The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 31, 1898, Image 2

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    nf ni irt?fTftii Ha . 'ft
KSTAnMsiii'.i) i:t:o.
tuiillshet1 every RvrMne. Ftcetit BundRV,n
HOUTff ,tARM -T'm, Xl'AK Cksthk.
Tlic ni -i'.i i- ' " ,-'' tr "iiidonh inl
' i - ti. t lit b week, p -Hiil.
j it. cm . l' inn' I 1. 00 b yrnr, or -'1
i enta r month, i'yfiiic in unvnncc. vivertinr i
nietili cbnrnoiI hi onlh tiiiitinaiKi p.wHion.
Tdc puliltxl't rH ti''rvo tlir rlclit tit chance tb- '
position of lulvertUemeutH w hptirvrr thf pub ,
"talltvi of new ttrin;tiiti It. The rdjht U
leervftt! to t jjfnnj' nil vtrt lament, whetl.rt
ptlit for or not, .iut the publisher uvw dceni
' ipri't ihertl-liiK r iter mntlo ttmvi.
nii applU'iitlnn.
KiiteruU :il thu pmintHec nt Hhrimutlonh, IN , ft
Hoeond niiill umttur
'Ml the News That's Fit to Print.
f - j
MON'PW. ot Tonii: :u, isps.
JIM COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Ax oxelnuige says
must no. He lias
these many years.
tlie liiine mute
been "going"
Jkfkkhsox'.S idea of bimetallism
was a dollar's worth of gold or silver
at the market rate, stamped as a
dollar. It was a simple, elear prop
osition, and no thought of departing
from it ever entered his mind.
Don't listen to any reports put in
circulation about any of the candi
dates just before election. The very
fact that they are circulated at the
lust moment, too late for contradic
tion, ought to be sullicieut evidence
of their falsity.
llKKK is apredietion : Stone will be
elected Governor of Pennsylvania by
not less than .10.000 plurality, with
.leaks second and Swallow bringing
up the rear. The latter is losing
votes and will continue to do
the day of election.
A Baltimohk genius claims to have
hit upon an easy process of extract
ing gold from sawdust. Instead of
criticising the administration and
howling calamity any man can
prosper nowadays who will say noth
ing and keep on sawing wood.
A (jUKKli year, this I Winter in the
summer time and summer in the
early winter. October sparring with
April for the palm of fickleness. Still,
as they say in the streets and on the
stage, the stars still shine and "don't
you care." It won't make any differ
ence whether you care or not.
TlIK Jlinersville Free l'ress says
the Congressional candidate's friends
are intimidating voters at that place,
by circulating false statements as to
tho Widow hinith and file pontolllce.
Tlio Free l'ress says I he widow is ad
vising her friends to vote against
Bruiuni, because of iii.s treatment of
Ik tile soldiers who marched
through Philadelphia last Thursday
are examples of the. emaciated cripples
we have been reading about, what
giants they must have been before
they enlisted. An object lesson like
that is a complete answer to the
charges of tho hysterical editors of
the yellow journals.
Contiioi.i.KU Snydkh is making
friends wherever ho goes. The mali
cious and personal attacks made upon
him by the Democratic speakers will
make him friends, and is only an
other evidence that they realize lie
will succeed li ininelf. Sir. Snyder has
yery wisely treated with silent con
tempt the ravings of these spell
hinders. Chaiiiman Babcock, of the Hepub
llcan congressional committee, gives
out a statement to tho effect that
there is not the least probability of
the Democrats securing control of
Congress. After a careful review of
thu Held he says tile Republicans will
retain control of that body by a large
majority. This being true, the voters
of that party in Schuylkill county
can very wisely refuse to return adis
credited politician to the halls of Con
gress. 'I'll K Philadelphia Record is an un
compromisingly Democratic journal,
but it belongs to the advanced class
of newspapers that have tho courage
to recognize merit iu their opponents
us well as to point out and denounce
wrongs in their own party. Tho day
of utterly hide-bound partisan jour
nalism is surely passing away, and
even now tho really iniluential nows-
lmpersiire those which aresuflloiontly
Independent to be truthful, honest
and fearless iu all things. Tho Record
nays the Democrats of Schuylkill
county are milking a serioiiB mistake
in opposing the return of Judge Koeli
to the Doneh, which ho has filled with
marked ability. As an advocate of a
non-partisan judiciary, our contem
porary advises DemouratH to vote for
Judge Kooh.
3 "tsLi?
all liver UK luhoust
i; u'acli' ' mir storo-
.' 11,'t s'a i. coiutipa
'in, i . .! ,i ly.
cetpalliul gr r .- Ii t-)r -1 ilniggl.U. JS cut
'i d nn li it - ti l.i ku villi 11. .'Hi'. tjria)arllU
IsNI-ltlil.TIO lo
t tilcit ortrr fur our uru
Nun 'ry Sunk. Fxpenufi
nttd ..itur tu iliOiv luTjt.g
UuniM, oriotuiutiMlou to lo
cal agt-ut- l' rinam at eL.
uloTiurut. Tlio jiminM
i uihr lrni ( ..ArtJrfM
1bi ll.-.l 'MKHCO
o. Jiw.. Plillu.
ti ...
