The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 06, 1899, Image 2

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mr iii.mni:i ih;o.
"M' me News That's Fit MPrlnt," I . . -nl u(j, niTt Sunday, at 8
8.'ii i ' u in strwt, Hrwnnmlonh, Pn.
lie II. rulil l delivered In Hlipnamloali ami tlie
iirnniiiiliiiK tnwiH for tlx cents n w ek, pny
nlTi I., tin- earner. Uy mnll .(M n year, or
MK'tiUn month payable In advance Ad
wliieim iitu eliaiRml iwwnllnjr to iaceand
poltlon. Tlin publishers reserve the rlftht
to i bunco the poHlon t ( nilverttoment
ni-TirtliP publication of news demand
llio rt stht li reserved tn reject any
luHetti'i nt' iit whether ld for or not, Hint
the tmhll.hers nin; Jecm Improper, Advcr
UtinK rnto made known iiKMiappllonllon.
nter. il at the pot office at HlienanUwili, Pa., i
m'Dinl clasi mall matter.
nora k
WEDNESDAY. SElTKYtllKK fi. 18(19.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Now let u hear from Tatniiqtia's
limiiiy silver advocate, John O. Ul
rich. Wliat about tlie traitors of
18.HS are they tfiily the patriots of
to Jay ?
"Oiiahmk" Kino is riinnlrif? the
whole thing this year, viewed from a
Democratic standpoint. He has the
happy faculty of "harmonizing" the
Kickers ;'nnd he compels his" enemies
to eat orow occasionally.
F. U. K ANTji'Klt, president of the
Board of County Commissioners, who
is an old veteran, met with a hearty
reception here on Labor Day. Mr.
Kantner is a candidate forre-eleetion,
and it Is safe to say that Shenan
doah will show its appreciation of his
faithful service during his incum
bency of the oillce.
Smults handbook, the official leg
islative guide, is being distributed by
members of the Legislature. The
book this year contains the usual
amount of Information that in former
years has made it indispensible, both
to officials and the people in general.
In addition to the steel engravings of
the capitol buildings, this year's issue
is illustrated .by photo half-tones of
the heads of the State Departments.
The Blind Patriots,
In a speeoh just made out "West,
Mr. Bryan says :
' t believe the outlook tor (niece In 1900 wa.
never better than at present. On the old ques
tions of the campaign nf 1866 we are stronger
lliun we were during tbAt campaign."
A proverb says : "There is none so
Mind as those tlm.t will not see." And
another : "If the blind lead the blind,
both shall fall Into the ditch."
In 1800 the Democratic party was
beaten 608,514 on the popular vote
and ninety-live in the Electoral Col
lege. Since then it has lost four states
with twenty-one electoral votes, and
has gained only Kentucky which is
likely to be lost again this ypar. It
lias lost in the general result every
year since 180C. In 1800 the Demo
crats had eleven Senators in Congress
from the Northern states. Now they
have only two, and one of these is
simply a silver plutocrat. The elec
tions of this year mliy prove a needed
eye-opener to the unseeing advocates
of 10 to 1. New York World, Dem.
The Filipinos.
Gen. Irving Hale, who lias just re
turned from Manila to his home in
Denver, expresses the firmest of con
victions that the Filipinos are now
and long will be incapable of self
government, but nevertheless he
speaks of them with kindly appreoia
tion as a people of many good quail-
ties and presenting material ou which
the Influences of civilization may
hopefully be exerted. .
"While he found them treacherous
enemies in the field, he is disposed to
ascribe their frequent violations of
the laws of war to their terrible ex
perienees under Spanish rule rather
than to any inherent vleiousness.
like them," said the General, soon
after Iris arrival, "and I consider
them a promising people. They Are
cheerful, good-natured, provident
and hospitable. The better classes
are well educated, and even the
poorest of the Filipino servants in
Manila write and 8eak a little
Spanish. Even in the Interior most
of the natives are hardly savages,
They keep house after a fashion, in
their small bamboo huts ; are kind to
their families, and very fond of their
wives and children. The Filipino
woman is more on an equality with
the Filipino man than Is the case in
uioHt semi-ayage ruce."
