The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 06, 1895, Image 4

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"Now good digestion wait on good nppe
And health on both,"
snys the grunt Shakespeare, but he dtdnot
have In mind a coated tougue or torpid
"iver, with all the symptoms of bilious
ness, so common in this country. All t hin,
and more, can be cured by Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery, a purely vege
table compound, which restores the nutlou
of the liver, gives tone to the flagging
energies of the dyspeptic's stomach, anil
thus enables "good digestion to wait on
appetite, and health on both." By drug
gists. Asthma and Hay Fever cured, by n
newly discovered treatment. Address for
pamphlet, World's Dlspeusary Medical
Association, Buffalo, is". Y.
Notice to Subscribers.
Subscribers to the Evening Herald
who are not receiving their paper regu
larly and people who wish to receive the
paper ns new subscribers, are requested to
leave their addresses at Hooks & Brown's
stationery store, n .North Main street.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy is a great surprise on
Account of its exceeding promptness in
relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pas
sages in male or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain in passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
at the City Pharmacy, 107 S. Main St.,
next door to the post office, Shenandonh,
Pa. 4-9-3m
Cure guaranteed. No operation. In
quire at the Shenandoah drug store, No
3 South Main street. -9-13-tf
When Baby -was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, Ehe clung to Castorla.
When she hod Children, 6ho gave them Castorla.
Sreclal This Week.
Gents' good white shirts, 33cents. Fair
ticking for 5 cents per yard. Good quality
sheeting, 14 cents. Table oil cloths, 12
P. J. Monaoiian,
3 22 tf 28 South Main street.
Those who never read the advertise
ments In their newspapers miss more than
they presume. Jonathan Kenison, of
Bolan, Worth Co., Iowa, who had been
troubled with rheumatism in his back,
arms and snoulders read nn Item in his
paper about how a prominent German
citizen of Ft. Madison had been cured.
He procured the same medicine, nnd to
uhb nis own words : "It cured me right
up." He also says: "A neighbor and his
wife were both sick in bed with rheuma
tism. Their boy was over to my house
and said they were so bad he had to do
the cooking. I told him of Chamberlain's
Pain B.'ilm and how it had cured me, he
got a bottle and It cured them up in a
week." 50 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler
Coming Events.
April 13. Cake and Coffee Supper, un
der the ausplces'of the Salvation Army,
to be held in their hall on North Main
April 15. Easter bill in Robbins' operj.
house for the benefit of Mrs. James
Donovan, whose husband was killed at
the Shenandoah City colliery.
April 23, 24 Entertainment in the All
Saints' P. E. church to raise library funds.
Our better halves say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It is used In more than half
the homes in Leeds. Sims Br.os., Leds,
Iowa. This shows the esteem In which
that remedy Is held wnere It has been sold
for years and is well known. Mothers
have learned that there is nothing so good
for colds, croup nnd whooping cough, that
It cures these ailments quickly and per
manently aud that it is pleasant nnd safe
for children to take. 25 and 50 cent bottles
for sale by Gruhler Bros.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessio & BAER, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
You Don't Ilave to Swear off
says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture
in an editorial about No To-Bac, the fam
ous tobacco habit cure. "We know of
many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one. a
prominent St. Louis architect, smoked
and chewed for twenty years: two boxes
cured him so that even the smell of tobacco
inakts him slok." No-To Bac sold and
guaranteed by Mrs. A. Wasley. No cure
no pav. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co ,
New York or Chicago. 13t eod
E. B7F0LEY,-
Fine GJ-roceries,,
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer In groceries, flour, provisions, teas,
coHw, -ugar. etc. HeHquallty, low-set prloee.
Call and see our fine stock of
Watches, Clock, Jewelry, Musical Instruments and Optical Got ds.
You can save. 50 per cent, by calling on
Between Oak and Chorry Streets.
fepden's J$T WALL pApEt( JStore.
We have just received a flee line of the most beautiful nnd artistic paper" In the
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo have also In stock n
great deal of last year's patterns which, we are selling at a sacrifice. Comeand
see our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store en Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
House, Sign and Decokativb Painting. 224 "West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
A. Rheumatic' Tolls a Wonder
ful Story.