"UULD dust.
Saves Work end Worry
Neglect should never be laid at the door of a housewife.
It may be she v c rk.- harder than her neighbor, but doesn't
go about it in just the right way. Her neighbor uses
W lint It Cuhti to llclnug tOHCrnch Kng
lUll ltcgltlietlt.
Tho actual surroundings of ffimrd
man's daily lilu arc simple. If iU.uiciti! !
In London, uiiIum at tho Tower, lie will I
llvu at thu (iuanls club, us tliu mess at the !
Tower Is thu only one ninlnt'ilncd liy tlio j
Foot Ktiards In London, and his o.xpen.sos
nt tho club will compare favorably with
tho expenses of any other club la (own.
If the battalion to which he belongs is
quarturcd nt Chelsea barracks, ho may
very possibly hao a room in tho barracks.
If his puoplo live la town, an is often thu
ca6c, ho may lhc nt home, or ho may pre
fer tho freedom of a couple of rooms in the
neighborhood of .lurmyn sttect or St
The entrance feo to tho Guards club Is
B0 guineas, ami ho will liavo to pay an an
nual subscription of 11 A fair nera(io
of tho living expenses of the club may bo
taken as some 20 a month, though, If of
extravagant tastes, It may bo much high
er, and tho rent of his rooms will depund
almost entirely on what ho chooses to pay
So that It is clear that tho necessary ex
penses of lifo in tho Foot guards aro not
nearly as prohibitory as is generally sup
posed. Tho guardsman receives tho same
pay ns olllecrs of corresponding rank In
tho line, with tho addition of 70 a year
guard's pay, so that it Is possible for n
youngster of an economical turn to live in
tho guard on an allowance of 300 a year
In addition to his pay.
As wo havo just shown, it is possible
but 1 must admit that it is not often done
Tho young guardsman is very seldom con
tented with ono club or even with two,
and tho brigade will bo found to bo fairly
strongly represented at tho llaolieluis',
Willie's and the best service clubs. Tho
lovers of cricket and tennis proper aro
mostly habitues of 1'rinco's, and tlio ma
jority bolong to tho principal racing clubs,
such ns Sandown l'nrk, and tho horsy,
or rather "pony," clubs of Ilurlinghani
nnd the newer Ilanclagh. A Hrltlsh Olll
ccr in Harper's Magazine
To Cum a Cold In Ono lny
Take Laxative lliouio Quinine Tahlets. All
druggists lefund tlio money if it failsto cure.
IWc. Tlio genuine has L. It. (J. on each
tablet. tf
Tho Umbrella Conscience.
"You may bank on a guilty ennsclenco
almost every time wlion an umbrella is in
question," said a New Orleans drummer.
"You see this ono? Well, It canio into my
possession quite recently by what tlioy call
tho 'right of conquest' In a protocol. 1
was caught nut In tlio rain nftcr lunch and
wondering whnt tho deuco I would do
when 1 noticed a chap under an awning
trying to raiso an umbrella. It was clear
ho didn't understand tho fastening, nnd as
tho umbrella Itself was not now tlio cir
cunistnntlal evidence against liini was con
clusive. "So I walked up anil Mild firmly, 'Thnt's
my umbrella, sir. ' At tlio same tinio I
took it out of ills hand Mo wilted nt onco,
stammered something about a mistake
and sneaked off, whllo 1 walked away
proudly, sheltered from a very moist show
er. That's what nerve will do. Wonder,
by tlio way, whoso it really Is." Now Or
leans Tlmes-Duinoornt
A l'alr of Hulls.
A very miaint reason, says a writer in
tho Loudon Telegraph, was advanced by
a domestic servant for thinking that tho
plnco she was In was In every way desir
able "Aro yoz in a good place, Maryf"
asked ono of her friends. "Oh, a mighty
foino place entirely," sbo replied. "Shuro,
mo mlstics is so rich that all her llannul
petticoats is mado of silk I" "Look nt
that nuwl" exclaimed tho other in amnzo
ment. Hero la ahull from tlio nnrsery : "That's
n terrlblo noiso In the nursery, Molly,"
6nld tho mistress. "What's tho matter?
Can't vou keen tho baby quiet?" "Shuro,
nm'ani." replied Molly, "I can't keep hiin
quiet unless I lot blm make a noise."
Don't TrlHe With Couchs and Colds,
Take l'an-Tinn (25c.) and lie cured. At
(irnhler liros., drug store.
Huh lCosil,
fub rosn means literally "under the
rose." Tlio phrase dates from -177 11. C,
when I'ausanlas, the cnmmniidor of tho
confederated ileet of Hpartans and Athe
nians, was engaged in an Intrigue with
Xerxes to betray Urccco to tho Pcrsinn
ruler and to obtain in marriago the hand
of the monarch's daughter. Their negoti
ations woro can led on under a roof which
won coverod with roses nnd were matured ,
literally "undor tho rose." I'ausanlas, I
however, was betrayed, and, to oscapo nr- ,
rest, lied to tho temple of Minerva. Tho
sanctity of this plnco forbidding Intrusion '
for violence of any kind, tho puoplo walled
up tho cdlllco with stones and loft tlio
fugitive to dlo of starvation. Ills own
mother laid tho Hist stono. It afterward
became a custom among tlio Athenians to
wear a rose when thuy had confldontlul
compliments to imike, tlio tlnwer implying
strict hocivoy. It was also customary
among tho undent Germans on the occa
sions of festivity to suspend a rnso nbovo
tho tablo as n token that whatever was
said during tho feast should be kept secret
among thoinselvcs. In IMfl n rose was
pluced over cunfossinnals in Roman Cath
olic churches
Hlilivlug Without Kceing.
