The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 25, 1893, THIRD EDITION, Image 2

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The HeralcL
tW.A. HOY Hit loresr
w. V, UUYHK..... Hdilm- and M(,l(Ar,
rr. r. WAIKIUS H,utr
JT. JtOrlN ,4HMM alHil f;iMtflM ATlttw
Wa In 'Mbenandoab ttrab nay otaer; paper pub-
uasemirrioN ratio;
JMUrif.per year .. m 80
rjnMtXT, per var,.,. ,., i go
ltfrttiit7 lute.
TTMMeal, 10 cents per Hoc, first insertion ; t
eim er line each subsequent Insertion, RatM
to regular adrertlslng: out b had on applies-
on at tne omoe or by mall.
tfivtrein ton Postomoe, at iSbeusndoau, Pa
tw transmission through toe nulls
M seoond-olass'titall matter.
Nt Monday the first steps to
ward the rem intention of the Heading
JUllrOcul will b taken. John L w.
UW Walsh, to whom tliu Utlc has beu
Otrutted by the Drexola. will have
ifie Heslstauo of a finance o JtniriTtte'l!
the members who will be entirely "Hi
syinptUby witli hie tbotigbtennd deeires
on the subject. It hw been hinted that
eomethiug like twentyj millions of
dollars would be reciuired to carry
out the plans of the new administra
tion, rt must not be imagiued that
this Will lie all new cash by any means.
Some of it is likely to be iu the shape
of a small astessment on the. nLock.
An asMssmeat of ten 'per ont. on or
dinary bonds und five per oent. on in
oouie bonds is also one of the likely
thing. It Is prib.i'ile, although the
mutter has not bean definitely decided
yet, that the preference Ineome bonds
will be converted into preference
took. That would dispose of the
question of an aoneismuut on them.
Much will depend upon the filial re
port of Expert Rice, who is now at
work on the Readiug accounts. Iu the
new manigemant there will be a die
'tlnet division of the duties heretofore
trinity performed by Mr. MaLeod.
tT. x"$h wl" le c,lttr8b of the li
unncep, anfi when it becomes ufeceasary
to raise money lie will be the man to
look for Ik Y'.'je President Vorhees
will have full charge of the physical
mauaBeineut of the rood. Tills will
permit President Harris to look solely
after exeoative instters.
Aaentleinu well posted on Read
ings affairs says: "The outlook la very
itinatnr &nv IlevlintT. securities sub
sequent to the general mortgage loan.
Thefaot that It will be necessary to
rnle about 2j,AO0,00O to place the
routlon a solid base financially can
only menu heavy asdessments and the
suallng diwuof bonds. It is quite
natural that the board of directors
uuder tha JtcLwl administration
should retire and men in sympathy
with the Interest now in oontrol be
placed In the board whioh will prob
ably follow in a very short time."
felnce the tlkof reorganization be
igan the last annual re.iort has been
closely scrutinized. A revised edition
Af it has been Issued, showing many
things whioh for lack of time were not
presented with the president's Jreport.
The balance sheet shows that generals
outstanding increased $2,481,680, and
there were slight increases In all three
preferences. Real estate mertgagos
lucreased $1,138, -105. H Equipment
notes Increase $2,674,318, andnotes
payable increased $-2,202,660. The
amount payable for rentals, interest,
pay-rolls, etc., was $7,872,771, and
quick assets, including caih materials
and account! roceiv.tble, were $8,340,
410. The advance to leased and con
trolled companies are glveu as $4,001,
025, aealust $2,015,873 lust year,
FROJt all indications the historic
ground nt VlleyFjrg8 will noon Ipasa
Into the poweesloti of the state, The
recent action of the Houae lu .con
alderlng favorably the bill appropriat
ing money sufficient for the purchase
of the memorable site was a inoet
eoiumeadable one. It is'ouly right
that the state should n reserve as a
publlo park the scene of so much
noble Buffering u 1 privation, 1 and
itott forever commemorate the patriot-
laui and the aelf-eaoritiolug spirit so
heroically displayed by Washington
and bis army during a very oritloal
period la the country's history. The
argument bo ably ; and effectually
advanced before the House oan hardly
Ml in the higher legislative body, and
it is only fair to presume that Gover
nor Pattison is in sympathy with auoh
a patriotic movement. Let us have
Valley Forge Park. Maintained as It
may be by a oommiaalou of public
spirited and conscientious gentlemen,
It will prove n monument of which
the people of Pennsylvania will have
reason to be proud.
Thosk bullet-proof uniforms have
been thoroughly tried in Germany,
and not found wanting. They should
be introduced for the use of Freneli
duelliate. They will save, then, the
axouae for much bad marksmanship
with the pistol.
