly assailed. Also, to ior surprise, she found that ho could 30 plagued very easily, though she did In view of. 13 Prees,vo s "nd,eX xperionce. ! , , . " , , . ,? 1 fllMl '"d( T' s"l,dcl1 eemcd i:o readjust tllu!r Personal relations- and experience falling from his moulders like n cloak which had con- railed n man very ry nearly her own ago, rears and experience nddlug them selves to her, and at least an Inch to ior stature to redress tho balance be tween them. It had amused htm Immensely ns he realized the subtle change, and It pleas ;d him, too. because no man of thirty 3vo cares to bo treated like a grand father by a girl of nineteen, even If the has not yet worn tho polish from ior first pair of high heeled shoes. "It's astonishing," ho said, "how lit tle respect Intlrnilty and ago command In these days." "I do respect you," she Insisted, "es pecially your Infirmity of purpose. You laid you were going to ride by your telf. But do you know, I don't believe rou are of a particularly solitary dis position. Are you?" He laughed at first then suddenly bis Face fell. "Not from choice," he said under his breath. Her quick ear heard, and she turned, semi-serious, questioning him ivlth raised eyebrows. "Nothing. I was just muttering. I've a villainous habit of muttering mushy nothings" "You did say something!" "No; only ghoulish gabble, the mere murky mouthings of a meager mind." "You did. It's rude not to repeat It tvhen I ask you." "I didn't mean to be rude." , "Then repeat what you said to your- !0lf." "Do you wish mo to?" he asked, rais ing his eyes so gravely that tho smile faded from lip and volco when she 1 Gerald Erroll. answered: "I beg your pardon. Cap tain Selwyn. I did not know yon were serious." "Oh. I'm not" he returned lightly. "I'm never serious. No man who solil oquizes can be taken seriously. Don't you know, Mls3 Erroll.' that the crown lng absurdity of all tragedy Is the so liloquy?" Her smile became delightfully uncer tain. She did not quite understand him, though her instinct warned her that for a second something had men- iced their understanding. Riding forward with him through the crisp sunshine of mid-December, the word "tragedy" still sounding in her ears, her thoughts reverted natural ly to the only tragedy besides her own tvhlch had ever come very near to her his own. Could he have meant that? Did peo ple mention such things after they bad happened? Did they not rather con ;eal them, hide them deeper and deep er with the aid of time and tho kindly years for a burial past all recollec tion? Troubled, uncomfortably Intent on ivadlnc every thought or train of Ideas evoked, she put her mount to a pllop. But thought kept pace with ber. She was, of course, aware of the iltuatlon regarding Selwyn's domestic iffalrs. Sho could not very well have iecn kept long In Ignorance of the ' acts, so Nina had told her carefully, .caving in the young girl's mind only 1 bewildered sympathy for man and "lto whom a dreadful and incompre-H icnsible catastrophe had overtaken. nly an Impression of something new ln(1 fearsome which she had hitherto I ',ecn unaware of in tho world and I . . t, r.. nil Kyj u" m.-, oma" jut unhappily growing list of sad and incredible things. Returning from their gallop Miss Er- ' roll had vary Httlo to say. Selwyn, too, was silent and absentmlndcd. She thought of her brother, and tho old hurt at his absenco on that night , throbbed again. Forgi how couid 8ll0 forgct it "l wlsU yu ku orglvo? Yes. But Gerald well," sho said impulsively. "He Is such a dear fellow, and I think you'd be good for him and, besides," she hastened to add, with instinctive loyalty lest ho misconstrue: "Gerald would bo good for you. Wo wero a great deal togeth er at ono time." Ho nodded, smilingly attentive. "Of course when ho wotit nwny to ' school It was different." she mided. ' "And then he went to Yale. That wn, four more years, you see." 1 "Did ho row your brother Gerald?" 1 "No." she said. She did not add that ho had broken training. That was her own sorrow, to be concealed even Gerald. "No: he played polo some times. He rides beautifully, Captain Selwyn, and he lu so clever when he cares to bo at the trap3, for example -and oh anything. He' once swam oh, dear, I forget. Was It live or Tr icon or fifty miles? Is that too far? Do people swim those distances?" "Some of those distances," replied Selwyn. . "Well, then, Gerald swam some of those distances, and everybody was amazed. I do wish you knew hint well." "I mean to," he said. "I must look him up at I1I3 rooms or his club or per haps at Necrgard & Co.'s." "Will you do this?" she asked so ear nestly that he glanced up surprised, "Yes," he said, and after n moment, "I'll do It today, I think -this after noon. Are you having a good time?" he asked condescendingly, but without intention. "Heavenly!' How can you asl: that, with every day filled