The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 19, 1898, Image 2

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Publlilied every Kvcnlns, Kicept Hundfty, At
Tho Uornlil 1h ilellrtirtl liiHhenatuioan ami tlif
lurroumltne tuwi for lx cent a week, pay
hi. Vth cnrrlcm. Ily mull 83.00 o year, or 2
omits a month, pnyahle In ailvniuis. Advertise
ments chArjrcu accord In k to npacoattd pnaltlon.
Hi publisher rorirve the right to chaneo the
nofltlcni of advertisement wnencver the pub
YWlcrt of new demands It. The right Is
ierTd o ijjvosiu" advertisement, whether
niitd for or not. taut the publishers may deem
'ipropeT. Advertising rates made known
trpon nprllcntlon.
fQuterpd at the postofllce at Hhcnandonh, I'h., a
second clam mall matter.
"All the News Thai's Fll to Print."
Evening Herald
TlIK business liiiui wlio iieRlt'Cts to
ntlvortlne is doing himself a biggr
injury than hu is doing anybody i'1m.
l'LACAltnrt on the bed room doors
of a rurnl hotel in New England re
quest that "guests will please not
batho on Sunday night, as the hot
water is needed for the wash Monday
TllK Wilkesbarre Nows-)ealer says
that immediately after Superinten
dent ltodurick contributed $100 to the
fund to aid tho widows and orphans
at Lattimur the operators and super
intendents asked Mr. Van Wieklo to
discharge Mr. Roderick, and that they
aro asking for his discharge now.
Thk members of the McKinley ad
ministration are compelled to caution
the public not to believe 'inything
that may oe attributed to them, be
cause they aro not saying anything
and don't intend to. And yet the
"enterprising" journals continue to
publish exclusive interviews with
members of the Cabinet.
Mr. Wanamakkk says Senator
Quay and Penrose own and control
twenty-six of .the Pennsylvania mem
bers of the House of Representatives.
There are thirty, and as three are
Democrats, there wotdd remain only
ono Republican who is not owned by
the Senators, according to Mr. "Wana
maker. What district does he repre
sent, the people would like to know.
Spkakino on the subject of ndver
Using, one of Philadelphia's leading
merchants says : "The success of a
business depends on three things
merchandise, service and advertising;
and advertising I regard as the dyna
mic power of the business. It makes
tho business when taken .seriously.
One trouble uhout it isthat merchants
do not always take it seriously.
Under present conditions no business
can bo conducted successfully with
out advertising. It is tho fundamen
tal principle of business, and should
receive the attention of tho head of
the business."
Thk collapse of the wooden trestle
at Boston Run Junction ought to be
sufficient to convince the Pennsyl
vania Railroad officials that the time
lias come to dispense with wooden
structures of this kind. They are
dangerous to the public safety, says
an exchange. The Pennsylvania
Railroad Company appreciates all
this and have adopted a policy to
avoid just such accidents as occurred
nt Boston Run. Sometime ago the
company decided to replace wooden
bridges with iron structures on all its
branches, and the work is being
pushed as rapidly as possible.
EACH succeeding grand jury in this
county directs the attention of the
court to the large number of unncos
sary potty cases returned to court,
and yot there seems to be no diminu
tion of these cases. In Lawrence
county, however, things are different,
and a much needed reform in tills ro
spect is enforced. The other day
Judge Wallace instructed tho costs in
one of these "petty unnessary cases"
to bo placed on the Justice of the
3'eace who had returned it for the
manifest purpose of tho fees that
were in it. That remedy will cer
tainly prove eirective.and if the same
authority was exercised in Schuyl
kill county this unnecessary burden
upon tho taxpayers would cense.
Nkw evidence crops out from day to
day indicative of stranded relations
among the anthracite coal roads, says
the Philadelphia Stockholder. It has
been reportedly pointed out in these
colutnra that tho trade was not only
itLA demoralized condition, but that
Is tho season tor now lifo in nature,
now vigor in our physical systems.
As tho fresh sup carries Ufa into tho
trees, so our blood should givo us
renewed strength and vigor. In
Its Impure state it cannot do this,
and tho aid of Hood's garsapnrilla
is imperatively needed.
It will purify, vitullzo and enrich tlio
blood, and with this solid, correct
foundation, it will build up good
health, crcato a good appetite, tono
your stomach und digestive organs,
strengthen your nerves ami over
como or prevent thut tired feeling.
This has been tho experience of thou'
sauds. It will bo yours if you tako
cine and Mood Purifier Bold by all druggist). $L
wi it mu cure nausea, Indigestion,
rlOOU S 1J1IIS hlllousnesn. sacrum.
Is not a pntcnt mcdlclno ; It Is
not a snrsnpnrllln; it is not a
tonic; It Is not a. ncrvlno; It Is
ns much better than nil theso
as a diamond Is better than cut
glaBS. It is the
In tho woi Id.
