The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 24, 1894, THIRD EDITION, Image 3

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    If, RYTItN
Tkoy Make a Bold Attaok on a
Sheriff's Posse.
JXl liJil
Connollsville Ooke Workors Join
with tho Miners,
Made from clarified oil, expressed frott
Cotton Seed ns pnre nud eoldcu ns
Oio Southern Sunshine which pro
duces it.
For convenience in handling, there
is ndded to thU oil enough beef suet
to make it a semi-solid.
The combination of these two pure
natural products makes Co!tolcne, a
shortening n::d cooking fat, with which
in hcalthfulncss, cleanlincrs, flavor
and economy, nothing in the world
can compaie.
Bt T9SU.
To sell on the merits of the genuine
To sell by substitution ; or by decep
tion To sell to the injury of the
genuine, to the dissatisfaction of the
consumer, to the detriment of the
dealer, to the losa of ull concerned -except
the scheming counterfeiter
If you wish the best food and the
best health, yon should insist thai
your cooking be done with genuine
COttOlene. Kcluse nil conterfcits.
Sold In 8 and S pound palls.
Made only by
CAUTION. Tf n. dealer nfTerj IV. I.-
Douglas bhocs at a reduced price, or says
bo hat them without nuino stamped on
bottom, put hi in down ns n fraud.
W. Ii. DOUOLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit
ling, nnd give better satisfaction atlhc prices ad.
ertised than any other make. Try one pair and
be convinced. The stamping of W. I,,, Douglas'
name and price on the bottom, which guarantees
their value, saves thousands of dollars annually
to those who wear them. Dealers who push tho
sale of W.I,. Douglas Shoes gain customers,
which helps to Increase the sales on their full Una
of good. They can afford to sell ot a less profit,
ana we believe yon can save money by buying all
your footwear of the denier advertised below.
Catalogue free upon application. Address,
W. Ii DOUGlAti, IJrocUton, fllnes. bold by
Joseph Ball, Shcuaudoab.
B R. Severn, F. B. Magargle, W. H. Watei
Easily. Quickly,
Permanently ncsln"iHl
and oil the train of evlli
lrom early errors or later
excei-set.. tho remits ol
overwoik, stekuess,
worry, etc. FuJUtrengta
development and tone
given to ery organ aud
fx.rtlon of tbo body
lmpte, iiaturalmetuoda
6en. Failure Impossible
references. Book,
explnuutlnn and proofl
mulled (sealed) free.
1317 Arch St.
The only (leniilno Specialist In America,
. special lllseases and Strictures
l'eruiancntlr Cured In 11 to & din
ri nnn dhqon i-nmanr 8Pnd.
wtawwu I U IUU II
arv cured by ent Irely
new method lnjo t
wilaj. svrais'huro-
poan Hospital and 32 pradiial csporleuce, as
I itartlflcatife and 1lli,riimnut,riiv... Semi flvn
2-cent stamps for book, "TUIT1I," tlioouly
book exposing Quack Doctors ana others ad
yenl .lair as groat bpeclalMs. A truo friend
to all sufferers and to those contemplatlnif
marriage. The most stubborn and dan gerou
cases solicited. Write or call and be saved.
"ours ; v-a i Ere's 6-6 1 Wed. and Sat. e
; ouii. v-i4. ouccessf ui treatment ty n
Of holes in a skimmerl
Lota of wya of throwing away money. Oat
of the best methods ot economlilng is to insuri
In first class, thoroughly reliable companies,
either life, Hre or accident, such as represented
DAVI33 3?j3L,TXJ3W,
No. 120 Booth Jardln street, Bieianiloau, Pa
W. L. Douglas
PITn si t
Men Who Hflustnl tu llngnge In the lle
elit Strike the First to Quit Work at
the Call of tho United Mine Workers'
Coh'NKl.LSVlLLE, Pa., April 21. Tho ilelo
irate convention of coke workers at Scott
dnle .yestenlay passed resolutions order
ing tho entiru rcylon out to join tho na
tional strike of coal miners. Tho prospect
of spreading the strike In tho coko region
has thrown this section Into excitement.
Tho lenders here now confidently assert
that within two days all tho miners iu the
region will bo out. While they expected
a cessation of work nt some of the smallest
of tho plants yesterday, none even of th
most sanguine lenders expected the larger
plants to shut down and when tho news
reached here that the men of Valley and
Standard, the largest plants of the region,
had all come out, there was general re
joicing among tho strikers.