That a man ran become aociistninod to
pro ty much anything is proved by tlui of
llcers In the army, who when camped out
or placed In a position whuro they do not
hnvo tho accessories of the toilet soon
learn to do without articles generally
thought to bo Indispensable.
In conversation an army olllcer said tho
other day: "Why, I nour think of using
n mirror when 1 shuwi. I do not stand up
to do it, cither, hut sit down ou a camp
stool or the side of a cot and whnok nwny
at my face. It is more eomfortablo to bo
seated, and then I do not have to cranu
lay neck to see the place I am shaving and
thereby exposo myself to a gash from thu
razor, I nover cat myself in fact, I will
bo willing to wager that I can slmvo in
my tent without a mirror as ensllyor with
mora case than ninny who havo overy con
venience of the lonsorlal table and often
loavo marks of their awkwardness on tliolr
faces. It is all duo to habit formed liy no
cesilty " Kuw Orleans Time Uouiqcrat..
Washing PoWdS
nnd keeps her liouse twice ns clean with half
the effort. Gold Dust Washing Powder has
given many a woman the reputation of being
n queen of housekeepers. Do you use it?
Largest package greatest economy.
St. I.ooii, Km Vork. Bmton. rhllaMphla.
I'lnw er, Hie Hand of Amrllrii, Cull-
Iliiuit of Amrllrii,
Vi.i the true pathway, "The Iron Mountain
lloule," which mucinosa region of perpelutl
sunshine, whore, snow storms, hlizuinls or
liijjli altitudes am unknown, l'tillin.iti first
nail seeunil class palace ami tourist sleeping
ns to points iu .Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California,
OicgoM, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick tinio, low
rates, mid all the comforts of modern railway
liiipiovements guaranteed to all who pur
j chase tickets via tlio Missouri Pacific ndlway
system. lor rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, dropu postal
caul, J. V. McCaun, T. 1'. Agent. M0 Itail
road avenue, Llmira, N. Y., or ii'Jl Ilroad
nuy. Now York.
:i-l-tf W. L Hovt. (1. F. 1'. Agt.
How's Tills?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for
my ease of Catarrh that enn not ho cured liy
Hall's Catarrh Cuie.
F. J. CI1KNKY & CO , Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
or the Inst 15 years, and helievo liiln perfectly
honorable ill all liusiness transactions mid fin
ancially aide to carry out any obligations made
l,y their 111 in.
Wl'-sr &TKAUX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waliii.vo, Kinsan & Mauvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
HaU'H Catanli Cure Is taken internally, acting
directly upon the lilood and mucous surfaces of
the system, l'rito 73c. per bottle. Hold by nil
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Coming Invents.
Kov. 1st. Annual supper under auspices
of Calvary Haptist ckurcii, iu liobbins' opera
Nov. 4. Grand concert in the Methodist
Lpiseopal church under the auspices uf tlio
M. U. church choir, assisted by tlio Shenan
doah male paity.
Nov. Kith. flrand annual supper under
auspices of the uieniborsof Trinity Reformed
church, in Knbhius' opera house.
Nov. 21. Grand masquerade hall, iu Hob
bins' opera house, under auspices of tho
Dewey Club.
Nov. 21th. Turkey supper under the
auspices of tho All Saints' church will he
held in tlio church basement, corner Oak
and West stieets.
For Infants and Children.
The Khid You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Winter Kxcurslou Tickets on tlin l'elin-
Hltuuki ltallroitfl.
On November 1 the Pennsylvania Kallroad
Company will place on salo at its principal
ticket oliices excursion tickets to all promi
nent winter resoits in Now Jersey, Virginia,
North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida,
and Cuba. Tho tickets will bo sold at tlio
usual low rates, with tlio usual liberal return
Tlio magnificent facilities of tlio Pcunsyl-
vanii Ihiilroad. with its many connections,
make this the favoiito lino for winter travel.
An Illustrated hook, dcscrlptivo of winter
resorts, and giving routes of travel aud rates
for tickets, will ho furnished free after
November 1 on application to ticket agents,
It's Winning New Friends Dallj.
What? l'aii-Tina for coughs and colds.
(Irnhler liros., drug store.
Only Turku.
During tho Criinciui war Lord Hnglan
was most conciliatory In his conduct and
language to tho French, but unluckily
from old peninsular associations ho was
now and then betrayed Into speaking of
thoui i s "tho enemy." "If wo aro placed
hero n. id thu enemy aro posted there
'Good licavons, my lord!" Lord da Ros
would cry, "What aro you saying?" lie
was also particularly desirous of establish
ing coullal relations between tho KnglUh
and Turkish armies and was much dis
turbed at a quarrel which took place be
tween sumo of I he soldiers. When tho com
batants were dispersed, ono or two Turk
ish soldiers were left lying dead.