Less Than Half a Bottle of Munyon's
New Remedy Restored Him
to Health.
James Buckley, 215 AVsshlngton street,
Newark, X. J., says t "I have been suf
terlng from rheumatism for n number of
years. The pains were exceedingly severe
aud I could not sleep nights. The reme
dies I obtained did me little or n ' good,
nor did the doctors whom I consulted.
This had gon on, each recurring attack
being more painful nnd prolonged than
the previous one. I could not get relief
until I commenced taking Munyon's
Rheumatism Cure. Le-s than ono half a
bottle drove all the rheumatism out of
my system nnd I am as well and s'rong
as 1 ever was In my life. 1 consider the
remedy a wonderful one nnd take pleas
ure In recommending it,"
Munyon's Rheumstlsm Cure Is guaran
teed to cure rheumatism in nnv part
of the body. Acute or muscular rheuma
tism curetl in from one to five days. It
never falls to cure sharp, shooting pains
in the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or
soreness In any part of the b'.dy In from
one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to
prmnptly cure lameness, stiff and swollen
joints, stiff back, nnd all pains in the
nips and loln. Chronic rheumatism,
sciatica, lumbago or pain in the back are
speedily cured.
Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy
Cnmnnnv. nf Phlladelnhia. nut UD speci
fics for nearly every disease, which are
sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents
a bottle.
Thoe who are In doubt as to the nature
of their disease should address Professor
Munyon, 1505 Arch street. Philadelphia,
trivlmz full HVniDtoms of their disease.
Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose
the case and give you the benefit of bis
advice nbsolutelj free of all charge. The
llemedles win te sent to any auuress on
receipt of retail price.
I70K BALK. A acslrnnle property. Hlngle
; nous 0 taclnis on Coal street nnrt double
bloclton rei rol me lot. Apply 10 Mrs. j 11,
Roxby, 22 West loal street, BhenandOib, l'a
ANTEI A Plrl for general housework,
Apply hi JUij tasi uenire m., up stairs.
RENT. - Store as a dwelling on North
; Main streei. Apply to Mrs. Bridget
burns, 25 W. Coal street. 3-9-tf
REMOVED. Llghtstore's bargain More
has been removed to the corner of We-t
m.d fentri- htrte's, vtli-re be viU continue
bush es and effers to Mil Hie balarro of bis
stock, within the next thirty days, at le-s
thau cost. 4-1 lw
TXT A TvTfWn Honest, energetic men to
VV iiiN J-XjJJ. solicit oidersfor Nursery
Stock, leim nentropioynient,expentcsand
sal.ry. Write at oucb for t rms aud territory
for fall deliver. H G Cbase& Co., HSOBouth
l"cnn Square, Philadelphia, l'a.
TO MMCE BIG MONEY selling our electric
Telephone. Best seller on earth. Bent all
coirplite ready to set up; lines of any distance.
A practical Electric Telephone Our agents
making 85 to 810 a day easy. Everybody buys
big money without work. Prices low. ADy
ono can make S75 per month. Address W. 1'
Harrison & Co., Clerk No. 11, Columbus, Ohio.
WHY do people complain of hard times,
when any woman or man can make
from 5 to 910 a day easily? All have beard 01
ttie wonderful success of the t Umax Dish
Washer; yet many nro apt to tblnk they
can'', make money selling It ; but anyone
can make money, becaneo e''ery l-imlly vranis
ono Oneagenrhas made S178 SO In ills last
three months.afterpaylng all expenses and at
tendlng'to regular business besides. You don't
have to canvass ; as soon as peonlo know you
bav It lor sale thpy bend for a Dlsli Washer.
Address the ( Umax Mfg Co., 45 Starr Ave.,
Columbus, Ohio, lor particulars.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and ....
Real Estate Agent,
123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah
rilW O-STORY Frame Building, 30x45 Xeet. on
1 Kouth Chestnut street. Itents for ?18 per
moDth: wl 1 ce sold cbeap,
FOH HALF.-HrH lot and two houses, sit
uate on West Cent let treet. Will pav 12
per cent, on Investment, and can be tougbton
easy terms.