These men refused to join the recent
strike, but now they are the first to obey
the order of the United Mine Workers'
association for tho general strike. This
Indicates that tho northern end of the
region Is prepared to come out, und that
Frlck's men will join tho strike JIanyof
tho operators now admit that tho whole
region will bo on strike In a few days.
Some of them predict a long strike, char
acterized by more violence and bloodshed.
More Illinois Miners Out.
DANVILLE, Ills., April 24. None of tho
miners of the Consolidated Coal company'
Grape Creek or Kelly vlllo went to work
yesterday. These, together with the Fair
mont men, constitute the greater num
ber of miners In tho Danville Held. A few
of the smaller mines are still running.
None of them have any grievance except
ing tho Kellyvlllo miners, who have been
paid their wages In store checks. The
strike Is for sympathy. Three largo lodges
of the United Mine Workers havo been
Sr. Louis, April 24. Advices from tho
coal mining district of southern Illinois
show that about 1,250 men havo been
added to tho list of strikers. The men in
the Ualliday pits nt St.Johns, Ills., about
250 In number, and tho men employed iu
the mines along the Mobile and Ohio rail
road, a thousand or more, have decided to
cast their lot with tho United Mine Work
ers' association strike.
The AY nrkniun's Argument rrevnlletl.
PlTTSBUKO, April 2t. The joint debate
yesterday at Turtle Creek between Presi
dent De Armltt, of the New York and
Cleveland Gas Coal company, nnd Organ
izer O'Malley, of the Miners' union, re
sulted in a victory for the miners. On this
meeting tho success of the striko lu this
region largely depended, and consequently
every effort was put forth ou both sides to
win the day. At the close of tho debate,
by unanimous vote, the men decided to
obey the call of tho National Miners'
union. Tho accession of these men to tho
ranks will make thenumberof men out In
this district between 18,000 and 20,000.
Missouri Mine Strikers.
Kansas City, Mo., April 24. The coal
mine operators in tho Lexington and Ilig
glnsville districts have reported to agents
here that nil the miners aro out except
those In tho Heatty & Jones mines ntlllg
glnsville. In tho two districts thero aro
between 800 and 900 men out. Two-thirds
of them are iu the Lexington districts.
The Iligginsvlllo men have struck on ac
count of ths United Mine Workers' order.
West Virginia Minors at Work.
Charleston, W. Ya., April 21. Heas
suring reports still como up tho river and
everything now indicates that there will
be no strike among Kanawha miners. At
n mass meeting held at Ulack Hand tho
men nil decided to continue work. Tho
men exhuusted themselves iu the Mnrcli
strike, nud quitting work now means
Indlnna Miners nt Work.
Buazil, Intl., April 24. The minersnnd
operators of the block coal district will
meet here tomorrow to arrange a scale for
tho coming year. It is hoped the opera
tors will continue to pay the old price un
til a final settlement is made throughout
tho country. The men will probably con
tinue work.
Urging a Conference.
CniCAGO, April 24. Colonel W. P. Rend
sent a communication to President Mt-
Hritle, of tho United Miuo Workers' n'.o
ciotlon, suggesting tin immediate confer
ence between the laborers and operators.
He sold he did not fear disturbances wimld
arise, requiring the Interference of mili
tary force.
Tree Whisky In South Carolina.
Columbia, S. C, April 24. Governor
Tillman today publicly expressed himself
on tho supreme court decision. He con
fessed that ho cuunot solve the problem
now puzzliug tho people of tho state
whether prohibition exists, orwhetherthe
decision leaves the gap open for free
whisky. He gave it as his opinion, how
ever, that the decision moans free whisky,
the establishment of saloons atevery cross
roads and street corner, with no law to
license, restrain or prevent them lu any
thing they may do.
Died from a llroken Heart.
IIoborej.', N. J., April 24. The young
son of Patrick McGueness, of this city,
died under peculiar clrcumstnncos. The
body of his mother, who died on Sat
urday, was being lifted from the icebox to
her coftlu when the little fellow, who Ls
been sick for some time, saw the body. Tie
becamo hysterical and died Bhortly after
wards. The doctors say he died from a
broken heart.
Victory for the Olympic Club.