stud a chance to decllno something every day? If you'd I only go to one-just ouc-of the dances and teas and dinners you'd be able to see for yourself what a good time I nm having. I don't know why I should bo "ll'iat is II" the ashed, so delightfully lucky, but everybody asks mo to dance, and every man I meet Is particularly nice, and nobody lias been very horrid to me perhaps because I like everybody." She rode on beside him. They were walking their horses now, and as her silken coated mouut paced forward through the sunshine she sat at ease, straight as a slender amnzon in her habit, ruddy hair glistening at the nape of her neck, the scarlet of hor lips al ways si vivid contrast to that wonder ful unblemished skin of snow. He thought to himself quite imper sonally: "She's a real' beauty, that youngster. No wouder they ask her to i dance and nobody is horrid. Men are likely enough to go quite mad about her. as Nina predicts. Probably some of 'em have already that chuckle headed youth who was there Tuesday gulping up the tea" And, "What was his name?" he asked aloud. ' "Whose name?" she inquired, roused by his voice from smiling retrospec tion. I "That chucklehead the young man i who continued to haunt you so pcr- slstcntly when you poured tea for Nina on Tuesday. Of course they all I haunted you," he explained politely as I she shook her head In sign of noncom , prehension, "but there was ono who ah gulped at his cup." I "Please you are rather dreadful, aren't you?" I "Yes. So was he. I mean the Infat uated chlnless gentleman whose facial ! ensemble remotely resembled the fea- tures of a pleased and lacld lizard of the reptilian period." "Oh, George Fane! That Is particu larly disagreeable of you, Captain Sel- jwyn, because his wife has been very nice to me Rosamund Fane and she spoke most cordially of you" i "Which one was she?" 1 "The Dresden china one. She looks ! sho simply cannot look as though she were married. It's most amusing, for people always take her for somebody's . -I... t ni i. youngest sister who will be out next j winter. Don't you remember seeing her?" i "No, I don't But there were dozens I coming and going every minute whom I didn't know. Still, I behaved well, Didn't I?" "Pretty badly to Kathleen Lawn, I whom vou cornered so that she ' couldn't escape until her mother made uer go without auy tea." I "Here comes Mr. Fano now with a strikingly pretty girl. How beautifully they aro mounted," smilingly returning Fane's salute, "and she oh, so you do I know her, Captain Selwyn? Who Is I she?" , i Crop raised mechanically in dazed . ! cl1 lll,- ,n..l, i tamn., omjub hkui, iuu. vu uridlo had tightened to n clutch, which brought his horso up sharply. , "What Is It?" sho asked, drawing j brUlo In her turn nnd looking back into his white, stupefied face. ! "Pain," ho said, unconscious that he ! spoke. At tho sumo Instant tho stun- ' ned eyes fouud their focus and found her bcsldo his' stirrup, leaning wldo from her seat In sweet concern, ono gloved hand resting on tho, pommel of his saddle. "Are you 111?" sho nsked. "Shall wo dismount? If you feci dizzy, plcaso lean against me." . "I am all right," be said coolly, and cs sho recovered her scat ho set his horse In motion. Uls face hat becomo A ' 1 very red now. He looked nt her, then beyond her with al tho deliberate con centration of aloof Indifference. Confused, conscious that something had happened which she did not com prehend and sensitively aware of tho preoccupation which, if It did not ig nore her, accepted her presence ns of no consequence, she permitted her horse to set his own pace. Neither self command nor self con trol was lacking now In Sclwyn; ho simply was too self absorbed to care what she thought whether she thought nt nil. And" Into hit consciousness, throbbing heavily under tho rushing reaction from shock, crowded the crude fact that Allxc wns no longer an ap parition evoked In sleeplessness, In sun lit brooding. In the solitude of crowded nvonuos and swarming streets; she was an actual presence again in his life. To lie ronttnm!.! OB'S DEMOS. Princess De Sagan's Law yer Exposes Casteilane. ., , . ,, Besides This $7o,000 a Year For the Support of His Three Sons and Debts to Be Paid. Paris. Dec. -. M. Clemencenu, coun sel for Princess Anna Gould de Sagan, declared today that Count Bonl de Castellane's suit for the custody of his children was a method of blackmail. He made public the settlement that Count Casteilane had offered to with draw the suit and avert the scandal of his charges against his former wife If certain money conditions were com piled with. These conditions were, it Is alleged, $1,000,000 in cash, $75,000 a year for the support of the three boys and the payment of the count's most recent debts, which amount to about $120,000. M. Clemencenu revealed the exact terms of the settlement Mine. Gould COUNT