IAUM FOB SALE -A fsrm of 33 acres,
. within three miles of goid marael.
Twenty-nlne acres under cultivation, ant Jour
acres of good timber. Frame farm bouse, six
rooms, good barn and all In good condition.
Will be sold for 11,200 cash. ,
FOR BALE. Licensed hotel stand in Mabn
noy township, near Ito torougb line.
Frame buildlnr, nlnercoms. doing good busi
ness. Gcod reasons given for selling. A bar
gain for anynodv. Apply to M.J Lanlor,
Juetlco of trePrace, 123 East Centre street.
no. ai - ouinjaraiUHtrect,Mi:enanaoan
Office Hours: 1.30 to3and6.3Bto8p.rn
Except Thursday evening.
No office work on Hunctay except by arrange
m nt. A strict adherence to the otllce hours
I- absolutely neeewary.
129 South Main Street,
Pertinent Paragraphs From, the Reporters'
Pens and Pencils.
In a little more than a week from now
the Benson for taking trout will open.
The 15th Is the day fixed by law and, ns
usual, trout anglers are making prepara
tions to take advantage of the opportuu
lty to cast their flies and capture the
gamy fish. They will, however, be con-
lronted with snow In the mountains, the
melting of which has given the waters cf
the mountain streams n temperature far
from being favorable to trout fishing.
Gov Hastings hns issued a proclamn
Hon fixing Thursday, April 11, and Fri
day, April 20, as Arbor days, It would
be expedient in the future, If Arbor days
nre to count for anything, that the an
nouncement of the time lor their ob
servance shall be fixed at nu earlier date
The Governor might ns well have issue l
his proclamation a month ago, which
would have given those who desire to
colebrnte the days by planting trees,
school exercises bearing upon the subject
of nrborculture, etc., time to arrange
things so ns to make the celebration as
effective as possible. Only 6lx days Inter
vene between the proclamation and the
time fixed for observance, which Is
entirely too little.
There Is to be no reduction in the price
of Ice in town this summer, nothwith-
stanrlng we have had a good Ice harvest
ing season. The local dealers says that
on account of the supply running out last
summer they were put to great expense
to send for Ice to keep up their contracts
and the looses they met with in that line
must be made up this year. One dealer
claims it cost him $1,500 for extra ice lost
The Lebigh Valley Railroad Company
bas posted notices to the effect that in
the future all mileage books will be good
only for one year, and not nutll used, as
Notwithstanding they nre elected for a
term of three years the Receivers of Taxes
are obliged to renew their bonds annually.
Many of the collectors in Luzerne county
overlooked this requirement and three-
fifths have defaulted in filing the bonds.
There is danger of the court declaring
their offices vacant. The Luzerne county
officials are not as wide awake as those of
Schuylkill. All the latter have reuewed
their bonds.
Church Notices.
C. W. Soachrist, of Buck Horn, Colum
bia county, will preach In the English
Lutheran church tomorrow morning nnd
In consequence of the Leo funeral tak
ing place In the Primitive Methodist
church tomorrow afternoon the Sunday
school will be held at 1:15 instead of 2
p. m.
llev. A. M. Stirk, the newly elected pre
-f ding elder of the A lieu town district of
the United Evangelical church, will
preach In the Evangelical churoh, corner
Cherry nnd We-it streets, tomorrow even
ing. There will be communion service.
The choral vesper services In the Trinity
Reformed church during the season of
Lent h-ive struck a popular chord in
human hearts, if the size and devotional
spirit of the attendants at these is any
proof. The following 5s the order of
worship tomorrow evening, being the
order for Palm Sunday : Organ prelude ;
anthem ; Invocation apostle's creed ;
hymn ; gospel aud epistle lessons; gloria
patrl; prayers aud collects; hymn; an
nouncements; hymn; sermon, "The
Uoyal Entry ;" chant The Lord's Prayer;
anthem; offerings; hymn; benediction;
organ pielude; self denial offerings at
the door.
Sloro New 6rlc Oiclals Indicted.
New Yoisk, April C Considorablo spec
ulation, and It can only bo sponulnllon un
til the names nro officially announced, is
being indulged in as to the persons named
In yostordny's grand jury Indictments.