Nkw Orleans, April 34. Tho Olympic
club has won a big victory in the supreme
court, which yesterday affirmed the de
cision of the lower court, anil the result
of which menus that tho olub may give
fights agalu. The suits against the Olym
pic club were brought several monthsago,
at tho time when there was a sentiment
thi'QUghout tho country against prize
A Little Child flurried to Death.
Allentown, Pa., April 24. Corn, the 4-year-old
child of Charles P. Herbert, of
Wclsenburg, this county, while playing
with matches, set lire to her dress aud was
burned to death. Another child died soon
after from scarlet fever. Both will be
burled in the same grave.
Cnstorin is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' tiso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorin is tho Children's Panacea
tho Mother's Friend.
"Castorin lsso well adapted to children that
I recommend it as suporlor to any prescription
known to me." 11. A. AncnEn, 51. 1).,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"The use of 'Castoria Is so universal and
Its merits bo well known that it seems a work
of supererogation to endorso It. Tew nro tho
Intelligent families who do not keep Caetorla
within easy reach."
Cahlos JLuityn, D. 13.,
New York City.
The Ckntauu
Benntor Terror's Effort to Appoint a
"Coiey Committee" Defeated.
Washington, April 24. In tho sonnto
yesterday Senator Washburn, of Minne
sota, consumed almost the entire after
noon in n speech against the tariff bill. Iu
tho few moments that remained between
the tlmo Senater Washburn concluded
his speech nnd the hour of 5 o'clock Sena
tor Dolph gave another short instalment
of his speech.
During tho morning session a bill wns
Introduced (by request) by Senator PeiTer
"to dispose of idlo labor and discourage
idlo wealth In the District of Columbia,"
which was referred to the committee on
tho District of Columbia. He also sought
to take up from tho cnlendar his resolu
tion for tho appointment of a commltteo
on communications his "Coxcy Commlt
teo" but the motion wns lost by a vote of
17 to 20.
Tho house devoted all of yesterdny to
business from the committee on the Dis
trict of Columbia. Two bills of moro or
less general Importance wero acted upon.
The first, which was passed, was a bill ex
tending tho time allowed the Metropoli
tan Street Hallroad company, of this city,
to change its motive power. Iho company
must within eighteen months put lu an
underground electric system or forfeit its
charter. The other bill was one to permit
bookmaklug at the regular spring nnd
fall meetings of tho jookoy clubs and driv
ing parks of the District of Columbia. It
was defeuted by a vote of 87 to 03.
A Deputy to Stand Trial.
ItOMK. Anril 24 Tim eliamW r.t
ties gave Its assent to the prosecution of
Pietro Casilli, who represents tho Tenth
district of Naplesintho Chamber. Casilli
Is charged by the government with be
longing to a criminal association. It is
said that he, together with the socialist
deputy. Do Felice-Giufrida, and the exile
anarcl!st, Cipriani, plotted to4tart a rev
olution in Italy. Casilli will be tried at
Naples with forty other socialists and an
archists, who aro charged with being im
plicated iu the same plot.
Lynchod In n Court House.
New Orleans, April 24. Sam Slaugh
ter, Tom Claxton and Dnvo Hawkins, the
three negroes confined lu jail at Tnllulnh
charged with beii. member of the pnrty
which shot and killed Manager Iloyco oil
Krlday last, were iaken from theircells by
u mob and h:.ugeii to the banisters of the
court hou.,u. Five of their accomplices
sre still at large.
Murder (Julrlcly Avenced.
Cheiiokkf, ICau., April 24. Ou Sunday
night several miners went to tho house of
Frank Human, a while miner employed at
the Schwnb mines, near here, for the pur
pose of robbery. Hainan ran out to get
help, but was shot dead In the road. Jeff
Tugglo, the leader of the mob, was cup
tured and lynched yesterday.
eniiuTLKir.i. Division.
NOVEM11KU 19th, 1893.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter the above
date for Wlggan's, QUberton, Frackvllle, Now
Castle, Ot. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Readinir,
Pottstown, Phocnlrvlllo, Norrlstown and Phil
adelptda (11 road street station) nt8;(X)aad 11:15
a. m. and 4:15 p. m. on weekdays ForPottS'
vllle and Intermediate stations 9:10 a.m.
Tor Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackvllle, Ne
and 3: io p.m. For Hamburg, Reading, Potts
town. Phcenlxvllle. Norrlstown. PhflirtplT.hl
at 0:00, 0:40 a. m., 3:10 p. m.