Lord do Ros was sent to tlio grand vizier
to express Lord Raglan s concern nnd to
promise that oory effort should bo made
to lind out anil punisa tno guilty persons.
On his beginning to lament an unfortu
nate occurrence the Turk looked anxious,
but on the matter being broken to him hu
exclaimed with great relief: "Is that ull? matter if they nro killed or
not?" Lord do Ros returned to Lord Hag
Inn, aud in answer to his anxious luqul
rios bo replied: "It Is all right. Our
follows aro welcome to kill as many of
them ns they ploasu. " Spectator.
Untidy For tlio Farmers.
When a farmer ora boat builder nt Win
ter Harbor needs a grindstone, ho goes
down the bay and llshes forouuwlth ropes
mid tackle from a bout Thu bottom is
coven d with them, and therein bo hauled
out all ready to set up. Many years ago a
schooner from Rockland loaded with a
cargo of several hundred grindstones went
tnwiv'kon the strip of rocks now ami
for that loasiiu known as Grindstone point.
Hhouunt to the bottom, and as the tim
bers rotted and separated or were washod
away by the frequent storm tho grind
stones were scattered around, n quarry
which everybody U at liberty to patronize
for himself. Winter Harbor (Ma) Letter
in Chicago Record.
Where n Ktroug Itoud In Needed.
Jeweler Narrower and lighter wod
dlng rings aro fashionable. Why do you
want ono so hro.ul and heavy?
Customer Wu expect to move to North
Dakota after tho weddiug. lewolers'
The busiest streets of London nro the
narrowest, liko those of, Pittsburg, whllo
the oppojito rule ought to prevail in an
Ideal city
Members of large families nro usually
itrongcr than mombers of small families,
lir which thero aro good uuttiral luutous.
IN A femilSH RfcUlMENT.
The lltiwrlttl'ii Itulrs That (Initio tint Of
aiern In Matrimonial All'idr.
This regimental family Is, m a rule, by
nn means an Uveloss Kden. Several of tlio
olllcers will probably bo married men, and
the Indies are usually rcoognlul ns mem
bers of the lcglmeiitnl family and nro
quite ns keen as their Husbands to main
tain in every way thu honor and credit of
thu corps. Hie. regiment liken ko feels
that the married ladles belong to It quite
ns much us do their husbands, and out
siders nro occasionally made to repent an
action, possibly unintentional, which has
been construed into a social slight on one
nf those ladles.
In some regiments thu ladles all dine at
mess with their husbands' brother oiliccrs
on Christmas night. In others other little
friendly customs oxlst, Identifying them
with tho corps, and In tho ease of ail rei
mental entertainments the wife of the sen
lor olllcer will, ns a matter of couise, ro
lulve the pnests.
Iilotvuf what I have said above the
rendi r must not run away with tho Idea
that matrimony Is nt all encouraged in the
cavalry. Very fur from It. It is recognized
thnt human frailty Is such that some al
lowance must bo made for senior olllcers,
but tho married subaltern Is not likely to
find himself popular and unless n very
good chap may recolvo a strong hint to
remove himself and his bride to some oth
er regiment.
Tho feeling about mntrlmony mny bo
summed up us follows: The colonel should
bo married a bachelor colonel iu tho mess
Is not ahvay a joy forever; majors, especi
ally If grumpy nnd livery in tho morning,
may bo married; captains should not bo
married, and subalterns must be bachelors,
though, sad to say, they often prove quite
as susceptible as their seniors.
Tho chief reason for this feeling against
matrimony Is that it is bad for the moss.
Married olllcers only pay half tho usual
mess subscriptions through their agents,
nnd as they seldom dine In tho mess tlio
cost of maintaining a proper establishment,
being divisible into fewer parts, falls nioro
heavily on tho bachelor members. Also
the sociability of tho mess suffers, and,
though this is strictly between ourselves,
tho addition of n now lady to tho married
roll of a regiment is not always found to
Increase the harmony of its regimental
life. In somo corps would bo benedicts
hnvo to pay a tine of 100 to tho funds of
the mess as a compensation for their In
tended desertion. A Urltish Olllcer In
Hnrpor's Magazlno.
A Cnrlylc I'leturo of a Dark, Damp liny
III tile Kligllsli Metropolis.
All people here hnvo got a thing they
cnll Inlluenzn, a dirty, feverish kind of
cold very miserable and so general as
was hardly over seen, writes Carlylo to his
sister, Mrs. Ilauning. Printing olllccs,
manufactories, tailor shops and such like
aro struck silent, every second man lying
snlltcring in his respective plnco of abode.
Tho same seoms to bo tlio rule in tho north
too. I suppose the miserable temperate of
climate may be tho cause.