It Is given out that Queen LUIuo
kalaul loves the Mormons. Perhaps
the Utah question may yei be solved
by the iudloloug uoouragemejit of
Latter Day emigration to Hawaii,
The House Elections Commit
tee Asks for $31,176
n Inquiring; Into 111 Various Contented
Election Omen-Governor Fattltnn He
turn to tin, Mouse a Bill Without III.
Approval lint anil Second Itemllng of
WUs 1h the Senate.
HAKKisnoito, April M. Tho house mot
at 8 o'clock last evening;. Iu the absence
of Speaker Thompson, Henry K. Moyer, of
i nuaneipuia, occupied the chair.
Mr. SmlUi, of Jefferson, chairman of the
printing committee, offered a Joint resolu
tion; wbloh was adopted, providing: for o
commission consUting of three members of
the house, two senators and two persons to
be appointed by the governor to Inquire
into tne Mvisnhillty of the establishment
of a state printing office where all state
printing shall be done. The commission is
to report to the next legislature.
A special order for this week was pro
vided for the blls erecting Jefferson and
LoMtaon counties into separate judicial
Chairman Talbot of the elections com-
niitteo introduced a Mil appropriating $81,
176 for the expenses Inourred by that com
mittee in inquiring Into the various oloo
tion contests that have been before it.
I be governor returned without his nn-
proval house bill providing for the expenses
of school directors in attending the trl.
ennial coventlon to elect the county su
perintendent, lnitiviua: his reasons for vetotns the
bill, the governor said that this dutv liiut
always lwen performed without compensa
tion, and, while lie is informed that In
some counties the-nrnctice of directors ncr-
tuitting candidates to pay their -expenses
lms grown to be an abuse, yet this Is not
sufficient reason for saddling upon the
counties the large aggregate expense liable
to result from this bill because of these
rare instances in whioh the profllgaoy of
candidates or the inipecuinoslty of direc
tors have led to abuttes. He says further
that the existing laws aaainst bribery can
be enforced against offenders.
Ihu bills lTKuinting and establishing the
fees to be charged by justices of the peace,
aldermen and constables, and reauirintc
monthly returns and payment by county
and city officers of moueys received by them
lor the use of the commonwealth, passed
second reading.
A number of hills passed first readme
and the house at 10 o'clock adjourned
In the senate a number of bill .""aed
first and second reading, most of theiu of
an important character.
A message was received from thr govern
or vetoing the bill inquiring tho instruc
tion and practice of physical culture in
public schools of cities of the first and sec-
op4 class.
lie vetoed a similar bill last session prin
cipally because there did not seem to lie
:.ny demand from scliool boards for its
uassaue and it Interfered with such boards,
they being best qualified to judge of the
wants of the scholars under their super
vision. .The governor quotes his veto of lat ses
sion an3 reinforces it with the objection
that the present bill applies only to Pitts
burg. Allegheny and Philadelphia and that
no reasons exist for the Imposition of its
nrovisions upon cities ot the first and sec
ond class which might not be urged with
equal force in applying it to other cities of
the commonwealth.
Ah Chief Kxecntlre of the T.Miigh Coal and
Navigation Company.
Philadelphia, April 25. Joseph S.
Harris, the prospective president of tho
Reading Railroad Company, yesterday re
signed the presidency of the Lehigh Coal
and Navigation Company at a special
meeting of the board of directors called for
that purpose.
Mr. Harris' resignation will take effect
May 1, upon which datehewill take charge
of the Heading company s affairs. He will
be succeeded as the chief executive of the
Lehigh Navigation Company by Edward
B. Leiseuring, who is one of the board of
directors. There will be no change In tho
personnel of the board, as Mr. Harris will
retain his beat.
Mr. Leiseuring is a man of experience
nnd ability, and Is thoroughly conversant
with the affairs of the navigation company
which is practically controlled by the Cen
tral Kailroad of Isew Jersey.
rever-Iufcteil Cattle May Create
tarbanco In Itanuis.
Emporia, Kan., April 85. Serious
trouble and perhaps bloodshed is threat
ened by the attempted transferring through
Lyons county of a car of Texas oattle,
which arrived hers Saturday and whioh,
the fanners claim, have Texas fever,
Tho sanitary commissioners refused to
hold the cattle, and they were loaded into
the cars and started for Bazaar. The
cattlemen say that ssventy-flvs armed men
are theivon guard, and as the sheriff will
rind it almost impossible to And a posse to
oppose them, a right Is predicted.
Lenlclns- Schooners Towed Into Port.
Philadelphia. Ataril 23. The tug; North
America towed to Tasker street wharf the
leaking schooners Rebecca and Brigadier.
The' Lewes life saving crew, in charge et
Captain Clampitt, accompanied the Briga
dier to Philadelphia at the request of her
captain, as his oraw were exhausted. The
vessels were pushed ashore in the mud to
prevent sinking. The Brigadier had a
cargo of pig iron and tho Rebecca was lum
ber laden.