It If fieri. Hale's belief that a very
vrreat majority of the educated, prop.
rty-owning Filipinos are in favor of
Atneru-an control of the islands, but
are prevented from expressing their
opinions by the murderous tyranny
xuroised bv the organizations of am-
bi.ious schemers known as the Kata
Mrs Hale, who ban been with the
General ttiroughout bin utny in the
Hast, ni il at die would not repeat
her expi n, u s for a thousand
dollars, nor have missed them for a
Tim Smito Domlnuo Itovoliittoiitsl
llnltoil a n Dell vct-cr.
Porto IMqU, Santo Domingo. Sept. 0
General lifrtro Jlinlnez lnnded here
yostertlay, having romo from Cuba,
touching at Tape Haytlen on the way.
Ho was received at the wntor side by
an Imfnense throng. Ills reception, ar
ranged byOeneral Itnraon Iinbert, wan
eutlutilastic The news of Jlmlnoz's
arrlvRl has been sent lHto the Interior,
and It Is believed that settled order and
peace will soon be restored.
General Jlmlnor was accompanied by
50 armed revolutionists, who wore
taken on board th? Georges Crolz at
Cape Haytlen. Tho populnco hailed
him as the country's deliverer.
A delegation of a hundred officials
and prominent merchants, headed by
the governor of the city, went on
board the steamer to greet him, re
turning after an absence of nine years.
The entire population was at tho
wharf and escorted his cnrrlngo to
headquarters, whore a reception was
held, thousands waiting for hours In
the lotense heat to assure him of their
Last night thero was n popular dem
onstration, with a procession of boI
dlers and citizens anil speeches of wel
come. Puerto Plata and Santiago aro
Jlmlnee strongholds. Thero Is some
uncertainty regarding political condi
tions In the southern districts, and
there are rumors of other aspirants
planning to defeat General Jlminoz In
that quarter.
Lottery TleketH S'oIimmI.
New York, Sept. 0. The superinten
dent of the Adams Exptess coniputi
reported to Chief of Police Dovery
yesterday that his company hau re
ceived from Montreal a trunk which
It wub behoved contained packagos of
lottery drawings. The trunk was
opened and found to contain GO, pack
ages of lottery drawings of the Ken
tucky lottery. The packages word
seized and turned over to the police
property clerk.
To "mil liny West (inrrlfon Nortli.
Atlanta, Sept. C. General Uoyal L.
Frank, commanding the Department of
the Gulf, announced yesterday that tho
garrison at Key West would be sent
to Now York as soon as transporta
tion la arranged, on account of tho
yellow fover at Key Wost. The fever
situation Is considered as encouraging
by General Frank,
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by alt poor dyspeptics whose
stomach and liver are out of order. All such
should know that Dr. King s New Life Pills,
the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives
a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a
regular bodily nabit that insures perfect health
and grpat energy. Only 25c. at A. "Wesley's
drug store.
fJe'iirirl'n IMrtWtrn So'iVtmiceil.
Darien, Ga., Sept. 0. The riot trlal3
wore continued yesterday by the con
viction of four men and the acquittal
of four of the accused. Tho convictions
aggregated 22, and the acquittals about
half as many. Sentence was passed on
those convicted. Six received the
maximum penalty of $1,000 fine each
or one year in the chain gang. Henry
Delegall, who will be put on trial for
rape today, and out of which case
grew the riots, was brought from
Savannah yesterday afternoon under a
strong military guard. John Delegall,
who secured a change of venue to
Effingham county and will be put on
trial next week, will be taken to Sa
vannah for safe keeping under a
strong mlltary guard. The troops
which hud been stationed here have
gone home.
"Now good digestion waits on appetite
and health on both."
If it doesn't, try Burdock Blood Bitters.
nomine Plceon's Itoninrkable Flight.