Worse weather nover fell from tlio Lift,
to my judgment, than wo havo hero
reck, mist, cold, wet. Tho day before yes
terday thero was ono of our coinpletest
London fogs, u thing of which I suppose
you even at Manchester can form no kind
of notion. For wo are exactly ten timos
ns big ns you me, and parts of us aro hard
ly loss rooky and dirty. Further, wo lio
tint on the edge of a broad river. And
now suppose there wero n mist black
enough and such that no smoke or emana
tion could rise from us, but fell again the
Instant it had gotoutof tho chimney hoadl
People havo to light candles at noon,
coaches havo torch bearers running nt the
horses' heads. It Is llko a sea of Ink. I
wonder the people do not ull drop down
dead In It, since they nro not llshes of n
particular Bort. It Ir cause enough for In
llucii7a. Poor Jane, who misses nothing,
has caught fust hold of this Sunday last
and has really been miserably ill. As for
myself, I have felt thuso wretched fogs
penetrating into mo with a clear design to
produce cough, but I liao set my face
against it and said no This really does a
grout (leal ami has ft rved mo hitherto. I
hopo to escape the Inlluenzn. They say it
is abating. Atlantic
Olve the Children a Drink;
called Clrain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing
nourishing food drink to tako tho placo of
cotfeo. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who havo usod It hecauso when properly
prepared it tastes like tho finest coffee but is
free from all its injurious properties. Grain-
O aids digestion and jitrongthons tlio nerves.
It is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great benefit. Costs about I as much as
cofloo. 15 and 25o.
John Whs AH night.
A elorgymnn who has a small farm was
walking round, superintending, when he
cnino up to his plowman, who was resting
ins horses. J no clergyman said:
"John, could you not bring an old sickle
nnd cut away tho weeds In tills corner
while you rost tho horses?"
.John said:
"Master, couldn't you tako a bag of
them mixed seeds into the pnolpit wl' you
and sort 'em whllo thoy'ro singing?"
John always breathed ids horses as well
ns himself after that with nothing said.
Loudon Answers.
Crippled by
Thoso who hiwe Rheumatism find
tliemselvos growing steadily worso all
the while. Ono reason of this is that
tho remedies prescribed by tho doctors
contain mercury and potash, which ul
timately intensify the disease by caus
ing tho Joints to swell and stiffen,
Broduclng asevero aching of tho hones.
. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism
for twonfy years oven tlio worst cases
which seemed almost incurable.
Capt, 0.13. Hughes, tho popular railroad
conductor, of Columbia, S. O., had an expert,
ence wilh UheumatUm which conrlnced him
inn i mare is nniy ono
eurefor thatpalntul dis
ease. He says: "I was a
gn at sufferer from mus
cular Kheumatlsm for
two years. 1 could get
no pernanont relief
Jromnny medlclnn pre
rorlbed by my physician,
I took nboutn dozen bot
tles of your 6. 8. H., and
Iiuw A um ub vri-tl as 1 r'J
ever was Inmy life. Iam
euro mat your meuicins
cured me. and I would
refntiimendlt tn nnvnnft
uttering from any blood disease."
Everybody knows that Rhoumntism
Is a diseased stato of tho blood, and
only a blood remedy is tho only proper
treatment, but a remedy contninlnR
potueh and mercury only uggruvatea
tho trouble
boing Purely Yegotablo, goes direct to
tho very causo of the disease and a per
munont euro always results. It Is the
only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash, mercury or other dan
gerous minerals,
Books rnntlod free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Otorglk.
mm. piMaiAM's advice.
What Mru. Noll Hurst han to Say
About It. Mns. PmrcnAM: When I wrote
to you I had not been well for flvo years;
had doctored all tho tlmo but got no
better. 1 lind womb trouble very bad.
My womb pressed backward, causing
piles. 1 was In such mlsory I could
scarcely walk across tho iloor. Men
struation was Irregular and too pro-
liiso, was also
troubled with
lcucorrhocn. I
thought I had
After taking
h flrn bottles of
IIf ' SIS:
I felt very much better
and was able to do nearly all my own
work. I continued the use of your medi
cine, and feel that I owo my recovery to
you. I caimotthaukyouenoughfor your
advieo and your wonderful niodieino.
Any ono doubting my statement may
write to mo and I will gladly answer
nil inquiries. Mrs. Neli. IIunsT, Deep
water, Mo.
Letters liko tho foregoing, con
stantly being received, contribute not
a little to tho satisfaction felt by Mrs.
I'lukhnm that her medicine nnd counsel
are assisting women to bear their heavy
Mrs. I'inkham'saddrcsslsLynn, Mass.
All suffering women tiro Invited to
write to her for advice, which will be
given without charge. It Is an ex-
onrmnccd woman s advice to women.
The IHesHliig of One Newspaper.
As to tho newspaper, it Is obvious thnt
in the country you npprcclato It much
more when you havo to wait for It and
when it conies nt unexpected moments. I
never properly enjoyed a newspaper till I
settled In tho country. Tho reason is that
in town you have too many journals nnd
get perfectly nauseated with thoin. You
saiinot walk down a street without somo
bawling urchin thrusting tho "latest odl
tlon" under your nose Here, on tho other
hand, we have only one or, nt most, two
papers each day, and wo read nnd digest
them thoroughly, with u satisfaction to
Which you, with your scrambling, scrappy
method of perusal, aro entlro strangers.