Wo lmvo it.
It cures.
106 North Haiti Street.
the principal roads were, to an ex
tent, antagonizing each other when
ever tlio opportunity offered. Latest
developments in this connection is
the withdrawal of tile joint coal
tariffs which have existed between
the hohigh Valley and Jersey Con
tral. It is understood tho latter took
tlio initiative in tho matter, inform
ing the Lehigh Valley that, after a
certain date, said to bo April 1, the
joint tariffs on coal between the roads
would no longer apply, with the ex
ception of the Long Uranch divisions.
This means that the Jersey Central
wants its own territory to itself, and
the only way by which tlio Lehigh
Valley will be able to ship coal into
tho territory would bo at a rate al
most prohibitory. Tho action is
similar to that taken by the Reading
over a year ago with reference to its
Philadelphia trade, and is a futiier
loss of territory to the Lehigh Valley.
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It Is deliciouH, appetizing,
nou rish i iik food drink to tako tho placo ol
coll'eu. Sold liy all Rrocers ami liked by nil
wlio havo lined it uecatiso wlicu properly
prepared it tastes like tlio finest eoH'oe but is
frco from all itfl Injurious properties. Grain-
() aids diKOitlon and strengthens tho nerves
It is not a stimulant hut a health builder.
and children, us well as adults, can drink it
mlh jjreat benefit. Costs about as much a
rofl'ee. 13 and 25c.
Sulidiiy Kprt-iul.
Services in tlio Trinity Iiefornu'd church
to-morrow at 10:00 a. in,, and 11:30 p. in.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. Itov. ltobert
O'lioyle pastor.
Iti-Kiilar services will bo held in tho United
lIvaiiKclieiil church, North .lardin street, to
morrow- at 10 a. in. nud 0.31) p. in. Sunday
school at 1.30 p. in. Itov. I. J. Heitz, pastor.
K. 1.. V. 1. on Monday evening, rrayor.
praise and testimony meetings every T lies-
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday oven-
1112s. Jr. K. it. v. K. every Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock.
l'riinllivo Mutliodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. and U:30
p. in. Sunday school at 8 p. in. Class uicet
lii!! on Wednesday uvenliiK. (lenornl prayer
uicetinc on Thursday evenint', Kverybody
Services In All Saints' Protestant Kpiscopal
church on West Oak street to-morrow. Holy
Hucbarist at 8 a. in. Mornlue prayer at 10:30.
Sunday school at 3 p. m. Kveuini; prayer at
7 p. in. On tho first Sunday in the mouth
Holy liueiiariM at io:au. ino rccior win
First ltaptist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Itov. I). I. Evans pastor. Services
at 10 a. in. and I) p. in. Sunday school at 'J p. in.
Prayer lneetlnc -Monday evenings, young
People's lneetini Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings,
Methodist l'niscopal church, corner Oak
and White streets, Hev. Alfred licebner.
i.-istor. ( class meeting at u a. in., led
iv John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a. in.
Sunday school at 2 p. in., I)r. J. S. Callen,
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. m. Seats
Iroo. livcrywoiiy welcome.
Calvary Ilaplist church, S mth Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
md 0:30 p, in, gov. U. it. Alums, pastor.
Sabbath school at 3 p. ni., Deacon
John Itiuin, Superintendent. It, Y. P. U
Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer uicetinc at 7:30
Everybody welcome.
Services in tlio Presbyterian church to
morrow ut 10:30 a. in. and 11:30 p. m. Sabbath
school at 2 p. m. Jr. 0. K. and Sr. C. E
Tuesday evening nt 0:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
Prayer and song service on Thursday even
ing at 7:30. Strangers always welcome.
St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
street. Itov. John (Iruhler, pastor. Preach
ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday fcchool, 1:30 p. in. ;
preaching 11:30 p. in.
St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centre street. Hev. Cornelius Laurisin. pas-
tor. Matatlnum service o a.m. High mass
10 a. m.
Church of tho Holy Family, (German It.
C.) North Chestnut street. Itov. A. T. Schut
tlohofcr, pastor. First mass 8 a. in., second
mass 10 a. in.
St. Casimir's I'ullah It. C. church, North
Jardiu street. Itov. J. A. Lcnarkicwicz,
nastor. First mass 8 a. in,. It lull mass 10 a.
in., vespers and lienedlction -1 p. m.
Church of tho Annunciation. 218 West
Cherry Btreet. Itov. H. F. O'Kellly, pastor;
Itov James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. in., second mass, a. m., lugn mass,
10 a. in, benediction, 7 p. in.
Keheleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West streets, Kev, Henry Jllt
nik, pastor, Saturday services, 8 to 10a. in.,
and 3 to 5 p, in. Sunday services 8 to lo a.m.
aud every week day morning from 7 to 8 a. in.