Trains loavo Frackvllle for Rnenandoth at
10:40a.m. and 12:11, 6:01, 7:42 and 10:27 p.m.
bundays, 11:13 a. m, and 6:40 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah at 10:16,
11:48 a. ra. and 4:40,7:15 and 10:00 p. m. Sundays
t 10:40 a.m. and 6:16 p.m.
Leavo Philadelphia (Uroad street station) for
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 85 am,
1 10 and 711pm week days. On Sundays leave
t 6 60 am. For Pottsvllle. 0 33 a m.
For New York Express, week days,
at 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 15 15, 0 60, 7 33, 8 20, 9 60, 11 00
11 11 a m, 18 00 nioc, 13 44 p. m, (Limited Ex
press 100 and 4 50 p m. dining oars.) 140,
230, 320, 400, (500, 0 00, 060, 7 25, 812,
10 00pm, 12 01 nfcht, Sundays 820, 4 Do, 4 50
615,812,9 50, 11011135, a m, 18 44. 1 40, S 80, 4 00
(limited 1 60) 6 20,fl 2-J, 0 60. 7 ilS and 8 18 p m and
12 01 night.
ForSeaQIrt. LopgHranch and Intermediate
stations, 820, lilt a m, and 4 00, p m
For lialtlmore and Washington 1 60, 7 20. 8 81
S 10, 10 80, 11 18 a m, 12 10, (18 36 limited dining
car, 130,8 40, 4 41, (5 16 Congressional LimltoC
Pullman Parlor Cars and Dining Oar). 0 17,
6 65, 7 40 and 1183 p. m week days. Sun
days, S 60, 7 20, 3 10, 11 18 a m.. U 10, 4 41, 6 65,
For Richmond, 7 00 a m, 12 10 and U 33 p m,
dally, and 1 30 p. m. weeic days.
Trains will leave Harrleburg for Plttsburi
and the West every day at 1 80, 8 10 a m, (3 IS)
pm limited), 8 50, 7 30, 1165 p m every day,
Way for Altoon-. at 8 18 am and 6 00 p m even
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 a it
every flay.
Trains will leave Sunbury for vrmiamsport
Blmlra, CaEandalgua, It icbooter, IluCa'o ur '
Niagara Falls at 135,518 nul.infl 1 36 p m wee.
days. For ftlmlra at 6 41 pm week days, Ft.,
Brie and IntermedUte points at 6 18 amm.lls.
For Lock Haven t 18 i.-S ttlim dally, 1 n
and 6 11 p m week days tor KenoTO at 5 13 a
m, 1 88 and C 41 p ia week darti, and 6 18 a m oe
Sundays onlv 'or JTrjse t 518 am, dally
1 !6 n in week Jays.
B. M. Privobt. J, it. Went,
Qen'l Manic f UtB'lPM5,t'Ag
Cnstorin cures Oolle, Constipation,
SourStomncli, Dlnrrhtoa, Kructatlon,
Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dt
Without Injurious modlcatlon.
"For several yoors I havo recommended
your 'Castoria,' nnd shall always continue to
do so as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Enwis F. Pardee, 31. D.,
126lh Street nnd 7th Avo., New York City.
Comtant, 77 Murray Street, New Yonit Cm
ltlotlng Wilrklucn liV Hungary.
DUDA Pkstii, April 24. About 300 work
men marched to the town hall of Hold
Mezo Vasarhely, with the Intention of re
covering socialist documents recently
seized by tho police. In n conflict with
hussars four of tho mob wero fatally
wounded nnd sixty others were seriously
cut by sabres.
Chicago's Statue of Shakespeare.
Chicago, April 24. A bronze statue of
Shakespeare, executed by William Oril
may Partridge, the sculptor, was unveiled
in Lincoln park yesterday. The statue
was erected iu accordanco with the pro
visions of the will of Samuel Johnston,
who left ?10,000 for that purpose.
Heath of a Noted Fenian.
Kansas City, Mo., April 24. Michael
Holand, one of the celebrated triangle of
the Clan-Na-Gael, died at his home In this
city yesterdny. He hnd been sick for three
weeks. .Mr. llolnnd wns a member of the
firm of Holand & O'Grndy, distinguished
crlmlual lawyers.
Left Hnlr Ills Foitnnu to Charity.
Oranoe, N. ,1., April 24. Kfiward Heid,
aged 72 years, died at his homo on Pros
feet street. The decensed, who left an es
tato worth about $2,000,000, bequeathed
half ot it to cliarlttiffle institutions. He
was a war veteran, and leaves a widow,
but no children.