Cornhill Magazine.
With tlio exhilarating sense of renewed
health aud strength and internal cleanliness,
which fellows tho use of Syrup of Figs, is
unknown to the few who have not progressed
beyond tlio old-tiiuo medicines and the cheap
substitutes sometimes uflercd hut lievor ac.
cepted liy the well-informed, lluy tlio
genuine. .Manufactured by tho California
Fig Sprup Co.
tfcceiitrlcitlu of Teniperntllre.
We hau ground for expecting that in
England about three times in tho century
the Thames will bo frozen over nt London
bridge, but that consummation Is syn
onymous with nn Intense degree of contin
uous frost which will not ho confined to
Britain, for of late years It has become
patent that these areas of oxtremo temper
aturo are very extensive, and that when
thero Is an oxcesslvoly cold winter In Eng
land and Franco, even Itnly is oftou In
cluded I can recollect In tho winter of
18S1 seeing tho Arno nt Florence being
skated upon, and icicles llko a prodigious
portcullis hanging from tho l'onto Voo
chlo, somo of which wero 7 nnd 8 feet In
length. 1 hnvo known Cnnnao ond Pom
poll smothered in snow nnd tho entlro
lemon crop of Ainnlfl nnd Palermo de
stroyed by frost Nevertheless I havo nov
er experienced anything approaching to
tho following, which Is related by Uombo
in bis "Storla Vonota," 1. 1, :
"In 1401, through tho .sovorlty of tho
eenson, tho (salt) water of the Grand canal
was frozen, and the Stradlots (Greek mor
conarles of tho republio) held their tourna
inont on tho Ice, horse against liorso, with
their lances." Notes and Queries.
IrUh l'otnt ILacc.
Let it not be supposed that this loco la
simply an imitation of tho Italian model.
At llrst thu stitches wero few, but with
tinio and practice somo hundred now ones
havo boon Invented, and theso so compli
cated that it is almost Impossible to rip
them. Consequently this lnco, which looks
light ns gossamer, has great durability
and grows moro valunblowith tho lausoof
time. It stands wear and tear and can ha
wnshed and mado up without dotrlmont.
It is often conpared to tho finest old Urus-
euls point, which it more nearly resomblos
now than tho Italian point, from which It
sprang. Hut what between tho number
of now stltohes Invented by tho lacomnk
ers, the nrloty of doslgns nnd tho perfec
tion to which tho work has been brought,
tho Irish point has a right to its iiamo as
an original fabrio, though "it only came
Into exlstenco as nn Irish industry within
living memory."
It is mado entirely with tho noodlo nnd
demands tho greatest skill nnd euro. Tho
finest is very costly, rising to 80 a yard
for deep llounces, 30 for a handkerchief
nnd 50 for a fan. Chambers' Journal.
St. Gcorgo's bay, Newfoundland, con
tains an immensu coalfield fully 20 miles
In length and 10 In breadth. It has been
estimated that if the output were to reach
250,000 tons per annum tho oonl bod would
not bo exhausted in a century.
dues croup, soio throat, pulmonary
troubles Mnnaich over pain nf every sort.
Dr. Thomas' F.clectric Oil.
Are You Going to Cuba 7
If you are, John M, Bcall, District I'asson
ger Agent, Southern Railway, IBS Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, I'a., is the man to apply
to for rates, rallies aud schedules. Wiito to
Cure that Cough with Khiloli's Cure. The
best Cough Cure. Relieves Croup promptly
Ono million bottles sold last year. 40 doses
fury.1) cts. Sold by P. D. KirUn and a guar
Are You Going to Havana 7
It w ill he a lovely trip for yuu this winter
and it cull be inado cheaply and comfortably.
John M. ileal!. District Passenger Agent,
(southern Railway, tiiH Chestnut street
Philadelphia, Pa., will furnish you nil
information If you will write to Mm.
"A doso In time saves lives." Dr. Wood's
Norway Pino Uyiup; nature's remedy for
coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of every
How Railways Improve.
Nothing settles a road-bed llko ago. Noth
ing Improves train eorvico llko exnerlonro.
Witness it pmctlcal demonstration of tin so
theories liy iislug tho Southern railway the
shoit line lo 1'iarlda, this season, Tho track
will ho smooth, the schedules fust, the trains
superb. Let John M, Ileal), District Pas.
sengcr Agent, 1128 Chestnut street, I'lilladct
phia, i'a., arrange the details,
Shtloh's Consumption Curo cures whore
others full. It Is thu lending Cough Cure,
end no home should ho withuut it. Pleasant
to tako and goes right to tho spat. Sold by
1 1', I). Kiillu aud a guarantee.
Ihe I'resent Itemnrknblo ltevlml of M
illmvnl Superstition.