Some New I'nlon Ofllce Utiles.
Washiicoton, April 25. The new com
missioner of ptuslocs, Mr. Loch ran, as
sumed the duties ot his office to-day. It is
understood that his polloy, whioh has been
approved by the president, will be to niako
a clean sweep at all the officials of the pen
si ea eaace who have any veloe In determin
ing action upon pension oash or construo-
Uon of pension laws.
ImIi of IwcslgTMU Arrive.
Hixtj'az, N. 8., April 65. Tho steamer
Momgolia, which has arrived at qulsrHn
tins. brogkt 980 .--nrs. 'Ih-br lug
gaga was fumigati'U -.uA tn- wrie allowed
to Uad. The steamer Oregon, from Liver
pool, wit 000 immigrants, and the Hun
garia, from Hamburg aud Antwerp, With
SOemere, are at quarsaklas undergoing
' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Hankers Meet in Now York and Dlacuns the
(Johl l'rohleni.
Nw York, April 35. The explicit state
ment of President Cleveland that the gov
ernment would continue to pay out gold
for treasury notes as well as for green
backs, and that It had never had any other
intention, had the effect ot partially clear
ing the financial atmosphere yesterday.
That tin-nalnnce of trade, however, is
still iigu'nst this country was shown by the
fact that $850,000 more gold was taken
from the sub-treasury yesterday for exrjoit.
Half of It was paid for in treasury notes.
This sum, with what was taken last week,
but not sent, will, it is lielleved, be shipped
to-day or to-morrow, the total amount to
be forwarded being In the neighborhood of
"It is expected, "wul one bank president,
that we shall continue to shin t4.000.000
or $6,000,000 of uold a week until tho de
mand is over that is, until the balanco of
trade Is reversed, or until some of our un
marketed product are sent forward and
can be drawn ajjn'ilst."
Conrad N. .Ionian look obanro of tho
sub-treasury yesterday us assistant treas
urer. J. Kdward Simmons, president of
the Fourth National bank: Henrv W.
Cannon, president of the Chase National
bank; Braytcm Ives, president Western-
Natiouul bank; and Charles J. Cnnda. ox-
assistant treasurer, were In Mr. Jordan's
private room. They were in consultation
with Sir. Jordan for some hours.
During that time George S. Coc. presi
dent ot the American Exchange National
bunk, called and saw Mr. Jordan twice.
Mr. Coe declined to bo quoted In relation to
Mr. Cleveland's statement on the situation.
After the conference of hank presidents
with Assistant Treasurer Jordan yesterday
afternoon Mr. Jordon said: "I only say we
have had a discussion and we have hail all
manner of propositions considered calcu
lated to relieve the situation both in regard
to the government and the banks. I can
not luport anything more definite than that
other similar conferences may be held.'
As a result of the conference just ended a
communication will undoubtedly be eut
to Washiuxtou to which a leply might bo
made at once."
Julius Falk and Martin Arolt were
drowned while boating at Cleveland, Ohio.
Unknown reasons led C. A. Marsden. a
Boston shoe drummer, to put a bullet In
bis neaa nt uJXqw Haven, Couu,, hotel.
An exploding holler wrecked Schriver's
saw mill, at Plain City, O., killing Edgar
Treese and fatally wounded three others. .
Opposition ttbe re-election .of Senntof
Ransom, from North Carolina, has cropped
out. Ex-Governor ThonuvH J. Jarvis lead
the list.
Mr. Geo. W. Oooli
Of St, Jolmsbury, Vt
Great Suffering
After the Grip
Tremendous Roaring fit the Head
I'afit in the Stomach,
" To C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
" Two years ago I had a severe attack of tho
Grip, which left me In a terribly weak and de
bilitated condition. Last winter I had another
attack and was again very badly off, my health
nearly wrecked, My appetite was all gone, I
hail no strength, felt llrvd hII iIif time, had
disagreeable roaring noises in my head, like a
waterfall. I also had severe headaches and
Severe Sinking Pains
In my stomach. 1 took medicines Ithout ben-
cnt, until, having Heard so mucli about Hood's
Sarsapaillla, I concluded to try it, aud the re
sult Is very graWylng. All tr
All the dinngreable
effects of the Grip are gone,
I am free from
pallia and aches, and believe
Hood's SarsapariHa
Is surely eurlngtny catarrh. I recommend it
to all." Geo. W. Cook, St. Jolmsbury, Vt.
HOOD'S l'lLLS cure Nausea, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, BUioanM. Sold by all drugglata.