New York papers agree in the statement
that there woro eight porsons Indicted,
threo of thorn ex-park commissioners, an
cx-suporintcudent of buildings, a police
captain and three patrolmen.
Jabez llntfnar Ilomnwiird Iloand
Buenos Ayhes, April C Jnbez S. Bnl
four, tho fugitive ox-member of tho Brit
ish parliament, whose extradition has
been obtained after n long delay on the
charge of bolng concerned in the Liberator
society disclosures, hns arrived here In
custody. Ho was taken on board a steam
ship Immediately, uud will sail for Eng
land on Monday.
Japan's Teace Conditions.
SHANGHAI, AprllO. It Is reported ou good
authority that tho principal conditions
of peaco Include tho indupoudunco of Coroa,
the payment of an ludumlty of $100,000,000,
and the cession to Japan of Formout and
Llao Tuug, inoludlng Port Arthur. Tho
last mentioned condition, tho cession of
Llao Tung and Pore Arthur, Is objected
to by China.
Tho Itnbluunn Crusoe All Right.
BnooKLYN, April 6. William Zolgler
has telegraphed to ihi Brooklyn Eagle
that ho and Mr. WolU have landed from
the yiuihb HobUison Crusoe at Puutn
Rassa, Kin. Tho boat uuoouutered seveic
storms upon her, hut weathered
them without suffering any mishap. All
of tho poopln fnr-i tin- ;i -ht are well.
It will be an agreeable surprise to per
sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to
learn that nrorant relief mav be had by
taking Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. In many instances
the attack may be prevented by taking
this remedy ns soon as the first symptoms
of the disease appesr. 25 and 50 cent
bottles for snle by Gruhler Bros.
Our Easter Opening
Ladies, you are all invited to eall next
Saturday, Monday and Tuesday and ex
amine the largest assortment of trimmed
hats, strictly of the very latest New York
styles, ever shown In Shenandoah. Wo
hare them at prices to suit the wants of nil.
New York Cash Millinery Store,
29 North Main Street.
s Celery Compound the One Spring Remedy
Thai makes People Well.
Physicians Prescribe
Preference to Anything Else in April and May, Because it
Purifies the Blood, Eeeds the Brain, and Strengthens the Nerves.
Paine'a celery co n pound is not a patent
medicine. .
No class of professional men are more
conservative, more careful In giving ad
vice, or more painstaking in finding out
the real facts of a case than physicians.
Their recommendation" in matters with
which they are conversant is trustworthy.
When physicians of known repute not
only prescribe and use, but also bring
home Paine's celery compound for their
own families, there can bo no doubt of its
high stnudlng in the eyes of medical men
In general.
This is what busy, successful practi
tloners are doing these spring days all
over the country, "
Palno's celery compound is prepared, as
they all well know, from the formula of
the foremost physician of this century,
Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D.,of
Dartmouth medical school. Among med
ical men there is an absolute certainty as
to just what Paine's celery compound Is
capable of doing. The careful record of
the vast number of cases where it has
made people well has been published in
the medical journals of the country.
Paine's celery compound stands today
as the one thoroughly authenticated
remedy for weakness and debility due to
malnutrition of the nervom system and
impure blood.
This hard working, earnest cla3s of pro
fessional men have never been njjow in
accepting Paine's celery compound
They declare that It gives the tired
body every possible chance to get back to
a healthy condition. It cures nervous
weakness, heart palpitation, general laok
of strength, and all forms of weakness;
rests nnd restores the jaded, fatigued
brain and nerves, because It provides for
tho abnormal waste of these parts by an
unusually prompt supply of appropriate
nerve food. It purine t the blood as noth
ing else can do.
13 North Jar din Street.
16 North Main Street.
Hepalrlng of all kinds prmoptly attended to.
Evan J. Dairies,
Tt, Uso It, and Advise
If every man aud woman plagued with
frequent headaches, and every business
man made unxious by pain at the base of
the brain aud neuralgia twinges, would
take Paine's celery compound, the world
would be lightened of a vast deal of
misery that ought never to be aorne.