Denver, Sept. G. Word has been re
ceived here that a homing pigeon be
longing to R. E. Blaney, of Orafton,
W. Va., released In Denver July 29,
reached home on Aug. 20, covering a
distance of 1,350 miles air line in 31
days, and breaking tho world's records
for a long flight.
The Now Trench Ambassador.
London, Sept. 6. According to the
Rome correspondent of The Standard,
Camille Barrere, the French ambas
sador to Italy, will be the next French
ambassador to the United States, and
has already been appointed.
A Conscience Contribution.
"Washington, Sept. 6. United Statea
Treasurer Roberts has received a con
science contribution of J300 from an
unknown party, who requested that
the name of his home town be not
made public.
Third Dewey Artist Dead.
Paterson, N. J., Sept. 6. The third
artist engaged in tho preliminaries for
the Dewey reception has succumbed to
overwork. Frank E. Crane, the well
known decorator, was found dead in
bed yesterday. He was 43 years old.
Doctors Can't
Cure It!
Contagious blood poison is absolutely
beyond the skill of the doetors. They
may dote a patient for years on theli
mercurial and potash remedies, but be
will never be rid of the disease : on the
other hand, his condition will grow
steadily worse. S, S. 6. Is the only cure
for this terrible affliction, beoauie it is
the only remedy which goes dlreot to
tne cause 01 cne aueaao ana icrces it
from the system.
I was afflicted with Blood Poison, and Ihi
bit doctors did m no good, though I took
taeir treatment tan a
tally. In faot, I seemed
(0 get worse all the
whll. I took almost
every so-called blood
remedy, but thay did not
seem to reach the dis
ease, and had no effect
whaterer. I was dis
heartened, for It seemed
that I would nerer be
cured. At the adviee ol
a friend I then tool
8. 6. S., and began to lm
nrnva. I anntlnued thl
medicine, and It cored me completely, build
Ingupmy health and Increasing my appetite
Although this was ten years ago, I have neve!
ret bad a sign 01 tne disease to return.
Staunton, Va,
It Is like jolf-destructlon to continue
to take potash and mercury; besidei
totally destroying the digestion, they
dry up tho marrow In tho bones, pro
ducing a stiffness and swelling of the
joints, causing the hair to fall out, and
completely wreewng tne system.
Is guaranteed Purely Vegetable, and li
the only blood remedy free from then
dangerous minerals.
Book on self-treatment sent free bj
Bwlft Speclflo Company, Atlanta, Qa.
tU"t t H MURIUM NO. ),6oj
" Two ytoarn ngo 1 was 11 ' great
sufforpr from womb trouble and pro
fuse flowing cnoh mouth, and tumors
would form
Another Tumor
RomovotI by
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Voyotn
hlo Compound
In tho womb.
I had four
tumors In
two years. I
went through
treat 111 out
with doctors,
but tlioy did
mo no good, and I thought I would
havo to resort to morphine.
" Tho doctor said that all that could
help mo was to havo an operation and
havo tho womb removed, but I had
heard of Mrs. l'lnkham's mcdlclno and
decided to try It, and wrote for her
advico, nnd after taking hor Vegetable
Compound tho tumors were expelled
nnd I began to get stronger right
along, and am ns well as ever before.
Can truly say that I would never had
gotten well had It not been for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Compound." Maiiy A,
Staul, Watsontown, Pa.
What Mrs. l'lnkham's Letter Did.
" Dbaii Miss. Pinkiiam After follow
ing tho directions given in your klud
lottorfor the treatment of lcucorrhoca,
I can say that I havo been entirely
cured by the 11 so of Lydia E. Pinkham's
rumedlos, and will gladly recommend
them to my friends.
" Thanking- you for your kindness, I
am gratefully yours, A. B. Davids,
Hi.voiiAJtrTON, N. Y."
The Political lloss Who Served Tim.
For Klcctlon Frauds.