For Slate, Tile, Tin or Iron Roofs,
Sold In all size packages from lOpouuds up
Pointing up and repairing all cracked Jolnti
on an Kiuus 01 roois, ana arouna caunneyb
coping stones, skylights, dormer windows
cutters, wcod or stone work, biraks and ml
I holes or any place to be made viatt r ti, nt; un
i equalled for laying aud eda1nir LATTB AN1
TILE ROOFS, a'so i-oplngb. Tiieyw.U oeve'
leaner ioome loosened- It I . vry adhesive
slicks firmly to anything, fosml. a tough
1 leather-like skin over the iop, will not run o
. loosen from ioints or trucks. kunmer or wtr
vor luia raarai uauuti uo rti.jrru. c, 11 ui r
stood ibu teat fcriMrty two ara, una oevtl
fails to gte pcrff.t suttt.fiict.on It Is lie
most unc mi article a ruoier tun nave In nit
iop. Tne cement ts preyari d retidy for tase
an Is 10 he aootlrd with a trowel and Is keti
mojsi by aewu'uif covered with waur or on
and will notget stiff or dry. Colors, brown snr
blaetx. (Ksiabueued ltd! ) Address.
J. 0. HKT8KI". Malse at., Newark, N. J
Tho bank of New Strafghtsville, O., has
assigned. Liabilities, $80,000 to $80,000;
assets, nearly $10,000.
Eastern capital will set on ItH feet the
Leeds Land and Improvement Company,
ot Sioux City, la., which recently failed
for $1,800,000.
S. Prank A Co., cloak manufacturers, of
New York, have been attached for $7,000 In
favor ot Klingenstein Brothers. The lia
bilities are $45,000.
The property of Daniel Golden, on Sus
sex street, Uloboestar, N. J., Was badly
damaged by Are.
The grocery store of Jtestwick & Giles at
Pittaton was partially destroyed by flic.
Loss, $0,000. Insured.
Sylvester Mass, ex-sheriff ot Dutchess
comity, N. Y., died at his home iu Jlat
teawan, N. Y.
Prank Itobinnon, of the Kewburg, (N.
Y.) Arm of Pickens A ltoblnson, died at
his home, No. 17 Montgomery street, that
The piajrue of breaking' lamp,
chimneys is abroad in the land.
There are two sorts of chim
neys ; brittle and tough. Ninety,
nine in a hundred are brittle.
The worst are imported from
Germany. The best are Mac-beth's"Pearl-top"&"Pearl-glass."
Two sorts as to workman
ship: fine and coarse. The
5ne are Macbeth's "Pearl-top"
and "Pearl-glass." The coarse
ire rough and out of propor
tion; misfits and misshapen:
'.hoy do not make si good
draft: they smoke.
Two sorts as to glass; trans
parent and gray. "Pearl-top''
-nd " Pearl-glass" are clear, fine
.nd tough not tough against
.tcJdcnt tough against heat.
Call for "Pearl-top" or
"Pearl-glass" chimneys..
Pittsburgh, 1'a, Geo. A.MaCbetti Co.
That smart, llttlo bit of a man,
In iho Irish Operatic Comedy,
0 Dowel's Neighbors I
"If the brick stays up, sho's mine."
Singers, Dancers, Vocalists
Comedians and Burlesquers
Prices, 25, 50 nnd 75 Ccntfl,
Reserved scats on salo at Klrlin's drag store.
The greatest of wonder-workers,
Iu a grand, original entertainment. Modern
magic allied with oriental occuliism. Tho
masterful Mahatman Mirvel. A man while
held by a committee from the anltenee. In full
light, vanlkhes in a most sUrillng and mysterl-
us manner, uassaauga rropuganau, a nuw
nnlrltimllatln nnlffmA. In which the Qhofit of
Cagltostro plays a promt ueot paSt. Astarte,
the maid of the moon, and Kcll ir'slat at and
greatest achievement, Elyto, or the
Tbe greatest and most InoomprehenBlve mys
tery 01 moaern times. ao no pius uu ui ins
magio art.
Prices, 25. so and 75 Cents.
Reserved seats at Klrlin's drug store.
36 ICast Centre Street.
The boat beer, alen, porter, whiskies, brandlet
wines and finest cigars always on hand.
Chris. Bossler'a
(Mann's bid stand)
104 South Main Street.
Plnett wlues, whiskeys and cigars always In
BiouK. r rtx-n ueer, Aie uuu rorter on vap.
UQOiee i-emperanco urinra.
Begs to announoe to his friends and
E a trans and tbe public generally that
e has purchased the barbershop lately
occupied by 1). J. Yost,
No. 12 West Centre Street
Anthroolto coal ueed exo sively, Insuring
closri'nepw si)1 rotnfort
TIME TA1II.I1 IN rtjFSOl JAM. . 18V3
Trains leave Shennniloab as follows:
For New York via I'ullsdeluhls. week das.
i oe,5..7.l8.iai3 a.m., l!i.M,Hs,6.M p.m. Sanrtsy
3.0R, 7.46 a. m. Vor New York via Muuoh Chunk,
week days, 7 18 a. m.. IS.S8, 3.48 p. m.