Whooping cough Is tho most distressing
malady: but Its duration on bo cut short by
the uso of One Minute Cough Cure, which Is
also tho best known remedy for croup and
all lung nud bronchial troubles. O. Il.llagen
bueh. Monotonous Menu.
Fogg Well, there's ono thing I will soy
about this housu.
Masa And what's that, for goodness'
Foug When you sit dawn to breakfast,
you always know just what jou'ro going
to get. Huston Transcript.
A wheelman's tool bag Isn't complete with
out a bottlo of I)r. Thomas' Eclcctrlc Oil.
I iieaie cms, uruises, stiugi, sprain. Monarch
over pain.
Great lscliume.
"Say, that luminous paint is great."
Wiuit. iln vmi lltn It, for?" " Wo tmlnr Ihn
tuby, so wo can givo him a drink In the
ngni wimuut iifinuut; wio bus."
vigu Hooird.
Headache Quickly Cured,
Dr. IXivU" Auti-llcadacho never falls, 25c.
How 3IR Wm "Heap rienty" In Settle
ment ut n Claim For 83,000.
It is not fo cany now to client tho In
dians hi bargaining ns it was In tho days
when Mnnhnttim Island wna bought from
thorn for ti'i. Their long intercourse with
tho wlilto men hns taught them ninny
things n bout tho vnluo of their possessions,
and they nru pretty sharp In making tho
ordinary trades which como up In their
daily life. Nevertheless it is still true that
when it comoH to a question of largo sums
of money thousands or oven hundreds of
dollars tho nverngn Iudlnn Is bowlldored
nt tho mero Iden of so much wealth. An
incident which happened not long ago In
Now Mexico Illustrates this point.
An Indian, while crossing tho tracks of
ono of tho railroads, had boon killed by n
train. His squaw demanded $3,000 ns nn
Indemnity for tho loss of her husbnud, and
tho company wero willing to settle tho
matter. So they sent to deal with the
squnw n innii who hnd had considerable
experience In negotiating with tlio Indians.
Ho took with hhu several bags of "dobo,"
or Mextcnn silver dollars, which nnss froclv
among tho Indians nud bottlers In that
jiart of tho country.. Sitting down grnvoly
with tho aggrieved widow, he began count
ing out tho big shining dollars ono by ono.
Whon tho pilo hnd leached 100 ho glanced
inquiringly nt the squaw. Hut siio shook
hor head firmly. Tho agent went on with
his counting. At tho end of another 100
ho looked up again, Tho squnw repented
tho iicgntho shnko of her head, but her
oyes begun to brighten ut tho heap of sil
vcr. At 300 tho ngent paused n llttlo
longer. His customer still held out, though
wun uninistnkiiiilu signs oi weakening.
Thu ngent countod moro slowly nnd Im
pressively. When ho reached $318, the
squaw stopped Ills band,
"Heap plenty, heap plenty," sho Raid,
with decision, nnd gathering up tho silver
sho nccepted in perfect contentment this
settlement of iior claim for $3,000. New
York Tribune.
Free Pills.
c i ...i.i- . ir i.- ii., x- rv.
OCIII1 yum uuiucrn i,i ii a., iiiivmiii vv
Chicago, and get a frco sample box of Dr.
r-t.... Vr... T ir llllla A will ,.nvtnn
IIIIK o iivn unu i inn. ...... vu...
you of their merits. These pills aro OJsy in
.,...1..1 ir....l..A 1.. l...
aCllOIl 11IU1 UIU 1'illVieuuiii tutwiio in VI"
cure of constipation and sick headache. For
...nT..!n .....1 II....P trivnlilna tlinv liuvn liiilt
proved invaluable. They aro guaranteed to
UU IIUIIHIIJ IIIU l.w.n liifc.J ........... ..... ......
sUmce and to bo purely vegetable. They do
....... 1 1... ..... I.,,. l.ttf liv irlvtttf.
lOllC IO SlOIIlllCll UIIU uuwuis kh-ihj unit
.t... i T1......1...
. ... . i i i.
oniic I no nysiein mn.iw diw .i uua
Sold by A. Wasley, Druggist.
Hotlal Kxpeillont.
Foxcy Did you send tho Boroms ncurd
lor your lnuslcnlo?
Mrs. Foxoy Yes. How could I got out
of Itf
Foxey Well, I'll tell Borom that Smith
Isgolngtocnniu. Doreni owes lilm money.
Philadelphia Record.
Spain hns moro sunshine than nny other
country in miropc. 'I ho yearly nvcrngo
In Spain Is 3,000 hours; that of Italy
S!,300; Oerimiuy, 1,700; England, 1,100.
It is Foolish to Neglect any Form of Flies.
Cuts Them at the Beginning.
Piles arc simple in the beginning and easily
cured. They can be cured even in the worst
stages, without pain or loss of blood, quickly,
surely and completely. TJicte is only one
remedy that will do it Pyramid Pile Cure.