New York. Sept. 0. John Y. Mc
Kane died nt his home In Coney Island
at C.15 o'clock last night, ncd 5j3
years. McKnne was formerly the po-
lltlcal boss of Coney Island, and Gain
ed national notoriety In 1894, when ho
was placed on trial for ballot stuffing,
was convicted and served a term in
Sing Sing, less the commutation for
good behavior allowed all convicts.
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
Ono size smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to bo shaken Into the shoes.
It makes tight or new shoes feol easy ; gives
Instant relief to corns and bunions. It's the
greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures
swollen feet, blisters and callous spots.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure for in
growing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial
package freo by mail, Address, Allan S.
Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
Dewey Washington Itoceptlon.
Washington, Sept. 6. Preparations
for the reception of Admiral Dewey In
this city aro rapidly assuming shape,
and frcm the program, even In Its pre
sent Incomplete condition, the celebra
tion will be one of the most noteworthy
that has ever occurred In Washington.
The admiral's reception here will be
largely In the nature of an official
function, as Its central feature will be
the presentation of the magnificent
sword voted to him by congress. The
celebration will take place on the
night of Oct, 2 or 3. There will be an
Imposing parade at night and a gen
eral Illumination of the city, and tho
procession will be reviewed by Presi
dent McKinley and Admiral Dewey.
The governors of all the states and ter
ritories have been Invited to be present.
The KonrsnrKO n Success.
Newport News, Va Sept. 0. Tho
first class battleship Kearsarge, on her
trial trip yesterday, made a record of
17Vt knots, which speed was maintain
ed for nearly half an hour. Those In
terested in the construction of the
splendid vessel considered her accom
plishment a phenomenal one. In view
of the fact that the course in which
forced draught was tried was in shal
low water and that the vessel's bottom'
is in a pretty filthy condition, having
been In the water continuously 13
months. Tho steam and hand steering
gear were subjected to the most severe
tests and the result. It Is stated. Is that
the Immense mass of steel and iron
responded to her wheel almost as read
ily as a steam launch.
Columbia Ilauts Defender For a Cnp,
Newport, Sept, 6. In the finest kind
of sailing breeze yesterday the cup de
fender Columbia defeated Defender by
3 minutes 11 seconds over a 20 mile
course, ten miles to windward and re
turn. She rounded the windward
mark 2 minutes and 33 seconds ahead
of the Defender, besides making up a
handicap at the start of 31 seconds.
On the run home, with spinnakers set,
she gained 38 seconds over her rival.
The race was for a cup offered by Col
onel William Goddard, of Providence,
Drove In Front of Trnln,
Park Ridge, N. J., Sept. 6. Miss Olea
DeFresslnger, 18 years of age, was In
Btantly killed and her father, Deeu
peFresslngcr, 70 years old, was per
haps totally Injured yestorday by being
struck b? a railroad train on the
branch of the Erie railroad at this
place. Thoy were out driving, and
started across the tracks directly In
ront of the approaching train, which
they did not see. Miss DeFresslnger
was beheaded.
1'ntnIlt.vDue to Hniployop's Noullumioo
Chicago, Sept 6. The Pittsburg
Bridge company and Charles M. Peas'
Joy, superintendent, wero held re
sponsible by a coroner's Jury for tho
death of 11 men who were killed In tho
collapse of the arches of ti.a Coliseum
building, in course of construction, on
Aug. 28. The Jury's verdict declares
that "had the proper precautions been
taken the nccldflnt would not havo
Adiulrnl riowev'H Itettreinont,
Gibraltar, Sept? B. Admiral Dewey
today expressed a favorable opinion
as to the outcome of the war In tha
Philippine Islands, saying that ho
hoped the next dry season would boo
the Inaurrecton quelled. The admiral
said that he did not expect to go on
sea service again except In tho event of
war. und that he will probably retire
under the regulations.
Tho ltitynl Solon wtip l to Marry
iln (.i-iioi-itl k Ifiutuhtpr.