BONI DU CASTELLANK. offered, but which the count refused on tho ground that they were Insulll clent. These terms were $200,000 In cash 1 llIld i,u 1"tonM' of 'M tllls income to be Increased when the es- line ui ins mem aiin uui ul iuc jmuun of trustees, Mine. Gould to take over all the debts then pending, M. Clemencenu announced that the princess formally joined with her hus band In certain allegations againsi the count. These deal with De Sagan's charges that the count to prevent the marriage of Mme. Gould with the prince caused forged documents purporting to have been signed by De Sagan to be sent to Mme. Gould. These papers were usurers' notes, payable the day tho prince was mar ried to Mme. Gould, and three letters alleged to have been written by De Sagan to his mistress, In which he rid iculed Mme. Gould nnd spoke scurrl lously of her. The count asserted that these docu ments had been left anonymously at his residence In September, 1907. De Sagan offered to prove, with the co-operntlon of his wife, that Count Bonl had arranged through two wo men, called Mme. "G." and Mine. "R." to have them shown to Mme. Gould at her country residence. De Sagan, while Indirectly accusing the count of forge ry, offered to prove that these docu- . , .. i . . . . . l nanu. M. Clemenceau said certain alllrniu- tlons must be met, notably Mme. Gould's alleged remark that It would have been better If she had not been divorced, but had lived as she pleased, though married. What Mme. Gould actually said, M. Clemenceau declared, was, "I am treat ed just as If I had a lot of lovers." He contended that the testimony of the chauffeur discharged by Do Sagan nnd of private detectives was unwor thy of credence, nnd he scored the count for the reckless way he had dis sipated his wife's fortune, spending at tho rate of $1,000,000 a year for eleven years. "So long as this money was forth coming," M. Clemenceau said, "tho count considered his wife upright and honorable." When Miss Anna Gould was married to De Casteilane she had a yearly Income of $700,000. During her married life, with its countless follies, such as the Mnhtkoff palace, $10,000,000 had been spent. When she got her divorce there were debts of ?3,-100,000,' in addition to $05,000 given to tho Marquis nnd Mar quise de Casteilane. "This is the man," cried M. Clemen ceau, "who wauts his children edu cated like n De Casteilane, n man with out a profession, who married for money and then devoted himself to betraying his wife with his wife's fe male friends." LEPER WOMAN DIES. Widow of General Wardell Succumbs to Terrible Disease. J Am Angeles, Cnl., Dec. It. Sirs. J.,C. Wtirdcll, the leper wife of General Wnrdell. whose ease created such n stir In Arizona, died of leprosy lu the county hospital. The case was the most tragic and nt the same time one of the most pitiable of Its kind over recorded. Mrs. Wnr dell. who resided with her husband at Sawtelle, was arrested because of her peculiar actions. i:111nl11atlon proved her to be a vic tim of leprosy. Her aged husband re fused to leave her. Notwithstanding the fatal natuiv of her atlllctlon he re mained with her In the hospital until he died of cancer and worry. NEW PARTNER FOR MORGAN. Banker Henry P. Davidson Admitted to Firm. New York, Dec. !!. Announcement is made that Henry 1'. Davison, vice j president of the First National hunk, will enter the firm of J. 1. .Morgan & Co. 1 Mr. Davlnon's admittance as a gen eral partner marks the first Important , change In the Morgan linn that has taken place since 1111)1. when George I W. Perkins, then vice president of the New York Life Insurance company, I became a partner. Leads Our Line. If You Want a TYPEWRITER Don't Buy Until You See at the Citizen Office The 'SECOR' Invention of J. B. SECOR, a former Honcsdaler. It has all the Improvements that other machines have, and none, of their defects ; andhasem bodied a number of New Ideas that no other machine has. Pronouncedly TYPEWRITER EXPERTS The Ne Plus Ultra -OK- TYPEWRITING MACHINES ! Tooth Slivers We have the sort oftooth brushes that ure made to thoroughly cleanse and save the teeth. They ure the kind that clean teeth without leavinc your mouth lull of bristles. We recommend those costing 25 cents or more, as we can guarantee them and will re place, free, any that show defects of manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARflACIST. Opp.D. & H. Station, HONESDA LU, PA. WHEN THE ENGINE COMES is no time to be regretting your neglect to get insured. Allittlejcarelbeforehand is worth more than any amount; of re gret. KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents HON ESDALE, PA. LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR EVES? It will pay you to call at the finely equipped GOLDEN'S OPTICAL PARLORS 11 South Main tit., CAKUOMMI.K. l'A
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