It allays the inflammation immediately,
heals the irritated surface and with contin
ued treatment reduces the swelling and puts
the membranes into good, sound, healthy con
dition. The cure is thorough and permanent
Here are some voluntary and unsolicited
testimonials we have lately received :
Mrs. M. C, Hinkly, Ooi Mississippi St.,
Indianapolis, Ind says i Have been a suf
ferer from the pain and annoyance of piles for
fifteen years, the Pyramid Pile Cure and
Pyramid Pills gave me immediate relief and
in a short time a complete cure.
Major Dean, of Columbus, Ohio, says ; 1
wish to nihl to the number of certificates as
to the benefits derived from the Pyramid Pile-
Cure. I suffered from piles for forty years
and from itching piles for twenty yenrs and
two boxes of the Pyramid Pile Cure have ef
fectually cured me.
Most druggists sell Pyramid Pile Cure or
will get it for you If you ask them to, It is
50 cts. for full.sized package and is put up
only by the Pyramid Drug Co., Marshall,
careful in the choice of a school if
you would avoid wasting time and
money. Going through books does
not educate. Neither does puttiug ill time.
At Bloomsblirgi I'a-i won jts standing and
reputation by the thorough work of its
faculty. It is a heller school tg-day than ever
before ; not simply because of better material
equipment, (this is important), but because of
a stronger corps of teachers. They are nearly,
all colleee and university trained. Recent
additions have icen made,
Spring term will open Alarcll ?gtl, iS'A
wrue ior 1111UF111411U11 iu
J. P. WELSH, Ph. D Principal, Bloomsburg,
Gives a satisfied smile to
every pa'ate that tastes it.
Now on tap at all
our customers.
WM. SCIMlCKnU, JR., Agent,
I A Handsome Complexion
I la one of tbo greatest charms a woman can
1 ives 11.
You can tell Just as well as a physician
whether vour kidnovs aro diseased or healthy.
Tho way to do Is to take a bottle or glass tutn-
liter, and till it with urine. Ji mero is a
sediment a powder-like substance at tho
Doiiom alter standing day ami nigut, tnero
la something wrong with tho kidneys. An
other sure sIl-u of disease Is adeslre to urinate
often, and still another sign is pain in the
Pack, it urine stains linen, there la no doubt
that tho kidneys nro alfccted.
Any and all diseases of tho kidneys, liver,
bladder and of tho urinary passages and con
stipation of tho bowels aio cured by Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorde Kemcdy. Tnero
is no oucstion about Its being the best and
surest medicine In tho world fur such troubles.
It quickly rellovcs and rules 'liability to hold
urine, and people, yoium or old, who take it
aro not compelled to get up a number of
times mirmg tno night, ror pulling an end
to that scalding pain experienced In passing
urine, nothing Is so good as Dr. David Ken
mil's Favorite Hcmedv. It corrects tho bad
cll'ects of whiskey and beer; Is pleasant lo
tlio taste, ana does not seem lo no medlclie
at all. Diseases of tho kidneys and bladder
often require tho uso of instruments to push
back tlio sandy matter so mo uriuo can be
voided. In such cases Favurlto Keincdy
should bo takon without further delay or the
disease may prove fatal. It is sold for ono
dollar a bottlo at all drugstores. It Is well
worth many times IU price.
Samples Free.
Tf tl. , . 1. n.-l.l tr ...... ..!)..
11 A, 111 WISH IU IV3L 11 1.1V1I1 J-UlllllllJ B
l. .!.. l..M...l.. 1.....:..,. I
i i,,uiiiu i,uiiii:o uuiuiu iiiijiiik i, nun,, ,,uiii
I tin post uuicu unities', UJ IIIU 11. l.l V 111 IX I'll-
nedy Corporation, Itondout, N. Y nnd
mciiiiou mis paper. e win men mail you
a sample bottlo free, as well as circulars glv
!.... r..ll .11...... i....- ii. l.'...,...,
INK lull UllVllUIIS 1U1 113 IIOU. It.tlJ 1V.1U11
of the Hkiiai.u can depend upon the genuine
uess oi mis iincrai oner, aim an suuerer?
from kidney troubles should take advantage
of It at once.
Tho next threo-day personally-conducted
tour to Washington via Pennsylvania 1UI1
road will leave New York and Philadelphia
011 Thursday, March 31 Opportunity will
be afforded to visit, under the iiitclliccut
direction of an experienced Tourist Agent,
all tho piinctpal points of interest, tho Capi
tol, llxecutivo Mansion, Congressional Li
brary, tho Monument, National .Museum, &c
An experienced chaperon will also accom
pany tho party as a companion for tho un
escorted lady tourists.
Tho rate, if 11.50 from New York, $11.B0
from Philadelphia, anil proportionate rates
Irom othor points, includes all necessary ex
penses during tho entire trip transportation,
hotel nccomnindatinns and guides.