New York. Sept. C. Among tho paa
songpra on board tho steatnahlp KalHor
Wllliolm der Orosse, which arrived
here yesterday, Is Prince Onntncuzone,
who on Sept. 25 la to mnrry Miss Julia
Dent Grant, daughter of General and
Mrs. Frederick D. Grnnt. Mrs. Grant,
who has been resting up tho Hudson,
nnd Honore Pnlmer met tho prlnco
when tho stenmshlp reached her pier.
Tho prince, with Mrs. Grnnt and Mr.
Palmer," loft for Nowport last evening
to visit the prospective brldo.
Mel.t-nn to Bo KlllMHirno'M finest.
Cincinnati, Sept. C Mr. John R.
McLean, the Democratic nominee for
governor, who will be nominated next
Friday to attend the meetings of tho
Democratic 8tnt,o central committee
and of tho executive committee of the
Ohio League of Democratic clubs, has
accepted an Invitation from Colonel
Jnines Kilbourno to be his guest on
Friday at luncheon. Colonel Kil
bourno wna the loading opponent of
Mr. McLean for tho gubernatorial nom
ination at tho state convention In
Zanesvlllo last wcok. While at Co
lumbus Mr. McLean will begin his
unnvass nt the stnte fair.
"The C'oiiiioiitlutit Volley IntrlotH."
Springfield, Mass., Sept. G. The first
public demonstration of tlie anti
Imperialists of this city last night was
attended by 1.500 people. Tho sup
porters of tho administration made but
little attempt to show their feeling
of dissent when the speakers made
their strongest statements, and save
for a few cries there was nothing to
mark the audience as being any other
than all on the side of the speakers.
The principal speakor was ex-Qovernor
George S. Boutwell. At the close of his
address a committee was appointed to
organize "The Connecticut Valley Pa
triots." He Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West
Jefferson, O., nfter sudering 18 months from
Rectal tistula, he would die unless a costly
operation was performed j but he cured himself
with five boxes of HucMen's Arnica Salve,
the surest Pile cure on earth, and the best
salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by
A. Wasley, druggist.
31 til-dor on n Muuoto Streot.
Muncle, Ind., Sept. C. Elmer Ham
ilton, 33 years of age, the son of a
lime merchant of this city, was found
yesterday lying unconscious in the
street In tho southern part of tho city
with his face and- skull crushed. A
blood stained club lay near him. Ho
was taken to the hospital and partial
ly revived, but was unable to talk, and
soon after died. Hamilton was highly
connected. It Is reported that the en
tire police force Is scouring tho city
for Clifford Morris, who was with
Hamilton at 2 o'clock yesterday morn
ing, and cannot be found.
JVIEN Kidney trouble preys upon
a Mn ",e niInc'i discourages and
AINU lessons ambition; beauty,
WO!! FN v'sr and cheerfulness soon
TV Jl li-l t disappear whon the kidneys
aro out of order or diseased. For pleasing
results uso Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the
great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample
bottle by mail free, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Binghamton, N.Y.
Yesterday's HiiHolmlf Oninos.
At Cincinnati First game: Cincin
nati, 19; Cleveland, 3. Second gamo;
rMnclnnatl. !)-. filaveland. 7. At Phila
delphia Philadelphia, 18; Washing
ton, 10. At Boston Baltimore, ; uos
ton, 4. At Chicago Chicago, 13; Pitts
burg. 7. At St. Louis (called, dark-
noual Rt f.nills k I.OUlsVillO. 4. At
Brooklyn (called, darkness) Brook
lyn, 16; New YorK, 5.
The Homeliest Man 'In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
Ynoht Capsized l'lvo Drowned.
Bath, Me., Sept. 6. By the capsiz
ing of the yacht Abadla In Sheepscot
bay five persons wero drowned. The
victims wero Dr, John H. Steadman,
William Nason, Harry Hlgglns and
Frank Avery, all of Georgetown, and
James A. Martin, of Boston. The
yacht was upset In a squall.