For Reading, and Philadelphia, week daws,
5.23, 7.1P. lfl 08 a. in..ia.S8,'il8,6.5a p. m. Sue
day, i.08, 7.M a. m., 4.28 p. m
For liarrtaburg, week days, 2,W, 7.18 a. m.,
2.48, IS.5S p. m.
For Allrnluwn. week days, 7.18 a. m., 12.33,
148 p. m.
For I'ottevllle. week days, 3.08, 7.18 n. m,
1.48, 6.68 p. m.
n. lu., i..M
o.os p. m, aunaay, cub, 7. id a. in., i.h
7.16 a. in., 4.28 p. ra.
ir Tnmanua and Mnbnnov Cltv. week di
City, week dnys
2.08, 6.28, 7.18,10.08 a. m.,12,88, 48, 5.68 p. m. S
day, 2.08, 7. IB a. in., 4.28 p.
.) p. m. Addiuoaai
ananoy uuy, weeR uavs, p. m.
Tor Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.18
a. m.. 2.48 d. m.
For Wtlllamsport, Sunbury and iMwlsburg,
week days, 8.28, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.88, 6.68 pro.
Sunday, 3.28 a. m., 3.08 p. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.08, 3.28. 6.28.
7.18, 10,08, 11.28 a. m., 12.38, 1.38, t.4, 6 M, 6.H, 2.38
p. m. Sunday, 2.08, 3.28. 7.48 a. m., 8.08, 4.2B p. m.
For Qlrardvllle, ( Rappahaunook Station),
woekdays, 2.08. 3.28. 6.23 7.18, 10.08, 11.28 a. m.
12.88,1.83, 2.48, 6.68, 6.58, 9 38 p. m. Sunday, 2.08,
3.23, 7.48 a. m., 3.03, 4.28 p. m.
For Ashland and Sbamoktn. week days, 8.28,
6.28, 7.18, 11.28 a. m., 1.88, 6.68, 11.33 p. m. Sun
day, 3.28. 7.46 a. m.. 8.08 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days
7.46 a. m 1,80, 4.00, 7.80 p. m., 12.16 night. Sun
day, 6.00 p. m., 12.16 night.
Leave New YorkvlaMauoh Chunk, weekdays.
4.00, 8.46 a. m., 1.00, 4.30 p. ra. Sunday, 7.16 a. tr
Leave Philadelphia, week days, 4 IU, 8 36,
10.00 a m. and 4 00, 0.00, 11.30 p. m., from
Market and 12th streets Sunday 9.0S a. m.,
ii su p. in
Leave Rcadlne. week dsvs. l.M.7.10. lfl.W. 11. M.
a. m., 6.66, 7.87 p. m Sunday, 1.86. 10.48 a. m.
Leave Pottsruie, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m.
12.30, 6,11 p. la
T.MVR 1 ,r ft r
Sundav? 2.40. 7.00 a. m
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.23 a.
LU., I.M, f.117, V.i
160 d. m.
x p. m. Sunday, 3.20, 7 48 a. m..
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3.46. 9.1N,
11.47 a. m., 1.61, 7.42, 0.84 p. m. Sunday, 8.46, 3.12
a. ra 3.28 p. m.
Leave Mahanov Plane, weok As vs. 2.40. 4.00.
8.80,9.36, a.m.,,,7.67,10.10
p. m. bunuay, x.m, 4.011, b.ct a. m.,, d.ui p. m
Leave Qlrardvllle, (Rappabannook Stations
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 0.36, 9.41 19.46a.m., 12.06,
2.12, 1.11, 6.26, 0.32, 8.03, 10.1(5 p. m. Sunday, 2.47
4.07. a3B, a. m., 3.41, 6.07 p. m.
Leave tVllllamBpnrt, week days, 8.00, 9.60. 12 OP
a. m., 3.36, 11.15 p. m. Sunday. 11.16 p. m.
For Ililllmore, Washington and the West v!r
II. & O. R. R., tbrough trains leave 01 ran:
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R.) ai
8 60, 8.01, 11.27 a. m 3.50, S.12, 7.18 p. m. Sunday
3 60, 8.02, 11.27 a. m., 3.50, 5.42, 7.16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street whan
and touth street wharf, for Atlantic City,
Weekdays Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 3 00, 4 on
5 00 p. m Accommodation. 8 00 a m, 5 45 p m.
Mundays KxpretH, 0 Oil. 10.00 a m. Accost
modatlon. 8 00 a m and 4 30 p m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, Atlanta
and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays EzpresH,
7 00, 7 46. 9 (X) a m and 3 30 and 6 30 p ni
Accommodation, 815 a in and 4 8U p m.