Persons desiring to return via Gettysburg
may do so by purchasing tickets at $2 00
extra, which include this privilege. An
opportunity will also bo afforded to visit Mt.
Vernon aud Arlington at a slight additional
For itineraries, tickets, and full informa
tion apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent,
1100 llroadway, Now York; or address (ieo.
W. Boyd, Absi8tant General Passenger Agent,
liroad Street Station, Philadelphia.
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number of
deaths show that the large majority die with
consumption. This disease may commence
with an apparently harmless cough which enn
be cured instantly by Kemp's balsam for the
Throat aud I.ungs, which is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all cases. Price 2$ and 50c.
Sold by all druggists ; ask for a free sample
Pustatniiijr Ills lteputnttou.
A story is told of tho Prlnco do Conti,
whoso reputation for cruelty stood high.
Ho wns goin? to muss with some ladies,
When his bailiff nsked for Instructions
concerning 11 puncher who had just been
caught on the grounds,
"Give him 100 stripes nnd Imprison him
In a dungoou fur two years," was tho an
swer. One lndy, horror strlckon, wont to tho
bailiff afterward, but ho only lnughod in
her fnco.
"Tho prlnco only said that to keop up
his roputatlon. His royal highness camo
to mo directly after mass nnd begged mo
to sco that tho poor wretch was only sent
pway from tho neighborhood for two
inontlis, nnd that his family was well look;
cd after during his absence. " gyrnoueo
Tako Laxative Bromo Qulnino Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it fails to
euro. 25c. Iho gcnuluo has L. B. Q. on
each tablet.
Yet on my chuck I fuel the western wind
And hear it tolling to tho orchard troos
And to tho fault and flowor forsuken bcos
Tales of fair meadows, green with constant
And mountains rising hlno and oool behind,
Where in moist dells tho purplo orchis gleams,
And starred with white tho virgin's bower Is
So tho o'orwcarlod pilgrim, as ho faros
Along llfo'n summer waste, at times Is fanned,
Even at noontide, by the cool, sweet airs
Of a Horoner and a holler land,
Fresh as tho morn and as tho clow fall bland,
breath of tho blessed heaven, for which wo pray,
jjlQW from fhu eternal hills mako glad.
Our earthly way I
Thero aro thrco llttlo things which do
mora work than any other thrco llttlo things
created thoy nro tho ant, tho boo nud
DoWitt's Llttlo IJarly Itscrs, tho last being
tho famous littlo pis fur and liver
troubles, O. H. Hugcnbuch.
The Story nf tbo Steerage.
"Thcro is vast dlflcroiicp," said an
pfllcerof n Cunnrd stoaii)siip, ''between
tho nppearnnro pf stcoragu pnssongors re
turning to Kuropp and ihoso coining to
"On tlio westward, voyngo tnofnocs of
tho Immigrants nro bright with iixnoetnncy
niul hope, Homo of thorn lmvo doubtless
lain owoko at night dreaming of tho now
land. You onn eoo that thoy hnvo been
Inspired by tho rosento visions pnlntod for
thcin by their friends or relatives who
lmvo succeeded on this sldo of tho water,
Thoso who go back to stny nro not many.
You can pick them out by tholr dojeotod
looks. Thoy hnvo not succeeded. Thoy
lmvo found that hard work Is just ns neces
sary to got along In tlu Status ns it is in
''Tho great mniority of tho immigrants
stny. From my observations for thq Ipstj
16 yonrs 11 board ship J think I am compe
tent to soy that America pots tho very best
of tho Kuropenn blood. DnwdlorH stay at
homo. It Is usually only tho enurgotlo 11 ml
adventurous thntcut ioosufroui tics In tho
old world. Forty-six por oont of tho steer.
ago passengers lmvo tholr passage to
America jinld by their relatives or friends
who hnvo in n measure succcoilod over
bore. I think thoso who lmvo inado a 'go'
of it dosorvo success, been uso, ns n rule,
thoy hnvo won it by woll directed toil or
superior ndininlstrutivo ability." Now
York Suu.
Many People cannot Brink
cofleo at night. It spoils tholr sleep. You can
drink Qraln-0 when you please and sleep like-
atop, ror (Iniln-O does not stimulate; It
nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks
and tastes like tho bestcofl'co. For nervous
pcrsous, young pcoplo and children Oraln-0
Is the perfect drink. Made from pure Brains.
Oct a iwckago from your grocer to-day, Try
it iu place of coll'cc, IS aud '5o.
Flillnntliropy That Ws InaxpllcRliln to
Ihoso Who Profited by It.