The most advanced medical thought of
the latter quarter of the 10th century has
prepared Paine's celery compound to
meet and overcome these troubles that
are due to ,111-fed, Ill-regulated nerves,
and poor, thin blood.
N. N. Leanenrd, M. D., of Charlestown,
Mass., whoso portrait appears above, one
of the ablest physicians in the Boston
district, u man of character and influence,
"After using Paine's celery for four or
Ave -years In my general practice, I can
cheerfully recommend It'. For catarrh
of head or stomach, for instance, it acts
like a charm, For women In many cabes
it Is a blessing. For chronic rheumatism
It does give relief. Torpid liver, general
debility, constipation, pains In stomach
and loss of appetite it relieves, and Is the
best of remedies In general nervous pros
tration. I recommend It to many of my
patients, believing, as I do, in its real
merits. I believe it a public blessing to
invalids, and, as yet, not fully appre
ciated." J. C. Flynn, M. D., a well-known Michi
gan physician, is but one of hundreds who
prescribe Paine's celery compound be
cause it cures. Writing from Warren in
that state he says: "I use the P -lino's eel
ery compound freely In my practice as a
nerve tonic, blood purifier and general
tonio In all debilitated conditions of the
system. I And it a fine thing for patients
recovering from the grip, especlal'y old
Dr. J. II. Ilanaford, of Reading, Mass.,
whose writings in the Household, Health
and Home, and other journals of national
circulation, have endeared him to thons
2To. XO XToxtla. MaJja. Street, Sla-enaaaioali, l'a..
Clothes of all description neatly done up In a first claBs manner. I can refer to
scores of families In this city ns to my care In washing and superior neatness in
doing up clothing. I do my work better and quicker than other laundry in this city.
iToLSSTt Received !
Two pieces Black Dress Satin, 27 Inches wide worth $1.75 our price, tl per yard.
A now line of etyliBh Infants' Cloaks and Ilobes.
Big and cheap line of Children's School Hats and Ladtrs' Hats and Bonnets, In
all the new desigus of straw, gurop nnd leather effects.
Large line of Domestlo and Imported Flowers, from 10c to $1.50. Violets,5o bunch.
Black and colored Laces for dressmaking and millinery. Infants' Capsand Hats,
new and nobby line for spring and summer. Nun's veils from $1.25 up. tua
Hats and Bonnets ready-made. Hair switches from 50o up.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 S. Main St.
People to Take It in
ands, says: "I have used Paine's celery
compound personally with much benefit.
I prescribe it with excellent results."
J. H. ThoniaB, M. D., 820 Liberty street.
Pittsburg, Penn., says: "For several
months I had been suffering from rheu
matism. I had taken all the usual rem
edies with no real benefit. I took one
bottle of Paine's celery compound and
found myself much improved. The sec
ond bottle is nearly gone and I consider
myself cured."
W. W. Hlbbard, M.D.,of Poultnoy, Vt.,
writes: "I was run down from repeated
; attacks of the grip, and my stomach,
bowels, and kidneys were out of order.
I had no strength, energy or ambition to
jithtuk or act, and was excessively nervous
' and irritable. After taking'the first hot
j tie of Paine's celery compound 1 felt bet
i ter. The third bottle restored me to my
, usual health and strength, and I feel 10
years younger than before."
I Dr. William Brown, of Fredonla, Kan.:
"It has wonderfully improved my general
W. Allen Hubbard, M. D.,Boston, Mass.,
writes: "I have prescribed the remedy in
a number of cases where the blood was
impoverished and the nerves weakened.
The results have been so satisfactory that
I do not hesitate to endorse Paine's celery
Similar testimonials literally by hun
dreds might be quoted. The high, sclen
tlflo attainments of A. Llvesey, A. M.,
M. D., of Yardley, Penn., have made his
his statements authority on matters per
taining to health. He gives his personal
experience, how he was cured of sleepless
ness. J. W. Ferguson, M D., of Thayer,
Kan., tells how it has cured him of dys
pepIa,etc, etc. The sum total of the
testimony of such men as these, as well
as of the more celebrated physicians
whose letters have been previously pub
lished in chese columns, Is that Paine'a
celery compound makes people well I
V lax i