UruuHWlok WnutH 11 Outline; (Jliu,
Atlanta, Sept. 6. Governor Candler
was asked yesterday to send a Gat
llng gun to Brunswick, Ga. The re
quest comes because of the Implied
threat In a. statoment recently made
by a negro editor that armed negroes
were ready to sustain him In what
ever he said or did.
AndTonic in Tablet FonM")
For .All Diseases or-the
Generative organs
To Every Part or nie System
Highly ENwsto By Physkims
HyflAlLSf.00 Sctti Stamp rviPAHrmtr
Hold lii Hhenandoali at
Order by wall sent to any oddre ,
Kid-No-Oids are in yellow tablet form put up in boxes soli for 50o a box
at all drug stores your druggist will tell you of cures they effected here
at homo no will vouch for tho truth of our every assertion.
Morrow's Liverlax cures constipation, biliousness, costiveness they
sell for 26c a bbx at all drug stores.
KJd-Ne-Oids and Liverlax, manufactured by John Morrow b Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio.
BTttBI Kk5-Ne-Oids and Liverlax, manufactured by John Morrow b Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio. He2
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
selected tbo following dates for Its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore nnd Washington :
August 21, Septcmbor 7 and SI, and
Octobers and 19. An experienced tourist
agout and chaperon will accompany each
Kxcursiou tickets, good for return passage
on auy legular train, exclusivo of limited
express trains, within ten days, will be sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Delaware
division; $11.23 from Atlantic City; $9.00
from Lancaster; $3.50 from Altoona and Har
risburg; fO.OO from Sunbury and Wilkes
barre; $5.75 from Wllliamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will be allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
Canadaigua, and Watkina within tho limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will bo run with each excursion.
An extra charge will bo made for parlor car
Tickets for a sido trip to the Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Rochester in connection .with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Cacan
daigua via Syracuse within five days, at rate
of $5.50.
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will be
3old at Niagara Falls for ?1.00 on July 29,
August 12 and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will be sold to Toronto and return at
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair. ,
For timo of connecting trains and further
Information apply to nearest ticket agent, or
address Qeo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Uroad Street Station,
85.00 to Niagara Falls and lleturn via the
I.eblgh Valley Railroad.
On September 9th the Lohigh Valley Rail
road will sell tickets to Niagara Falls and
return at the special low fare of (5 00 for tbo
round trip from Shenandoah, limited for re
turn passage to September 11th, inclusive.
Tickets will be honored on any train except
the Black Diamond Express. Consult lie
high Valley ticket agent for further par
ticulars. Ifflll J and unfortunate lullAreri from
Yonthfii! tfrrnr.. It Vl(. II,. V.rtwusU -I- P
lead for Nvora Tettmtntnl tod Bock
JL Jrfr"I"ai" "1'rof. O. F. TIIEKL, SI. !.,
J1W.'KASO t North Nlith HU IMiUndVloM.
J tr Vm?W- I'Mlllrelr r apoeUIUI la U..L
3 U1UU hJtod. fre.heM.ioiifd la 4 10 1 U diy.Hodr.9 SAt.
r J T T T T T T T
1 r f t r '
This Hot
One needs a cooljng
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot.
They are cooling, satisfy
ing and invigorating.
These )jrews wjjl fre
furnished in ease jots for
family-use by applying tp
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street.
the modern, scientific, practical, up-to-date medicine that banishes kidney
backache, kidney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances in either
adults or children.
The first dose of Kid-Ne-Oids works wonders
a week's trial will ofttimes cure" mild cases take a
box or two and your kidney trouble will disappear.
Disordered kidneys are Indicated by pains In the back, distress or
fullness- after eating, scanty or' scalding urine, weakness nd chills, pains
In the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling In limbs or
body, or both, and sediment In the urine.
DR. E. C.
Tho Original. All Others Imitations.