A gontlomnn who gnvo six drinking;
fountains to lioston lu 1855 tins had soma
queer experiences In his attempts to givo
lilto boucllts to othor places. Ho has busi
ness Interests In a western city of largo
size, and, ns ho realized tho need thore of
publlo drinking fountains, ho wont soino
tlinu ngo to tho mayor of that city to make
n formal offer of a gift of nine such foun
tains. Tho mayor was moro tlinu sur
prised and hnd a long lntorvlow with tho
would bo benefactor, during which lie
tlrod to discover his object In making the
gift. Ho foiled to bo Impressed by tho sim
ple statement that, boyond lining tho pub
llo need of just suoh fountains, thcro wns
no motive to prompt tho offer. Thomoyot
was Incredulous, nnd tlio gonorous offct
wns thought to bo tho harmless work oi
a crank. Indeed the lioston man who
nindc tho oiler of tho gift nftorwnril hoard
that tho mayor hnd spoken of his "Inter
view with n crnnk" to thoso whom" he
consulted rcgnrdlng tho mnttcr. It was
only nftcr considerable porsuasion and ox
orolso of dlplomney that his gift of tho nine
fountains wns nccepted. They have bocn
in position for some tlmo now.
In nnothor lnstniieo tho samaboncf octet
uotcd tho noed of street signs In a town
which ho from tlmo to tlmo visttod. He
oITorod to furnish froo sovornl hundred ol
Mioso, iniulu of iron, nnd hnd dlllioulty in
making thu gift nccoptablo. Even after
this wiis brought nbout it was n long time
beforo tho town would stir Itsolf to the
point of placing thu signs in position. Hu
once gnvo n snioll library to n town which
hnd none, feeling that It would bo an ex
cellent nucleus from which to build up a
bettor library. Tho town nccepted tho
books with some misgivings ns to his san
ity apparently, so unusual did it Bocm ta
tho town fathers to hnvo n stranger inter
ested enough In their wolfnro to mako so
generous n gift. Tho books, by tho wny,
woro placed In n room sot npnrt for thorn
and then wero practically let sovorcly alone
by tho pcoplo of tho town, who foiled to
realize the Intended kindness to them.
Uoston Transcript.
A thrill of terror s experienced when a
lir..ssy cough of croup sounds through the
house nt night. But tho terror soon changes
lo relief nftcr Ono Minute Cough Cure lias
been administered. Safe and harmless fur
children. C. II. Hagonbuch.
Flrnt Tirol Plret
Insuro your property from loss in the
oldest and strong! st cash companies : Phila
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Firo Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Firo Insurance Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah.
After years of untold Buffering from piles.
It. W. Pursell.of Kuitcrsville, Pa., was cured
by using a single box of DoWitt's Witch
Hszlo Salvo. Skin diseases such as eczema,
rash, pimples and obstinate sores aro readily
cured by this famous remedy. C. II. Hagen
buch. liroad IScotch uml Slang.
Langungo has never boon stutlonnry
least of all tho English. It has been im
proved, and it has been corrupted, nud it
mny bo improved or it niny bo corrupted
ngnln. Modern Orcok is not equal to tlio
undent. What atrocious corruptions tho
Latin underwont as It degenerated Into
Italian, Spanish nnd French! Happily,
after It had become comparatively barbar
ous, men of high literary genius appeared,
under whom tho process of corruption was
arrested, and In each of thoso threo ensos
tho longuagowiis ngnln molded lnton rich
nnd powerful vohlelo of thought. When
ever tho langungo of a nation is becoming
barbarous tho notion Is becoming bnrbnr
ous Itsolf. And thcro nro tendencies In
our day toward barbarism that need to bo
Tho rago for tho broad Scotch of Ian
Moolaren and for American slang nnd
London slang nnd slang of nil sorts in
stories thut aim nt piquant writing can
hardly full of leaving some mark In our
literature. Who is to regulato our speech?
Not parliament, not sovereign or sonato.
It depends on tho good tasto mid the care
fulness of tho oducatod men nnd women
of n country. Professor W. Q. Ulaoklo iu
Homiletio Hovluw.
Or. Miles' Nervine Restores Health.
tax collector, Buvorly, Mass. who has
paused tho ECth lifo mile stcno, says
'Dr. Miles' IZestorativo Nxrvlno has dono a
;roat deal of good. I sutTered lory oars fron.
.Iooplcssncsa and nervous heart trouble
.Yould foci weaiy and used up in tho morn
ug, had no ambition and my work seemed a
mrdon. A friend recommended Dr. Miles
icrvlno, and I purchased a bottlo uudoi
protest as I had tried so many remedies un
successfully, I thought It no uso. But it
gavo mo restful sjcop, 0, good, appetite nud
restored rao to onergotlo. health. It ia a
grand good modlcpo, nnd I will gladly wrlto
anyonoluqulilng, full partlculnrsof my sat
isfactory experience, '
Dr. Miles' Itomedloi
irosold by all drug--Ists
under a positive
maranteo, first bottlo
.ui.uu. ,iuunu(i ills- HfjT
nocnanf llml.nn.l .,..1 WiSA
nerves freo. Addre?s,
Da MILES MEDIOAL CO., Klkhart. Ind.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
riillions of Dollars
Go up In smoko oyery year. Take nt
risks but got your houses, stock, far.
niture, etc., insured iu first-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST. Insurance Afent,
Alio UfeandAccldeqUl Compute.