Tho Weather.
Partly cltudy weather and light local
bowers; northerly winds.
An agreeable Laxatiro and Nebve Tonic.
Boll1H iDrugslsta or sent by mail. 25c., 60c
and SLOP per packngo. Samples freo.
Tho J"avorito MOTH TOTTIES
for tho Teeth and Hrcath, 25c.
Captain Sweeney, U.S.A., San DIogo, Cal.,
Bays: "Shiloh'a Catarrh llcmody la the ilrat
medicino I havo ever found that would do mo
any good." I'ricoOOcts. Sold by Druggists.
Tms Great Couan Cutie promptly cures
where all others fall. ForConsumptlonlthas
no rival; lilts cured thousands, and will cmta
you, If taken in'Jrao, Crl:oSt ets., 60 ttj $1.09.
Sold by C. II llagonbuch, Shenandoah
(Ohrtat Uossler's old stand.)
em In intra ctoul Mt OIioisaruicMi
Hest ter, ale and porter on tan. The nne
orandaof whiskeys and clzara. Pool room at
104 North Main street, Shenandoah, Pa
Ice Cream wholesale and retail.
Picnics and parties supplied on short colic.
Wheelwright and Biacksmithing
Pear Alley, Rear Beddall's Store,
Between Centre and I.loyd Sts.
First-class work and repairing of all kinds
done on short notice nud nt
rieasoimlile B'rlcu.
Near T.. V. n,wl TM,t., rnll wnva TttA
flnnut. lirnnriu nf ntirnra wltl.lrtu ...,fu
beer and ale on hand.
J'lt MO CCRT14 DCf V0
'-A AKJ y. ,:;,.3.
Jcnla r nt i t h - - i. .. . i . '71.
iwi'WHi'i j i; Jt Tata
cunts, ax a&x, aiWAwma.
Vpttu.f on a hcae it will" NorcUHtri
9 ST'.A'
it ltrtlun tla
W ncelil
8he Attempted to Ilrnln an Olllenr with
an Ax, hut lie limited tile Illow Ser.
ernt uf the Amaroim Wounded In the
Ilattln That Followed.
Union-town', Pa., April 3f.-The Oliver
plnnt near here was the sceno of disorder
and bloodshed yesterday. A striker
named Michael Fctnko stoned the coke
drawers while they were at work iu the
yard. 81ierilt Wilhelm and a posse of
deputies arrested him, wlien about fifty
women assembled and demanded his
release. The officers warned tho women
not to Interfere. The answer was a yell
of defiance, nnd then the whole crowd of
enrshur, screamlUK women chanted the
squad of men, attacking them with every
conceivable missile and firearms.
lllood was Ilowlnt; from numbers of
men in n moment, and when somoof them
hnd been knocked down they were forced
to llaht back. Sirs. Ketr.ko, the lender of
the furiea, rushed nt Deputy Sheriff Rich
ards with nil uplifted ax. He evaded the
blow and knocked Iter senseless with his
revolver, and she lay stretched nt length
on the ground with the blood gushliiK
from iv Rash in her forehead.
Tho cry wns raised that slio was killed,
and tho bedlam of savage excitement can
not be described. Hut she revived after
fully twenty minutes. When sho struck
nt Richards with her ax the other depu
ties threw off the restraint that had made
them helpless against these women here
tofore, Numbers of women wero felled
with blows from maces, others were stab
bed with bayonets or beaten with tho
stocks of Winchesters, and the sheriff had
great difficulty In preventing the men
from shooting them down like dogs. The
sltuntiou nt Oliver is alarming.
The Top of UN Ilend Knooked On.
Ualtimohk, April 21. Thomas Wyeth,
23 years old, and unmarried, had charge of
tho dynamo that supplies light to tho
large plant in the Maryland Steel works
at Sparrow's Point. Yesterday he was
caught by the big belt as he reached under
It und hurled against the machinery. Tho
top oi nis head was knocked off and his
brains scuttured around tho place. Tills
makes the second tleath lu the electrical
department of tho works in tho past
mouth. Professor Reese, who had charge
of the plant, while making experiments
several weeits ago, accidentally touched a
live wire and fell dead.
New I'ennsjrlvanli Postmasters.