Kundayi, Express, 4 00, 8 00 p m.
Accommodation. 7 16 a m and 4 30 p m.
I.cllljl Vitlcv Division.
Passilnger trnlns leave Shenandoah for
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le
hightoh, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua,
Allentown, Ilctnichcm, Easton, Philadelphia,
Hazloton, Woatherly, Quakake Junction, Del
ano and Mahanoy City at 6.01, 7.40, 9.03 a m.,
12.62, 3.10, 6.S7 p. m.
For New Yolk, 6.01, 9.08 a. m., 12.62, 8.10,
B.27 p. m.
For HnEloton, Wllkos-Barro, White Haven.
Plttston, Lacoyvtlle. Towanda, Sayre, Waverly,
Elmira, Rochester, Niagara Falls and the West,
10.41 a. ra., (3.10 p. in., no connection tor Roches
ler, Buffalo or Niagara Falls), 8.03 p. m.
For llelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 6.04 a. m., 6.27 p. m.
For Lambcrtvlllo and Trenton, 9.08 a. m.
For .Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 8 03 p. m.
ForiVuburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41
a. m., 8.08 p. m.
ForJeanosvllle. Levis ton and Heaver Meadow,
7.40, 9.08 a. m., 5.27, 8.03 p. m.
For Audenrled. Ilazloton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 6.01, 7,40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 1162, 8.10,
ser YP
.27 p.
For' Sovanton.i8.01. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 3.10. 6.27
8.03 p.m.
For Hazlebrook, Jcddo, Drlf ton and Freeland,
6.04, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.S2, 3.10, 6.27 p. m.
For Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.27,
7.46, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 6.35, 8.10, 9.16
p. m.
For Raven Run, Cemmlta, Mount Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.52, 10.15 a. ra., 1.10, 4.40, 8.07 p. m.
For Yateeville. Park Place. Mahanov Citv aid
Delano,,0.08, 10.41 a m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.U,
8.03, 9.33, 10.28 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.56, 11.56 a ra..
2.10, 4.30, p. ra. and arrive at Shenandoah at
9.0o a. m., 12.52, 3.10. 5.27 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 7.40,
9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 6.27, 8.03 p. m.
9.03, 10.15, 11.43 a. in., 12.32, 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30
Leave bnenanaoan lor iiazioton, c.ui, i.w, k.ub,
iu.41 a. m., 12 xi, 3.1U, o.zi, s.iu p. m.
Leave uazleton for Shenandoah, 7.80, 9.15
1 1.06 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.10, 7.58 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Qlrardvllle and Lost
Creek, 7.29, 9.13 a. m., 12.30, 2.45 p. m.
i''or Yaie-viue. I'aric I'lace. iviananov uiiv.
Delano. Hazleton. Black Creek Junction, Penn
ii are 11 junction, aiaucn ununK, Aiientown,
Bethlehem. Easton and New York. 8.40 a. m
a. t p. m.
l-or l-miaaeinnia z.oo d. m.
ror YatoBvilto. Park Place Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.40, 11.35 a. m., 12.30, 2.65, 4.40 6.01 p. m.
L,eaVG iiazioton lor snenanaoan, o.ju, u.w
a. m., 1.05, 4.37 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.60, 8.40,
9.30 a. m.. 2.45 o. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 8.30. 10.40
a.m.,1.36,5.l5p. m.
u. u. UANUUUii., uon. i-ass. Agi.
. PhlladelDhia. Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. G. P. A. Lehigh
vauey uivision, aoutn iietnienem ra.
DECEMBER 8, 1893.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho above
date for Wlggan's, Gllberton, Frackville, New
Castle, Rt. Clair, Pottsvllle Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown. PboonUcvllle. Norrlstowu and Phil
adelphia (Broad street station) at 6:00 and 11:46
a. m. ana 4:1a p. m. on wecitunjs. .r on-oics.
vlllo and Intermediate stations 9:10 a. ra.
For Wlggan's, Gllberton, Fraokville, New
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsvllle at 6:00, 9:40a.m.
0d. m. For llambure. Readme, rotts
town, Phosnlxvllle, Norrlstowu, Philadelphia
at 6:00, 9:40 a. m 3:10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah at
10:40a m. and 12:14, 5:04, 7:42 and 10:37 p. m
Hundays, 11:13 a. m. and 6:40 p. m.
L.eave I'otisvnie ior snonanaoan ai iu:io.
II :48 a. m. and 4:40. 7:16 and 10:00 d. m. Sundavi
at 10:40 a. m. and 5:16 p. m.