In Tho Century Daniel G. Hrinton has
an article on "Popular Superstitions of
ICuropo." Dr. nrlnton closes his artlclo
by saying ;
Fiom somo strnngo reason there hns
I'con n wonderful revlvol within tho last
decade of neatly every inodlnjval supersti
tion, under Muiniis guises, In tlio most eu
lightened centers of Vie world. The prac
titioners of thlj modern sorcery, instead of
rniucalllig, advcrtlso tholrelnlms and urge
them on tho community under pi-eudo
sc.lcnlllle names nnd Jargons. Palmistry,
astrology, sympathetic maglo, the doctrine
nf slgn.ttf.ns, hlerotheripelitles nnd ull
tho lanugo of fifteenth century thnUnm
turgy Ilourlsh today in lloston nnd New
York, In Paris and Chicago, to a degree
surpassing anything known throe centuries
Thero Is n reuson for tills. Sorcery is
science seen upside down Thero Is a con
fused groundwork of truth, n fallacious
method of viewing lucts, nt the basis of
these psoudo sciences. Yot tho truth nnd
tho facts exist, nnd these explain the suc
cess of tho deceptions. They dnzzlo and
daze minds nut trained In sound reasoning.
And how few nro! Tho societies for
"psychical research" and theosoplilo pjico
illation begin with nn acknowledgment
of the possible truth of ghost seeing nnd
of communion with the divine. This pos
sible ground is seized by tho charlatan ns
proved basis, for his Illusory odlileu.
Superstitions aro at core tho same every
where aud at nil times, because they nro
based on those desires and thnt Ignorance
which aro nnd will ever be a part of man's
nature. Ho is dimly nwaro of mighty, un
measured forces in ccascloss activity
around him, controlling his own destiny,
the ominous and omnipresent portont of
dentil meets him nt every turn; dlssntls
fnotlon with his present condition, Intense
longing for n life and joy which it cod
never offer, gond him to sook n knowledge
which wolghts and measures nro Impotent
to nccord him. Yet such restricted knowl
edge is nil that sclenco can supply. Thero
foro ho turns in despair to tho mystics nnd
tho adepts, tho Cagllostros nnd tho Humes,
who stand ready to beckon him Into their
illusory temples of folly.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo iu the world for cats,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, una
all skin eruptions, and DositirolT cures titles.
or .10 pay required. It is guaranteed togivo
porfect satisfaction or tuony relunded. Price
25 cents per box. For salo by A. Waidor.
He Baled tlio Sthow.
Wild Muii of Dnrnco I tell you the
ruiitmrci of tins show is a smart chap.
licnrdcd Lady In what way?
Wild Man l or cases of eincrgoncy.
While j nu wero out this afternoon tlio cur
rent from tho ulcclrio girl struck the man
With tho iron jaw, who was rented next to
her, and .iwnily set the platform on lire,
but the manager Mixed the shoxv.
Hoarded Lady What did lie do?
Wild Mini He seized tho 1 ml . rubber
man, shoved lilm In between the couple
and insulated the iron jaw man. London
Virtue. Unrewnrdud.
"Oh, hang itl Hero I coiuo homo sober,
did my wife's so fast asleep sbo doosn't
notice It at ull!" Mcggondorfer Illuttor,
Do Not be Alarmed, But Look For the
Heart troubles, at least among Americans,
are ccitainly increasing nnd xvhiie this may
be largely due to the excitement and worry
of Ameiican business, it is more often the
result of xveak stomachs, of poor digestion.
Real, organic heart disease is incurable;
but not one case in a hundred of heart trouble
is organic.
The close relation between heart trouble
and poor digestion is because botli organs are
controlled by branches of the same great
nerves, the symiatlietic and 1'neumognstric.
In another xvay, also the heart is affected liy
that form of poor digestion, which causes gas
and fermentation from half digested food ;
there is a feeling of oppression and heaviness
iu the chest caused by pressure of the dis
tended stomach on the heart and lungs, inter
fering xx-itli their action ; hence arises palpita
tion and short breath.
Poor digestion also poisons the blood,
makes it lliin and watery, xvliich irritates and
weakens the heart.
The most sensible treatment for heart trouble
is to improve the digestion and to insure the
prompt assimilation of food.
This can best be done by the regular use
after meals, of some safe, pleasant and effec
tive digestive preparation, like Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets, which may be found at most
drug stores and xvliich contain x'nluable, harm
less digestive elements in a pleasant, conven
ient form.
It is safo to say that the regular, persistent
use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal
time xvill cure any form of stomach trouble
except cancer of the stomach.
Fulliized package of the tab'ets sold by
druggists at 50 cents.
Little book on stomach troubles mailed
free. Address Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich.
rniiJL- enmr - store.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail,
SO West Ccntro Street
Livery and
Nn 13 North Jardin St.
nillions of Dollar
Go up In 8moki, every year, Tako i o
risks but got year houses, Block, fa'.
nlture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies us niprosentcxl by
ftAVlTi FATIST iustrancc Ajrent
uiiyiu rAUDi, 120 Boulll 3jnM
Alto Ltt nrt Accidental Coiapull
la Grippe,
t'ollowed by Heart Disease, Cured by
Iff r k
sf ' 1 W I
1 . - ....
,1 lnvntor ann manuiaciurcr m
ni..,lit Rofnl .. XltllUotrKn Cnlildlntf.
writes of Dr. Miles' Henrt Curo. "Two years
agoan attack of LaOrlppo left r:o with a
weak heart, I had run down In flesh to
mcro eltln and bono. I could not sleep lying
dot n for smothering spells; frequent rharp
darting pains and palpitation caused a con
stant fear of sadden death, nothing could
induco mo to remain away from homo over
night. My local physician prescribed Dr.