Wasiiinoto!. Anril 24. Fiftv fourth
class postmasters were appointed yester
day. Of these twenty-five were to 1111 va
cancies caused by removals, twenty-three
uy resignations and two by death. Among
tho changes were these in PeniiHylvnnin:
Amity. John 13, Luellen: Hall Mount. V.
H. Cooper; East Hentou, 0. S. Corey; Glen-
ourn, fi. it. need; Lincoln, Silas K. Bard;
Mnsontown, R. P. Rhodes: New Haven.
Charles M. Miller; New Salem, Ellas Hat-
llrnzll's rucltlve Iniurcents.
Hio de Jaxeiuo, April 24. President
i-eixoto uns telegraphed to the llrazilian
legation at Montevedio nud Iluenos Ayros
ordering that a strict watch be kept upon
the movements of the Brazilian insur
gents who aro now in those two cities.
The representatives nro also instructed to
endeavor to persuade Uruguay and tho
Attjront.lnn lll.llllllll. tn nritul tl,n In.,,..
gents, In order to insure against their
uiiimu&uuuiuer uiiempt to invade iiraztl.
Amerlenn Fishermen Arrested In Canada.
Phescott, Out., April 24. Six residents
of Ogdensburg, N. Y., hnvo been arrested
by dominion policemen for illegal fishing
In Canadian waters In the St. Lawrence, a
few miles below Proscott, Tho prisoners
hnd dynamite in their possession, nnd for
several days past have been creating
wholesale destruction among tho llsh by
tills deadly explosive. Thoy will be tried
at Proscott.
Yesterday's Hull (lames.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 8; Wash
ington, 4.
At Brooklyn Hoston, 7; Brooklyn, 4.
At St. Louis St. Louis, 4; Pittsburg, 3.
There were no games at Bultlmore, Cin
cinnati or Louisville.
Closing (luotntlonH of tho New York ami
l'hllml.-lohla KxehangeH.
New Yoiik, A prll 38. Tho week oiwnod on
the Stock Exchange with a heavy tone to the
sharo speculalion and prices declined heavily
at tho openiiuc. Then there was a slight re
covery, but prices attain ran down and the
close was dull. Closing bids:
Lehigh Valley 37 W. N. Y. & Pa..... 1
Pennsylvania 50$ Erie l&a
Reading 19K I)., L. k W. imy
St. Paul 0136 West Shore KB)
Lehigh Nav Kli N. Y. Central uu
N. Y. & N. B 8Ji Lake Erie fe W.... 16&
New Jersey Cen ...lll Del. & Huilsou....l37ji
Oeneral Qlnrketi.
Piiii.Adhi.phia, April 38. Flour fairly
liberal; winter superfine, $H.10; do. extras
f.aiS.60; No. 8 winter family, fli.SOtiW.oS;
Pennsylvania roller straight, $X.753; western
winter, clear, fU.6oas.80. Wheat weak, lower,
with OlKo. bid and UlHc asked for April.
Corn quiet, easier, with V4c. bid and
asked for April. Oats dull, unchanged, with
IWo. bid and iHo. asked for April. Ileef
firm. Pork easier; new mess, $11011.; extra,
?13.liU; family, JU.5015. ltnl easier: western
steam, . 15. Ilutterweak; western dairy, 11)4
15e.; do. creamery, 14lo.; do. factory, IU
B1&!.; Klgins. 81c; New York dairy, llMJrtHLjc;
do. creamery, lft(&81o. for old; state creamery
prints, fancy, Ski.; choice, 21o.; fair to prime
28Ji8c.;"garlkky,''184ta!.; chlolly 2uV.; prints
Jobbing at avEWto. C'heeso llrm, state large.
tiaiSMc; Bmni, IlaWHic.; western, llt&U'Ho.;
partskliiuj,5,V8. Eggsdiill.NewYorkaml Penn
sylvania, lllfi.i western, Iresli, l,u.; southern.
Live Stock Markets.
Naw Yoh K, April ai.-lteeves dull; oholco
native steers, $4.7U per IU) lbs; good to prime,
t.Kai.,M); medium to fair. t4.WMsi.o7i; In
ferlor to ordinary, HMs,VM; ooiuuiuu, $8.30
Ot; oxen, 2.7.uU!.8S; hulk, $; dry
oowatl I1M1.85. Calves lower! poor to prime
veals, J4o. Sheep and lambs higher, nn
horn l""p, common to prlme,'t$a.KM 7;
clipped sheep, inl.-i. to prime, JSVi I ;,
unshorn lambs, common tu oholce, $4.T.xii
extra, J-YK , cliw 'il lambs, good to i li.m v.