Ieave puuaaeipiua tnroaa street station ror
Pottsvllle and Shenandoah at 6 67 and 8 36 a m,
4 iu and 7 11 pm weeK days, un sunoays leave
at 6 60 a m. For Pottsvllle, 9 28 a ra. For New
York at 3 20, 406, 4 40, 515, 650, 730, 820, 880,
9 60, 11 00, 11 14, am, 12 00 noon (limited ex-
ress 1 00 and 4 60 p m) 12 44, 1 as, 1 4U, 2 ai, a a),
00. 4 02,600,6 00,6 20,6 50,713,812 and 10 00 t)
1, 12 01 nlsbt Sundays at 3 20, 4 06, 4 40, 5 16.
12. 8 SO. 9 80. 11 08 a m and 12 41. 1 40. 2 30. 4 02
(limited 4 60) & no, s sw, u ou, 7 is ana a ix p m ana
12 01 nleht. For Sea Qlrt. Lone llranch and in
termediate stations 8 20 and 1114 am, and 4 00
p m weekdays, vor lialttmore ana wasnlng
ton 3 60. 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18 a ra, (12 26 Urn-
ited express,) 1 SO, 3 46, 4 30, 6 17. 7 00, 7 40 p m
12 03 nleht. For Freehold onlv BOO D m week
days. For Baltimore only at 2 02, 4 01, 5 08 and
11 SO p. m. Sundays at3 60. 7 20, 9 10, 11 18 a m,
1210,4 30,7 00,7 40 pm, 12 03 night. Baltimore
only 5 08, 11 30 p m. For Richmond 7 20 a m,
12 iup m ana ix w nigni.
Trains will leave Harrlsburir for Pittsburg
and 310
a m and (limited 5 00) 2 so, 8 2o, and S 15 p m
m every
20 a m
day. For Pittsburg and Altoona at 11 20
every day,
n.." i .... 1 1 i i- v. A- Tvrmtnmc,A.
1IU1US HliWVUlO u. uimuuupv.,,
Elmira, Canandalgua, Rochester. Iiullalo and
Niagara Falls at 204. 6 10 a m.and 1 38 p m week
oays, ror uunira at oot p m wtwit uays. ror
Brie and intermediate points at 5 10 am dall;
and 5 84 p m week days For Renovo at 5 10 a
ra, 1 36 and 5 34 p m week days, and 5 10 a m on
Sundays only. For Kane at 6 10 am, 1 36 p m
ween oays. . .. .
0. H- Pugu. J. R. Woor
Gen'l Manager Oen'l PasB'g A
arMt and oldest rollnble purely owb ao;.
panle represented by
120 S. JaromSt, Sfienanooah,Pa,
First National Bank
A. W LUISBNHIKO. President. v
P. J. FBHtGlJMON, Vice JPreHirtens
J. R. LDISBNRINO, Oashler.
8. W. VOST, Assistant Csablc
Open Daily From 9 to 8
Interest Paid an Savings Depvun
Lumbago, Sciatica,
Kidney Complaints,.
E-ame actc9 ac.
With Electro Magnetic SUSPENSORY.
Liitot rstrutal Jlc.t Improvement. I
will euro without inedtdno all llooint.. resulting from
ovor-tiuatiou of bi-aln nerve futrcfli ee,.pcsorlndla.
crotlon, ax nervou. debility, rtoei leiwnris, lanmior.
rheumatism, kidney, Uvor and hlndder complaints,
lame back lllmbogo, eclutlon, nil female complaints,
OTlieral li health, etc. This eleetrlo Suit coiitataj
W.rterrnl Inproremtnl. over all olhor.. Current Is
Instantly Mehy wearer or we forfeit !S,eulJ.eo. and
willoureultof the al,ove dlenfiea or no pay. Thou
mnda have been cured bv this marveloju litTentlott
alter nil other remedies foiled, and wo (rl"e hundrcda
of tettlmoiilata In tin. anil every rther utita. "'"v""
Our I'onrrr.l Ff.WIMir nlitipvwnnv .n
ffreattet boon ever offered wmlc men, HIITB nllh.ll
!,S,' U?llb V,trin Slrenfth CI'llUSTrtU I. tit) to
VOdaTi, 3end forlllua'd Pamplilet, lnalluJ.BMUed, free
i2I OUEIif?ACK'8
lltdlcal Ofilcej. 20 R. SB W Rt . : ;,iit4'a. Vs.
varicwele, Hydr. , , ,., Itnpinre. , ,s M-iucotl
Tremnnpur ly .'"'- ti a imtv. Oonv
lunlcatbms narv,.,iiv ct nfl 1 .-u' I -3 mi -ttami) fn?
Iiuit. i ,mA ...... h. I. . t, ...r i ft, ., . .. n ta
M All "day Saturday.' Suiiiiji .-, ii) toil A M
TjtKj beiovx Orueo, fhla4 IfhU.