Miles' Heart Curo and in a few days I v,asl
able to olecp well aud tho pains gradually
lessened, and finally ceased. I reduced tho
the doses, having gained fifteen pounds, und
am now feeling better In ox-ory way than I
havo for years."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
oro told by all drug
gists under a positlvo
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded, Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves f roe. Address,
5x Br."
SV PiHca'
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Iud.
OCTOBKIt 4, 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after Ine aoote
aate for Wlggau, Gtlbcrton, Kractcvllle Dai
Water, SI. Clair, l'ottsvlllo. numbing, ltemllng,
I'ottptnwn, Phoenlxvflle. Iforrlslown aLd PlTui
aelphln ( street elation) at 6 09 and H 15
a. tn., 202, 0 19 p m. on xveck iln)a. Sundays,
8 If! . iu., 4 55 p. in.
Trains leave Frnckvlllo for Shenandoah
7 3S, 11411a.m. and 5 40, 7 30 p. u, Sunday,
11 01 a. ni. and 5 40 p. m.
Leave l'ottsvlllo for Shenandoah (via Frack
vlllo; 7 10, 11 20 a. in., 5 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 3.1 a. in., 5 20 p. lo.
Lcavo Philadelphia, (Broad street stailou), for
Slitwandoah at 8 35 a. in., 4 10 p. in. week dnys.
Sundays leave at 6 60 und 9 23 n. in.
Lcavo Broad Street Station. Philadelphia,
Kiprcas, week-days, B 20, 1 0a, 4 50 5 05,5 15,0 50
I I .'
1, 1 03, 1 50 5 03,5 15,0 50
)a. ir 12 00 neon, j2T
7 02. 7.10, lOOup. liV.JL3
: 20, l ax. i no a ox, 5 15, rVM.
i iw, a -ju, a 00, -iu 11 1 uu a
(Limited 1 00 and I22 I .
S 50. 1 02. 5 00. 5 50 0 00. 7 I
1201. night. Sundays. 8 20, 4 UX. 150 SOX, 515,
8 20, 9 5S, 10 21, 1185 n. 111., 12 03, 12 35, l HO,
I (.'-', (l.lllilU'U MZ!, 5 20, '5 56, 0 35, 7 02, 7 00,
10 0U p. m., 1201 night
Kxpress for Boston without change, 11 0Oa in,,
week-days, mid 7 00 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Oe?an Grove,
Long Branch, 8 20, 11 14 a 111, 3 30, 4 02 p 111
For Lumber vllle, KaBton and Scranton, G50,
VOOu in, 12 00 liooii,3 52, 5 00 (Lainbi-rtville und
Fasten only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally.
ItulTalo, 9 Oil a in, 1200 noon weekdays, nnd 7 Ot
p in dally.
For Baltimore and Washington. 3 50, 7 20, S 32,
1020, II 23, a. ui., 1209, I231 ! It, 3 12, 4 41,
(3 25 Congremlonal Limited,) 0 17. 655,7 31
p. in., and 12 OX night week days. Sundays,
3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. in., 1209, l 12, 4 41, t520
Congressional Limited,) 6 55 7 81 p. m. and
12 05 IliKlit.
For Baltimore, accommodation, 0 12 a in, 2 02
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 OS and 11 10 p in dally
Atlantic Coast Line, exprcas 1209 p lu, and
12 01 night, dally.
Southern Hallway, express 0 55 p ni, dally.
Chesapeake Ac Ohio Hallway, 7 31 p in, daily,
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
o in xvcekdays, 11 10 p in dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follows: Kx
press for New York, 9 00 a m, I 30 u in week
days. For Long Brunch, via Seaside Park, 8 30
a m weekdys.
ror Island lleignts, 830 a m and 4 00 p in
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Hxprcss, 9 40 u m705p. in, Sundays,
9 20 u. in., 7 05 p. in.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00 am,
2 00,4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 u in.
For Capo May, Sea Isle City, Ocelli Clly,
Avalou Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldwood anUUHV
Hollj Beach Kxprcss, 9 00 n in, 4 00, p ra, J?
weekdays. Sundays 9 00 a in,
For Some Point ISxprees, 9 00 a. m 2 00,
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 a. m
Tho Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from betels aud rcnidcnccn.
1. 11. Hutcuinson, J. K. Wood,
(len'l Manaicer. Gen'l I'usmVt Agl
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority of
llfft- f1-!tlL--l-C Til.., rrnA A"
s. ..-. ... ' . IwV UlU liUUU, V
nntlirxritxr rn uduph If? 1 Wit- Wtf
Christ. ;liniidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
Oftlce Itgan building, con er of Main an
Centre utreeta, Shenandoah,
BhooAiidoah, Pa.
Lock Box 6.1, Mahanoy City, Ye,
Having studied under come of the best
uiantcmlu London and Pari, will give Icsunn
nn the rlolln, mandolin, cellar and vocal culture,
Trr.ii reasonable, Aulriw In cJiro of Slrouna,
'ho leweler Shenandoah.
'J J