H.KiM.7S)- lli,; uady, Inferior to choice,
East, Pa., April S3.-rattte re
ceipts light: bulla ami btags,)$3; veal calves,
li.U&i. Hogs H.eady; best 1'hlladelphlas,
ffi.4Si8o.5fl; host Yorkers, $6.a.4"; common
to fair Yorkers, S5.8uaa.l; pigs, $5.1115.20.
Blieep niarkot better on prime sheep, while
other grade are unchanged; extra JJ.SHitfl;
g"d, 3.75a; fair, ti.H'aVJ; onmmon, &l)c.
..j0; yearlings, tl.(ySl.ttO; lambs, ft.nmi.SO.
One of His Experiences.
For th'i'ty-olaht years C.ipt. I.nud followed
ho sen, n. oat of that tlmo ns master of a ves
'I. nnd upon retiring from tho water v ns np
ol'i'.i'U by the Secretary of tho t tilted h' ilea
i T isiiry to superintend the -cal llslu 1 h in
'n !ia. which HhIon hoheld llvo years, lio
I iios one oxperlenco ns follows:
I 'or seeral years I hadliecu troubled with
"" nil ner ousiipss and pain In tho t" ii.n
' mv heart. My greatest nllllrtlon Wii9
.le ess; It was almost Imposslbloatm y
i' .i t .oh .iln rekt mid slicp. llavini; Fr-cn
n. M u'B I'tMiii'dies ndvertNcil I began u-it'K
I rMni- After Hiking it Mnnll nuantltv t
I'iK'ttt rt'celved was so gn ut that 1 wnsio--l-Ividy
alarmed, thltiklm; the remedy c n
al.M'd opiates whli'h would finally holnlnn
to tuo; hut on being nsstind by thedri:,:
.st that It was perfectly harmless, 1 con'fn
.ixl it together with the Heart Cure. T d y
can rnnsrlentlously sny that Dr. Wiles' Hi -'oratlve
Nervine and New Heart Cure uul
(Ore for me than any thing I had ever taken.
. 'd Ihmui treated by eminent physlcl ius
New York and San I rancKco without ben
I owe my present gotsl health to ho
iu. uiusiiseof these most valuable nmtd . s,
n.l heartily recommend themlo nllallllcted
-. 1 wns." -Oapt. A. P. Loud, Hampden, Me.
Ur Miles' liestoratlveNervliiuand New t'tiro
m o sold by all druggists on a positive ctinr u
or by Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart,
"1 on receipt of prlco, fl per bottle, or six
Mttles for ffi, express iirepald. They nro
' " (rote all oolatcs and dangerous drugs.
Trains leavo Shenandoah as follows.
For New York via Philadelphia, week dave,
8.10, 5.25, 7.20, a.m., 12.26, 2.60 r,.S5 p.m. Sunday
2.10, a. m.4.10 p. tn. For New York via Maueh
Chunk, week days, 5.25,7.211 a. m.. 12.26, 2.60 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2.10,6.25,7.20, a.m., 12.20, 2.50, 5.65 p. m. Sun
day, 2.10. a. m., 4.30 p. m
For Harrlsburr week "vr, 2.10. '20 a.m.
2.60, 6.55 p. m. Sundays, 2.10 n. m, nnd 4.30 p. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 2.10, 7.20, a. m.,
12.26. 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday, 2.10 a. m., 4.50
p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy Cltv, week days,
2.10, 6.25, 7.H), a.m., 12.20, 50, 6.65 p. m, Sun
day, 2,10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. Additional for
Mahanoy City, week days, 7 00 p. m.
For Wllliamsport, Sunbury and Lowisburc,
week days, 3.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 pm.
Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 3.06 p. tn.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.25, 6.25,
7.20, 11.30 a.m., 12.28, 1.S5, 2.50,6.65,7.00,915
p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.?o, 7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.S0 p. m.
For Glrardville, ( Itnppahannock Station),
week days, 2.10, 3 25, '6.25, 7.20, 11.80 a. m.
12.26,1.35, 2.50, 6.65, 7.00, P.M p. m. Sunday. 2.10.
3.25, 7.48 a. m.,-3.05, 4.30 p. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3.25,
6.25, 7.20, ll.fO a. m., 1.36, 7.00, S.S5 p. m, Suni
day, 8.25, 7.48 a. ra., 8.05 p. m.