A Pleasure at Last.
No Muss. No Trouble.
Sold in All Colors by Grocers and ,
NEW flu- Ss5aii old
style PrM Kmmmfmt
And FlowcrM, tlio Hand of America, Cult
fnrnhi. Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Iioute," which traverses a region of porpetual
sunshine, whero snow stouns, blizzards or
high altitudes aio unknown. Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
ears to points iu Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and New Moxlco, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Novnda, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to nil who pur
chaso tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full Information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 511) Rail
road avenue, Klmlra, N. Y., or 3U1 llroad
way, Now York.
3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt, Q. E P. Agt.
People who fil to look after their health
arc like the carpenter who neglects to sharpen
his tools. People arc not apt to crct anxious
about their health soon enough. If you are
"not quite well" or "half sick" have you
ever thought that your kidneys may be the
cause of your sickness ?
It is easy lo tell by setting aside your urine
for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling
indicates an unhealthy condition of the
kidneys. When urine .stains linen it is
evidence of kidney trcublc. Too frequent
desire to urinate, scanty supply, pain or dull
ache in the back is also convincing proof
that the kidneys and bladder are out of order.
There is satisfaction in knowing that the
great remedy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ful
fills every wish in relieving weak or diseased
kidneys and all forms of bladder and urinary
troubles. Not only does Swamp-Uoot give
new life and activity to the kidneys the cause
of trouble, but by treating the kidneys it acts
as a tonic for the entire constitution. If you
need a medicine take Swamp-Uoot it cures.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents und one
dollar, or by sending your address and the
name of Ibis paper with three two cent
stamps to cover cost of postage on llie bottle
to Dr. Kilmer S: Co., llinghamton, N. Y.,
you may have a sample bottle of this great
discovery sent to you free by mail.
Coining KventH.
March 22. llcan soup social by Miss Lizzie
Jones' Class of Willing Workers of tho P. M,
church in tho lecture room.
April 19. Entertainment under auspices of
the Welsh Congregational church, in the
church building, South West street. Tickets
10 cents, including refreshments'.
The Surprise of ah,
Mr. James Jones, of tho drug 8 nn of Jones
& Son, Cowden, III,, In speaking of Dr.
King's Now Discovery, says that last winter
his wife was attacked with I.a Grippe, and
her case grew so serious that physicians nt
Cowden ani Pau.i could do nothing for her.
It seemed to develop into Hasty Consump
tion. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in
store, ami selling lots of it, ho took a bottle
homo, and to the surprise of all sho began to
get better from first dose, ami half dozen
dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption.
Coughs ami Colds is guaranteed to do tills
good work. Try It. Froo trial bottles at A.
Wasley's drug store.
A Specialist on Rupture from Williamsporl
will visit
Shenandoah Every Thursday
Ferguson House, from 9 a. m. till 1:30 p. m.
Rupture permanently and quickly Cured or
no pay. Written guarantee to absolutely
cure all kinds of Rupture without
operation or detention from
Absolutely no Danger.
. . Examination Free.
loo persons cured in Sunbury, Shamokin,
Mt. Carmel and vicinity who can be referred
to. Charges and terms moderate and 'within
reacli of all.
These were the two reasons that formerly
kept people from attending to their teeth,
iloth reasons have no existence In this ad
vanced age. Painless and Inexpensive dent
istry with an absolute guarantee for five years
is our method.
A Good Set of Teeth, $$.
The Very licit Tfelh, $8.
You can act no belter, no matter what you
pay. No charge for extracting, where teeth
are ordered, We can take your impression in
the morning and give you your teelh in the
afternoon if desired,
(lold Fillings, $: Ucst Silver
Fillings, fioc up t Cleaning, 5oc;
Extracting, 25c.
CjtJwn and bridge work at very reasonable
rates. Examinations nnd estimates free.
We use but one grade of material
the best.
7 North Jardin St., Shonandoali.
The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses,
Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc., J
whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool.
Druggists, or mailed free for 15 cental
DHPOT, 127 Dunne Street, New York.
K. W. II. Y1NC1ST,
(Irniluato nnd Iito Resident House Hurgecr
the University SUto of N. Y.
llpachiunrtcrss-Commcrclal Hotel. Hhenandoab
TiiiiKi: vHAit couusk.
Cnlls night or day promptly reaponded.
jyr M.BliltKK,
Ofllce Kgan building, con er of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Corner Market and Centre streets.
Lock Box , Mahanoy Cfly, Pa.
Having studied under some of the boat
masters h London and Paris, will give )cwio;t&
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and votolcqlfure.