In Bold under a posltlvo Written Guarantee, by authorized agents only, to euro Weak
Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, lLyateria, Quickness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams,
liack of Confidence. Nervousness, Lansitrude, all Drains, Yonthful Errors, or Excessive
Uso of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, lunanlty anil
Death. At store or by mall, I a box; six for 5; with written Guarantee to Cure or
Itefund Money. Sample Package, containing live days' treatment, with full lnstruo-
uons, cents, unc sampiu uuiy eum to
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
For Imnotencv. Loss of Power. Lost
six for t3, with Written Guarantee to cure In 30 days. At store or by mall.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug; Store.
Tlie fall term of tli fnmoua
trntnlntf school for teachers
will open August 28, 1899. Su
perior advantages are offered
to young men and women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or business. The build
ings are all new. containing
spacious and comfortable
rooms forstudents, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout.and supplied with
the latest and best lighting
and sanitary appliances.
Before choosing a school
secure a catalogue of tlie
Keystone Normal School.
Rev. N. 0. Staffer, Ph. D D. D
l'or full Information, catalogue, etc..
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
ctnd Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
News Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
In the world.
Price 5c a copy, By Mill, $2 i yes
Addreii tM SDK, Nv Yirk.
It tells tho health
Btory well
Heed its warning I It
never tella an untruth
a bit goes wrong
with tho kidneys and
tho back immediately
tella tho story
Tho degree of kidney
oicknesa w euro to be
' told by the degreo of
"Watch your back I
Tend to your kidneys.
eacu person. At Btore or by mall,
Manhood. Stertlttv or Itarrr-nnpHn.
$1 a box;
IN EFFECT MAY 14, 1899.
Passenger trnlnH leave Shenundoah for l'enn
Haven Junction, MnucU Chunk, I,ehl;liton,
SlntiiiRtoil, White Hall, Cntaniuiiiu.i, Allwtown,
Bethlehem, Easton New York and Philadelphia
at 5 28. 7 BO a. m , 12 52 and S 17 p. in.
For Wllkcsborre, White Haven and l'lttaton,
9 28, 10 12 a. in., 12 62 and 5 17 p. m.
For Laccytllle, Towunda, Soyre, Woverly
Elmlro, ltochester; UulTulo, Niagara FalU,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 nnd S 17 p. ni.
For Delvldere, Delaware Water Gap ancf
Stroudsburg, 5 28 a. in., 5 17 p. m.
For J-nmbcrtvillo and Trenton, 7 SO a. m.
For Jeancsvlllc, LevUton and Beaver Meadow
5 28 a. in., 12 62 p. in.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Ilazleton, Stockto
and Lumber Yard, 8 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. in:, 12 52 and
1 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drifton and Freeland, 5 28, 1012
a, in,, 5 17 p. m.
For Scrauton, 5 28, 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Loat Creek, Qlrardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For Itaven Uun, Centralta, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 10 19 a. m., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. m.
For Mahanoy City, Parle Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. in., and 12 52. 5 17 p. m.
For Yatesvillc, 5 28, 10 12 a. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. in.,
11 69 and 4 20 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 a. in., 12 62, 5 17 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottavllle, St. Clair,
New Castle, Morea and New lioston, 7 50 una
10 12 a. m , 12 62 and 5 17 p. in.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m
1235,505,815 p. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 9 60 a. m.,
12 45, E 09, 26, 8 81 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Ccntralla, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 40 a. m., 7 21 p. in.,
Trains leave Hhamokin for Shenandoah at
8 60 a. m., and 5 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatenvllle, Mahanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled,
Ilazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a in., and 6 82 p. m.
For Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Catasauqua, Whlto
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Kan ton and Philllps
burg, 9 47 a. m nnd j! 32 p. m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8 50, a. in.,
and S 27 p. in.
M. li. CUTTER, Hupt. Transportation,
South liethlebeni. Pa.
South Dfthlehera, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Aid..
New York, N.Y.
South Bethlehem. Pa.
A box of our
SrECInL fflillLT MEW
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo,
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasure resort and
icnic grounds in this region,
nlendid lake of fresji water. Jce
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here lor the
entire season, For particulars
U. J. YOST, Prop.,
UarnegvIHe, Pa,
Brain Jra
Em M