Leavo Now York via Phlladelpnia, week days,
8.00 a. m., 1.30. t.m, 7.30 p. m.. 12.16 night. Sun.
day, 4.30 a. m., 7 30 p. m., 12.15 night.
f Leavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
30. U.10 a. m., 1.30, 4.30 p. m. Sundnj. 7 15 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal,
week days, 4.12, 8.35, 10,00 a. m.. and 4.00,
3 00, 11.30 p. m. Hunday 4.00, 0.05 a. m., 11.30
p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 1.16,7.10, 10.C6, 11.6)
a. m., 5.55, 7.57 p. m Sunday, 1.35, 5 50, 10.(2 a. m.
Leavo Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 6,1 1 p. m Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a.m., 2.05 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 a,
m., 1.20, 7.15, 9.28 p. m. Sunday, S.20, 7.48 a. m
2.60 p. ra.
Lcu,o Mahanoy City, week days, 3.45, 0.18
11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7.44, 9.54 p. m. Sunday, 8.45, 8.11
a. m., 3.20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week diys, 2.40, 4.00,
8.S0, 9.35, 11.59 a. m., 12.65, 2.06, 5.20, 6.26,7.69,10.10
p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 4.00, 8.27 a. m., 3.37, 6.01 p. m.
Leave Uirardvillo, (Rappahannock Station),
week days, 2.47, 1.07, 6.36, 9.41 a. m., 12.05,
I. 01, 2.12, 6.20, 0.32, 8.05, 10.10 p. m. Sunday, 2.47,
4.07, 8.33. a. m., 3.41, 6.07 p. m.
Loave Wllliamsport, week days, 9,35, a. m.,
3.36,11.15 p.m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For lialtlmore, Washington and the West v'a
II. & O. U. R., through trains leave Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. A R. H. K 1 at 3.4.
7 55, 11.28 a. m., 8 51, 7 22, 8.10 p. m., Sunday 8.45,
7.55, 11,20 a. m., 3 51, 7 22, 9.5S p- m.
Lenve Phlladelphin, Chestnut Street Wharf
and Couth Street Wharf for Atlantic lty
Week days t. xpress, 9 00 a. m., (Saturdays
only 2 00); 100, 5 00 p. m. Accommodation,
8.00a. m.; 5 tip. m.
Snndays I xpress, 0.00, 10.00 a. m, Accoin
niodntlon. 8.I1O a. m and 4 30 p m.
Keturnlnr, leave Atlantic City depot, cor
ner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues Week
days llxp'ess, 7.!0. 8.S0 a. m. nncltOJ p, m.
Accommodation, 8.10a. m. and I 30p m.
Sunt ays Exprck-s, 4.00, 6 15, 8.00 p. m. Ac
commodation, 7.15 a m and 1.15 p.m.
Parlor cars on all express trains.
O. U. HANCOCK, Uen. Pass. Agt.
Philadelphia Pa,
I. A. SWEIGAKD, Gen. Supt.
Bottlers of all kinds ol
Weiss IIkeii a Specialty. Also bottlers ot tha
Finest Beer.
17 and VJ Veach Alley, HllKNAlfDOAIl
no liiiHt Centre Street,
S33a.oxxc,xi.c3.oe,l3L, T,.
All work guaranteed to be llfst-class In every
rested. We respectfully solicit a share ot
your patronage, rjodtls oalled for and delivered.
Silk ties and Lace Curtains a specialty.
Delcamp's Livery Stable
E. DELOAMP, JR., l'rop.,
WEST STfiEET, Between Centre and loji,
filtciiHtifloali, Pciniii.
Teams to hire for all purpoeea on reasonable
rlcli ul unff-ilj
iiiuaiitsi (or i'h
tofui r.i d 111 1
9 hose, -alrt IlI
"I" Tk 1
r iiani pf iMKufi
1 ili)ru(flit, rir4t&&t
,.t, 4 iuj
.lllt,Mttrr', rvtUMk
r- i iiiunii i , i
J "llH, f for l'.
i magic juuiieay. i mftl
B U0Q,U)0oaiItaL ToflltlTfl iniifriHi.(tuOi asa
9 DooK.iuuittriiU'ii fr'wi. lifttfromieo)ilecttrijl,
n uf imiui nuuuutf dim win care
UU0K HtMuUV CU., CMcsgo, 111.