Ternii reasonable. Addreaa In oaro of MrbiMe,
the icweler Shanandnah
Relieve and Cure 1
s Head Troubles
E Stomach Disorders
System Irregularities
of nted
E "For every III, a special pill." 2
fc- If not at Drug Storea, write
2 S
S: Bronx OhDmical Co.,Yonkers,N.Y. 3
ST: Health Hook Mailed Free. 3
A genuine wolcomo waltsy ouat
Cor n&In and Coal Sta.
Fines, whlekeya, bers, porter and ale
constantly on tap. Choice omperance drink
' j
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Knym . Uiun Jljud Coal No Smoke
Trains leave Shenandoah an follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210. 580. 730, 12 83, 810 and 6 07 p.
m Sundays, '2 10 a. rn.
For New York via Mauch Chunk, week days.
S86, 730a. m.. 12 03 and 8 10 p. m.
For Iteadlnir and Philadelphia, week days
2 10,580,780. 051 B.IM., te S3, 8 10 and 6 07 p. In!
Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For I'ottMville, week days, 210, 780,9 51 a. m..
12 83, 8 10, 6 07 and 7 Vi V. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
ForTamnqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2.1,!,B,8i' T!W.a'n-i..l2!.8 1oinlnl07i. ro.
Additional to Mahanoy City only. 11 40 n. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a. m
For WllllamsDort. Sunbury and Lewlsbunr.
week dayB. 4 0 5 25, 1130 a.m.. 12 S3. 7 25
p. in Sundays, 8 23a, ra.
PorMahauo) I'lant), weekdays, 2 10. 4 01, 585.
7 33. 0 51, 1 1 80 a. m 12 33, 3 10, ft 07, 7 25, 0 55 and
11 10 p. in. Sundays, 2 10, 4 05 a. m.
For Ashland ami Shainoklu, week days, 4 05.
5 86, 7 30, 1180 a. m., 12 33, 310, ft 07, 725 and
9 55 p. in. Sundays, 4 05 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tbo West via
II. AO. It. It through trains Irn-. Keadlne
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & II. D Jt at 8 Set
7 55, 11 28 a. m 8 10 and 7.27 u. Sundays.
8 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. m., 8 48 and ISI p. in. AddC
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 90 a. m. 12 20c
12 1118 40 pm. Sundays, 183, 8 23 p.m.
Leavo New York via Philadelphia, eek
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 30 a, tn ud 1 80, 4 80.
9 00 p.m. Sundays, 0 00 p. to.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m 80 and 4 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, week
days, 12 01.8 80, il 85. 10 10 n. m, and 1 43.4 05. 8 80
p.m. Huudays, 1301a.m.
Leave ltcmllncweek days, 2 OJ, 6 10,10 08. a. m.
13 00 m., 4 19, 8 00 aud 8 20 p. u, Sundays, 2 01
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 8 05, 710 a.m..
12 80 and 10 p.m. Sundays, 8 07 a. m.
Leave Tamahua, week days, 8 55,740, 1128 a
in., 1 88, 3 511, 7 20 and 9 43 p. in. Sundays, 8 55
, Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 12 20.4 91.
S 13, 1 1 47 o. in., 2 17. 5 18, 6 21, 7 4 1 oni 10 08 p. ml
niiiiuRj. itf j, i 4i a. in.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street waif and
South atrectwhaif for Atlantic CUr.
Weekdays Kipreus, 900 a. ui.; 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p.m. Acepiumodatlon, 800a. m., ftaop. ro
Sundays Eipress, 900, 10 00 a. in. Accoroinoda.
tion, li 00 a. iu., 4 43 p. in.
IteturuliiK leave Atlantic City depot, comer
Atlautio and Aikansas avenuna.
WeekdaysKxpreas, 7 85, 9 00 a
p. ra. Accommodation, 8 13 a. iu.
Sundays Kzpress, 4 00, 780 p.
modatlon, 7 13 a. m., 4 13 p. iu.
Parlor Cars on all eznresH trains.
m., 830,5 30
4 05 p. in.
in. A ceo ra
Xor further Information, apply to n
Philadelphia and Iteadlnu Hallway ticket
or address
ti rarrsl
Qen'l Bunt, tien'l Poss'rAirt..
Keadlug- Terminal. Philadelphia.
1'owdera pevor falU
iJvUulllM'tiuilfcr iAem
Muvuiaiuruncr ruiic
vith Tinit nd
polntment. QuxxtDteed ui
ihe beat la tut unrrhet, a f
ieave niananoy riano, week days, 12 85. 2 40.
J ? ?8.a'. 10 23. 115 a. m., 2 82. 532 iff,
767, 1022 p m. Sundays, 12 40, 2 40, 4 33 a.m.
Leave W lllamaport, wek days, 7 42, 10 20 a,,
m.. 4 00 and 11 30 p. ml Sundays li BO p.' m.