AFZR the family (ihitcln. tL tot
plul aol advtrtiDf doctn titrefalretl.
uwoll ! quuek miio iirontliifl to ourf
you hir? all Mlnri til. xud to give joe
wHtieu gufcmtiler, fret adtlcf fret
treUjicm. wud H'ei the belt sul'idlerfc
Uic nil) iiiauuifuiur(.rri, Un tlietr s
onUM Winca, rloniilvot, tablet iij
' Imnit) furs medlclLea.
. bmu inin fltft and mLbtki tou.
THEN it" uud cnuiilt DW O. F. TIIEEL.
wb 'Usbiideynri'Buropenn ItnIUl un afTin' pr&cii
cil ivperittice Bft exar'inul hy Mdi. li llutioitidty tell job
lathei juur cue Haurblo or du(. Ht(lctn i guumritce, no
d be cUtm ut ! Ood'a oqttul, lut 1 Ui curr the molt tie
?cnte (irmjii of ByphlUs, Vlcrs btitt-tarw. Goturbceal
olton. and DlKbJsl'gM. huilenrn fcum ICtlftnohoUa and
1 1 uhcartertoett, Dad nil tbou rtfBae4l Irom rfleols of ytyOthTu)
Indjacratloii, both neien, nru f ura or a evirf, BaawEtkber,
PR THTEL fax cure vtiM ail u'jcru oohr claim to do. DIt
TltFsUiUMatJmnfnie iwwnDXAu vbv .rt9
fiatltb). Homasufitblc. aod P.vh-tt - urmem i if medtetna br
tjsor they are indicnieil. H'ute. t S o'clock j fvtHV
ini. 6 to B , Wed. anil Bnt ctiii.o from 0 to 10 o'clock Bun
dnv. B to IS. Beud 1 rt. rtli of act. fUniM for book
41 JVt((A," the eolr trim mpdlrnt bonk rdic-rthed,a fiiecd to old.
JouDif.eurl middle-ail of both eTei. Wriicorcall, AVOID
Ddor warning you HkaiDit niJicul bonka; tliff are afrati joa
Will nati inmr inuorBuo pxihwu. nr,,u nr. i neei mit-
no&lalB ii W'edneiilax i
a ana Mil
Saturday' Ptil!adot,iMa TunuM
At laat a medical work that tells the causes,
describes the effects, points tue remedy. This
li selentlucully tun most valuablo, artistically
the most beautiful, medical book that has ap
peared forsoitr-i: 9puKi, overy puge bearing
a half tone lllustrutloii In tints. Some of tho
ubjtcti treated are Nervous Debility, Inipo
ttmcy, Sterility, Development, Varicocele, The
Husband, Those Intending Marriage, etc.
Every man who irnuld kntne the Oxawl Truth,
the Plain Fact; the Old Secrett anil Xetn i)ls
rovrrleaof Medical Srtt-nce as applied to Mar
ried Ltrtrho toauld atone for paft folliet
and aiolirx'l"re pitfalU, ihcntUl write for this
H will be sent free, under seal, while the edi
tion lasts. If eonvenlentenclose ten cents to
pay postage alone. Address tbe publishers.
We guarantee it to rid the house of FIATS, ROACHES
and Water Bugs, ra
Money rcfundeo.
is tht best in the market lot
ecBuas. Ants, Mothi.
IMScen on DoaB. 6'
Far Sate by alt OruJjIeU Be sure and get the genuine.
Sol,! oniv in botdea, our TRADE MARK on each.
"rafS? D. MAURER A, SON,
329 N. 8TH St., Philadelphia.
.VJCTTrTIV. k'i Jl
Has i.iwved i'o BttlJ in , vtf siant
'Vtia-th ll n vi,tt.i i iw..
1' bia lisu 'a ina uoya.
Are sometimes a bore, but whui the peo
ple are told twice that at Gallagher's
Cheap Cash Storo they can buy Flour and
T. a at lower rates than any whe' e In this
town, tliey are gUd to tent the truth of
the oft repeated story. Full line of Gro
ceries, Butter and Eggs, 1'oUtoai, Ureen
Iruolt, Hay aid Straw.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store I
Hatt's Popular Saloon,
(Formerly Joe Wyatt's)
And 21 West Oak Street,
Bar stocked with tbe beet beer, porter, alas,
vhUMes, brandies, wines, ete. rineit oigars
4iin btratuohed. Cordial Inrltat'oa to all
UnlUuuMt, OR. J. U. MA YSft, lUliirbt,
rilllt,.,rA. SSMiioQe. usofwrftuouoratuBj iraiu Doiincff
OoQKluUoQ&t. EadorwmtBUef phj lclsAS.lsdles Lai prontU
KuttllUsu. Sa4 far slrsslsr. OOtfAAuri,! Al.teirj
i oil